20180905 - Village Council's Public Workshop Agenda




7:30 P.M.


1. 7:30 pm – Call to Order – Mayor

2. Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meeting Act

Mayor: "Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and time of this meeting."

3. Roll Call – Village Clerk

4. Flag Salute/Moment of Silence

5. Public Comments (Not to Exceed 3 Minutes per Person - 40 Minutes in Total)

6. Presentation

a. Parking - Walker Report –Preliminary Financial Analysis – Garage

b. Ridgewood Water – Results of SUEZ Water Quality Study

7. Discussion

a. Parking

1. Bond Ordinance – Train Station Parking Lot Reconfiguration


b. Operations

Zabriskie-Schedler House – Historic Preservation – Grant Acceptance

Notice To Proceed – Epic Management

Grant Application – Recreational Programming

c. Budget

Social Services Association’s Food Pantry Awareness Campaign - Application to State Historic Preservation Office for Improvements

Bond Ordinance - Funding for Zabriskie-Schedler House – Phase II

Cellular Tower Contract at Water Pollution Control Facility


8. Motion to Suspend Work Session and Convene Special Public Meeting

9. Special Public Meeting – See Attached Agenda

10. Motion to Adjourn Special Public Meeting and Reconvene Work Session




11. Discussion

a. Ridgewood Water

1. Award Contract – Design and Construction Management of Eder, Lakeview and Southside Pump and Well Stations

2. Award Contract for Professional Services for Public Communications and Forums

3. Award National Powers Alliance Program Contract – Purchase of Hydro- Excavator

4. Award National Powers Alliance Program Contract – Purchase of 2019 Ford Escape

5. Award State Contract – Purchase of Ruggedized Switches for Fiber Network

b. Parking - None


c. Budget

1. Declare Surplus – International Hook Lift – Street Department

2. Declare Surplus – Autocar Packer – Street Department

3. Award Contract – Furnish and Deliver Pipe and Appurtenances – Water Pollution Control Division

4. Debt and Financial Management Policies

5. Second Quarter Financial Statements and Report on Bond Sale - August

6. Removed from Agenda

7. Award New Jersey Approved Co-Op Contract – Purchase of Sanitation Truck

8. Award State Contract – Purchase of Video Teleconferencing Equipment

9. Declare Surplus – IT Equipment


d. Policy

1. School Resource Officer

2 Donation to Parks and Recreation Department – Conservancy of Ridgewood Public Lands – Children’s Sensory Butterfly Garden

3. Zoning – Prohibit Sale of Marijuana

4. Liquor License Transfer – Granova to Patpar, Inc.

5. Residency Ordinance

6. CBD Display – Discuss Trial Period & Fee

7. Smoking Ordinance

8. Zoning in B1/B2 Districts


e. Operation

1. Grove Park Area Cleanup Program – Ridgewood Wildscape Assoc. and Partners

12. Review of September 12, 2018 Public Meeting Agenda

13. Manager’s Report

14. Council Reports

15. Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)

16. Closed Session

A. Legal – Elks Club, Proposed Subdivision of Wortendyke Property, Ridgewood Water Litigation, Affordable Housing

B. Legal/Contracts – Lyft, Town Garage

C. Personnel – Village Planner, Bond Counsel, Boards and Committees

17. Adjournment

  • Hits: 2463


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