December 2, 2020
7:30 P.M.
1. 7:30 pm – Call to Order – Mayor
2. Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meeting Act
Mayor: “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and time of this meeting.”
“Due to the fact that we continue to meet through a remote meeting format, there are some required announcements to make.
- All participants are muted during this meeting.
- Anyone wishing to make comments, may do so during Comments from the Public, and during the public hearings on any ordinances by hitting *9 on your phones to raise your hand, and then once you are recognized, hitting *6 on your phones to unmute, or by raising your hand icon if you are on your computers. You must state your name and address for the record.
- Members of the public may also submit written comments to us for any future remote meetings by either email to Donna Jackson, Deputy Village Clerk, at djackson@ridgewoodnj.net, with the subject line, “Comments for Village Council Meeting” or written letter to Donna Jackson, Deputy Village Clerk. Written comments must be received by 4:00 p.m. on the day before the remote meeting in order to be read into the record during the meeting. All written comments must adhere to the time limits already set by ordinance.
- Members of the public commenting during a remote meeting shall not act in any manner to disrupt the meeting. If anyone becomes disruptive during the meeting, they will be muted. If time permits, the disruptive individual shall be allowed to speak after all other members of the public are provided an opportunity to comment.
- Any continued disruption may result in the member being prevented from speaking during the remainder of this meeting. Disruptive conduct includes, but is not limited to, shouting, interruption, and the use of profanity.”
3. Roll Call – Village Clerk
4. Flag Salute/Moment of Silence
5. Public Comments (Not to Exceed 3 Minutes per Person - 40 Minutes in Total)
6. Manager’s Report
7. Council Reports
8. Presentation – Tree Inventory
9. Discussion
a. Ridgewood Water
1. Reject Bid – Annual Laboratory Analysis Services
2. Award Professional Services Contract – Hydrogeologic Consulting Services
3. Award Professional Services Contract – Design and Construction Administration of Twinney PFAS Treatment and Improvements
4. Award Additional Contract Year – Servicing and Repair of Potable Water Pumping Facilities
5. Award Contract Under State Contract – Chlorine and Phosphate Analyzers
6. Award Contract Under State Contract – Aerial Mapping
7. Award Contract – Year Two Servicing and Repairing of Electric Source
8. Award Contract – Year Two Landscaping Services
9. Award Contract – Year Two Furnishing and Delivering of Sodium Hypochlorite Solution
10. Award Contract – Year Two Line Stop and Valve Insertion Services
11. Award Contract – Year Two Pipe, Appurtenances and Service Materials
12. Award Contract – Garrett Place Watermain Project Planning
13. Award Contract – 2021-2022 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Laboratory Analysis Services
14. Award Contract – Elks Club Interior & Exterior Partial Demolition
15. Award Contract – 2021 Tree Maintenance Services
16. Award Contract – 2021 Cold Water Meters
17. Award Contract – Change Order #1 Professional Engineering Services for Farview and Eastside Station Improvements
b. Parking
1. None
c. Budget
1. Budget Transfers
2. 2021 Cash Management Plan
3. Award Professional Services Contract – Software for Finance Department
4. Award Contract – Purchase of Lawn Mower for Water Pollution Control Facility
5. Award Contract – Water Pollution Control Facility Façade Repairs
6. Award Contract – Yard Waste Disposal
7. Award Contract – Street Sweeping Disposal
8. Award Contract – Replace Doors at WPC
9. Award Contract – Preparation of 2021 Village Council Meeting Minutes
10. Award Professional Services Contract – Feasibility Assessment for the Ridgewood Indoor Firearms Range
11. Award Contract – Computer Software and Hardware for the Public Access Channel/Video Streaming
12. Declare Surplus – Solid Waste 2003 CCC Packer
13. Declare Surplus – Fire Equipment
d. Policy
1. Stop Signs at Shelton Road Approach to Steilen Avenue
2. Removed from Agenda
3. Council Appointed Boards and Committees – Funding and Fundraising
4. Ridgecrest PILOT Agreement
5. Mandatory Outdoor Mask Policy
e. Operations
1. Authorize Shared Services Agreement – TV Inspection
2. Authorize Shared Services Agreement – Cosmetology Inspections Borough of Norwood
3. Renewal of Liquor License – Signature Cocktails, LLC, Maple Avenue Liquors
4. Updated Violation Ordinance Schedule
10. Review of December 9, 2020 Public Meeting Agenda
11. Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)
12. Closed
a. Legal – PFAS Case Update; Lease of Water Property for Wireless Communications; Barrington Road; One Village One Vote Litigation
b. Personnel – Supervisors Contract; Appointments to Boards and Committees
c. Contract Negotiations – Contract for 1057 Hillcrest Road
13. Adjournment
- Hits: 2088