20191106 Village Council Public Meeting



NOVEMBER 6, 2019

7:30 P.M.


1.         7:30 pm – Call to Order – Mayor

2.         Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meeting Act

            Mayor: “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin           board in Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by submission      to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and          time of this meeting.”

3.         Roll Call – Village Clerk                                                                                                

4.         Flag Salute/Moment of Silence

5.         Public Comments (Not to Exceed 3 Minutes per Person - 40 Minutes in Total)

Pursuant to Chapter 3-19 of the Code of the Village of Ridgewood, Manner of Addressing Council, and Chapter

3-20, Decorum, the Village Council meetings shall be conducted in the following manner:


Manner of Addressing Council


Persons other than Council members may be permitted to address the Council in the proper order of business. A person present may, upon recognition by the Chair, be heard either upon ordinances upon second reading or at the time of petitions and oral communications from the public and at such other times as the Council may, by majority vote of those present, specifically permit. No person shall address any remark or question to any specific Council member, nor shall any person be permitted to address the Chair while a motion is pending. A Council member may, through the Chair, respond to any communication or address received pursuant to this section.




Any person who shall disturb the peace of the Council, make impertinent or slanderous remarks or conduct himself in a boisterous manner while addressing the Council shall be forthwith barred by the presiding officer from further audience before the Council, except that if the speaker shall submit to proper order under these rules, permission for him to continue may be granted by a majority vote of the Council.


6.         Manager’s Report

7.         Council Reports         

8.         Discussion     

            a.         Budget

                        1.         Award Contract - Grant Writing Services    

                        2.         Purchase of Portion of 22 Prospect Street

9.         Suspend Work Session and Convene Special Public Meeting

10.       Special Public Meeting – See Attached Agenda

11.       Motion to Adjourn Special Public Meeting and Reconvene Work Session

12        Presentation – Relandscaping of War Memorial at Memorial Park at Van Nest Square

13.       Discussion

            a.         Ridgewood Water

                        1.         Award Contract – Pipe, Appurtenances and Service Materials

                        2.         Award Professional Engineering Services – Linwood Replacement Well

                        3.         Award Contract – Line Stop and Valve Insertion Services

                        4.         Award Contract – Servicing and Repairing of Electric Source

            b.         Parking

                        1.         Parking Meter Rates

            c.         Budget

                        1.         2019 Budget Transfers

                        2.         Award Contract – State Co-Op Purchasing Program – Ammunition for                                           Police Department

                        3.         Award Contract – State Co-Op Purchasing Program, Education Services                                              Commission of NJ Co-Op and Sourcewell Co-Op Purchasing Program –                                                Mason             Dump Truck Chassis, Body and Snow Plow – Fleet Services

                        4.         Award Contract – State Co-Op Purchasing Program – 2020 Ford F550                                                 Pickup Chassis – Fleet Services

                        5.         Award Partial Contract – 2019 Road Resurfacing and Repair of Various                                               Streets

                        6.         Award Contract – Education Services Commission of New Jersey and                                                 New Jersey Co-Op Purchasing Program- Mechanic’s Service Truck Body                                         and Chassis – Fleet Services

                        7.         Award Contract – Sourcewell Co-Op Purchasing Program – 2021 Leach                                                  Rearloader and Mack Chassis

                        8.         Approve Mailing of Tax Sale Notice

                        9.         Approve Refund and Canceling of Taxes for Disabled Veteran – 378                                                 Stevens Avenue

                        10.       Award Contract – Valley Community Health - Nursing Services               

                        11.       Award Contract – Physician for Child Health Conference

                        12.       Award Shared Services Agreement – 2020 Child Health Clinic

                        13.       Police Department Salary Ordinance

            d.         Policy

                        1.         Permit for Winter Door Enclosures for Businesses

                        2.         Proposed Ordinance to Amend Chapter 190 – Driveways

                        3.         Village Code – Pertaining to Signs

                        4.         Village Code – Pertaining Building Colors

                        5.         Restrictions on Vaping and Related Illnesses

                        6.         Amendment to Cat Ordinance

            e.         Operations

                        1.         Eagle Scout Project – Kings Pond Park


14.       Review of November 13, 2019 Public Meeting Agenda

15.       Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)

16.       Closed Session

            A.        Legal – Hudson Street Parking Garage, Library

17.       Adjournment




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