20231205 - Ridgewood Fields Committee Minutes

Ridgewood Fields Committee Minutes

December 5, 2023 – 7:00 am via ZOOM

Attendees: K. Cook, N. Bigos, M. Andreula, S. Winograd, H. Kwak, R. Brooks, E. Seavers, G. D’Andrea, E. Sudol, Z. Pace, S. Cox, P. Thomas, C. Holt, S. Muller, N. Friedman, D. Lima, P. Coopersmith, P. Holmes, S. Muller, D. Smith, M. Schwartz, M. Kelly, R. Lasky, A. , M. Hefferan

I. Roll Call

Recognized groups in attendance, RBSA-S.Muller, RSA-E. Seavers, RLA-B. Lynch, RJFA-Z. Pace

Absent-Ridgewood Soccer Association, Maroons Soccer, Ridgewood Jr. Wrestling, Ridgewood Roller Hockey

II. Approval of Minutes-November 7, 2023

Approved by all

III. Public Comment

P. Coopersmith- Is an adult soccer player and has been talking to the Fields Committee for several months about getting field time and becoming a recognized group. He is forming a non-profit as part of the requirement to become a recognized group so they are able to reserve field space. He hopes to complete the application in the next couple of weeks. He represents two groups one is the over 50 men’s soccer team that has been part of the United Soccer League of NJ for the last 25 years. The games are played on Sunday morning. They have played on Maple Field and are interested in scheduling at Stevens and Stadium Field in the future. He is also representing a group of adult soccer players that are interested in reserving field time for pick-up games. He has contacted both RSA and Maroons Soccer and discussions have not progressed much. He intends to create the Ridgewood Adult Soccer Association and become a recognized group. This group would like to reserve field time on Tuesday and Thursday using the last hour and a half on those nights at one of the turf fields.

E. Seavers- The process for becoming a recognized group is outlined in the Fields Policy.

R. Brooks-Once they have the necessary paperwork they will need to get on the agenda and present to the PRC Board. Then the recommendation is made, approved or not.

C. Holt-Asked about the process for using Master Library and will the public be able to view the schedule.

G.D’Andrea-The groups that are set up on Master Library can view the calendar. It is possible that both the BOE and VOR can be set up onto I Calendar once they are using Master Library. There is a training video and she has sent out step-by-step instructions for Master Library use. All groups must input the information themselves to take responsibility for their schedules and removing times they no longer need.

N. Bigos-Parks and Recreation will have Master Library as part of the launch of the new village website this January. An account has been set up for sports groups to use the Villages Master Library. We have set a date, Tuesday, January 30, 7pm at the Stable for all the sports groups to assist them in creating their accounts for village fields.

IV. Field Maintenance Requests

K. Cook- BOE is looking to address repairs this spring for both the 60 and 90-foot diamonds. Kenilworth field will have benches repaired, will trim back the fence line and remove high tree branches around the field. Have received quotes to replace the wall at the Somerville Courts. Will discuss with the new manager the volume of the schedule maintenance for the HS as well as youth groups. Sport Care will be returning to remove the silt at Stevens Field. All grass fields are closed Thanksgiving through the end of March. He recommends that the turf field at Stevens be closed during the winter to give the neighbors a break.

V. 2024 Field Policy Revision

E. Seavers-No revisions need to be discussed now. We will be making additional revisions and will share once that is complete.

VI. Master Library

K. Cook-Youth sports groups have been scheduling and it is helpful in allocating times for field maintenance.

N. Bigos-(comments on Master Library in public comment)

VII. Youth Sports Organizations

K. Cook- Will be contacting all recognized group presidents by email to submit information on registrations by grade level, mission statement, and certificate of insurance, By-laws and grievance policy. Include spring game schedules, summer camp dates and field maintenance requests.

K. Cook-We need to get back to our basics so we can move forward. The Fields Committee has moved so far away from the fields policy we need to get back to the original intent of the document. Having all groups using our fields with the required paperwork and insurance as well as having our recognized sports groups adhering to the traditional season of play and to have a road map to follow for anything outside of the one clinic/camp that is currently permitted. Designated field rest and maintenance must be kept in mind for the safety of participants. We are evolving as a community and we need to revise the existing policy but we need to adhere to our ideals and not go beyond our means and the original intent of these policies. Providing programs to our youth is one thing, unchecked expansion is not beneficial. It has become more about increasing revenue than benefitting the participants. If a group is running eight weeks of clinics/camps out of season and using two to six indoor locations at BOE facilities the expansion is well beyond. This prevents traditional winter sports from using the facilities.

R. Brooks-We are at the point all sports play all year round. We need to understand the needs of the sports groups in the broadest sense. Extending the time for lights is being discussed because of the demand for fields has increased. That is the only reason it is being considered. We need communication from all groups to understand the needs for the next twelve months and how one groups expansion is displacing other groups.

VIII. Schedler Property

S. Winograd-No update still working on the application and through the process working with the state.

IX. New Business


X. Next Meeting Date – Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 7:00am, Zoom

XI. Adjournment – 8:36 am

  • Hits: 67



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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