20220524 - Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board Minutes






Date:                           May 24, 2022 – The Gatehouse – Habernickel Park 7:30pm   


Attendance:                 Present:  Chair R. Brooks, F. Mortimer, L. Kloak, P. Vagianos, V. VanDyke


                                    Absent: D. Sayles, W. Ryker, M. Mahmoud, P. Vagianos, A. Chauvin


                                    Also Present: Director N. Bigos, Recreation Office Assistant D. Kat


Public Comment &     

Correspondence:        None


Presentation -

John Otterstedt

“Sem’s Trail”                John Otterstedt is a 3rd grade teacher at Hawes Elementary School. The principal, Dr. Paul Semendinger is retiring this year. There is a stretch of woods behind Hawes school next to the river. They would like to create a trail to honor the principal and would be called “Sem’s Trail”. There is an existing sign from the boy scouts that could be refurbished.

N. Bigos shared that Heather Mailander has given her verbal consent since there is a time crunch and will share the information with the Village Council.  PRC Board voted all in favor.



Minutes:                      Minutes for April and March 2022 – were approved with motions made by F. Mortimer, V. Van Dyke second motion. 



Fields App:                  R. Brooks explained this app will be used by sports organizations and Parks and Recreation Department.

                                    The specifications of the app are being worked on. This app will help manage and measure how the fields are scheduled, utilized and maintained.


Parks App:                  V. VanDyke explained she is working with N. Bigos and A. Chauvin for a Parks Systems App that will house all of our parks, fields, trails and all points of interest.  V. VanDyke handed out a printout of the Glide App and what it looks like. This app can be used to find out more about the area and provide photos. The next step will be a meeting with N. Bigos and A. Chauvin to discuss in more detail.


LEAP:                          N. Bigos explained this program is run at Recreation through the ROID grant. This program has been very successful.



Events/Summer:         N. Bigos shared the new Graydon brochure. The Conservancy for Ridgewood Public Lands is hosting a country fair in celebration of 10 years of their involvement on Tuesday, June 9th in the Sensory Garden at the Stable.


Joint Meeting

Open Space &

PRC Board

Review:                       R. Brooks shared that they are waiting for the report from Barbara Davis.



Parks                          Update


Kings Pond Park:        N. Bigos – No update.


Green Acres

Diversion:                    N. Bigos – No update.


Schedler property:      N. Bigos – No update.


Health Barn:                N. Bigos – No update.



Community Center:     N. Bigos – No update.



Liaison Reports           Village Council – P. Vagianos           

  • No report - absent


Board of Ed – M. Mahmoud

  • No report - absent


Open Space Committee – D. Sayles

  • No report - absent


Fields Committee – R. Brooks

  • R. Brooks reported that the new fields app was discussed.


Shade Tree Commission – V. Van Dyke

  • V. Van Dyke reported that discussions about CBD planting and what types of trees to plant.


                                   Community Center Advisory Board – L. Kloak  

  • L. Kloak reported they need help at the water station on Monday on Fairfield Avenue for Memorial run. They donate $500.00 to the Community Center. Programs for the summer were handed out.


                                    Green Ridgewood – F. Mortimer

  • F. Mortimer reported that conversations were had about Earth Day success. They want to pursue a leaf blower or sound ordinance.


Project Pride – N. Bigos

  • N. Bigos reported that Lorraine Reynolds is heading up Project Pride. There are eight new clam shell plant containers in Van Neste Square and all planting will take place May 21-22, 2022.


Next Meeting               Tuesday, June 28, 2022 7:30 pm


Adjournment                9:00 PM

  • Hits: 357



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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