20231205 - Ridgewood Fields Committee Minutes

Ridgewood Fields Committee Minutes

December 5, 2023 – 7:00 am via ZOOM

Attendees: K. Cook, N. Bigos, M. Andreula, S. Winograd, H. Kwak, R. Brooks, E. Seavers, G. D’Andrea, E. Sudol, Z. Pace, S. Cox, P. Thomas, C. Holt, S. Muller, N. Friedman, D. Lima, P. Coopersmith, P. Holmes, S. Muller, D. Smith, M. Schwartz, M. Kelly, R. Lasky, A. , M. Hefferan

I. Roll Call

Recognized groups in attendance, RBSA-S.Muller, RSA-E. Seavers, RLA-B. Lynch, RJFA-Z. Pace

Absent-Ridgewood Soccer Association, Maroons Soccer, Ridgewood Jr. Wrestling, Ridgewood Roller Hockey

II. Approval of Minutes-November 7, 2023

Approved by all

III. Public Comment

P. Coopersmith- Is an adult soccer player and has been talking to the Fields Committee for several months about getting field time and becoming a recognized group. He is forming a non-profit as part of the requirement to become a recognized group so they are able to reserve field space. He hopes to complete the application in the next couple of weeks. He represents two groups one is the over 50 men’s soccer team that has been part of the United Soccer League of NJ for the last 25 years. The games are played on Sunday morning. They have played on Maple Field and are interested in scheduling at Stevens and Stadium Field in the future. He is also representing a group of adult soccer players that are interested in reserving field time for pick-up games. He has contacted both RSA and Maroons Soccer and discussions have not progressed much. He intends to create the Ridgewood Adult Soccer Association and become a recognized group. This group would like to reserve field time on Tuesday and Thursday using the last hour and a half on those nights at one of the turf fields.

E. Seavers- The process for becoming a recognized group is outlined in the Fields Policy.

R. Brooks-Once they have the necessary paperwork they will need to get on the agenda and present to the PRC Board. Then the recommendation is made, approved or not.

C. Holt-Asked about the process for using Master Library and will the public be able to view the schedule.

G.D’Andrea-The groups that are set up on Master Library can view the calendar. It is possible that both the BOE and VOR can be set up onto I Calendar once they are using Master Library. There is a training video and she has sent out step-by-step instructions for Master Library use. All groups must input the information themselves to take responsibility for their schedules and removing times they no longer need.

N. Bigos-Parks and Recreation will have Master Library as part of the launch of the new village website this January. An account has been set up for sports groups to use the Villages Master Library. We have set a date, Tuesday, January 30, 7pm at the Stable for all the sports groups to assist them in creating their accounts for village fields.

IV. Field Maintenance Requests

K. Cook- BOE is looking to address repairs this spring for both the 60 and 90-foot diamonds. Kenilworth field will have benches repaired, will trim back the fence line and remove high tree branches around the field. Have received quotes to replace the wall at the Somerville Courts. Will discuss with the new manager the volume of the schedule maintenance for the HS as well as youth groups. Sport Care will be returning to remove the silt at Stevens Field. All grass fields are closed Thanksgiving through the end of March. He recommends that the turf field at Stevens be closed during the winter to give the neighbors a break.

V. 2024 Field Policy Revision

E. Seavers-No revisions need to be discussed now. We will be making additional revisions and will share once that is complete.

VI. Master Library

K. Cook-Youth sports groups have been scheduling and it is helpful in allocating times for field maintenance.

N. Bigos-(comments on Master Library in public comment)

VII. Youth Sports Organizations

K. Cook- Will be contacting all recognized group presidents by email to submit information on registrations by grade level, mission statement, and certificate of insurance, By-laws and grievance policy. Include spring game schedules, summer camp dates and field maintenance requests.

K. Cook-We need to get back to our basics so we can move forward. The Fields Committee has moved so far away from the fields policy we need to get back to the original intent of the document. Having all groups using our fields with the required paperwork and insurance as well as having our recognized sports groups adhering to the traditional season of play and to have a road map to follow for anything outside of the one clinic/camp that is currently permitted. Designated field rest and maintenance must be kept in mind for the safety of participants. We are evolving as a community and we need to revise the existing policy but we need to adhere to our ideals and not go beyond our means and the original intent of these policies. Providing programs to our youth is one thing, unchecked expansion is not beneficial. It has become more about increasing revenue than benefitting the participants. If a group is running eight weeks of clinics/camps out of season and using two to six indoor locations at BOE facilities the expansion is well beyond. This prevents traditional winter sports from using the facilities.

