20220920 - Stigma Free Committee Minutes
Stigma Free Meeting Minutes 9/20/2022
· The meeting began at 3:11 pm
· Introductions were made by each member to introduce themselves to Surbhi Kapadia
· Danielle Pagani began by discussing our bivalent COVID booster clinic tomorrow and possible ones in the near future
o Some questions on being “up to date” and being “eligible” were brought up as Sheila Brogan said she is getting some questions. Something that makes this easily understandable is requested.
· Jan Botcher brought up a fundraiser walk for suicide awareness and prevention and invited members of the group to walk or volunteer. The link is in the agenda that Danielle sent. The event is Sunday October 16th 9 AM at Saddle River county park at the Otto Pehle pavilion.
· Danielle Pagani said the county is doing substance abuse prevention month events on October 12-13. There is a flyer that Danielle will share and can connect anyone to Hailey Contino.
· There are a few events in the works for Older Adults on October 18 and November 9. Danielle Pagani will create flyers and send them out for these events.
· October 6th is the flu clinic at Village Hall from 10am-12pm, registration is handled through Valley Health
· September 29th at 7 pm there is a virtual presentation with the Ridgewood Library with COVID and PTSD
· October 7th-9th is Access weekend that will have a carnival. Deanna Schablik has more information.
· October 9th from 11am-6pm is a PBA fundraising event for Childhood Cancer
· November 3rd is the annual senior health resource fair from 9am-12pm
· Sheila Brogan discussed open enrollment for Medicare is October 15-December 7th. October 18th there is a virtual presentation on this. Elder dinner for Thanksgiving is in person and will be November 13th in the Hall at Paramus Church.
· Mary Davey brought up Expressive Arts Treatment Program has a showing called “The Color of Feelings” at the Staple through the month of September.
· Dawn Cetrulo discussed how beginning October 1st, we will be getting a social worker through the passed contract for a max 15 hours per month until June 30th, 2023
· Danielle Pagani brought up the LSHSA Fair at the Board of Ed building at 9:30 AM
· Falls Prevention workshop is September 29 and October 25th at 11 am
· Lukin Center is doing Suicide Prevention LIVE on Instagram on Tuesday September 27th at 7pm
· The meeting concluded at 4:01 pm
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