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Mayor Vagianos called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. and read the Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.  At roll call, the following were present:  Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos. Also present were Heather Mailander, Village Manager/Village Clerk, and Matthew Rogers, Village Attorney.


Mayor Vagianos led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.  He expressed how happy he was to see so many residents participating in Village government this evening.  Mayor Vagianos explained the new hybrid meeting format, and he advised residents that if they are accessing the meeting remotely by phone, they will need to press *9 to “raise a hand.”  He reminded everyone that all comments must be respectful and passionate.




Angela Leemans, 517 East Saddle River Road, stated that she was representing two households in Ridgewood:  517 East Saddle River Road and 541 East Saddle River Road.  She was born in Ridgewood and has lived on the east side of Ridgewood her entire life.  Ms. Leemans indicated that she has been heavily involved with the community group that is trying to save and preserve the Schedler property.  The group was started and led for many years by the late Isabella Altano.  Ms. Leemans urged the Village Council to keep the original plans and not change course.  These plans were developed with extensive input from neighbors, after a formal, inclusive process that took several years.  At that time, it was agreed that the house would be preserved, and they were promised that many trees would be preserved as well.  They were promised that the playing field would be smaller and that there would be no lights or concession stand, in order to avoid disruption to the neighborhood.


Ms. Leemans stated that changing course at the current time on these plans is unfair, unjust, and “just plain wrong.”  A large full-sized field would significantly impact the neighborhood in a very negative way, in terms of noise, light pollution, traffic, and aesthetics, due to the loss of trees.  Regarding comments that the house and property are not historic, Ms. Leemans asked anyone doubting this to check with the Ridgewood Historical Society.  State and local experts have formally recognized the house and property as being of historic value and deserving of preservation.  Ms. Leemans stated that the east side of Ridgewood deserves to have a beautiful park, which can be used by people of all ages and abilities, not just by a small group of athletes. She said the land should have walking paths, gardens and trees that everyone can enjoy.


Ms. Leemans said that the Village Councilmembers are the “stewards” of Ridgewood lands and should focus on conservation and preservation, the most critical aspects of parkland management.  Regarding a prior comment about the adverse impact caused by the Schedler property being taken off the tax rolls and creating a greater burden on taxpayers, Ms. Leemans stated that this has wrongfully been blamed for the high taxes in Ridgewood.  She asked for integrity, honesty, transparency and accountability from the Village Councilmembers, and emphasized that they should not “flip-flop” on their support of Schedler.  Ms. Leemans asked them to stop spreading lies and propaganda about Schedler and to stop playing “bait and switch” with field-centric plans.  She asked the Village Councilmembers to focus on the quality of life of the neighborhood rather than on the quality of “play.”


Michele Italia, 3 Betty Court, stated that the Schedler property is on the Ridgewood Master Plan and is in the Historic District.  The Zabriskie-Schedler house is listed on the Master Plan as a designated historic center.  Both the house and property were designated as an historic site.  The property was designated as historic because there were some historic artifacts dug up on the property.  Ms. Italia stated that there is a protected species of bird that inhabits that area.  She stated that she attended a meeting at Bergen Community College, with Mayors of towns surrounding Route 17 in attendance who were discussing drug issues.  The Mayor of Mahwah called Route 17 the “gateway” of the drug area.


Ms. Italia said that the Village Councilmembers needed to reconsider the construction of a bigger field on the Schedler property, because a smaller field was agreed to by the neighborhood.  She stated that West Saddle River Road is one of the narrowest streets in Ridgewood.


Nancy Brennan Hill, 136 Doremus Avenue, stated that her heart goes out to the residents who live near the Schedler property. They agreed to certain plans, yet now the plans are being changed.  She stated that she cannot support any plans, which require the removal of so many trees.  Ms. Brennan Hill said that she was delighted to see how much support was given to the planting and conservation of trees at the first budget meeting, and was also happy to see that so many trees were woven throughout the Master Plan.  However, she stated that the monies allocated for the planting of new trees and the maintenance of the existing trees is simply not enough.  She asked the Village Councilmembers to reconsider the amount of funds to be allocated in the budget, in order to preserve the tree canopy in Ridgewood.  She commended Mayor Vagianos for asking during the budget meeting on January 31, 2023, what items each department absolutely needed and which items they could delay purchasing.  She would like this question to be asked again of all Village departments so that the air, environment, and people’s health can be supported.


Andrea Mishler, 5 Betty Court, asked the Village Councilmembers to consider the original plans for the Schedler property.  She stated that she was dismayed that they are “back to square one” with the plans.  She said that a large football field would require the destruction of more trees.  Less trees means that the neighbors would not be protected from all the fumes coming from vehicles traveling on Route 17.  She said that she was looking forward to having a green space to walk around in, since West Saddle River Road does not have many sidewalks.  She was also looking forward to taking her grandchildren to the playground on the property.


Ms. Mishler stated that Habernickel Park has more acreage than does Schedler Park, yet the neighbors near Habernickel got exactly what they wanted, with a smaller field and green space for walking.  She stated that the east side of Ridgewood, which gets neglected quite a bit, also deserves green space.


Scott Muller, 118 John Street, stated that he has lived in Ridgewood for 28 years.  He is President of the Ridgewood Baseball and Softball Association (RBSA), leading a group of 28 active adult volunteers and representing 1,350 children in Ridgewood’s largest youth program.  Mr. Muller stated that his children have already graduated college and are on their own.  He stated that a baseball field was always the main consideration after the Village purchased the Schedler property in 2014.  Mr. Muller stated that former Mayor Knudsen decided to include only a tiny, peewee soccer field on the property.  He stated that the Village Councilmembers only have “one shot at this” since there is a dearth of vacant land in Ridgewood.  Delays have plagued this project, and the Village Councilmembers have caused these delays by “dragging through” the historic preservation of a dilapidated house and requiring noise studies, pollution studies, arborist and land studies, and construction of a 15-foot high berm.


Mr. Muller stated that the arguments must end.  He is willing to work with the soccer, lacrosse and football presidents, along with the Village Council, the neighbors, and the naturalists to come up with a plan that will benefit the children of Ridgewood.   He said that it will only take one more flood to “wipe out” one of their seasons.  Mr. Muller said that not everyone will get what they want, but he hopes that everyone can reach “a happy medium.”  He is willing to partner with the other Ridgewood sports associations to donate a substantial financial gift to offset some of the development costs of the Schedler property.  He said that self-interests cannot dominate the negotiations on this project.  He said that everyone can work together to build a beautiful park which will support both the active and passive interests of the Village residents.


Yishane Lee, 235 Emmett Place, stated that she was speaking this evening on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Ridgewood.  She is a Board member and read a statement:  “Our Constitution guarantees us inalienable rights such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and these freedoms cannot be abridged by any political party or administration, but we have no guaranteed right to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment.  We do have the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, etc., but these are not constitutionally guaranteed.  These laws can be and frequently are ignored, depending on political expediency by both parties.  Dangerous projects that can harm our environment or our health are often permitted.  The League of Women Voters of New Jersey has joined with many other states to urge passage of a Green Amendment to the New Jersey Constitution.  This will join with other amendments to guarantee certain rights.  In this case, the right to clean air, clean water and a healthy environment.  We need this to protect ourselves, our families, and future generations.  We are working town by town to ask our Town Councils to pass resolutions to support placing a Green Amendment for New Jersey on the ballot at the next election.  Both the New Jersey Senate and Assembly have such bills, but they have not yet been posted for vote.  We are simply asking that the residents of New Jersey vote on passage.  Until the bill is passed, it cannot be on the ballot.  We believe in full transparency and, when towns pass resolutions, the legislators will see this as the will of the people and vote to place it on the ballot as a public question.  With more and more towns passing such resolutions, and with over two dozen sponsors of the bill, the pressure to put it on the ballot will convince our legislators that this is a matter that should go before the public.  Several states – Pennsylvania, Montana, and New York – have already passed a Green Amendment, and four states – New Jersey, Hawaii, New Mexico and Florida – are working to pass this as of today.  We must give our residents the constitutionally guaranteed right to live a healthy life.  Therefore, we urge Ridgewood to join the other towns and pass a resolution to guarantee these rights.  Councilmember Perron can provide a sample resolution.”