R. Brooks-We are at the point all sports play all year round. We need to understand the needs of the sports groups in the broadest sense. Extending the time for lights is being discussed because of the demand for fields has increased. That is the only reason it is being considered. We need communication from all groups to understand the needs for the next twelve months and how one groups expansion is displacing other groups.

VIII. Schedler Property

S. Winograd-No update still working on the application and through the process working with the state.

IX. New Business


X. Next Meeting Date – Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 7:00am, Zoom

XI. Adjournment – 8:36 am

  • Hits: 51

20231107 - Fields Committee Minutes

Ridgewood Fields Committee Minutes

November 7, 2023 – 7:00 am via ZOOM

Attendees: K. Cook, N. Bigos, M. Andreula, S. Winograd, S. Gross, H. Kwak, R. Brooks, E. Seavers, 

G. D’Andrea, E. Sudol,

Z. Pace, P. Thomas, C. Aderhold, S. Muller, C. Herndon, P. Coopersmith, S. Penava, M. Schwartz, M. 

Kelly, R. Lasky, A. Mamudi, M. Lembo, J. Gluck, M. Hefferan


I.              Approval of Minutes – October 3, 2023

Approved by all

II.               Public Comment

B. Sachs-Thanked K. Cook and the High School leadership for their assistance in stopping the air 


K. Cook- During the girls sectional final at Stevens Field, air horns are not permitted, we 

attempted to track down the actor but were unsuccessful.

III.               Turf Field Remediation

K. Cook- Sport Care has cleared off the Stadium Field and passed the Gmax testing. Stevens Field 

was cleared and passed the Gmax testing; the non-playing southern end of Stevens still has silt 

that needs to be removed once that is complete payment will be issued.

N. Bigos- Land Tek performed the work at Maple Park and passed Gmax testing. The expense for this 

remediation was covered through our insurance policy.

IV.               2023 Fall Field Schedule

K. Cook-The Fall Season is wrapping up and there are no changes at the HS level for field use. Jr. 

Football still has teams going to playoffs. Ridgewood Soccer and Maroons Soccer have about two 

weeks left in their schedule.

V.               Field Policy Revision/Review

K. Cook-Sub-committee has not been able to meet since the flood.

R. Brooks- We plan to meet and have something in draft form to present to the governing body by 

mid- December.

N. Bigos-Will reach out to subcommittee to get a date and time to meet.

VI.               Master Library BOE

K. Cook-Groups are making use of Master Library. Gabby has done a fantastic job of setting up 

tutorials on how to set up accounts and use the system. Will be working with the vendor to make the 

program more user friendly. Will need a full buy in from all groups needing field time.

G. D’Andrea-Master Library is running smoothly as long as the rules are followed and required 

documentation is submitted, there will be no delay in approval. For clinics that are up coming, the 

flier has to be first approved by the superintendent and then they must add it to Master Library 

for approval. Email requests should be sent to Keith, Eliza and myself to figure out which party 

needs to address the request.


N. Bigos-Will be contacting the sports groups and work with them to become compliant with the new 


VII.              Schedler Property

S. Winograd-Nothing new to report

VIII.              New Business

K. Cook- Would like to get a comprehensive view on the active population in our community and the 

allocation for of field time needed and resources available. This information will help knowing the 

maintenance needs of our fields. Would like all groups to submit registration numbers by grade 

level, current practice allotment times and locations, and in season game schedules. Having this 

information will give an overview of the needs of our programs and adequately use our facilities.

E. Seavers-Send an email to all groups and request the name and contact information for the person 

that will be responsible for reporting this information. This information will be helpful to 

support the need for additional outdoor space and improvements to existing space.

K. Cook- Any maintenance, field repair needs at elementary schools be reported so they can be 

addressed by maintenance this winter.


H. Kwak-There have been staffing changes at Aramark and their issues are being handled. The BOE has 


subcommittee that handles maintenance issues.

