20220601 - Village Council Public Workshop Minutes





Mayor Knudsen called the meeting to order at 7:31 P.M. and read the Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.  At roll call the following were present:  Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Sedon, Vagianos, and Mayor Knudsen.  Also present were Heather Mailander, Village Manager/Village Clerk; Eileen Young, Deputy Village Clerk; and Matthew Rogers, Village Attorney.


Mayor Knudsen led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.  There was a moment of silence to reflect what our nation has gone through over the past several weeks, keeping in mind all people who have suffered needless violence.




Linda Scarpa, 569 Northern Parkway, indicated that she noted on the agenda an item pertaining to Awarding Professional Services Contract for the Fire Department and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Chart Review and Billing.  After review, she assumed that revenues had decreased due to loss of ambulance calls.  Ms. Scarpa noted that the Village is considering hiring a consultant or service company to perform a study to identify the shortfalls on EMS billings, at taxpayer expense.  Since Ms. Scarpa is a consultant, she stated that she is well aware how fees can add up for consulting services.  She wanted to suggest ways of accomplishing the EMS chart review and billing procedures without having to hire a consultant. 


Ms. Scarpa mentioned that the Fire Department is responsible for all EMS calls Monday through Friday, from 6:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.  The Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) assist with all calls from 7:00 P.M. Friday to 7:00 P.M. Sunday, and on weeknights from 7:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M.  The EMTs do mutual aid calls between Ridgewood and other towns, and the Fire Department does mutual aid for fires, which is very commendable.  She believes in Shared Services Agreements.  However, no EMS calls are specifically listed in the mutual aid during their set time of Monday through Friday, 6:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.  She assumed that this was due to lack of staff.  She also assumed that it would be difficult for Fire Department personnel to do EMS calls in another town and also service Ridgewood at the same time with EMS calls and fires.


Ms. Scarpa said that she was told that Ridgewood charges the highest amount for community sharing than other towns.  She is not sure of the accuracy of this statement, but she thought that the Village Council should look into this.  She has also heard that some senior citizens are being billed for ambulance services, because there are wrong codes being inserted into the billings.  If codes are incorrect, payment will not be made.  As a result, seniors are using other ambulance services.


Anne Loving, 342 South Irving Street, indicated that she was speaking this evening about mosquito and other insect fogging.  Many residents at this time of year have hired contractors to spray their properties to control infestation from mosquitoes, ticks, and other insect pests.  When such a treatment takes place, the toxic chemicals drift through the air to neighboring properties.  This can be concerning for some people, especially when no warning is received that such spraying is going to occur or if it occurs while a resident is not at home.  Children and pets may be in the yard adjacent to a yard being sprayed and windows may be open.


Ms. Loving remarked that technicians wear respirators when they are spraying, not KN95 masks worn during Covid but “full on” respirators.  This is because the chemicals are toxic.  Residents who have not been warned do not have the option to protect themselves.  She learned that there is a law enacted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) that allow neighbors to request to be informed 24 hours in advance of a pest treatment taking place in an adjacent yard.  This would forewarn neighbors who do not want to be exposed to these toxins and afford them the opportunity to close windows and bring children and pets inside during that time.


Ms. Loving stated that, according to N.J.A.C. 7:30-9.15 from the New Jersey Pesticide Control regulations, any citizen has the right to request advanced notification from an insecticide company when a treatment will be applied, so that they may take the necessary precautions to protect their family and animals.  Individuals must contact the vendor and inform them that, for any applications to a neighboring property, they want to be informed of, among other things, the brand name and EPA registration of the pesticides that will be applied.  The NJDEP representative with whom Ms. Loving spoke recommended that this request be made by email, so that there will be an electronic trail.  Such individual would need to know the name of the pesticide vendor which will be performing the job, which would usually be painted on the side of their truck.


Ms. Loving said that she was not speaking this evening to discuss the pros and cons of insecticide applications.  Residents have the right to treat their properties as they see fit.  However, residents also have the right to be protected from the chemicals.  By individuals contacting the vendor directly, individuals can avoid having an awkward, or possibly confrontational, discussion with a neighbor.  Neighbors do not need to be informed that an adjacent neighbor has made such a request. 


Ms. Loving said that she was imparting this information because she felt the Village Manager may consider posting this information on the Village website as an FYI for all residents.


There were no further comments from the public. 




Ms. Mailander indicated that Primary Election Day is next Tuesday, June 7, 2022.  Polls will be open 6:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.  The County is still looking for poll workers.  The pay is $300.00 for the day.  Anyone interested in being a poll worker may contact the Village Clerk’s Office with contact information, which will be passed along to the County for further communication.


The Maple Avenue entrance to the third floor of Village Hall will be closed through June 14, 2022, due to the fact that repairs/painting will be taking place to the façade, columns and flagpole.  Visitors may enter through the first floor lobby entrance.


Ridgewood Water customers are reminded that sprinkler irrigation is only allowed twice per week during the entire year:  odd-numbered addresses on Tuesdays and Saturdays, and even-numbered addresses on Wednesdays and Sundays.  No irrigation is allowed on Mondays, Thursdays or Fridays.  Smart Controller use is permitted between 3:00 A.M. and 7:00 A.M., and a permit must be obtained from Ridgewood Water to do so.  Postcards with these and other regulations were mailed to each household in Ridgewood.


Various seasonal membership programs are available through the Ridgewood Recreation Department.  Ms. Mailander reminded everyone that Graydon Pool Opening Day will take place on Saturday, June 4, 2022 from 10:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M.  The early season for the pool runs from June 4th through June 24th, weekdays from 12:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. and weekends from 10:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M.  Graydon Pool has an accessible ramp for entry into the water, Adirondack chairs, shade system protection, a picnic area, shelter pavilion, and Wi-Fi accessibility.  Graydon “Storytime on the Beach” will be held on Thursdays at 3:30 P.M. during June, July and August.  There is a skate park behind The Stable.  Free membership for the skate park can be obtained through CommunityPass.


Tennis and pickleball memberships are available at The Stable or on CommunityPass (four locations for a total of 12 tennis courts and one location for pickleball with four pickleball courts).  A variety of Ridgewood mini-camps are taking place in August (sign up on CommunityPass or at The Stable). 


The 64th Annual Free Summer Concert Series at the Kasschau Memorial Shell begins on June 2, 2022 at 7:30 P.M.  Individuals interested in attending this free concert series should bring a chair or blanket with them.  Concerts usually begin at 8:30 P.M., unless otherwise noted, and are held every Tuesday and Thursday in the months of June and July, and through August 4th.  There is a children’s program which also begins at 7:30 P.M.  The senior bus will be providing free transportation to several of the bandshell concerts.  Anyone interested may call 201-670-5500, extension 2203, for further information.


Pride Day will be celebrated in Ridgewood on Saturday, June 11, 2022 at 1:00 P.M. at Memorial Park in Van Neste Square.  There will be music, local speakers of all ages, raising of the Pride Flag, and an after event at The Table at Latona’s.


“Support Meals that Matter” is an event where residents are encouraged to patronize local restaurants to help others enjoy a meal at home.  On Wednesday, June 8, 2022, the Glen Rock Inn in Glen Rock, Steel Wheel and Park West Tavern in Ridgewood, Just Janice and Ho-Ho-Kus Inn in Ho-Ho-Kus, and Pizzaiolo by Brothers, Razzeria’s Trattoria, and Arturo’s Restaurant in Midland Park will be participating in this event.  On Thursday, June 16, 2022, Andrea’s Ristorante and Nelly’s Place in Waldwick, Jalapeno’s Mexican Bar & Grill in Glen Rock, and Sicilian Sun in Ho-Ho-Kus will be participating in this event.  This event has been organized by a nonprofit Meals on Wheels service for over 50 years.  Everyone is urged to support those who are unable to shop or cook for themselves.


All Village offices have new telephone extension numbers.  Callers should listen to the full menu before dialing the extension.  The new extension numbers are also listed on the Village website.


The recently enacted Tree Ordinance requires homeowners to obtain a permit from the Engineering Department to remove trees on all private property, with replacement of the removed tree or payment of a fee to have a tree planted elsewhere in the Village.


Dogs must be licensed during the month of June.  There will be a $20.00 late fee starting July 1, 2022.


The Farmers Market will open on Sunday, June 26, 2022 from 8:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at the Ridgewood Train Station parking lot.  The Farmers Market will be open on Sundays usually through October or November.


The Village is still looking for school crossing guards for the upcoming school year beginning in September.  Commitment would be for two hours per day on school days.  Interested parties may call the Area Supervisor at 201-969-7182.


Upcoming Village Council meetings are broadcast live from the Village Hall Courtroom, on the Village website, and on FIOS Channel 34.  Upcoming Village Council Work Sessions will be held on June 22 and July 6, 2022 at 7:30 P.M.  The next Public Meetings are scheduled for June 8 and July 13, 2022 at 8:00 P.M.


Ms. Mailander gave a brief summary of the Schedler property and Zabriskie-Schedler house, which she indicated would also be posted on the Village website.  The Schedler property was identified by the Open Space Committee as a potential property to be purchased on the market in the 1980s and 1990s.  The property was purchased by the Village in 2009.  Neighbors were concerned that the property would be developed into a commercial property or multi-family housing.  The Village received $1 million towards the $2.7 million purchase price from a Bergen County Open Space Grant.  In 2013, another adjoining piece of property owned by General Energy was purchased for $90,000.00 through a Bond Ordinance.  The Village received $30,000.00 from a Bergen County Open Space Grant, to be applied towards the $90,000.00 purchase price.


The Village Council’s original plan for the property was to demolish the Zabriskie-Schedler house and create a 90-foot baseball field.  At that time, Mayor Keith Killion repeatedly stated at multiple Village Council meetings that the Village had enough funds to purchase this property but did not have money to develop it.  He didn’t want the public to complain that the property was not being developed.  The community understood that the property would not be developed right away.  After touring the Zabriskie-Schedler house, former Mayor Killion thought that the house should not be torn down since it might be useful for the Village.


Around 2013, members of the Historic Preservation Commission and local historians submitted documentation to the New Jersey State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) requesting a Certificate of Eligibility for both the house and property.  In 2014, SHPO issued a Certificate of Eligibility for the historic house, and the property designation was pending an archaeological study.


