20230125 - Village Council Public Work Session Minutes





Mayor Vagianos called the meeting to order at 7:34 P.M. and read the Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.  At roll call the following were present:  Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos. Also present were Heather Mailander, Village Manager/Village Clerk; Eileen Young, Deputy Village Clerk; and Matthew Rogers, Village Attorney.


Mayor Vagianos led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.  He announced that Ridgewood unfortunately lost a “pillar of the community,” Elena McKinnon, who was the owner of the La Casita store in the Central Business District (CBD) for approximately 50 years.  He asked for a moment of silence in her honor.


Mayor Vagianos spoke about some new meeting changes which will take place this evening.  Improvements have been made to the public comments portion of the meeting.  The podium has been moved from the center of the room to the side of the room, so that speakers do not have their backs to the audience, and a clock has been installed in the front so that people can monitor their allotted time. Improvements have been made to the sound system, with more acoustical improvements to occur in the future.


In addition, Mayor Vagianos announced that this evening’s meeting will represent the Village Council’s first hybrid access meeting, which will continue indefinitely.  Speakers wishing to make public comments, but who are not physically able to attend, may access the meeting via Zoom or by phone.  Mayor Vagianos explained that 40 minutes are normally allotted for public comments at the beginning of the meeting (three minutes per person); however, the total allotted time may be adjusted as necessary.  The first ten people in attendance who wish to speak will be heard first, after which time the next seven people attending remotely will have a chance to speak.  Mayor Vagianos commended Ms. Winograd for her suggestions about improving public comments and also Dylan Hansen, Director of IT, for his efforts in improving the sound quality in the room.




Paul Coopersmith, 373 Meadowbrook Avenue, stated that he has resided in Ridgewood for over 30 years and has been an active member of the Ridgewood soccer community for the last 20 years.  He coached for the Maroons (soccer) and the Ridgewood Softball Association when his son and daughter participated in these sports. Mr. Coopersmith added that he has also been a member of the Ridgewood Men’s Soccer Club for 20 years.  He said that the soccer club has been in existence for 30 years and has won several United Soccer League of New Jersey championships. The club received the “Best Sportsmanship Award” last season. Mr. Coopersmith indicated that the majority of the club members, who are soccer enthusiasts, have a background similar to his regarding volunteerism and coaching.  He stated, however, that the lack of field availability in Ridgewood has remained an ongoing issue for the club, limiting the number of teams fielded over the years and causing many games to be played away from Ridgewood at neutral sites.


Mr. Coopersmith stated that soccer is a sport “on the rise” in the United States.  A recent study was done by the Aspen Institute called “Project Play” and the survey results were published in their report entitled “State of Play 2022.”  He said that he could provide a link to that study to whomever is interested.  Quoting from the report, Mr. Coopersmith stated, “Soccer is the third most popular team sports for kids, rebounding with a 20% increase in 2021 for kids aged 6 to 12, and returned to pre-pandemic levels.”  He stated that although baseball remains the number one participation sport for youths aged 6 to 12, youth participation, when combining soccer, football and lacrosse, is 10% greater than baseball.


Mr. Coopersmith stated that he was speaking this evening primarily on behalf of the Soccer Club, but also for the soccer community at large.  He reiterated that field availability has historically been a problem not just for the soccer community, but for other sports teams as well. He stated that a full-sized turf field at Schedler Park would help to alleviate this problem not only for soccer players, but also for lacrosse, football and field hockey players.  He said that space utilization for the greatest number of athletes should be the ultimate goal.


Lauren Cuneo, 373 Mountain Avenue, stated that she is a staunch supporter of the development of the Schedler property.  She is the mother of three athletes, aged 15, 13 and 10, who all participate in the Maroons Soccer Club and Ridgewood Lacrosse Association.  She has been a Board Member of the Maroons Soccer Club for seven years, in addition to being a coach and manager for many teams.  For the past two years, she has scheduled training sessions for the Maroons Soccer Club, consisting of 522 players aged 8 and above, who are all Ridgewood residents.  Ms. Cuneo spoke of the problems she has faced in scheduling fields for the players.  She spoke of the field infamously known as “Vets West,” a bumpy, sloped patch of grass scattered with trees (along Linwood Avenue).  She also spoke of her safety concerns at the Glen School field, where the soccer field overlaps the softball infield, due to the unlevel ground.


Ms. Cuneo stated that all of the fields in Ridgewood are overused.  She cited the example of four teams sharing half of the Citizens Park field in the spring and fall.  This overuse results in most of the grass being destroyed within the first two weeks of the season, after which time the players must play on dirt.  She emphasized that Ridgewood needs more open space.  Ms. Cuneo stated that she strongly supports the development of the Schedler property, including a walking path, playground, restroom facilities, and a full-sized, multipurpose turfed sports field with permanent lights.  She stated that if costs are an issue, the Village Council should reach out to sports organizations for financial assistance.  She said that the Maroons Soccer Club is prepared to provide financial support towards a turf field and permanent lights.


Carolyn Holt, 249 Mountain Avenue, stated that she has been a resident of Ridgewood for the past 18 years.  She has three children who have all enjoyed playing soccer for many years, with her oldest now playing on the Ridgewood High School soccer team.  She attributed the overuse of the fields in Ridgewood to their suboptimal condition. She said that while lack of maintenance is also an issue, the main issue interfering with field use is flooding, which impacts both grass and turf fields.  The lack of field availability negatively impacts all athletes in Ridgewood.  Ms. Holt recalled when the turf field at the high school was flooded and most games had to be played in other towns.  Ms. Holt suggested that more field space be developed on the Schedler property.  A full-sized field is desperately needed, which is not located in a flood zone.


David Refkin, 401 Wastena Terrace, said that he is Chair of the Green Ridgewood Committee.  He said that the Village Council will be considering an amendment to an ordinance next week related to Green Ridgewood, which would increase the number of citizen committee members from six to eight.  Since he cannot attend next week’s meeting, he wanted to make his comments this evening.  He stated that Green Ridgewood serves as an advisory committee to the Village Council on a range of environmental issues.  There are currently six citizen members and five liaisons (including Deputy Mayor Perron).  The citizen members are appointed for three-year terms, and the Green Team, which is responsible for the Sustainable Jersey award application, reports to the Green Ridgewood Committee. 


Mr. Refkin stated that, over the past few years, sustainability, resiliency and the environment have grown in importance, since there has been a lot of flooding from storm and hurricane events, as well as from climate change. Especially in Ridgewood, significant flooding has created extensive property damage, which in turn creates health and safety issues for Village residents. Mr. Refkin spoke about the Master Plan implementation and how the Green Ridgewood Committee has reorganized itself into subcommittees focused on recycling and resource management, green building and sustainability, resiliency, flooding and stormwater, as well as subcommittees related to Earth Day, communications and the Green Team.  It is the desire of the Green Ridgewood Committee to collaborate closely with the Planning Board and the Village Council to address the challenges and opportunities facing Ridgewood; however, Mr. Refkin feels that in order to work effectively on these issues, there should be more people on the Green Ridgewood Committee.


Bill Bond, 335 Kensington Drive, said that he has resided in Ridgewood for the past 18 years.  He is Executive Vice President of the Ridgewood Baseball/Softball Association (RBSA) and is speaking on their behalf this evening. Mr. Bond first congratulated the new Village Councilmembers.  He then stated that the RBSA is the largest sports organization in the Village, with 1,351 “unique” participants in the program last year.  Some participants are in travel and rec programs, and there is an all-star program for special needs athletes.  Mr. Bond stated that the RBSA has partnered with the Village for many years, donating $49,000.00 in 2020, $50,000.00 in 2021, and $83,000.00 in 2022 toward maintenance of the fields and the purchase of field-related items.  He urged the Village Council to look for ways to increase field utilization and develop new fields, particularly a 60 foot by 90 foot baseball field on the Schedler property.  Mr. Bond stated that the RBSA has “lost” approximately three fields over the years (for example, when the track was built at Benjamin Franklin Middle School), while other Village sports associations have gained field utilization.


Karyn Schoenherr, 251 Lotte Road, stated that she is the mother of two teenage female athletes who are very involved in sports, particularly soccer and lacrosse.  She mentioned that it is important to everyone’s mental and physical well-being to get exercise, especially children, in order to alleviate stress.  Ms. Schoenherr stated that there is a lack of fields and green space in Ridgewood, and that she supports the development of the Schedler property.  She would like to see a full-sided turf field constructed on the site, with permanent lights for maximum use.


Ms. Schoenherr said that she has been a coach for the Maroons Club for over nine years and, each year, she has had to manually schedule ten home games, which she stated was “near impossible.”  She said that flooding of the fields has often precluded use of the fields for games.  Ms. Schoenherr spoke about the pros and cons of grass fields versus turf fields, stating that some out-of-town teams have refused to play on Village fields due to their poor condition (Hawes, Vets and Glen Fields).  Players are being lost to other programs with more field offerings.  Even practice games are limited, with only a short amount of time allotted to teams and no goals set up.


Ms. Schoenherr said that she is an active athlete and supporter of unorganized sports and plays adult pickup soccer each week.  However, they often have trouble finding a “tiny corner” of a field to play on.  She mentioned that her daughter attempted to practice recently on a field, but she was unable to do so because the field was locked up and the goals were locked to the fences.  This caused a lot of frustration to Ms. Schoenherr, especially since she tries to get her children to be active outside in the fresh air rather than sitting at home on the phone or computer.  In conclusion, Ms. Schoenherr said that there is a need for a large-sized field at Schedler that is not in a flood zone, with permanent lights.  She feels that turfing is worth the investment so that different sports groups can play on the field and emphasized that the construction of the field could be accomplished with the help of financial contributions from Village sports organizations and personal donations.


