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Village Council meetings are now available with participants at remote locations, connecting to conferencing software provided by zoom.us or by telephone.


Members of the public are invited to view meetings live using Zoom, which also allows them to “raise a hand” and contribute with voice and video when they are invited to do so, during Public Comments as well as during Public Hearings, during the meeting.


Please click the link below to join the virtual meeting:                                         


Webinar ID: 825 9279 9142

Passcode: 07450

or Telephone, Dial:  1-646-558-8656, 1-646-931-3860, 1-309-205-3325, or 1-312-626-6799



                  VILLAGE OF RIDGEWOOD

                     VILLAGE COUNCIL


                    DECEMBER 13, 2023

                        7:30 P.M.


1.   Call to Order - Mayor


2.   Statement of Compliance with the Open Public       Meetings Act


3.   Roll Call - Village Clerk


4.   Flag Salute


5.   Acceptance of Financial Reports


6.   Approval of Minutes


7.   Proclamations


a. Honor Robert Paoli on His Retirement as    Commander of American Legion Post 53

b. Honor Co-Historians Peggy Norris and Joseph Suplicki for Their Years of Service

c. Proclaim January Radon Action Month








8.   Presentation of Awards


a. CPR Save


Ridgewood Fire Department:


          Firefighter Matthew Bombace

   Firefighter Gregory Corcoran

   Firefighter David Kelly

   Firefighter Christopher Santucci


Ridgewood Police Department:


   Police Officer Christopher Schumann

   Police Officer Joseph Youngberg


     Central Dispatch:


   Dispatcher Carly Tarczynski


b. Childbirth Award/Baby Delivery


   Ridgewood Fire Department:


   Lieutenant Matthew Ramge

   Firefighter Jason Jacoby

   Firefighter Daniel Steen

   Firefighter Henry VanWageningen


   Ridgewood Police:


   Police Officer Douglas Busche

   Police Officer Michael Karcher

   Police Officer Rosario Vaccarella

     Police Officer Peter Youngberg


Pursuant to Chapter 3-19 of the Code of the Village of Ridgewood, Manner of Addressing Council, and Chapter

3-20, Decorum, the Village Council meetings shall be conducted in the following manner:


Manner of Addressing Council


Persons other than Councilmembers may be permitted to address the Council in the proper order of business. A person present may, upon recognition by the Chair, be heard either upon ordinances upon second reading or at the time of petitions and oral communications from the public and at such other times as the Council may, by majority vote of those present, specifically permit. No person shall address any remark or question to any specific Councilmember, nor shall any person be permitted to address the Chair while a motion is pending. A Councilmember may, through the Chair, respond to any communication or address received pursuant to this section.




Any person who shall disturb the peace of the Council, make impertinent or slanderous remarks or conduct himself in a boisterous manner while addressing the Council shall be forthwith barred by the presiding officer from further audience before the Council, except that if the speaker shall submit to proper order under these rules, permission for him to continue may be granted by a majority vote of the Council.


9.   Comments from the Public (Not to exceed 3              minutes per person - 40 minutes in total)


10.  Village Manager's Report


11.  Village Council Reports















23-391Award Contract – Various Infrastructure          Improvements – Installation and Replacement        of Water Mains, Fire Hydrants, Valves,            Service Connections, and Appurtenances

    (NTE $4,529,980) – Awards a contract to the   lowest responsible bidder, Shauger Property   Services, Inc., 429 Dodd Street, East Orange,    NJ

23-392    Title 59 Approval – Infrared Asphalt Surface        Repair – Approves the plans and                           specifications for Infrared Asphalt Surface                Repair, Asphalt Trench Patching, and                 Miscellaneous Curb and Sidewalk Repair,                Various Locations, July 1, 2023 through June        30, 2024, prepared by Ridgewood Engineering,        pursuant to Title 59





23-393 Award Contract – Infrared Asphalt Surface     Repair (NTE $125,000) – Awards a contract to   the lowest responsible bidder, J. Fletcher     Creamer and Son, Inc., 101 East Broadway,     Hackensack, NJ

