20170104 Village Council Work Session Minutes



Mayor Knudsen called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. and read the Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. At roll call, the following were present: Councilmembers Hache, Sedon, Voigt, Walsh, and Mayor Knudsen. Also present were Heather Mailander, Acting Village Manager; Matthew Rogers, Village Attorney; and Donna M. Jackson, Deputy Clerk.  

Mayor Knudsen led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and held a Moment of Silence for all the men and women serving our nation and all first responders.


Mayor Knudsen asked if there were any comments or questions from the public.

Hans Lehman, a resident of 234 Union Street, expressed his feelings regarding the inadequate snow removal from public properties creating hazardous conditions for pedestrians, especially senior citizens.

Mr. Lehman spoke about alleged inappropriate conduct of the Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) and violations of the Faulkner Act by the Mayor. He asked for assurance that the Village is run above reproach and he asked Councilman Voigt to explain his prior comments about this matter in detail.

Councilman Voigt, Council Liaison with the FAC, stated that his public and private actions have been consistent with his focus on residents being treated fairly, addressing the North Walnut Street parking area mediation, parking in the Central Business District (CBD) and insuring the CBD remains vibrant. Councilman Voigt stated his objections to Mayor Knudsen requesting copies of all Village employee e-mails emanating from the FAC without first advising him or another member of this request. He also expressed concern with a comment made by Mayor Knudsen suggesting that members of the FAC have overstepped their bounds. Councilman Voigt read from Resolution 13-88 which detailed the responsibilities of the FAC, and based on that, he was unclear on how actions of FAC members overstepped their bounds. Councilman Voigt listed accomplishments of the FAC which included a thorough assessment of the parking deficit through a painstaking survey of writing grants for both the clean-up of Walnut Street and alternative transportation, including monies for pedestrian safety. Councilman Voigt listed the following members of the FAC: David Hough; Charlie DiMarco; Brian Lahey; Alex Kisilevich; John Cavanaugh; Rei Shinozuka; Rob Kotch; and the Chairman, Evan Weitz. He described these members as highly respected, successful and educated members of the community. Councilman Voigt further explained that the FAC has been working on evaluating the parking utility, along with the introduction of alternative payments for parking with the introduction of kiosks and its potential of being a significant money maker for the Village, as well as the evaluation of other under-utilized Village assets with the intention of using these funds to offset other expenses and to potentially reduce taxes.

Councilman Voigt also expressed concerns with comments made by Mayor Knudsen which he felt were disrespectful relating to comments he made at the December 3, 2016 Council Meeting. He spoke of the importance of respecting each other’s values, “agreeing to disagree” and moving ahead to do what is right for the Village.

Rurik Halaby, 374 Evergreen Place, questioned whether the Open Public Meeting Act was violated when Mayor Knudsen spoke to individual Council members regarding the Letter of Resignation and what he described as an eviction of Village Employee Roberta Sonenfeld.  

Village Attorney Rogers stated that while he didn’t know all the facts, it is not a violation of the Open Public Meetings Act when a mayor receives a letter of resignation and then advises other Council members about that letter. The Open Public Meetings Act requires notice of a meeting when a quorum of the Council members get together for a discussion about public business in which they may take a vote or on which they may act upon.

Mr. Halaby asked if a letter of resignation should be accepted on behalf of the Council at a public meeting. Mr. Rogers explained that in the absence of a Village Manager, who is basically the CEO of Ridgewood’s form of government, it is proper for the Mayor to accept it. The Mayor’s effort to notify the other Council member is common practice.

Evan Weitz, 423 Oak Street, Chairman of the FAC, updated the Council on the actions of the FAC. Over the last few months, the FAC has assisted in drafting grants including the Walnut Street Clean-up, and conducting a parking study and a parking utility revenue study. The FAC is primed to take a look at the 2017 budget numbers and to work with the “big dollar” departments regarding cost savings and areas where spending may be more appropriate than others.   The FAC will be looking at municipal fees and the infrastructure footprint that was ordered by the Council last year. Mr. Weitz thanked Village CFO, Bob Rooney, and Councilman Voigt for their hard work for the Village.

Janice Willett, 207 Prospect Street, a former member of the FAC spoke of the accomplishments of the FAC during her three years on this committee. She spoke about negative blogs and she spoke of her pride in the work of the FAC over the past three years. Ms. Willett described the FAC as a valuable resource and expressed her hopes that it will continue to be used in this way.

Chad Chadwick, 251 Steilen Avenue, thanked the Council for their hard work and urged everyone to work together.

Chris Reid, 112 Stanley Place, thanked the Council for their hard work. Mr. Reid asked about the RFP traffic study that is proposed for the George Washington School neighborhood. He asked the Council to consider not going with the RFP and to use statistics that have already been received in-house from the Village Engineer, Citizens Safety Action Committee and Police Department before spending additional funds.

Anne Loving, 342 S. Irving Street, questioned one of the by-laws written by the FAC which stated that they would assist in the review and improvement of organizational structures and recurring contract arrangements. Ms. Loving asked if the FAC will be participating in contract negotiations or just reading the contracts after they have been written. Ms. Loving felt the FAC might be viewed better as an ad-hoc committee that had a charge to improve the budgeting process. Ms. Loving asked the Council to review the by-laws of all committees. Ms. Loving stated her objections to the prepared speech given in response to comments raised during the public comment portion of tonight’s meeting which she described as staged and totally nontransparent.   Ms. Loving also asked for Nick Whitney’s name to be removed from the website as he is no longer a member.

Mayor Knudsen explained that no one was evicted from office. She said Council colleagues were the recipients of multiple e-mails regarding the Letter of Resignation and thought that it was appropriate to accept immediately. The Letter of Resignation was accepted under the strict guidance of legal counsel. At the suggestion that there was a violation of the Faulkner Act that would warrant a visit to the Prosecutors Office, Mayor Knudsen responded as follows: “On November 1st Mr. Voigt sent an e-mail suggesting I violated the Faulkner Act. On November 2nd it was a subject of a closed session discussion. It was thoroughly vetted. There were witnesses available. Every single witness spoke up. Mr. Voigt was advised there was no violation of the law and no violation of any Faulkner Act. These findings were expressed in a formal statement prepared by the Village Attorney, Mr. Rogers, that essentially expressed the findings of the Closed Session”. Mayor Knudsen reviewed the statement with the Village Manager, who, along with Mr. Rogers, was comfortable with it. Mayor Knudsen asked for the meeting to continue to allow for the serious business of the Village to continue.