Richard Brooks, 777 East Ridgewood Avenue, said that he is President of the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board.  He spoke about when the Schedler property was first acquired in 2009 and stated how happy he is that the Village Council is finally “shining light” on the development of that property.  In addition, he stated that since 2009, the recreational needs of Ridgewood residents have “exploded,” especially in the last three years due to the pandemic.  The Village has always had a shortage of fields, and those involved in scheduling fields had to “make do.”  He said that this was not good enough anymore, since recreation and sports needs are more diverse than ever before, citing the latest introduction of girls’ flag football at Ridgewood High School.  Mr. Brooks asked the Village Council to focus on this issue like a “laser beam” and develop the best park ever on the Schedler property, taking into account the increased needs of the Village residents, and to develop the property as quickly as possible.


Yu Sun, 420 Racetrack Road, said that he was very excited about the development of the Schedler property.  He is currently a member of the Open Space Committee, and he was on the Ad Hoc Committee for the Schedler property, but his involvement was interrupted due to the pandemic.  Mr. Sun mentioned that there is a lot of support in Ridgewood to get the Schedler project completed, and he personally would like to see it completed as soon as possible, hopefully with a playing field that can be used for different sports.  He stated that the population of Ridgewood is growing and, along with that, the needs of the residents are growing as well.  Mr. Sun said that he does not want to wait another 12 years for this project to be completed.


Fred Jubitz, 56 Heermance Place, stated that he is a lifelong resident of Ridgewood and Vice-Chairman of the Open Space Committee.  He mentioned that the committee reviewed the proposed plan for the Schedler property last week, and their overall consensus was that the plan was thoughtful but that the space for the playing field should be larger.  Mr. Jubitz stated that the committee members also commented that the Village Council should develop this property with a sense of urgency, since it has been well over 10 years since the property was purchased.


Jennifer Devlin Burke, 400 Lincoln Avenue, stated that she is the mother of three school-aged children who have been involved in Village sports programs for over 14 years.  Ms. Burke also stated that she was grateful for the new Village Councilmembers and was glad to see that there was a discussion about the state of the Village drinking water on this evening’s agenda.  She stated that she was supportive of the development of the Schedler property and that she would like to see it developed with a proper sports venue, with at least one full-sided turfed field.  She had almost given up hope that actual, meaningful progress and improvements for the sole benefit of Ridgewood residents would be accomplished and that the project would eventually have given way to developers. 


Ms. Burke stated that whenever an innovative or positive plan arises, naysayers hijack the conversation and put up roadblocks.  She cited the examples of when citizens asked that Graydon Pool be converted into a hard-bottomed pool facility that would have served as a “social hub” for the Village and expanding the Ridgewood Library with a “true performing arts theater” and a large teen center for studying and socializing.  Ms. Burke stated that newcomers to Ridgewood are astounded by the terrible condition of Village fields.  She stated that no one seems to be able to “get their act together” and make comprehensive improvements, but rather “use Band-Aids” to address the problem as the years fly by.  Fields are overcrowded and eventually become “dust bowls” on which children must play sports, and many fields are closed due to predictable flooding which leave contaminants in the turf for children to inhale.  This is particularly concerning to her, since her two children have asthma.


Ms. Burke stated that over the last three years, she estimated that approximately 40% to 50% of her children’s soccer and lacrosse practices and games have been canceled or changed because of field issues, which creates negative “cascading effects” for everyone.  She said that now is the time to make meaningful improvements to the fields in Ridgewood.


Denise Lima, 319 East Glen Avenue, said that she was thrilled to be the first person to attend the meeting remotely.  Ms. Lima remarked that it was very easy to access the meeting remotely.  She stated that she understood the problems facing sports teams in Ridgewood due to the lack of field availability.  She stated that when she viewed the Schedler plans, there were no measurements that she could see on the plans.  She suggested that, going forward, there be some measurements shown on the plans, so that everyone can see the size of the field in relationship to the Zabriskie-Schedler house, and the size of the parking areas (inside the property and along the street).  If the field is expanded, she suggested looking into how that would affect the parking situation and the neighbors living near the property (especially with cars speeding off of the Route 17 exit ramp).  In addition, Ms. Lima indicated that expanding the playing field would possibly create some safety issues and crowds at the property.


Kathryn Schmidt, 123 East Irving Street, stated that she appeared many times before the Village Council in the past to advocate for better acoustics and hybrid meetings.  She thanked the Village Council for “making this happen.”


Lillian Blood, 250 North Maple Avenue, stated that she is very happy that the Village Council has instituted hybrid meetings, since she could not physically attend the meeting this evening.


Hans Jurgen Lehmann, 234 Union Street, stated that he is very grateful that he is now able to access the Village Council meetings remotely, although some glitches will need to be fine-tuned along the way.  Mr. Lehmann stated that in approximately September of 2022, he spoke before the Citizens Safety Advisory Committee (CSAC) about some safety issues on Union Street.  These issues related to drivers going the wrong way on Union Street (which is a one-way street), and people driving from Maple Avenue to Dayton Street like it was a “racetrack.”  He also mentioned that there is no crosswalk signage at the intersection of Union Street and Maple Avenue.


Mr. Lehmann indicated that Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer, was at the CSAC meeting when he spoke last year.  Mr. Lehmann indicated that he has not seen anything done since that time to improve the safety conditions on Union Street.  He asked the Village Council what he could do as a resident to improve safety on Union Street, especially since there are many families with small children who reside there.


Saurabh Dani, 319 Bedford Road, stated that he sent an email to Mayor Vagianos this evening about the conditions of the curbs around Village schools.  He said that it was his understanding that the curbs were the responsibility of the Village and that the curbs would not be fixed unless the street was scheduled to be paved.  Mr. Dani mentioned that there are several broken curbs around the schools, which pose a safety hazard. He wanted to bring this to the attention of the Village Council so that they could review the policy of not repairing curbs until a street is scheduled to be paved.


There were no further comments from the public.




Ms. Mailander stated that a new event called “Council Chat” will start on February 4, 2023 from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. in the Village Hall Courtroom.  Interested individuals must call to make a reservation at 201-670-5500, extension 2207.  Walk-ins are welcome, but priority will be given to those who have made reservations.  This event will be held on the first Saturday of every month between 9:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M., at which time two Councilmembers will be present to listen to questions and concerns from Village residents.


A Summer Job Fair will be held on March 8, 2023 from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. in the Annie Zusy Youth Center in the Community Center, on the ground floor of Village Hall.  The fair will be focused on young adults ages 16 and older for summer employment.  A wide variety of employment opportunities will be presented.  Young adults will be able to speak with supervisors to have their questions answered and learn what the specific requirements are for each employment opportunity.  There will be individuals in attendance who can assist with resumes and interviewing skills.


Christmas tree pickup continues on Tuesdays (east side) and Thursdays (west side) through the end of January.  Trees must be undecorated and left at the curb.  Wreaths and garlands will be collected with regular garbage.  Trees should not be wrapped in plastic bags. Individuals may also drop off their Christmas tree in the designated section of the Graydon Pool parking lot.


Ms. Mailander reminded everyone about the new styrofoam densifier at the Recycling Center which is able to recycle styrofoam.  The styrofoam must be from packaging and brought to the Recycling Center for recycling.  Vegetable cooking oil is also being recycled at this time.  Individuals may call the Recycling Center to learn the details of these programs at 201-670-3373.


The 2023 Village calendars have been mailed and every resident should have received one by this time.  Any resident who has not received a calendar should call Village Hall to have one mailed to them.


Upcoming Village Council meetings are broadcast live from the Village Hall Courtroom, on the Village website, on FIOS Channel 34 and YouTube.  The next Public Meeting is scheduled for February 8, 2023 at 8:00 P.M.  The next Village Council Work Sessions will be held on February 1, February 22 and March 1, 2023 at 7:30 P.M.


Ms. Mailander announced that the call-in and log-in information for hybrid access to Village Council meetings will remain the same for every meeting.




Councilmember Winograd said that she and others met with Board of Education (BOE) representatives on January 18, 2023 regarding the Master Library, a third-party application which handles the scheduling of fields and facilities in the Village. This application can be used by coaches if they want to schedule a field, as well as by Girl/Boy Scout leaders if they wish to use a BOE facility. Councilmember Winograd said that fields are often shared by various teams and suggested that the end users for the Master Library include Village residents.  She mentioned that the application is a very “manual” process, and she would like to see it ultimately become more automated to make the scheduling of fields more fair, balanced, and accessible.


On January 20, 2023, Councilmember Winograd met with the ACCESS Committee.  The members of the committee wanted to have their information more publicly available and the committee meeting minutes posted online, both of which have been accomplished. The members wish to explore advocacy for members of the special needs community who want to get married, which is sometimes difficult due to the fact that they receive state entitlements.


The Shade Tree Commission meeting was canceled.  However, Councilmember Winograd met with a subgroup of the Shade Tree Commission and reviewed three categories in which there were a lot of expenditures in 2022, mostly regarding the planting of numerous shade trees in the Central Business District (CBD).  She mentioned the emerald ash borer, which has required the removal of most of the Village’s ash trees.


On January 24, 2023, Councilmember Winograd attended a meeting at the Lester Stable with Parks and Recreation.  She mentioned that the Parks Committee is doing a great job advertising the available job opportunities at Graydon Pool.  She acknowledged that there was a nationwide labor shortage last year and the Village had a hard time finding lifeguards to work at the pool.  They also reviewed the plans for the Schedler property.  Councilmember Winograd concluded by saying that all of these meetings are open to the public and are listed on the calendar.


Councilmember Weitz attended his first Library Committee meeting on January 24, 2023.  He thanked the committee members for their warm welcome.  He said that the members are very impressive and that they are planning a lot of exciting events for this year.


Last week, Councilmember Weitz met informally with several members of the Historic Preservation Committee.  He stated that the committee is in desperate need of additional members and additional help.  He encouraged anyone who is interested in the history of Ridgewood and in preserving the character of the Village to seek membership, since the members wish to revitalize this committee.


Councilmember Weitz stated that he was privileged to attend the AAPI Lunar New Year event, which was recently held in the Village.  He said that it was “amazingly” well done, and that the audience was overflowing.  He personally thanked the Ridgewood Police for being present at the event to make everyone feel safe, considering the horrific shooting which took place the night before at another Lunar New Year event in California.