23-394 Title 59 Approval – HVAC Maintenance and     Repair – Various Locations – Approves the      plans and specifications for HVAC Maintenance   and Repair prepared by Ridgewood Water,   pursuant to Title 59

23-395Award Contract – HVAC Maintenance and Repair   – Various Locations (NTE $55,000) – Awards a     contract to the sole responsible bidder,     Unitemp Mechanical Degrees, LLC, 26 Worlds     Fair Drive, Unit D, Somerset, NJ  

23-396Title 59 Approval – Landscaping Services for      Ridgewood Water – Approves the plans and          specifications for Landscaping Services for         Ridgewood Water, prepared by Ridgewood Water,   pursuant to Title 59

23-397Award Contract – Landscaping Services

    (NTE $149,950) – Awards a contract to the      lowest responsible bidder, LTI, Inc., 122     Main Road, Montville, NJ

23-398 Title 59 Approval – Furnishing and Delivering    of Sodium Hypochlorite – Approves the plans and specifications for Furnishing and      Delivering of Sodium Hypochlorite, prepared   by Ridgewood Water, pursuant to Title 59

23-399Award Contract – Furnishing and Delivering         Sodium Hypochlorite (NTE $124,000) – Awards a    contract to the lowest responsible bidder,    PVS Minibulk, Inc., 10900 Harper Avenue,     Detroit, MI

23-400 Title 59 Approval – Pipe and Appurtenances –    Approves the plans and specifications for      Pipe & Appurtenances, prepared by Ridgewood     Water, pursuant to Title 59

23-401 Award Contract – Pipe and Appurtenances

    (NTE $415,000) – Awards a contract to the low bidder for pipe, valves, fittings,     clamps/sleeves, hydrants, boxes and brass,   Capitol Supply Construction, LLC, 149 Old   Turnpike Road, Wayne, NJ; and awards a     contract to the low bidder for hydrants and copper tubing to Ferguson Waterworks, 190    Oberlin Avenue, North, Lakewood, NJ






23-402 Authorize Change Order – Professional     Engineering Services for 2023 Various     Transmission and Distribution Improvements (NTE $8,942) – Authorizes a change order to    the original lowest responsible bidder,     Suburban Consulting Engineers, Inc., 96 U.S.     Highway 206, Suite 101, Flanders, NJ. This     change order is necessary due to the addition of a sanitary sewer main, addition of fiber optic conduits, and a change in the size of   the raw water main.

23-403 Accept Name Change of Vendor for Watersmart    Customer Portal Software Package – The      Village Council adopted Resolution #23-289 to     award a contract for the Watersmart Customer     Portal to Vertexone, 1321 Upland Drive, Suite 8389, Houston, TX. The Village has been   notified that Vertexone is the parent      company, which will provide the software   service and the vendor name should be     Watersmart Software, Inc., 1321 Upland Drive,      Suite 8389, Houston, TX.




3978 - Amend Chapter 212 – Parks and Recreation Areas –     Regulations on Electric Bicycles, Electric             Scooters, Electric Skateboards, and Non-Human            Powered Vehicles - Prohibits the operation of a         motor vehicle, e-bike, e-scooter, motorized          bicycle, non-human powered vehicle or similar          vehicle in or upon any Village of Ridgewood          parkland, Ridgewood Water Company property or        other public places in the Village of Ridgewood.     This prohibition excludes Mobility Assistance               Devices, which are mechanically or electrically          or manually powered devices utilized by an                individual with qualified disabilities,               necessitating such mobility.

3979 – Establish Position of Village of Ridgewood             Historian – Establishes the position of Village          of Ridgewood Historian, including the term of           office, powers and responsibilities of this           position.










3980 – Amend Chapter 190, Section 190-106 - R-3

       Single-Family Residence District - Bulk and Lot     Regulations – Amends the bulk and lot regulations       for the R-3 Single-Family Residence District to      correct a typographical error in Ordinance No.           3973, which was previously adopted. The maximum        coverage by above-grade structures within 140         feet of the front lot line was incorrectly stated   in Ordinance No. 3973, as 20% of the lot area             within 140 feet of the front lot line. This          ordinance corrects Ordinance No. 3973 to state           that the maximum coverage is 25% of the lot area        within 140 feet of the front lot line.   




