20231207 - Green Ridgewood Meeting Minutes

Green Ridgewood Meeting Minutes Dec 7, 2023



Green Ridgewood: David Refkin (Chair) Pamela Perron, Justin Manger, Caitlin O’Leary, Sophia Florida, Justin Jonsson, Vivian Ewell, Green Team: Mike Faherty, Joan Hubertus, Alina Mordkovich


Guests: Miles, Luo, George Wolfson, Walter Rothaug, Alyssa Becher



3.   Chair Report - David

Green Team two committee openings Dec 14 new members chosen


4.   Village Council Liaison Report - Pam

      Bronze cert for Sustainable Jersey. Good through 2026

      Christmas tree for the village. Why do we cut down healthy mature trees? Downs Tree Service supplies. They take opportunities to use trees that  are planned  to be harvested in the near future.

      Ridgewood Water flood proofing two pump houses and replacing some pipes

      Raze the stable/barn in Habernickle Park. Will replace it with a shelter for the camp kids when it rains.

      EV fleet transition - First quarter of 2024 planning that. Inspectors’ vehicles first (not much equipment to carry around)

      Lead Paint Required Visual Inspections - hired a contractor. Rental units.

      CDM Smith taking on lead pipe replacement project, from markouts to notifications, etc. This project’s scope is curb to home, not mains.


5.   Library of Things Donation - Mike

      Electric Leaf Blower donation completed captured and posted.

      Electric Leaf Blower already has been borrowed once

      Topic: Potential ordinance related to gas leaf blowers - Pam

      Previous ordnance is very hard to enforce

      200mph winds on our lawns leads to erosion (dust bowl) and aerosolizing chemicals and fertilizer (manure)

      That said, getting us down to no leaf blower at all, electric-only, does not much help those issues as electric blowers become more powerful.

      But we cannot get to zero blowers overnight. Have to start somewhere. Start with electric-only.

      Mike notes that we can’t ask residents and landscapers to go all-electric within two years if the township can’t. If the township cannot, then we are hypocritical.

      How much would it cost the village to go all-electric?

      How much is the village willing to tolerate leaves left on the grounds? Electric will not get it all.

      Beth to take on researching this topic and provide guidance to Pam on how to shape the leaf blower ordinance. Pam is most comfortable following the lead from other towns.

      Date TBD on leaf blower forum


8.   Columbia University Alina

·       Columbia’s Graduate School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) has voted to work with Ridgewood on a range of sustainability initiatives.  Ridgewood came in first in the voting by the students.

      Graduate School student project requires a consulting project providing innovative analysis & practical recommendations.

      Request to be a client was proposed in October

      We were accepted and it was super popular, so we have 11-12 consultants for free, so we need to give them a LOT of work

      Dec 14 is when students are assigned their academic advisor

      Jan 16 project starts

      May is final presentation


Ad-hoc - David

Sustainable NJ - can apply for an upcoming grant related to sustainability planning. We can also get access to environmental data (energy usage  for the village and  our carbon footprint).


9.   Climate Fresk - David

      The Climate Fresk organization, based in Paris and now with four offices in the US. Are happy to be working with us. We are the second municipality selected (Cleveland, OH was first) in the US. 1 million people have participated globally, but < 15,000 in the US>

      Feb 1 (now January 30th). 3 hours. If it goes well, we will do another one w/ village staff and develop a long-term partnership.



6.   Daffodil Festival/ Earth Day Fair

      What is the theme of the fair?

      Less energy, Reduce carbon footprint?

      3 Bs - bicycles, bees, and batteries

      Add a call to action for it to have lasting impact like Change Just One Thing

      Change Just One Thing

      or reframe as Every Change Helps

      There was a consensus in the room for the 3Bs. No vote taken.

      What is the theme for Green Ridgewood?