  2. Ridgewood Water

                        1.)        Bond Ordinance – Water Main Replacement at Stream Crossings, Linwood Avenue and Beechwood Road

Acting Village Manager Ms. Mailander explained that construction cost estimates received were $846,000 for the Stream Crossing Replacement Project and $764,000 for the Linwood/Beechwood Replacement Project. She identified the stream crossings as Spring Avenue at the Ho-Ho-Kus Brook, Linwood Avenue at the Saddle River, North Irving at the Ho-Ho-Kus Brook and East Ridgewood Avenue at the Ho-Ho-Kus Brook. Each location will be replaced with new pipe, constructed at a deeper profile and properly encased for future protection. The Linwood/Beechwood Replacements are at Linwood Avenue in Midland Park and Beechwood Road in Ridgewood. The main replacement is necessary to improve water quality and increase fire protection. The new main will be placed in a separate trench so service distributions are limited. The 2016 Budget was allocated at $325,000.00. Ridgewood Water is requesting a bond ordinance in the amount of $1,285,400, plus bond expenses, for both of the upcoming construction projects. This will be considered for introduction next week and proposed to be started in the spring.

                        2.)        Award of Contract – Purchase of Truck

Ms. Mailander explained that the contract is in two parts. One is for the purchase of the truck chassis through the Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission. The truck is being purchased with a larger engine to allow the truck to access up hills. This purchase is already in the Capital Budget for this year. The second contract is for the truck body, which will have two 500 gallon chemical tanks. Through a quote process, the truck body is recommended to be purchased from SteelFab in the amount of $36,465.55. This purchase is also in the Water Capital Budget for this year.

Under questioning by Councilwoman Walsh, Village Engineer Rutishauser explained that the truck chassis will have a warranty. An extended warranty is also available and the need for this is being debated with Water Company personnel. The fact that the truck chassis is being purchased separate from the truck body should not affect the warranty.   Rustproofing will be applied to the chassis.

  1. Parking

                        1.)        Amend Ordinance for Parking and Traffic

Ms. Mailander listed the principal changes to this ordinance as follows:

  • Clarify language for the new Central Business District (CBD) employee parking
  • Provide the Police Department a means to remove improperly parked vehicles
  • Additional escalating violations have been added to the penalties section
  • The taxi stand section has been revised (two spaces have been delineated)
  • Language on how CBD employees can pay for their dedicated spaces

Ms. Mailander explained that the escalating fines may make it a little more painful for repeat offenders and perhaps they will stop parking where they should not be parking.

Mr. Rutishauser explained that this is a type of a clean-up ordinance to address changes recently made.

A discussion followed on where vehicles with hang tags can be parked on Saturdays at Hudson, Prospect and Chestnut. Currently, vehicles are not allowed to park in these spaces because the Village does not want commuters parking in these spaces. It was determined that all vehicles with hang tags, including 750 hang tags, may use any of the legal lots on Saturdays. The Ordinance will be revised to clarify this.

  1. Operations

                        1.)        Discuss Amending Regulations in Chapter 190, Land Use and Development

Blais Brancheau, Director of Planning, explained that the proposed amendment is to change the regulations for institutional uses and for public utilities in the Village. Mr. Brancheau referred the Council members to a draft copy of the ordinance. The genesis of this ordinance comes from a reexamination of the Master Plan and the development of regulations that occurred approximately ten years ago and reiterated in the re-examination that was completed last year. It has taken an added emphasis in the passage of the Federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act which is basically designed to prohibit, in land use matters, discrimination on the basis of religion. In addition, there are other items that need to be addressed. Institutional uses are defined basically as houses of worship and K-12 schools. Public utilities are not clearly defined, but there is a wide range of public utilities under the statutory definition of public utilities. All three of these uses are regulated as a conditional use. All three of the uses are permitted in the conditional use regulations in every zone district in the Village. Schools and houses of worship located in a nonresidential zone, are subject to the same regulations as all other nonresidential uses. For schools, houses of worship and public utilities located in a residential zone there are special regulations. In looking at those regulations the Planning Board felt certain changes were needed. Mr. Brancheau referred the Council to a document in their packets which compared the existing code with the proposed ordinance. The key provisions are changing the status of these uses in the nonresidential zones from conditional to permitted uses focusing on the issue of discrimination. For example, if zoning regulations allow for an office building or other assembly use like a club where its members or employees all gather at one time and then leave on mass it is essentially functioning similarly from a land use perspective the same as a house of worship. To have different regulations for uses that have the same effect, could be viewed as discriminatory by the courts. Mr. Brancheau further explained that the code regulates schools differently from houses of worship and public utilities. The Planning Board felt that schools and houses of worship are very similar in their character and could be regulated the same; whereas houses of worship and public utilities are very different in their character and should not be regulated the same. For example, in the zoning regulations today, in reference to schools located in a residential zone, there are no standards for lot area, lot width, lot depth, floor area ratio, setbacks for fields or playgrounds. Also there is no limitation for improvement coverage. The same is true for houses of worship. In addition, the parking requirement for schools and houses of worship is one space for every 250 square feet of gross floor area under the current regulations. The Planning Board felt a more accurate measurement for parking would be one space per four students at maximum capacity. For houses of worship it would be based on the number of seats or the amount of floor area, whichever is greater, in use at one time. Changes are also proposed in the setback standards. For example, the current setback standard for schools is three times the building height and for houses of worship it is one time the building height, not including the steeple. The Board felt that one standard should be for both (one time the building height) and that the steeple should be included in making that measurement. Front yard requirements have changed and requirements have been added for improvement coverage and floor area ratio. All of this designed to provide reasonable accommodation of institutional uses in residential zones and to provide better protection for the residential neighborhood in which they exist. One example of this protection is that buffers will be based on the size of the property.