3974 – Amend Chapter 105 – Cats – Expiration of 3-Year           Cat Licenses

3975 – Amend Chapter 145 – Fees – Emergency Medical          Services Third-Party Billing Plan Fees

3976 - Amend Chapter 190 – Land Use and Development –        Permit Microbreweries and Brew Pubs

3977 – Firefighters and Fire Superior Officers Salary           Ordinance







23-404    Approve 2024 Village Cash Management Plan -               Annual resolution which approves the Cash              Management Plan and Policy. This Cash                    Management Plan is to be used as a guide for            Village officials when depositing and                 investing the Village’s funds.  

23-405    Designate Official Newspapers for 2024 -              Annual resolution which designates The Record          and the Ridgewood News, and the Gannett Co.,               Inc. (the parent company of both newspapers)            as the official newspapers of the Village of             Ridgewood  

23-406    Approve 2024 Annual Meetings Statement -                    Annual resolution which sets the schedule for         the Village Council Meetings for 2024





23-407    Award Contract – Preparation of 2024 Village        Council Meeting Minutes (NTE $8.00/page,         $15,000 total) - Awards a contract for              preparation of the 2024 Village Council                Meeting minutes to Prestige EVAs, LLC, 898      Hammond Road, Ridgewood, NJ as the lowest           responsible quote

23-408    Award Contract – Demolition of Barn and            Removal of Existing Structural Materials at         Habernickel Park (NTE $42,000) – Awards a       contract to the lowest responsible quote from       Adamo Brothers Construction, Inc., 1033             Alexander Avenue, Ridgefield, NJ   

23-409    Award Extraordinary Unspecifiable Services            Contract – Improvements and Upgrades to              Public Safety Communication Bandwidth –               Various Locations – Awards an Extraordinary,         Unspecifiable Services contract to Verizon,            Scherer Design Group, 100 Corporate Drive,              Suite 202, Lebanon, NJ

23-410    Title 59 Approval – Concession Refreshment              Service – Graydon Pool – Water’s Edge Café –         Approves the plans and specifications for            Concession Refreshment Services – 2023, 2024           The Water’s Edge Café, Graydon Pool, prepared           by the Parks and Recreation Department,             pursuant to Title 59

23-411    Award Contract – Concession Refreshment              Service – Graydon Pool – Water’s Edge Café –         Awards a contract for the second optional            year, to the sole proposal from Michael Sims,        Mellsworth Foods, Inc., 102 East Main Street,        Ramsey, NJ

23-412    Title 59 Approval – 2024 Recreation Programs       Approves the plans and specifications                Recreational Program Instruction with the            Department of Parks and Recreation, Contract       Year 2024, prepared by the Department of            Parks and Recreation, pursuant to Title 59

23-413    Award Contracts – 2024 Recreation Program        Instruction – Awards contracts to various           vendors for various recreational program           instruction for the year 2024

23-414 Award Contract Under Bergen County Contract      – Untreated Rock Salt ($78.75/ton,

    NTE $80,000) – Awards a contract under    Bergen County Contract to Atlantic Salt,     Inc., 134 Middle Street, Suite 210, Lowell,   MA




23-415 Award Contract Under State Contract – 2023     Ford F-550 Chassis 4x4 Mason Dump Truck – Parks Department (NTE $99,375) – Awards a     contract under State Contract to Route 23   Automall, 1301 Route 23 South, Butler, NJ

23-416 Award Contract Under Sourcewell Cooperative   Purchasing Program – Lease of Ford Explorer –      Health Department (NTE $7,500) – Awards the    fourth year of a five-year contract for the   lease of a Ford Explorer to Enterprise Fleet     Management, 1550 Route 23 North, Suite 101,    Wayne, NJ

23-417 Award Professional Services Contract - EMS      Claims Procedures and Billing/Revenue    Generation (NTE $17,400) – Awards a     Professional Services Contract to Keavney &     Streger, LLC, 103 Carnegie Center, Suite 300,    Princeton, NJ. The Pay to Play forms have    been filed with the Village Clerk’s Office,      as required by law.

