20230502 - Fields Committee Minutes

Ridgewood Fields Committee Meeting Discussion

May 2, 2023 – 7:00 am 2nd floor Conference Room, BOE Center/ ZOOM

 Attendees:  K. Cook, P. Coopersmith, M. Andreula, B. Lynch, S. Cox, S. Winograd,

 B. Lasky, S. Muller, H. Kwak, C. O’Keefe, C. Aderhold, M. Hefferan


I.                        Approval of Minutes – April 4, 2023-unable to approve minutes or approve meeting no quorum


II.                        Public Comment

P.Coopersmith-Had Reached out to Maroons Soccer and RLAX. RLAX was able to offer two Sunday afternoons to adult KGV soccer.

S.Cox-Spoke to Maroons scheduler after last meeting and was unaware that he did not reach out to schedule dates.

B. Lynch- LAX Day and Maroons Father’s Day Tournament were two dates that were requested but could not be accommodated. We can be more flexible going forward.

III.                        Traffic Concerns and Safety

S. Winograd- Has some concerns with safety at the elementary schools.

IV.                        Proposed Field Policy Amendment/Lighting Hours-J. Gluck

S. Winograd-Combined meeting with Open Space and PRC Board discussed updating the field policy to include adult play.

V.                        Special Event Permit

M. Andreula- Events coming up on municipal fields all paperwork needs to be completed and submitted for permit approval.

K. Cook-Working with new employees that will be implementing Master Library to get them up to speed on the field policy and the groups included.

VI.                        RHS Varsity Tournament Schedules

K. Cook- County’s starting. If any coaches with field questions approach you, tell them “If I have not heard from Keith I can’t approve anything.” All fields have levels of recovery after a weather event. It is a fluid situation.

VII.                        Master Library Update

S. Winograd- Village is moving forward the process going well.

K. Cook – For any summer events reach out to him and he will help with Master Library.

VIII.                        Schedler Property Update

S. Winograd- Approved the resolution to move forward with the new plan. Plan will now be sent to the state for approval. Council has retained a historical consultant to navigate the status of the land. Still looking for future uses of the house looking to generate revenue from the house that will supply some service for the community. That will in turn off set some of the tax dollars and help with maintenance.

IX.                        New Business

Items Discussed-Field Condition of Orchard Field and need of repair. Sports groups offering to donate funds and manpower. K. Cook will meet at field and discuss issues. Tri County has been hired to repair baseball mound at Somerville and remove puddling at both the 60 & 90 baseball fields. Corbin & Associates will repair hoops and backboards at both BF and RHS. Digler & Associates will install a wireless console for the scoreboard at GW in June. Two Bluetooth devices installed at Vets field scoreboards they are less expensive to install and easier to access.

Flooding-Last storm no major impact to fields. Water did crest over the bridge; Aramark was proactive in preparation before the storm. Engineering Department hired an outside company to remove laydown trees between Glen Ave. & Meadowbrook and along Northern Parkway into the back of Veterans Field. Reaching out to DEP to meet and discuss steps to mitigate flooding. Discussion about the historic bridge at Ridgewood Ave that is a county property and the bridge that is a BOE property.


X.                        Next Meeting Date – Tuesday, June 6th   at 7:00am, Zoom and 2nd floor Conference room, BOE Center


XI.                        Adjournment 7:43 am

  • Hits: 339



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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