Mr. Brancheau recommended that in order to avoid any possible claims of discrimination, he is recommending that the draft ordinance be revised to permit institutional uses in certain additional nonresidential zones that permit other assembly uses or uses that could involve the assembly of larger numbers of people at one time, i.e., office buildings. The additional zones which are recommended to permit institutional uses are the B-3-R, C and HC zone districts.

Councilwoman Walsh asked for the back story of why the Planning Board started this process. Mr. Brancheau explained that after he conducted the last three reexaminations from 1997 to 2006, his analysis recommended, and the Planning Board agreed, that it must be determined whether the regulations are being discriminatory. There is no pending application driving this action; it has been on the “back burner” for many years and the Board has finally found time to address it. Mayor Knudsen noted that the reexaminations resulted in a list of 186 action items. Mayor Knudsen explained that in order to start addressing these action items, she, along with Mr. Brancheau, selected those most easily addressed. The Council will start seeing more of these items addressed in the future. Mr. Brancheau pointed out that the Council had introduced an earlier version of this ordinance a couple of years ago, but it was defeated after revisions were made.

Under questioning by Councilman Hache, Mr. Brancheau stated that all zoning that is in place legally today would be grandfathered in.

Mayor Knudsen commended the work done on this ordinance by Mr. Brancheau.

  1. Budget

            1.)        Handgun and Ammunition Purchase

Ms. Mailander explained that the police department is requesting to purchase 9mm replacement handguns at a total cost of just under $20,000. The police department’s first mandatory qualifications would be in late April so they would like to purchase the handguns as early in the year as possible. The police department is changing over from the .40 caliber handgun for several reasons. FBI testing found that the 9mm bullet is the most superior round available. The 9mm round and 9mm handgun are less expensive than the current handguns in use. In addition, there is less recoil associated with 9mm handguns, which means less wear and tear on the gun, which means less maintenance over the lifespan. Less recoil also provides a more accurate gun and functional reliability which makes the officers better marksman.

Under questioning by Councilman Hache, Ms. Mailander said that she will find out more information on the stopping power of the 9mm handgun.

            2.)        Award Contract – Hook Lift Truck & Vehicle Rack Body Truck – Parks Department

Ms. Mailander explained that this truck is to be purchased through the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) which is a cooperative purchaser. It is funded in the 2015 Capital budget. It is replacing two existing trucks. The purchase price of the state contract is $183,500.35, which includes a $6,000.00 trade-in allowance for a Chevy Dump Truck.

            3.)        Bond Ordinance – Paving & Streetscape; Police Scheduling Software;                          Creation of Female Locker Room at Firehouse

Part 1 - Paving & Streetscape: Ms. Mailander explained that the work proposed will include repaving, repairing, streetscape curbs, sidewalks, curb cuts, and ADA improvements. In addition, for the first time this year, there will be planting of shade trees along the streets worked. The shade trees will help the Village reforest, replacing the trees lost during hurricanes Irene and Sandy. The shade trees will be a minor component of the work but will create a noticeable improvement for our residents. $1,400,000 in capital funds is requested to be appropriated for this work. This request is being made outside of the normal capital budget to enable the Village to get a jump on bidding and awarding the work in April rather than in July. This may also allow for better prices.

Under questioning by Councilman Voigt, Mr. Rutishauser explained that the budget amount is based on requests the Village has made over a number of years. Currently, there is a 17 to 20-year replacement cycle for a paved roadway. Unfortunately, many of the pavements are showing serious deterioration after 11 to 12 years. An example of that is North Pleasant Avenue, a State Aid Street paved in 2002-2003. The Village will be applying for additional state aid to resurface it because of its current poor condition. Mr. Rutishauser further explained that the funds will address many, but not all of the issues. If all the issues were addressed, the yearly funding would be in the $5,000,000 to $8,000,000 range.

Councilman Sedon thanked Mr. Rutishauser for adding the planting of shade trees to the proposed improvements to Village Streets. Mr. Rutishauser noted that Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G) species guidelines will be followed for proper tree placement where power lines are located. Councilman Sedon noted that the Shade Tree Division and Parks Department has an updated list of tree species from PSE&G.

Under questioning by Councilman Hache, Mr. Rutishauser said noncompliant ADA ramps will be replaced on streets that are being resurfaced. ADA ramps will be built on these streets where none currently exist. Also, detectable warning surfaces will be added to the end of sidewalks where required for use by visually handicapped persons.

Part 2 – Police Scheduling Software: Ms. Mailander explained that currently the scheduling, billing overtime attendance, shift selections and outside police services are all done manually. The system requested will help with the elimination of clerical and duplication errors, a reduction of paperwork and a reduction of the total costs of administering leave management policies. A simple cost benefit analysis was done based on information from the month of November, 2016. If this scheduling program is implemented it is projected to save approximately $385K in time annually, as it takes a Captain almost two weeks to do a lot of this work. Some indirect benefits include being able to fairly regulate and predict the cost of overtime, eliminating unnecessary overtime, having analysis tools which can produce valuation graphs, factual numeric reports and payroll information. The cost of this is $30,000.

Councilwoman Walsh asked for a copy of the existing schedule for comparison purposes. She also asked how much of the $385K cost involved scheduling.

Under questioning by Councilwoman Walsh, Ms. Mailander explained that updates will involve additional yearly costs of approximately $1,000.00. Ms. Mailander also explained that the system proposed will greatly reduce the time involved manning outside jobs. The system will automatically telephone, e-mail and text individual officers, based on seniority, when an outside job is available. Ms. Mailander will get more information for the Council.

Part 3 – Creation of Female Locker Room at Firehouse: Ms. Mailander explained that the Fire Department has several female candidates being considered for the position of firefighter. Accordingly, certain capital fund modifications consisting of an additional bathroom and locker room are needed in order to comply with current guidelines. The estimated cost is $60,000. Under questioning by Councilman Voigt, Ms. Mailander said that there are female candidates near the top of the hiring list and the retirement of a current firefighter is anticipated at the beginning of this year.

            4.)        Review Proposals for Pilot Program for Ridgewood Resident Commuter Transportation to and from Ridgewood Train Station       

Ms. Mailander explained that the Village received one proposal for this project. Upon review, Mr. Rutishauser does not feel the proposal complies with the intent of the RFP. The Village Attorney also agrees that the proposal is not responsive to the specs.

