20230606 - Fields Committee Minutes

Ridgewood Fields Committee Minutes

June 6, 2023 – 7:00 am 2nd floor Conference Room, BOE Center/ ZOOM

Attendees: K. Cook, N. Bigos, M. Andreula, T. Hartigan, S. Cox, S. Winograd, B. Lasky, S. Gross, H. Kwak, R. Brooks, E. Seavers, G. D’Andrea, E. Sudol, Z. Pace, P. Thomas, D. Loren, A. Mamudi, M. Hefferan


I.                        Approval of Minutes – April 4, 2023 and May 2,2023


II.                        Public Comment

D.  Loren-Over 50 soccer field request for fall, September 10, 17, October 22, 29, November 5, 19.

E.  Seavers-Adult soccer is on the schedule from 9 to 10:45am. Scheduling Maple for the fall is not a problem. He will update the schedule; all dates will have to have permits submitted for approval.

S. Winograd-Will send the fall schedule to P. Coopersmith.

III.                        Fall Schedule RHS Athletics

K. Cook-Summer training sports will have practice 2-3 times per week, the last week in June through July. NJSIA Football starts August 7 on Steven’s and Stadium Field, August 16 tennis begins, RHS, Bellair and Somerville Courts. August 21 starts gymnastics, soccer, volleyball, tennis and cross-country. Special events, September 30, Super Soccer Saturday. RHS Band picnic TBA.

E. Seavers-Fall schedule needs dates for RHS Band picnic and broadleaf spraying a Monday date is preferred. RPD Fundraiser on October 1 will be using upper vets and will have no impact on scheduled sports.

M. Andreula- Will reach out to contractor and get you the broadleaf spraying date.

K. Cook- HS sports times will be impacted slightly by the later school start time, HS sports should be off Stadium and Stevens Field at 6:15pm. HS sports will be off BF and Somerville fields by 6:00pm.

S. Gross-RJFA starts August 14 runs M-F, 6:30 -8:30pm, will adjust as needed for HS.

E. Seavers-After the field changes last year moving RJFA to the Stadium Field and having RSA and Maroons using Veteran’s Field wanted to know how groups liked the change. Both groups stated that the change worked out well for them; this also aided in less wear and tear on grass surfaces.

K. Cook- Fields have not been as worn down as they have been in the past.

T.Hardigan-Is there a way to organize the cutting and lining of Somerville Field so the lines last longer?

K. Cook- We have been renting Turf Tank to line the BOE fields, the third week of August BF and Somerville fields are scheduled to be lined.

IV.                        Field Policy Review

R. Brooks-Policy needs to be rewritten from beginning to end. The need for open space and field use has evolved to be inclusive of many additional groups. The prioritization of field use needs to be addressed in the new policy.

G. D’Andrea- Went through the current policy and was unable to discern who had priority for field use.

D.  Loren-Any additional structure to the policy to include adult sports would be helpful.

E.  Seavers- Adults can apply as recognized group under the current field policy.

K. Cook-Transition at BOE has caused some issues that will be worked on, and they are now up to date on groups using the fields.

H. Kwak-Policy should include middle school intermural sports as it had in the past.

R.  Brooks-We will need a sub committee to review the current field policy and update the document. Members that agreed to be on this subcommittee are K. Cook, N. Bigos, R. Brooks, E. Seavers and

S.  Winograd-Wishes to receive emails and requests that adult recreation be included in the updated policy.

V.                        Proposed Field Policy Amendment/Lighting Hours

R. Brooks-The lighting policy needs to be updated along with the field policy. Lighting policy written well before the new technology with no light pollution outside of field parameters. Small subcommittee members include J. Gluck, N. Bigos, R. Brooks, E. Seavers, and K. Cook.

VI.                        Summer Camp Schedule

K. Cook-Camp reservations RHS softball camp-Stevens Field, LAX camp-RLA, Musketeers camp-girls LAX, HS level only-girls LAX.

E. Sudol-Community School is running softball, track, football, volleyball, tennis and basketball camps.

S.  Winograd-No soccer camps?

T.  Hartigan-How many camps do the Maroons soccer have this summer?

E. Seavers-Maroons have one camp. We also have clinics.

T. Hartigan-He has a copy of an advertisement for a soccer camp affiliated with a HS coach using Ridgewood BOE fields. The ages run from young children to HS age. Concerns about liability coverage for this camp.

K. Cook-This occurs when you have a group reserve a field under one name and then advertise and collect funds under another name. What policy do we have in place to deal with these issues?

E. Seavers-Camps are required to be sponsored by a recognized group outlined in the field policy.

T. Hartigan-Three years ago the Soccer Boosters ran a camp sponsored by RSA. The camps continued without being sponsored because all the funds were going back to the boosters to offset costs. The Boosters are not a recognized group and should not have been permitted to sponsor and outside group with funds going to a for profit business.

S. Winograd-Our municipal/BOE fields are not to be sublet to any group.

VII.                        Adult Soccer

Various members suggested adult soccer speak to RSA to discuss being part of their organization in the future. T. Hartigan invited them to attend their next meeting to discuss this option.

VIII.                        Master Library-Village BOE

Village-N. Bigos-We are now up to step three, setting up website page links and instructions, finalizing rates and understanding features “link block”-to prevent overlapping field use, we will be ready to enter fall sports in summer. Staff will need to be trained to use the platform.

BOE-G. D’Andrea-We do not know who will be handling Master Library going forward currently looking to Ed and Keith for help with scheduling.

IX.                        Schedler Property

S.Winograd- Contacted by lawyer and are not able to discuss at this time.

X.                        New Business

K. Cook-Turf Tank is an automated machine that uses GPS coordinates to line sports fields. Once the dimensions of the field are input, the machine paints thick heavy precise lines and uses 1/3 less paint. The cost to rent the machine are a couple of hundred dollars per field.

N. Bigos-Will put it in the budget for next year as a shared piece of equipment with BOE.

E. Seavers-Because it is automated employees can be removing debris off the field ahead of the machine.

S. Winograd-Can you send the quote for purchase of the machine and maybe we can share the cost with other municipalities.

R. Brooks- This group should discuss all field conditions.

S.Winograd-Field trips will be helpful for this committee. Orchard field maybe covered under warranty.

K. Cook- LandTek will groom Stadium and Stevens Field on June 15 to get the field in shape for summer and prep for fall. Corbin Associates will be taking care of getting gyms prepared for the season. RBSA fences will be coming down soon to get fields prepared for the Father’s Day Tournament.

R.  Brooks- Who is reaching out to the DEP to discuss steps to mitigate flooding?

S.  Winograd-Will meet in July with new superintendent, DEP. County, Glen Rock code enforcement officer to discuss flood mitigation.

XI.                        Next Meeting Date – Tuesday, September 12 at 7:00am, Zoom and 2nd floor Conference room, BOE Center


XII.                        Adjournment 8:54 am

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MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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