20220517 - Stigma Free Committee Minutes

Ridgewood Stigma-Free Meeting Minutes 5/17/22

*These minutes do not supersede what was discussed during meeting*


  • Danielle Fabrizio- Valley Hospital - DFABRIZ2@Valleyhealth.com
  • Sheila Brogan- Age Friendly Ridgewood - smbrogan@aol.com
  • Mary Davey- West Bergen Mental Institute - mdavey@westbergen.org
  • Denise DePalma- Ridgewood DOH - ddepalma@ridgewoodnj.net
  • Jan Bottcher- janbottcher@gmail.com
  • Danielle Pagani- Ridgewood DOH – dpagani@ridgewoodnj.net
  • Marianny Fermin- Ridgewood DOH - mfermincornelio@ridgewoodnj.net
  • Dawn Cetrulo- Health Officer Ridgewood DOH - dcetrulo@ridgewoodnj.net


Meeting start 3:05pm and Meeting end 3:45pm.

*IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - New extensions for Village Hall employees, Dawn x2245, Marianny x2244, Danielle x2312, Marissa x2241. Visit https://www.ridgewoodnj.net/departments/health-department for more information.

Danielle Pagani- Apologized for late reminder. Ask for consent for sharing email within attendees. Thanked IT for uploading minutes onto website. Currently the CALI score is in Orange which is high, mask are recommended/ strongly encouraged. NJ State website has information on testing and vaccines. (https://www.nj.gov/health/)

Events since we last met: Downtown Walk 5/22 (Lifestyle Challenge), Rabies Clinic, virtual presentation from the Lukin Center last week (5/12), COVID-19 Booster Clinics (2 Clinics in May), and working with Ridgewood High School every Thursday during the month of May for Mental Health Awareness Month. These are “lunch bunch “activities, last week we had a Yoga session with Ms. Consel (teacher at the HS). Once Lukin’s presentation is able to share, it will be posted on social media and shared with the group and community stakeholders.

On June 10th, Parks and Rec Department is hosting Step -up for middle school kids with Ridgewood Health Department and Lukin Center for Psychotherapy.

On June 11th, Ridgewood is hosting its annual PRIDE festival (Wore T-shirts, provided giveaways, and presented committee). We are inviting committee members to attend for the committee will have a table! (12:30-2:30 pm Van Neste Square)

We have a Balance and Thrive event coming up for our seniors in July at the Library (July 15 – 11 AM). Details still in the works and so is the flyer, but once finalized we will share with everyone.

Lifestyle Challenge Celebration tentative date is June 7th 6-7 pm at Health Barn. Once finalized, flyer will be sent to Challenge participants!

Sheila- U.S. Government is offering 8 free COVID-19 tests. Sheila mentioned LGBTQ Alliance, older adult are involved and providing guidance and resources in Bergen County. They are hosting event at Rutherford Pancake House. Will share flyer with us. Suggested reaching out to County Social worker Suzanne Tuliebitz, who does home visits, typically assists with seniors for bullying situation.

Municipal Alliance will have Tim Shumaker program on vaping. This is a virtual presentation and the link and recording will be up and available to watch as a replay. Asking all to pre-register. Midland Park Senior center is also going to have Thrive and Balance present next week.

Dawn- Mentioned June 11th PRIDE festival (Wore T-shirts, provided giveaways, and presented committee) asked that everyone available attend and represent Stigma-Free. You will be provided a Stigma-Free t-shirt if needed.

Jan Bottcher- Shared LGBTQ Wellness Center at Bergen New Bridge is the first in North Jersey. Link: LGBTQ Wellness Center at Bergen New Bridge is the first in North Jersey Also mentioned AFSP website https://afsp.org/ive-lost-someone, who are advocating and host a support group for suicide. Has received personal and overall financial donations, for citizen for swimming program. Hoping to have 40-80 kids from Paterson learn basic water safety skills. https://www.campydp.org/donate is the donation link. Suggested person being abused to be placed in emergency housing. Battered Spouse. Suggested OAISIS, which serves women and children https://oasisnj.org/.  

Mary Davey- New suicide 988 hotline number will go live in mid-July. This is the national suicide number, 262 will continue to be. Kickoff to mental health awareness month walk/run event on Saturday was canceled due to weather. It is encouraged to walk or run for the purpose of mental health awareness. People can still participate and walk/run during the month of May.  (https://westbergen.org/current-events/)

There’s a women’s support organization at women’s right center and information center (https://www.womensrights.org/)  for bully situation. Mary will share this resources via email.

Danielle Fabrizio- Mentioned presentation with Lukin Center, they will be sharing the presentation as well once available.

Marianny Fermin- Mentioned Music Under the Stars partnership June 2nd, June 28th and July 21s invited all in attendance to table at the event. Planning for Senior specific Health Fair happening in October has begun and Brianna Greenburg has been contacted to be the speaker at the event. Asked for suggestions on where to refer a person being bullied by neighbor.


*Next meeting to occur: June 21 at 3 PM via Zoom*

Topic: Monthly Stigma Free Committee Meeting

Jun 21, 2022 03:00 PM

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  • Hits: 157



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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