Councilmember Reynolds announced that the Kasschau Shell Committee met on January 11, 2023.  They are celebrating 65 years of “Music under the Stars” this year.  Concerts will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from June 1 to August 10, 2023.  In the past, concerts have normally begun at 8:30 P.M.  However, on Thursdays during the month of July and the first two weeks of August, the concerts will begin at 7:30 P.M.  This time change enabled the committee to hire some big bands to perform, including The Nerds and Bruce Springsteen and Grateful Dead tribute bands.  The start time will be at 8:30 P.M. for all other dates.  For the first time ever, the committee will be holding a “Community Donation Drive.”  All donors will be listed on their website and donations of $50.00 or more will be listed on the Community Donation Board posted at the Kasschau Shell.  She encouraged everyone to attend these performances and donate whatever they can to the cause.


Councilmember Reynolds stated that CSAC met on January 19, 2023.  The paving of the Franklin Avenue corridor has finally been completed.  Councilmember Reynolds stated that all CSAC members look forward to continuing upgrades such as signals and other safety features on Franklin Avenue. Councilmember Reynolds stated that Safe Routes to School construction of sidewalks will hopefully occur in 2023.  The design process for the continuation of the Glen Avenue sidewalks is ongoing and monies will be in the 2023 budget to pay for the construction of these sidewalks.  At the CSAC meeting, there was a discussion about sight triangle obstructions.  All residents are encouraged to report locations where they feel there are safety concerns to the Engineering Department for review and possible implementation of safety features, if deemed necessary. 


Councilmember Reynolds indicated that the Engineering Department was asked to consider the addition of an in-street pedestrian crossing sign at the intersection of Franklin Turnpike and Nagel Street, since that location has been the site of ongoing safety issues.  One resident at the meeting brought up a safety concern at the intersections of Bogert and East Glen Avenues and Fairfield and East Glen Avenues, stating that the intersection is very dark at night, making it dangerous for anyone to cross there at night.  Councilmember Reynolds reported that Police Officer Torino is currently collaborating with PSE&G on a project called “Operation Bright Idea,” which will enhance the illumination at certain intersections, and he will consider putting these latter two intersections on the list to obtain greater visibility.


At the CSAC meeting, Councilmember Reynolds indicated that there was an update about the safety concerns on Union Street.  She was told that the weather needs to get warmer before the striping can be accomplished in that location.  She indicated that the next CSAC meeting is scheduled for February 16, 2023.


Deputy Mayor Perron echoed Councilmember Weitz’s comments about how wonderful the Lunar New Year event was.  Residents from Ridgewood participated in the event, representing Japan, China, India and the Pacific Islands, and Deputy Mayor Perron said that the food was terrific.


The Planning Board had its Reorganization Meeting last week and they voted to appoint Richard Joel to be the Chair once again, with Dianne O’Brien appointed as the Vice Chair.  There was a discussion about the Zoning Board’s Annual Report from 2021, in which they indicated that there were five points that need to be addressed by the Village Council and the Planning Board, in order to clarify some ordinances, including the allowable width of a driveway, whether or not a circular driveway can exist on a small lot, whether or not minimum and maximum setbacks may be used rather than “strict setbacks,” and whether or not porches may be added to homes (not currently allowed but which would add to streetscape aesthetics).  The Planning Board is seeking direction from the Village Council as to whether or not the Village Planner may draft proposed ordinances regarding those issues. Councilmember Reynolds stated that all Councilmembers should have received a copy of the report from the Planning Board.


Mayor Vagianos felt that those were all valid points and said he had no objection to the drafting of the proposed ordinances.  Matt Rogers, Village Attorney, stated that he did not recall ever receiving a copy of the Planning Board report mentioned by Deputy Mayor Perron.  He said that the Village Councilmembers could certainly discuss those matters this evening.  Ms. Mailander clarified by stating that the Planning Board members merely wanted to know if they may use the Village Planner to draft the proposed ordinances.  Mr. Rogers said that a resolution is not needed, but the Village Council needs to decide as a group whether or not they would approve using the Village Planner in such a capacity.  He indicated that the Municipal Land Use Law would allow the Planning Board to draft such ordinances on their own.  Deputy Mayor Perron asked Ms. Mailander to again circulate the 2021 Annual Report from the Planning Board to the Councilmembers and Mr. Rogers, since the 2022 Annual Report has not yet been released.  Deputy Mayor Perron said that these reports do not vary much from year to year.


Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that the Planning Board divided up into subcommittees, and the subcommittee on which Deputy Mayor Perron will be a member deals with implementation of the Master Plan.


Deputy Mayor Perron announced that she also attended a Green Ridgewood meeting, and they went on a field trip to the newly constructed Ridgewater Water Headquarters, followed by a visit to the Carr Treatment Plant where they viewed “enormous” PFAS treatment tanks.  She said that this shows just how much Ridgewood Water is doing to make the drinking water compliant with the maximum contaminant limits for PFAS.  They also visited the well in Glen Rock.  Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that this field trip was very educational.


The Green Ridgewood Committee is “gearing up” for the Daffodil Festival and Earth Day Fair.  They are looking for vendors, sponsors and exhibitors to participate in this event, which will be held on April 23, 2023.


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that the subcommittee, Encouraging Alternative Green Energy for Ridgewood (EAGER), met with their new consultant, Gabel Associates, to discuss the municipal energy aggregation program for electricity.  They are seeking more renewably sourced electricity at a lower price.  She stated that the energy market is terrible right now, but the first meeting was nevertheless productive and informative.  They will next meet in March, at which time it is anticipated that Gabel Associates will have more insight into the current state of the energy market.


In addition, Deputy Mayor Perron stated that the members of Green Ridgewood are planning a town hall meeting/public forum to address the deer overpopulation in Ridgewood, along with Lyme disease, to be held on March 31, 2023.


The Green Team also met on January 16, 2023, and the members are working hard to earn more credits towards a Sustainable Jersey certification.  They have proposed “No-Mow-May” in an effort to preserve the habitat and food for pollinators and other insects.  Individuals may register in order to obtain a lawn sign to let others know that they are participating in this initiative.


Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that she attended the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Installation Dinner.  She stated that it was a wonderful event.  She also stated that the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebratory events were terrific, with inspiring speakers and singers.


The Central Business District Advisory Committee (CBDAC) met, and Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that they discussed the “Main Street” program, a national program that filters down to municipalities and which attempts to assist downtown areas to thrive through training and support.  She mentioned that the application process is rather daunting, so they were considering whether or not it would be worth the time and effort to participate in the program.


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that if anyone sees a lamppost which is not lit at night in the CBD, they should alert the Engineering Department (Yendi Anderson or Chris Rutishauser), who will follow up with Public Service Electric & Gas (PSE&G) to have them replace the bulb.  Ms. Mailander added that a pole number will also be needed when calling the Engineering Department.


CBDAC members are also discussing what priorities they feel should be followed during the implementation of the Master Plan in the downtown area.  CBDAC will submit its memo to the Village Council for review.


The Open Space Committee recently had a Reorganization Meeting, during which time officers were elected.


Mayor Vagianos indicated that he met with the Stigma-Free Committee last week.  He stated that there are several programs which are planned.  “Mom Matters Too” will take place virtually on February 15, 2023 from 2:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M.  This talk will center on the topic of how mothers must take care of themselves, so that they can take better care of their families.  “Kids and Social Media:  What Parents Should Know and What They Can Do” will be held virtually on March 16, 2023 from 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.  This will be a discussion about the challenges facing middle-schoolers and teens in the digital age, and will focus on what parents should know about the effect of social media on their children and what they can do to mitigate those effects.  Individuals interested in either event may register online at www.ValleyHealth.com or contact Danielle Fabrizio at 201-291-6264.


Mayor Vagianos also stated that there is a program for home-bound residents to get flu and Covid vaccine boosters.  Interested individuals may contact Corinne Scarpa at the New Bridge Health Center at 201-961-9256.


Mayor Vagianos stated that former Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache, who is currently a Bergen County Commissioner, organized a group of people together to discuss the issue of repeated flooding on Veterans Field and Stevens Field.  These people included representatives from the State of New Jersey, Ridgewood Board of Education (BOE), New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), Bergen County, and the Village of Ridgewood. Also among the attendees were Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips; Dr. Leonard Fitts, Ridgewood Board of Education Interim Superintendent; Jeff Nyhuis, principal of Ridgewood High School; Councilmember Winograd and Mayor Vagianos. 


Mayor Vagianos stated that during the meeting, it was pointed out that the stadium field at the high school, and Stevens Field adjacent to it, have flooded five times in the last two years.  The bridge that connects the high school stadium field and Stevens Field, and which is owned by the BOE, is a very low bridge, with only three feet of clearance above the Ho-Ho-Kus Brook.  Debris often gets stuck in the location of the bridge during inclement weather, which results in a “damming” process, creating water overflow onto the adjacent fields.  The meeting attendees were informed by the NJDEP that this was a “very easy fix.”  A permit can be obtained so that the bridge can be replaced or reconstructed so that it is well above the water level.  Bergen County and State officials, along with Chris Rutishauser, Village Engineer, and Assemblyman DePhillips, will collaborate during the permit application process, along with Scott Bisig, Business Administrator for the BOE.


In addition, during the meeting, there was a discussion concerning the bridge on Ridgewood Avenue, which is owned by the County.  This bridge is scheduled for replacement within the next two years.  Mayor Vagianos explained that this bridge is a “curved bottom” bridge, and debris accumulation and damming occurs at this bridge as well.  He mentioned that once this bridge and the bridge near the high school are reconstructed, it will affect residents who live “downstream,” and State and County officials will look into this to see how flooding can be ameliorated in that area.




            A.        SCHEDLER PROPERTY UPDATE


Ms. Mailander announced that Chris Rutishauser, Village Engineer, would be giving an update regarding the Schedler property.  Before he began, Councilmember Winograd pointed out that when the plans for the Schedler property were first publicly discussed in 2017, Village residents (including herself) were unaware that all seven acres of this property had been declared an historic site by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO).  Once the plans are approved and voted upon by the Village Council, they will then need to be submitted to SHPO for approval.