7.   School Activities

      April 12 is HS Sustainability Day

      Trying to get better recycling posters for the bins so people use them properly

      Trying to re-assess goals of Green Club

      Per Joan H. There is a group called C40 that developed this Minecraft eco curriculum that would be great at the middle school level. https://education.minecraft.net/en- us/schools-reinventing-cities


10.   Planning Board - David

      Has not met in a month

      Pam met with the Planning Board subcommittee to discuss Master Plan progress in 2023.


11.   Subcommittees

      a. Caitlin - Communications - leave the leaves, call to join green team, leaf blower donation

      Next up: Styrofoam since there will be lots of packages.

        Newsletter will be with the new Ridgewood comms person in January.

      b. Green Building & Sustainability

      Beth emailed under separate cover

      c. Justin M. - Resource Management

      More in January

      d. David and Joan - Resilience, Flooding & Stormwater

      George has issued the challenge: Do Something.

      Worked to build a plan to share with Engineering and Village Manager when significant ideas and strategy is fleshed out.

      ACTION: Provide feedback to the subcommittee by Thursday

      Can the flood map be animated to show the 2030, 2040, 2050 flood plains?


      e. Mike - Green Team Update

      f. David - Finance

      Pam talking about getting an accounting of our funds. Once we have that Justin Jonsson can meet with the guy.


13.   Potential  Field  Trips - David

      Sewage  Treatment Plan

      Recycling Center


14.   Future Meetings

      Jan 4

      Feb 1 (Climate Fresk) – NOW JANUARY 30th.

      David proposed Feb 15 additional meeting accepted.

      March 7

      April 4

      April 21 is Earth Day (11-2:30, with setup prior)

Action: Let David know if you want to attend ANJEC training. We can send seven.

  • Hits: 129

20230914 - Green Ridgewood Meeting Minutes


September 14, 2023 7:30-9:30 PM




  1. Attendee Introductions

Green Ridgewood: Justin Jonsson, Nurhan Ezik, David Refkin, Sophia Florida, Caitlin O’Leary, Pamela Perron (Village Council Liaison), Vivian Ewell (Student Liaison)

Green Team: Derek White, Adam Peterseil, Sofia Morino (Student Liaison)

Others: Alina Mordkovich,  Walter Rothaug, Manpreet Tyagi, Miles Luo, 


  1. July 13 minutes could not be approved - no quorum




  1. Chair Report - David


            Welcome Vivian Ewell, our new student liaison a junior at Ridgewood High School.


Keith Kazmark, the new Ridgewood Village Manager, was unable to join us today but he will in the future. Look out for possible rescheduling to accommodate his visit.


  1. Village Council Liaison Report - Pam


The Ridgewood Library is hosting a Leaf blower Panel on September 20th. Frank Mortimer (Parks & Rec. liaison) will be one of the panelists; Green Ridgewood is encouraged to attend. Some additional notes:

      Green Ridgewood has been encouraged by other towns to advise Village Council to double the fines related to a potential leaf blower ordinance.

      Batteries cost $95 to recycle; this is a potential sticking point if landscapers go through batteries quickly. Are there ways we might defray these costs?


Action: Adam Peterseil to provide Pam Perron with a guide to differentiating 2- and 4-stroke equipment


Idea: Could we entice landscaping companies by offering them extended service hours if using electric equipment?


Ridgewood Water (RW) has an Open House at Ridgewood Library on October 16. RW is building two more PFAS treatment centers, bonding for $11M to help finance them.


Hudson Street Garage has four electric vehicle charging stations that have been available gratis since their installation. The Village intends to charge for them going forward, at an hourly rate.


Action: Pam to explore charging for energy (kilowatt-hours or kWh) rather than time (hours).


The Schedler property’s park plans have been approved to go forward for historical approval at the state level. Village Council members Siobhan Winograd and Pam Perron have talked to turf companies to understand if there are greener alternatives to typical crumb rubber turf fields and to ensure the alternative products are legitimately healthier. GR had a discussion about the recent Village Council Meeting where the Schedler issues were discussed and public comments made by GR Chair Refkin about our health and safety concerns related to artificial turf.