R. Brooks-Discussed the issues that plague maintenance crews. In particular the inconsistent use of 

elementary school fields and the difficulty in accessing the fields to maintain/line the fields for 

after school sport groups. Proposed change in scheduled work hours for crews to alleviate this 


M. Andreula-Asked to consider that a block of time be allocated for field maintenance. Weather 

conditions can inhibit the ability to maintain fields within a specific period.

K. Cook-There has been significant staff turnover in maintenance, both work force and management. 

We are working on finding a way to have a balanced approach between maintenance of HS and 

elementary school fields in terms of ongoing maintenance.

K. Cook- Reminder to board members please send out any membership changes.

IX.               Next Meeting Date – Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 7:00am,  Zoom

X.               Adjournment 8:07 am


  • Hits: 34

20231003 - Fields Committee Minutes

Ridgewood Fields Committee Minutes October 3, 2023 – 7:00 am via ZOOM

Attendees: K. Cook, N. Bigos, M. Andreula, S. Winograd, S. Gross, H. Kwak, R. Brooks, E. Seavers, G. D’Andrea, E. Sudol,

Z. Pace, P. Thomas, C. Aderhold, B. Sacks, K. Kazmark, S. Muller, C. Herndon, CCH, 917-592-1016, P. Coopersmith, S. Penava, M. Schwartz, P. Vagianos, S. Strohmenger, M. Kelly, D.ElNabli, Annea, R. Laskey, C. O’Keefe, M. Carmody, A. Mamudi, M. Lembo, J. Gluck, M. Hefferan


I.                        Approval of Minutes – September 12, 2023

Approved by all

II.                        Public Comment

K. Cook-Public comment will last for forty minutes and if necessary will have additional comments at the end of the meeting.

B.  Sacks-50 N. Irving St., - Has concerns about the hours of play being extended at Steven’s Field. Having people on the field and the lights on sometimes until 10 to 10:30 pm. Field policy states that play does not start until 8 am on weekends but teams arrive before that time. Please consider this with any policy decisions.

C.  Fitzgerald-43 N. Irving St. – Lives adjacent to Stevens Field since 1985. In 2008, the Board of Education added turf and lights. Having additional evenings with the lights on until 10:30 disturbs the peace of the neighboring properties. Unable to use outdoor spaces due to the noise starting before 8am and continues until after 10 pm. This weekend after the flood that made the fields unplayable, it was nice and quiet just like old times. Asking that the Fields Committee consider these concerns.

K. Cook- One of the policy items we are looking to revise are the amount of evenings that lights will be allowed on Stevens and Stadium Fields. Committee will consider this.

Ms. Hope-Thank you to everyone who has helped to get the fields back and ready for use. She is concerned because of the cancellation of Super Soccer Saturday and Senior Days at the High School. Asking if money has been allocated for repair/remediation of fields. Years ago all sports groups were brought together and a portion of the fees charged were to be put into a fund and allocated for grass field improvement. She is asking for a committee to be created to help with grass field improvement specifically.

K. Cook- Progress has been made and we are moving to improve the field conditions. We are meeting about acquiring resources and it will take time to improve field conditions.

S. Winograd-Last spring Orchard and Hawes were the two fields that were complained about the most. Administration met with the County about the bridge located by the RHS scoreboard on Ridgewood Avenue it is county owned and slated for redevelopment. This is an opportunity to look at this area as a whole. Will continue to meet with the state, county and local BOE on this issue.

S. Penava-Devastated that Super Soccer Saturday was cancelled because of flooding. It is the largest fundraiser and raises between 30 and 40 thousand dollars. This money is used to pay the coaches salaries. Appreciates that grass fields are being readied for practice and play. Would like to see the grass fields tended to in more detail in the future, we have had injuries due to the grass field conditions.

K. Cook- Met with Tri County Landscaping about addressing the pitch of the fields and doing work on the fields this winter by putting down field blankets. Looking to improve all field conditions, a process will take time.

D. Steinbaum-Flooding is a chronic problem due to climate change. Would love to hear how VOR/BOE will be dealing with in the future. Look for funding through FEMA. Secondly, would like to ask that more information be available to residents about field conditions. Thirdly, would like more information about field scheduling, who and when people are on the fields there has been some confusion with multiple groups showing up at the same time.