William Pilla, 333 Meadowbrook Avenue, indicated that he has a unique perspective, as an educator and school administrator for the past 25 years, on how the Schedler property can benefit many people on physical, social and emotional levels.  He said that a space can be created where everyone young and old can congregate, be outside and be active.  He said that Mr. Muller was “one of the good guys.”  Mr. Pilla said that he moved to Ridgewood because it is a great place to raise a family.  Some of his fondest memories of his four children were when they were playing sports or engaged in a Village-run activity.  He has lived across the street from the Maple Park for the past 12 years, which he stated was a great space where people can enjoy the weather and have physical activity.  Ball fields, playgrounds and parks are things in which Ridgewood should invest.  He urged everyone to think about the children.  He recalled many years ago how residents were concerned about the potential noise at the Kasschau Bandshell.  He said that he could not imagine Ridgewood without the bandshell.  He urged the Village Council to support the development of the Schedler property.


Lauren Cuneo, 373 Mountain Avenue, said that she supports the development of Schedler Park with a multi-use sports field.  She has been a Maroons Soccer Club board member for seven years.  She has also coached and managed teams for many years.  She is the mother of three athletes, aged 15, 13 and 10.  Ms. Cuneo mentioned that when she spoke before the Village Council last week, she did not get the chance to address two topics: the size of the field at Schedler and lighting options. In the plans, there is a small field measuring 50 yards by 75 yards. A large soccer field measures approximately 115 yards by 75 yards.  She stated that a small field will not maximize usage across any sports.  Ms. Cuneo said that the proposed field is so small that only soccer games for children under the age of 12 can be held there.  She said that Stevens Field is a strong example of a multi-sports field, which can be used by athletes of all ages and on which soccer, baseball, football and lacrosse can be played.  She said that a field measuring 115 yards by 75 yards is a field size, which would maximize usage.


Ms. Cuneo asked the Village Councilmembers to consider permanent lighting on the Schedler property.  She said that the Maroons Soccer Club currently uses 17 portable light towers, which are transported around the Village to different grass fields during the spring and fall. These lights require a lot of maintenance and take up a lot of space on the field. Each light tower is powered by a gas generator, which is expensive to fill and is not environmentally friendly. The sound emitted from the generator is loud, which prohibits children from hearing their coaches and bothers people who are close to the field.  The illumination from these light towers is dim and, therefore, league games cannot be played at night using these portable light towers.  Ms. Cuneo added that it is expensive to fuel the generators, and it is also cumbersome to haul them around and find storage space for them.  She would like to see permanent lights installed at Schedler, similar to those at Maple Field.  They are bright, environmentally friendly, quiet, and easy to operate.


Leo Ruane, 705 Kingsbridge Lane, said that he and his neighbors have been waiting for years and years for the Schedler property to be developed. He said that he attended numerous meetings in 2014 with community members to develop a plan for the development of this land.  He stated that he is dismayed to see the plans being changed.  He said that if the plans are changed, he and his neighbors will fight to have the park developed as originally planned.  He said that there have been too many delays.


Jennifer Devlin Burke, 400 Lincoln Avenue, stated that she is the mother of three teenage athletes. She emphasized that she has no personal agenda regarding a full-sized field being constructed on the Schedler property.  She is thinking about future generations of children in the Village and what will serve the most people.  Ms. Burke felt that it made little sense to build a small-sided field, since the number of children over the age of 12 in Ridgewood is significant.  There are over 1,800 high school students in the Village. 


Ms. Burke mentioned the many fields that have been closed over the last five years due to flooding, which results in many cancelled games and practices.  She is hoping that a full-sized field can be built on the property with turf.  She asked the Village Councilmembers to give residents some understanding of how this property was deemed historic, since doing so has hampered the proper development of the seven acres of land.  Ms. Burke indicated that she reviewed some Village Council meeting minutes from 2017, wherein there was a notice for a public hearing regarding the Bergen County Open Space Trust Fund Historic Preservation Application, with a desire to obtain funds in order to restore the home. It only mentioned restoration of the home and never mentioned the land as being historic.


Ellie Gruber, 229 South Irving Street, stated that she was very disturbed that the original plans for the Schedler property were going to be changed.  She said that the east side of Ridgewood is often treated like “an unwanted child.” The Glen School was shut down by the Board of Education, there is no recreational field on that side of the Village, and children must be bussed to school. Ms. Gruber said that the Village Councilmembers want to change the size of an agreed-upon field and have caused numerous delays. She stated that they are allowing the sports organizations to determine the fate of the residents who live across Route 17.  Ms. Gruber indicated that it added “insult to injury” to even try to remove the historic designation of the house and property.  She said that constructing a full-sized field is not something to which the adjacent neighbors or the Ad Hoc Committee agreed.


Ms. Gruber stated that the Village Councilmembers ignoring the wishes of the neighbors on the east side of town, is tearing the Village apart.  She urged the Village Council to adhere to the original plans developed for the Schedler property.


Suzanne Ruane, 705 Kingsbridge Lane, thanked the Village Councilmembers for hearing her concerns.  She stated that the changes to the plan for the Schedler property will only involve more bureaucracy and delays in developing the land.  The removal of the historical designation of the land and construction of a full-sized turf field will undo all of the work done by adjacent neighbors and other members of the community in order to preserve the aesthetics of the neighborhood.  She is also concerned about the 18 proposed parallel parking spaces on West Saddle River Road, because this is a very narrow roadway.  If cars are parked along the street, other cars will have to take turns in order to pass the parked cars. This will create a “cattle chute” type effect, with only one car being able to traverse the road at a time. 


Ms. Ruane mentioned the cars speeding off of Route 17, and stated that she was concerned that the proposed parking spaces on the property itself may have to be eliminated if a full-sized field were constructed.  This elimination of parking spots on the property would create even more parking congestion along West Saddle River Road and create safety hazards.


Ms. Ruane said that she was also advocating for the completion of the Kingsbridge Lane Bridge on East Saddle River Road.  People are still using Route 17 to access the Park and Ride, which she stated was “an accident waiting to happen.”  She asked the Village Council to make the replacement of the Kingsbridge Lane Bridge project a priority.


Katheryn Schmidt, 123 South Irving Street, said that although she does not live on the east side of town, she must stand with her neighbors who live there, regarding their concerns about the development of the Schedler property. She said that she understood the frustration of the neighbors, who thought that the land would be developed according to the original plans developed by the Ad Hoc Committee.  Ms. Schmidt said that the east side really has no buffer from Route 17, and the Village Council should create as much of a buffer as possible on this property, for the adjacent neighbors.  Ms. Schmidt stated that she was struck by the fact that parents of children who play sports and who live near the Schedler property have not come forward to speak in support of the larger proposed field at Schedler.


Zach Pace, 246 South Irving Street, said that as a resident of Ridgewood, a member of two youth sports organization boards, and a coach for many different youth sports teams, the need for fields in Ridgewood is very important.  He is also an active member of the Fields Committee and stated that they try to make the distribution of the fields as equitable as possible, but there is just not enough space for everyone.  He cautioned the Village Council not to be “penny wise and pound foolish.”  He is in favor of a turfed field, considering the number of athletes who use the fields in Ridgewood.  He said that fields are susceptible to inclement weather, with fields becoming muddy and flooded after heavy rains.  In addition, grass fields need to be maintained, mowed, seeded, weeded, and treated with insecticides. 


Mr. Pace said that lighting is an important factor.  He mentioned that the high school sports teams get priority when it comes to field availability, after school until about 6:00 P.M.  Lights are required in order to maximize field usage, particularly since many parents work and do not get the chance to get to a game much before 6:00 P.M.  Mr. Pace said that he is in support of a larger field, which can accommodate larger regulation-sized soccer, lacrosse and football games, but could also be configured to be used as a smaller field, for both games and practices.

Denise Lima, 319 East Glen Avenue, said that she would be happy to speak with anyone who is wondering about the historical nature of the Zabriskie-Schedler house and property.  Since the 1700s, the entire area around the Old Paramus Church has been historic in nature.  She said that a place is deemed to be historic if it involves an historic person or event.  Ms. Lima indicated that there are six to seven letters at the Old Paramus Church and Schoolhouse Museum, which were sent by George Washington, indicating that he was in this area with 400 to 500 soldiers fighting battles.


