20230928 - Open Space Committee Meeting Minutes


September 28th, 2023 – The Stable


PRESENT:   Ralph Currey, Pam Perron, Jim Bostler, David Sayles, Rob Lasky, Nancy Bigos, Fran Barto

Member of the Public:  Cynthia O’Keefe


Most of the meeting was spent going over an aggressive agenda that included a recap of the Schedler Property, the OSC recreation Plan, diversion and more.  The consensus was that this year has several initiatives that need to be accomplished, the need to be more aggressive in some areas and finally to inform the public of our work.

The meeting notes will remain topical only and will not go into great details about conversations, etc.  Also, the notes will stress follow-ups and the appropriate person who is responsible.

Topics and Follow-ups

I. Public Comment

Cynthia O’Keefe attended the meeting as an interested citizen.  She said she came to learn  information; however, she did contribute a suggestion that the Committee host a Dog Day in one of the Ridgewood parks.

II. Review of March 16, 2023 Meeting Notes

The Committee members approved the meeting notes.

III. Schedler Property – Project Update

A.      House Renovation Status

A certificate of Occupancy has not been issued for the house. There are still concerns about the completion of the house as to insulation and fine-tuning the completion of the work.  At this time no decision has been made as to the use of the house.

B.      Park Development

Pamela reported that the Village Council majority voted in April to install a large artificial turf field.  A conceptual map of the property with large multi-purpose layout of the artificial turf field was shown at the meeting.  This map was developed by the Village Engineering Department. They will draft the more detailed drawing that the Village will submit to the State Historic Preservation Office.

C.      Begen County Open Space Trust Fund/Application Denied

  Pamela and Nancy advised that the Village applied for a Bergen County Open Space Trust Fund matching grant to help purchase adjacent property at 510 West Saddle River Road.  The County denied the Village’s application.

IV. Open Space and Recreation Action Plan - Update

The brief discussion on this topic centered on making sure everything was assigned and in progress.


V. NJ Green Acres Diversion - Status

Janet Fricke has retired, so she is not tracking the progress on this issue.  The process will proceed with a new manager and at this time our contact will be Heather Mailander.  Jim will draft a letter to her regarding the progress of this topic (10 years and running) and outlining the importance of cutting through agency bureaucracy to finalize an agreement.

We need a solution to ensure the success of the OSC plans both short term and long term.

VI. Open Space Committee/2024 Priorities

·       Acquire More Land for open space

·       Increase the Open Space Tax

·       Expand Public Relations/Awareness

OSC needs to create more awareness.  This includes moving our plans into the website.  Plans are being worked up with CivicPlus to build on what we have done so far.  Yu volunteered to work on the OSC webpage.  Committee members should share content with Yu so he can include it on the webpage.

·       Other

 Other includes events that OSC should either attend, sponsor, create or participate in.  Items mentioned were Walktober.  Items that should be considered were Trail Meets, Trail GPS/signage and Dog Trails gatherings.

VII. New Business

·       Open Space initiatives/Upcoming Priorities

A new target includes investigating the acquisition of flood plain properties for conversion into parkland or open space.

Next Meeting: Open Space Thursday, October 19th – Time 7:00 PM – The Stable

Submitted By: James Bostler – OSC Committee Secretary


  • Hits: 90



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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