  1. Report on Bergen Hub Meeting - David


Ridgefield Park can now recycle styrofoam.


We are now sharing styrofoam recycling services with three more towns: Paramus, Oradell and Garfield. Can Ridgewood purse other joint service agreements with other communities?


A Bergen County Commissioner will be invited to attend the next Bergen Hub meeting, October in Allendale. This is an opportunity to bring focus to county-wide problems with the appropriate audience rather than each town discussing local matters.


  1. Leaf blower Forum - Pam


See section 4 above; this was discussed earlier in the meeting.


  1. Pollinator Pathway Proposal - Green Team


This item was not discussed as we had insufficient attendance. It will be discussed at our next meeting.


  1. 2024 Budget Meetings - David / Pam


David and Justin Manger met with Rich Calbi, CEO of RW, to discuss what he might need in order to start outfitting Ridgewood Water with electric vehicles. Discussion focused on budgeting for chargers at RW offices as a first step before EVs could be purchased in 2025.


David intends to ensure sustainability and the master plan is considered in budget discussions rather than budgeting for short-term solutions.


David, Pam and Beth Creller met with Chris Rutishauser to discuss stormwater issues and related budgetary concerns. The issue of impervious pavement, the limited capacity and age of the stormwater system and the related impact on flooding were discussed


Idea: Flooding and stormwater are key topics to discuss at the next Bergen Hub meeting because the Bergen County Commissioner will be in attendance.


  1. EAGER / Community Solar - Pam


EAGER is on hold due to costs, the need to opt-out and the minimal increase in renewable energy. Community Solar is worth exploring.


How else might we reduce energy consumption without the EAGER program?


Actions: Beth will work with schools, but we should identify other areas.


  1. Planning Board Activities - David


David has been working with the Planning board to identify six key areas of the Master Plan that they can focus on for the biggest impact.


The Local Emergency Management Council was recently formed. It includes members from various local organizations, from the hospital to Ridgewood Water. The goal is for a key group to be able to handle communications effectively in the event of an emergency.

What role the group plays in planning for future extreme weather is unclear.


  1. Master Plan & Green Ridgewood Subcommittee Priorities


            Actions: Subcommittees to resume meeting regularly


a.     Communications - Caitlin

Newsletter still in progress. We will probably need funding to do this as well as it deserves.


b.     Sustainable New Jersey, Grants & Applications - Mike

Unavailable. Update at Oct. 5 meeting.


c.     Green Building & Sustainability - Beth

Unavailable – Subcommittee to meet in September


d.     Resource Management - Justin M



e.     Resilience, Flooding & Stormwater - David

Discussed earlier in sections 5 and 8.


  1. Artificial Turf & Schedler - Pam / David


This was discussed earlier in section 4.




  1. Priorities for 2023-2024 and GR role for Budget formulation


            No discussion of note.


  1. Students/Board of Ed role for 2023-2024


            No discussion of note. David to reach out to Saurabh Dani (BOE liaison).


  1. Finances - Where to invest our funds?


What about purchasing an electric leaf blower for Ridgewood Library’s Library of Things?


Action: Justin Jonsson to see if Glen Rock’s gets used.


  1. Moving forward on a newsletter


            This will probably need funding, as discussed in 11a.


  1. Potential Field Trip: Leaf Composting


            This was identified as something members still want to do.


  1. Future Meeting Dates


            These are October 5, November 2 and December 7


  1. Any other Business


            No discussion of note.

  • Hits: 299

20230713 - Green Ridgewood Meeting Minutes


July 13, 2023 7:30-9:30 PM




1.      Attendee Introductions

Green Ridgewood: Yvone Nava, Justin Jonsson, Nurhan Ezik, David Refkin, Sophia Florida

Green Team: Mike Faherty

Others: Pamela Perrson (VC Liaison), Alina Mozdkovich (resident), Brigid O’Brien (resident), Sofia Morino (student liaison), Walter Rothany (resident), Tessa Florida (student liaison), Carolyn Jacoby (STC liaison), Nancy Brenhan (STC)


2.      Approve June 1 Minutes



3.      Chair Report – David

Made significant progress with Planning Board. More details below on Point 13.