C. O’Keefe, 542 w. Saddle River Road-As a resident in the Schedler neighborhood. She is concerned about safety on the roads, impact of turf run off on wells and lights on the field.

S. Winograd- There is no one easy solution; she feels the addition of Schedler in turf form will help the community field inventory as a whole. If Schedler had been built, it would have been used for Super Soccer Saturday. Schedler is not a Board of Ed property. With respect to funding, it is a public park that anyone is welcome to use. There are no plans for lights at Schedler.

H. Kwak-Should Schedler be built will it be part of the Master Library Schedule?

S. Winograd-Yes, Village fields will include Schedler and will be added to Master Library. Requirements will include; forms, ID, insurance same as the BOE.

A. Finston, 150 Brookside-Concerned about fields being used before 8 am and staying after 9pm. would like to have additional fields and would like to be part of the group that will help with fundraising. Creating a transparent system for field use is important. The quality of fields is very important specifically grass.

K. Cook- Damian and Artan are in charge of the BOE fields. Progress has been made. The problem that we run into is during the week schools are using the fields for Physical Education classes and recess. Maintenance has a very delicate timeline to make improvements. Trying to get all the fields prepped in the fall so they can be ready for spring.

S. Winograd-Should we put together a subcommittee to look into additional funding and application for grants?

K. Cook- That would be a worthwhile venture.

S. Winograd- Everyone on this call please reach out to Keith or myself if you are interested.

P. Vagianos- Would like to thank all for the time and effort put into getting the fields up and running.

M. Schwartz-I commend the effort made to mitigate the effect of the flood. District goal is to collaborate with the Village to have a long-term solution to make fields available and safe for children. We are assessing the finances and what funds will be allocated to fields. Will collaborate to assess needs and put folks together to get funding.

K. Kazmark-Thanks everyone for moving equipment before the flood and being available during and after the flood. Met with the county administrator and engineer to discuss fixing the bridge at Ridgewood Avenue to increase flow. Contacting the Army Corps of Engineers, it is a long process to get the problem studied, get funding and then mitigate the flooding problem

III.                        2023 Field Schedule

K. Cook-Updates cannot be made long term at this time. BOE will work on getting schedules made through October 14-15 at this time.

M. Andreula-September 25th broadleaf spraying was rained out, we will forgo the application this fall. Parks will be putting down grass seed earlier than usual, hoping to improve grass conditions.

IV.                        Field Policy Revision Review

K. Cook- Out of season accessibility will table for now until a subcommittee can meet.

N. Bigos- Would like to look into the policy and sit with the subcommittee in November or December and have a solid policy to show the committee and then have a vote.

H.Kwak-Who is on the subcommittee?

N. Bigos-Ed Seavers, Keith Cook, Rich Brooks and myself.

H.Kwak-When changes are made can they be in a different color?

R. Brooks- Question to K. Kazmark one of the challenges for the Field Policy whatever we put down on paper, who can and cannot use the fields at any given time. If we have someone who is on the field that does not have a permit and does not fit any of the criteria defined by the field policy and they have to leave. We have no way of enforcing the policy to anyone who is not a part of the Fields Committee. How do we get the outside community to follow the policy? When someone is found using the field illegally by running a clinic with no permit, has not paid the fee for field use or submitted liability insurance naming the BOE and Village of

Ridgewood as additional insured and Parks and Recreation staff call the police they are told they can’t do anything.

N. Bigos- Reaching out to the NJRPA to see what ordinances that other towns use and format our own plans for policy and fees.

K. Kazmark- Huge liabilities when you have for profit groups using our facilities and someone is injured. We cannot have outside groups especially for profit, groups coming in and using our fields without any type of fee, permission. We will need a reporting process to the Police Department and instruct them on how to react to those situations. We need to put together a formal process with the Police Department. Nancy and I will meet with Chief Lyons to formulate a process to help with policing the fields. The schedule will have to be shared with the police.

B. Lynch-This is a regular occurrence, groups using the fields even when they are closed because of rain. We need the information to be shared with coaches how to deal with these situations and who to call for help.

K. Kazmark-Have coaches document and summarize the event and report it to the BOE or Parks and Recreation Department.

V.                        Master Library Update

K. Cook-BOE continues to comb through requests and prioritize them. Currently there are over 500 requests for use of HS facilities. I thank Gabriella for implementing the information shared with the community on how to use Master Library and dealing with all the day-to-day frustrations.

