Date: September 23, 2018
Attendance: Present:  Chair Rich Brooks, Vice Chair Dave Sayles, Lou Lembo, Mary Mogerley, Village Council Liaison Ramon Hache, BOE Liaison Jim Morgan, Michael Winograd,
 Absent: William Riker, Liz Kloak
Also Present: Director Nancy Bigos, Dan Cramblitt
Public Comment &
Correspondence: There were several letters presented at this meeting. The letters were all commending the Parks and Recreation Department.  One of the letters offered for perusal was also read at the Ridgewood Council meeting.  It stated the fantastic job Parks and Recreation was doing, specifically mentioned how well the Summer Camps were run, expressed their thanks and how it is another reason to be proud of Ridgewood. There was also a letter that had been sent to the Mayor and Council expressing happiness, pleasure and the “oceans” of enjoyment at Graydon Pool this year. The member of Graydon Pool specifically mentioned that she and other “regulars” at the pool were pleased the sparkling clean water and lauded Daniel Cramblitt.  There were also two letters thanking the Parks and Recreation Department for their assistance and continued support of their events held in Ridgewood.
Minutes: Minutes for June 2018 were approved with motions.  D. Sayles first and L. Lembo second motion.  All were in favor and there were no questions or changes.
Athletic Fields and
Recreational Facilities 
Use Policy The policy was approved by the Fields Committee and the BOE.
• Dr. Fishbein is the liaison for the BOE
• Keith Cook is the Fields Committee Co-Chair & RHS Athletic Director – has access to emails of compliance
• Dan Cramblitt is the Field Committee Co-Chair & Liaison for Parks and Recreation
• The Chairs receive emails for Field Policy
D. Sayles stated that each athletic group has its own folder with all the required documents, including insurance of two million aggregate and 501c3 if required.
The possibility of performing an audit on the sports organizations was suggested. The audit is to ascertain that the organizations have everything that is required.  J. Morgan proposed that the Field Committee regulate this and require random audits by picking an organization at random each year.  D. Sayles agreed that would be the way to conduct the audit as well.
There was a very lengthy discussion addressing various parts of the amended Field Policy. It was also mentioned that H. Mailander has asked that policy be determined for municipal fields and facilities use by “for profit groups” and large events.
R. Hache stated the Athletic Fields and Recreational Facilities Use Policy is good now, a lot stronger.  He feels it just needs to be tweaked but was ready to be sent to the Village Council.
The PRC Board agreed with R. Hache and the Athletic Field and Recreational Facilities Policy is to be forwarded to the Village Council to be addressed and approved.

2019/20 Recreation
Fee Schedule A new fee schedule for Parks and Recreation is to be presented to the Village Council tomorrow night, September 26th.  In past years the department has raised the fees slightly as a means for additional revenue.  The proposed department fee schedule for 2019/2020 is following that philosophy. 
 The Summer Camp rates for 2019/2020 now include non-residents in the fee structure.  The sale of non-resident memberships for Graydon Pool has been increasing yearly, whereas resident memberships are down.
Van Neste Park Lighting Project:
 The Village Council has earmarked $70,000.00 for this project, while local developers were also contributing to the funding for the lighting of the Central Business District. The developers are slow in coming back to undertake the lighting project.  It was stated that the project is still moving forward but is in need of private funding to continue.

Maple Park/
Turf Field Annual Maintenance Contract - The Fields Committee and sports groups agreed they will cover the full cost of field maintenance. It will be performed twice yearly; the cost will be $20,000.00 per year.  When and if it floods/storms it will need to be taken care of as soon as possible.  The cost will be $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 per incident.  The cost for all maintenance will be split between the following sports organizations: Lacrosse, two soccer groups and football.  This will allow the Village Council to earmark the money that would have been used for maintenance to be put in a fund for replacement of the turf field in the future.
 Note: GMAX numbers are changing and lower numbers will be required.  At this time the NFL requires a GMAX of 165.

2018 Green Acres
Diversion Update There has been a break-through and a solution to this dilemma.  The Green Acres Diversion is on the agenda for tomorrow night’s Village Council meeting under Closed Session.

Kings Pond Park Phase I Development – The development of the park has begun. 
• Serious park maintenance cleanup
• The willow trees will be removed by Downes Tree Service
• Parking lot and parking spaces, engineering is taking the lead on this

