20231019 - Open Space Committee Meeting Minutes
October 19th, 2023 – The Stable
PRESENT: Pam Perron, Jim Bostler, David Sayles, Nancy Bigos, Oleg Rivkin (New Member – first meeting)
After a summary of the current Schedler property most of the meeting was spent on the liaison reports.
The Open Space Committee (OSC) discussed the current issues facing these groups and our responsibilities toward them. Increasing the value, importance, and visibility of the OSC and how to go about raising that visibility was also discussed.
The meeting notes will remain topical only and will not go into great details about conversations, etc. Also, the notes will stress follow-ups and the appropriate person who is responsible.
Topics and Follow-ups
I. Public Comment
There was no public comment at this meeting.
II. Review of September 28th, 2023 Meeting Notes
The Committee members approved the meeting notes.
III. Welcome new member /Oleg Rivkin
Oleg Rivkin was introduced and welcomed to the OSC this month and will accept a two-year commitment contingent upon approval at year end by the Village Council.
IV. Schedler Property – Project Update
House Renovation/ Status of Certificate of Occupancy
A certificate of Occupancy has not been issued for the house. Some work still needs to be done internally and the outside including sidewalks. At this time no decision has been made as to the use of the house.
Park Development/Submittal SHPO
Final Park plans are coming close to being finalized. An Historical Consultant who is familiar with the bureaucracy for SHPO requirements is advising the council. A punch list, or a list that shows the items that need to be done to finalize the renovation of this house, is being finalized.
V. Liaison Reports
Village Council
Dave reported that the insurance for repeat flood insurance claims may be drying up. New maps are also being worked up and properties that have made flood claims two years in a row will no longer be able to have insurance. Therefore, the Village Council may have more opportunity to execute its Flood Acquisition Plan.
Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board
An ad hoc committee of persons from PRC Board and OSC developed a spread sheet which summarizes the content of the different parks in Ridgewood. The content includes a brief description, use of park, potential improvements, trails, etc. The prototype is being presented at the Parks and Rec meeting on Tuesday, Octobe 24th at 7:30PM at the Stable.
Fields Committee
Restoration is complete and GMAC testing is being done on the turf fields that were flooded for usability and compatibility with the state regulations.
Planning Board
The Planning Board approved Ridgewood Water’s application to build a PFAS Treatment Plant behind a building opposite the Duck Pond.
VI. Village Website – OSC
Yu Sun was working on this project until his recent resignation from OSC. Development will continue as details become clearer as to responsibilities.
VII. NJ Green Acres Diversion - Status
A letter is being finalized stressing to the Village Council and Village Manager the importance of solving this issue.
VIII. Park Walks
OSC needs to create more awareness. This includes attending events that OSC should either sponsor, create or participate in. OSC discussed continuing with the Park Walks that we did over the last year and a half. The following are the places, old dates, and the person responsible where available. New dates and more publicity of these walks need to be developed.
· Valleau Cemetery 4/23- YU
· Dunham Tail 5/14 – J Fricke
· Graydon Park 7/31 – Fran Barto
· Pleasant Park 9/24 – J Bostler
· Habernickle 11/3 F. Jubitz
· Grove Park 6/ - J Bostler
· Citizens Park – Pam
· Twining Park – Ralph
· Leuning – Pam
· Childrens Sensory Garden - TBD
IX. New Business
None was discussed at the meeting.
X. Adjournment
Next Meeting: Open Space Thursday, November 16,2023 – Time 7:00 PM – The Stable
Submitted By: James Bostler – OSC Committee Secretary
Final Edits
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