20230316 - Open Space Committee Minutes


March 16th, 2023 – The Stable


PRESENT:   Fred Jubitz, Ralph Curry, Pam Perron, Jim Bostler, David Sayles, Rob Lasky, Nancy Bigos


Main topics of the March meeting were the upcoming PRC Board/Open Space Meeting, Schedler Properties and the 2023 Action Plans.  Schedler continues to need specific goals laid out to achieve a settlement and implementation.  The Open Space Committee (OSC) needs to forward to PRC Board its agenda items.  The rest of meeting was mostly about updating the 2023 Action Plan.  

The meeting notes will remain topical only and will not go into great details about conversations, etc.  Also, the notes will stress follow-ups and the appropriate person who is responsible.

Topics and Follow-ups

I. Public Comment

There was no public comment.

II. Review of January Meeting Notes

The meeting notes were approved.

III. Joint Meeting PRC Board/Open Space

This meeting will take place on April 20th.  From an Open Space perspective, there were widespread conversations on what should be included on the agenda for this meeting.  Two must have agenda items were how many and what type of athletic fields are needed and of course Schedler.  Specifically, how is the Schedler field to be used.

The number of athletic fields we have versus what a town the size of Ridgewood needs should be discussed.  For example, if we have 6 smaller baseball fields, then do we need more or is that enough?  How many 90-foot baseball fields do we need?

The increased usage of our current fields for activity that was not initially planned for has become a critical issue.  It has resulted in cuts to traditional club sports like adult soccer and the like.  Also, the only 90-foot baseball field Ridgewood has is at Veterans Park and is conflicted with scheduling by the Band Shell concerts, 4th of July and other activities that have become popular.  Also, additional sports that are becoming popular, such as Pickle Ball, need to be discussed and planned.

Other items that need to be included on the agenda are relighting Vets and a potential increase in the Open Space Tax from a 0.5cent to 1-cent.  It should be stressed that the additional funding will help to improve trails, possible acquisitions/park expansions plus upgrades in park infrastructure.


III.  Schedler Property Project Update

A.      House Renovation Status

The renovation of the house continues with progress being made to the infrastructure and to the electrical.  A review of the historical status of the house and park was also discussed at the Village Council Meeting with no resolution at this time.  At this time no decision has been made as to the use of the house.

B.      Park Development

The specific issues for this park are the uses. This includes size of the field, configuration of the filed to include what sports and what type of field should be installed.  Grass versus turf. At this time several proposals have been discussed at the Village Council with no resolution.

IV. Open Space and Recreation Action Plan Discussion

Pam put together the 27 point action plan developed from the RMP and this document was discussed at the meeting.  Items are being addressed, assigned and progress being made.

Item 26 needs to be assigned and developed which concerns the continued funding of the municipal Open Space Trust Fund to purchase additional lands.  The funding would include better trails, another field, investments into park infrastructure, Towne Garage and Park expansion.  Looks like a 2024 ballot issue.

V. NJ Green Acres Diversion - Status

Janet Fricke is out for an extended period.  The process will proceed with a new manager.

VI. Event Participation

Daffodil Festival & Earth Day Fair – April 23st – Jim Bostler/Yu Sun will take care of our booth.

(We will need a table for this event and our presentation props.)

VII. New Business

No new business discussion currently.

Next Meeting: Open Space/Parks and Recs Dual Meeting - Thursday, April 20th – Time 7:00 PM

Place to be determined.

Date: March 27th, 2022

Submitted By: James Bostler – OSC Committee Secretary


  • Hits: 281



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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