4.      Village Council Liaison Report – Pam

There is a new village manager (Keith Kazmark) kkazmark@ridgewood.nj

There was a storm water inspection. Hope and Evergreen pl, a county robot went north up Hope street. Chris R. was there to address questions. There is some obstruction between Adison pl and Ho Ho Kus Brook. There will be additional steps taken inclusive of a second inspection.

Received a statement from the EAGER consultant that explains the market situation has shifted and not to go chase renewable energy opportunities.

Led paid inspections of rental houses in Ridgewood leveraging a $20K grant.

Ridgewood water is looking to evaluate alternatives corrosion control measures.

The aeration system went to 25% capacity which triggered an emergency expense to fix the system.

The state is requiring regulating storage of salt in private properties.


5.      Green Ridgewood Committee Membership – David

Tessa’s last meeting since she’s going away to college. We thank her for her contributions.

Beth and David interviewed someone to be the High School liaison. Waiting on a village resolution to make formal announcement.


6.      Lantern Flies – Presentation – Nurhan & Caroline

Department of Agriculture and USDA have websites with information about potential remedies to mitigate their invasions. Lantern flies came from Asia in 2014, the like to create their nests in “tree of heaven”. Since they have caused crop issues and damaging gardens. Attracts other bugs and promotes fungal growth.  Ridgewood tried taping but it didn’t work, and birds were getting caught. Main recommendation is to use natural insecticide spray or other natural remedies suggested on the above referenced websites. Make a campaign with social media to provide some tips to eradicate them in the area (replicate HS Green Club post).

Residents are asked to report sightings by calling the New Jersey Spotted Lanternfly hotline, 833-223-2840 (BAD-BUGO), and leaving a message with their contact information and details of the sightings, or by emailing SLF-plantindustry@ag.nj.gov



7.      Earth Day Fair & Daffodil Festival

a.      Prizes: Lawn Mower and Leaf Blowers – Beth/Mike

No update


8.      No Mow May Follow Up – Fall Activity/Next year? – Mike

Thinking of evolution of No Mow May. One topic being socialized is pollinator pathways that can be set up across town. Take part of parks and plant them as meadows.

Other ideas: Leave the leaves for the fall. One tree per household? considering fall is a good season to plant.

“Adopt a sapling” (orchard school district). Approved by Village to plant on the municipal strip. Volunteers will continue to water for two years.  Sign up deadline September 15th, October 14th is planting day. Caroline Jacoby from STC will distribute flyer with GR.


9.      Upcoming Bergen Hub Meeting – Beth/David

Monday July 31st in Oradell. David and Beth will attend, others are welcomed to join.


10.  Flooding on Hope Street – Stormwater Pipe Inspection – Pam/David

There was a storm water inspection. Hope and Evergreen pl, a county robot went north up Hope street. Chris R. was there to address questions. There is some obstruction between Adison pl and Ho Ho Kus Brook. There will be additional steps taken inclusive of a second inspection.


11.  EAGER – Discussions with Gabel Associates/Other Options – Pam/David

The pricing to get more renewable energy is currently not financially viable.

GR should continue to prioritize this topic and look at initiatives to have a mix of energy sources.


12.  Artificial Turf – Dr. Genoa Warner Presentation – All


Discussion with Dr. Genoa Warner Re: Artificial Turf – June 12, 2023

Attendees: Pam Perron, Beth Creller, Caitlin O’Leary, David Refkin, Carolyn Jacoby

+ others


Dr. Warner is an Asst. Professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and has

published peer review research on the environmental impacts of artificial turf.

She is also a resident of Maplewood and was part of a successful effort to pass a

referendum to stop the installation of an artificial turf field near her home.