Under questioning by Councilwoman Walsh, Mr. Philip Swibinski, of the consulting firm Vision Media, who prepared the proposal from Uber Technologies, said he will check into why the proposal has several layers of companies involved. Since the company is not clearly identified as Uber, Councilwoman Walsh expressed a concern with safety issues regarding passengers. Mr. Swibinski assured the Council that they would indeed be working with Uber; however, he will look into the matter further.

Councilman Hache expressed a concern with the cost proposal not including the cost. Mr. Swibinski said the way the service works, it is not really possible to answer some of the questions that were proposed in the RFP, specifically, asking for a definitive cost on each ride. Councilman Hache asked for an average range over two years. Mr. Swibinski suggested that Uber would be flexible on the cost and that a cost could be determined based on the amount of money the Village is willing to pay for this service and cap it at this. During the original meeting with Uber, cost factors such as the potential length of the program, the potential number of residents who would use it and the amount of subsidy the Village will provide were discussed.

Under questioning by Mayor Knudsen, Mr. Swibinski said he will check into why the Equal Opportunity Compliance Requirements were not submitted.

Under questioning by Councilman Sedon, Mr. Roger’s explained that once this bid is rejected, the process must begin again. If the bid is rejected again, negotiations may begin.

            5.)        Approve RFP for Traffic Engineering Services

Ms. Mailander explained that the RFP involves the area west of the railroad tracks, around the George Washington School area, with a particular emphasis on pedestrian and vehicle safety, parking, traffic management, and resident quality of life.

Mr. Rutishauser referred the Council members to Section D of the RFP which detailed the proposed scope of work.

Under questioning by Councilman Voigt, Mr. Rutishauser said a supply assessment will be conducted to determine peak and nonpeak parking demand.

Under questioning by Councilwoman Walsh, Mr. Rutishauser explained that this traffic study encompasses Godwin Avenue, Sherman Place, Pomander Walk, Washington Place with the George Washington Middle School, West Ridgewood Avenue, and Garfield Place. Other locations could be added if requested by the Council.

Under questioning by Mayor Knudsen, Mr. Rutishauser said this study could begin in approximately 3 weeks after approval, with a final report issued in about 5-6 months. He did not know the extent of the cost, but he estimated that it could be between $30,000 and $60,000. Mr. Rutishauser said that he could add time frames to the RFP, detailing when certain tasks are due, in order to accelerate the time needed for completion. Some of the work has already been done in-house, such as the volume and speed count studies that the Police Department prepared. Information available in-house will not be duplicated but will be made available to the selected consultant. Mayor Knudsen expressed a particular concern with problems on Sherman Place. Mr. Rutishauser said he met with residents and he has information to develop an ordinance, particularly for the southern half of Sherman near Godwin. Noting that the residents have lived with an imposed change since June 2016, Mayor Knudsen asked if the study time could be accelerated. Councilman Sedon felt it made sense to look at every option possible to move things along, but he noted that fixing the problem on one street may create problems on another street. Looking at the whole area would prevent this type of cause and effect issue. Mr. Rutishauser said that he will present his list of ordinance items and the resolution to the Council at the January 25th meeting.

Councilman Hache asked to look at the intersection of Godwin and Doremus, as well. He described a dangerous situation when vehicles make right turns. Mr. Rutishauser said these streets are located at the start of a critical corridor leading to the Ackerman/S.Monroe/Lincoln traffic light.

            6.)        Award EUS – Sanitary Sewer Manhole Repair

Ms. Mailander explained that the manhole frame and cover located in the travel lane of North Maple Avenue by number 550 needed to be replaced as soon as possible to avoid a traffic hazard. The Streets Division did not have staff available so ConQuest Construction, Inc., was contacted and the manhole was replaced the next day. This effort can be paid for from the Capital Paving Ordinance.

            7.)        Approve Fees – Graydon Pool, Summer Day Camp, Tennis Badges

Ms. Mailander explained that Graydon Pool guest passes have been $10 for at least the past 10 years. An increase to $15 is suggested, which may encourage people to purchase seasonal memberships. All other membership categories will remain the same.

The Summer Day Camp participant fee has been $525 per camper since 2013. Due to increased costs of transportation, salaries, etc., an increase to $550 per camper is suggested for the 2017 and 2018 seasons.

The Tennis Fees for 2017 and 2018 will remain unchanged.

Under the request of Councilwoman Walsh and Mayor Knudsen, Ms. Mailander will find out how many guest passes and seasonal memberships were sold over the last five years for comparison purposes.

            7.)        Approve RFP for Grant Writer

Ms. Mailander explained that one proposal was received from Bruno Associates, Inc. However, the proposal was not filled out correctly and does not comply with the intent of the RFP. There is no cost or hours required quoted for the scope of services other than a $50 per hour rate. Ms. Mailander suggested rejecting this proposal and discussing a different way to pursue this at the January 25th meeting.

  1. Policy

            1.)        Donation to Police Department - Motorcycle

Ms. Mailander explained that the Police Department has been offered a donation of a motorcycle from a Glen Rock resident who has made this type of donation to other area police departments. This person does not have any applications pending in front of any board or committee in the Village. In a memorandum to Ms. Mailander dated January 3, 2017, Police Chief Luthcke wrote that the motorcycle would allow the police department to improve their community policing as it combines the approachability of a bicycle with the responsive speed of a motor vehicle. Motorcycles are less expensive to run and maintain, yet can be fully equipped and get into smaller areas than a car or truck. The department is very excited to get this opportunity and look forward to being able to showcase the motorcycle at numerous community events.

Under questioning by Councilman Hache, Ms. Mailander explained that there are police officers on the force now who drive motorcycles. Certain protected gear and equipment will need to be purchased; all of which can be put into the Capital Budget.

            2.)        Boards and Committees – Structures and By-laws

Ms. Mailander explained that these are guidelines for by-laws and charters for Boards and Committees.

Mayor Knudsen thanked the person who developed this template, Rei Shinozuka. She explained that this document will offer an opportunity for all the Village boards and committees to create by-laws that are appropriately defined and posted on each of the individual pages on the Village Website. It will show the organization, where the meetings are, the process involved and what the objectives are. The by-laws will then be drafted and voted by consensus of the members and subsequently approved by resolution to ensure that they are consistent with the mandate of the committee.