H.Kwak- What is the time line for reservations on Master Library?

K. Cook- We will revisit and look into a shorter time line for reservations.

G.D’Andrea-There are time limits that are different for schools and HSA through June vs. sports groups waiting to reserve. School events take priority. We can shorten or extend windows as needed.

E. Seavers- It will help if schools can get their dates in earlier to make scheduling easier for others.

VI.                          Field Conditions Update

K. Cook-Maple, Stevens and Stadium fields being flooded and having a fair amount of mud and silt being left on the field in the current condition. Two vendors have visited the fields and we are waiting for their full report for specifications on necessary rehab of the fields. It will be more of a cleanup than repair. We do not have a projection on the time, while we are waiting for the reports. We have lined additional grass fields to accommodate the local recreational sports teams. High school teams have been assisted by other towns.

N. Bigos- All municipal fields are open with the exception of Maple and the SW corner of Veterans Field.

K. Cook- Artan and Damian have met with vendors to get quotes for improvement of all fields. We have joined NJ Field Managers Association to get additional training for field repair and conditioning. Turf Tank has been a phenomenal help with our current situation. We are looking to expand the use of turf blankets to help with fields over the winter to take care of areas in need.

S. Winograd-Thank you to Keith for the Turf Tank that lines the fields quickly and allows fields to be set up for other uses. Thanks to all who helped get the fields ready.

H. Kwak-Do we have insurance coverage for the flood?

K. Cook- That is a question for the Business Office. We have taken steps to mitigate any additional losses by placing equipment away from the brook side of the field.

M. Schwartz-We have photographic documentation of the flood and have reported it to the insurance company. We are also looking to submit to FEMA.

VII.                        Schedler Property

S. Winograd-No change, Village Council has approved the field that can be viewed on the Village website. The packet has been sent to the state for approval and we are waiting for the answer. We are still looking for ideas for the house.

K. Kazmark-Once the COO is issued we will have a walkthrough of the house and have serious discussion about future use.

H. Kwak-What is the time frame for the public to view the house?

K. Kazmark-Will arrange for an open house on a weekend and the public can have access to the house, maybe available by early November.

S. Winograd- House has no commercial kitchen or full bath. Use must be approved by SHPO.

VIII.                        New Business

K. Cook-Looking to move the meetings to go back to prior to the pandemic. Moving the meetings to be 7 am one month and the next month 7 pm. In person PM meetings at the RHS Learning Commons. AM meetings on ZOOM.

B. Lasky, Motion to approve the change in meetings. Second E. Seavers. Approved by all.

IX.                        Next Meeting Date – Tuesday, November 7 at 7:00am, Zoom

X.                        Adjournment 8:40 am

  • Hits: 114

20230606 - Fields Committee Minutes

Ridgewood Fields Committee Minutes

June 6, 2023 – 7:00 am 2nd floor Conference Room, BOE Center/ ZOOM

Attendees: K. Cook, N. Bigos, M. Andreula, T. Hartigan, S. Cox, S. Winograd, B. Lasky, S. Gross, H. Kwak, R. Brooks, E. Seavers, G. D’Andrea, E. Sudol, Z. Pace, P. Thomas, D. Loren, A. Mamudi, M. Hefferan


I.                        Approval of Minutes – April 4, 2023 and May 2,2023


II.                        Public Comment

D.  Loren-Over 50 soccer field request for fall, September 10, 17, October 22, 29, November 5, 19.

E.  Seavers-Adult soccer is on the schedule from 9 to 10:45am. Scheduling Maple for the fall is not a problem. He will update the schedule; all dates will have to have permits submitted for approval.

S. Winograd-Will send the fall schedule to P. Coopersmith.

III.                        Fall Schedule RHS Athletics

K. Cook-Summer training sports will have practice 2-3 times per week, the last week in June through July. NJSIA Football starts August 7 on Steven’s and Stadium Field, August 16 tennis begins, RHS, Bellair and Somerville Courts. August 21 starts gymnastics, soccer, volleyball, tennis and cross-country. Special events, September 30, Super Soccer Saturday. RHS Band picnic TBA.

