20220303 - Green Ridgewood Meeting Minutes

Green Ridgewood Meeting Minutes 20220303

Held on Zoom


Green Ridgewood: Bob Upton, Christine Amundsen, Yvone Nava, Beth Creller, David Refkin, Saurabh Dani (School Board Rep), Frank Mortimer (Parks & Recreation Rep), Jill Fasano (Village Staff Rep), Tessa Florida (Student Liaison).

Green Team: Justin Manger, Mike Faherty, Roman San Doval, Derek White, Krisha Anant (Student Liaison), Sofia Morino (Student Liaison),

Guests: Miles Luo (RHS), Carolyn Jacoby (STC).

1. Welcome/Introductions/Apologies

George Wolfson had advised that he would be unavailable for the meeting. Pam Perron and Mike Sedon were unavailable due to Village Council commitments, however Pam had provided some comments to be included under several agenda items.

We welcomed Frank and appreciate his volunteering to represent Parks & Recreation on Green Ridgewood and recognized his past contributions to the Green Team through his role in the NE NJ Beekeepers Association.

We also welcomed new Green Ridgewood members David and Tessa and new Green Team members Roman & Derek, all appointed at the Village Council meeting on February 9th. Lastly we welcomed guests Miles and Carolyn.

Bob noted once more that this is a Green Ridgewood meeting however Green Team members were invited and encouraged to attend.

We were pleased to note that our three Green Ridgewood/Green Team Student Liaisons are all leaders or members of the RHS Green Club. It has been suggested that these positions might be better described as Intern rather than Liaison, which is referred to Pam and Mike S for consideration.

2. Approve February Meeting Minutes

The February draft minutes had been distributed to members by e-mail on February 14th. Christine motioned to approve the minutes, seconded by Beth and passed unanimously.

3. Membership & Election of Officers

For the benefit of new members Bob reviewed the role of the two committees and noted that, while we appreciate Mike S taking on leading the Green Team’s Sustainable Jersey re-certification effort as, the Green Team currently lacks an elected Chair.

4. Communications:

Some confusion remains following the discussion of web site coordination between Green Ridgewood and Sustainable Ridgewood at the January meeting since no decision was made. At present each will maintain its own website and Facebook presence and each group support the other. 

Following the presentation of the GroupSpot app and subsequent discussion it has been concluded that we don’t propose to use it ourselves but can ask the schools and HSA’s to spread information for us through their use of the app.

5. Earth Day Fair and Daffodil Festival

Bob reviewed the importance of this event to the Village and to Green Ridgewood in particular and how it is planned and carried out. All members of both committees are asked to make themselves available for the event, Sunday April 10th, 11am-2pm.

George and Bob will attend the next meeting of the Village planning committee on March 9th and we will have updates with our own committee project leads soon.

Justin continues to develop the way we will use a QR code to communicate with attendees. Krisha received no suggestions for questions for our survey so will distribute a draft to stimulate more ideas.

a. Project 1,000 Acres – Mike F is leading this project and the associated website and will be prepared to present information at the Fair with support from local businesses.

b. EVs & Charging – Beth and Justin have about six or more different EV or hybrid cars offered for this exhibit and will have information available for the event.

c. Schools – Beth met with the FHSA and she and Christine are working with the schools to encourage participation at the Fair with exhibits.

d. Climate Change – Undecided how this topic will be presented and ideas were invited.

e. Other topics will be featured at the Green Ridgewood/Green Team table to include EAGER and Plastic Ban info (see below).

6. EAGER (Encouraging Alternative Green Energy for Ridgewood)

Pam had advised that the ordinance authorizing the establishment of an energy aggregation program was passed unanimously by the Village Council on February 9th and she explained the next step to them at their February 23rd meeting. Our subcommittee came up with a matrix of criteria for energy consultant interviews and Pam will work with Village administration on issuing an RFP.