Key findings based on her research:

·       Crumb rubber (recycled tires) is manufactured with materials, including heavy metals, that are carcinogens and use phthalates that impact reproduction systems in animals. In addition, PFAS chemicals are used in the production of artificial turf. More research needs to done related to PFAS, artificial turf and the impacts on human health but the proposed reduction by EPA in PFAS (by 94%) in drinking water is quite concerning.

·       These chemicals leech out of the turf and are spread through run-off from the turf (concern about well water).

·       These chemicals can be inhaled by walking on the turf.

·       Skin rubbing on the turf is also hazardous and another way for people to be

negatively impacted by the chemicals in artificial turf.

·       Other communities, in Martha’s Vineyard, Boston, Springfield and the state of Massachusetts have banned, or are considering banning artificial turf.

·       There are concerns related to tipping points and hormone disruptors, so that a little bit more exposure could be devastating. This is not linear. “Messing up a pathway and the whole system collapses.”

·       Firefighting foam is a serious public health concern.

·       Fluorine content is a good proxy for total PFAS content. Reasons to be concerned. (European studies use fluorine content).

·       NJDEP is working on the issue of artificial turf safety.

·       Turf during extremely warm days is even more damaging.


13.  Planning Board – Master Plan Implementation – David

Dave met with Evan and Siobhan to push for Planning Board meetings to get back on the calendars, which then took place on June 20th.

45 minutes were dedicated to Master Plan implementation with a presentation led by David. Green Ridgewood has a voice, and we have the potential to have a big impact.

Budget process starts in August, and we should aim to be ready to start the conversation about the critical things that need to happen.

Pam to invite the village manager to our September 14th meeting


14.  Master Plan & GR Priorities – Subcommittee Reports

a.      Communications -Caitlin

·       Information about Ridgewood water restrictions was posted on social media, including twice on stories, once as a Facebook post 

·       We shared information about “Air Dry July” on social media from a local family, the Moys, to promote air drying clothing over using machine dryers in month of July.

·       We’ve seen an increase in resident engagement by reaching out through email and our contact form on the website. Inquiries this past month have included questions about spotted lantern flies, Japanese Knotwood (an invasive species in Ridgewood) and the acquisition of new property adjacent to Schedler. We’ve been able to answer their questions but wanted to flag these as topics residents have shown interest and concern about. 

·       Please continue to send the communication subcommittee any topics you want us to promote on social media 

·       Looking into a bi-monthly newsletter


b.      Sustainable New Jersey, Grants & Applications – Mike

Progress towards submission on July 27th.

c.       Green Building & Sustainability – no update

d.      Resource Management – no update

e.      Resilience, Flooding and Stormwater – follow up and connect in the coming weeks to ensure we can affect the Budget with pertinent initiatives.



15.  Priorities for 2023-2024 and GR role for Budget formulation - AllG

16.  Finances – Where to invest our funds?

17.  RHS Green Club – Request for Funding – David/All

Dave proposed a resolution to approve up to $300 to the Green Club to have their second water barrel by the greenhouse and connect it to their drip irrigation system.



18.  Content for Newsletter communications – All

19.  Measuring our Effectiveness: ANJEC Survey  

20.  Potential Field Trip: Leaf Composting – Fall event



21.  Future Meeting Dates – September 14, October 5

22.  Social Gathering at David Refkin’s home (401 Wastena Terrace) – August 3.

23.  Other Business

Caroline informed us about NJEC had a lunch and learn for funding of brown fields in NJ. She will distribute the recording once available

Minutes submitted by Yvone Nava

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1.  Member Introductions: David Refkin, Pamela Perron, Justin Manger, Nurhan Ezik, Tessa Florida, Jill Fasano, Caitlin O’Leary, Mike Faherty (GT)

Invited Guests: Thomai Andreopoulos, Sonia Berman

Other Attendees: Adam Peterseil (GT), Justin Jonsson, Walter Rothang, Caitlin O’Leary, Carolyn Jacoby, Sophia Florida, Diane Kidwell, Nick Andreopoulos, Miles Luo, Alina Mordkovich

2.  Approve April 13 Minutes: approved unanimously.


3.  Chair Report – David

  Updated the group on Green Ridgewood related activities at the last Village council meeting and informed them that the next council meeting is going to be held on May 10th at 7:30 P.M. when it is expected there will be a discussion about adding public space recycling in the Central Business District (see below).