Mr. Rutishauser stated that Councilmember Winograd was correct in stating that the entire site is governed by the oversight of SHPO.  Any development on this property that the Village wishes to make must be reviewed and approved by SHPO.  His office has been working closely with SHPO over the past 1-1/2 years to develop a site plan that can be approved administratively by SHPO without the need for a variance and hearing before the Historic Sites Council. The plans currently in the hands of the Village Council are the latest plans developed by his office.  Prior plans had been previously presented to the prior Village Council in December of 2022, and Mr. Rutishauser stated that he has been asked to present the plans again for the benefit of the new Councilmembers, along with some new changes which have been made to the prior plans.


Mr. Rutishauser announced that he recently learned from SHPO that they do not recommend artificial turf on the Schedler property.  If artificial turf is desired, then the matter would need to be heard before the Historic Sites Council, similar to a hearing before the Zoning Board or Planning Board.  Such hearing would delay the project even further, since the Historic Sites Council does not meet very often.


Mr. Rutishauser explained that, as shown on sheet 4 of the plans, that they propose the construction of a soccer field measuring 225 feet by 150 feet.  There is a proposed parking area as well as a comfort area and restrooms with an overhang, which he stated was critical for protection from lightning and the elements for players utilizing the field.  There will be a proposed handicapped accessible playground, which will be fenced around its perimeter.  The plans also include a walking path, which goes around the entire property, approximately 2,000 feet in length.  There is also limited parking proposed near the historic Zabriskie-Schedler house, which is currently in Phase 2 of its interior restoration.  Phase 1 consisted of restoration of the roof, siding and windows.  There is a “divided” entrance proposed near Kingsbridge Road, with a center island, similar to the design employed at Habernickel Park on Hillcrest Road.  The natural meadow to the left of the entrance as one enters the Schedler property will be left in its natural state and will not be mowed on a regular basis.


Mr. Rutishauser pointed out that there are rain gardens scattered throughout the property, which are needed for stormwater management.  There will be a seven-space parking lot located on the west side of the house, consisting of five conventional spaces and two handicapped parking spaces.  This parking lot connects to an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) ramp, which has already been constructed through a Bergen County Community Block Development Grant (CBDG).


As one follows the entrance road, there is another parking lot which can accommodate approximately 24 vehicles.  Mr. Rutishauser explained that he is proposing the construction of two spaces for electric vehicles (EVs) with charging stations.  He and his staff are currently reviewing which level charging station would be installed, leaning towards the stations which offer a high Level 2 or Level 3 charge.  These stations will have a meter, so that people using the charger can pay for their use accordingly.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that the Level 1 chargers, such as those installed at the Hudson Street Parking Garage, are slow and do not render a long-lasting charge.


Mr. Rutishauser stated that there is a storage shed proposed near the restrooms, which will house equipment for the Parks Department so that they can maintain the fields.  There are 18 parallel parking spaces proposed along West Saddle River Road, with islands in between the spaces to accommodate utility poles with significant overhead wiring.  There will be an eight-foot space block to assist people with parallel parking.


Councilmember Weitz asked Mr. Rutishauser how many parking spaces would be at the property, and Mr. Rutishauser replied that there are a total of 49 parking spaces.  When questioned by Councilmember Winograd, Mr. Rutishauser replied that there will be a total of four parking spaces for disabled individuals.  There are no ADA-compliant parking spaces along West Saddle River Road, due to the width needed to make a spot handicapped accessible.


Mr. Rutishauser continued by stating that between the house and the playing field, there will be a screening buffer comprised of trees which would grow no more than four or five feet high, per the recommendation of the Police Department, to allow for greater visibility and access to an emergency on the property.


For the parking area nearest to the house, the materials used would consist of permeable paving blocks, the color of which would need to be reviewed and approved by SHPO.  The curbing on the site would be of a reduced height, with a three-inch reveal instead of the normal six-inch reveal.  This three-inch reveal will help to maintain the pavement edge and allow for efficient snow plowing.  They propose to tint the curb, which will be reviewed by SHPO.  From a historical perspective, Mr. Rutishauser explained that when the ADA-accessible ramp was constructed at Graydon Pool, the concrete had to be tinted to the satisfaction of SHPO.  He mentioned that colors are critical to SHPO.


Mr. Rutishauser stated that, taking into consideration some of the public comments made this evening, there are currently no plans for fixed lighting for the playing field.  They are proposing an eight-foot wide concrete sidewalk, which will circumvent the property and which would accommodate the width of a pickup truck with an attached snowplow.  This sidewalk will also be tinted, and they are proposing the use of C27 “Westwood Brown” Chromix P admixture.  Approximately eight park benches will be installed along the sidewalk for the enjoyment of visitors.


They propose to plant “underwire type” trees along West Saddle River Road so that there will not be any interference by the trees on the overhead utility wires.  These trees are recommended by PSE&G.  SHPO recommended that no trees be planted along the house frontage, to allow for greater visibility of the historic house.


Discrete security cameras will be installed on the property, which will be connected to the Village’s fiberoptic network and to the Police Department, to allow for safety and security on the property.  The work to be done according to the plans will require removal and grinding of the stumps of most of the trees on the site, with the “triangle” of land on the southernmost corner being preserved, as well as the brown area shown on the plans which represents the wooded area with the walking path.  They are doing everything possible to preserve the sugar maple tree which is located at the northwest corner of the house.


Councilmember Weitz asked how long it would take this project to be completed.  Mr. Rutishauser said that the timeline depends upon how fast the plans are approved by SHPO and how long it will take to bid out the project.  He said that construction should take approximately 180 to 240 days.  When asked by Councilmember Weitz if Mr. Rutishauser felt that these plans would be approved by SHPO without the need for a hearing, Mr. Rutishauser replied that he is very confident that the plans presented this evening to the Village Council should be approved by SHPO without having to go before the Historic Sites Council.


Regarding stormwater runoff, Deputy Mayor Perron asked Mr. Rutishauser whether or not there were any stormwater grates within this park, or whether he was relying solely on the rain gardens to absorb the runoff.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that there are no proposed stormwater catch basins or grates, and that all stormwater management will be dealt with by the rain gardens situated throughout the site.  Grading done on the property will direct surface water runoff to those areas.  Preliminary tests have shown that the property contains well-draining soil.


Regarding the playing field, Deputy Mayor Perron asked Mr. Rutishauser in which direction the water would flow off of the field.  Mr. Rutishauser said that the field is graded, as shown on drawing 5, with swales along the field’s northeast corner which will direct water flow northward towards the rain garden.  Correcting a previous statement, Mr. Rutishauser mentioned that there are two minor lawn inlets that will also capture water runoff, located at the playing field’s southwest and southeast corners.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked what the dark lines symbolized on the plans, mentioning the “ellipse” in the center of the playing field.  Mr. Rutishauser mentioned that, on drawing 5, the lighter lines represent the existing topography, gleaned from their field survey, and the heavier darker lines represent the grading which is proposed.


Councilmember Winograd mentioned that in 2017, the entrance to the park was located further away from Route 17, and these current plans have the entrance located much closer to Route 17. She asked if Mr. Rutishauser was comfortable with having the entrance located so close to Route 17, and Mr. Rutishauser explained that he was very comfortable with having the entrance located there, stating that it is a “true intersection.”  A traffic study was done by the Ridgewood Police Department in 2015, which showed that there was a rapid deceleration off of Route 17 in that area.  He said that he could furnish the traffic study to Ms. Mailander, who could then distribute it to the Councilmembers.  Councilmember Winograd and Deputy Mayor Perron both said that they would like to see the report.


Councilmember Winograd asked Mr. Rutishauser if SHPO had a schedule of hearing dates by the Historic Sites Council, in case the Village Councilmembers decided that they would like a fully sided, artificially turfed playing field.  Mr. Rutishauser said that he did not know the schedule offhand, but that he would obtain a schedule from the Historic Sites Council and would let her know. Councilmember Winograd mentioned that the original plans in 2016 and the recommendations made in 2017 proposed a full-sided field.  Mr. Rutishauser indicated that he would get in touch with his contact at SHPO and ask him those two questions.  When asked by Councilmember Winograd if he could ask the questions about the field (full sided and turfed) in two separate questions, Mr. Rutishauser reiterated that SHPO does not recommend the use of turf.  Councilmember Winograd indicated that grass requires watering and more maintenance than does a turf field, and that a turf field is more durable than grass and has more longevity.  She pointed out that, during public comments, many people mentioned the poor field conditions in Ridgewood, specifically Citizens Park which has been nicknamed the “dust bowl.”  She also mentioned water restrictions and how a turf field would not need to be watered.


When asked by Mr. Rutishauser how large a field Councilmember Winograd was talking about, she replied that she did not know the exact dimensions, but she was thinking the same size as the Maple Avenue field.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that in their preliminary work performed several years ago, there was a suggestion that either a full-sized soccer field or a 90-foot baseball diamond would work on the Schedler property.  He said that enlarging the field would conflict with the proposed parking lot behind it.  Councilmember Winograd said that younger players generate more traffic than older players, and therefore making the field larger (for use by older players) would bring less traffic to the site.  Mr. Rutishauser agreed.


Councilmember Winograd mentioned that she envisioned the field as a multipurpose field, for use by football, lacrosse and soccer teams.  She said that she was concerned about using the field for lacrosse without appropriate protective netting/fencing around the perimeter to contain wayward balls.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that the park is surrounded by 42-inch high, three-rail post-and-rail fencing, with a box mesh installed on the inside, which would protect against any wayward balls.  Councilmember Winograd mentioned that netting would be needed such as that installed on East Ridgewood Avenue behind the goal posts.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that if the field were to be used for lacrosse, he would have to look into a netting system similar to that which is used at the 90-foot baseball field at Veterans Field.