Under questioning by Councilman Voigt, Mr. Rogers explained that if the Council will be reviewing these by-laws after they are approved by the board or committee members, they could be approved as an authorizing resolution. The authorizing resolution will be the controlling document. The by-laws further define the operation of the committees.

Councilman Sedon noted that most of the committees he has sat on do not have by-laws. The guidelines will help the boards and committees make the by-laws their own and applicable to their particular situations. By-laws are helpful when there are change overs, such as new members.

Mr. Rogers asked that a “conflict of interest” statement should be included in all by-laws. He also noted that the words illegal or improper are sometimes used when people think that a particular committee does something they are not supposed to do. He suggested using the legal term, ultra vires, which means beyond power.

Mayor Knudsen pointed out that the creation of these guidelines had nothing to do with the FAC. It had to do with concerns involving several committees which resulted in a realization that there was no system in place that guided the different boards and committees. She felt it is the responsibility of the Council to ensure that everyone is acting in a consistent and appropriate manner and to have it formed by resolution. It is very important to have continuity throughout all the committees.

Ms. Mailander suggested having a resolution detailing what the Council wants for the structure and then going forward and giving it to all the boards and committees so that they have this guidance. Mayor Knudsen felt the Council should review all the by-laws, adopt those, and prepare a resolution to ensure that they are consistent. The by-laws would also help residents who may be interested in joining a particular board or committee learn more about it before making a decision. All Council members were in agreement.

Councilman Sedon suggested that when the resolutions are approved, copies of the original resolutions that formed each committee be included as well, so the by-laws can be modeled off these resolutions. Ms. Mailander stated that this could be done.

A resolution will be prepared for next week.

  1. Operations

            2.)        Shared Services – Purchase of Brine from Borough of Hawthorne

Ms. Mailander explained that this is a Shared Services Agreement with the Borough of Hawthorne to purchase salt brine for use as a pre-treatment for ice control. The Village has done this in the past. The cost would be $0.15 per gallon.

  1. Review of January 11 2017 Regular Public Meeting Agenda

Ms. Mailander stated that next week there will be two proclamations including Jamboree Days and Recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. There is a Presentation of Certificates to and Recognition of State Champions – RHS Maroons Football Team Members and Coach Chuck Johnson. Ordinances for introduction include: Water Main Replacement at Stream Crossings- Linwood Avenue and Beechwood Road. Resolutions include: Award Contract – Ridgewood Water -Purchase of Truck Chassis and Award of Contract – Purchase of Chemical Tanks for the truck.

The following ordinances are schedule for introduction in the general part of the agenda: Amend Ordinance for Parking and Traffic in the CBD; Bond Ordinance – Street Paving and Streetscape, Police Department Scheduling Software and Creation of Female Locker Room at Firehouse; Amending Chapter 145 – Fees – Graydon Pool, Summer Day Camp, and Tennis Badge Fees; and Ordinance Amendment Chapter 190 Land Use and Development.

The scheduled public hearings include: Amend Chapter 263 – Valet Parking Services – Annual Operating Permit Fee and Requirement to Cover Valet Parking Signs; Amend Chapter 145 – Fees- Ridgewood Parking Permit Ordinance – Parking Permit for All Parking Lots; Establish Regulations for Short Term Rentals of Private Homes; Amend Chapter 265 – Vehicles and Traffic – Establish No Left Turn at Van Neste Square; Amend Chapter 265 – Central Business District Employee Parking Permits to Establish Monthly Parking Permits - Cottage Place and North Walnut Street Parking Lots; Amend Chapter 145 - Fees - Central Business District Employee Monthly Parking Permits.

Resolutions include: Award Contract Under State Contract - 9mm Handguns and Ammunition; Award Contract - Hook Lift Truck and Vehicle Rack Body Truck - Parks Department; Award Extraordinary, Unspecifiable Services Contract - Sanitary Sewer Manhole Repair; Approve Shared Services Agreement - Purchase of Brine (Hawthorne); Approve Shared Services Agreement - Bergen County Police Chiefs Association Mutual Aid Plan and Rapid Deployment Force (done annually); Reject Bid - Pilot Program for Ridgewood Resident Commuter Transportation to and from Ridgewood Train Station; Authorize Tax Assessor/Tax Collector to File appeals and/or Settlement Stipulations; and Accept Donation to Police Department - Motorcycle; Approve RFP for Traffic Engineering Services; Establishing Structures for Committee By-Laws.


Ms. Mailander read from an e-mail from John Sperber, Superintendent of the Water Pollution Control Facility. When he came he noticed that the Sodium Hypochlorite Injection System was less than optimal. It didn’t provide adequate mixing between the tanks; however, it did not create a compliance issue as proper disinfecting did occur.   If two much sodium hyperchloride is used more sodium bisulfite is needed to dechlorinate.   The cost to repair this was $100.00 and immediately a better dosage was realized. This has been in place for one year and the result was a savings of $3,500 in 2016 versus 2015. This savings is expected to be an annual savings. Mr. Sperber also changed the old style pumps. The new pumps are $700 versus $1,100 for the old ones. The new pumps should last longer and are more operator friendly. Ms. Mailander congratulated Mr. Sperber on these cost saving improvements and hoped they would continue.

Ms. Mailander read from an e-mail from Bill McCabe, a Ridgewood resident, commending recycling center employee Marion who helped him out when his car broke down. Mr. McCabe said the center was very busy and the weather included freezing rain, yet Marion stopped everything to help him. Ms. Mailander said she has received many complimentary e-mails about Marion and she went to the recycling center to meet him and congratulate him. She observed how Marion went immediately up to the residents’ vehicles to help them unload their recyclables. Ms. Mailander thanked all residents who write to the Village commending their employees.   Mayor Knudsen spoke of how much these comments are appreciated by both the Village and the employee.

