20220106 - Green Ridgewood/Green Team Virtual Meeting Minutes

Green Ridgewood-Green Team Meeting Minutes 20220106

Held on Zoom


Green Ridgewood: Bob Upton, George Wolfson, Christine Amundsen, Yvone Nava, Beth Creller, Pam Perron (Village Council Liaison).

Green Team: Justin Manger, Mike Faherty, Mike Sedon (Village Council Liaison), Krisha Anant (Student Liaison), Sofia Morino (Student Liaison).

Guests: Miles Luo (RHS), David Refkin, Adam Peterseil, Dianne Kidwell, Farres Kamel.

1. Welcome/Introductions/Apologies/Membership

Apologies for absence had been received from Ellie.

We congratulated Krisha and Sofia whom the Village Council at its 12/8/21 meeting appointed as Student Liaisons to the Green Team thru end June 2022.

Also at that meeting the Council reappointed to Green Ridgewood:

Bob Upton as Citizen Member thru 12/31/2024

Saurabh Dani as School Board Representative thru 12/31/22

Mary Mogerly as Parks, Recreation & Conservation Board Representative thru 12/31/22

Jill Fasano as Village Staff Representative thru 12/31/22

However, we understand Mary will not continue with PR&C Board so we will await the appointment of a new member to Green Ridgewood.

Also at that meeting the Council reappointed as members to Ridgewood Green Team:

Justin Manger thru 12/31/23

Anthea Zito thru 12/31/23

Ellie Gruber thru 12/31/24

Tony Mauriello thru 12/31/24


It was noted that Bob and George were not reappointed to the Green Team and Ellie was not reappointed to Green Ridgewood thus creating the opportunity to appoint new members. The Village Council will interview prospective new members in the next few weeks and make appointments. It was decided to postpone the election of officers until those appointments have been made.

2. Approve December Meeting Minutes

The December draft minutes had been distributed to members by e-mail on December 11th. Pam motioned to approve the December minutes with minor corrections, seconded by George and passed unanimously.

3. Communications:

Following some communication between committee members and Joanna Hanrahan of Sustainable Ridgewood a discussion among Justin, Mike F, Bob, George, Pam, Yvone, Mike S and Joanna took place regarding either combining the web and social media presence of our two groups or each promoting the presence of the other. Further discussion will take place with the consensus favoring the latter option.

4. Earth Day Fair

Our Earth Day sub-committee met on December 18th & January 4th via Zoom. George led the discussion focusing on 2 priority aspects for us. First, the mechanics of the event, how to publicize it, how to disseminate information at the event (QR code linking to info on a website?), how to gather attendance data, use of a survey using google doc or Menti, etc. Next, what content (calls to action) do wish to present at the event? Current thoughts are (1) Project 1,000 Acres, (2) EV vehicles & infrastructure, (3) involvement of our schools in sustainability, and (4) individual actions/impact on carbon footprint. Beth met with the FHSA to initiate participation of the schools in Earth day. We also want to communicate messaging around EAGER, the NJ Plastic Law, and other topics.

The Earth Day organizing committee, where George & Bob represent our committees, will meet again on January 18th. That meeting addresses aspects including sponsors, exhibitors, vendors, advertising & promotion, etc. Bob has contacted Clean Water Action to see if they still offer their Re-Think Disposable program for re-usable food service items.

5. Project 1,000 Acres (Sustainable Yard Maintenance)

Mike F had submitted to the committees a list of 10 suggested components of Project 1,000 Acres which have received general support from Nancy Bigos, Chris Rutishauser, Ridgewood Water, the Ridgewood Conservancy, Rutgers and many Green Team members. After much discussion about how these 10 components will be used it was thought they may be suggested actions which could be used in a points/awards type program. Recognizing that they are still being refined the members agreed by a show of hands to endorse the list which is amended to these minutes.

6. EAGER (Encouraging Alternative Green Energy for Ridgewood)

In order to move ahead the first 3 steps are (1) Village must pass an ordinance authorizing initial investigation, (2) selection of a consultant familiar with the State program (paid for by vendor if one is selected), who (3) drafts an RFP for electricity supply with a higher renewable content than currently supplied by PSE&G and at no greater cost. The proposal to create an ordinance was discussed by the Council at its workshop January 5th.

7. Sustainable Bergen Hub

(a) Next Hub meeting scheduled for January 25th hosted by Glen Rock.