In 2011, the Ridgewood Eastside Development (RED) group was formed to save and preserve the historic house and property.  Throughout 2012, the Open Space Committee conducted multiple public meetings for input concerning how the property should be developed.  From 2014 to 2016, the Village Council decided to start a development plan for the Schedler property, including a 90-foot baseball field, which was approved by 3 out of the 5 Councilmembers.  The sports groups also contributed a check for $100,000.00 towards this development.  The check was never cashed because the 90-foot field was not pursued further.


In 2016, the Village Councilmembers changed, and one of the first actions of the new Village Council was to adopt a resolution preserving the Zabriskie-Schedler house.  In the summer of 2016, the Village applied for and received a Bergen County Historic Preservation Trust Fund grant for the restoration work on the house.  In July 2017, the Village Council created the Schedler Park Ad Hoc Committee to prepare a layout for the Schedler property.  The committee presented their final recommendations to the Village Council, which were incorporated into a resolution and adopted. 


In 2016, Connolly & Hickey, historical architects, were hired to help restore the Zabriskie-Schedler house.  They also prepared a new application to place the house on the New Jersey Register of Historic Places and the National Historic Register, signed by the then Village Manager, Roberta Sonenfeld.  While preparing these applications, Connolly & Hickey discovered that the house and property were historic because George Washington’s troops had set up an encampment on this land.  This house and property were also eligible to be listed on both the New Jersey and National Historic Registries because the house is an example of a third period Dutch framed house.  The Zabriskie-Schedler house actually survived as one of the few remaining 19th century framed houses that retained its immediate setting on a somewhat large property in a developed suburb.  It was originally owned by a farmer, John A.L. Zabriskie. 


On or about December 2017, the Village Council authorized Connolly & Hickey to complete the necessary archaeological studies to fulfill the state requirements for a Certificate of Eligibility for the Zabriskie-Schedler house.  The findings revealed that the site was consistent with a prior Revolutionary War encampment and activities, noting the proximity to the historic Old Paramus Reformed Church.  In 2019, the house and property were added to the National and New Jersey State Historic Registries.  The entire property was included because the Old Paramus Reformed Church sold the entire parcel to Mr. Zabriskie.  At that time, there were no block or lot delineations.


Once the Zabriskie-Schedler house and property were placed on the New Jersey Register of Historic Places on August 4, 2019 and on the National Register of Historic Places on November 22, 2019, the house was saved from being torn down, and it was determined that a 90-foot field would no longer fit on the Schedler property.  Village staff members were unaware that both the land and the Zabriskie-Schedler house were declared historic until 2020, when the Village started planning the layout of the Schedler property and started creating a berm along the Route 17 side of the property.  The Village was informed that nothing could be done on the entire property without the approval of SHPO, since both the property and the house had been declared historic.


According to SHPO, the property must remain more like a farming agricultural property (its original use).  The house must be separated from the rest of the Schedler property with plantings or hedges in order to maintain its historic nature.  To date, the berm, the fence, the tree plantings at the berm, and the irrigation to the property have been approved by SHPO.  The remaining plans have been sent to SHPO in draft form for approval.  The Village will work with SHPO to arrive at an agreement regarding development of the property to avoid going to their Exception Board for a variance, since the Village has been informed it is very difficult to obtain variances.  Once completed, the Schedler property will have a berm of trees and a fence, a parking area, bathrooms, walking path, a 60-foot field and a playground.


Since the Zabriskie-Schedler house is listed on the New Jersey Register of Historic Places, the Village of Ridgewood was able to apply for grants from both the Bergen County Historic Preservation Trust Fund and the Preserve New Jersey Historic Preservation Trust Fund administered through the New Jersey Historic Trust.  The Village has received grants for the work done on the house, totaling almost $1.3 million.  The final part of the restoration of the house is currently out to bid and the final restoration/rehabilitation of the house will commence once the contract has been awarded. 


The Zabriskie-Schedler house will be a Village-owned facility, much like the Gate House at Habernickel Park and Lester Stable.  Proposed uses include, but are not limited to, on the first floor, small meeting rooms for local community groups or rental space for small weddings, bridal and baby showers, anniversary parties and H.I.L.T. luncheons for approximately 30 people or less.  The kitchen area will be a catering kitchen only (no cooking), used by a caterer who will bring in food.  The second floor can be used as preparation space or meeting rooms for local committees and sports groups, so that materials are organized in one place for all members when working to prepare for events and community activities.  Such uses will not require substantial upgrades to the second floor spaces, other than adequate heating, lighting, electrical and door locks.  The building will be under the supervision of the Recreation Department, which will be responsible for staff, security, maintenance and supervision.  An office for a member of the Recreation Department may also be located at the house.


Mayor Knudsen added that the Bergen County Historic Preservation Office posthumously recognized Isabella Altano for her tireless efforts in working towards the preservation of the Zabriskie-Schedler house and property.  Many other residents also worked tirelessly to preserve this property.


Councilman Vagianos thanked Ms. Mailander for her report.  He said that many people have been inquiring about the status of the Zabriskie-Schedler house and property.  He is glad that it will be posted on the Village website.




Councilwoman Perron remarked that, regarding the water restrictions, property owners may also use hoses to irrigate their property on any day of the week before 10:00 A.M. or after 6:00 P.M.
The Open Space Committee has not yet met in the month of June, but they are planning a field trip to Hoffman’s Grove in Wayne, New Jersey, which is a flood acquisition area.  Ridgewood recently passed a flood acquisition plan, whereby houses which experience repeated flooding can be bought by the Village and returned to a natural state so that floodwaters can recharge the aquifer and perhaps abate flooding downstream.  Gardens are currently being grown at Hoffman’s Grove and the members of the Open Space Committee wish to visit this area to see what it is like.
Councilwoman Perron announced that the taxi stand has been repaired on Broad Street.  It is hard to tell where the damage had been.
The Chamber of Commerce has not yet met this month, but there have been many grand openings of businesses in Ridgewood.  On June 16, 2022, a new business will open called “Evolve Med,” a spa on East Ridgewood Avenue.
Councilwoman Perron gave thanks to the organizers of the Fred D’Elia Memorial Day Run, the North Jersey Masters, and to the Parks Department who organized volunteers to distribute water to the runners.  She also mentioned the Memorial Day commemoration held by American Legion Post 53.  She stated that Commander Bob Paoli did a wonderful job organizing this event.
Project 1,000 Acres is sponsored by Green Ridgewood and urges residents to care for their properties in a sustainable way, which is good for the environment.  It is an easy program to follow.  Those interested in further details can google Project1000Acres.org, where good tips can be found, such as using organic fertilizer.  The goal is to reach 1,000 acres which are being sustainably grown.  To register, individuals may click on the tab labeled “Add Your Property,” and take the survey.
The Central Business District Advisory Committee (CBDAC) has also not yet met this month.  The next meeting will be on June 9, 2022 at 8:30 A.M. and is open to the public via Zoom.  They will be discussing many of the items which will be discussed at the Village Council meeting this evening.  At the June 14, 2022 meeting, there will be a local developer speaking about development trends which he has observed recently.
Councilwoman Reynolds indicated that she has not attended any committee meetings since last week.  She remarked that the Memorial Day service held by American Legion Post 53 was phenomenal.  The Ridgewood High School band played music, and there were other musicians and singers in attendance.  She indicated that although it was well attended, she wished there were something else the Village Council could do to increase attendance in the future, especially by young people.
Deputy Mayor Sedon indicated that the Ridgewood Arts Council will be sponsoring an Artist Talk on Thursday, June 16, 2022 via Zoom.  The artist will be Julia Brownell, who is the writer and co-producer of the NBC series, “This is Us.”  Anyone interested in participating can RSVP to ridgewoodartscouncilevents@gmail.com.

Mayor Knudsen also remarked how wonderful the Memorial Day service was, although it was extremely hot that day.  She gave a shout out to the Project Interact members at Ridgewood High School.  The keynote speaker at the event was Donald Steen, a Legionnaire who spoke about his experience in Operation Glory during the Korean War.  Anyone interested in finding out more details should Google “Operation Glory.”  In her opinion, two of the most important days on the calendar are Memorial Day and Veterans Day, since without the sacrifices of the men and women in the Armed Forces, no one would be enjoying the freedom they have today.


5.         DISCUSSION


A.        PARKING




Ms. Mailander indicated that although the Hudson Street Garage is an easy place to park in the Central Business District (CBD), some Ridgewood businesses, residents and visitors do not know that it exists.  Bigger signs have been recommended.  Therefore, there is a proposal to place signs the size of a 65-inch television (60 inches x 30 inches) with an arrow to the Hudson Street Garage, at the following locations:  intersection of South Maple Avenue and Dayton Street, with another smaller sign on Dayton near Memorial Park at Van Neste Square; the intersection of North Maple Avenue and East Ridgewood Avenue (3 ways), with another smaller sign at the intersection of East Ridgewood Avenue and Oak Street, and a smaller sign near the bus station; intersection of Franklin Avenue and Oak Street, with a smaller sign at the intersection of Oak Street and Van Neste Square; intersection of Franklin Avenue and North Broad Street, near the railroad trestle; intersection of East Ridgewood Avenue and South Broad Street (2 ways – both from East Ridgewood Avenue and from North Broad Street), with smaller signs at South Broad Street and Passaic Avenue and at Passaic Avenue and Prospect Street; intersection of East Ridgewood Avenue and Prospect Street; intersection of Walnut Street and East Ridgewood Avenue; and intersection of Walnut Street and Dayton Street.


These signs can be made and installed by the Village’s Signal Division at a cost of approximately $8,100.00.  The advertisement of the Hudson Street Garage could be accomplished through social media, including the Village’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts and paid Google ads.  The paid Google ads might start in September and run through the end of the year, since many people will be vacationing during the summer and not frequenting the CBD.  Parking could be placed on the scroll of the Village website, by the link to the interactive parking map.  Google Maps now has a pin and picture of the Hudson Street Garage, although the address needs to be corrected.  A trestle sign could be erected on the west side and on the east side when available.  A banner could be placed on the fence by Memorial Park at Van Neste Square, which could remain until the end of the year.  It is recommended that the campaign be kept in place until the end of 2022, at which time the Village Council could discuss whether or not smaller signs should be installed and whether or not to continue or discontinue the paid advertising.