23-418 Award Professional Services Contract –               Pediatrician for Child Health Clinics

    (NTE $1,950 per municipality/$5,850 total) - Awards a Professional Services Contract to   Dr. Wayne Narucki, 33 Lincoln Avenue,    Rutherford, NJ, as the sole quote received.          The Borough of Fair Lawn, the Borough of Glen Rock, and the Village of Ridgewood will each     pay one-third of the cost of this contract.

23-419 Award Professional Services Contract – Animal   Control and Waterfowl Management

    (NTE $32,400) – Awards the second year of a     Professional Services Contract to TYCO Animal      Control Services, 140 Greenwood Avenue,   Midland Park, NJ

23-420 Award Professional Services Contract -     Elevator Subcode Inspection/Inspector –   Awards a Professional Services Contract to   Top Floor Elevated Solutions, LLC, Ridge   Avenue, P.O. Box 246, Park Ridge, NJ. The     Village will be charged for 85% of the fees     collected for elevator subcode duties, and   the Village will receive 15% of the fees    as an administrative fee.








23-421 Award Professional Services Contract – Risk     Management Consultant (NTE $60,000) – Awards a Professional     Services contract under a

    non-fair and open contract to Brown and Brown     Metro, LLC, 56 Livingston Avenue, Suite 230, Roseland, NJ. The hiring of a Risk Management   Consultant is required under the Joint   Insurance Fund’s bylaws, and the required Pay     to Play forms have been filed with the     Village Clerk’s Office.

23-422        Appoint Village Attorney (NTE $199,000) -   Appoints Matthew Rogers as the Village   Attorney under a non-fair and open contract for a term of 1/1/2024-12/31/2024. The      required Pay to Play forms have been filed      with the Village Clerk’s Office, as required     by law.

23-423        Appoint Village Bond Attorney (NTE $125,000)     - Appoints McManimon, Scotland, and Baumann,   L.L.C., 75 Livingston Avenue, 2nd Floor,     Roseland, NJ as the Village Bond Attorney from 1/1/2024-12/31/2024 under a non-fair and open contract. The required Pay to Play   forms     have been filed with the Village Clerk’s      Office, as required by law.

23-424        Appoint Village Labor Attorney (NTE $75,000) - Appoints Dominick Bratti and Bratti   Greenan, LLC, 1040 Broad Street, Suite 104,    Shrewsbury, NJ as the Village Labor Attorney   under a non-fair and open contract from 1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024. The required Pay       to Play forms have been filed with the     Village Clerk’s Office, as required by law.

23-425        Appoint Village Auditor (NTE $60,000) –   Appoints Nisivoccia, LLP, 200 Valley Road,    Suite 300, Mount Arlington, NJ, under a

fair and open contract. The required              Pay to Play forms have been filed with the           Village Clerk’s Office, as required by law.

23-426 Appoint Village Budget Auditor (NTE $3,000) - Appoints Steven Wielkotz and Wielkotz &    Company, 401 Wanaque Avenue, Pompton Lakes,   NJ as the Auditor for the 2024 budget from      1/1/24 – 12/31/24

23-427 Appoint Professional Planner (NTE $35,000) -  

    Awards a non-fair and open contract to John       Barree, M. McKinley Mertz, and Heyer, Gruel & Associates, 236 Broad Street, Red Bank, NJ.    The required Pay to Play forms have been submitted to the Village Clerk’s Office, as    required by law.


23-428 Appoint Professional Planning Consultant for Affordable Housing and Related Matters

    (NTE $25,000) – Appoints Elizabeth McManus, LEED, AP, PP, AICP and Kyle + McManus Associates, LLC, 2 East Broad Street   Hopewell, NJ as the Village Professional Planning Consultant for Affordable Housing and Related Matters under a non-fair and open     contract, from 1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024. The        required Pay to Play forms have been filed    with the Village Clerk’s Office, as required   by law.