E. Seavers-Fall schedule needs dates for RHS Band picnic and broadleaf spraying a Monday date is preferred. RPD Fundraiser on October 1 will be using upper vets and will have no impact on scheduled sports.

M. Andreula- Will reach out to contractor and get you the broadleaf spraying date.

K. Cook- HS sports times will be impacted slightly by the later school start time, HS sports should be off Stadium and Stevens Field at 6:15pm. HS sports will be off BF and Somerville fields by 6:00pm.

S. Gross-RJFA starts August 14 runs M-F, 6:30 -8:30pm, will adjust as needed for HS.

E. Seavers-After the field changes last year moving RJFA to the Stadium Field and having RSA and Maroons using Veteran’s Field wanted to know how groups liked the change. Both groups stated that the change worked out well for them; this also aided in less wear and tear on grass surfaces.

K. Cook- Fields have not been as worn down as they have been in the past.

T.Hardigan-Is there a way to organize the cutting and lining of Somerville Field so the lines last longer?

K. Cook- We have been renting Turf Tank to line the BOE fields, the third week of August BF and Somerville fields are scheduled to be lined.

IV.                        Field Policy Review

R. Brooks-Policy needs to be rewritten from beginning to end. The need for open space and field use has evolved to be inclusive of many additional groups. The prioritization of field use needs to be addressed in the new policy.

G. D’Andrea- Went through the current policy and was unable to discern who had priority for field use.

D.  Loren-Any additional structure to the policy to include adult sports would be helpful.

E.  Seavers- Adults can apply as recognized group under the current field policy.

K. Cook-Transition at BOE has caused some issues that will be worked on, and they are now up to date on groups using the fields.

H. Kwak-Policy should include middle school intermural sports as it had in the past.

R.  Brooks-We will need a sub committee to review the current field policy and update the document. Members that agreed to be on this subcommittee are K. Cook, N. Bigos, R. Brooks, E. Seavers and

S.  Winograd-Wishes to receive emails and requests that adult recreation be included in the updated policy.

V.                        Proposed Field Policy Amendment/Lighting Hours

R. Brooks-The lighting policy needs to be updated along with the field policy. Lighting policy written well before the new technology with no light pollution outside of field parameters. Small subcommittee members include J. Gluck, N. Bigos, R. Brooks, E. Seavers, and K. Cook.

VI.                        Summer Camp Schedule

K. Cook-Camp reservations RHS softball camp-Stevens Field, LAX camp-RLA, Musketeers camp-girls LAX, HS level only-girls LAX.

E. Sudol-Community School is running softball, track, football, volleyball, tennis and basketball camps.

S.  Winograd-No soccer camps?

T.  Hartigan-How many camps do the Maroons soccer have this summer?

E. Seavers-Maroons have one camp. We also have clinics.

T. Hartigan-He has a copy of an advertisement for a soccer camp affiliated with a HS coach using Ridgewood BOE fields. The ages run from young children to HS age. Concerns about liability coverage for this camp.

K. Cook-This occurs when you have a group reserve a field under one name and then advertise and collect funds under another name. What policy do we have in place to deal with these issues?

E. Seavers-Camps are required to be sponsored by a recognized group outlined in the field policy.

T. Hartigan-Three years ago the Soccer Boosters ran a camp sponsored by RSA. The camps continued without being sponsored because all the funds were going back to the boosters to offset costs. The Boosters are not a recognized group and should not have been permitted to sponsor and outside group with funds going to a for profit business.

S. Winograd-Our municipal/BOE fields are not to be sublet to any group.

VII.                        Adult Soccer

Various members suggested adult soccer speak to RSA to discuss being part of their organization in the future. T. Hartigan invited them to attend their next meeting to discuss this option.

VIII.                        Master Library-Village BOE

Village-N. Bigos-We are now up to step three, setting up website page links and instructions, finalizing rates and understanding features “link block”-to prevent overlapping field use, we will be ready to enter fall sports in summer. Staff will need to be trained to use the platform.

BOE-G. D’Andrea-We do not know who will be handling Master Library going forward currently looking to Ed and Keith for help with scheduling.

IX.                        Schedler Property

S.Winograd- Contacted by lawyer and are not able to discuss at this time.