Councilwoman Reynolds asked what materials the signs would be made out of, and Ms. Mailander replied that they would resemble the normal signs that are in the CBD.  They would resemble the existing parking garage signs, except they would be much bigger and would require two stanchions (posts) instead of one.  Councilwoman Reynolds asked what colors the signs would be, and Ms. Mailander replied that the colors have not yet been decided, although the colors should be visible and not fade easily.  The color green was discussed as a possible color.


Councilwoman Perron asked if the bigger signs would hang further out into the roadway to get the attention of drivers.  She said that one of the biggest problems in the CBD is that the signs are on the sidewalk, which is not where drivers usually look.  Ms. Mailander indicated that the signs cannot go into the roadway because it becomes a sight obstruction.


Councilman Vagianos said that besides Covid, which was a major obstacle in filling up the spaces at the garage, the garage is secluded, well hidden, and located within a maze of one-way streets.  If someone is unaware of its existence, they will probably not find the garage.  He said that although a lot of money has been spent building the Hudson Street Garage, no money has been spent to promote it.  Therefore, he feels that the garage needs to be advertised and promoted to make people aware of its existence.  Councilman Vagianos indicated that he likes all of the proposals set forth by Ms. Mailander, especially the largeness of the signs, and would like to see some samples of what the signs may look like before they are all produced.  He is also in favor of paid Google ads, since one of the goals is to attract visitors from out of town to shop and dine in Ridgewood.


Mayor Knudsen asked Officer Tarino of the Ridgewood Police Department what is on the corner of Maple Avenue and Dayton Avenue (business versus residential home).  Officer Tarino replied that one may be a business and one may be a mixed use.  Councilwoman Reynolds believed that one was a business and one was a multiple family home.  Councilman Vagianos said that there is a house converted to an office building on the south corner, and he does not remember what is on the other corner.  Mayor Knudsen remarked that she wanted to be sensitive to any residents who may live near where these large signs are going to be erected.


Councilman Vagianos asked Ms. Mailander if she has come up with a budget for the paid Google ads.  Ms. Mailander replied that she does not yet have a budget, but Dylan Hanson, IT Director, indicated to her that the Village may actually have some credit with Google.  She will research this further and report back with the results at the next Work Session.  Councilman Vagianos remarked that Google advertising is relatively inexpensive when compared to newspaper advertising, but he was unsure what an adequate budget would be for something like this.  Ms. Mailander said that perhaps she could show a sign prototype at the next meeting.  Mayor Knudsen added that she would also like to see the budget in its entirety for the production and installation of these signs.  Ms. Mailander said that she would develop same for discussion at the next meeting.  Mayor Knudsen added that she would like to have Mr. Hanson in attendance at the next meeting so that he could explain the technology (on Google Maps, for example) to everyone.




Ms. Mailander indicated that everyone has received a copy of the PowerPoint presentation prepared by the Ridgewood Police Traffic Safety Bureau.  Officer Ray Tarino of the Ridgewood Police Department, who prepared the proposal, and Chris Rutishauser, Ridgewood Engineer, who is the chief author of ordinances in the Village and who is very familiar with various parking areas throughout the Village, are both present at the meeting this evening.


Councilman Vagianos indicated that he will discuss this matter conceptually only, but will recuse himself from discussion of any specific locations, as it may create a conflict.  Matt Rogers, Village Attorney, remarked that Councilman Vagianos could speak about the parking space concepts but should not discuss the locations, costs, placement of 15-minute meters, etc.


Officer Tarino said that when researching the Grab and Go spaces, he saw an opportunity to also discuss problems with loading zones for trucks, double parking, and parking in yellow zones.  The first targeted area is Chestnut Street, since that is the biggest area of concern for the Police Department.  They are proposing a shared loading zone.  The loading zones will be able to be used as such from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.  There is an extremely small loading zone on Chestnut Street which, when occupied by one truck, causes other trucks making deliveries to double park and block the road.  They are proposing to take the two spots beyond that loading zone (one 15-minute meter and one 3-hour spot) and adding it to the existing loading zone, which will extend the loading zone to 65 feet, which can accommodate two or three trucks at the same time.  This loading zone will then revert to three 15-minute meters after 4:00 P.M.  He is proposing to make the four current complimentary spots across the street from the loading zone and one 3-hour parking spot into five 15-minute meters for the entire day.  These spots will accommodate visitors who are running quick errands near East Ridgewood Avenue and Chestnut Street.  The goal is quick turnover and to prevent people from driving around endlessly and taking their business elsewhere and/or double parking.


Ms. Mailander recalled from the prior committee meeting and Village Council meeting that the bank of five 15-minute meters would be designated three 15-minute meters and two 3-hour meters, with the longer-term meters being closest to the kiosk in that location, which will afford visitors the opportunity to stay longer to shop or dine in the CBD.  Councilwoman Perron indicated that she was in favor of this configuration. 


Councilwoman Perron indicated that she spoke with Gary Kolesaire, owner of The Tobacco Shop of Ridgewood and also the Chair of the Chamber of Commerce, who mentioned that if a truck was making a delivery in this particular loading zone, it would disrupt the business of Bibillia Restaurant which affords outdoor sidewalk dining.  She suggested expanding this loading zone (in front of The Tobacco Shop) by only one car length, at most, rather than two.  In addition, even though trucks are turned off, the compressors of these refrigerated trucks are still running and they are noisy. 


Mayor Knudsen indicated that she spoke with Mr. Kolesaire as well, who pointed out that this proposed change would tie up the entire corner all day during the most critical retail hours.  The trucks leave a mess (debris and food) while making deliveries, which is not cleaned up, and there are also safety issues near the crosswalk.  Near BlueMercury, the proposed loading zone would tie up the corner of Chestnut Street and Ridgewood Avenue, making the right turn onto East Ridgewood Avenue increasingly difficult and dangerous.  Mayor Knudsen feels that there should be three 15-minute and two 3-hour parking spaces.  She is concerned about extending this loading zone beyond what it currently is.  A discussion ensued about the length of trucks which make deliveries in this area, as well as how long the trucks remain in the loading zone. 


Officer Tarino stressed the importance of affording people a place to park when they are running quick errands on Chestnut Street, in order to avoid traffic congestion.  He mentioned how difficult it will be for truck drivers to haul heavy pallets of food up the incline on Chestnut Street if they had to use the other loading zone on the same side of the street.


Councilman Vagianos indicated that he liked the concept of the loading zones on Chestnut Street, since the loading zones are not utilized at night.  He indicated that 18-wheeler trucks park in this loading zone, but the space is too small and the truck body extends in front of the fire hydrant which exists there.  A typical parallel parking spot is 20 feet long.


Mayor Knudsen remarked that she is concerned that businesses will be detrimentally affected if this proposed loading zone is tied up during the primary retail hours between 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., with a permanent “wall” of trucks blocking access to their businesses.  Blocking off these parking spaces as a “loading zone only” all day long will create problems for businesses on Chestnut Street. 


Officer Tarino said that he was trying to make it easier for businesses, especially restaurants, to afford their customers spaces where they could make quick pickups.  He spoke with staff from the Signal Department, who informed him that they have the ability to program the meters for 15 minutes, with a 5-minute grace period.  His main goal is to prevent double parking on Chestnut Street.


Mayor Knudsen remarked that when the pedestrian plaza existed, deliveries were arranged at certain times.  She wondered if this could again be accomplished.  Officer Tarino indicated that this would be a logistical nightmare, since there are too many restaurants.  Ms. Mailander pointed out that the deliveries were coordinated only on Saturdays.  This was corroborated by Councilman Vagianos.


Officer Tarino then described the proposed configuration at the corner of Chestnut Street and Franklin Avenue, where there are two 3-hour spots on the west side of Chestnut Street, as well as the configuration on the north side of Franklin Avenue near Oak Street, where there are also two 3-hour spots.  He is proposing that a new shared loading zone be created on Chestnut Street by removing the two 3-hour spots and making them a 42-foot loading zone from 6:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., and then two 15-minute meters from 4:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.  The same configuration is proposed for Franklin Avenue, removing the two 3-hour spots and creating a 45-foot loading zone during the same hours, after which time they would revert to two 15-minute metered spots.


Mayor Knudsen said she had no problem with this proposal since it did not block any businesses. Councilwoman Reynolds mentioned that the Dim Sum Dynasty restaurant may be affected, but she was in favor of the proposed change on Chestnut Street at Franklin Avenue.  Deputy Mayor Sedon indicated that he was in favor of all the proposed changes.  He said the current configuration is a disaster, especially on Chestnut Street, and there will always be some trucks outside of businesses making deliveries.


Mayor Knudsen asked whether or not the two spaces on Chestnut Street near Franklin Avenue could be extended another 10 feet to make a bigger loading zone, and Officer Tarino replied that he would not want to encroach on the crosswalk, driveway or fire hydrant.  When questioned by Councilman Vagianos, Officer Tarino replied that a full-sized tractor-trailer is 53 feet long, many of which are not really seen in Ridgewood making deliveries.  Most are between 20 feet and 40+ feet.  Each parking space is 20 feet long and, when two are combined, the space will be able to accommodate most trucks.


Councilwoman Perron asked Officer Tarino how the cars making pickups for Uber Eats or Door Dash would be distinguished from other vehicles.  Officer Tarino said that the length of time a car is parked in these spots will signal to the Police Department whether or not it is a regular car or a car picking up food for delivery.  If a delivery driver is ticketed in error, they would only need to show a receipt or proof that they work for Uber Eats or Door Dash and were simply making a pickup, and the ticket would be dismissed in court.  Clear signage would exist at all locations.  Mayor Knudsen wondered how this could even be enforced and whether or not it was even legal to single out one car from another. 