Ms. Lima indicated that a neighboring property near her home was subdivided into three lots, and they are “on top of one another.”  She said that one house has porch lights, which are glaring into her home. She said that she could not imagine how the neighbors around the Schedler property would feel with stadium-sized lights shining into their homes until 10:00 P.M.  Ms. Lima indicated that no one who spoke this evening about a larger field and permanent lights spoke about how those would affect the neighbors in that area.  She said that she loves sports, but she wondered whether the sports teams were being overscheduled.  She said that the Schedler property is not going to solve “the woes of the community.”  Ms. Lima stated that the Village Councilmembers are complaining about the amount of money already spent on this project - $7 million.  She said that there were many pre-election promises that the project would be swiftly completed, without spending additional funds, although that does not appear to be happening.  She urged the Village Council to think about the neighbors and arrive at a “happy medium.”


There were no further comments from the public.


Mayor Vagianos thanked everyone for speaking this evening, stating that “participant government” is vital.  He saw four major points regarding the Schedler property:  time, trees, flooding and the neighborhood.  Regarding time, Mayor Vagianos said that this property was purchased 14 years ago and it has taken a long time to get to where they are right now.  The new Village Council has been seated for four weeks. He promised everyone that the ultimate goal of all Councilmembers is to move ahead as expeditiously as possible.  Regarding trees, he said that trees are a critical part of the Village infrastructure.  Their goal is to preserve as many trees as possible.  Otherwise, it ceases to become a park and becomes a sports complex. 


Regarding flooding, Mayor Vagianos said that flooding is one of the major reasons for this discussion, since every full-sized field in Ridgewood is in a flood zone and has flooded five times in the past two years.  This was not the case five or ten years ago, and Mayor Vagianos said that this was the reason why the Village Council was “shining a light” on what is to be developed at the Schedler property.  He said that input is needed from residents and professionals to arrive at an appropriate resolution, saying that the people who live in the neighborhood cannot be ignored nor can the thousands of families with children who play sports be ignored.  Regarding the neighborhood, Mayor Vagianos assured everyone that the east side of the Village has not been ignored, especially since he himself lives on the east side of Ridgewood.  He asked everyone for patience, participation and input.




Ms. Mailander stated that a new event called “Council Chat” will start on February 4, 2023 from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. in the Village Hall Courtroom.  Interested individuals should call to make a reservation at 201-670-5500, extension 2207.  Walk-ins are welcome, but priority will be given to those who have made reservations. 


Ridgewood High School parents are working on their annual Jamboree fundraiser.  The musical will be shown on February 9, 10 and 11, 2023.  Senior citizens have been invited to attend the final dress rehearsal free of charge, on February 8, 2023.  The senior bus will be providing free transportation that evening.  Interested individuals should call 201-670-5500, extension 2203, to reserve a seat on the bus.


There is a bus trip to the Philadelphia Flower Show scheduled on Tuesday, March 7, 2023.  The theme of “The Garden Electric” was selected to highlight the spark of joy and excitement that accompanies the giving and receiving of flowers. Bus transportation is available from the Graydon Pool parking lot.  The admission fee is $80.00 per person, and interested individuals may register online through Community Pass or in person at the Lester Stable.  Checks should be made payable to “Ridgewood Parks and Recreation.”  Questions will be answered by dialing 201-670-5560.


A Summer Job Fair will be held on March 8, 2023 from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. in the Community Center, on the ground floor of Village Hall.  The fair will be focused on young adults, ages 16 and older, for summer employment.  A wide variety of employment opportunities will be presented.  Young adults will be able to speak with supervisors to have their questions answered and learn what the specific requirements are for each employment opportunity.  There will be individuals in attendance who can assist with resumes and interviewing skills.


Ms. Mailander announced that all Village departments and offices will be closed on February 13 and February 20, 2023 in observance of Lincoln’s Birthday and Presidents’ Day, respectively.  There will be no recycling or garbage pickup, and the Recycling Center will be closed as well.  She encouraged everyone to check their Village Calendar for the garbage and recycling schedule, as pickups will change due to the holidays. Ms. Mailander also encouraged everyone to download the Recycle Coach app, since the app sends out reminders regarding changes in garbage and recycling pickup schedules.


Upcoming Village Council meetings are broadcast live from the Village Hall Courtroom, on the Village website, on FIOS Channel 34 and YouTube.  The next Public Meetings are scheduled for February 8, 2023 and March 8, 2023 at 8:00 P.M.  The next Village Council Work Sessions will be held on February 22 and March 1, 2023 at 7:30 P.M.  Budget Meetings will be held on February 23, February 24 and March 6, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. in the Village Hall courtroom.  All meetings will have hybrid access.


Ms. Mailander said that she had a discussion with Mayor Vagianos and Deputy Mayor Perron.  She was informed that the Village Councilmembers do not want to have a Village Manager who holds a dual role as a Department Director or another management role within the Village.  They wish to have a Village Manager who is solely focused on that position. Ms. Mailander announced that she has chosen to revert back to her position as Village Clerk.  She will continue in the title of Village Manager until a new Village Manager is hired, at which time she will resign as Village Manager. 


Ms. Mailander said that she loves Ridgewood and feels blessed to work with talented, professional directors, supervisors and staff members throughout the Village.  She is proud of the many accomplishments during her 6-1/2 years of serving as Village Manager.  She thanked the prior and new Village Councilmembers for their support during her role as Village Manager and for the opportunity to serve the Village in this role.  Ms. Mailander stated that she will continue working with the Village Councilmembers, Village residents and Village staff to ensure that Ridgewood remains the special place it is today.


Mayor Vagianos thanked Ms. Mailander for her almost three decades of service to the Village and her tireless work.  He stated that she works seven days a week, arriving early in the morning and leaving late at night.  He said that the Village would not be where it is today without her assistance.  Mayor Vagianos indicated how grateful he is to Ms. Mailander for her help in seamlessly integrating into his role as Mayor.  Ms. Mailander indicated that she has served in the role as Acting Village Manager on two occasions in the past, and subsequently served as Village Manager for the past 6-1/2 years.  Mayor Vagianos said that Ms. Mailander is “always there” when the Village Councilmembers need her for anything.  There was a resounding round of applause.




Councilmember Weitz echoed Mayor Vagianos’s comments.  He said that Ms. Mailander has been of tremendous help to him as a new Village Councilmember.  He stated that she is knowledgeable about every facet of municipal government and he is thrilled that she will remain in the role of Village Clerk.  Councilmember Weitz encouraged all residents to view the Budget Meetings and pay attention to what the Village Councilmembers do regarding the 2023 budget.  He wanted to publicly thank Ms. Mailander and Robert Rooney, CFO, for organizing all of the paperwork regarding the budget. 


Councilmember Weitz stated that the budget process is not easy and that the budget paperwork provided to the Councilmembers provides transparency, which will enable them to make informed and wise decisions.  In addition, he thanked all Department Directors who gave their budget presentations on January 31, 2023.  He was pleased at the candor displayed by all Department Directors, but stated that he wished more residents would have attended the meeting so that they could view the “inner workings” of government.


Councilmember Reynolds indicated that a Village resident, Patty Infantino, 6 Betty Court, has asked her to read the following statement:  “As a citizen of the northeast corridor of Ridgewood, I am concerned about the essential role the development of the Schedler property has in the community. The old growth trees are irreplaceable. They are an environmental and health protection for us.  It would take 30 years to replace them.  As the last open space in Ridgewood, the Council has a responsibility to preserve them. We cannot ask Brazil to save the Amazon when we would cut down our last few remaining trees.  Busy Route 17 poses a specific danger with its particulate pollution that the trees shield us from.  The danger is even greater for exercising children.  The evidence of many diseases in people exposed to this type of pollution is well documented.  The original plan for this property, worked out through many meetings with the community, was for a small multipurpose field, 50 x 70 yards, no lights, and consideration for keeping the field closed at night to prevent undesirables from using the parking lot for drug or other criminal use.  There was a balanced area for passive recreation and a children’s playground.  There was recognition that the field was originally a Revolutionary War site and the house is historic, having been built without nails.  Artifacts found at Schedler can be viewed at the Schoolhouse Museum.  I thank you in advance, Lorraine, for reading this tonight for me.  Many thanks, Patty Infantino.”


Councilmember Reynolds stated that on January 27, 2023, she met with Councilmember Winograd, Ms. Mailander, Rich Tarleton from the Signal Department, and several community residents to discuss the condition of the kissing balls that used to be hung from the Public Service Electric & Gas (PSE&G) poles years ago.  There is a plan underway to revive these kissing balls for the 2023 holiday season.  After ten years of being in storage, the balls were not in bad shape.  With some TLC, Councilmember Reynolds stated that they should be “better than ever.”