23-429 Appoint Village Prosecutor (NTE $550/session, NTE $30,000 total) – Appoints Mark P. Fierro,      1086 Teaneck Road, Suite 3A, Teaneck, NJ as         the Village Prosecutor from 1/1/2024-              12/31/2024, under a non-fair and open contract. The required Pay to Play forms have been filed with the Village Clerk’s Office.

23-430 Appoint Public Defender (NTE $200/case, NTE $3,000 total) - Appoints Susan Cassell as the      Public Defender from 1/1/2024-12/31/2024

23-431        Authorize Shared Services Agreement – 2024          Child Health Clinic (Fair Lawn & Glen Rock)        (NTE Maximum of $1,950 per municipality) -        Authorizes a Shared Services Agreement with          the Borough of Fair Lawn and the Borough of      Glen Rock for a Child Health Clinic. Each       municipality will pay one-third of the cost      for the program.

23-432        Acknowledge Receipt of No Bids and Authorize     Rebid – Train Station Coffee Bar at the Ridgewood Train Station Building - January 1,     2024 to December 31, 2025, Inclusive –     Acknowledges that no bids were received for this service and authorizes it to be rebid,    at a lower price

23-433        Rescind Resolution #23-205 and Resolution    #23-262 – Award Contract – Chassis and Mason Dump – Parks Department – Rescinds   Resolutions #23-205 and #23-262 awarding a   contract for a chassis and mason dump for the Parks Department, due to the fact that the     vehicle is no longer available

23-434 Reject Proposal – Billing of Basic Life     Support Services – Ambulance Billing –   Rejects the sole proposal for this service, and authorizes the re-issuing and

    re-advertising, in the interest of greater competition



23-435 Reject Bids – Landfill Disposal of Solid     Waste – Rejects the bids received, due to the    fact that both bids were approximately 10% above the estimated annual cost for this    service, and the low bidder’s truck haul route was not practical in a reasonable    business timeframe

23-436 Rescind and Replace Resolution #23-371 –     Award Contract Under State Contract –     Computer Equipment (NTE $65,695.90) –     Rescinds and replaces Resolution #23-371, as it awarded the contract under a cooperative   contract which the Village does not belong to at this time. In addition, Awards a Contract under State Contract to Dell, One Dell Way,   Round Rock, TX

23-437        Confirm Endorsement of Community Development   Block Grant – West Bergen Mental Healthcare, Inc. – Installation of ADA Approved Automatic Doors – 120 & 140 Chestnut Street - Confirms   the endorsement of a $40,000 Community     Development Block grant. This resolution does    not obligate the financial resources of the    Village but will expedite the expenditure of     Community Development funds.

23-438        Confirm Endorsement of Community Development   Block Grant – Children’s Aid and Family     Services – Replacement of one HVAC Unit at     Group Home – 29 Washington Place - Confirms the endorsement of a $15,000 Community     Development Block grant. This resolution does    not obligate the financial resources of the    Village but will expedite the expenditure of     Community Development funds.

23-439        Confirm Endorsement of Community Development   Block Grant – Children’s Aid and Family     Services – Two Air Purification Units at   Group Home – 29 Washington Place - Confirms the endorsement of a $4,000 Community     Development Block grant. This resolution does    not obligate the financial resources of the    Village but will expedite the expenditure of     Community Development funds.