Officer Tarino remarked that the zone would be designated for commercial use only (such as on-demand food services) during specified hours.  Mr. Rogers indicated that he believed there was a distinction between a delivery truck versus someone picking up food for delivery, but that this should certainly be researched.  Officer Tarino indicated that he looked at ordinances from other towns, such as Hackensack and Englewood, to see how they could be applied to the proposed parking changes in Ridgewood.  Mr. Rogers asked if those towns had an inclusion with regard to the food pickup services, and Officer Tarino confirmed that they did.  Officer Tarino mentioned that he is seeing the bulk of food pickups by Uber Eats and similar food-delivery services after 4:00 P.M.


Councilwoman Perron indicated that some business owners get ticketed when they deliver goods/food to their establishments, such as the owner of Asian Grill.  She wondered if the ordinance could be written in such a way to eliminate this problem, perhaps via a placard to place in their cars.  Officer Tarino said that this certainly could be looked into as well.  Mayor Knudsen objected to this, since she doesn’t feel it is fair to other businesses to say that some businesses owners can park for free while others cannot.  Councilman Vagianos added that drivers will park their trucks wherever they can in order to make a delivery, whether there is an available space or not.  This creates safety issues and blocks traffic flow.  He said the main goal is to create enough space for truck deliveries so that the roads can be made safer.  Officer Tarino agreed completely.


Ms. Mailander asked where trucks park at the current time when they are making deliveries to businesses near Franklin Avenue and Oak Street.  Officer Tarino replied that delivery trucks tend to park on the northwest corner, in front of East Coast Burger (between the driveway and traffic light).  Another area used by trucks in that area is on the north side of Chestnut Street by Franklin Avenue.  They park on the sidewalk and crosswalk and block traffic.  The new proposal would afford these drivers two loading zone areas.  There is no curbside dining near that area, but there are a lot of restaurants which offer curbside pickup.


Councilwoman Reynolds asked if it mattered whether Franklin Avenue is a County road.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that Ridgewood is allowed to regulate the parking on Franklin Avenue, and he would send the County a copy of the proposed ordinance as a courtesy once it is ironed out. Mayor Knudsen and everyone (except Councilman Vagianos) said that they were satisfied with the proposed parking at Franklin and Oak.  Councilman Vagianos said that he would not comment or vote on any of the new proposed changes to the parking locations.


The discussion then turned to the corner of East Ridgewood Avenue at North Broad Street.  Officer Tarino explained that they propose to create a 40-45 foot loading zone by combining the 19-foot loading zone already there with one 3-hour spot at this location on the west side of the road.  He discussed removing the two spots on South Broad Street and East Ridgewood Avenue (one 15-meter and one 3-hour parking spaces) to create a 42-foot loading zone during the aforesaid hours.  He also described taking the four complimentary spots on the east side of North Broad Street and converting them to four 15-minute meters.  There is currently a 15-minute meter on the opposite side of the street, which would be converted into a 3-hour parking spot.  This would not become a loading zone.

Councilwoman Reynolds recalled during the meeting that it had been discussed that a loading zone could be created by the taxi stand on North Broad Street.  Officer Tarino stated that that was the next location to be discussed.


Mayor Knudsen stated that she has a problem with the proposed loading zone on East Ridgewood Avenue near North Broad Street.  She doesn’t want the 3-hour spot to be removed because it is a solid retail area, including a new business owner.  She prefers to keep the 19-foot loading zone and 3-hour spot as is.  Councilwoman Perron stated that the small 19-foot loading zone is useless.  Officer Tarino agreed.  Mayor Knudsen indicated that she sees delivery vans parked there all the time.  She wouldn’t mind making this spot an Uber Eats “quick spot,” but is opposed to making this a bigger loading zone.  Councilman Vagianos added that every loading zone does not have to be 40 feet long. 


Officer Tarino was concerned because he has witnessed 40-foot trucks backing into this small loading zone and blocking the fire hydrant and crosswalk near the corner.  If the 3-hour spot were to remain, he would recommend getting rid of the small loading zone entirely.  Councilwoman Perron suggested making this small loading zone a parking space.  Mayor Knudsen suggested increasing the fines for any trucks trying to utilize this 19-foot loading zone.  Deputy Mayor Sedon said that he was not in favor of doing that, because the Village is not affording them any suitable location to park.  Mayor Knudsen indicated that a loading zone is proposed on South Broad Street and also one on North Broad Street.  Councilman Vagianos said that he understood Mayor Knudsen’s viewpoint, but said that increasing the fines will not discourage anyone from parking there.


Regarding the four complimentary spots along North Broad (at East Ridgewood Avenue), Councilwoman Perron asked where the kiosk is located.  Officer Tarino replied that he believed it was near the fourth complimentary spot going away from East Ridgewood Avenue.  Councilwoman Reynolds remarked that having a kiosk near a 15-minute spot is confusing to people.  It was suggested that the kiosk be moved.


Ms. Mailander summarized by stating that the 19-foot loading zone on East Ridgewood Avenue at North Broad Street would be converted into a 3-hour parking spot; the two spots on South Broad Street (one 15-minute meter and one 3-hour meter) would be converted into a loading zone, with the 15-minute meter across the street converting to a 3-hour meter; and the four complimentary spots on North Broad Street would convert to 15-minute meters and the kiosk will be moved past the fourth spot.


The next discussion involved parking areas on Oak Street near East Ridgewood Avenue and Van Neste Square.  Officer Tarino described one complimentary spot on Oak Street near East Ridgewood Avenue, two 3-hour spots on the west side of Oak Street (right before driveway which leads to the Chestnut Street lot), five spots on Oak Street on the east side (four complimentary spots and one 3-hour spot), and three spots on Oak Street near Van Neste Square (one 15-minute meter and two 3-hour spots).  They are proposing to convert the two 3-hour spots on Oak Street near East Ridgewood Avenue into a loading zone from 6:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., and two 15-minute spots from 4:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. (the one 15-minute complimentary spot would remain towards East Ridgewood Avenue).  They propose to convert the four complimentary spots and one 3-hour spot on the east side of Oak Street into a bank of five 15-minute meters to increase turnover for that area.  At Van Neste Square, Officer Tarino proposes to convert the 15-minute meter spot and two 3-hour spots on Oak Street into 15-minute meters for quick turnover.  He mentioned that there are 43 angled spots along the median by Van Neste Square.


Councilwoman Reynolds asked what businesses are near the new loading zone being proposed on Oak Street.  Officer Tarino replied that there is a dry cleaners, Sombrero Tacoria, Omaha Steaks and shoe repair shop.  Councilwoman Perron mentioned that Oak Street was different in character from Chestnut Street, which is more bustling in nature.  She was concerned that putting a loading zone in front of the dry cleaners would mean that deliveries would be unloaded directly in front of people enjoying outdoor dining near Sombrero Tacoria.  This wouldn’t be fair to the restaurant, which has to pay for an outdoor dining permit.   Currently, trucks are unloading up by the stop sign and are constantly being ticketed and creating hazardous conditions.  In addition, there is angled parking with a kiosk on the opposite side of the street and she would like to avoid confusion.  She doesn’t believe that Grab and Go spots should be placed directly by a kiosk.  Mayor Knudsen suggested making three 3-hour spots and two 15-minute spots (closest to the corner) near Raymond’s.


After further discussion, it was decided that there would be three 3-hour spots and two 15-minute spots created on the east side of Oak Street closest to East Ridgewood Avenue; that a loading zone would be created from the two 3-hour spots on the west side of Oak Street (near Omaha Steaks); and that the three spots near Van Neste Square on Oak Street be made into 15-minute spots.


The discussion next turned to the parking spaces on Prospect Street and South Walnut Street.  On the west side of Prospect Street (near East Ridgewood Avenue), there are currently three loading zone spots and one 15-minute meter.  The 15-minute meter is first along the road, which makes it difficult for trucks to parallel park there.  Officer Tarino proposes creating a two-spot loading zone which would come right after the yellow zone, from 6:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., and then reverting that space from 4:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. to either two 15-minute meters or one 15-minute and one 3-hour meter.  Mayor Knudsen indicated that she would like to see at least one 3-hour meter in this area.


After further discussion, it was decided that there would be created on Prospect Street a two-spot loading zone from 6:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., converted into two 15-minute metered spaces from 4:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.


Officer Tarino then indicated that there are currently two 3-hour spots on the west side of South Walnut Street along Van Neste Square, where he would like to create a shared loading zone using the first two 3-hour spots nearest to East Ridgewood Avenue.  This space would then revert to 15-minute meters in the evening.  The opposite side of South Walnut Street is used a lot by UPS and FedEx trucks, and many buses utilize this street to get back onto East Ridgewood Avenue.  The proposed shared loading zone can be used by restaurants on East Ridgewood Avenue between Oak and Walnut Streets. 


Councilwoman Perron said that, at this location, she was asked by a restaurant owner whether they themselves could unload merchandise in this loading zone.  Officer Tarino said that this would need to be discussed to see how that could be enforceable.  He mentioned that the Parking Enforcement Officers are well acquainted with the business owners and sometimes use discretion, but that sometimes the business owners take advantage of such discretion.  Councilwomen Perron and Reynolds and Deputy Mayor Sedon all indicated that they were in favor of creating this loading zone.


Officer Tarino then described the parking areas on the south side of East Ridgewood Avenue near Cottage Place.  There is currently a 50-foot loading zone in between two 3-hour parking spaces.  He proposes that the two 3-hour spots be removed to create a permanent 86 foot loading zone.  This zone can also be used for unloading and loading of passengers near the movie theater.  Mayor Knudsen was worried about taking away two parking spaces near the businesses in this area, and stated that it would make it increasingly difficult for customers to park close to these businesses.  She feels that those two parking spaces are extremely important to those businesses, such as the cupcake shop. 


Officer Tarino indicated that he felt that Cottage Place is the most underutilized parking lot, with 102 three-hour parking spots.  There was a discussion about the pros and cons of creating a loading zone in the Cottage Place parking lot.  Mayor Knudsen said that everyone wants to park close to their destination and was concerned that removing the couple of parking spaces on East Ridgewood Avenue would detrimentally affect the businesses near the movie theater.  She is opposed to removing these parking spaces.  Councilwoman Perron said that she was not sure how she felt about removing those spaces.  Councilwoman Reynolds asked if the loading zone currently in this location (50 feet) is enough space for two spots.  She was wondering if the current loading zone could be made into two 3-hour spots and make the existing two 3-hour spots the loading zone.  Officer Tarino said that there a Verizon driveway there and was not sure if that was an emergency egress or not.  He would have to research this.  Mayor Knudsen said that she was not sure about her decision regarding this area.  It was decided to keep everything “as is” for now.