Ms. Mailander reported that the underground PSE&G gas main work on the CBD throughout North and South Broad Street as well as Franklin and Walnut will begin on January 16th. The entire project will take about 3 months, weather permitting. There will be some night work done. Paving will be done after the completion of the project. Police will be present on the job and for the majority of the work at least one lane will be open. Sometimes there may be one lane divided into two so there can be two-way traffic. When traffic is not permitted there will be detour signs in the area and police will be present to direct people.

Ms. Mailander reported on the 2017 Supplemental School Tax Billing. A $929,800 permanent school tax levy to support a full-day kindergarten program was approved by the residents in November, 2016. Questions may be directed to Dr. Alfredo Aguilar, the school district’s business manager at 201-670-2700 x 10503. Both the supplemental school tax bills and the current tax bills are due on February 1, 2017 and May 1, 2017. After that, it will be incorporated into the regular tax bills.

Ms. Mailander reported that the Village is currently in Area D and leaf removal should be completed except for on the mains. Street sweepers will start. The mains need to be done with a leaf vac and those will be completed by the end of next week, weather permitting. Any remaining leaves residents have must be bagged in biodegradable bags and taken to the recycling center.

Ms. Mailander stated that Christmas tree pickup has started on the west side and will move next week to the east side. Residents are asked to get their trees to the curb no later than January 13th. So far this season, the Village has picked up over 750 Christmas trees. The average pick up is between 3,000 and 3,500 each holiday season.

Ms. Mailander reminded everyone that if there is an icing condition or snow, garbage cans must be moved to the end of the driveway by the curb so they can be picked up safely. Snow must be removed from all residential sidewalks within 24 hours of the snowfall. This is especially important near the schools but is required of all residential areas in the Village.

Ms. Mailander reported that the sales of Annual Parking Permits are going smoothly at Village Hall. Several changes were made for commuters, CBD employees and shoppers and diners. The figures as of this morning are as follows: 166 premium hang tags; 72 downtown hang tags; 21 park and ride hang tags; 19 CBD monthly employee hang tags; 22 CBD monthly employee stickers and 1 non-resident hang tag on Cottage Place.

Ms. Mailander said that a note of appreciation was received for tours of the Weather Pollution Control Facility provided to Bergen Community College students all semester. The tours were led by Superintendent John Sperber and Village Engineer Christopher Rutishauser. The professor from Bergen Community appreciated the tours and the information.

Ms. Mailander reported that Bergen County Parks and the Rutgers Center for Environmental Sustainability are working together to develop the first comprehensive master plan for all County Parks. With nearly 10,000 acres of open space and recreational facilities the Bergen County Parks System needs a formal plan to guide the preservation and management of existing parks while outlining what is going to be done in the future. All Bergen County residents are encouraged to attend community information sessions to be held in various areas including Teaneck, Mahwah, Closter, Paramus, Lyndhurst, and River Vale. Ms. Mailander encouraged everyone to attend one of these sessions.

Ms. Mailander announced that the 2017 Village Calendars will arrive in the mail by the end of this week.

Ms. Mailander mentioned that the Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring Restaurant Week January 15 to 19 and January 22 to 26 at participating restaurants. Each business will prepare a three-course, prefixed menu for $25.17. Participating restaurants are listed on the Village website. Calling in advance is recommended.


Councilman Voigt reported on behalf of the Planning Board. The site plans are up and running as far as the evaluation of those go. The Board continues to review the Chestnut Village Site Plan. Traffic and pedestrian safety issues were discussed. Additional installation of crosswalks and sidewalks on Robinson Lane were suggested. There is a question as to whether the Village of Ridgewood or Chestnut Village will be responsible for the cost and this will be discussed further. The Onclave Site Plan review was postponed until the March 7, 2017 meeting. The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for January 17, 2017. The agenda involves either the Dayton or Ken Smith site plans. These Board meetings will be televised.

Councilman Voigt reported on behalf of the FAC. The next FAC meeting will be tomorrow evening at 6:30 pm in the Garden Room. At this meeting, the members will be looking at the two-year revenue expense projections for the parking utility and comparing the use of parking kiosks versus parking meters and different pricing scenarios in the various areas, looking at the potential for the introduction of a garage on Hudson Street and how that is going to affect revenues. Mr. Rooney will be requested to incorporate this into this year’s budget. FAC findings will be presented to the Council in the near future.

Councilman Voigt spoke about the DEP grant and thanked the people who worked very hard on it. Hopefully it will be approved in time to start remediating the North Walnut Street area in March, 2017.

Councilman Voigt spoke of a parking analysis conducted by the FAC. He thanked Joan Groom for distributing surveys to area businesses in the high occupancy area that goes from Broad Street down to Oak Street and both sides of Ridgewood Avenue. He referred to a spread sheet that indicated what the day time parking looks like in this particular three block area. 650 parking spaces are available in and around that area which are filled by 650 cars. These particular cars are commuters or employees of the businesses, not patrons.

Councilman Voigt reported on a recent seminar he attended with Councilman Hache at the League of Municipalities in November, 2016, on the use of economic data with the intention of revitalizing central business districts. In a conversation with the two Councilmen, one of the presenters, Joe Getz, spoke about how important it was to have a parking garage in order for the downtown area to thrive. Mr. Getz stated that households located within a 5-mile radius of downtown have a disposable income of $101,000, which is the highest in the country. Mr. Getz said that businesses such as “Apple”, should be located in a downtown area versus a strip mall, like Tice Corners, to encourage people to visit downtown and stay for a longer period of time. People who can’t find parking don’t stay. Mr. Getz explained that there is about $900,000,000 worth of business in a 5-mile area. $450,000,000 of that is located outside of downtown. Councilman Voigt suggested that the Master Plan look at the CBD as an entity and to use a professional such as Mr. Getz to help gather data for a study to revitalize the CBD.

Councilman Hache added that Mr. Getz stated that he cannot help the Village unless the parking situation is improved.

Councilman Sedon reported that the Green Team met on December 27th. Two members, Elle Gruber and George Wilson visited several businesses in the CBD to make them aware of the Green Business Recognition Program. Chairperson Jiffy Vermylen, and Councilman Sedon handed out some of the awards from last year. Councilman Sedon and Mr. Wilson met with representatives from the DEP who also have a similar Green Business Recognition Program.

