October 19th, 2023 – The Stable


PRESENT:   Pam Perron, Jim Bostler, David Sayles, Nancy Bigos, Oleg Rivkin (New Member – first meeting)


After a summary of the current Schedler property most of the meeting was spent on the liaison reports.

The Open Space Committee (OSC) discussed the current issues facing these groups and our responsibilities toward them. Increasing the value, importance, and visibility of the OSC and how to go about raising that visibility was also discussed.

The meeting notes will remain topical only and will not go into great details about conversations, etc.  Also, the notes will stress follow-ups and the appropriate person who is responsible.

Topics and Follow-ups

I. Public Comment

There was no public comment at this meeting.

II. Review of September 28th, 2023 Meeting Notes

The Committee members approved the meeting notes.

III. Welcome new member /Oleg Rivkin

Oleg Rivkin was introduced and welcomed to the OSC this month and will accept a two-year commitment contingent upon approval at year end by the Village Council.

IV. Schedler Property – Project Update

House Renovation/ Status of Certificate of Occupancy

A certificate of Occupancy has not been issued for the house. Some work still needs to be done internally and the outside including sidewalks.  At this time no decision has been made as to the use of the house.

Park Development/Submittal SHPO

Final Park plans are coming close to being finalized.  An Historical Consultant who is familiar with the bureaucracy for SHPO requirements is advising the council.  A punch list, or a list that shows the items that need to be done to finalize the renovation of this house, is being finalized.




V. Liaison Reports

              Village Council

Dave reported that the insurance for repeat flood insurance claims may be drying up.  New maps are also being worked up and properties that have made flood claims two years in a row will no longer be able to have insurance.  Therefore, the Village Council may have more opportunity to execute its Flood Acquisition Plan.

Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board

An ad hoc committee of persons from PRC Board and OSC developed a spread sheet which summarizes the content of the different parks in Ridgewood.  The content includes a brief description, use of park, potential improvements, trails, etc.  The prototype is being presented at the Parks and Rec meeting on Tuesday, Octobe 24th at 7:30PM at the Stable.

Fields Committee

Restoration is complete and GMAC testing is being done on the turf fields that were flooded for usability and compatibility with the state regulations.

Planning Board

The Planning Board approved Ridgewood Water’s application to build a PFAS Treatment Plant behind a building opposite the Duck Pond.

VI.  Village Website – OSC

Yu Sun was working on this project until his recent resignation from OSC.  Development will continue as details become clearer as to responsibilities.

VII. NJ Green Acres Diversion - Status

A letter is being finalized stressing to the Village Council and Village Manager the importance of solving this issue.


VIII.  Park Walks

OSC needs to create more awareness.  This includes attending events that OSC should either sponsor, create or participate in.  OSC discussed continuing with the Park Walks that we did over the last year and a half.  The following are the places, old dates, and the person responsible where available.  New dates and more publicity of these walks need to be developed.

·       Valleau Cemetery 4/23- YU

·       Dunham Tail 5/14 – J Fricke

·       Graydon Park 7/31 – Fran Barto

·       Pleasant Park 9/24 – J Bostler

·       Habernickle 11/3 F. Jubitz

·       Grove Park 6/ - J Bostler

·       Citizens Park – Pam

·       Twining Park – Ralph

·       Leuning – Pam

·       Childrens Sensory Garden - TBD

IX. New Business

None was discussed at the meeting.

X. Adjournment

Next Meeting: Open Space Thursday, November 16,2023 – Time 7:00 PM – The Stable

Submitted By: James Bostler – OSC Committee Secretary














Final Edits


  • Hits: 139


September 28th, 2023 – The Stable


PRESENT:   Ralph Currey, Pam Perron, Jim Bostler, David Sayles, Rob Lasky, Nancy Bigos, Fran Barto

Member of the Public:  Cynthia O’Keefe


Most of the meeting was spent going over an aggressive agenda that included a recap of the Schedler Property, the OSC recreation Plan, diversion and more.  The consensus was that this year has several initiatives that need to be accomplished, the need to be more aggressive in some areas and finally to inform the public of our work.

The meeting notes will remain topical only and will not go into great details about conversations, etc.  Also, the notes will stress follow-ups and the appropriate person who is responsible.

Topics and Follow-ups

I. Public Comment

Cynthia O’Keefe attended the meeting as an interested citizen.  She said she came to learn  information; however, she did contribute a suggestion that the Committee host a Dog Day in one of the Ridgewood parks.

II. Review of March 16, 2023 Meeting Notes

The Committee members approved the meeting notes.

