20230117 - Stigma Free Meeting Minutes
Stigma Free Meeting Minutes 1/17/2023
· The meeting started at 3:03 pm
· Danielle Pagani asked if anyone had any events to share and the following was discussed:
o Lukin Center has a book giveaway, one for kids and one for adults, they have an Instagram live is January 27th at 1 pm.
o Paul Vagianos discussed how the new council is excited and has a list of things they want to accomplish. The next council meeting is January 25th.
o Sheila Brogan expressed MLK weekend was outstanding. A movie about the march at Washington shown at the library was very impactful. Also Lunar New Year celebration on 1/22/23 from 2-5pm is being held at the high school. Tickets are needed. High school students are in midterms this week and the library is partnering up and serving pizza to students studying there.
o Danielle Pagani discussed the county is doing the sticker program again if students are interested. She will forward the flyer per Sheila’s request.
o Jan Botcher is working on Citizens for Swimming- a group from Paterson taken to Graydon to swim. A grant for bussing costs was turned down so she is seeking ideas for fundraising, specifically for bus funding. The Y donates swimming lessons and they appreciate that, but more specifically they need funding for bussing. The amount will be around 10k dollars. She will continue fundraising efforts but is unsure what the gap after fundraising efforts will leave left that is needed.
o Danielle Frabrizio discussed a program in March regarding kids in social media: what parents should know. She also has another program called Mom Matters Too in February- a physician speakers. She will put the links in the chat. Info on dates and times will be dispersed.
o Dawn Cetrulo discussed how the health department has another grant and has ideas to focus a lot on Mental Health and how to reach more people. E Notices tend to produce better turnouts for events.
o A communications take force has been established within the council.
o Sheila suggested looking into Ramsey’s events for mental health relating with events like comedy, therapy, etc..
o Dawn Cetrulo discussed wanting to relate to youth, middle age, and elderly in regards to mental health. She brought up Angst being shown previously at the schools and it was well attended and well received.
o Mary Davey discussed that Ramsay children center has been closed through the pandemic and there have been major renovations in group rooms, play therapy rooms, and outdoors, etc.. and it all re-opened yesterday.
o Dana Napoletano and Hailey Contigo from Bergen County discussed a governor’s initiative on February 6th and Danielle Pagani will relay the info. May 3rd is the 10 year Stigma Free Symposium and is hoping Ridgewood will be one of the tables. Mental Health First aid is still being offered and the flyer has been shared.
o Robin Ritterr from the Ridgewood Library discussed RHS students are there studying and therapy dogs are coming in for some comfort.
o Cards of Joy for Valentines day is being discussed. We still have the boxes but we hope to get them done by the end of the week or Monday. Jan Botcher suggested to make a post on the Facebook Ridgewood Stigma Free and she can share it to Ridgewood Community pages.
o Corinne from Bergen New Bridge discussed a compact veterans mental health law that came out today regarding access to healthcare and transportation being covered, access being covered during a crisis, and the veteran’s access line always provides free transportation to their facility. Care Right Now locations are open in Wallington and New Milford which is part of the community needs assessment providing later hours of healthcare. Some high dose flu vaccines and homebound vaccines can still be provided. If anyone has anyone in mind for a homebound vaccine Corrine will share her email and phone number and Danielle Pagani can disperse it.
o Danielle Pagani discussed to be mindful of influenza and RSV and the NJDOH reported an increase in these illnesses. The health department had a bivalent booster clinic last week and we do encourage individuals to stay up to date on COVID-19 boosters. Information on testing sites and resources can be given through the health department. This Thursday, 1/19 a virtual workshop for Covid and PTSD is from 6-7 pm in partner with Valley. Tuesday 1/24 at 7 pm there is a virtual public meeting through greater Bergen community action called “rise in respiratory illness: call to action”. The Twist and Turns: Inside a Teen’s Brain art exhibit that was shared last month during the meeting will begin in February at the Stable. This year’s wellness challenge info will be coming out. We will switching things up to be less challenges focus and more series focused. Information will be coming.
o Any further information can be sent to Danielle Pagani to be dispersed.
o The meeting was ended at 3:55 pm
- Hits: 111