20220421 - Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board/Open Space Committee Joint Meeting Minutes
Date: April 21, 2022 – Anne Zusy Lounge 7:00pm
Attendance: Rich Brooks, Frank Mortimer, Victoria Van Dyke, Paul Vagianos, Bob Lasky, Frances Barto, Fred Jubitz, James Bostler, Pam Perron, Ralph Currey, Nancy Bigos, Pam Perron, Dina Kat
Public Attendance: MC Benintende, Rurik Halaby, Cynthia Halaby, Keith Cook, Shawn Obrien, Maria Gilosa, Dick Gilosa, Steve Gross, John Bareve, Ed Seavers, Jim Schwartz, John Scmenial, Bob Upton, Steve Winnert, Bill Pilla, Siobhan Winograd, Susan Knudsen, Sheila Brogan, Clay Fisher
Welcome and Intro
of PRC Board and
Open Space
Members: R. Brooks introduced the PRC Board members.
R. Currey introduced the Open Space members.
Barbara Davis: B. Davis shared her professional background and qualifications as well as an overview of the Land Conservancy. The Land Conservancy can assist with preserving the Village park lands. The Land Conservancy has been hired to update Ridgewood’s Open Space Master Plan and to complete an environmental resource inventory. Green Acres program does incentify land acquisitions for those towns with Open Spaces tax, which Ridgewood is. The purpose of this meeting is to get input from the community. She reviewed all the words or concept that were used in the word cloud which was very helpful to see how many times one word was mentioned. The next step after this discussion will be a second public meeting, final plans will be provided. The Master Plan will be presented to the Planning Board, and when the Planning Board adopts it, the contractor will forward to Green Acres.
Public Comment: Overall Public comments were plentiful, varied and included several groups and residents. Football and Lacrosse inquired about sending their information to B. Davis. Increasing the sales tax for Open Space from half a cent to one cent. We need more pocket parks that are age friendly for seniors. The need to update the skateboard rink at Graydon so the Lacrosse teams can play there during the winter months. The importance to have an outdoor space for adults, a park that promotes wellness and provides socialization. A space that will be used by seniors, their adult children and grandchildren. The global warming aspect needs to be emphasized. The need for more trees, concerned about the flooding of fields and the possibility of having the Valley Hospital property as Open Space. The need for more parks for all ages, global warming needs to be emphasized. There is big issue with scheduling of fields. A bigger population needs more park space including the adult programs. We need turf fields that are not in the floodway. The gardens need funds and help with maintenance. The need for raised gardens so the seniors can garden. The possibility of using the PSE&G easement, Leuning Park, Schedler and church properties for sports. Multi sports field using mini pitch. The possibility of using rooftops for field use and a portion of the train station parking lot as a park. We need more passive parks. Due to Covid-19 and a societal behavioral change, there is a huge demand for more park space.
Adjournment 9:07 PM
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