  Updated GR members on Bergen Hub Meeting that was hosted by Green Ridgewood.


4.  Village Council Liaison Report – Pam

  Two PFAS treatment plants are constructed and in use. One additional treatment facility construction contract was recently awarded. The next treatment facility construction contract will be bidding this month.

  Village Council will vote on May 10th to select two more residents as Green Ridgewood Committee members.

  Garbage and recycling cans for the central business district: Council will approve the purchase of 110 garbage cans and 12 recycling cans (as a pilot program) for the central business district. However, these will not be Big Bellies due to weight issues.


5.  Green Ridgewood Committee Membership –

  The Council vote on two more additional members will be next week


6.  Ridgewood High School Student Presentations:

a.                        Sonia Berman – Compostable Utensils

  Sonia had a phone meeting with Java’s Compost. They would agree to pick up used compostable utensils and lunch leftovers at GW middle school. However since minimal contamination is required, bin monitoring staff is needed. She talked to Green Club leaders and Dr. K about how this could be done. Since students need to fulfill 10 hours of community service, they can volunteer in shifts of 10-15 minutes, which would help prevent unwanted materials ending up in these bins.

  Since the school is outside of Java’s Compost service area, the price for this service is very high. One alternative suggested was for the school to use reusable utensils and have the food scraps be picked up by another company called Neighborhood Compost.

  Sonia shared these quotes with Dr. K

  Green club offered to purchase the bins inside of the cafeteria since they raised funds for $1,200 and will raise more in the near future. They need to use this money by the end of this year.


b.                       Thomai Andreopoulus – School Lighting

  Thomai, a junior at RHS, noticed that the lights were constantly on at RHS even overnight. She questions whether these are LED lights or not and will have to find out from the facility manager if LEDs are being used.

  She proposed to use LED lights and facilitate motion sensors/smart lighting systems to be eco- friendly, while saving money for the school.

  RHS’ current annual electricity spending is close to $180K.


7.  Daffodil Festival &Earth Day Fair (DF&EDF) –

  David: Estimated raised money from the event is a little over $9K. These funds will be shared with the Ridgewood Conservancy for Public Lands (organizes the Daffodil Festival).

  David raised an issue concerning the connection that table sponsors may, or may not have to sustainability at DF&EDF. Should they be able to justify how their services support environmental sound practices the application form? The concern was agreeable among attending members. The issue will be discussed by the DF&EDF Organizing Cmte.next week.

  Mike suggested keeping copies of event spending receipts to justify ANJEC grants.

  Pam suggested using the Village Certificate when members use GR funds to purchase approved items in order to be exempt from sales tax.

  Pam: 255 sign-ups for NoMowMay so far.


8.  School Earth Day and Other Activities –

  Miles: 17 trees planted at Steven’s field

  Student volunteers running out of ideas for environmental projects and asking if GR needs help from volunteers.


9.  No Mow May –

  Mike: 300+ residents expected to signed up

  Village of Ridgewood (including Parks & Recreation support) standing behind the movement and good PR efforts helped achieve a higher number of homes signed up than expected.

  Need similar ideas for the fall season


10. Bergen Hub Meeting

  At the hub meeting, Rich Calbi, Director Ridgewood Water talked about efforts and challenges towards reducing PFAS for the drinking water in the 4 communities that Ridgewood Water serves

  Sean Hamlin, Director Ridgewood Recycling talked about styrofoam compactor, the end product, its uses and coordinating efforts with other communities in Bergen County.