Councilmember Reynolds said that she was surprised to hear Ms. Mailander say that the “Council has decided” that they do not want Ms. Mailander serving dual roles, since Councilmember Reynolds was not involved in the process whatsoever.  She stated that she would like to know how this decision was arrived at, since she “did not know a thing.”  She has serious questions about the process and how the decision was made and delivered.  Councilmember Reynolds said that she was shocked to learn from Ms. Mailander that Mayor Vagianos and Deputy Mayor Perron had asked Ms. Mailander to resign from either the Village Manager or Village Clerk position.  She said that this was certainly not a “Council” decision.  Councilmember Reynolds stated that she asked Councilmember Winograd what was going on but Councilmember Winograd indicated she had recused herself from any discussion in the matter.  She wondered whether Councilmember Weitz was privy to this decision.


Councilmember Reynolds said that either two Councilmembers unilaterally took action outside of the governing body as a whole, or there was a meeting in violation of the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA). She stated that she never received a call from Mayor Vagianos, although he had indicated to Ms. Mailander that he had attempted to reach out to Councilmember Reynolds.  Councilmember Reynolds indicated that a “meeting” occurs either through a series of individual phone calls, revolving door communications, or individual text messages amongst officials about official business. 


Councilmember Reynolds also felt that a RICE notice was required in order to discuss an employee.  There was never a Closed Session discussion regarding Ms. Mailander, and a RICE notice was never issued.  A RICE notice and a properly noticed Closed Session agenda item as required would have given the public an idea about the nature of the agenda item.  She said that some members of the public may have chosen to speak during the public comment portion of the meeting.  A RICE notice would have afforded Ms. Mailander the choice to have this discussion occur either in Closed Session or publicly at an open meeting.  Councilmember Reynolds said that not only was Ms. Mailander denied due process, but also Councilmember Reynolds was denied her right to take part in discussions during a proper meeting.  She said that her rights and those of Ms. Mailander were violated, and the public trust was violated.


Councilmember Reynolds stated that this has occurred despite the fact that, just a few weeks ago, Ms. Mailander was praised for doing an excellent job as Village Manager and was given a raise.  On the evening of November 8, 2022, Councilmember Reynolds stated that she recalled a videotape of Mayor Vagianos, after the election, exclaiming that there would finally be “four fair and normal Councilmembers come January.”  She said that it took several weeks for Mayor Vagianos to apologize for excluding her.  When Mayor Vagianos was elected as Mayor, he remarked to Councilmember Reynolds that it was a “new day and a fresh start for us [Village Council].”  She stated that if the treatment of Ms. Mailander reflects a “fresh start,” then she wanted nothing to do with the way business is being conducted by the Village Council.


Councilmember Reynolds stated that it has become apparent that some of her Council colleagues are engaging in “back room deals” and illegal or improper meetings or actions.  Councilmember Reynolds said that this has occurred before, with previous mayors.  She asked who was involved and what occurred that led to the decision of Mayor Vagianos and Deputy Mayor Perron telling Ms. Mailander that she could not serve in dual roles.


Mayor Vagianos thanked Councilmember Reynolds and indicated that this matter would not be discussed in public since it is a personnel matter.  He said that everything was done legally and the Village Councilmembers were aware of everything that was occurring.  Councilmember Reynolds reiterated that she was not aware of anything.  Mayor Vagianos stated that he knows Councilmember Reynolds was not aware of anything, and asked for the meeting to move on.


Councilmember Winograd said that she has not attended any official committee meetings since the last Village Council meeting.  She stated that there have been comments from businesses in the Central Business District (CBD) that they want to see the CBD “sparkle and shine more” during the holiday season, and that is the reason why the topic of the kissing balls came up. She said that the Ridgewood Guild and Chamber of Commerce are working on this project. Councilmember Winograd encouraged residents to volunteer for the Project Pride Committee, especially florists, to beautify and clean up the downtown area.  The Chamber of Commerce is looking for ways to decorate the clock in the CBD as well.  Councilmember Reynolds is the main contact for Project Pride.


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that a subcommittee of the Central Business District Advisory Committee (CBDAC) met for discussions concerning the refurbishment of the pedestrian tunnel underneath the train station.  They have met with various local artists to come up with a plan for painting the tunnel.  They would like to engage a muralist so that an attractive design can be painted for all to enjoy.  She will advise everyone on next steps.  They are also working on prioritizing the downtown economic development action items in the Master Plan.  The committee will give a presentation before the Planning Board and Village Council once the draft has been finalized.


Green Ridgewood is planning “No Mow May,” an initiative for residents to let their grass grow during the month of May.  In this way, clover can grow, pollinators will be able to get nectar, and insects and birds will thrive in their habitats.  Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that this is a nationwide initiative by Bee City USA.  Ridgewood is designated as a Bee City.  She asked all residents who want to participate to sign up.  In this way, participants can get a lawn sign to announce that they are participating in this initiative and not simply neglecting their lawns.


Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that Presidents’ Day, a Federal holiday, will be celebrated on February 20, 2023.  She announced that the Village ordinance governing the use of power tools and loud hand tools (such as construction or landscaping equipment) will be in effect on that day. This does not apply to the use of machinery for snow or ice removal.


Deputy Mayor Perron expressed her thanks to Ms. Mailander for keeping the Village Council “on the straight and narrow” and for reminding them of things they had forgotten.  She said that she admired Ms. Mailander’s knowledge of procedural matters and her graciousness.  It was Deputy Mayor Perron’s opinion that the Village would best be served by having people serve in separate capacities as Village Manager and Village Clerk, acknowledging that Ms. Mailander has performed a great job in both roles.  She stated that there were discussions regarding this matter and she assured everyone that the Open Public Meetings Act was not violated in any way.


5.         DISCUSSION




Ms. Mailander indicated that this item pertains to an address correction to a resolution for distribution water main rehabilitation and replacement.  The company to whom this contract was awarded has several divisions and the wrong address was inadvertently used for the vendor in the previous resolution.  The amendment to this resolution is required, so that the vendor can be paid.




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the endorsement of a Community Development Block Grant called “Reintegration into the Community” for SHARE, Inc.  Due to Covid, senior residents at SHARE houses were not able to interact with people.  There is now an effort to reintegrate these senior citizens into the community through chair exercises, support group sessions, senior sneakers exercise, meditation, bingo, and card games.  There will be a variety of educational programs to teach residents about good hygiene, good health, and what they should do if they are not feeling well. Beneficial counseling sessions will also be implemented to assist residents with mental health issues. Community Development Block Grants do not require any expenditure by the Village, but these grants must be endorsed by the appropriate governing body.


For the benefit of the public, Mayor Vagianos explained that there are two SHARE houses in Ridgewood, which are community group homes for seniors.  These homes permit senior citizens, who cannot afford the upkeep of a private home, to stay in Ridgewood.


There was a motion by Councilmember Winograd, seconded by Deputy Mayor Perron, to suspend the Work Session and convene a Special Public Meeting.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd; Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



At the end of the Special Public Meeting, there was a motion by Deputy Mayor Perron, seconded by Councilmember Winograd, to adjourn the Special Public Meeting and reconvene the Work Session.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd; Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None







Ms. Mailander announced that Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer, would give a presentation and update on the Schedler property.  At the last Village Council meeting, he had been requested to produce additional conceptual plans showing a large playing field and baseball diamond on the property.  Mayor Vagianos thanked Mr. Rutishauser and his staff for producing these plans so quickly.

Mr. Rutishauser stated that the credit really belongs to Jovan Mehandzic of the Engineering Department.  He stated that the Village Councilmembers raised questions during the last meeting as to whether or not a full-sized soccer/lacrosse field and 90-foot baseball diamond would fit on the property. Mr. Rutishauser presented three concepts showing various configurations of the field and baseball diamond.  One concept (Option #1) shows the home plate situated in the property’s northeast corner, with the outer limit lines encroaching upon the berm.  With the home plate in the southwest corner (Option #2); there is also encroachment upon the berm. Option #3 shows the home plate oriented a different way, which encroaches upon the berm. All three concepts also encroach upon the wooded tree area, the parking area near the berm, and the playground previously proposed.  The playground could be relocated, but the parking area near the berm would probably have to be eliminated, in which case additional parking would have to be created either along West Saddle River Road or on the small triangular piece along the southern tip of the property.  He stated that it had been requested that this triangular piece be reserved for a community garden.