III. Schedler Property – Project Update

A.      House Renovation Status

A certificate of Occupancy has not been issued for the house. There are still concerns about the completion of the house as to insulation and fine-tuning the completion of the work.  At this time no decision has been made as to the use of the house.

B.      Park Development

Pamela reported that the Village Council majority voted in April to install a large artificial turf field.  A conceptual map of the property with large multi-purpose layout of the artificial turf field was shown at the meeting.  This map was developed by the Village Engineering Department. They will draft the more detailed drawing that the Village will submit to the State Historic Preservation Office.

C.      Begen County Open Space Trust Fund/Application Denied

  Pamela and Nancy advised that the Village applied for a Bergen County Open Space Trust Fund matching grant to help purchase adjacent property at 510 West Saddle River Road.  The County denied the Village’s application.

IV. Open Space and Recreation Action Plan - Update

The brief discussion on this topic centered on making sure everything was assigned and in progress.


V. NJ Green Acres Diversion - Status

Janet Fricke has retired, so she is not tracking the progress on this issue.  The process will proceed with a new manager and at this time our contact will be Heather Mailander.  Jim will draft a letter to her regarding the progress of this topic (10 years and running) and outlining the importance of cutting through agency bureaucracy to finalize an agreement.

We need a solution to ensure the success of the OSC plans both short term and long term.

VI. Open Space Committee/2024 Priorities

·       Acquire More Land for open space

·       Increase the Open Space Tax

·       Expand Public Relations/Awareness

OSC needs to create more awareness.  This includes moving our plans into the website.  Plans are being worked up with CivicPlus to build on what we have done so far.  Yu volunteered to work on the OSC webpage.  Committee members should share content with Yu so he can include it on the webpage.

·       Other

 Other includes events that OSC should either attend, sponsor, create or participate in.  Items mentioned were Walktober.  Items that should be considered were Trail Meets, Trail GPS/signage and Dog Trails gatherings.

VII. New Business

·       Open Space initiatives/Upcoming Priorities

A new target includes investigating the acquisition of flood plain properties for conversion into parkland or open space.

Next Meeting: Open Space Thursday, October 19th – Time 7:00 PM – The Stable

Submitted By: James Bostler – OSC Committee Secretary


  • Hits: 76

20230119 - Open Space Committee Minutes


January 19th 2023 - The Stable 

PRESENT: Fred Jubitz, Janet Fricke, Pam Perron, Jim Bostler, Nancy Bigos, Ralph Curry, Yu Sun 


The meeting centered on the Key Action Steps in the Ridgewood Master Plan (RMP) for 2023. As Ralph Curry correctly pointed out, the Open Space Committee (OSC) is an advisory board and has limited independent authority to instigate actions independently. Therefore, the theme of this meeting focused on Dialogue Creation and who do we need to dialogue with in order to complete the action steps in the RMP. 

The meeting notes will remain topical only and will not go into great details about conversations. etc. Also. the notes will stress follow-ups and the appropriate person who is responsible. 

Topics and Follow-ups 

1. Public Comment/Meeting Notes 

There was not any public comment. The November 2022 Meeting Notes were referred to during the meeting. The December meeting was cancelled. 

II. Committee Reorganization 2023 

Per the By-laws of the OSC, the following members positions were updated. 

Ralph Currey and Jim Bostler were reappointed as ;committeel members to new two-year terms. 

Ralph was confirmed as the Chairman of the Committee. 

Fred Jubitz was newly appointed as Vice Chairman. 

Jim Bostler will continue as the Secretary. 

111. Schedler Property Update 

There will be a Village Council Meeting on January 25, 2023 to update the public on the final plans for this property. It was the consensus of the group that the plans shown to us are acceptable and that they should be implemented as soon as possible. It was also the consensus of the group that these plans should have been put into place sooner and could impact public opinion about future acquisitions due to the delays 

IV. Village Master Plan - Open Space and Recreation Action Plan Discussion 


Discussion centered around the Short/Mid/long Term Goals found in the RMP on page 287. As mentioned before, Ralph reiterated that the OSC is an advisory committee and as such we will have to push our goals and prioritize them as needed. Overall, we will have to seek approval to implement many of our key action steps. To accomplish these goals, the OSC needs to develop a dialogue and programs that increase awareness, use and involvement with the Village Council, schools, and activity groups such as the Sports Group, Seniors etc. 

Pam is merging the Action Matrix and the Action Steps on page 287 into one document that reflects the OSC responsibilities only. This document should reflect our overall 2023 action plan with timing and be a key document for conducting the OSC business this year. 