11. Planning Board/Master Plan/Subcommittees

  Since GR last met, the planning board has not met since February, however the next meeting is scheduled on May 16th.

  David spoke to the Planning Board Secretary, reminding them the board is responsible for implementing the master plan. It’s on agenda for the May 16th meeting.

  David and Pam are planning to bring in an environmental checklist (possibly Sustainable Jersey checklist) to the meeting and suggest that the checklist be filled out by applicants, applying for variances.

  They will also be communicating to the board, how Green Ridgewood Committee operates with its entirety and by its subcommittees.

·      Sustainable New Jersey, Grants & Applications - Mike: we are at 140 points, need 10 more points to stay at “Bronze.” We need to come up with two more open innovative projects unique to our town to update.

·      Communications - Caitlin went over spending detail and responses on ads posted on social media.


12. Deer Forum – May 31

13. Agreed on scheduling field trips to Ridgewood composting and sewage treatment facilities.

14. Agreed to meet with NJIT Asst. Professor - Dr. Genoa Warner on issues concerning health and safety issues of artificial turf.





15. Measuring our Effectiveness: David attended ANJEC meeting a few weeks ago where an evaluation form was handed out to rate the performance of each town’s environmental committees/commissions. Will share the form with the group and requested input.


16.    Future Meeting Dates – June 1, July 6

17.    Other Business: none proposed Submitted by Nurhan Ezik

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1.          Attendee Introductions

GR: Justin Manger, David Refkin, Caitlin O’Leary, Nurhan Ezik, Yvone Nava, Jill Fasano (Ridgewood Water Liaison), Frank Mortimer (Parks & Rec Liaison), Pamela Perron (Village Council Liaison), Saurabh Dani (Board of Ed Liaison), Mike Faherty (GT) Sofia Morino (GT-High School Liaison)

Guest: Miles Luo, Andrea Mishler (resident), Jackie Hone (resident), Cynthia O’Keefe

(resident), Justin Jonsson, Rurik Halaby, George Wolfson, Sophia Florida, Walter Rothaug, Bob Upton, Jaqueline Hone.


2.          Approve March 2, 2023 Minutes: Approved unanimously. Approve March 23, 2023 Minutes: Approved unanimously.


3.          Chair Report – David

-  Bee Ready article on Frank Mortimer on (201) Bergen magazine.

-  David attended ANJEC’s session. GR will take the assessment in the near future to evaluate Green Ridgewood’s performance to an Environmental Commission.



4.- Village Council Liaison Report – Pam

Village Passed the following resolutions:

·       Passed the Green Amendment.

·       Passed resolution to pay for tree inventory

·       3 to 2 votes to Schedler in favor of artificial turf

·       Approved a consultant for historic designation of the house.

·       Donation to memorialize Linda McNamara with a garden by the stable.

·       Voted to limit smart irrigation systems from 3am to 7am (no matter the day of the week)

o Call Ridgewood water and denounce if you see sprinklers running when they shouldn’t.

·       Water rates surcharge will be a separate line item

·       Four more PFAS plants in neighboring towns.

·       Introduced the Green Ridgewood amendment which entitle us to two more members.

·       Approval of the ordinance Green team and Green Ridgewood can now work together as one team. Green team will remain a subcommittee of Green


·       Washington Township and Glen Rock will lease our Styrofoam densifier.


5.          Green Ridgewood Committee Membership – David Approval to recruit two more people

One more opening in Green Team


6.          Earth Day Fair & Daffodil Festival – Bob/Pam/George

-               David, Pam and Bob attended the village planning meeting. Festival planning is on track. Schedule of the event has been proactively planned.

-               Add Kahoot game to the announcements.

-               Kahoot is pre-made and needs fine tuning. Sofia will work with Mike F. on it.

-               Vote to spend funds on 3 easels and one canopy for Earth Day, not to exceed $300.

o   Motion proposed by Caitlin, second by David and approved by all.