23-440 Approve 2023 Budget Transfer - Annual          resolution which transfers money from     departments which have excess funds to those           departments which do not have adequate funds

23-441 Authorize Refund and Cancellation of Property Taxes for Disabled Veteran (Block 3210,

               Lot 3) - Authorizes refund and cancellation of taxes for a disabled Veteran, in accordance with State statutes

23-442 Appoint Members to the Planning Board -     Appoints John Young as a Class II            member for a term that expires 12/31/24;     Councilmember Pamela Perron as a Class III      member for a term that expires 12/31/24; James Van Goor as a Class IV member for a    term that expires 12/31/27; and David Refkin    as Alternate #2, for a term that expires       12/31/25

23-443 Appoint Members to the Zoning Board of     Adjustment - Appoints John Papietro and Jason     Curreri as full members for terms that expire 12/31/27

23-444 Appoint Members to Library Board of Trustees – Appoints Janis Fuhrman, Rei Shinozuka, and      Rocco Orlando for terms that expire on     12/31/28

23-445 Appoint Members to Citizens Safety Advisory Committee – Appoints Anastasia Bamberg, Charles DiMarco, Jane Remis, and Barbara Sacks to terms that expire on 12/31/25. Also      appoints Sheila Brogan as the Ridgewood Board   of Education Member, Christopher Rutishauser,   Village Engineer, or his designee, and Chief     Forest Lyons or his designee for terms that    expire 12/31/24.

23-446 Appoint Members to Central Business District Advisory Committee – Appoints Trish Manzo – Ridgewood Guild Member; Anastasia Bamberg –      Citizens Safety Advisory Committee; Stephen   Aspero – Resident Member to terms that expire    on 12/31/25. Also appoints Christopher     Rutishauser, Village Engineer or his designee and Chief Forest Lyons or his designee to   terms that expire on 12/31/24.

23-448 Appoint Members to Historic Preservation     Commission – Appoints Barbara Ferrante as a Class A member to a term that expires on    12/31/27; Joseph Suplicki as a Class B member to a term that expires on 12/31/27; Jeff     Summerville as a Class C member to fill the unexpired term of Lisa Conde that expires on    12/31/25, and Janis Fuhrman as a Class C     Alternate member to a term that expires on     12/31/25

23-449 Appoint Members to the Pride Day Committee –   Appoints Christine Driscoll and Marc Cantor   as Resident Members to terms that expire   on 12/31/25 and Larisa Shlahet to fill the      unexpired term of Christian Reinhardt, as a     Resident Member, for a term that expires on     12/31/24

23-450 Appoint Member to Green Team Advisory     Committee – Appoints Lourdes (Luly) Melarti for a term that expires 12/31/26; and Manpreet Tyagi to fill the unexpired term of Tony Maurielo for a term that expires on     12/31/24

23-451 Appoint Members to Shade Tree Commission –     Appoints Cavan Sieczkowski and Deborah Steinbaum as regular members for terms that    expire on 12/31/26

23-452 Appoint Member to Kasschau Memorial Shell     Committee – Appoints Jenny Coates for a term   that expires on 12/31/25

23-453 Appoint Member to Project Pride Committee –   Appoints Jenny Coates as a Resident Member

23-454 Appoint Member to Ridgewood Arts Council –     Appoints Jenny Coates as a member for a term   that expires on 6/30/24

23-455 Appointment Members to Special Improvement   District Steering Committee – Appoints Bill    Gilsenan, Gary Kolesaire, Nina Milanos, Ron Rosensweig (Trustee), John Saraceno, Stacey     Tsapatsaris, and Paul Vagianos as Property Owners; Glenn Carlough (Steel Wheel Tavern),     Angela Cautillo (Duxiana Bedding), Jake Lindsay, (Jenny Banta Building), Laura French     Spada (Jenny Banta Building), and Izzy Yanay     (Sook Pastry) as Business Owners; and Deputy   Mayor Pamela Perron from the Village Council;   Philip Davis (Kilwins) from the Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce; Trish Manzo from the    Ridgewood Guild; and William Palumbo, Tax     Assessor and Neil Gallone, GIS Specialist 1,   from the Village of Ridgewood Staff

23-456 Appoint Village Councilmembers as Liaisons to Various Boards and Committees - Appoints Village Councilmembers as Liaisons to various      boards and committees through December 31,    2024

23-457 Award Professional Services Contract – Phase    II Work Plan and Archaeological Study – Schedler Property (NTE $53,778) – Awards a    non-fair and open Professional Services    Contract to Richard Grubb and Associates, 259     Prospect Plains Road, Building D, Cranbury,     NJ for this work at the Schedler Property, and authorizes the Village Manager to sign the proposal. The required Pay to Play forms    have been filed with the Village Clerk’s     Office.