X.                        New Business

K. Cook-Turf Tank is an automated machine that uses GPS coordinates to line sports fields. Once the dimensions of the field are input, the machine paints thick heavy precise lines and uses 1/3 less paint. The cost to rent the machine are a couple of hundred dollars per field.

N. Bigos-Will put it in the budget for next year as a shared piece of equipment with BOE.

E. Seavers-Because it is automated employees can be removing debris off the field ahead of the machine.

S. Winograd-Can you send the quote for purchase of the machine and maybe we can share the cost with other municipalities.

R. Brooks- This group should discuss all field conditions.

S.Winograd-Field trips will be helpful for this committee. Orchard field maybe covered under warranty.

K. Cook- LandTek will groom Stadium and Stevens Field on June 15 to get the field in shape for summer and prep for fall. Corbin Associates will be taking care of getting gyms prepared for the season. RBSA fences will be coming down soon to get fields prepared for the Father’s Day Tournament.

R.  Brooks- Who is reaching out to the DEP to discuss steps to mitigate flooding?

S.  Winograd-Will meet in July with new superintendent, DEP. County, Glen Rock code enforcement officer to discuss flood mitigation.

XI.                        Next Meeting Date – Tuesday, September 12 at 7:00am, Zoom and 2nd floor Conference room, BOE Center


XII.                        Adjournment 8:54 am

  • Hits: 29

20230912 - Fields Committee Minutes

Ridgewood Fields Committee Minutes

September 12, 2023 – 7:00 am 2nd floor Conference Room, BOE Center/ ZOOM

Attendees: K. Cook, N. Bigos, M. Andreula, S. Winograd, S. Gross, H. Kwak, R. Brooks, E. Seavers, G. D’Andrea, E. Sudol,

Z. Pace, P. Thomas, M. Hefferan


I.                        Approval of Minutes – June 6, 2023

Approved by all

II.                        Public Comment


III.                        Fall Field Schedule

K. Cook-September 30th is Super Soccer Saturday. In trying to keep change requests to a minimum at the HS level, only one time change request per group will be allowed.

E. Seavers-Last update to the Fall Schedule was July 31.

Z. Pace- Contacted by RSA made a field change RJFA will be playing on Maple and RSA will be taking Stadium Field for the unified clinic.

IV.                        Field Policy Revision Review

E. Seavers- Sent revision to Keith, Nancy and others. The email has completed revision with respect to the lights. Will send to the rest of the committee.

R. Brooks-The discussion of the field policy changes should be tabled until next month once everyone can look at the revisions and comment.

V.                        Master Library

G. D’Andrea-Will only be approving field/facility reservations until December. Many sports organizations have put reservations in through June. Schools would prefer that reservations be done in blocks of time so schools will be able to see what events they have planned before other groups reserve facilities. They will only be approving requests until December.

P. Thomas- No problem with waiting for approval for gym times.

K. Cook- He has never seen such a large increase in field/facility requests. The requests have started earlier than usual. Would like to reduce requests to no earlier than 90 days out. This will help with safety and maintenance of fields and facilities. Schools have priority over all other groups. The amount of time and paperwork processing these requests is overwhelming.

N. Bigos-Should we meet with sport groups and discuss how to input requests into the system, priority is BOE then sports groups, we need to instruct the public on how to use the software.

S. Winograd- Need to create a tutorial for users of Master Library.

E. Seavers-Lots of work for sports groups to input requests.

P. Thomas- Once you learn the system it works and it is easy and quick. The requests should be three months out.

S. Winograd- We will need to set up a small group to design the tutorial and help with understanding the reservation system, priority for use and seasonal time frame.

G.D’Andrea- Will set up a power point to explain how to use the system.

H. Kwak-Can priorities be set for types of groups?

K. Cook-Will see if that can be implemented, some kind of filter that can be added to the software.

H. Kwak-Do you think the pricing of the fields/facilities is causing the large amount of requests?

K. Cook- It has more to do with our location and large turnout for youth sports. E.Seavers-For internal sports groups they feel the fee is too high.

K. Cook- Issues with lights at Stevens and Stadium Fields, contact me and only me, to fix issues.

VI.                        Website Updates

N. Bigos-Village is redesigning the website and would like to add links directly to each sports group website. Hoping that the new site will be live by January 1.