(b) Plastics sub-committee (Single Use Plastics merged with Styrofoam) will meet via Zoom on January 11th.

(c) Creative Bergen and EV sub-committees: No update.

8. EPS/Styrofoam Collection

Since our last meeting the Recycling Dept has negotiated with Foam Cycle to obtain a Styrofoam collection container and start accepting clean, block EPS-Styrofoam at the Recycling Center so our planned January 8th collection is unnecessary and was cancelled. Initially EPS collected will be trucked to a recycler but at the January 5th Village Council workshop the Recycling Dept proposed accepting a Foam Cycle densifier on a trial basis with an option to purchase.

9. Tree Ordinance

We understand the proposed tree ordinance will be discussed at the January 26th Council workshop.

10. Green Team/Sustainable Jersey

Silver Recertification: Mike S has offered to lead the Green Team as its acting chair in its Sustainable Jersey re-certification effort. He proposed starting to hold Green Team meetings separate from Green Ridgewood to focus on the application. The third Tuesday each month was suggested for those meetings. Mike is optimistic that new points from the Tree Inventory, ERI and Master Plan will help compensate for some Actions that no longer qualify.

11. Planning Board/Master Plan

Following on the discussion at our December meeting Bob will liaise with David Refkin to bring to the Village’s health and emergency services leadership concerns about how health & safety impacts from climate change and natural disasters are being addressed in the Village with the object of addressing these issues in the sustainability component of the Master Plan. Pam offered to ask the Village Manager to approve these conversations.

It was noted that the Planning Board Master Plan Sub-committee’s next public update, scheduled for January 18th, has been postponed to February.

12. Ridgewood ERI

No update. Draft version of the ERI still expected around March 2022.

13. Other Business

(a) It was noted that the Recycling Department’s Food Waste Pilot program has been concluded very successfully but participants may continue to bring food waste to the Recycling Center.

(b) It was noted that ANJEC is encouraging its members to support passage of the NJ Recycled Content Bill.

14. Next Joint Meeting will be Thursday February 3rd 2022 at 7:00 pm, venue tbd.

Minutes submitted by: Bob Upton, January 12th, 2022.

Addendum to Green Ridgewood/Green Team Minutes 20220106

Project 1000 Acres…Ten Ideas for a Greener Property

Changing your property...

1.  Enjoy at least one hour a week outside in your yard. Identify plant species currently on your property.  Commit to personally maintaining a portion of your yard, in a sustainable manner.

Note: we will provide app resource to help identify local flora.  

2. Convert a portion of your lawn to a native plant garden.  

Note: we will be providing a list of native plant, flower, tree options as part of the program resources.

3. Plant a native northeast U.S. tree surrounded by native plants or leaf fall (not grass).   

Note: we will be providing a list of native plant, flower, tree options as part of the program resources.

Note: we will provide guidance on planting safely, especially away from structures, power lines, and PSEG/RW lines.

4. Remove a non-native invasive plant(s) or shrub(s). 

Note: we will be providing a list of invasives to watch out for as part of program resources, as well as instructions regarding disposal.

Maintaining your property...

5. Use only electric or manual lawnmowers. Eliminate gas powered lawn maintenance equipment.

Note: online resources to be provided.

6. Use only electric leaf blowers or manually rake leaves.  Eliminate gas powered leaf blowers.

Note: online resources to be provided.

7. Use only eco-friendly or do-it-yourself pesticides and herbicides. Eliminate toxic/harmful pesticides or herbicides.

Note: online resources to be provided

8. Use only organic fertilizers. Eliminate use of non-organic fertilizers.  

Note: we will be providing a list of organic fertilizer ideas as part of program resources.

Note: follow Village Ordinance 3200 guidance and restrictions on fertilizer use.

9. Create mulch by composting leaves on property, or obtain a locally sourced mulch. Eliminate non-northeast sourced, non-organic, or pesticide treated mulch for gardens.

Note: Consider mulching with Village compost, available from the Village’s compost facility at the end of Lakeview Drive.  The Village Streets Division will deliver truckloads of the compost when it is ready, usually in September of the year (available upon request (201)-670-5585)

10. Align with Village water restrictions, including "smart controller" use for automatic sprinklers.  

Note: If rain water runoff can be directed to a garden area you’ve created a rain garden!  And are helping address storm water runoff.



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