Councilman Sedon reported that meetings will be set up with the Shade Tree Commission and potentially Ridgewood Environmental Advisory Committee (REAC) to map out some of the grants available for various projects, determine which are feasible, and come up with a schedule as the grants come up. REAC will meet on Tuesday at 6:30 pm and the Shade Tree Commission will meet at 7:30 pm in the Garden Room.

Councilwoman Walsh reported on the Ridgewood Arts Council. Mrs. Cynthia Halaby was a guest at the most recent meeting. Mrs. Halaby added valuable input on the importance of the Red Cross Historic Collection. Councilwoman Walsh said the members are involved in an ongoing discussion about ways of protecting and insuring valuable collections on display here or at other locations. The next project for the Ridgewood Arts Council, which is being spearheaded by Dana Glazer, is “Augmented Reality”. The members are hoping to collaborate with the Board of Education for Art Month and also with REAC during their Earth Day Celebration.

Councilwoman Walsh noted that a liaison is being sent to REAC to talk about the bike racks. There are many artistic bike racks available. She described one as being shaped like a coffee cup that could be put in front of a coffee establishment.

Councilwoman Walsh said the members also discussed future collaborations with the Ridgewood Arts Foundation. The members also talked about their calendar for the year and how they can work with all their projects and work with the other groups so that no one is overburdened.

Councilman Hache reported on the CBD Advisory Committee. The CBD Website and the Central Valet have gotten off to a good start.   Regarding the website, a recent meeting was held with the Village Manager and Chief Technology Officer to discuss the technology requirements and the setup. He noted that information on the website needs to be pulled together and there should be more positive information, such as reviews and ranking. The committee is also in the process of looking into public relations firms to help drive traffic to the website and promote downtown. Domain names are currently being investigated. The next meeting is tomorrow night at 7:30 pm in the Garden Room. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend and speak. Along with discussion on the website, the agenda will include adding a promotional video for the entire CBD, which will give individual businesses the opportunity to have their business featured or highlighted. The committee is looking into maximizing on-line visibility and exposure and plans to invite representatives from search engines such as Google and Yelp to discuss ways to increase exposure.   Councilman Hache spoke of how crucial foot traffic is for the viability of the CBD.

Councilman reported that there is a vacancy on the CBD Advisory Committee.

Councilman Hache reported on behalf of Parks and Recreation (PRC). The committee had a great, positive discussion about Graydon Pool. He referred to a report prepared by Janice Willett which was very useful in looking at the main concerns of people and the reasons why they go or don’t go to Graydon Pool. Graydon Pool needs to be looked at as a very unique amenity, which means it needs to be promoted like one.

Councilman Hache reported that there are two vacancies in the PRC. Ideally, the committee would like to have someone with public relations experience.

Councilman Hache agreed with the importance of updating the by-laws.

Councilman Hache spoke about parking on Hudson Street. He has been speaking to residents and business owners to collect their thoughts and input about the site. He spoke of the importance that everything done at the site is done with responsibility and full transparency and with proper consideration for the residents.

Councilman Hache spoke of the Winter Wonderland events at Van Saun Park and he encouraged everyone to go. The event was the idea of County Executive Jim Tedesco. Each town in Bergen County, has a Christmas tree displayed there. The Village tree was decorated by the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Council members.

Mayor Knudsen thanked Angele Ekert and Lori Muller for donating a very special wood ornament that sat in the middle of the center of the tree and identified it every further as the Ridgewood tree.

Mayor Knudsen reported that the Planning Board met last night and worked diligently on the action items and cleaning up Chapter 190 and Chapter 29 under the Historic Preservation Commission. Mayor Knudsen said that this type of discussion has the potential to impact future projects and homes. For example, defining the difference between an awning and a canopy or what type of fencing should go around an in-ground pool versus an above ground pool and should the fence be removed when the pool is removed. Mayor Knudsen displayed a document with 21 pages of strike-outs and detail work and information concerning the types of group homes that could be located in a residential neighborhood. Mayor Knudsen praised Blais Brancheau for all his hard work.

Mayor Knudsen told the Council that on December 17th, The Amazing Kids of Ridgewood presented a holiday concert at the Old Paramus Reformed Church. She described it as a wonderful concert that included piano solos, duets, violin and guitar solos, group dances and stand-up jokes. The Amazing Kids of Ridgewood also performed at senior citizen centers. The Men’s Orpheus Club held its holiday concert on December 17th and 18th with music director John Palatucci, Ron Levy on piano and Daniel Minogue on trumpet. The Montclair State University West African Drumming and Dancing Ensemble was a thrill for everyone.

Mayor Knudsen reported that the Village’s Lighting of the Menorah was held on December 26th. She had the honor and privilege to say a few words and she thanked Rabbi Fine for organizing. It was a wonderful time for everyone regardless of their faith.

Mayor Knudsen said that the Library hosted a New Year’s Eve Countdown Celebration with over 60 children participating with parents. The children learned about New Year’s traditions from around the world and learned how to say Happy New Year in sign language. There were music, songs and stories as well as Coloring with the Mayor.

Mayor Knudsen said she continues to be the official spokesperson for the Ridgewood Fire Department Adopt a Hydrant Program. If someone has a hydrant in front of their home, they can register on the Ridgewood Fire Department website. Adopting a Hydrant obligates you to clean snow and debris and keeping the hydrant clear. A certificate will be awarded to participants.

Ms. Mailander reported that the Village website now contains the dates, times and places of all the board and committee meetings. Ms. Mailander asked to be made aware of any that are missing.


Saurabh Dani, 390 Bedford Road, stated that when the new Council started work back in July, one of the Council members met him for coffee. He wanted Mr. Dani to come to the next Council meeting and ask questions to Mayor Knudsen and Councilman Hache about one issue and then immediately ask him to comment and express his views. Mr. Dani chose not to participate in what he described as theatre. He decided to speak this evening because he felt this scripted theatre happened again at the start of tonight’s meeting, especially since the Councilman’s statement was ready. Mr. Dani spoke about the failure of both the Councilman and the resident to disclose that the resident asking the question was a member of the Councilman’s campaign committee. Mr. Dani felt that the Councilman did not address the resident’s comments or questions in his statement.  Mr. Dani suggested that the Councilman knew there was no illegality, so he did not address it. Mr. Dani respectfully requested that, if this was a prearranged play, the Councilman should resign because he insulted a resident by asking him to lie at the podium.