The following mentions only specific responsibilities that need to be completed and that pertain to involvement from the OSC. 

Actions that need to be addressed with the Village Council: 

PSE&G Right of Way, Ridgewood Tennis Club Agreement, Re-enroll in the Green Acres Planning Incentive. 

Actions that will be developed via our committee individually or with other groups: 

Communicate our OSC RMP Plans on various websites, develop dialogue with Senior Groups, Sports Groups, develop a social media program, develop rail plan/walking trails, 

Adopt a Park through neighborhood participation, schools, Senior Involvement, and other groups. Specific actions will be added at future meetings. 

Event Participation 

Daffodil Festival-April 21" -Jim Bostler/Yu Sun 

Potentially develop a Survey of Ridgewood residents to determine "What the public wants for Open Space" -Jim Bostler to talk with Library about using monthly Library Newsletter. Laurie Steinberger is the new head of the library. 

v. NJ Green Acres Diversion - Status 

There will be a closed session meeting of the Village Council on January 25th to discuss the Diversion Issue. Progress continues to be made with Janet Fricke's efforts in this area. 

VI. New Business 

No new business discussion due to the time spent on the Master Plan. 

Next Meeting: Open Space- Thursday, February 16th, 2022 at the Stable. - Time 7:00 PM 

Date: January 23rd, 2022 


Submitted By: James Bostler - OSC Committee Secretary 

  • Hits: 186

20230316 - Open Space Committee Minutes


March 16th, 2023 – The Stable


PRESENT:   Fred Jubitz, Ralph Curry, Pam Perron, Jim Bostler, David Sayles, Rob Lasky, Nancy Bigos


Main topics of the March meeting were the upcoming PRC Board/Open Space Meeting, Schedler Properties and the 2023 Action Plans.  Schedler continues to need specific goals laid out to achieve a settlement and implementation.  The Open Space Committee (OSC) needs to forward to PRC Board its agenda items.  The rest of meeting was mostly about updating the 2023 Action Plan.  

The meeting notes will remain topical only and will not go into great details about conversations, etc.  Also, the notes will stress follow-ups and the appropriate person who is responsible.

Topics and Follow-ups

I. Public Comment

There was no public comment.

II. Review of January Meeting Notes

The meeting notes were approved.

III. Joint Meeting PRC Board/Open Space

This meeting will take place on April 20th.  From an Open Space perspective, there were widespread conversations on what should be included on the agenda for this meeting.  Two must have agenda items were how many and what type of athletic fields are needed and of course Schedler.  Specifically, how is the Schedler field to be used.

The number of athletic fields we have versus what a town the size of Ridgewood needs should be discussed.  For example, if we have 6 smaller baseball fields, then do we need more or is that enough?  How many 90-foot baseball fields do we need?

The increased usage of our current fields for activity that was not initially planned for has become a critical issue.  It has resulted in cuts to traditional club sports like adult soccer and the like.  Also, the only 90-foot baseball field Ridgewood has is at Veterans Park and is conflicted with scheduling by the Band Shell concerts, 4th of July and other activities that have become popular.  Also, additional sports that are becoming popular, such as Pickle Ball, need to be discussed and planned.

Other items that need to be included on the agenda are relighting Vets and a potential increase in the Open Space Tax from a 0.5cent to 1-cent.  It should be stressed that the additional funding will help to improve trails, possible acquisitions/park expansions plus upgrades in park infrastructure.


III.  Schedler Property Project Update

A.      House Renovation Status

The renovation of the house continues with progress being made to the infrastructure and to the electrical.  A review of the historical status of the house and park was also discussed at the Village Council Meeting with no resolution at this time.  At this time no decision has been made as to the use of the house.

B.      Park Development

The specific issues for this park are the uses. This includes size of the field, configuration of the filed to include what sports and what type of field should be installed.  Grass versus turf. At this time several proposals have been discussed at the Village Council with no resolution.

IV. Open Space and Recreation Action Plan Discussion

Pam put together the 27 point action plan developed from the RMP and this document was discussed at the meeting.  Items are being addressed, assigned and progress being made.

Item 26 needs to be assigned and developed which concerns the continued funding of the municipal Open Space Trust Fund to purchase additional lands.  The funding would include better trails, another field, investments into park infrastructure, Towne Garage and Park expansion.  Looks like a 2024 ballot issue.

V. NJ Green Acres Diversion - Status

Janet Fricke is out for an extended period.  The process will proceed with a new manager.

VI. Event Participation

Daffodil Festival & Earth Day Fair – April 23st – Jim Bostler/Yu Sun will take care of our booth.