Mr. Rutishauser stated that the Engineering Department feels that Option #1 is one of the better options, since it has the least impact into the tree preservation area.  If the larger field is constructed, the wooded area can be extended into the western portion of the property, adjacent to the berm.


Councilmember Weitz asked about the tree coverage in the northwest corner and what can be done to preserve the trees that are presently on the property.  Mr. Rutishauser said that, on the northwest corner of the property, there is an access path, which was created for construction of the berm.  This is located approximately 10 to 15 feet from the eight-foot wide walking path.  Beyond that, there are just trees.  The proposed playground and parking lot by the berm could be preserved if the 90-foot baseball diamond were not constructed.  Councilmember Weitz asked if there was any way to reconfigure the soccer field so that it did not cut into the road and the parking lot could be retained.  Mr. Rutishauser said that the soccer/lacrosse field is at the very edge of the roadway.  It can be pushed back a little bit towards the berm so that it would fit.


Councilmember Weitz asked Mr. Rutishauser if he had any opinions on what configuration would be the most aesthetically pleasing.  Mr. Rutishauser said that he preferred Option #1, although the playground would need to be relocated, the parking lot by the berm would have to be removed, and the restroom would also have to be relocated.  Councilmember Weitz asked if Mr. Rutishauser had considered a smaller baseball diamond.  Mr. Rutishauser distributed more drawings to the Village Councilmembers, which showed a mid-sized baseball diamond.  Even with the elimination of the playground, the smaller baseball diamond still interferes considerably with the parking lot area.  There would be more tree space with the smaller diamond.  Mr. Rutishauser said that an 8,300 square foot area was indicated on the drawing to offset the 6,600 square feet of the intrusion into the tree area.


Councilmember Winograd thanked Mr. Rutishauser for his quick turnaround.  She explained that the meeting this evening is a Work Session at which no voting will take place.  She stated that in 2017, the Village Council publicly approved a plan with a small-sided field in conjunction with neighbors and the community.  That was the last time that the plan was discussed publicly.  Since that time, two different plans were submitted “in complete darkness.”  She said that she, the neighbors and the community knew nothing about these new plans.  These new plans were rejected by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO).  Councilmember Winograd said that there are presently no plans which have been approved by SHPO, which has oversight of the project.  Since her campaign, Councilmember Winograd said that she has asked that all plans be identified and listed on the Village website. She mentioned a “pergola” plan and an “overdevelopment” plan that included pickleball.


Councilmember Winograd stated that in 2019, the property was designated as historic.  She is not questioning the historic designation for the house, but she feels that the historic designation of the property needs to be researched.  The Ad Hoc Committee, which developed the original plans for the Schedler property, were unaware that the property would subsequently be deemed as historic.  The plans presented at the January 25, 2023 Village Council meeting were the plans that were drawn up in 2017.  Councilmember Winograd said that she requested that a larger field be constructed on the property, due to the persistent flooding of the other full-sized fields in Ridgewood.  She stated that there is a great need for more baseball fields in the Village.


Councilmember Winograd reported that there have already been nine Bond Ordinances passed regarding the Schedler property and house.  The bulk of the property has already been bonded.  At the budget meeting on January 31, 2023, she learned that there is a need for an additional $500,000.00 in order to complete the project.  Councilmember Winograd encouraged residents to contact her regarding their concerns.  She said that a larger field could accommodate soccer, lacrosse and football teams.  She stated that the plans presented this evening were overwhelming for her, and she gets nervous when people want to do too many things with limited space. 


Councilmember Winograd stated that she recognizes the need for passive recreation, especially for the older population.  She said that the walking path is critical to her, as well as the larger multipurpose turfed field and the playground.  She said that it is too much when trying to “shove” all the desired elements onto the property.  She would like to minimize the removal of trees as much as possible.  Councilmember Winograd feels that, out of the plans presented this evening, Option #1 is the best one, with just the multipurpose field.  She said that she loves baseball, but she is concerned about wayward balls and the safety of cars and people.  She wondered if there was another site in Ridgewood on which a baseball field could be built, perhaps Lower Hawes or in the Pleasant Park area.


Mr. Rutishauser said that he believed there is already a baseball field at Lower Hawes.  He asked Councilmember Winograd if she was talking about making that field a 90-foot baseball diamond, and she replied in the affirmative.  Mr. Rutishauser said that this could probably be done, but they have to be careful on the southern edge of the property, because of the nearby wetlands and Saddle River, which may involve some DEP issues.  Councilmember Winograd asked if he has any old renderings of the baseball diamond, and Mr. Rutishauser said that he would have to check.  If he finds any, he will furnish them to Ms. Mailander for distribution to the Village Councilmembers.


Regarding lights on the Schedler property, Councilmember Winograd would recommend that no lights be installed.  However, she asked whether conduits could be installed in the event permanent lights were installed in the future.  Mr. Rutishauser said that additional conduits could be installed, but this would be up to the Village Council.  He said that he raised the question about the lights and other questions with SHPO, and they suggested a follow-up meeting to discuss the implications of the proposed changes to the design plans.  They said that they would send him some possible dates for the meeting after they had had a chance to review his email more thoroughly.  Mr. Rutishauser indicated that he sent an email to SHPO and invited the representatives from SHPO to visit the Schedler site.  He would like them to see the work that has been done on the house thus far.  He has not yet gotten a reply to that email.


Mr. Rutishauser said that, although he did not receive answers to some of his questions, SHPO has indicated to him that they do not recommend the use of artificial turf on the Schedler property.  They indicated that if turf were proposed on the site, the matter would be sent to the Historic Sites Council for a hearing, and the lighting request may end up with the same result.  If the Village Council wishes for him to broach this subject with SHPO, he said that he would do so.  Mr. Rutishauser indicated that he has been in discussions with SHPO for the past year and a half, and the results of those discussions are what was shown on the plans he presented at the last Village Council meeting on January 25, 2023.


Councilmember Winograd indicated that parking is also a big issue on the property, and she is still awaiting receipt of the traffic study that was performed.  Mr. Rutishauser indicated that he has the traffic study that was performed in 2015 by the Ridgewood Police Department.  He said that he would furnish this to Ms. Mailander for distribution to the Village Councilmembers.


Councilmember Winograd indicated that, to date, there is no intended usage for the house.  She indicated that the Village owns several assets, which are configured for use by Village residents, such as the Lester Stable.  Other assets, such as the Pease Library and HealthBarn, are revenue-generating assets.  She asked what the proposed usage of the Zabriskie-Schedler house would be.  Parking will really be needed when visitors came to see the house, as well as for people enjoying the walking path and watching a game on the field.


Mr. Rutishauser indicated that, once the Village Council gives him some direction about how they want the park to be designed, he will finalize the field layout and look carefully as to where the other elements, such as onsite parking, restrooms and playground, could be situated on the property.  He said one of the questions he asked SHPO, but which was not answered, was the query about possibly making a community garden out of the triangular-shaped piece of land near the entrance.  If SHPO refuses to allow this land to be used as a community garden, then he will ask them if it can be used as parking instead.


Councilmember Reynolds recalled that Mayor Vagianos had asked Mr. Rutishauser to provide the Village Council with an overlay of the baseball diamond and full-sized soccer field over the proposed smaller field.  Mr. Rutishauser said that he did not do this, but he could try to do so.  Councilmember Reynolds said that on the plans presented last week, everything has its own space, it was balanced, and nothing was squeezed in.  With the smaller field, there was ample room for a nice wooded area, a playground, the rain gardens, walking path and parking lot; however, many of those elements are lost when the bigger playing field is inserted into the plans. She mentioned that the trees, which Mr. Rutishauser had planned to plant around the parking lot, would also be lost.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that once a final field layout is approved, that is when he will reconfigure the landscaping, including the tree planting. Councilmember Reynolds stated that she felt the smaller field looked much better.


