20220315 - Stigma Free Committee Minutes

Meeting Minutes Stigma-Free 3.15.22

Meeting Attendees:

Meeting began at 3:04 PM

Danielle P., Health Department:

  • Encouraging vaccinations, 31 new cases in the last week
  • Stress management event coming up on March 31st it’s a partnership with Family Service Bureau of Newark, A New Community Affiliate
  • Alzheimer’s presentation on April 19th
  • Discussed the “Lunch Bunch” Series that Dan Kilday proposed, and perhaps leading a meditation activity during this.  This is for collaboration with RPS for Mental Health Awareness Month.
  • Earth day April 10 11am-2pm coming up. Exercising, mental health, walking more, involving the bike and shoe store in town is what we are thinking. We are linking the Lifestyle Challenge. Last day of sign up is April 11th for the Lifestyle Challenge, call 201-291-6090.
  • The New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute, Mayors Wellness Campaign has named Ridgewood as one of the Healthy Towns to Watch.  Official Press Release: https://www.njhcqi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Quality-Institute-Newsletter_3.10.2022.pdf
  • Bergen County Stigma-Free Sticker Contest. Please submit submissions by March 31st to hcontino@co.bergen.nj.us (see flyer attached)

Danielle F, The Valley Hospital:

  • Kicking off Thursday April 7th at 6pm in Village Hall, will be virtual as well. Will be live streamed through Zoom. We are partnering with Gym Guyz, the Ridgewood YMCA, Varsity House, Lukin Center for Psychotherapy, and more.  Kathy is in charge of registration. People have been registering and looking to get free blood work through Valley’s lab. Last year 7 people registered for lab work with the part of the Challenge, so far that has been exceeded.

Gabrielle Lukin Center for Psychotherapy:

  • Joined CHIP, on May 12 at 7pm two clinicians will give two presentations on mental health and physical health. In May, working with the schools for mental health month, and in June with the 5th graders for step-up event. Offered to assist and hold presentations with the fire department and police department as well.

Deanna, Ridgewood Parks and Recreation:

  • 5th grade step up will be more structured. Looking to have an event where we have an exercise, activates and activity. Alzheimer’s event is on April 19th, we are working with Glenrock, Ridgewood DOH, Health will provide lunch for the event. So far 27 people are registered. Goal is to have 50 people registered.
  • Jan Bottcher suggested having a locker pad lock activity would benefit the students for 5th grade step-up.

Shelia, Municipal Alliance:

  • Programs are virtually available to anyone interested. Municipal will be working with PSA in town to talk about vaping and its impact to middle school and high school. Health Department is interested in contributing in any way. The event will be on the 24th or 25th in May. Virtual presentation is preferred due to more participants. The municipal alliance has a new website at Municipalalliance.org.

Robin, Ridgewood Library:

  • Aging your way activity is going until May 15th is the deadline for photos submission. In collaboration with the Village and Age-Friendly May is Older Americans month those 55 and older are asked to take pictures of activities or themselves and send it in to showcase in June. In efforts to encourage folks to be proud and show what they do and how they are aging.

Jan Bottcher:

  • Involved in ADP? After school and summer program called Citizens for Swimming Program to help financially diverse kids usually from Paterson come and participate on august event first 3 weeks where they come to Graydon. Parks and Rec, the Y and the Unitarian church help with sunscreen, towels and resources for these kids to participate. If anyone is looking to donate or collaborate in helping with this program, please reach out to Jan at jan.bottcher@gmail.com. The website for the Citizens for swimming program Campydp.org.

Betty- Offered to help during Earth Day event email: bcfriedel@verizon.net

John T. Judge, Ridgewood Fire Department - offered EMS to help with Blood pressure taking at possible Music Under the Stars partnership.

  • Hits: 204



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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