-               Beth update:

o   Swag with our logo is in process to be delivered. Fingers crossed. Will also bring coordinating tables clothes & candy for our tables

o   Printing the latest leaf blower ordinance for people to review.

o   Printing a signup sheet for our raffle. The fields will include NAME, TOWN, EMAIL ADDRESS. I can also bring a big bowl for tickets to be drawn.

-               Master Plan display in the works. Yvone to support George in the creation.


7.          School Earth Day and Other Activities – Miles/Tessa/Beth

-               High School will be focused on Composting

-               Earth Day at the high school is 04/14. Pam and Mike are attending.

-               Tree Planting on Stevens field will be planted on 04/15. Volunteers encouraged.


8.          Ridgewood Planning Board/Master Plan – David

-               The Planning Board has not met since Feb. 7.

-               Planning Board has formed a sub-committee on Master Plan implementation.

Activity to date is limited.

-               Earth Day Fair focus on Master Plan and educating public on issues addressed in MP


9.          No Mow May and Project 1,000 acres – Mike

-               Proclamation at the Council meeting held 04/12.

-               Signs ready and can be picked up at different interest points around town.

-               Encouragement to sign up, spread the word.

-               Press release issued. Communications team to broadly communicate.


10.    Leaf Blower Ordinance – Pam

-               Translating the ordinance to Spanish

-               Will be presented at a village council meeting in the coming months and would go into effect in 2024.


11.       Sub-Committee Reports

a.                      Sustainable New Jersey, Grants & Applications – Mike

ANJEC Grant. Mike did a write up and Heather Mailander approved along getting Bee Keeper Association endorsement.

This grant will be used for funding of No Mow May. Which will help cover additional costs like the lawn mower.


b.                     Communications -Caitlin

Focus to promote Earth Day and No Mow May.

Justin Motion to pay two rounds of Facebook / Instagram Event promotion

$70 ($30 per boost).

o David Second and all approved.

c.                        Green Building & Sustainability – Beth

d.                     Resource Management – Justin Focus is Earth Day

Data on historical flood levels and will be displayed on a stick

e.                      Resilience, Flooding and Stormwater – David

OEM page is up, evacuation plan is not and more communication and information should be shared.

Sofia is doing a lot of research work.


12.       Bergen County Activities – Pam/David

Pam and David were in Hackensack. Bergen county revealed their master plan (first one in 60 years +). Next step is to review and find similarities and gaps.

Council from different towns in NW Bergen County got together to review issues. We share similar issues and look to continue the conversation.

13.       Bergen Hub Meeting, April 24 – Beth

 Mon, Apr. 24 @ 7pm – Senior Lounge of Ridgewood Village Hall. All encouraged to attend.


14.    How do we measure success for the Earth Day Festival?

Encourage conversations via visuals and QR codes. Reach out to people at the event and encourage them to visit the booth.


15.    What actions should we take to speed up the Master Plan implementation? NEXT MTG.

16.    Schedler field discussion

a.           Formal communication sent to the members of the Village Council with relevant information about PFAS in preparation of the vote at the Council Meeting of April 12th, 2023.

b.           Green Ridgewood (David) spoke at the 4/12 Village Council Meeting (only allowed to speak at the end of the meeting due to large number of speakers) in opposition to an artificial turf field and in support of a natural turf field.

c.            Green Ridgewood is an advisory committee, and we will continue to advocate for items that affect the environment and on issues that are addressed in the master plan related to sustainability.

d.           Suggestion to have an assistant professor at NJIT, Genoa Warner, who authored an article about the health impacts of artificial turf come to talk to us.

e.           Discussion around contradiction of the signature of the Green Amendment and the approval of the village for Schedler.

f.             Some resident attendees expressed concern about Village Council vote in favor or artificial turf field.



Old Business

17.    Future Meeting Dates – May 4, June 1

18.    Deer Forum – May 31 and other ideas – Pam

19.    Other Business



  • Hits: 294



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