Councilmember Reynolds stated that she visited the Schedler property today and noted some stakes in the ground.  She asked Mr. Rutishauser if those stakes were for the larger field.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that the stakes are merely control points, which were used when the berm was constructed.  He also mentioned that there are also some survey controls on the property, which makes it easier to locate something. Councilmember Reynolds said that she walked on the property and tried to visualize the smaller playing field suggested by the Ad Hoc Committee (150 feet by 225 feet).  The bigger field is 225 feet by 345 feet, which would be squeezed in between the walking path and the trees on the east side of the house. She said that with the bigger field, there was not enough room for spectators around the field to sit and watch a game.  Mr. Rutishauser said that all of these finer details will be delineated on revised plans, once the Village Council decides on the size of the field.  Councilmember Reynolds said that she appreciated all of the work done by Mr. Rutishauser, but that she prefers the plan presented last week.


Councilmember Reynolds asked if there were two rows of trees on the berm, and Mr. Rutishauser confirmed that there was a row of trees on top of the berm and another row at the toe of the berm, on the inside.  The trees are all of the same height and same species.  The row at the bottom is just behind the three-rail, post-and-rail fence with the box mesh.  Councilmember Reynolds asked how wide these trees would grow.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that they would grow between 10 and 14 feet tall.  Councilmember Reynolds remarked that the trees seemed like they were planted very far apart, and she asked Mr. Rutishauser if these trees would ever grow wide enough to provide a “screen.”  Mr. Rutishauser replied that the trees were planted that way to allow room for growth and, once the trees have grown, they will provide a good sound-absorbing screen from Route 17.  He said he will have to wait to see if they “grow into each other.”  Mr. Rutishauser added that the trees alongside and on top of the berm will be well irrigated.


Councilmember Reynolds said that the southern wooded area to the left of the entrance is the only buffer the residents have from noise, particulate, and air pollution.  She said that she is opposed to removing any trees in that area.  She would rather see more community gardens at Habernickel Park.  Mr. Rutishauser said there is possibly room for a community garden at Habernickel Park, on the sloping land to the left of the entrance.  He said that he could speak with Nancy Bigos, Director of Parks and Recreation, to see if that is of interest to her.  Mr. Rutishauser remarked that the community garden off of Meadowbrook Avenue suffers from flooding, just like the playing fields. 


Councilmember Reynolds reiterated that she likes the plan presented last week and thinks that it would be approved by SHPO.  If this is done, there could be a new field constructed by the end of spring.  She feels that the Village Council should abide by the recommendations of the members of the Ad Hoc Committee.  Even with the smaller field, there will still be clearcutting of a lot of trees. She counted about 200 trees that would need to be removed, just with the smaller field.  Councilmember Reynolds said that, with no leaves on the trees, the noise was really loud from Route 17 traffic.  She stated that when the trees have leaves, they provide a wonderful sound and pollution buffer for the neighbors.  Councilmember Reynolds indicated that she agreed with Councilmember Winograd that there should not be any permanent lighting installed on the property.  In addition, if SHPO indicates that a request for turf will send the matter to the Historic Sites Council, then Councilmember Reynolds would be against the installation of turf.


Mr. Rutishauser read an excerpt from a communication from SHPO: “SHPO does not recommend artificial turf.  We’ve had several projects referred to the Historic Sites Council for turf fields.”


Councilmember Winograd pointed out that the 2017 proposal called for a turf field.  She did some research and found three municipalities, which have been able to construct a turf field on a property with an historic designation.  There was a ball field in Goffle Brook Park in Hawthorne, which was turfed after a court battle.  The baseball field at Paterson’s Hinchcliffe Stadium is also being turfed, due to water and irrigation costs, as well as costs involved with grass maintenance.  There is a field with an historical declaration in the Ironbound section of Newark that is also turfed. All of these projects were overseen by SHPO, which ultimately approved the turf application.  Councilmember Winograd said that she has received many messages from residents stating that the smaller field is useless and there is a great need for a full-sized field due to the constant flooding of the other fields, which has adversely impacted the health and well-being of the Village’s youth.


Councilmember Reynolds thought that the smaller field could accommodate children up to the age of 12.  Councilmember Winograd replied that the field could be used for children up to the age of 13 in certain sports.  Councilmember Reynolds stated that her three children played multiple sports when they were younger, and decided upon one particular sport, as they got older.  She thought that a larger field would not be used as much as a smaller field, since younger children usually play multiple sports.


Councilmember Reynolds acknowledged that there is a need for more fields in Ridgewood, but stated that clearcutting all of the trees on the Schedler property, in order to accommodate a larger field, would be harmful to the neighborhood in terms of noise and air pollution.  Councilmember Winograd remarked that a significant amount of trees have already been removed from the property.  She added that the property values of the homes in the area will increase due to the development of the Schedler property.  She stated that the neighbors will not be harmed.  In fact, she pointed out that the undeveloped property was an eyesore for many years before the improvements started.


Deputy Mayor Perron noted that the black lines on the plans denoted the soccer field, and the red lines delineated the lacrosse field.  She asked what the red “skip lines” represented around the perimeter of both.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that he does not know much about lacrosse, so he could not tell her what those lines represented.  Councilmember Reynolds thought that the lines represented the 10 to 15 feet of land surrounding the field for seating. 


Deputy Mayor Perron asked where a safety fence or netting would be installed around the field, if needed.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that he emailed the question about netting to SHPO, but they have not given him an answer.  Regarding a fence, there is a three-tier post-and-rail fence just inside the sidewalk along West Saddle River Road.  The fence will have box mesh installed on the inside of the fence, similar to the fence which has already been installed at the toe of the berm.  Deputy Mayor Perron asked how tall the netting would be, and Mr. Rutishauser replied that he is waiting to hear from SHPO as to what height they would approve for the netting.  Once an answer is received from SHPO, then Mr. Rutishauser indicated that he would speak to the sports groups to see what height netting they would recommend.


Deputy Mayor Perron said that she and Mayor Vagianos visited the full-sized field at Immaculate Heart Academy, which also has a baseball diamond on it.  She said that the playing field was huge and really beautiful.   She then drove over to the Schedler property and tried to visualize how the larger field would fit on the property.  She stated that there are many trees that will have to be removed.  The wooded area now starts by the proposed crosswalk in the middle of the property by West Saddle River Road and continues to the northeast corner.  She said that not all of the trees are mature, and there are many saplings.  Deputy Mayor Perron acknowledged that it would take a long time for newly planted trees to grow.


Deputy Mayor Perron felt that the playground should remain where proposed and stated that the bathrooms needed to be closer to the playground. She thought that the parking lot could be moved and that the driveway didn’t need to be as long as it is.  Deputy Mayor Perron said that she was concerned about turf, since she has not read any scientific studies about whether or not there are any harmful effects upon the environment from turf.  She recalled reading many articles years ago, sent to her by Linda McNamara, about the detrimental effects of artificial turf.  She said that turf may have come a long way since then, but the articles were mostly anecdotal and not scientific, and she found them to be inconclusive. She asked anyone who has any scientific studies from a peer-reviewed journal to send them to her.  Deputy Mayor Perron said that she is skeptical about turf, particularly since most of the turf fields in Ridgewood have repeatedly flooded over the years and it costs a lot of money to clean them up after a storm.  She also stated that the artificial turf on Maple Field got rolled up and thrown away, ending up in a landfill, and she wondered how long the turf would take to degrade.  She does not feel that turf is good for the environment.


Regarding parking, Deputy Mayor Perron thanked the person who made the comment that the streets around the Schedler property are dead ends.  She had not thought about the traffic implications on West Saddle River.  She thinks that this presents a different situation than other streets in Ridgewood. 


Regarding lighting, Deputy Mayor Perron described the big billboard, which will be erected, on Route 17 South, across the highway from the Schedler property.  She said that many of the neighbors were not “keen” on the billboard being erected.  She described Valleau Cemetery, the Old Paramus Church and the Schedler property as being historic areas, and she said that a giant illuminated billboard was not desirable.  Deputy Mayor Perron said that if permanent lights were installed on the Schedler property, it would set a precedent for the future.  She has not made up her mind yet about the plans.


Mayor Vagianos said that he was happy to hear comments from everyone this evening in a respectful and passionate manner, even though there are people with differing opinions.  Mayor Vagianos said that the baseball field does not really fit on any of the conceptual drawings.  He spoke about the 6,600 square feet of woods that would be lost if the larger field were constructed, as opposed to the 8,300 square feet of existing woods that can remain. Mr. Rutishauser confirmed that this is the amount of square feet of woods presently existing on the property. If a full-sized multipurpose field were constructed on the property, an adequate amount of trees would still remain. However, the construction of such a field would necessitate the removal of some trees, with an additional area of the property designated for tree plantings to make up for the loss of the trees removed for the field construction.  Approximately the same amount of trees would be removed, whether there were a small field or large field constructed.


