20230718 - Stigma-Free Committee Meeting Minutes
Stigma-Free Meeting Minutes for 7.18.23
Attendees – Danielle Pagani, Surbhi Kapadia, Stephanie McTigue, Mary Davey (West Bergen Mental Healthcare), Jan Bottcher, Dana Napoletano (Division of Mental Health & Addiction Services), Danielle Fabrizio (Valley Health System), and Denise DePalma
Meeting started at 3:03 PM
Bergen New Bridge Medical Center and Lukin Center for Psychotherapy could not attend.
Danielle started with updates related to the following:
· Angst- still in progress. We have submitted everything to upper management and the council to approve. One we get the approval we plan to purchase with our grant funds. The district has chosen the film LIKE in addition to Angst. This program includes K-12 curriculum.
· For next year, we have budgeted for Matt Bellace to return to Ridgewood for the comedy show, but also for a program (s) to be held in the school setting (if the district is interested). When the new Superintendent gets acclimated, we plan to bring to bring this idea to his attention.
· Summer program offered by the County:
o Rooftop Yoga Bergen Town Center on July 25th, August 1st, 8th, and 15th at 9 AM
o https://www.bergentowncenter.com/event/Rooftop-Yoga/2145571034/ ( for more information)
Jan Bottcher:
· Jan brought up the Out of Darkness Walk (hosted by American Foundation for Suicide Prevention) being held on Sunday, October 15 in Saddle Brook.
· Jan brought up that she would like Ridgewood Stigma-Free to have a team/ boost participation community-wide.
· She wasn’t sure how we should push this initiative/ promote this idea yet, but we have time to decide.
· Jan is going to register a team for Ridgewood Stigma Free and thinks we can figure this out after Labor Day.
· Jan also shared details regarding the Citizens for Swimming program. There are double the number of campers than last year. Camp starts 8/1. Jan shared individuals can volunteer their time, but need to complete a google form - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Cfyt470gur6WcvVu5DTMNp7biSCDMTDxf7ZEqynyfEw/edit?usp=forms_home&ths=true (12:45-3:15 PM). Jan thanks community partners for their donations as well (Valley Health System donated $5,000 and Health Department donated 50 water bottles)
Bergen New Bridge Medical Center:
· Bergen County’s Crisis Intervention Team is hosting, Unity in the Community Event 7.29.23- 11 AM – 4 PM at Overpeck County Park Ridgefield Park Area. Flyer to be shared post meeting.
Dana Napoletano:
· National Night Out is August 1 (brings community together with Police. Event geared towards preventing drug and alcohol use)
· Free Youth Suicide Educational Conference on Monday October 16, 2023 (all day and pending CEU’s) at Conference Center in Hackensack. Event called, Let’s Talk About Suicide. Flyer to be shared post meeting (again). Registration likely to open in August. Being held for approximately 175-200 attendees. Open to the public, but school administrators/ professionals are the target population.
Danielle Fabrizio:
· Not much to report on Valley. They are prepping for a busy fall.
Mary Davey:
· West Bergen is very busy with providing services. They had to waitlist individuals as well so they are trying to catch up with the need.
· Mary attending health fair on Thursday with us.
· Mentioned how Health Department working on two grants. With the OLPH grant we increased the number of communicable diseases to focus on (COVID-19, tick-borne, rabies, and influenza).More information to be shared within meeting minutes email about current information and resources. For those with questions regarding any of these diseases, reach out to us.
· Goal is for our website to be updated – in progress.
· New Village Manager has social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). Health Department working on getting an Instagram page.
· August meeting may be canceled, but we will let the group know.
Upcoming Events:
· Dog Days of Summer – 7.19.23 at Graydon 3:30-6:30 PM. Health Department exhibiting to provide communicable disease information and resources,
· Health Fair with Music Under the Stars- 7.20.23, 6:30-7:30 PM
· Lukin Center for Psychotherapy IG Live on self-care to be held Monday. Flyer pending.
· Health Fair with Music Under the Stars – 8.1.23, 7:30-8:30 PM
- Hits: 112