20220503 - Fields Committee Minutes

May 3, 2022

Field Meeting


Attendees:  K. Cook, R. Brooks, P. Thomas, N. Bigos, E. Seavers, S. Cox,

Z. Pace, H. Kwak, J. Gluck, M. Andreula, B. Lasky, B. Pilla, Artan M (Aramark)


  1. Approval of Minutes – April 5, 2022


Motion to approve - all in favor.


  1. Public Comment


No public comment.


  1. Turf Fields – Stadium, Stevens and Maple Park


K. Cook – all three turf fields are open and being used daily.


  1. RHS Final Spring Varsity Schedules/Championship Play

K. Cook – county tournaments are happening this week with boys and girls Lacrosse, also the regular season and the testing in the next few weeks


  1. Proposed Summer Field Schedule


N. Bigos – thanked everyone that attended the PRC/Open Space joint meeting. Communicated with E. Seavers that the requests for Veterans Field and area in front of the Kauschau Shell keep coming in. We need to document all the requests.

K. Cook – both RHS turf fields will be booked from day after graduation to the start of fall sports. It is being used from 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday.


  1. Field Scheduling App – Demo date tentative, Wednesday, May 11th at 8:00pm


Z. Pace – Travis will run a quick demo. Everyone can get a chance to ask questions.


  1. BOE/VOR Field Condition/Review


K. Cook – regrading fields, adding additional soil and seed. Somerville did not get done due, it will be done in the fall.

M. Andreula – all the fields were treated for Broadleaf, pre-emergent. Some seeding left on areas that it didn’t take.








  1. Open Space Master Plan/Development and Trends

Public Meeting/Thursday, April 21st 7:00pm at Village Hall-

Follow up to Barbara Davis at bhdavis@tlc-nj.org


R. Brooks – successful turnout at this meeting. All of the sport teams were represented, a lot of community concerns and suggestions.


  1. New Business


N. Bigos – PRC Board and Village Council have approved an Eagle Scout project at Citizens Park, “the refurbishment of Citizens Park”.


  1. Next Meeting Date – June 7, 2022


  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn – Ed Seavers
Second – Rich Brooks

  • Hits: 384



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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