20200923 - Village Council Workshop Agenda



SEPTEMBER 23, 2020

7:30 P.M.


1.         7:30 pm – Call to Order – Mayor

2.         Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meeting Act

            Mayor: “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin    board in Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by submission      to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and          time of this meeting.”

3.         Roll Call – Village Clerk                                                                                                       

4.         Flag Salute/Moment of Silence

5.         Public Comments (Not to Exceed 3 Minutes per Person - 40 Minutes in Total)

6.         Manager’s Report

7.         Council Reports         

8.         Discussion

            a.         Ridgewood Water  

1.         Declare Surplus –2004 Ford Escape and 2012 Ford Transit

2.         Award Contract Under State Contract – One Ford XL Super Duty F350 Chassis & Body – Metering Division

3.         Award Contract Under State Contract – One Ford XL Super Duty F350 Chassis & Body – Metering Division

4.         Additional Award – Servicing and Repairing of Electric Source at Various Facilities

5.         Additional Partial Award – Resurfacing and Repair of Various Village Streets

6.         Award Professional Services Contract - Public Policy Consultant Services and Water Consortium

7.         Award Professional Services Contract – Engineering and Construction Administration of Booster Station                      


            b.         Parking

                        1.         Pilot Program for Grab and Go Spaces         

            c.         Budget

1.         Award Professional Services – 2020 Annual Audit

2.         Award Cooperative Purchasing Contract – Front End Loader – Streets Division

3.         Award State Purchasing Contract – In-Car Camera Storage Server Replacement - Police Department

4.         Award State Purchasing Contract – Zetron Radio System – Police Department

5.         Award Contract – Second Year – Furnishing and Delivering of Sodium Bisulfite Solution and Sodium Hypochlorite Solution – Water Pollution Control Facility

6.         Award Contract – Second Year – Furnishing Laboratory Analysis Services – Water Pollution Control Facility and Graydon Pool Facility           

7.         Award Contract – Purchase and Installation of Pumps and Appurtenances – Water Pollution Control

8.         Award Contract – Vehicle Defeating Barriers – Police Department

9.         Additional Partial Award – 2020 Resurfacing and Repairs of Various Streets – 2019/2020 NJDOT Municipal Aid Grant Program

10.       Declare Property Surplus – Parks and Recreation Department

11.       Bond Ordinance for Funding Replacement Sanitation Truck


d.         Policy

1.         Proposed Stop Sign – Area of Wastena Terrace

2.         Review Vendor Signature Rules

e.         Operations                              

1.         Update on NJDOT Decision – Warren Avenue/Glenwood Road

2.         Removed from Agenda

3.         Draft – Affordable Housing Element and Fair Share Plan

4.         Draft – Affordable Housing – Unmet Need Ordinances

5.         Draft – Affordable Housing – Administrative Ordinance


9.         Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)

10.       Adjournment

  • Hits: 1786


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