20230413 - Green Ridgewood Meeting Minutes
1. Attendee Introductions
GR: Justin Manger, David Refkin, Caitlin O’Leary, Nurhan Ezik, Yvone Nava, Jill Fasano (Ridgewood Water Liaison), Frank Mortimer (Parks & Rec Liaison), Pamela Perron (Village Council Liaison), Saurabh Dani (Board of Ed Liaison), Mike Faherty (GT) Sofia Morino (GT-High School Liaison)
Guest: Miles Luo, Andrea Mishler (resident), Jackie Hone (resident), Cynthia O’Keefe
(resident), Justin Jonsson, Rurik Halaby, George Wolfson, Sophia Florida, Walter Rothaug, Bob Upton, Jaqueline Hone.
2. Approve March 2, 2023 Minutes: Approved unanimously. Approve March 23, 2023 Minutes: Approved unanimously.
3. Chair Report – David
- Bee Ready article on Frank Mortimer on (201) Bergen magazine.
- David attended ANJEC’s session. GR will take the assessment in the near future to evaluate Green Ridgewood’s performance to an Environmental Commission.
4.- Village Council Liaison Report – Pam
Village Passed the following resolutions:
· Passed the Green Amendment.
· Passed resolution to pay for tree inventory
· 3 to 2 votes to Schedler in favor of artificial turf
· Approved a consultant for historic designation of the house.
· Donation to memorialize Linda McNamara with a garden by the stable.
· Voted to limit smart irrigation systems from 3am to 7am (no matter the day of the week)
o Call Ridgewood water and denounce if you see sprinklers running when they shouldn’t.
· Water rates surcharge will be a separate line item
· Four more PFAS plants in neighboring towns.
· Introduced the Green Ridgewood amendment which entitle us to two more members.
· Approval of the ordinance Green team and Green Ridgewood can now work together as one team. Green team will remain a subcommittee of Green
· Washington Township and Glen Rock will lease our Styrofoam densifier.
5. Green Ridgewood Committee Membership – David Approval to recruit two more people
One more opening in Green Team
6. Earth Day Fair & Daffodil Festival – Bob/Pam/George
- David, Pam and Bob attended the village planning meeting. Festival planning is on track. Schedule of the event has been proactively planned.
- Add Kahoot game to the announcements.
- Kahoot is pre-made and needs fine tuning. Sofia will work with Mike F. on it.
- Vote to spend funds on 3 easels and one canopy for Earth Day, not to exceed $300.
o Motion proposed by Caitlin, second by David and approved by all.
- Beth update:
o Swag with our logo is in process to be delivered. Fingers crossed. Will also bring coordinating tables clothes & candy for our tables
o Printing the latest leaf blower ordinance for people to review.
o Printing a signup sheet for our raffle. The fields will include NAME, TOWN, EMAIL ADDRESS. I can also bring a big bowl for tickets to be drawn.
- Master Plan display in the works. Yvone to support George in the creation.
7. School Earth Day and Other Activities – Miles/Tessa/Beth
- High School will be focused on Composting
- Earth Day at the high school is 04/14. Pam and Mike are attending.
- Tree Planting on Stevens field will be planted on 04/15. Volunteers encouraged.
8. Ridgewood Planning Board/Master Plan – David
- The Planning Board has not met since Feb. 7.
- Planning Board has formed a sub-committee on Master Plan implementation.
Activity to date is limited.
- Earth Day Fair focus on Master Plan and educating public on issues addressed in MP
9. No Mow May and Project 1,000 acres – Mike
- Proclamation at the Council meeting held 04/12.
- Signs ready and can be picked up at different interest points around town.
- Encouragement to sign up, spread the word.
- Press release issued. Communications team to broadly communicate.
10. Leaf Blower Ordinance – Pam
- Translating the ordinance to Spanish
- Will be presented at a village council meeting in the coming months and would go into effect in 2024.
11. Sub-Committee Reports
a. Sustainable New Jersey, Grants & Applications – Mike
ANJEC Grant. Mike did a write up and Heather Mailander approved along getting Bee Keeper Association endorsement.
This grant will be used for funding of No Mow May. Which will help cover additional costs like the lawn mower.
b. Communications -Caitlin
Focus to promote Earth Day and No Mow May.
Justin Motion to pay two rounds of Facebook / Instagram Event promotion
$70 ($30 per boost).
o David Second and all approved.
c. Green Building & Sustainability – Beth
d. Resource Management – Justin Focus is Earth Day
Data on historical flood levels and will be displayed on a stick
e. Resilience, Flooding and Stormwater – David
OEM page is up, evacuation plan is not and more communication and information should be shared.
Sofia is doing a lot of research work.
12. Bergen County Activities – Pam/David
Pam and David were in Hackensack. Bergen county revealed their master plan (first one in 60 years +). Next step is to review and find similarities and gaps.
Council from different towns in NW Bergen County got together to review issues. We share similar issues and look to continue the conversation.
13. Bergen Hub Meeting, April 24 – Beth
Mon, Apr. 24 @ 7pm – Senior Lounge of Ridgewood Village Hall. All encouraged to attend.
14. How do we measure success for the Earth Day Festival?
Encourage conversations via visuals and QR codes. Reach out to people at the event and encourage them to visit the booth.
15. What actions should we take to speed up the Master Plan implementation? NEXT MTG.
16. Schedler field discussion
a. Formal communication sent to the members of the Village Council with relevant information about PFAS in preparation of the vote at the Council Meeting of April 12th, 2023.
b. Green Ridgewood (David) spoke at the 4/12 Village Council Meeting (only allowed to speak at the end of the meeting due to large number of speakers) in opposition to an artificial turf field and in support of a natural turf field.
c. Green Ridgewood is an advisory committee, and we will continue to advocate for items that affect the environment and on issues that are addressed in the master plan related to sustainability.
d. Suggestion to have an assistant professor at NJIT, Genoa Warner, who authored an article about the health impacts of artificial turf come to talk to us.
e. Discussion around contradiction of the signature of the Green Amendment and the approval of the village for Schedler.
f. Some resident attendees expressed concern about Village Council vote in favor or artificial turf field.
Old Business
17. Future Meeting Dates – May 4, June 1
18. Deer Forum – May 31 and other ideas – Pam
19. Other Business
- Hits: 294