Mayor Vagianos said that the parking lot looked “skinny” with the full-sized field.  He asked if the two proposed parking lots could be adjusted in any way so that the larger one near Route 17 was moved northward, towards the wooded area along the berm.  Mr. Rutishauser said that could be accomplished. 


Mayor Vagianos then asked if the parking lot near the house could be relocated more southward.  Mr. Rutishauser said that he would have to be careful, because they have already constructed the ADA ramp from the rear of the house to where the parking lot was proposed to be, with a Bergen County Community Development Block Grant.  He said that Bergen County would be annoyed if the ramp was not utilized as originally configured.  He said that he could look at “flipping” the lot, so that the stalls are on the opposite side.  Mr. Rutishauser said that they would have to be careful with the large hickory tree in that location, because the intention is to preserve that tree.  Mr. Rutishauser explained that there are two hickory trees on the south side of the house, and a sugar maple on the northwest corner of the house.  Mayor Vagianos agreed that these trees should be preserved.


Mayor Vagianos suggested that new plans be drawn up and reviewed at the Work Session scheduled for February 22, 2023.  He said he would like to eliminate the full-sized baseball field and tweak the parking and wooded areas. He reiterated the four key aspects: time, trees, flooding and neighbors.  He stated that he would like to strike a balance between the interests of all residents, neighbors and sports organizations.  Mayor Vagianos said that he would be willing to have coffee with any residents who have questions or concerns.  He added that he would like the concerns raised by Deputy Mayor Perron about the environmental impact of turf to be addressed. 


It was agreed that this matter would be placed on the agenda for the February 22, 2023 Work Session. Mayor Vagianos added that there was a small baseball field contained within the confines of the multipurpose field at Immaculate Heart Academy.  He asked Mr. Rutishauser to develop some further plans so that he could see how this could be accomplished on the Schedler property.  He said that this was suggested by Mr. Muller of the Ridgewood Baseball and Softball Association.


Councilmember Reynolds asked Mr. Rutishauser if he knew the width of West Saddle River Road. Mr. Rutishauser said that the width is approximately 24 feet from curb to curb.  Councilmember Reynolds asked if there were any plans to widen the road, and Mr. Rutishauser replied that there were no such plans, explaining that the proposed street parking spots would be cut into the field side property (8-1/2 feet).  The road will remain 24 feet wide.  Councilmember Reynolds asked where a playground could possibly be located, and Mr. Rutishauser replied that he would have to take a look at that.  Mayor Vagianos said that the playground is a necessity.


Councilmember Reynolds asked if the proposed rain gardens could remain.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that once the layout of the field and parking is determined, he would fit the rain gardens in where he can, because the ground will have to be graded in such a way so that the stormwater runoff flows to the rain gardens.  There are no inlets for stormwater collection on the property for the parking areas, but there are a couple of inlets in the field location.


Councilmember Winograd stated that she wants to make sure that all Village Councilmembers receive the traffic study.  Mr. Rutishauser said that he has a very extensive study, which was done by the Ridgewood Police Department in 2015, which he will forward to Ms. Mailander for distribution. Councilmember Winograd also mentioned the CoolPlay Turf field that was constructed in Ho-Ho-Kus along Hollywood Avenue, and asked that the environmental study performed by Ho-Ho-Kus be obtained. Ms. Mailander indicated that she will probably be seeing the Ho-Ho-Kus Administrator tomorrow, so she will ask him about the study.


Councilmember Winograd indicated that she would like to receive an update from the various sports organizations in Ridgewood as to number of players in each sport.  In 2017, the RBSA had 1,400 players, with 110 teams in rec alone, and 210 in kickball.


The Village Councilmembers took a three-minute break. The meeting was reconvened, and at roll call, the following were present:  Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos. Also present were Heather Mailander, Village Manager/Village Clerk, and Matthew Rogers, Village Attorney.


7.         DISCUSSION


            A.        RIDGEWOOD WATER




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the awarding of a State contract for maintenance of generators.  The Village awarded a three-year contract for the maintenance of backup generators for Ridgewood Water, in March 2022. There are 15 auxiliary power generators in the Ridgewood Water system.  This is the second year of a three-year contract, under the Sourcewell Cooperative Pricing System, and it is recommended that the second year be awarded to Cummins, Inc., of Kearny, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $42,176.15.  Funding is in the Water Operating Budget.




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to a vendor name change regarding annual laboratory analysis services.  The Village Council awarded Annual Laboratory Analysis Services and Annual PFAS Laboratory Analysis Services for Ridgewood Water for 2023 and 2024 in December 2022.  Ridgewood Water has been informed that Aqua Pro-Tech, Inc., the vendor awarded the contract, has been sold to Pace Analytical Services, LLC.  This name change requires the adoption of new resolutions, so that the vendor can be paid.




Ms. Mailander stated that bids were received for the Valley View Reservoir and Site Improvements for Ridgewood Water.  Two bids were received from Brave Industrial Paint, LLC, of Long Branch, New Jersey, and DN Tanks, LLC, of Wakefield, Massachusetts.  It is recommended that both bids be rejected since they exceed the cost estimate from T&M Associates, consulting engineer.  The exceedance was in the sum of $189,250.00.  The project will be rebid, with alternatives to the bid, and both current bids will be rejected.


            B.        PARKING




Ms. Mailander explained that Police Sergeant Jay Chuck is present at the meeting this evening, as well as Police Chief Jacqueline Luthcke and Mr. Rutishauser, to explain what changes will be made to update the parking regulations in Ridgewood.  Sergeant Chuck said that the parking enforcement and traffic teams have been working on this project for a while, so that problems can be identified with parking in Ridgewood and some simple solutions determined to alleviate these problems.  The main complaint is that of confusing payment structures.  Sergeant Chuck said that there are six payment methods in Station Plaza.  The downtown area is “littered” with signs, ranging in colors from brown to purple to green, and there are an excess number of signs covering too many rules.  In addition, the rules in one parking area are very close to different rules in an adjacent area. 


Sergeant Chuck stated that some of the kiosks are too close to other zones, and this has led to a lot of confusion.  For example, if someone parked in “the hole” (the parking lot at the end of East Ridgewood Avenue), there is a parking kiosk in front of the entrance.  However, that kiosk actually belongs to parking on Broad Street and not “the hole” on East Ridgewood Avenue.  People parking on Chestnut Street, close to the Chestnut Street lot, tend to use the kiosk on Chestnut Street, rather than using the kiosk in the Chestnut Street parking lot.  They would like to restructure some of the zones, by placing all of the kiosks into one zone, because the present configuration is confusing.  Chief Luthcke said that this confusion has resulted in many people being ticketed.  Her goal is to make payment for parking more user-friendly so that people are clear on where they need to pay.


Councilmember Winograd asked how many zones there are presently.  Sergeant Chuck replied that there are currently 33 zones.  He said that this number of zones were established to make enforcement easier for the Parking Enforcement Officers (PEOs).  Councilmember Winograd asked if the large number of zones is to avoid repeat parking.  Sergeant Chuck said that repeat parking pertains to a parking spot, not a zone.  One can park in the same zone, but in a different spot.  He said that it would be too difficult to enforce repeat parking per zone.  Councilmember Winograd asked if there could be two “technical zones,” since the pricing for parking at the Hudson Street Garage is different from the pricing for on-street parking.  Sergeant Chuck stated that there are only two rates:  a parking lot rate and a street rate.  The rates are $1.00 an hour in the parking lots and $1.25 for street parking.  The lot at the top of East Ridgewood Avenue is considered street-level parking.


Sergeant Chuck continued by saying that the signage in the parking garage is very difficult to find.  He would like to relocate the signs and make the rules in the garage more straightforward.  The biggest problem he has are exemptions.  Every time they want to establish a parking rule, there are exemptions, and this confuses everyone.  He explained that parking on the first floor of the garage is “pay only” (coins, credit card, app.) for a maximum of three hours.  On the second floor, it is pay only with a hangtag exemption (premium pass only); after 12:00 P.M., one can pay to park for three hours maximum.  On the third floor of the garage, one can park using an employee pass for up to 11 hours; they can have a hangtag or they could utilize a secondary non-premium pass.  He said that there are already six 24-hour stalls purchased for the year.  On the fourth floor, there is parking for CBD employees only (either a monthly pass or they pay with coins or via the app) and no other hangtags are allowed. 


