2016 A-Frame Resolution


WHEREAS, the Village Council of the Village of Ridgewood has been approached by business owners in the Central Business District (CBD) to consider the possibility of permitting the placement of “A Frame” type signs on the public sidewalk area in front of their businesses; and

WHEREAS, The Village Code of the Village of Ridgewood, at Section 190-122 B (1) (b), prohibits the placement of any signs on the sidewalk areas in the Village; and

WHEREAS, the Village Council has expressed concerns for the safety of pedestrians on the sidewalks of the Village, particularly on the Central Business District sidewalks, as well as the visual impact of the placement of multiple and different style signs on sidewalks; and

WHEREAS, at the May 4, 2016 Village Council Public Work Session, discussion focused on the enforcement of the above mentioned Ordinance, with a request from the business owners for consideration to suspend the enforcement of the Ordinance for a trial period so as to permit "A Frame" type signs; and

WHEREAS, the legislation prohibiting the placement of signs on the sidewalks of the Village of Ridgewood is under the purview of the municipality, the Village Council can temporarily suspend its enforcement until further notice by vote of the Village Council; and


  NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Ridgewood, County of Bergen, State of New Jersey, that the enforcement of Section 190-122 B (1) (b), for “A Frame” type signs on the sidewalks of the Central Business District be temporarily suspended for a period of time to end at midnight on December 31, 2016. During the period of suspension of enforcement, the Village Council will examine its effects, to decide if such a suspension should be formalized by amending the current Ordinance by establishing requirements for such “A Frame” type signs if so permitted; and

I hereby certify that this resolution, consisting of _   2   _ page(s), was adopted at a meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Ridgewood, held this _11th_day of  May­­­_, 2016.

  Moved Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstain


       Paul S. Aronsohn



     Heather A. Mailander

           Village Clerk




BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Ridgewood, that during this moratorium period, any such “A Frame” type signs shall meet the following requirements for their placement:

  1. Any business desiring to place an "A Frame" sign on the sidewalk, public or otherwise, in front of their business, shall notify the Village Building Department, not less than one (1) calendar week prior to placement of the sign. The said notification shall provide the following information at a minimum:

  1. Name of Business and Address of Business

  2. Responsibility party for the sign.

  3. Telephone and email contact information for the responsible party.

    2. All Signs placed shall meet the following requirements:

  1. Be no more than 42-inches in height

  2. Be no less than 36-inches in height

  3. The sign base spread on the sidewalk shall be no more than 24-inches wide from    edge panel to edge panel. All sign faces shall be perpendicular to the flow of traffic.

  4. A Frame signs shall not be permitted with any of the following: Any form of    illumination, reflective materials (paints, mirrors, etc.), streamers or balloons attached, fluorescent colors, misleading statements, political language or endorsements, offensive language, three dimensional materials on the sign, or    water soluble material,

  5. Signs are to be weighted down so as to be secure in windy conditions. When weather conditions warrant, signs shall be removed from the sidewalk for public safety.

  6. Signs may not be affixed to the sidewalk.

  7. In the event of a forecast of snow or ice, all signs shall be removed by the business owner named from the sidewalk areas. Signs shall be permitted to be returned once all Village snow removal efforts in the CBD are complete.

  8. No sign shall be permitted to advertise a business not permitted by the Village's Zoning Code for the CBD.

  9. No sign shall be permitted to advertise a business not domiciled at the parcel immediately adjacent to the sign where it is placed.

  10. Only one sign per business shall be permitted.

  11. Signs shall be only permitted to be placed on the sidewalk during the operating hours of the business advertising. When a business is closed, the signs must be removed from the sidewalk.

    3. The placement of any sign upon the sidewalk shall be in such a manner so that the sign does not interfere with the safe passage of pedestrians on the sidewalk. No sign shall be permitted to constrict the 52-inch area of the sidewalk utilized by pedestrians.

    4.   All requests for placement of an "A Frame" sign upon the sidewalk shall be accompanied by a valid, current certificate of insurance naming the Village of Ridgewood as additional insured for Comprehensive General Liability (Occurrence Form) with a Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury, Personal Injury and Property Damage of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence and aggregate, meeting the Village's requirements.


  • Hits: 2707



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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