Village Council Public Meeting Agenda 20140219


                VILLAGE OF RIDGEWOOD

                   VILLAGE COUNCIL


                  FEBRUARY 19, 2014

                      8:00 P.M


1. Call to Order - Mayor

2. Statement of Compliance with the Open Public       Meetings Act

3. Roll Call - Village Clerk

4. Flag Salute and Moment of Silence

5. Acceptance of Financial Reports

6. Approval of Minutes

7. Proclamations

  1. A. Dad’s Night – Hawes School and Somerville School
  2. B. Read Across America Day
  3. Super Science Saturday

8. Comments from the Public (Not to exceed 3 minutes per person - 30 minutes in total)

9. Manager's Report

10. Village Council Reports


3405 – Amend Chapter 145 Fees – Significant Sewer Discharge Fees – Establishes the fees for 2013      and 2014 at $4.03 per thousand gallons flow in  excess of one EDU for businesses. Also establishes the fees for 2013 and 2014 at $4.03 per thousand gallons flow into the Village collection system for tax exempt and tax          credited users.

3406 – Amend Chapter 145 Fees – Day Camp Fees – Eliminates the fees for day camp non-resident fees for both on-site camp and off-site camp due    to space limitations. In addition, maintains the same fee for 2014 day camp fees for residents at $525 for the summer program.

3407 – Amend Chapter 249 – Streets and Sidewalks -  Parking Charges for Bagging Meters in the              Central Business District – This ordinance gives the Village Manager discretion to waive the bagged meter fee, up to 15 spaces. For special events, which are free to the public, and are held adjacent to a Village Park or Public Space on a Sunday, the Village Manager may waive the bagged meter fee for the parking spaces adjacent to the venue.

3408 – Amend Chapter 3-43(D) – Police Department Personnel – Establishes the numbers of personnel      within the Police Department. The Village Manager shall report to the Village Council, at least annually, about discussions with the Police Chief for any additional or subtractive police Department staff or rank needs. There shall also be a strong consideration to at least  one officer/detective to be assigned as a School    Resource Officer.


3403 – Amend Chapter 244 – Smoking – Establish No             Smoking Zones Around Schools

3404 – Amend Chapter 165 – Garbage, Rubbish, Refuse,          Recycling – Hazardous Collection Conditions



14-31          Approve Girl Scout Gold Award Project – Pedestrian Safety Flags at Crosswalks –                   Approves the Girl Scout Gold Award project, proposed by Amelia Maas, to implement pedestrian safety flags at various crosswalks in the Central Business District. This project has been reviewed and approved by the      Village Engineer, pursuant to Title 59.

14-32          Title 59 Approval – 2 Sanitation Trucks –Approves the plans and specifications for Two 25 Cubic Yard Sanitation Trucks prepared by the Department of Water Supply, pursuant to Title 59 

14-33          Award Contract – 2 Sanitation Trucks ($509,414) – Awards a contract to the lowest              responsible bidder, Foley Inc., 833 Centennial Avenue, Piscataway, NJ

14-34          Title 59 Approval – Maple Park Turf Cleaning – Approves the plans and specifications for            Maple Park Artificial Turf Cleaning prepared by the Department of Parks and Recreation,pursuant to Title 59

14-35          Reject Bid and Award Contract – Maple Park Turf Cleaning ($36,937.37) – Rejects the             lowest bid due to the fact that the company does not have the experience or the proper employee certifications to perform this work. Also awards a contract to the second lowest bidder, LandTek Group, Inc., 235 County Line              Road, Amityville, NY, who submitted a full and complete bid package.

14-36          Award Contract – Printing for Municipal Election (NTE $16,000) – Awards a contract to the lowest quote from Printing Craftsmen,  Inc., 130 Bergen Boulevard, Fairview, NJ

14-37          Award Contract Under State Contract – Cameras  for Police Cars ($12,554)- Awards a contract             under State contract to Watch Guard Patrol, PC, 344 John Dietsch Boulevard, North  Attleboro, MA

14–38     Award Contract Under State Contract – Operating System for Cameras for Police Cars              ($6,654)- Awards a contract under State contract to Watch Guard Patrol, PC, 344 John Dietsch Boulevard, North Attleboro, MA

14-39          Award Contract Under State Contract – Police Ammunition ($15,894.20)- Awards a contract           under State contract to Lawmen-New Jersey, Lawmen Supply Company, 7115 Airport Highway,             Pennsauken, NJ

14-40          Award Professional Services Contract – 2014  Land Surveying Services Retainer for                 Preparation of Tax Assessment Map (NTE  $1,700) – Awards a Professional Services contract to Daniel M. Dunn, of Dunn Surveying and Mapping, P.A., 40 East Prospect Street, Waldwick, NJ

14-41          Award Professional Services Contract – Child Health Conference ($1,750) – Awards a                Professional Services contract to Dr. Urian Kim and Dr. Wayne Narucki. The total cost is $3,500 with $1,750 being paid by the Village of Ridgewood and $1,750 being paid by the Borough of Glen Rock. 