7. Plastic Bag Ban

We have learned that the Village is relying on Green Ridgewood to publicize this law which bans some single use plastic and paper bags and some polystyrene foam food service products effective May 4th 2022. It already requires plastic drinking straws be provided by request only.

We discussed, for expediency, using the information sheet created by the NJBAC to distribute to Village retail businesses and for our Earth Day display. It was pointed out that it does not explain why the law is needed and an improved document was suggested. (Pam & Bob subsequently concluded that the document will only be distributed by hand providing the opportunity to explain the need for the law and with limited time and resource we will use the NJBAC document). Also need to work with Chamber of Commerce and Guild.

8. Planning Board

a. Bob reviewed the significance of Green Ridgewood being a committee and not a commission and encouraged members to take advantage of ANJEC’s upcoming training for EC’s. While having no direct role in the function of the Planning Board we are able to attend their meetings, which are open to the public, in person. Members are therefore encouraged to review upcoming agendas for topics of potential environmental impact and attending meetings when appropriate.

b. Master Plan Sustainability/Resiliency Content – At our February meeting David presented suggested recommendations related to resiliency to be submitted to the Master Plan committee. Subsequent to the meeting he refined those recommendations which were e-mailed to Green Ridgewood members for approval, received 7 votes of approval and no disapprovals, and were submitted to the Master Plan committee ahead of their public meeting on February 15th. He also spoke at that meeting to provide a summary of the recommendations on behalf of Green Ridgewood for which we thank him. He reported that the presentation of Master plan information was comprehensive but could be more forward thinking. We await the first draft of the Master Plan, expected early April.

9. Green Team Sub-Committee/Sustainable Jersey

No update since last meeting.

10. Sustainable Bergen Hub

Bob reviewed the role & operation of the Hub and noted that it uses Basecamp for communications. Send Bob an e-mail if you want to join.

a. Allendale hosted a Zoom Hub meeting on February 28th attended by 22 Hub members. Recording and minutes available in Basecamp. Guest speakers addressed concerns of harmful emissions from heat densification of EPS and concluding from available information that they are very low, and the program in development by G2revolution to provide a mobile cold densification device.

b. Plastics Sub-Committee met via Zoom on February 22nd, recording in Basecamp. Interest in understanding inconsistency in rigid plastic packaging recycling programs. Next meeting March 22nd.

11. Student Liaison Positions

We are now pleased to have 3 Student Liaison positions between the 2 committees. While we appreciate the students supporting our efforts we should also support them in their educational endeavors. So we invite them to tell us how we can help them to benefit from their participation.

12. Green Acres/Scoping Hearing

Pam had provided for distribution for the information of our members the notice of the subject hearing scheduled to occur during the March 23rd Village Council meeting. It addresses the need to replace a small plot at Graydon needed by Ridgewood Water which was removed from Green Acres property included in the Recreation and Open Space Inventory (ROSI).

13. Tree Protection Ordinance

The Village Council continued to discuss the ordinance at its February 23rd meeting. It is expected to be introduced at their March 9th meeting with public hearing and vote at their April 13th meeting.

14. EPS (Styrofoam) Recycling

We are pleased to hear that the Recycling Departments densifier trial is now underway. Nearby towns are interested to learn from this experience but meanwhile several towns have EPS collections planned, some accepting from all Bergen County residents.

15. Schools

RHS Green Club was congratulated for receiving a $2,000 NJEA grant for ash trees. Krisha will liaise with Mike Sedon re. implementation.

Also there is interest in protecting streams with riparian plantings. Saurabh suggested discuss with Dr Gorman.

16. New Business

David suggested exploring improvements to recycling efficiency. We will invite Sean Hamlin to meet with Green Ridgewood or a delegation as he has done in the past.

17. Next Joint Meeting will be Thursday April 7th 2022 at 7:00 pm, at the Stable (outside with option to move inside if necessary).

Minutes submitted by: Bob Upton, March 9th, 2022.


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MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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