HealthBarn Programs: HealthBarn partnered with Parks & Recreation for the following fall classes, there are four new programs being offered as well.
• Storytime/Garden Adventure (Preschool)
• Teen Chefs in Training (Middle School, Class full)
• 2018 Healthy Harvest Celebration (Grades K – 5, Class Full)
• A Harvest Feast Culinary Gathering (Adults, 5 Course Meal)
• Organic Garden to Table, Pizza Making Day (Seniors)
• Nutrition 101 (Adults)
There will be a Thanksgiving Elder Dinner offered to seniors free of charge at Old Paramus Church.  Although it will not be on Thanksgiving Day, it will be greatly appreciated by those who haven’t any plans with family or friends.
ROID Grant Application: (Recreational Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities)
This grant is offered to assist government entities in meeting their mandates under the Americans with Disabilities Act so people with disabilities may be included in municipal recreational programs.
Graydon Pool Season Final Report:  2018 Graydon Final Report provided the Membership Sales Comparisons and Annual Revenues report which covered the years 2013 through 2018. The badge sales for full season resident adults and children were down.  However, the late season badge sales revenue more than doubled the proceeds of 2017, probably due to improvements at Graydon and the beautiful clear water. The sale of badges to non-residents is continuing to rise as well. 
 N. Bigos shared the fact that weather was a major factor for loss of sales revenue for 2018.  She brought in the daily weather figures for the season and they indeed indicate a definite bearing on attendance and sales figures for the summer season. 

Children’s Sensory
Garden Gifting to Village: The Children’s Sensory/Butterfly Garden
 Village Council Resolution 18-284: Accept Donation from Conservancy for Ridgewood Public Lands – Children’s Sensory/Butterfly Garden – Accepts a donation from the Conservancy for Ridgewood Public Lands of a Children’s Sensory/Butterfly Garden located adjacent to the outdoor classroom at The Stable
 N. Bigos shared that it is a beautiful addition and all should come over to the Stable and view the garden.
Recreation Fall Programs: N. Bigos shared brochures filled with programs for this season. The classes partnered with HealthBarn have already been covered earlier in report.
 Community Center: Some new programs instituted through the Community Center in addition to the multitude of programs that have already been introduced over the years.
• Teens on the Move
• Fly Fishing
2019 Departmental
Budget Requests Parks and Recreation - Budget requests were due last Friday, September 21st and have been submitted to the CFO. A request of $773,000.00 has been submitted for the Operating Budget. 
  Four of the Capital Budget requests are to be funded with 50/50 grants.  A grant has been submitted for the house located at Schedler.  Other grants have come together for the development of the Schedler property as well.
 The new chipper truck and purchase of a resistograph was briefly discussed.
New Business Ridgewood Duck Pond – Many Ridgewood residents mistakenly think the Duck Pond belongs to the Village Of Ridgewood.  Many of them call and or write the Village to complain about state of the park. It is massively overgrown and the whole area is appalling.  Bergen County has pledged to clean up and repair the waterway so the pond will be able to receive fresh water.  $2,000,000.00 has been earmarked for this project.
 The county is in the process of bidding out the project.
 N. Bigos asked R. Hache to address this in his comments tomorrow night so the residents will know the atrocious condition of Ridgewood Duck Pond is being addressed.
Liaison Reports Village Council – R. Hache
 The Village council has been discussing the new Master Plan for the Village of Ridgewood using forums, surveys for community outreach. They have also been working on zoning and performing arts project.
 R. Hache showed everybody the new website to promote the CBD.  He asked everyone to please take the time to take a look.
 Board of Ed - J. Morgan
 The major focus of the BOE has been the new teachers’ contract.  The teachers would like a substantial increase. The BOE is offering a 2% raise, but haven’t the resources to meet their demands.  J. Morgan stated the rise in cost for the insurance package for the teachers is out of control, 6-61/2% increase.  The Ridgewood teachers are paid at the top of scale and none leave Ridgewood unless it is for personal reasons.  J. Morgan also mentioned that he hopes it can be settled without going 18 months as they did the last time.  He also shared that he believes the teachers deserve more money but they simply do not have the funds to give them.  He shared that the Special Education Program alone costs $50,000.00 – to $75,000.00 to function.
Open Space Committee - D. Sayles
No Report
       Fields Committee – R. Hache/ R. Brooks
• Fall schedule was distributed
• Maintenance contract was discussed
• Discussion on the possibility of a later High School start time and the impact it would have on all sports, fields, lighting, busing and scheduling.
• Maple Field – Discussion regarding protection from flooding. 
S. Bernhardt brought information about new flooding barricades.
Sandbags could be used as a temporary structure.   Apparently berms and barricades would not be the answer.  The question of “where will the water be going?” was brought up by engineering.  They need C. Rutishauser to discuss the DEP regulations with them.
       Shade Tree Commission – N. Bigos 
 No Report  
       Community Center Advisory Board - L. Lembo
. The pictures that were due to be removed in the Community Center were picked up by L. Lembo and brought back to the Ridgewood High School.
 In the future they will be having their meetings at the Stable. 
 Ridgewood Environmental Advisory Committee (REAC) - M. Mogerley
 The group went to Glen Rock to discuss Styrofoam disposal. 
 The committee has accumulated some money and had a discussion regarding the best way to use it.
Next Meeting  Tuesday, October 30, 2018 at the Stable, 7:30 pm
Adjournment  10:45 PM
  • Hits: 964



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