Regarding Wilsey Square at West Ridgewood Avenue, Ms. Mailander stated that she spoke with a store owner, who indicated that removing a loading zone from 4:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. would make it difficult for them to receive UPS and FedEx deliveries during that timeframe.  There are 15-minute meters around the corner by the liquor store and Puzo’s, as well as other parking spaces.  Officer Tarino stated that there is currently one complimentary spot and a 40-foot loading zone on Wilsey Square, and they would like to create a shared loading zone with three 15-minute meters, with perhaps two 15-minute meters added to the current loading zone. 


Mayor Knudsen indicated that she received a similar request to leave the loading zone as is, for the same reasons.  Councilwoman Perron indicated that she also spoke to the owner of the Playhouse, who requested that it be left as it now exists.  Many of the second-floor businesses in this area are therapists’ offices, and people are there for 45 minutes or longer at a time.  She said that creating more 15-minute parking spaces would not serve these businesses well.  It was suggested that the complimentary parking space be converted into a 15-minute metered spot.


Further down on Godwin Avenue at Wilsey Square, Officer Tarino described two 3-hour spots and suggested that 15-minute meters be installed on each side of the crosswalk.  Mayor Knudsen mentioned that there are many people who actually go into a restaurant to sit down to eat and she was concerned about the removal of the three-hour spots.  Officer Tarino mentioned that there are no 15-minute meters on this section of the street for people to use for food pickup.  It was mentioned by Councilwoman Reynolds that many more people are doing takeout today than prior to Covid. 


Councilman Vagianos agreed with Councilwoman Reynolds, stating that what the parking infrastructure in Ridgewood lacks is short-term parking.  He feels that the Village needs to adapt to the current climate by providing the type of parking that is needed today.  Councilwoman Perron said she was concerned about the location of the kiosks in this area, and thought that there was actually a 15-minute meter near Christine Tailors.  Officer Tarino said that he would check Google Maps.  Councilwoman Perron said that she was okay with the spaces being made 15-minute meters if kiosk(s) could be removed to avoid confusion.  She stated that she was concerned about the lack of parking on the west side of the CBD, but she was fine with this change.


Ms. Mailander indicated that a revised version of the parking proposal would be prepared, and this matter will be discussed again at the end of June.  Everyone thanked Officer Tarino for his presentation.



            B.        BUDGET




Ms. Mailander said that Chris Piersa of the Engineering Department would explain his findings regarding the Kingsbridge Lane Bridge.  Mr. Piersa indicated that he initially conducted an inspection on April 18, 2022 of this pedestrian bridge.  At that time, he found that the entire underside of the bridge deck revealed a lot of corrosion, the steel is rusting away, and the structural members are rotting.  The concrete abutment on the east side of the bridge by East Saddle River Road revealed spalling, and there was a lot of corrosion on the west side where the bridge span is attached to the abutment.  He stated that the bridge was originally constructed with steel pile caps in 1970.  The deck has a coat of approximately 2-3 inches of asphalt, which is cracking.  There are some areas where one could stand on top of the deck and see the river below through the deck. 


Mr. Piersa said that it would be most feasible to replace the bridge rather than trying to rehabilitate it, since in this way the conditions imposed by the NJDEP could be better addressed. Mr. Piersa stated that the bridge deck is approximately 1-1/2 feet below the 100-year flood elevation.  Ms. Mailander remarked that the new bridge could possibly be constructed higher than the existing bridge, if this would be allowed by the NJDEP.  Mr. Rutishauser said that this would present an interesting conundrum, since Ridgewood Water has notified him that the NJDEP is considering changing some regulations in the flood hazard elevations.  They may possibly increase the flood hazard elevations, possibly adding another two feet.  In such a case, the new bridge would have to be three to four feet above what is currently there.  Mr. Rutishauser explained that the NJDEP may issue an emergency edict at the end of June.  Mr. Calbi is keeping him informed of any updates.


Councilwoman Perron added that the bridge would have to be made compliant with the American Disabilities Act (ADA).  Mr. Rutishauser confirmed this.  He had initial conversations with Bergen County, since East Saddle River Road is a County road.  They have given Mr. Rutishauser a number of items that they will require to be accomplished if a new bridge is constructed.


Ms. Mailander summarized by saying that the recommendation is to go with a design/build, and the estimated cost is approximately $350,000.00 to $400,000.00 to cover manufacturing, delivery and installation.  Approval and permitting would have to be obtained from the NJDEP and the County, and the bridge would have to be made ADA-accessible.  Mayor Knudsen remarked that if the flood hazard elevations are increased by the NJDEP, then that would add significantly to the cost of the bridge construction. 


Mr. Rutishauser corroborated this, and also mentioned that he heard back from the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), which indicated that they will not accept a design/build project under $5 million.  Therefore, this would need to be a traditional design/bid build.  He was hoping that the new design/build could be accomplished under the new regulations, Chapter 71 adopted by the State Assembly in 2021.  However, he stated that the DCA is not comfortable with that public procurement methodology; accordingly, they gave him the threshold of $5 million.


Councilwoman Reynolds remarked that the Village does not currently have enough money to perform such bridge construction.  She mentioned that approximately $100,000.00 was set aside to evaluate the condition of the bridge.  Mr. Rutishauser said he believed there were some capital funds set aside, perhaps $300,000.00 or $400,000.00.  Councilwoman Reynolds thought it was lower, and Ms. Mailander confirmed that the requested amount was reduced to just perform an assessment of the bridge.  She was concerned whether or not previous ordinances have been canceled.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that there had been some capital allocation in the past years for this project.


Councilwoman Reynolds asked if there was any grant money for which they could apply to put towards this project.  Mr. Rutishauser said that he would have to look into whether or not any grant monies would be available.  He has heard that perhaps some money may be available with the infrastructure work being funded by the Federal government.  There was further discussion about how much money has been set aside so far for the bridge project.


Councilman Vagianos asked how long it would take to construct the new bridge, if the Village Council decided to go ahead with the project.  Mr. Rutishauser said that it could take years.  A bridge design engineer would have to be chosen, who would prepare design drawings for the structure and abutments.  The necessary permitting would have to be obtained from the NJDEP.  Once permits are received and a design is developed, the project would be bid out. 


Councilman Vagianos asked if monies could be set aside for this project in next year’s Capital Budget.  Mr. Rutishauser believed that there was presently enough funds to retain a design engineer, so that the design process can begin, which he estimates would take about eight months to complete.  Regulatory permitting could take another four months, particularly if the NJDEP changes the flood hazard elevations.  When questioned by Councilman Vagianos, Mr. Rutishauser replied that the bridge has been out of commission for approximately a year.  If action is begun today, it could take two to three years before the project is completed.


Mayor Knudsen added that this location is absolutely beautiful.  She hopes that the bridge design will be cognizant of the beauty surrounding this bridge so that it can blend into the environment. Mr. Rutishauser agreed, stating that the current bridge is a weathering steel structure and relatively unobtrusive in that location.  However, he stated that he could not guarantee that a replacement bridge would be unobtrusive.  It may be quite jarring initially, particularly if they have to comply with ADA requirements.




Ms. Mailander indicated that this item pertains to the awarding of a professional services contract for the annual audit.  The Village is required under state law to engage a professional services firm to conduct the annual financial audit of the Village and perform any other financial services, as required.  For the past several years, Nisivoccia LLP has provided services that have exceeded expectations.  They have been instrumental in assisting the Village in enhancing internal accounting controls and managing financial transactions.  The audit fee for the 2020 annual statutory audit, review of the Annual Debt Statement and 2021 State Budget document was $40,000.00.  The same services for 2021 will be $40,800.00, a 2% increase.  The recommendation is to hire Nisivoccia LLP of Mount Arlington, New Jersey, to conduct the annual audit, in an amount not to exceed $40,800.00.  Funding is available in the Operating Budget.




Fire Chief John Judge indicated that there is a proposal to hire the firm of Keavney & Streger, LLC, to perform an audit of 40 EMS Chart claims and to perform a gap analysis for the first 60 to 75 days examining policies, training and credentials, clinical practices and operations of the Ridgewood Fire Department and Ridgewood Emergency Services (EMS) Ambulance Division.  He said that it was in the best interest of the Village to ensure that everything is being run according to regulations.  Some changes in terms of documentation and rules for reimbursement occur on a regular basis.  There are many areas of potential liability if this is done incorrectly.  The amount required to hire this firm is a small amount to pay to reduce risk to the Village.


Keavney & Streger, LLC, is based in Princeton, New Jersey, and they specialize in EMS law and procedures.  Many local hospitals in the area use this law firm as their EMS lawyers.  They have been used by the Village in-house for medical training.  They are requesting the sum of $16,800.00.  This will include a one-time charge of $4,800.00 for them to perform an audit of EMS charts.  This will provide guidance on the best practices on charting to include clinical documentation, quality assurance, and billing to ensure that all potential revenue is obtained.  The remaining $12,000.00 will be used for Keavney & Streger to perform a gap analysis as described previously over a four-month period.  This contract will proceed on a month-to-month basis. 


The last Request for Proposal (RFP) went out in 2007 and expired in 2010, and has never gone out again for bid.  Since that time, they have not understood why their reimbursement rates have changed and why revenues have decreased.  He researched the total call volume, total transports and revenue earned for 2014, and he stated that the numbers “just don’t make sense.”  From 2014 to 2015, there were only five additional transports, yet there was $8,000.00 additional revenue.  From 2018 to 2019, there were 12 less transports, yet there was $38,000.00 in decreased revenues.  Everyone agrees that the revenue is not where it should be.  Therefore, Chief Judge feels that it would be very beneficial for Keavney & Streger to do an audit to see where the problems may lie.  In addition, they need to ensure that the Fire Department and EMS are meeting the requirements of all insurance companies, that charts are being properly coded and properly billed.  The law firm will review all documentation. 