23-458 Appoint Harold Maxwell as Alternate #1 to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for Duration of   Outfront Media Application


18.  Comments from the Public (Not to Exceed 3 minutes   per person)


19.  Resolution to go into Closed Session


20.  Closed Session


     Personnel – Appointments to Boards and Committees,                 Annual Review of Village Clerk


21.  Adjournment

  • Hits: 955



DECEMBER 6, 2023

7:30 P.M.


1.  Call to Order - Mayor


2.  Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meeting Act


    MAYOR: "Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided

           by a posting on the bulletin board in Village Hall,

           by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by                 submission to all persons entitled to same as provided                by law of a schedule including the date and time of              this meeting."


3.   Roll Call






23-387    Authorize Submission of Application for American Rescue                Plan Firefighter Grant – Protective and Sanitizing                  Equipment – Ridgewood Fire Department – Authorizes the            Ridgewood Fire Department to submit an application for            an American Rescue Firefighter grant for firefighting              turnout gear, firefighting hoods and sanitizing                  equipment for firefighting gear. The Village of                   Ridgewood will provide at least a 5% cash match for the            amount of the grant awarded.       

23-388    Authorize Execution of Settlement Response - Ridgewood                Water Litigation vs. 3M – Authorizes Village Officials                to execute the Settlement Response for Ridgewood Water            Litigation vs. 3M

23-389    Authorize Execution of Settlement Response - Ridgewood                Water Litigation vs. DuPont – Authorizes Village                   Officials to execute the Settlement Response for                  Ridgewood Water Litigation vs. DuPont


5.   Adjournment


  • Hits: 255


                                                                             SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING

                                                                                DECEMBER 6, 2023

6:45 P.M.


1.  Call to Order - Mayor


2.  Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meeting Act


    MAYOR: "Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided

           by a posting on the bulletin board in Village Hall,

           by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by   submission to all persons entitled to same as provided  by law of a schedule including the date and time of    this meeting."


3.   Roll Call


4.    Comments from the Public


5.   Resolution to go into Closed Session


6.   Closed Session


a. Personnel – Appointments to Zoning Board of Adjustment;                Appointment of Village Auditor


b. Legal - Ridgecrest


7.  Adjournment


  • Hits: 258

Village Council meetings are now available with participants at remote locations, connecting to conferencing software provided by zoom.us or by telephone.


Members of the public are invited to view meetings live using Zoom, which also allows them to “raise a hand” and contribute with voice and video when they are invited to do so during Public Comments as well as during Public Hearings during the meeting.


Please click the link below to join the virtual meeting:                                         


Webinar ID: 825 9279 9142

Passcode: 07450


or Telephone, Dial:  1-646-558-8656, 1-646-931-3860, 1-309-205-3325, or 1-312-626-6799




DECEMBER 6, 2023


1.         7:30 pm – Call to Order – Mayor

2.         Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meeting Act

            Mayor:  “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin            board in Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by submission   to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and             time of this meeting.”

3.         Roll Call – Village Clerk

4.         Flag Salute

5.         Public Comments (Not to Exceed 3 Minutes per Person - 40 Minutes in Total)

6.         Village Manager’s Report

7.         Village Council Reports

8.         Discussion:

            a.         Budget

                        1.  Authorize Submission of Application for American Rescue Plan Firefighter                                       Grant – Protective and Sanitizing Equipment – Ridgewood Fire Department


            b.         Policy


1.     Authorize Execution of Settlement Response – Ridgewood Water Litigation vs. 3M and DuPont


9.         Motion to Suspend Work Session and Convene Special Public Meeting

10.       Special Public Meeting - See Attached Agenda

11.       Motion to Adjourn Special Public Meeting and Reconvene Work Session

12.       Presentation

            Habernickel Barn

13.       Discussion:

            a.         Ridgewood Water


1.     Award Contract – Various Infrastructure Improvements – Installation and Replacement of Water Mains, Fire Hydrants, Valves, Service Connections, and Appurtenances