Regarding the proposed playground, Councilmember Winograd asked if it would satisfy the diversion requirement that is still outstanding.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that he would have to ask the NJDEP whether or not installing a playground at the Schedler property would satisfy their diversion requirement.  He explained that since the Village removed a playground on South Broad Street many years ago, the NJDEP would like the replacement playground to be as close to the original site as possible.  He said that the Schedler property was as far away as one could get from South Broad Street. 


Ms. Mailander remarked that there is also a timeframe issue.  Once the matter is heard at the state level, a new playground must be constructed within six months of that date. However, with delays incurred due to SHPO having to approve the plans, Ms. Mailander said that she was not sure whether a playground could be constructed that quickly.  If the playground is constructed outside of that timeframe, the diversion matter may still not be satisfied.  If the playground is erected before the matter is heard by the State, then the playground will not count towards the diversion. That is the reason why the playground to satisfy the diversion issue was constructed at Kings Pond.


Councilmember Winograd stated that the diversion issue was discovered 15 years after the Habernickel and Schedler properties were acquired. She feels that the State needs to be reasonable, given the fact that good-faith purchases were made by the Village of 10 acres at Habernickel and 7 acres at Schedler.  In addition, she stated that one of the goals of purchasing the Schedler property was to help residents living on the east side of Ridgewood integrate into the community.  She stated that without a playground on the Schedler property, the park becomes less family oriented.  When Ms. Mailander explained that there is already a proposal to construct a playground at Schedler, Councilmember Winograd stated that on the budget paperwork, there was a notation that the funding for the playground would be considered at a later date.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked how old the sugar maple tree is by the Zabriskie-Schedler house and how much longer it is expected to survive.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that from his perspective as a former arborist (1979-1985), he would characterize the tree, in human terms, as a 95-year-old with Stage 3 or Stage 4 cancer, with a limited lifespan.  He said that the tree could live another five to ten years, or it could topple over tomorrow.  Extensive cabling has been done throughout the interior of the tree and several of those cables have snapped, since some of them are at least 30 years old.  The tree has a few cavities, but much effort has been done to resuscitate the tree through pruning and deep-root feeding.  Winds have torn off branches over the past couple of years.  His biggest concern about the tree is that it stands at the northwest corner of the Zabriskie-Schedler house.  Since prevailing winds in this area generally come from the north-northwest, he is concerned that the tree will eventually topple over onto the house.


Deputy Mayor Perron noted a “silt fence” mentioned on drawing 2, and she asked Mr. Rutishauser what that was.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that a silt fence is mandatory under a soil erosion/sediment control permit that was required for this project by the Bergen County Soil Conservation District.  It is usually black plastic fencing that is installed with the flap tucked underground.  If it rains before the excavated ground can be stabilized, the silt fence will stop sediment flow as much as possible.  The silt fence is removed once the project is completed and the open graded areas have been seeded.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked if the small triangular-shaped piece of land to the left of the entrance could be used as a community gardening area.  She mentioned that the community garden located in Maple Park has repeatedly flooded, especially around “harvest time.”  Mr. Rutishauser said that he saw no reason why it could not be used for that purpose, but SHPO would have to approve such usage.  He will check with them.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked what the environmental effects are regarding disposal of artificial turf.  This had to be done at Maple Field.  She also asked what disposal costs were involved.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that the turf was disposed of through solid waste.  He stated that he was not sure whether or not this solid waste was landfilled or incinerated. Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that when she was researching turf about five years ago, the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was considering legislation that would affect turf.  She asked if the EPA had any rules or regulations that would affect the installation of turf at the Schedler property. Mr. Rutishauser replied that he knew of no such rule or regulation.  He said that, unlike most fields in the Village, the Schedler site is outside the purview of the NJDEP and the EPA, since there are no wetlands or bodies of water on or near the property.


Matt Rogers, Village Attorney, added that, despite that, nothing could be installed which was noncompliant.  Mr. Rutishauser agreed, stating that although the property is outside the purview of the NJDEP and EPA, nothing can be installed that would cause a contamination issue “in their eyes.”


Referring to drawing 7, Deputy Mayor Perron asked if the “HotBox LokBox” was for electricity or gas.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that that was for the irrigation system and would be used to drain the irrigation lines before the cold winter months ensued.  However, if there was a cold night in October, this box would be used to prevent the system and valves from freezing and breaking.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked if the Director of the Parks Department had reviewed the landscaping plan shown on drawing 8 of the plans.  Mr. Rutishauser said that he has reviewed these landscaping plans with the Parks Department; however, they have “much less say” in the landscaping than SHPO does.  SHPO has instructed him to “stick to” native plants.  When the original proposed tree species for the berm could not be obtained due to a disease issue, he had to send information to SHPO regarding an alternate species (Green Giants), which SHPO eventually approved.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked about the “2 inch PVC for future use” shown on drawing 7.  Mr. Rutishauser explained that this is usually a spare conduit, in the event that additional fiberoptics or communication wires need to be installed.  He said that it was more cost effective to put in this spare conduit while the property was being developed rather than having to do it after the project was completed.


Deputy Mayor Perron then asked if the playground equipment will be ADA compliant, and Mr. Rutishauser confirmed that it would be, similar to the equipment installed at Habernickel Park.


Councilmember Reynolds asked what size field was recommended by the Ad Hoc Committee. Mr. Rutishauser replied that he believed the field size they recommended is the one shown on the plans presented this evening.  The Ad Hoc Committee was comprised of neighbors who resided near the Schedler property, representatives from sports teams, and a couple of Councilmembers.  There was no one from the Engineering Department present at any of the Ad Hoc Committee meetings.  Councilmember Reynolds recalled a lot of disagreements and discussions before there was agreement on the field size as shown on these plans, and she felt that this size should remain as is because it was a “community effort.”


Councilmember Reynolds stated that she did not recall the fact that so many trees will have to be removed.  She recalled a lot of wooded areas and passive recreational areas.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that there is an area at the northern section of the property where trees will have to be removed in order to accommodate the soccer field.  Regarding the walking path, Councilmember Reynolds envisioned a path similar to the shady walking path at the Ridgewood Duck Pond.  She remarked that the walking path shown on the plans would be mostly in the sweltering sun.  Mr. Rutishauser disagreed, stating that there are 24 shade trees (2” D.B.H.) of various species which they propose to plant along the area to the right of the parking lot, alongside the parking lot and on the east side of the walking path, which will block most of the morning sun.  Councilmember Reynolds asked how tall these trees would be.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that these usually grow to six or seven feet.  When asked how long it would take for these trees to provide shade on the walking path, Mr. Rutishauser replied that it could take a couple of years, depending upon how they “take to the ground.”  He said that more money would have to be allocated by the Village Council if bigger trees were desired.  Councilmember Reynolds said that she would prefer bigger trees.


Regarding the walking path and the plan to construct it out of concrete, Councilmember Reynolds asked if Mr. Rutishauser had considering using the rubberized sidewalk material which was used for some of the sidewalks on Hope Street.  Mr. Rutishauser indicated that he would not recommend using that rubberized material on this walking path, because it will be destroyed once the snowplows drive on it to remove snow.  He said that was the reason why the material is being used on a trial basis, to see how it fares during the winter with snow shoveling.


There was a discussion about the two “undisturbed” areas on the property:  the area to the left of the entrance and the wooded area on the northern property line boundary.  Councilmember Reynolds asked Mr. Rutishauser if he could estimate how many trees would remain along the northern property line.  He said that it depends on one’s definition of a “tree,” whether or not one would count a sapling as a tree.  He stated that there were a lot of trees that have come down over the years, which were subsequently cleaned up.  He said that he could not estimate the number of trees in that section off the top of his head.  Councilmember Reynolds remarked that she would like to see more trees than what are shown on the plans.


When questioned by Councilmember Reynolds, Mr. Rutishauser explained the location of the bathrooms and storage shed.  There is also an area to store plumbing supplies, as well as an overhang area (covered patio) primarily to be used for lightning protection, but a game spectator could also use it for protection from the sun.  Mr. Rutishauser explained that this was a necessity since the house may not always be open.


Councilmember Reynolds asked if the “site clearing” shown on drawing 3 had to do only with the walking path, and Mr. Rutishauser replied in the affirmative.  Mr. Rutishauser pointed out that there will be a small culvert arch pipe located near the rain garden off the walking path, which will direct surface overland flow underneath the walking path and into the adjacent rain garden area. 


Councilmember Reynolds stated that she was completely against the installation of permanent lights on the property, stating that it would desecrate this historic site.  Councilmember Reynolds added that she was confident that Mr. Rutishauser has done his due diligence and has developed these plans after many lengthy discussions with SHPO representatives. Mr. Rutishauser confirmed this, saying that they have submitted a lot of proposed ideas and suggestions to SHPO and sought their feedback.  He reiterated that his ultimate goal is to prepare plans which can be administratively approved by SHPO without going before the Historic Sites Council.


Councilmember Reynolds added that they also have to keep in mind the promises which have been made to the adjacent neighbors. She said that the east side does not currently have a playground or a park, so the residents in that area will be the ones who will be primarily using the park.  She wants to protect that neighborhood from clear-cutting the property, as well as the noise from Route 17, while acknowledging that there is not enough field space in the Village. Mr. Rutishauser responded by saying that a considerably high berm with trees was constructed along the Route 17 boundary of the Schedler property.  The Green Giant trees will be irrigated and, if they take hold, they can add an additional 20 feet of screening on top of the berm.


Councilmember Reynolds also added that she is completely against the use of turf, stating that it was dangerous in many ways.  She also stated that it has not taken 12 years to complete this project.  When the property was purchased by the Village in 2009, there were no specific plans for the property until years later, when the Village Council began talking about what to do with the property.  She believes that the Ad Hoc Committee did not come up with a plan until 2017.


Councilmember Winograd stated that the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee in 2017 called for the use of CoolPlay Turf (on page 10 of the proposal which is listed on the Village website).  She disclosed that her husband Mike served on the Parks and Recreation Board at that time and was on the Ad Hoc Committee, but that this did not influence her opinions or actions.  She mentioned that Mr. Nyhuis of Ridgewood High School has witnessed five 100-year floods in less than two years.  Councilmember Winograd stated that they cannot “cherry pick” what the Village Council wants to honor.  Since turf was recommended in 2017, she recommends exploring a full-sided turf field because of global warming and persistent flooding. Addressing Ms. Mailander, Councilmember Winograd stated that there was a study done by Ho-Ho-Kus, which could be circulated, regarding the environmental impact of turf.  She said that the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee for the construction of a baseball field cannot be ignored.