Chief Judge also mentioned that the RMA (Refusal for Medical Assistance) form and billing forms are terribly outdated.  The law firm also will provide in-house training for HIPAA Compliance, Medical/Legal Training, and Medical Documentation.


Councilman Vagianos asked Chief Judge to define some of the terms he used such as RMA, gap analysis, charting, and chart locking standards.  Regarding the RMA, Chief Judge explained that if they go on a call and the patient does not wish to go to the hospital, they must sign the RMA indicating that they refuse medical assistance.  They can also choose to refuse the transport but not the assessment.  They could choose to take the transport but refuse the oxygen. 


Chart locking and charting are accomplished via an electronic charting system.  The charts are written on the computer and are locked, after which time they go through QA (Quality Assurance) and Billing, then sent to the billing company.  The present billing company has failed to provide his department with proper feedback as to why revenues have decreased.  He mentioned that using the wording “Transported patient to hospital” versus “Monitored patient to hospital” could affect reimbursement.  Private insurance pays more than Medicare, and this is why Chief Judge feels that there should be a higher “capture rate” than what is presently the case.


Upon questioning by Councilman Vagianos, Chief Judge corroborated the fact that the law firm of Keavney & Streger would be hired as consultants.  Councilman Vagianos asked what their hourly fee was.  Chief Judge replied that their initial hourly fee was $500.00 an hour, discounted to $400.00 an hour.  The other option was $3,000.00 a month, which he feels would be more productive in terms of determining regulatory compliance, HIPAA, privacy, training, education, and review of all procedures.  After meeting with the Village Manager and Mr. Rooney, CFO, it was felt that a four-month period would be adequate to complete the second phase of this work. Chief Judge has worked with this law firm in the past when undergoing training.


Councilwoman Perron asked what the outcome was when the last ambulance billing service was used in 2007.  Chief Judge replied that the contract was awarded for three years and then it lapsed in 2010.  They have been doing the charting in-house ever since.  Everyone agreed that the funds to hire the EMS law firm of Keavney & Streger is money well spent, especially since it is an attempt to capture the actual money owed for services provided.  Chief Judge mentioned that it could be as simple as some terminology missing in the chart which is preventing the bills from being paid.




Ms. Mailander explained that the Village received a grant award for the period of July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 in the amount of $274,735.00 from the State of New Jersey Department of Health, Strengthening Local Public Health Capacity Program, to provide funding for communicable disease expenses (personnel and supplies for disease control) not covered by other sources and to protect the health and safety of the public.  The Village wishes to amend its 2022 Budget to include this grant, since it is revenue not anticipated at the time the budget was adopted. These funds will partially be used to pay for a Vulnerable Population Outreach Coordinator, two of which are presently employed in the Ridgewood Health Department.


Councilman Vagianos asked if “communicable diseases” included pandemic-related illnesses.  Ms. Mailander replied that this program was created during the pandemic, so it is currently related to the pandemic but may be expanded once the pandemic ends.  Councilman Vagianos asked if other communicable diseases are anticipated, and Ms. Mailander replied that there was a measles outbreak before the pandemic, and there is the potential for other outbreaks.




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract through the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey Cooperative for the purchase of a new heavy duty tire changer for Fleet Services.  The current machine is very old and they have been advised that replacement parts are no longer available for it.  The contract is recommended to be awarded to Mohawk Lifts, LLC, of Amsterdam, New York, in an amount not to exceed $22,880.00.  Funding is in the Capital Budget.




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract through the New Jersey State Cooperative Purchasing Program to Racheles/Micheles of Clifton, New Jersey, for additional unleaded and diesel fuel for Fleet Services, in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00.  Funding is in the Capital Budget.  Ms. Mailander stated that with the price of gasoline rising, the original budgeted amount is not adequate and additional funds are needed at this time.  If the price of gas keeps rising exorbitantly, additional funds may still be needed for the remainder of 2022.


Councilwoman Reynolds asked about the wording in Mr. Rutishauser’s memorandum which states, “We are up approximately 633 gallons for the January 1, 2022 to May 16, 2022 period.”  She asked what percentage this represents.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that it is a single-digit percentage.  Fran in the Fleet Division did an analysis of what was used in the same time period in 2021 and he was surprised that fuel usage was pretty consistent, with an increase of water usage.  Police may have an increase as well, since there are many police details as of late.  He said that the price paid by the Village for fuel is less than what individuals pay for fuel, since the Village does not have to pay motor fuel taxes (savings of approximately 40 to 50 cents per gallon).




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract under State contract (Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing) for the purchase of one 550 gallon storage tank for the Parks and Recreation Department.  With the success of the annual Village tree planting program, these young tree wells must be properly watered and maintained in order to achieve growth stability.  This storage tank, trailer and liquid spray system will enable staff to maintain these new trees properly.  It is recommended that the contract be awarded to FDR Hitches of Hawthorne, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $9,904.80.  Funding is in the 2022 Capital Budget.


Councilman Vagianos thought that the Village already owned a watering truck.  Ms. Mailander recalled that there was mention during the budget hearings that the Parks and Recreation Department needed an additional truck because of all of the additional trees which have been planted.  The existing truck is an older model and the new one would be more efficient.  Councilwoman Reynolds stated that she believed this new truck also holds more water in its tank.




Ms. Mailander stated that this next item deals with the awarding of a contract under State contract for the purchase of a 2022 Ford F350 chassis 4x4 regular cab pickup truck for the Parks and Recreation Department.  This is a new vehicle and is not replacing another vehicle.  This truck is needed to supply Parks Division employees with the availability to transport equipment and supplies required to complete daily work responsibilities. It is recommended that the contract be awarded to Route 23 Auto Mall of Butler, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $66,276.00.  Funding is available in the 2022, 2021 and 2020 Capital Ordinances.


Councilwoman Perron asked if this vehicle could also be used for snow plowing.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that it could be used for snow plowing if the vehicle is a four-wheel drive.  He is unsure whether or not the truck will be ordered with a plow or not, and he indicated that he would find out.




Ms. Mailander stated that this pertains to the awarding of a contract to purchase an exhaust system for the lower bay garages at the 220 Chestnut Street location for Fleet Services.  It will be used to remove engine exhaust from the garage bays when mechanics are required to run vehicles while repairing them inside.  Three informal quotes were obtained for this project, and the quote from Clean Air Company, Inc., was the lowest responsible quote.  It is recommended that the contract be awarded to Clean Air Company, Inc., of Fords, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $35,144.75.  Funding is in the Fleet Capital Budget.




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract to provide the Fleet mechanics with the necessary equipment to service air conditioning systems of Village vehicles. This would be the purchase of a new Polartek Dual AC Machine for the garages at 220 Chestnut Street.  The lowest responsible quote was received from TAC Tools LLC, of Paramus, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $15,250.00.  Funding is in the Fleet Capital Budget.




Ms. Mailander stated that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract under the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey Cooperative Purchasing Program for the purchase of a new replacement truck with a snow plow.  This truck will replace an old rusted-out vehicle, SD-82, a 2006 Ford F 350 truck with 73,000 miles on it and a number of mechanical issues. It is recommended that the contract be awarded to Cliffside Body Corporation of Fairview, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $6,428.00. Funding is in the Fleet Capital Budget.  Mr. Rutishauser explained that this is a BOSS 9-foot super duty snowplow to fit a truck that the Village Council previously allocated funds to purchase.




Ms. Mailander indicated that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract under a Sourcewell Cooperative Purchase contract to Sanitation Equipment Corp. of Totowa, New Jersey, not to exceed $340,971.60, for the purchase of a new rearloader packer truck for solid waste.  Funding is in the Solid Waste Capital Budget.  This will replace Truck #250, which is a crane carrier that has a knock in the engine and its time is limited.  If the engine fails, it will not be worth replacing.


Councilwoman Perron asked if this truck would be used on the street or would remain stationary at the Recycling Center.  Sean Hamlin, Supervisor of Sanitation and Recycling Coordinator, replied that this truck would replace a route truck.




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the awarding of a State contract for the purchase of a 2023 Ford F-750 cab base chassis for the Division of Sanitation.  This truck will have a Mini 10.5 YD Packer Body installed and will be used to collect refuse from apartment buildings and businesses in the CBD.  It is recommended that the contract be awarded under state contract to Route 23 Auto Mall of Butler, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $76,125.00.  Funding is in the Sanitation Capital Budget.


Councilman Vagianos asked what refuse this truck will pick up in the CBD.  Mr. Hamlin replied that the public garbage cans are currently picked up by full-time employees.  He intends to have the Mini Packer Truck operated by non-CDL licensed part-time employees.  This truck will also be used to pick up refuse from apartment buildings in the Village.




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the awarding of a State contract under the Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Program for the purchase of a Mini 10.5 cubic yard rearloader packer body for the Division of Solid Waste, which will be mounted on the Ford F-750 previously discussed.  It is recommended that the contract be awarded under State contract to Sanitation Equipment Corp. of Totowa, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $105,185.60.  Funding is in the Sanitation Capital Budget.  This will be used to collect refuse from apartment complexes and the CBD.






Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the awarding of a State contract for the purchase of a Ford F-350 pickup truck, which will replace Truck #254 in the Recycling Division.  The new truck will have an aluminum rack body built onto the chassis.  Truck #254 is a 2003 model and has been deemed unsafe by the Fleet Department due to deterioration of the frame.  It is recommended that the contract be awarded under State contract to Route 23 Auto Mall of Butler, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $43,460.00.  Funding is in the Recycling Capital Budget.


Councilwoman Reynolds asked what kind of tasks would be assigned to this truck.  Mr. Hamlin replied that this truck will be used to pick up major appliances on bulk pickup days, since it is equipped with a tailgate lift.


                        16.       AWARD STATE CONTRACT – RACK BODY - RECYCLING


Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the awarding of a State contract for the purchase of the aluminum rack body to be installed on the Ford F-350 chassis, which will replace Truck #254 in the Recycling Division.  The new truck will have an aluminum rack body built onto the chassis.  Truck #254 is a 2003 model and has been deemed unsafe by the Fleet Department due to deterioration of the frame.  It is recommended that the contract be awarded under State contract to Cliffside Body Corp. of Fairview, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $33,644.00.  Funding is in the Recycling Capital Budget.