2.     Award Contract – Infrared Asphalt Surface Repair

3.     Award Contract – HVAC Maintenance and Repair – Various Locations

4.     Award Contract – Servicing and Repairing of Electric Source

5.     Award Contract – Servicing and Repairing of Potable Water Pumping Facilities

6.     Award Contract – Landscaping Services

7.     Award Contract – Furnishing and Delivering Sodium Hypochlorite Solution

8.     Award Contract – Line Stop and Valve Insertion Services

9.     Award Contract – Pipe and Appurtenances

10.  Authorize Change Order – Professional Engineering Services for 2023 Various Transmission and Distribution Improvements

11.  Accept Name Change of Vendor for Watersmart Customer Portal Software Package


            b.         Parking


            c.         Budget


1.     Third Quarter Financial Update

2.     Approve 2023 Budget Transfers

3.     Approve 2024 Cash Management Plan

4.     Award Contract – Preparation of 2024 Village Council Meeting Minutes

5.     Award Extraordinary Unspecifiable Services Contract – Improvements and Upgrades to Public Safety Communication Bandwidth – Various Locations

6.     Award Contract – Concession Refreshment Service – Graydon Pool – Water’s Edge Café

7.     Award Contract – 2024 Recreation Program Instruction – Parks and Recreation

8.     Award Contract Under Bergen County Contract – Untreated Rock Salt

9.     Rescind Resolution #23-205 and Resolution #23-262 – Award Contract – Chassis and Mason Dump – Parks Department

10.  Award Contract Under State Contract – 2023 Ford F-550 Chassis 4x4 Mason

Dump Truck – Parks Department

11.  Award Contract Under Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Program – Lease of Ford Explorer – Health Department

12.  Award Professional Services Contract - EMS Claims Procedures and Billing/Revenue Generation

13.  Award Professional Services Contract – Pediatrician for Child Health Clinics

14.  Award Professional Services Contract – Animal Control and Waterfowl Management

15.  Award Professional Services Contract – Elevator Subcode Inspection/Inspector

16.  Authorize Shared Services Contract – Child Health Clinic

17.  Train Station Concession Bid Results

18.  Reject Proposal – Billing of Basic Life Support Services – Ambulance Billing

19.  Reject Bids – Landfill Disposal of Solid Waste

20.  Rescind and Replace Resolution #23-371 – Award Contract Under State Contract – Computer Equipment

21.  Confirm Endorsement of Community Development Block Grant – West Bergen Mental Healthcare, Inc. – Installation of ADA Approved Automatic Doors

22.  Authorize Refund and Cancellation of Property Taxes for Disabled Veteran


            d.         Policy


1.     Veterans Banners in Central Business District

2.     Regulations on Electric Bicycles, Electric Scooters, Electric Skateboards, and Non-Human Powered Vehicles


            e.         Operations


1.     Appointment of Special Improvement District Steering Committee

2.     Ordinance - Appointment of Village Historian

3.     Correction to Ordinance #3973 - Amend Various Sections of Chapter 190 – Land Use and Development and Sections of Chapter 145 - Enumeration of Fees


14.       Public Comments (Not to Exceed 3 Minutes per Person)

15.       Resolution to go into Closed Session

16.       Closed Session

            Personnel – Village Council Appointments to Boards/Committees; Appointments to                                          Boards/Committees; Appointment of Village Auditor


17.       Adjournment

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NOVEMBER 8, 2023

7:00 P.M.


1.  Call to Order - Mayor


2.  Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meeting Act


     MAYOR:   "Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided

              by a posting on the bulletin board in Village Hall,

         by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and time of this meeting."


3.  Roll Call - Village Clerk


4.   Comments from the Public (Not to Exceed 3 Minutes Per Person)


5.   Discussion of November 8, 2023 Agenda


6.  Discussion of Other Village Council Business


7.  Adjournment


  • Hits: 208


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