Councilmember Winograd stated that this project has taken way too long to complete and, in addition, the property has been off the tax rolls for many years.  Not only did the Village spend millions of dollars to purchase the Schedler property, but the taxpayers have also been making up for the loss of tax revenue for all of those years.


Councilmember Weitz asked if proposing a full-sized soccer plan would slow down the approval process with SHPO.  Mr. Rutishauser said that he plans to send an email to SHPO with various questions, one of which will be the one just posed by Councilmember Weitz.  He stated that enlarging the field and using turf are “trigger items” which would probably cause the project to go before the Historic Sites Council.  Councilmember Weitz said that this project has taken way too long to complete.  He said that he is not sure whether or not he prefers turf, but if this element would add a year or two to the approval process, he would prefer grass.  He said that he agrees with the plans proposed by Mr. Rutishauser, although he does support the larger field unless it causes further delay.


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that she was concerned about the Green Giant trees on the Schedler property.  She said that a tree company representative came to her house and told her that many people are planting Green Giant trees, which he predicted would not last more than five years before a blight attacked these trees.  Mr. Rutishauser said that that was a good point, and that is the reason why they have not concentrated on a single species of trees for the landscaping.  He said that he would consult with the Village Arborist to get his feedback. 


Deputy Mayor Perron asked where the irrigation lines are located.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that the Green Giant trees on top of the berm and at the base of the berm were planted with an irrigation system.  Regarding irrigation for the other trees, they are going to install a water line on the property, but still have to figure out how to irrigate the field.  Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that the newly planted shade trees will need to be watered at least once a week for the first two years.  Mr. Rutishauser agreed.


Councilmember Reynolds asked Mr. Rutishauser to mention “Leland Cypress” to the Village Arborist when he speaks with him to get his opinion on this tree species.  Mr. Rutishauser indicated that he would do so.


Councilmember Winograd asked if this property could be “reclaimed” from SHPO.  She said that she understood that the house was historic but wondered what made the land historic.  She said that the answer to this question has never been given to her.  Mr. Rutishauser said that he could not answer that question because he was not involved in the process of declaring the land and house as historic. 


Mr. Rogers said that the reasons why the land and house were deemed historic should be researched.  He added that when the property was purchased by the Village, it was supposed to be used for both active and passive recreation.  He said that he was not sure why it was declared historic, but that the best person to ask would be the representative from SHPO.  He stated that a full-sized soccer field and a full-sized lacrosse field are approximately the same size (60 yards by 180 yards).


Mayor Vagianos asked Ms. Mailander if she could place this matter on the agenda for the Public Work Session scheduled for February 22, 2023.  He encouraged the public to attend.  Mayor Vagianos reiterated the process followed by the Village Council regarding public comments.  He indicated that questions can also be submitted by residents in writing to Ms. Mailander, who will then forward them to Mr. Rutishauser for a response at the next Village Council meeting.  He said that he doesn’t want to “shut anybody out” of this conversation.


Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Rutishauser if there would be any problem fitting a full-sized field on the Schedler property.  Mr. Rutishauser asked if he was talking about a full-sized soccer field or a 90-foot baseball diamond. Mayor Vagianos first asked about a full-sized soccer/lacrosse/ football field.  Mr. Rutishauser said he believed that it could fit within the parameters of the property; however, the parking at the base of the berm would have to be changed since the full-sized field would encroach upon the parking lot in its current proposed location.  Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Rutishauser if he could draw up some new plans showing a full-sized field and provide them to the Councilmembers in sufficient time for them to review before the next Public Work Session on February 1, 2023 (would need to be submitted by Friday, January 27, 2023 to be included in the packet).  Mr. Rutishauser stated that that was a tight timeframe and would result in Jovan Mehandzic working overtime, but that he would try to accomplish this.  Ms. Mailander said that it could be placed on the February 1, 2023 agenda if the renderings were prepared in time.


Mayor Vagianos then asked if putting a baseball field on the property was possible.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that before he gave an answer to that question, he would like to consult with Jovan so that the baseball diamond and soccer field dimensions can be put on the drawings.  In this way, he can visually show the Councilmembers how the fields would be placed and what limitations they would impose.


Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Rutishauser to explain the functions of the Historic Sites Council.  Mr. Rutishauser compared the Council to the Planning Board, where variances are heard for a particular project, because what the applicant is seeking is outside the realm of what an organization or governing body can approve administratively.  He added that he will ask SHPO the various questions posed by the Councilmembers this evening and would like to come before the Council again to furnish them with the answers.  He emphasized that it would be quicker to complete the project if it did not have to be heard before the Historic Sites Council.  He will ask how often Historic Sites Council meetings take place and what the procedure would be for making application before the Council (whether or not SHPO would make application or whether the Village would have to do so).  Ms. Mailander added that it will take longer for the Schedler project to be completed if SHPO looks upon any changes unfavorably.


Regarding the old sugar maple tree on the property, Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Rutishauser what would be done with that space if the tree were removed.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that nothing could really be done with that space.  He pointed out where the tree was delineated on drawing 4 and stated that the “drip line” would cover part of the parking lot near the house, the sidewalk in back of the house, and part of the screening Green Giant trees.  He said that removal of the tree would not really affect anything.  Mayor Vagianos asked if removal of the tree would create more space for a larger field.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that it would not.


Mayor Vagianos said his concerns about the smaller playing field stems from his meeting last week with NJDEP officials, BOE officials and others.  He said that two full-sized fields in Ridgewood have flooded five times in the last two years.  He stated that weather patterns have drastically changed in the years since the Ad Hoc Committee first met, and they continue to change for the worst.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that if flooding occurs on the Schedler property, then everyone should start building a “big boat.”  Mayor Vagianos stated that he would like to explore constructing a full-sized field on the Schedler property, which he described as a “high ground” field, since the current full-sized fields in Ridgewood are constantly flooding and there is a scarcity of playing fields in Ridgewood.


6.         DISCUSSION


            A.        RIDGEWOOD WATER




Ms. Mailander explained that this item deals with revisions to Chapter 269, dealing with water emergencies and Smart Controllers.  The changes are proposed to codify permit conditions that were established during the summer of 2022, placing Smart Controller exemptions on the same watering time schedule as all automatic systems.  Additionally, there was a discussion with the 2022 Village Council to consider also limiting the days.


Rich Calbi, Director of Ridgewood Water, recalled that, last year, there was a discussion before the Village Council about amending the “Water Conservation Ordinance” to make the timeframes for the use of Smart Controllers more in line with the timeframes allowed for all other underground irrigation systems.  Smart Controllers were allowed to water for a longer period of time, and he is recommending that those households with Smart Controllers be placed on the same watering times as other automatic systems.  Mr. Calbi stated that the proposed Ordinance amendment also has other changes.  The definition of “Smart Controller” has been changed to reference the permit that is required from Ridgewood Water, and section E has been amended to reflect the times during which Smart Controllers and automatic watering systems may be used (between 3:00 A.M. and 7:00 A.M. on the permissible day).  Mr. Calbi indicated that he would like to have this amended Ordinance adopted at this time, since all current permits for Smart Controller use are re-certified every March.


Councilmember Reynolds said that she was pleased to see Smart Controllers included in Section E.  She stated that she would also like to see Smart Controller usage limited to two days per week for odd-numbered addresses and two days per week for even-numbered addresses.  She recalled that Mr. Calbi had said at a prior meeting that approximately 50% of residents adhere to the watering restrictions and 50% do not.  Mr. Calbi stated that he is not sure if that will ever change unless there is stricter enforcement.  Councilmember Reynolds remarked that it will be much easier to find violators if every household, including those with Smart Controllers, are on the same watering timetable.


Mr. Calbi said that he would not recommend putting those residents with Smart Controllers and automatic systems on the same two-day-per-week timetable since he is not sure that this can be programmed into a Smart Controller.  He said that Smart Controllers are set up for the purpose of watering smart and using weather sensors to control the watering, and setting up restrictions would go against what the Smart Controller is trying to achieve.  He said the answer would be stricter enforcement.  He said that his staff is limited in checking Smart Controller regulators inside residents’ homes.


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that the brand of Smart Controller which she has, called the “Rain Bird,” can be programmed to four days per week, since her husband has set their controller to water two days per week.  It is not operated manually and is programmed to only water on certain days.  She said that she was unsure about other brands of Smart Controllers.


Mr. Calbi stated that Smart Controllers were brought into the purview of the ordinance approximately five years ago, with the knowledge that the EPA had certified that they save 20% of water usage on average.  He said that too many restrictions will make people not use Smart Controllers at all.  Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that she was fine with the amendment, as proposed, as a “first step” (3:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.).  Mr. Calbi indicated that the permit is still contingent upon certain conditions.  He stated that if the Village moves to either Stage III or Stage IV restrictions during drought conditions, all Smart Controller permits will become void.


Mayor Vagianos mentioned the small number of customers (approximately 300) served by Ridgewood Water who own Smart Controllers, 50% of whom may be “cheating.”  He stated that it doesn’t make sense to monitor those 150 accounts excessively, considering the fact that Ridgewood Water has approximately 21,000 customers.  Mayor Vagianos said that he was completely satisfied with Mr. Calbi’s recommendations.  He said that the ultimate goal is to conserve water and use it wisely, and he stated that the use of Smart Controllers, over time, will save a lot of water.  Mr. Calbi added that those customers who used their Smart Controllers appropriately last year saved 49% on their water usage.  The customers who didn’t comply used 51% more water.


Councilmember Winograd also thought Mr. Calbi’s recommendations were fine, but stated that she felt that the Village could do a better job of educating the public about water conservation via various messaging systems.  Mayor Vagianos said that he was in favor of implementing Mr. Calbi’s recommendations.