Ms. Mailander stated that this item deals with the awarding of a contract for school bus transportation for the 2022 Summer Day Camp program running from June 28 to August 5, 2022.  Ridgewood Parks and Recreation accepted quotes for furnishing and delivering school bus daily transportation for the Summer Day Camp program.  Quote requests were sent to six vendors and three were returned.  It is recommended that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder, Joshua Tours, LLC, of Passaic, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $28,000.00.  School bus transportation is required to be provided to the 500 elementary school-aged children registered for participation in this program.  Funding is available in the Recreation Operating Budget, Other Contractual Services.


Councilwoman Perron indicated that she spoke with Nancy Bigos, Director of Parks and Recreation, who explained that payment is only required when the buses are actually used.  No payment is required if the day camp is cancelled because of rain or inclement weather.




Ms. Mailander explained that this item deals with the awarding of a State contract to purchase Cool Net Shade Cloth, cables and hardware for Graydon Pool.  This would replace the initial shade system installed throughout the beachfront of the Graydon Pool recreational swimming facility in the early 2000s.  Twenty years later, the fabric on these five shade system amenities, along with the cables and hardware, need to be replaced.  The fabric is faded and ripped.  Due to the technical specifications of the posts and a product trademark, the hardware, cables and bracket replacements are made to order and only available through a “Shade System” authorized vendor.  It is recommended that the contract be awarded to General Recreation, Inc., of Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, in an amount not to exceed $37,767.00.  Funding is in the 2019 and 2022 Capital Budgets.  This purchase will cover replacement “Cool Net Shade Cloth” and cables for four, 20 x 20 shade kites and one 14 x 20 rectangular unit, in addition to the Turn and Slide Interval Components and hardware.


                        19.       AWARD STATE CONTRACT – YARD PACKER - RECYCLING


Ms. Mailander explained that two weeks ago, there was a recycling truck (Truck #262, a 2012 model) emptying recyclables at the recycling facility in Newark and the driver hit a pothole.  The mechanics inspected the truck and found a crack in the frame.  The truck was delivered to Gabrielli Body Shop in Ridgefield Park, and it was determined unsafe to repair.  The proposal is to purchase a 2022 Tandem Axle Chassis with 25-yard Leach, with a high compaction heavy duty rear loader packer body for the Recycling Department.  It is recommended that the contract be awarded under the Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Program to Sanitation Equipment Corp., of Totowa, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $338,698.00. 


Funding is not currently allocated for this purchase in the Capital Budget.  However, if the broken truck is not replaced, there will be one less truck for the Recycling Department to use.  It would ultimately need to be funded by a Bond Ordinance, which will reimburse the monies spent from the Capital Budget.  Mr. Hamlin remarked that they still have not received the truck which they ordered in June 2021, and they may not receive it until November 2022.  They were lucky enough to find a truck available from Sanitation Equipment Corp., which could be delivered to the Recycling Department within 30 days.


Councilwoman Reynolds asked if there was any available insurance to cover the damage to Truck #262.  Mr. Hamlin said that he is currently looking into how to write up this truck as a total loss, since there wasn’t a vehicular accident.  He mentioned that the mechanic told him the crane carriers were built with single frames.  Most tandem chassis are built with double frames.  Therefore, if truck #262 had had a double frame, it could have been repaired.


Ms. Mailander asked everyone if they were in favor of purchasing this truck through a Bond Ordinance.  They will pursue whatever monies may be realized through insurance coverage.  Everyone was in agreement with the purchase.




Ms. Mailander indicated that this item deals with amending Chapter 145, Fees for Police Vehicles for Police Details.  The Police Department has police details where they provide police officers at a specific location for a part of a calendar day.  The police details are usually used by utilities (such as PSE&G) and also used at events, such as the Memorial Day Run.  Ms. Mailander indicated that Altice (formerly Optimum) and Verizon are both currently doing work in the Village which requires police details.  In addition to the hourly rate for the officer, there is an hourly rate for the use of police vehicles, which are used to block closed streets or to serve as a warning for traffic, with their lights on. 


The current hourly rate for the use of police vehicles for police details is $20.00 per hour.  In reviewing the use of fuel by various departments, it was determined that the Police Department is $1,000.00 over the amount spent last year at this time.  Some of this increase is attributed to the greater cost of gasoline and the greater amount of police details which are being used.  Contracts will also be awarded for the leasing of vehicles for these police details to ensure an ample supply of available vehicles.  It is recommended that the price for the use of police vehicles at police details be increased to $25.00 per hour.  The rates have not been raised since July 1, 2016.


Mayor Knudsen asked if $25.00 per hour is sufficient to cover rising costs.  Ms. Mailander replied that they feel this sum will be sufficient.  Mayor Knudsen remarked that it is a shame that less expensive cars could not be used for this purpose, rather than “super-equipped cars” basically being used as barriers or warning.




Ms. Mailander stated that this item pertains to amending Chapter 145 – Sewer Fees for Significant Dischargers.  The Village currently has an ordinance that establishes a fee structure based upon equivalent dwelling units (EDUs) for commercial/industrial minor and significant dischargers to the Village’s sanitary sewage collection system.  Nonprofit and tax-exempt properties are billed for the sewage treatment services they receive.  The rate was set at $4.27 per 1,000 gallons of flow in excess of 109,500 gallons per year discharged from commercial properties, as measured by water meter consumption during the two winter quarters.  Nonprofits are billed from the first gallon of water they consume.  After examining operating costs and the cost of living increase rate, Mr. Rutishauser is recommending that the current rate be increased to $4.45 per 1,000 gallons for 2022.


Councilman Vagianos asked whether or not this applies to restaurants.  Ms. Mailander replied that it does and, accordingly, Councilman Vagianos recused himself from this discussion.


            C.        POLICY


                        1.         PRIDE DAY COMMITTEE


Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the formation of the Pride Day Committee.  The Village Council has requested that the Pride Day Committee become a standing committee in the Village of Ridgewood.  The recommendation was to have a certain number of members of the Rainbow Community on the Pride Day Committee, as well as appointing a Chair who was a member of the Rainbow Community.  The Village Labor Attorney indicated that this would violate Federal and State laws for the Village to require certain members to be from the Rainbow Community or certain positions be filled by a member of that community.  Although the term “Rainbow Community” is slang and not specifically defined, the Village Labor Attorney stated that it is arguably a substitute for sexual orientation. 


The Village Labor Attorney has indicated that in order to ensure that the committee is populated by individuals who meet the goals of the Village, he recommends that the following criterion/wording be used:  “The committee members (Chair) should have a demonstrated interest in advancing the goals of equality, diversity, and inclusion.”


Ms. Mailander indicated that according to a recent article in The Record newspaper, in other municipalities that organize Pride Day events, it is often organized by independent organizations within the municipalities, with sponsorships from local businesses.  This is similar to the Ridgewood Fourth of July Committee, which is an independent organization and not a standing Village Committee, which organizes and runs the parade and fireworks every year and does fundraising events to pay for these activities.


Councilman Vagianos stated that if the Village cannot “consciously include” people from the Rainbow Community, then the planning of a Pride Day event should be turned over to Village residents, as has been done in the past.  He said that when this event was run by residents, members of the Rainbow Community were included.  He said that, given the legal opinion rendered by the Village Labor Attorney, the Village Council should step back from this completely.


Mayor Knudsen indicated that it was the residents who first approached the Village Council and asked them to sponsor the Pride Day event.  That is the only reason why the Village Council became involved.  She said that the Village was very supportive of the Pride Day event.  Mayor Knudsen remarked that she found the attacks on the current Pride Day Committee members to have been very disheartening. 


Mayor Knudsen said that the proposed language suggested by the Village Labor Attorney “sums it up” and adequately defines every committee member, that they have a demonstrated interest in advancing the goals of equality, diversity, and inclusion.  She recalled from last year that there was a group of residents who were willing to organize the Pride Day event and do fundraising to raise money for the event.  However, that fell by the wayside and that is the reason why the Village Council was attempting to support the Pride Day event in 2022.  However, given the potential liability, she feels the Village Council should pause any actions regarding the organization or sponsorship of the Pride Day event.


Councilwoman Perron asked if the Village would be holding a Pride Day event this year.  Mayor Knudsen said that there will absolutely be a Pride Day event this year, with an incredible lineup of speakers.  Councilwoman Perron was glad to hear this, and stated that she wanted to thank the people who have spent so much time and effort in prior years to organize Pride Day events, which were very thought provoking and enlightening.  However, she stated that she was concerned that various events held in Van Neste Square by individuals or groups, sometimes assisted in some way by the Village Council, now require the imprimatur of the government.  She would, therefore, be extremely happy if the event were run by individuals or a group. 


Matt Rogers, Village Attorney, cautioned that when the event is placed in the hands of an individual group, the members of this group have to come up with the money to hold the event, including paying for municipal services such as Police, Fire, and Streets Department employees. This was the reason why the Village became involved in the first place, because the group holding the event didn’t want to have to pay for these services or couldn’t raise enough money to pay for these services.


Councilman Vagianos remarked that when the Village Council sponsored such events, the costs were nominal, such as paying one police officer and a person from the Signal Department to open up the electrical box.  He said that, going forward, it would be best for residents to handle the organization of such events.


Ms. Mailander summarized by indicating that the Pride Day event organization would revert back to the residents of the Village, and everyone agreed.  No resolution will be needed.




Ms. Mailander explained the Village sent out for bids for the train station concession stand on May 24, 2022, but no bids were received and no bid packets were picked up.  She mentioned that bids had not been solicited for quite a while during the pandemic, since many commuters were not taking mass transit to the city to work, were working remotely, and therefore were not frequenting the concession stand during morning hours.  The minimum bid was $500.00 rent per month (formerly $750.00 to $800.00 per month before Covid).  The concession stand currently operates from 5:30 A.M. to 10:00 A.M., Monday through Friday, since those were the most popular hours for commuters.  She stated that the Village Council may want to reissue the bid and hope for better results, in addition to considering whether or not to lower the initial minimum monthly rental rate.  The Village Council could also consider renting the space to a different type of business that operates additional hours. 