Mr. Dani asked Village Attorney Rogers if he was aware of any illegality and if his opinion was made known to the Council before the December 2nd meeting, before the December 8th meeting and before this evening’s meeting. Mr. Rogers said that before tonight he issued an opinion with regard to the circumstances involved in the e-mails and the Mayor’s involvement and whether or not there was a violation of the Faulkner Act, which he found there was none. Mr. Dani felt that if the Councilman knew that there was no violation but still brought it up at meetings and in response to a resident’s comments, he should resign.  

Rurik Halaby, 374 Evergreen Place, commended Councilman Voigt on his parking presentation. He questioned Councilman Hache’s comments on openness and transparency, stating that this has been done for the past two years working on the garage. He questioned the amount of parking spaces that were filled up between Uber and repricing, and questioned whether the filling up 5, 10, or 15 spaces would make a difference. Mr. Halaby felt the Council was “pleasing the base”. He felt that everyone should be able to debate and argue without taking things personally.

Mr. Halaby felt Ridgewood needed more housing, in particular the apartments. He felt it was a waste of money to try to fight them from coming into the Village.

Mr. Halaby referred to a letter he wrote many years ago to the Council which spoke about the need to revitalize downtown. He stated his objections to the aesthetics of the Brogan Dealership and Franklin Avenue.

Mayor Knudsen agreed that everyone should agree to disagree, respectfully and politely.

Mr. Jim Griffith, 159 S. Irving Street, expressed a concern that there were plans to possibly disband the FAC. Mr. Griffith spoke about the financial experience talent levels of the members of the FAC. Mr. Griffith acknowledged that he did not know the financial experience and talents of the Council members, but he assumed that it was not as strong. He felt the financial expertise of the FAC members was one of the most precious and talented tools the Council could utilize to do their job. Mr. Griffith felt the budget has improved over the three years the FAC has existed. He urged the Council to reevaluate any thought of disbanding the FAC and he offered his help, if needed. He described the FAC as a golden tool that the Village of Ridgewood deserves to have.

Hans Lehman, 234 Union Street, asked the Council to ask Mr. Rogers to draw up a template for the by-laws so that all the committees have a basis on which they can build their individual by-laws.

Mr. Lehman thanked Mayor Knudsen for her comments after he spoke earlier this evening. He did, however, object to Mayor Knudsen ending these comments indicating the Council had more important business to attend to. Mayor Knudsen explained that she was referring to the on-going social media posts, allegations and accusations that she broke the law that went on from November 2nd until the end of December and continued, when in fact on November 2nd Councilman Voigt knew full well that no such thing happened. The statement she made was not made to trivialize Mr. Lehman or his concerns because she cares for his concerns as well as her own, namely that she should be unfairly targeted and that a suggestion would be made that the Prosecutor’s Office should be called on baseless accusations that were debunked months ago.

Councilwoman Walsh called a point of order, asking the Council members to go into Closed Session to discuss this issue.

For the record, Mayor Knudsen stated that it was between Council in Closed Session and it was resolved in Closed Session on November 2nd. It should never have been brought into this forum.

Janice Willett, 207 Prospect Street, spoke about the wonderful job Marion was doing at the recycling center. This type of service gives taxpayers the sense that they are getting value for their dollar.

Ms. Willett implored the Council not to raise the guest pass cost at Graydon Pool. She asked that it be reduced to $7.50 or $5. She felt that $15 was a lot of money for those who just wish to stay for a short time. Many people do not buy the season pass because they work during the week and can only go to the pool on weekends. The reduced rate may encourage more people to come, observe how nice it is, and purchase season passes the next year.

Ms. Anne Loving, 342 S. Irving Street, agreed with Ms. Willett’s comments on Graydon Pool. Ms. Loving thanked the Council for moving ahead with establishing by-laws for all committees. Ms. Loving stated that whether it’s about an elected official breaking the law, or whether it’s about an employee of the Village resigning and having the resignation accepted, it is understandable that anyone could misinterpret a situation. An incorrect conclusion that perhaps someone broke the law or perhaps someone incorrectly accepted a resignation based on limited or false information could be reached. Once the facts have been established, as they have been established for a long time about anybody breaking any law and certainly about the Roberta Sonenfeld resignation, not eviction, anyone continuing to broadcast a false line is lying.

Mr. Boyd Loving, 342 S. Irving Street, felt that $15 a day for a guest pass a Graydon Pool is too expensive. Mr. Loving did notice that the maintenance at Graydon Pool is not as good as it could be. The restrooms are a chief complaint of a lot of people, and he questioned why they have not yet been upgraded. Little things such as a fresh coat of paint could improve it greatly and attract more people.

Mr. Boyd spoke about new signs posted at the recycling center about changes to recycling that certain containers are not being accepted. These prohibited containers include plastic from salad containers and bakery products. Mr. Boyd said this has not been communicated to the public with the exception of the signs. Ms. Mailander explained that the market is no longer taking these types of plastics. A new green guide is coming out which will delineate the plastics that can be recycled and those that cannot.   Someone from the recycling center will address this issue at a Council meeting in the near future.

Ms. Lorraine Reynolds, 550 Wyndemere Avenue, stated her disgust at what she heard tonight. She felt it was terrible that Councilman Voigt knew on November 2nd that there was nothing done wrong and he kept talking about it. Councilman Voigt responded that he only said it twice and that the opinion expressed was an opinion not gospel. Ms. Reynolds understood that Mr. Voigt had a legal opinion and then continued to say things otherwise. She thanked Mayor Knudsen for clearly explaining the situation and for keeping her cool. She agreed that everyone should agree to disagree and not hurt anyone.


Ms. Mailander read Resolution #17-01 to go into Closed Session as follows:


There being no further business to come before the Village Council, on a motion by Councilwoman Walsh, seconded by Councilman Sedon, and carried unanimously by voice vote, the Village Council’s Work Session was adjourned at 10:36 p.m.


                                                                                                                     Susan Knudsen      



            Donna M. Jackson

            Deputy Village Clerk

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