S. Winograd- Requesting photos of Village Parkland, no specific people or minors. Will be having a photo contest. Asking that all groups look at websites and make sure all information is up to date.

VII.                        BOE Field Conditions

G. D’Andrea-Orchard Field Fall Season-No youth sports scheduled, field only being used for PE and one school event.

S. Gross-No desire to use the field it is so bad, worst field in the Village. Maroons Soccer has chosen to not schedule any games at Orchard.

S. Winograd-There is not a single sporting event this year scheduled on Orchard other than a school picnic.

Field Trip Findings

S. Winograd-Hawes field has been overutilized and looking to remove trees and repair field. Orchard field being out of circulation for so long has put additional stress on all other fields. Looking for a long-term plan for Orchard.

H. Kwak-I was unaware of why sports groups were not using Orchard.

R.  Brooks- Problems that were discussed and identified during the field trip. One was the pitch of the field that it slopes which was to be corrected with the original construction. Second, is the fill that was used was inferior, rocks, glass and no top soil. Discussed having the vendor return and redo the field if necessary.

S.  Winograd- Orchard is the most complained about field. Village needs this field to be usable.

H. Kwak- 700 thousand was spent to remediate the field it has been a year or two. DEP was satisfied. We can try to go back to the vendor but too much time has elapsed.

E. Seavers- Fall is the time that the repairs need to be done. If the field is to recover, it must grow in September and October nothing was done. Sports groups paid for a sprinkler system to be installed at that field, was it done? We were promised a better field. It took three years of no use by youth sports because we were told it was going to be fixed. Now the liability of the field is worse.

VIII.                        Fall Facility Maintenance Village

M. Andreula- Met with Keith to use Turf Tank for the Father’s Day Tournament. Village is still lining municipal field’s old style, soccer fields lined. All available light towers are out; we are short light towers for Veterans and Citizens Fields. In the past towers were rented by the Soccer Association. Lower Hawes-some remediation of goal areas have been seeded. First step, Broadleaf spraying of all fields on Monday, September 25, must wait a few weeks will then seed for our normal fall program. We are getting the ball fields in shape for fall.

E. Seavers- will share information about need for additional light towers.


K. Cook-We have had a significant amount of rain that has helped the grass fields. District purchased Turf Tank to line fields (Somerville, Brookside, BF) amazing, worth every penny. Game changer for field lining, uses GPS can customize the location of the sports field. Turf Tank can tell the amount of paint needed and the time it will take to complete lining of the field. Can line for all sports and differentiate line requirements for practice or game. Both Stevens and Stadium field were deep groomed at the end of August. Gmax testing was done. Once a month Aramark will have groomer out to keep the fields in good condition. Will remove old goals and equipment and dispose of them. Will keep fence lines clear.

H. Kwak- Has there been any extra attention paid to Orchard field.

K. Cook- Will contact Anthony and Artan to see what has been done at Orchard field.

IX.                        Broadleaf Application

M. Andreula- Monday, September 25 all Village fields will be closed.

X.                        Schedler Property

S. Winograd-Village applied for an additional piece of land just shy of an acre. We were unable to obtain the grant to so the Village will not purchase the property. No additional land will be added to the Schedler Property. Conceptual plan will be submitted to SHPO. Plan includes a full size regulation turf with baseball/softball field, planting 96 new shade trees, 21 pine trees, 182 green giant trees, passive walkway around the perimeter, playscape, lightening shelter and restrooms. House is close to being finished; still have no source of use for the house. We are actively looking to what can be placed there that will soften the burden on the taxpayer and will provide for general use. We spent the summer meeting with turf vendors of only ecofriendly types of turf. We do not have the authority to select turf, which is part of the plan that needs to be approved by SHPO. Will be meeting with additional vendor that uses organic fill. Tomorrow night the plan will be voted on.

R.  Brooks- Can you speak to drainage.

S.  Winograd- Turf drains in about an hour. Grass takes days.

H. Kwak- Can the current plan accommodate busses?

S. Winograd- No youth sports groups use busses, I will meet with the Village Manager and Engineering to get an answer.

XI.                        New Business

XII.                        Next Meeting Date – Tuesday, October 3 at 7:00am, Zoom and 2nd floor Conference room, BOE Center

XIII.                        Adjournment 9:00 am

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