14-42          Award Professional Services Contract – Risk Management Services (NTE $52,000) – Awards a              Professional Service contract under a fair and open contract to Brown and Brown Insurance, 30A Vreeland Road, Florham Park,NJ. The hiring of a Risk Management Consultant is required under the Joint                Insurance Fund’s bylaws.

14-43          Award of Extraordinary, Unspecifiable Service Contract – Alarm Systems at Graydon Pool and              The Stable (NTE $2,520) – Awards an Extraordinary Unspecifiable contract to Hidden Security Systems, Inc., 885 East Glen Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ

14-44          Authorize Shared Services Agreement – Adult Health Clinic (Ho-Ho-Kus) - Authorizes a             Shared Services Agreement with the Borough of Ho-Ho-Kus for Nursing Staff and Services  for  Adult Health Clinics with a fee of $1,381 charged to the Borough of Ho-Ho-Kus

14-45          Authorize Shared Services Agreement –  Wastewater Collection System Operator                (Paramus) – Authorizes a Shared Services Agreement with the Borough of Paramus for a Wastewater Collection System Operator with a fee of $500/month to the Borough of Paramus. This Agreement shall be from 1/1/14-12/31/15.

14-46          Authorize Shared Services Agreement – Child Health Conference (Glen Rock) - Authorizes a              Shared Services Agreement with the Borough of  Glen Rock for medical check-ups and child               immunizations for children of pre-school age  with a fee of $1,750 charged to the Borough of Glen Rock

14-47          Authorize Shared Services Agreement –  Municipal  court Services (Glen Rock) -                    Authorizes a Shared Services Agreement with  the Borough of Glen Rock for the use of the Village of Ridgewood’s Municipal Court Administrator while the Borough of Glen Rock’s Deputy Court Administrator will be            used in the Village of Ridgewood, on an “as needed” basis. The fee to the Borough of Glen Rock for this service will be $10,000  annually.

14-48          Authorize Sale of 1991 Fire Ladder Truck to Bergen County Fire Academy – Authorizes the               sale of a 1991 Pierce Fire Ladder Truck to the Bergen County Fire Academy for $35,000.  The Village will be able to borrow this truck back from the Fire Academy on an “as needed”  basis.

14-49          Authorize Cellular Communications Upgrade for Cell  Tower at Water Pollution Control                Facility – Authorizes the Village Manager or  her designee to execute and grant the               necessary approvals and permissions to the various carriers on the cell tower at the  WPCF to perform periodic maintenance,  equipment upgrades, and equipment services when needed

14-50          Cancel Property Taxes on General Energy Property (Block 4704, Lot 12) – Cancels the               property taxes on this property for the second half of 2013 due to the fact that the Village purchased this property in June 2013

14-51         Authorize Execution of Treatment Works  approval Permit Application and Other                Applications – Graydon Pool – Authorizes the  Village Manager and the Director of Public Works/Village Engineer to execute the  proposed Treatment Works Approval Permit  application and all other necessary permit             applications with NJDEP for the project which will direct the discharges from Graydon Pool into the Village’s sanitary sewer system

14-52          Authorize Settlement – Somerwitz Case  ($15,000) – Authorizes a settlement for this slip and fall case in order to resolve the claim

14-53          Appoint Members to Open Space Committee –   Appoints Kevin Reilly (Class IV member of            Planning Board); Robert Lasky (Field  Committee); Timothy Cronin (Director of Parks      and Recreation); and four citizen members: ralph Currey, William Gilsenan, Eleanor  Gruber, and James Bostler to this committee            for terms that will expire 12/31/14

14-54          Appoint Member to Financial Advisory Committee – Appoints Henry Cruz to an                unexpired term that will expire 6/30/16

14-55          Appoint Members to Shade Tree Commission – Appoints the following: Monica Buesser and               John Sharkey for terms expiring 6/30/18; Andrew Lowry and Crystal Matsibekker for terms expiring 6/30/17; Stephen Lillis for a term expiring 6/30/16; George Wolfson for a  term expiring 6/30/15; Eleanor Gruber for a term expiring 6/30/14; and Edward Schwartz as  Alternate #1 for a term expiring 6/30/18

14-56          Appoint Members to Citizens Safety Advisory  Committee – Appoints Charles DiMarco, Joyce               Docktor, Robert Fuhrman, John Papietro,  Barbara Sacks, Sherwin Suss, and Martin  Walker, Sheila Brogan, Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer or designee and Police Chief John Ward or designee to terms that will expire on 12/31/15


14. Comments from the Public

15. Resolution to go into Closed Session

16. Closed Session

     Personnel – Engineering; Fire Department

17. Adjournment

  • Hits: 2688


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