Councilmember Reynolds suggest, in the first sentence of Section 269.45, the use of a generic pronoun such as “his/her” instead of “his.”




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract for pipe, appurtenances and service materials.  These materials are necessary to facilitate repairs and replacements to the water system.  Ridgewood Water received three bid proposals.  The award of bid is based upon the low bid total by category on a per-unit basis.  Several vendors are being recommended.  Ferguson Waterworks of Lakewood, New Jersey, is the recommended vendor for clamps/sleeves and hydrants.  Raritan Group of Edison, New Jersey, is the recommended vendor for fittings, hydrants and copper tubing, and Capitol Supply Construction, LLC, of Wayne, New Jersey, is the recommended vendor for pipes, valves, hydrants, boxes, and brass.  Funding is in the Water Utility Operating Budget.  The contract is not to exceed $410,000.00 in 2023.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked why Capitol was chosen to supply boxes (Section F), since they were not the lowest bidder.  Mr. Calbi replied that Ferguson did not bid the entire section (did not bid on items 30 through 33).  They were required to bid the entire section.  Hydrants (Section E) was the only section where vendors did not have to bid the entire section.




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract under a Sourcewell contract to Grainger of South Plainfield, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $65,000.00, for the purchase of materials and supplies for Ridgewood Water.  The materials and supplies are for facilities, maintenance, repair and operating related supplies, public safety related equipment and supplies, accessories and services, and janitorial supplies.  Funding is budgeted for in the 2023 Water Operating Budget.  Deputy Mayor Perron pointed out a typo in the proposed resolution, stating that in number 2, the word “One” should be “once.”




Ms. Mailander stated that this item pertains to the awarding of the second year of a two-year contract for annual HVAC maintenance services for the Village of Ridgewood and Ridgewood Water.  In March 2022, the Village awarded a two-year contract for these services to TM Brennan Services Inc. of Hamburg, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $55,000.00.  It is recommended that year two of this contract be awarded.  Funding will be available in the Village Operating Budget and the Water Utility Operating Budget.


Councilmember Winograd asked, in the event of a contract such as this, whether or not each party’s proportionate share is based upon square footage.  Mr. Calbi replied that in this particular contract, it is based upon the number of units and size of the units.




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract for professional services for hydrogeologic consulting services for Ridgewood Water in connection with the Capital Improvement, Well Maintenance and Testing Programs. This is for the rehabilitation of existing wells and new well construction projects.  This work will include such tasks as well permitting applications, replacement well drilling, well repairs, treatment plans, soil and well testing production plans, and general services to assist with regulatory compliance and emerging contaminants.  It is recommended that this contract be awarded to WSP USA of Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $152,000.00 for 2023.  A total of $90,642.89 was spent in 2022 for this service.  Funding is in the Water Utility Operating Budget.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked what the “biofilm condition” meant in WSP USA’s memo regarding the Carr Wellfield.  Mr. Calbi explained that, over time, due to the age of the wells, the casing inside the well that goes underground will develop a biofilm on it, similar to what occurs in water distribution pipes.  When the water comes in contact with the casing, the minerals and bacteria in the water create a film.  If the biofilm is left untreated and allowed to grow, it will eventually clog up the well and limit the ability to pump water out of it.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked why the bid this year is $62,000.00 more than it was in 2022.  Mr. Calbi explained that it was $62,000.00 more than was spent in 2022.  The allotment for these services in 2022 was close to the “not to exceed” figure this year ($152,000.00).  Not as much work was done last year, but the vendor is always asked, when submitting a bid, to provide estimated costs for all the services that Ridgewood Water may possibly need for the year.  In this way, Ridgewood Water does not have to appear before the Village Council if the allotted amount is exceeded.


Deputy Mayor Perron pointed out a typo in the fifth “Whereas” paragraph of the proposed resolution, stating that the word “first” should be “firm.”


            B.        BUDGET




Ms. Mailander explained that there are several annual resolutions for interest rates.  The first is the interest rate for delinquent taxes and non-payment of other municipal liens.  This fixes the interest rate according to statute and establishes a 10-day grace period for payment of property taxes.  Mayor Vagianos asked if these interest rates are the same as for 2022, and Ms. Mailander replied in the affirmative, stating that they are set according to statute.




Ms. Mailander stated that this item is in regard to an annual resolution for the payment of an annual maintenance fee for Ridgewater Water, calculated by multiplying the assessed value of the properties that Ridgewood Water owns by the current year’s property tax rate for the period from January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023.  This year, the maintenance fee is based on the land value of $4,538,000.00.




Ms. Mailander said that this item pertains to the annual interest rate for significant sewer discharger fees.  If payment for significant discharger annual flow charges are delinquent, the Tax Collector is authorized to charge an interest rate of 8% per annum on the first $1,500.00 and 18% per annum on the balance over $1,500.00 for non-payment of bills beyond the due date, for all bills in excess of $50.00.  There will be a 30-day grace period for all bills.


Councilmember Winograd asked whether or not “warnings” were sent out to delinquent account holders.  Ms. Mailander replied that no warnings are sent.




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to estimated third quarter tax bills, which have been sent out by the Village for at least the past five years.  In this way, the Village is able to pay third quarter taxes to the BOE and Bergen County and prevents the Village from having to borrow money to pay those taxes and enables the Village to maintain cash flow to meet those obligations.




Ms. Mailander indicated that this item pertains to interest rates for the Water Utility for delinquent accounts.  The Water Utility is authorized to charge an interest rate of 8% per annum on the first $1,500.00 and 18% per annum on the balance over $1,500.00 for non-payment of bills beyond the due date, for all bills in excess of $50.00.  There will be a 30-day grace period for all bills.




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to an annual resolution awarding a contract to purchase software for the Finance Department.  This is for the support and maintenance of proprietary computer hardware and software, and it is recommended that this contract be awarded to Edmunds & Associates of Northfield, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00.  Funding is in the Finance Operating Budget.


Deputy Mayor Perron pointed out that the year 2023 should be substituted for the year 2021 in the proposed resolution, and that the apostrophe should be deleted after the word “Associates.”




Ms. Mailander stated that this annual resolution allows a tax sale notice to be sent by regular or certified mail in lieu of any two publications, of the four publications required for a tax sale notice, and allows the Tax Collector to charge $25.00 per mailing for each set of notices, as provided by statute.




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the authorization of electronic tax sales.  This has been authorized for at least the past three years.  It is an annual resolution that allows for the continuation of electronic tax sales.  This provides a greater pool of potential lien buyers, creating an environment for a more complete tax sale process.  The electronic tax sale will be conducted through the services of NJ Tax Lien Investors/RealAuction.com.




Ms. Mailander explained that this resolution pertains to the cancellation of tax overpayments and delinquent accounts in amounts less than $10.00.  This is an annual resolution which allows the Tax Collector to cancel delinquent accounts or tax overpayments of less than $10.00.




Ms. Mailander indicated that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract for repair of sludge digester mixers at the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF).  The WPCF has been having difficulties with the mixers for two anaerobic sludge digesters.  The two digesters each have three mixers, two of which are inoperable.  The mixers turn the sludge in the tanks, aiding in its volume reduction by bacteria.  When there is less sludge volume, there is less digested sludge which has to be trucked offsite for final disposal.  Ms. Mailander indicated that repairing mixer shafts is a specialty.  Working with the PVSC Cooperative Purchasing Program, an approved vendor, Universal Electric Motor, has been found.  It is recommended that a contract be awarded to Universal Electric Motor of Hackensack, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $46,500.00 per mixer shaft, for a total of $93,000.00.  This would be paid through the General Capital Ordinance.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked if this work would be under warranty.  Ms. Mailander said that she would find out the answer to this question.




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the refund of escrowed funds for the Hopper Condominium Association and a release of the Site Improvement Performance Bond for a project performed at Hopper Ridge on Durar Avenue.  This project consisted of reconstruction of their retaining walls and pond dredging.  The escrow is in the amount of $5,000.00.  The Engineering Division, Planning Board and the Building Department have all deemed this project as being satisfactorily completed.


Councilmember Winograd asked about the status of the receptacle for floodwater.  Ms. Mailander replied that this could not be done, because the Association was supposed to submit their plans to the Village in a timely manner and did not do so.


            C.        POLICY




Ms. Mailander explained that this matter pertains to the fee policy for Graydon Pool for 2023 and pickleball membership.  Nancy Bigos, Director of Parks and Recreation, has recommended that the current fee schedule for Graydon Pool be maintained for 2023.  It is also recommended that a babysitter category be added for families in need, which would allow a family to purchase a babysitter pass for their household to be used for any caretaker over the age of 18 who may be caring for their child.  Further, it is recommended that non-resident pickleball membership be reinstated.


Councilmember Reynolds asked whether or not the “Senior” category for the regular season for non-resident seasonal membership should have a dollar figure rather than “NA,” as well as the non-resident seasonal membership for seniors regarding pickleball.  Ms. Mailander said that she would find out, and added that the Parks and Recreation Department will be presenting a revised fee schedule at next week’s meeting.




Ms. Mailander explained that Dylan Hansen, Director of IT, would give an update regarding improvements to public comments.  Mr. Hansen indicated that he has gotten some prices on equipment but has not yet toured the Bergen County conference facility.  He has been in contact with two sound/acoustic companies, and some representatives from those companies are going to visit the courtroom in Ridgewood to study the acoustics in the room and see what they would recommend to improve the sound.  He got pricing on lapel mics ($3,290.00 for ten), an audioboard to accept the lapel mics and the current setup in the courtroom (48 channel analog audio board for $6,800.00), an additional amplifier for the center speakers ($840.00), and an installation estimate from a local vendor ($4,200.00).  Mr. Hansen indicated that he has not yet received any feedback regarding the sound quality during hybrid access, although he did state that he had to resolve the “echo” problem.


