20220301 - Fields Committee Minutes

March 1, 2022

Field Meeting


Attendees:  K. Cook, R. Brooks, P. Thomas, N. Bigos, K. Hogan, P. Vagianos, E. Seavers, S. Cox,

Z. Pace, H. Kwak, M. Mahmoud, D. Loren, J. Gluck, M. Andreula, C. Fisher, B. Lasky


  1. Approval of Minutes – February 1, 2021


Motion to approve - all in favor.


  1. Public Comment

Bill Bond, Carolyn Holt, Laura Grasso, Chris Herndon, Patrick Holmes,Summer Forsh, Bill Pilla


Bill Bond – the conversation about delayed opening of fields should’ve happened earlier than now. What is the plan?

Carolyn Holt – member of the Boys Soccer Booster Board. We want to make sure there is a conversation happening now to ensure the fields are in a better condition for the fall. What is the maintenance of the fields? Parents are concerned about the grass fields, how can the parents help? Do we have a plan in place for the next time the turf field floods?

Bill Pilla – wants to know what the plan is for Vets.

Dwight Loren – field time for recreational use for adults in the community. Requested 10 hours on Maple field for 5 Sunday’s from 9am to 11am to allow the Ridgewood Adult Soccer Club to participate in the USL Jersey League.

Patrick Holmes – requested Maple field for Ridgewood Adult Soccer Club.

Laura Grasso – would like to organize a group to help monitor the use of the fields. Requested to allow the Varsity Baseball, Softball and Lacrosse teams to use the fields starting April 1st

Summer Forsh – requested the opening of Vets field as a priority to the high school students as early in April as possible.


  1. Citizens Park/Veterans Field delay opening April 15th


M. Andreula – currently waiting on the spring thaw. Fields have not been turned over yet. Tri County has completed their work to Vets 90 SE and SW. The entire interior of Vets 90 was sodded. The perimeter to Vets SW and SE has been cut and sodded as well as the outfield. Citizens was completely over-seeded in the fall, currently waiting for grass seed to germinate. The concern is getting out on the fields prematurely where it will set us back. We are open to any suggestions.
E. Seavers – last meeting the discussion of putting a fence up around baseball field to distinguish between baseball and soccer field. Since baseball field is not the area of concern.

M. Andreula – agreed to opening up baseball field at Citizens so it can be used. The north field on Vets is ready to go. The entire in field of Vets 90 was skinned of grass.

E. Seavers – asked if this was a budget issue? Why is this being addressed now, a questions raised in public comment. This was addressed last fall and how sod would make it more certain that field would open on time. There were different concerns from the Village.

M. Andreula – explained that as a municipality there is a lot of administrative details and governing body approval that was necessary. Decisions on whether to sod or to seed.


  1. RHS Spring Varsity Schedules

K. Cook – for the month of April, some teams will be moved from Vets to Somerville and Hawes.


  1. Spring Field Schedule - DRAFT

E. Seavers – updated with information that was received, will be sent out to everyone after meeting.


              Discussions about fields not being used due to neighbor complaints.


  1. Field Scheduling App – Progress Update

Z. Pace – 3 main objectives are to; identify and track field usage, transparent scheduling information and optimize field use. We received a lot of good feedback. We put it out for a price request.

K. Cook – will send an email out to sub-committee and discuss before next Fields meeting.


  1. Summer Camp Application Process


K. Cook – for summer camp applications please use Alexandra Paspalas for BOE and Mary Heffernan at the Stable for Village fields.


  1. New Business


  1. Next Meeting Date – April 5, 2022


  1. Adjournment


Motion to adjourn – Ed Seavers
Second – Rich Brooks

  • Hits: 461



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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