Ms. Mailander indicated that inquiries have been received by a couple of individuals:  one wishing to operate a juice bar and another wishing to run a small café. However, there are no food preparation facilities at this location (no kitchen), so prepared foods would have to be delivered to the location.  She stated that she was not sure if anyone would want to run a business full time at this location, given the lack of parking in the area.  However, perhaps three parking spaces could be included in the rental rate for any individual wishing to open up a business there all day.  If the parking spaces were to be made available to the business, then the rental would have to be increased.


Mayor Knudsen asked why the rent would be increased if a prospective business wanted to operate a business at that location for more hours.  Ms. Mailander clarified that she was referring to a higher rent if the parking spaces were included.  Mayor Knudsen felt that the bid should be reissued and the criteria for the type of business should not be limited to just a coffee concession. It could perhaps be a florist, bakery, hotdog stand, juice bar, or gift shop for Ridgewood memorabilia.  She remarked what a great location it is.  Councilman Vagianos stated that he completely agreed with Mayor Knudsen.


Councilwoman Reynolds asked if New Jersey Transit allows passengers to eat on the train.  Ms. Mailander indicated that she has been told that passengers are not allowed to eat or drink on the train.  However, this was not strictly enforced and people ate and drank on the train anyway.  Councilman Vagianos felt that another RFP should be sent out and the criteria for the replacement business should be kept “relatively loose.”  Any unsuitable business could be rejected.  A discussion ensued about whether or not any parking spaces would be included in the rent.  Mayor Knudsen spoke about instituting a tiered rental arrangement.


Ms. Mailander summarized by saying that no parking spaces would be included in the rent of $500.00 per month at this time, that the RFP would be reissued, and that no restrictions would be placed on the type of business at that location.  A parking space could be negotiated at a later time.


            D.        OPERATIONS




Ms. Mailander explained that this items pertains to the execution of an Encroachment Agreement regarding property at 769 Upper Boulevard.  The resident is seeking to install fencing around their property for their young children.  The property is five sided, of which three sides abut Village easements/exempt lands.  The resident has submitted a request for an encroachment agreement relating to the fence’s placement within a Village sanitary sewer right-of-way.  If the Village were to approve this encroachment, the Encroachment Agreement would contain language that absolves the Village of any liability to repair the fence if the Village were to need access to the sanitary sewer line in the right-of-way.




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the approval of a Subordination Agreement for Block 2603, Lot 8.01.  Mr. Rogers indicated that this matter was discussed in Closed Session last week.  The Subordination Agreement emanated from a Planning Board approval going back to 2004 regarding a subdivision on Goffle Road, to ensure that if the property was ever sold or owned outside of the family, the Village would be notified.  A mortgage of no value was recorded at that time, subordinated to the original mortgage.  The present owner (same family) is attempting to refinance his mortgage and is requesting that the mortgage held by the Village be once again subordinated to the new mortgagee. 




There is one Proclamation:  Bee City USA and National Pollinator Week.  No ordinances are scheduled for introduction or public hearing for Ridgewood Water.


Ridgewood Water Resolutions include:  Award Contract – Disposal of Soil Spills; Award Sole Source Contract – Leak Detection Services; Title 59 Approval and Award Contract – Water Billing and Data Collection Services; Award Contract Under Bergen County Contract – Concrete and Road Repair Materials for Water Main Repairs; Award Professional Services Contract – Evaluation of Carr Water Treatment Plant; and Authorize Change Order – Install and Maintain a CCTV/Access Control System for the Ridgewood Water Headquarters.


Introduction of Ordinances include:  Amend Chapter 265 – Vehicles and Traffic – Time Limit Parking, Overtime Parking and Repeat Parking; Amend Chapter 145 – Fees – Vehicle Fees for Police Details; Amend Ordinance Chapter 145 – Fees – Significant Discharger Sewer Fees; and Bond Ordinance for New Packer Truck.


A Public Hearing for Ordinance #3907 is scheduled regarding Policy on Absences for Volunteers Serving on Village Boards and Committees.


Resolutions include:  Waive Fourth of July Vendor Fees; Grant Permission to Fireworks Company for Fireworks Display; Title 59 Approval and Award Contract for School Bus Transportation for Day Camp; Award Contract – Exhaust System for Garages – Fleet Services; Award Contract – Polartek Dual AC Servicing Machine for Fleet Services; Award Contract – Snowplow – Streets; Award Contract – Cool Net Shade for Graydon Pool; Award Contract Under State Contract – Short-Term Rental of Pickup Trucks for the Police Department; Award Contract Under State Contract – Storage Tank and Trailer for the Parks Department; Award Contract Under State Contract for Ford F350 for the Parks Department; Award Contract Under State Contract – Rearloader Packer Truck – Solid Waste; Award Contract Under State Contract – Ford F-750 Chassis – Solid Waste; Award Contract Under State Contract – Packer Body – Solid Waste; Award Contract Under State Contract – Ford F-350 – Recycling; Award Contract Under State Contract – Rack Body – Recycling; Award Contract Under Sourcewell – Short-Term Rental Cars – Police Department; Award Contract under Sourcewell – Leasing and Maintenance of Vehicles – Police Department; Award Contract Under Cooperative Contract – Heavy Duty Tire Changer – Fleet Services; Award Contract Under Cooperative Contract – Fuel; Award Professional Services Contract – Drug and Alcohol Testing and Pre-Employment Physicals; Award Professional Services Contract – Annual Audit; Award Professional Services Contract – Fire Department and EMS Chart Review and Billing; Chapter 159 – Accept State of New Jersey, Department of Health – Strengthening Local Public Health Capacity Program Grant; Authorize Encroachment Agreement – 32 Sherman Place; Authorize Encroachment Agreement – 769 Upper Boulevard; Award Contract Under State Contract for Packer Truck for Recycling; Declare Fire Department Property Surplus; Authorize Execution of Subordination Agreement – Block 2603, Lot 8.01; Approve 2022-2023 Renewals of Liquor Licenses; Appoint Village Attorney; Appoint Village Bond Attorney; Appoint Village Labor Attorney; Appoint Professional Affordable Housing Planner and Related Matters; Appoint Village Prosecutor and Assistant Village Prosecutor; Appoint Municipal Public Defender and Alternate Municipal Public Defender; Appoint Community Development Representative; Appoint Representative to Open Space Trust Regional Committee; Appoint Members to Planning Board; Appoint Members to Zoning Board of Adjustment; and Appoint Village Councilmembers as Liaisons to Various Boards and Committees.


Ms. Mailander asked if there were any items which the Councilmembers wanted off of the consent agenda, and there were none.





Boyd A. Loving, 342 South Irving Street, indicated that he and his entire family are extremely excited that the Graydon Pool season will be starting this weekend.  They have already renewed their badges.  They have lived in Ridgewood since 1979, and one of the primary reasons his family moved to Ridgewood was because of Graydon Pool.  However, he was unhappy that the Graydon Pool season did not start two weeks earlier when the temperatures soared into the upper nineties.   He mentioned that on that particular weekend with very high temperatures, the Ridgewood Police had to go to Graydon Pool on two separate occasions to remove adult sunbathers at the pool.  Mr. Loving mentioned that there was no signage posted at the pool indicating that entry to the pool was prohibited.  The gates were open, yet armed and uniformed police officers removed adult visitors from the pool. 


Mr. Loving said that he was told the police perhaps took these actions because it became a public safety issue, since the pool was filled at the time.  However, Mr. Loving said that he can go to Sandy Hook at any time of the year (off-season) and walk on the beach, yet armed U.S. Park Police do not come to remove him from the public beach.


Mr. Loving said that he wondered whether or not there was an ordinance in the Village prohibiting residents from being at Graydon Pool during off-season months.  He reviewed Village Code 212-8 and indicated that he saw no such provision.  However, there was some vague reference to the Village Manager’s ability to establish rules and regulations for when people can be on the Graydon Pool property, which encompasses the playground, all buildings and grounds, and even the parking lot.  According to the Code, an individual must possess an in-season badge to use the Graydon Pool parking lot.  Mr. Loving mentioned that the parking lot is used for many things, such as senior bus trips and high school parking for students.


Mr. Loving indicated that he felt that the Code needs to be revised.  The Code also indicates that the permitted use of Graydon Pool by residents from other municipalities shall terminate on September 3, 2012.  He was under the impression that the Village sells badges to people from other towns.  He wondered whether the Village Council would have to have a Special Public Meeting in June prior to the sale of badges to out-of-towners.  The Code also labels the Village as the “Township of Ridgewood.”  Besides all of these points, Mr. Loving indicated that he was most upset by the fact that an adult resident had to be removed from Graydon Pool while sunbathing by an armed police officer.  He urged the Village Council to revise this section of the Code to allow residents to sunbathe at Graydon Pool when they chose to do so.


Mayor Knudsen remarked that she replied to the email from Mr. Loving and requested that this matter be placed on the next Work Session agenda.  She said that a Google search indicated that Graydon Pool was open on the days mentioned by Mr. Loving.  She believes that Google searches are populated from the Village website.  It had always been her understanding that the Graydon Pool property was a year-round park, although swimming was not permitted off-season. Regarding non-residents being sold badges for Graydon Pool, Mayor Knudsen recalled that two years ago, the Village Council included the sale of badges to non-residents in the current ordinance.  She mentioned that the ordinance should be clarified to avoid any confusion in the future.


Ms. Mailander indicated that the Police Department told her that they responded to calls at Graydon Pool because people were in the water.  One police officer observed someone in the water, and one call was in response to a complaint by a passerby.  She did agree, however, that the ordinance needs to be clarified.


There were no further comments from the public.




Deputy Clerk Eileen Young read Resolution #22-182, to go into Closed Session as follows:





























9.         ADJOURNMENT


There being no further business to come before the Village Council, on a motion by Councilman Vagianos, seconded by Councilwoman Reynolds, and carried unanimously by voice vote, the Village Council’s Work Session was adjourned at 11:05 P.M.





                                                                                                Susan Knudsen






Eileen Young

Deputy Village Clerk

  • Hits: 733


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