Councilmember Winograd stated how thrilled she was with the improvements made to the public comments portion of Village Council meetings.  She thought it was important to canvass residents who participated in hybrid access to get their feedback on the sound quality, before further equipment is purchased, and she offered to help in this regard.  Mayor Vagianos agreed with Councilmember Winograd.  He commended Mr. Hansen on the great job he did to improve the room acoustics and also thanked Councilmember Winograd for bringing this matter to the attention of the Village Council.  Mr. Hansen also thanked his team for the great job they did.


Councilmember Weitz remarked that he saw a vast improvement in the sound quality and is also interested in hearing feedback from residents.  He noticed that people in the audience were not straining to hear what was being said during public comments.  Mr. Hansen said that there are more tweaks which he wants to make to further improve the sound quality and acoustics in the courtroom.


Councilmember Reynolds remarked that she likes the podium in its new location.  She asked Mr. Hansen if it will need to be moved back and forth for Council meetings and court hearings.  Mr. Hansen replied that he will need to speak with the Court Administrator to see if it would be alright to leave the podium in its current location.  Councilmember Reynolds said that she noticed that people using Zoom or calling in were not seen.  She asked if this was an individual choice, and Mr. Hansen replied in the affirmative.  Mr. Hansen indicated that some people accessing the meeting remotely by phone did not “raise their hands” by pressing on a certain number, so he is going to develop a list of instructions to assist them in this regard, as well as listing Robert’s Rules of Order and the protocol for hybrid meetings. 


Councilmember Reynolds asked if these instructions could include the statement that the Village Councilmembers would prefer to see the faces of speakers.  Mayor Vagianos felt that they can at least ask speakers to turn on their cameras, considering the lengths to which the Village Council has gone to enable hybrid access.


Councilmember Winograd asked Mr. Hansen about Ridgewood’s Rules of Order and asked whether they could be circulated in time for next week’s meeting.  Mr. Hansen indicated that the rules are already posted on the news feed and that he was waiting for feedback before posting them on the Village website.  Councilmember Winograd asked Mr. Hansen to circulate the rules once again to the Councilmembers in both Word and PDF formats for review.  Ms. Mailander stated that she has already done so, but she would check to see if they were sent to Councilmember Winograd.  Councilmember Winograd suggested asking phone-in speakers to raise their “digital hand” rather than just raising their hand.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked whether or not the hybrid access instructions could be included with each meeting agenda.  Ms. Mailander indicated that it would be the same for every single meeting.  Mr. Hansen stated that if one clicks on the calendar event for the meeting, the link to instructions for hybrid access is located below the actual agenda.  Councilmember Winograd suggested that the link be mentioned in the body of the agenda. Mr. Hansen agreed.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked Mr. Hansen whether or not he was able to determine whether the sound difficulties emanated from the microphones or the speakers.  Mr. Hansen replied that he did turn down the top speakers and increased the sound on the speakers in the front and back on the amplifier.  However, he still wants to have an audio engineer visit the courtroom to make suggestions on how sound quality could be improved.  Mayor Vagianos said that he noticed a dramatic improvement in the sound quality and stated that he didn’t have to speak as loudly as in the past.  In addition, no one had to be told to speak into the mic during public comments.  Ms. Mailander indicated that she also noted a tremendous improvement in the sound quality and thanked Mr. Hansen for his efforts.




Don Delzio, 636 Upper Boulevard, indicated that he agreed that the acoustics are much improved in the room.  He was on hybrid access at the beginning of the meeting and stated that the acoustics in the room, and the “flow through” to the Village website, are not as good if the speaker is not directly next to the microphone.  Mr. Delzio remarked about earlier comments which were made about Jovan having to work overtime in order to produce further plans for the Schedler property to show full-sized fields.  Mr. Delzio indicated that those plans already exist, drawings done more than 10 years ago in 2012 as well as plans drawn up in 2015.  He said that these plans show the full-sized baseball field, as originally conceived. He stated that he could give these plans to the Councilmembers or to Mr. Rutishauser directly, so that the plans could be included in the paperwork needed by Friday (so that the Councilmembers have time to review everything before the February 1, 2023 meeting).  Mr. Delzio gave the plans to Ms. Mailander, who indicated that she would make sure to give them to Mr. Rutishauser.


Rurik Halaby, 1 Franklin Avenue, said that he was unable to turn on the video.  Regarding the Schedler property, Mr. Halaby urged the Village Council to think of their “legacy” to future generations.  He stated that if Harvard did a study on a mismanaged project, they would use Schedler as an example. He was disappointed that the discussions this evening revolved around minutiae instead of the “big picture.”  He would like to see what could be done to “take away” the historic house from SHPO, since they are “calling all the shots.” 


Mr. Halaby spoke about the proposed field and the rain gardens on the property.  He stated that the proposed field was too small and that, after a year, the rain gardens would be full of garbage.  In addition, he said that the trees planted on top of the berm will never cover enough area to create a sound barrier from Route 17, since the trees will grow tall but will not branch outwards.  Mr. Halaby stated that, within six months, the berm will be covered with weeds and it will cost a lot to maintain the berm.


Mr. Halaby suggested that the Village Council “go back to the drawing board” and develop the Schedler property in a way that would create a space which residents of all ages can enjoy in the future. He thanked Mayor Vagianos for leading this evening’s meeting and also thanked Councilmember Winograd for the excellent job she has done.  Mr. Halaby suggested that perhaps the house could be moved more towards the edge of the property so that there is more room to construct a full-sized field.  He indicated that he was not even sure what the smaller field would be used for.  He encouraged the Village Councilmembers to “think outside the box” and not to get stuck on details.


Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Halaby how the sound was on his end.  Mr. Halaby stated that he felt the sound was much better and that he could hear people much better.


Kathryn Schmidt, 123 South Irving Street, stated that this evening’s meeting was the first time, out of all of the meetings she has ever attended, that she was able to hear everything that was said in the room.  She said she didn’t even have to use the closed captioning feature.  She said that she is thinking about only attending meetings remotely, because she can hear things so much better than in person, and she was also able to view the maps of the Schedler property.  She thanked everyone for their efforts.  Ms. Schmidt indicated that she tried turning on her video, but apparently it was not working.  She stated that the password and number for remote access were not listed on the agenda, and she thought that it would be useful to list the password and number for remote access on every agenda.


Denise Lima, 319 East Glen Avenue, said that the audio was great this evening, but encouraged Councilmember Winograd and Mr. Rogers to speak closer to their microphones.  She said that she would like to see the Schedler project completed as soon as possible.  She was dismayed to hear talk about “going back to the drawing board,” drawing up more plans to include a full-sized field and taking the property back from SHPO, all of which will cause further delays.  Ms. Lima stated that she was extremely disappointed that no one this evening mentioned the impact of the Schedler project upon the neighboring residents.  She felt that the neighbors, within a certain radius, should be notified in writing about any proposed work on the property.  The neighbors have a right to know what the ramifications would be (more traffic, overflow parking on side streets, safety concerns for children, and lighting) if a larger field is constructed. 


Ms. Lima also would like to see more measurements, metrics and dimensions indicated on the plans.  For example, as the plans stand currently, there is no measurement regarding how far the entrance to the park would be from Route 17.  She mentioned how fast cars will be traveling off of Route 17 on the ramp.  She stated that she would also like to see an updated safety survey performed.  She spoke about the discussion about cutting down the existing sugar maple tree on the property, as well as the removal of more trees in order to accommodate a larger field.  Ms. Lima asked what happened to the Shade Tree Commission and their efforts to preserve trees in the Village.  Ms. Lima spoke about the Green Giant trees and the fact that the trees should not all be of the same species.  She stated that the Green Giant trees, although they are hardy, will need to be watered more than once a week, since she lost three of them on her property last year due to the drought.


Ms. Lima concluded by saying that she has been closely following the development of the Schedler property for the past few years and feels that the project should move forward without any further delay.


Mayor Vagianos thanked Ms. Lima for her feedback regarding the sound system, and he also stated that Councilmember Reynolds was very clear this evening about her concerns for the neighboring residents of the Schedler property.  Mayor Vagianos stated that they will be reaching out to the neighbors tomorrow to let them know that the Schedler project is “in play.” There is no proposal at the current time for a larger field, but it is something that the Village Councilmembers would like to examine.


Lillian Blood, 250 North Maple Avenue, stated that the sound was great during remote access this evening.  She said that she could hear and see everything and that it was very simple for her to access the meeting remotely.  Ms. Blood stated that the Village Council should not rush into something that has already taken them 13 years to do.  She feels that they should look into why the land has been designated as historic, in addition to the house.  Ms. Blood stated that she felt a bigger field was needed, considering the extra traffic involved when younger athletes play sports. She reiterated how wonderful the meeting was this evening.


There were no further comments from the public.


Councilmember Winograd reminded the viewing public that this evening’s meeting was merely a Work Session during which there was a collaborative discussion amongst the Councilmembers and that nothing was voted upon at this meeting.  Addressing Mr. Halaby’s comments, she stated that the smaller field relates to the number of players.  Younger children, who are less coordinated than older children, tend to learn the sport quicker on a smaller field with fewer players.  She stated that a “5v5” (5-a-side) soccer fields (40 yards long and 30 yards wide) are typically used by children in kindergarten through second grade.  She stated that a full-sided field “goes to full squad.”  She mentioned that the rain gardens are not merely decorative, but that they are strategically placed to deal with water runoff.  Councilmember Winograd stated that all of the Councilmembers want to develop the Schedler property in a way that is agreeable to the adjacent neighbors, so that the east side may be “integrated” into the Village.


Mr. Rogers said that he wanted to publicly thank the Village Councilmembers and Village staff for their kind thoughts, wishes and gifts regarding his father’s passing two weeks ago.  He said that this meant a lot to him and his family.




Deputy Clerk Eileen Young read Resolution #23-56 to go into Closed Session:



9.         ADJOURNMENT


There being no further business to come before the Village Council, on a motion by Deputy Mayor Perron, seconded by Councilmember Reynolds, and carried unanimously by voice vote, the Village Council’s Work Session was adjourned at 10:51 P.M.





                                                                                                Paul Vagianos



Eileen Young

              Deputy Village Clerk

  • Hits: 623


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