(We will need a table for this event and our presentation props.)

VII. New Business

No new business discussion currently.

Next Meeting: Open Space/Parks and Recs Dual Meeting - Thursday, April 20th – Time 7:00 PM

Place to be determined.

Date: March 27th, 2022

Submitted By: James Bostler – OSC Committee Secretary


  • Hits: 234

20230216 - Open Space Committee Minutes


February 16th, 2023 – The Stable


PRESENT:   Fred Jubitz, Janet Fricke, Pam Perron, Jim Bostler, Yu Sun, David Sayles, Rob Lasky


The meeting focused mainly on the Schedler Properties and the Open Space Committee (OSC) Action Plan for 2023.  There was a consensus change from last month about the Schedler Property plans since the last meeting in January.  Those differences are described in the agenda topics below. 

The OSC Action Plans centered on the next steps and assignment of Responsibility.

The meeting notes will remain topical only and will not go into great details about conversations, etc.  Also, the notes will stress follow-ups and the appropriate person who is responsible.

Topics and Follow-ups

I. Public Comment

There was no public comment.

II. Review of January Meeting Notes

The meeting notes were accepted with the addition that Rob Lasky was present at the last meeting in January.

III.  Schedler Property Update

a.      The renovation of the house continues with progress being made to the infrastructure and to the electrical.

b.      At the Village Council Meeting on January 25th, plans were shown and discussed reflecting different field configurations.  There was much disagreement about the configurations of the field both during Public Comment and by the council.  Public Comment supported a much smaller field and was mostly from the Schedler community while there was disagreement among the Village Council Members over the configurations of the field.

At the last OSC Meeting, before the councils meeting on the 25th, the consensus was to support a larger field configuration with no baseball.  However, the introduction of the smaller field was somewhat of a surprise.  It was then decided that in our advisory role that the OSC needed to make a statement of recommendation. 

It was agreed that a larger multi-sport turf field with lights should be installed at Schedler.  It was also agreed that the type of turf field should be investigated further to ensure it is environmentally sound.  (No PFAS or PFOS chemicals.)  The lights were also recommended to eliminate the noise that would be incurred from portable generators.  Fred Jubitz will brief the council on our recommendation during the Public Comment portion of the next council meeting on the 22rd of February.



IV. Village Master Plan – Open Space and Recreation Action Plan Discussion

Pam put together a table detailing the 27-point Action Plan from the Ridgewood Master Plan (RMP).  The table shows each action point and the progress and responsibility for each item.  The list where changes were made at the meeting is shown on the addendum at the end of this meeting summary.

V. NJ Green Acres Diversion - Status

Progress continues to be made with Janet Fricke’s efforts in this area.  She continues to jump through hoops with the state agencies.

VI. Event Participation

Daffodil Festival & Earth Day Fair – April 23st – Jim Bostler/Yu Sun will take care of our booth.

VII. New Business

No new business discussion currently.

Next Meeting: Open Space- Thursday, March 16th, 2023 at the Stable. – Time 7:00 PM

Date: February 16th, 2022

Submitted By: James Bostler – OSC Committee Secretary



IV. Village Master Plan – Open Space and Recreation Action Plan Meeting Discussion

Action Item

Point 3- Barbara may be the point person to conduct the review of priority parcels.

Point 4- A person needs to be designated that can gain consensus across different disciplines such as Parks and Recreation and any other areas that need to be involved.  This person will then have to approach the PSE&G Green Project area about obtaining cooperation to develop the Right of Way as a walking trail.  Maintenance, insurance, access and possibly bridges all need to be discussed.  This needs to be added to the agenda for the Dual Meeting with Parks and Rec and the OSC.

Point 5 – Ongoing.

Point 11- A joint meeting needs to be set-up with the Historic Preservation Committee to discuss future plans.  This will probably be a one-time annual event to inform each committee of their plans and to avoid any possible conflict of use or designation.  This will avoid any confusion or conflicts about the use of properties such as has occurred with the designation of the entire Schedler Property as Historic and not just the Schedler House.

Point 12- The Adopt-a-Park program should be under the Parks and Recreation Board responsibility and not the OSC.

Point 17- The meetings with regional and neighboring municipality committee should also be across committees and needs to be developed further especially as it pertains to acquisitions and partnership opportunities.

Point 21-An annual tour to inventory potential new acquisitions, survey areas in need of stewardship and observe best usage for properties already acquired.  Another area of broad involvement that a point person needs to be appointed to from the OSC. 

Point 22 The development of a bicycle/pedestrian plan falls under the PRC.


  • Hits: 320



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