20231128 - Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board Minutes






Date:                           November 28, 2023 – Stable, 7:30pm



Attendance:                 Present: Chair R. Brooks, V. VanDyke, F. Mortimer, S. Winograd,

D. Sayles, L. Kloak


Absent: M. Mahmoud, J. Morgan, S. Brogan, A. Chauvin


Also Present: Director, N. Bigos, Office Assistant, D. Kat, Recreation Supervisor, K. Frey



Public Comment &

Correspondence:        No public comment. Correspondence was received from resident Brian Delatorre.



Minutes:                      Minutes for October 2023. Approved with motions made by F. Mortimer, D. Sayles made second motion. All in favor.



Recreation Fees:        K. Frey shared that with all the outside vendor increases, summer camp is not as profitable as hoped. She proposed an all-inclusive price for Graydon Summer Day Camp program at $725.00. That will include camp registration for 4 weeks, all trips and special events. K. Frey shared the departmental winter recreation brochure with all and explained offerings.



Liaison Reports           Village Council – S. Winograd

·       S. Winograd shared that the Schedler plans will be sent to SHPO in late December. SHPO has 120 days to approve, deny or approve with conditions. The deteriorated condition of the barn at Habernickel Park will be on December 6th Village Council agenda for discussion and review. F. Mortimer motions PRC Board believes the barn should be condemned. D. Sayles seconds it. All in favor.

S. Winograd shared she went to the Atlantic City forum and attended a few classes.


Board of Ed – S. Brogan

·       S. Brogan – absent


Open Space Committee – D. Sayles

·       D. Sayles – no meeting.


Fields Committee – R. Brooks

·       R. Brooks shared the fields committee is going to be meeting in person once into the new year. The BOE hired a new vendor to remediate the turf fields after flooding and the field had to be cleaned twice. Master Library is moving forward; the individual handling Master Library within BOE is a temporary employee. The major change in the field policy is the field lights staying on longer all year round.





Shade Tree Commission – V. Van Dyke

·       V. Van Dyke shared the success of the fall tree planting and Adopt a Sapling program were reviewed. They are hoping to plant 50 saplings next year. Declan reported on the NJSTF conference. V. Van Dyke shared the Shade Tree Commission overview brochure with the group.


Community Center Advisory Board – L. Kloak

·       L. Kloak shared the board is considering various fundraising strategies; one idea is by selling an item, possibly a blanket at a profit. There is a need for the foundation to fundraise.


Green Ridgewood – F. Mortimer

·       F. Mortimer – no report.


Project Pride – N. Bigos

·       N. Bigos – no report.


Parks:                          No report


New Business:            No new business


Next Meeting               Tuesday, January 23, 2023 at 7:30pm, The Gatehouse, Habernickel Park Adjournment                9:15pm

  • Hits: 107



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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