Sergeant Chuck said that he would like to simplify the parking rules.  The ground rule would be “pay to park” whenever someone parks in a marked parking spot in the Village (does not apply to an unmarked spot).  He said that, currently, the rule is hangtags in some areas; some areas are hangtags or pay; and some areas are pay only.  The exemptions will be the hangtags, if allowed in a certain spot.  Sergeant Chuck explained that the first, second and third floors of the parking garage will have three-hour limits, from 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. (same as street parking).  Commuters generally arrive before 9:00 A.M. in order to catch an early train, and they should have no problem finding a parking spot and using their hangtag.  The fourth floor would be reserved for CBD employees, who can park up to 11 hours.  He said that they cannot “co-mingle” the parking hours.  Sergeant Chuck mentioned that a trial period for parking with one of the bigger employers in the CBD did not work out, so only the fourth floor is needed for employees. The top floor of the parking garage is closed during snow days, and those who usually park on the fourth floor will be directed to park on the third floor, when there is snow. 


When questioned by Councilmember Reynolds, Sergeant Chuck replied that commuters may park all day long on the second and third decks, using their hangtag.  If someone wanted to park in the garage for just a day, he/she would need to purchase a day pass online.  Ms. Mailander clarified that day passes can only be used at the train station lot (Station Plaza), in the parking garage, and in the Cottage Place lot. Day passes can be printed out and displayed on a car’s dashboard, or it can be paid for on the ParkMobile app and it is fed into the system.


Councilmember Winograd asked Sergeant Chuck what his observations have been regarding the volume of commuters.  Sergeant Chuck replied that Station Plaza is busy, almost at full capacity every day, and the parking garage is “still not there.”  He said that the volume of commuters is not what it used to be pre-Covid.


Councilmember Reynolds asked what Sergeant Chuck has observed in the parking garage, and he replied that Monday through Friday (during regular business hours), usage is low (30% to 40%).  On Thursday nights, Fridays and Saturdays, the parking garage is 70% to 80% full.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked if people are able to pay for parking on Sundays via the ParkMobile app, and Sergeant Chuck said that they are not able to do so.  The same would apply to holidays.  Deputy Mayor Perron said that this was an improvement over meters, which would accept coins at any time, including Sundays and Federal holidays.


Regarding Station Plaza, Sergeant Chuck stated that it is a “super busy” place, at which there are currently five different parking rules.  He would like to simplify this by allowing people to park there from 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, for a maximum of three hours.  Exemptions would include the hangtags and the Ridgewood Daily Pass (RDP).  Deputy Mayor Perron remarked that this is very good for the west side of the CBD, where parking is limited.  On Saturdays, people can pay to park all day, from 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M, as well as using hangtags and RDP passes.


Councilmember Reynolds asked if people would be able to pay to park at the parking garage all day, and Sergeant Chuck said he would like to see how these new rules work first.  The RDPs can be purchased on the Village website ($10.00 for day) and not on the ParkMobile app.


Sergeant Chuck indicated that, a couple of years ago, the Village decided to have two different pay structures in the parking lots and the streets, to encourage people to use the lots.  He stated that this has not worked, and no one has been encouraged to park in these lots for 25 cents an hour less than on the streets.  He stated that for the entire reorganization of all of the zones to be less confusing for residents, there needs to be one flat pay structure for the lots and streets.  Ms. Mailander remarked that she has spoken to Mr. Rooney and he recommends $1.25 across the board, due to debt service and maintenance costs for the garage. Sergeant Chuck recommended the restructuring of zones to allow for more kiosks, to enhance ease of finding a kiosk in a zone, and to reduce confusion and frustration when people pay the wrong zone.


Deputy Mayor Perron mentioned the Walker Report and the fact that there was a time when the Village Council considered doing revisions to the report. (This was a preliminary financial analysis report for the proposed Hudson Street Garage, done by Walker Consultants in 2015.)  She mentioned that she has never seen this report, and Ms. Mailander said that she would speak to Mr. Rooney to see if she can obtain a copy of the report for Deputy Mayor Perron.


Councilmember Winograd said that there are many people who feel that $1.25 is too much to pay for an hour’s worth of street parking.  She thinks that the 25-cent difference can dissuade people from parking and shopping in Ridgewood.  Chief Luthcke stated that if the rate is not uniform across the board, the changes cannot be made to the zones.  Councilmember Winograd indicated that she would like to see all parking rates be $1.00 per hour.


Sergeant Chuck then showed a diagram on the screen showing the proposed reorganization of the parking zones.  He pointed out that the major reorganization concerns East Ridgewood Avenue.  Currently, East Ridgewood Avenue is a zone on the “north curb” and a zone on the “south curb,” which is confusing to many people.  He would like to change this to make the zone east and west of Oak Street.  Sergeant Chuck indicated that in this new proposal, they have “married the lots to the streets,” meaning that the Walnut Street lot kiosk is the same as the Walnut Street kiosk; the Cottage Place lot kiosk is the same as the Cottage Place kiosk; the Chestnut Street lot kiosk is the same as the Chestnut Street kiosk; and the Prospect Street lot kiosk is the same as the Prospect Street kiosk.  He feels that this will be more convenient for people and avoid confusion.  Kiosks would be installed in front of each parking lot, at street level.


Mayor Vagianos said that a quick look at the map shows about 15 different zones, reduced from 33 zones.  He asked if the zones could be further reduced, because he gets many angry calls from people who have been ticketed even though they thought they had paid appropriately for parking. Chief Luthcke indicated that the less zones there are, the longer the “sheets” are with license plate numbers, which the Parking Enforcement Officers (PEOs) have to scroll through, in order to see if someone has paid for parking or is in violation.  The PEOs are performing this function on phones rather than on iPads or some other device, and it is time consuming to scroll through all of the pages on a phone. 


Mayor Vagianos wondered if there was a search function, which could be used by the PEOs in order to locate a particular license plate number on the app.  Sergeant Chuck said that that is a possibility, but he asked Mayor Vagianos to imagine having to punch in thousands of license plate numbers per day.  Sergeant Chuck explained the procedure by which PEOs determine whether or not parking has been paid, is expired, or is about to expire.  Mayor Vagianos wondered if the PEOs could merely take a picture of a license plate and then search the app to see if a particular parking spot has been paid for or not.  Sergeant Chuck said that the car used by the PEOs has that functionality, but the car is getting old and the PEO would have to stop right in the middle of a street, such as East Ridgewood Avenue, in order to scan a license plate.  He said that PEOs feel more comfortable walking on the sidewalks in order to perform their duties, and this function is not available on the phone app. 


Mayor Vagianos asked if it were possible to get that capability installed on the phones.  Sergeant Chuck said that he could ask someone at the company that developed the software system used for reading license plates, whether or not that function could be installed on the phone app.  He indicated that the camera system in the car is expensive. Mayor Vagianos said that he would appreciate Sergeant Chuck looking into this, realizing that additional costs would be incurred.


Mayor Vagianos indicated that the additional signage in the parking garage is a “no brainer.”  He said that he was grateful to the Police Department for attempting to simplify the parking situation, rules, zones and signage in the Village.


Sergeant Chuck reviewed some other transitions he would like to make for parking in the CBD.  He would like to see the old unsightly meter poles removed.  Councilmember Winograd said that there are approximately 1,200 parking meter poles left in the CBD that are decapitated.  Mr. Rutishauser clarified that there are between 1,200 or 1,400 poles made out of ferrous metal.  Some poles are bolted to brick and some are bolted to concrete.  Councilmember Winograd suggested that one pole be removed and studied to see if there is any metal in the poles which could be reclaimed, which could generate revenue.  She stated that she sees these headless poles as posing a liability and safety hazard to the Village, as well as adding to the visual pollution in the CBD. 


Ms. Mailander clarified by stating that the Signal Division has already come up with a way to remove the old meter poles and “cap” the holes in the concrete or brick.  Mr. Rutishauser indicated that the metal posts would be recycled at a scrap yard, and revenue would be based on weight. This revenue would go into the “Municipal Revenues Not Anticipated” account (MRNA).  Municipal finance laws do not permit the money to go into an account to buy “more new stuff.” Councilmember Winograd asked if the revenue could go into the Parking Utility account, and Mr. Rutishauser said that Mr. Rooney may attempt to do so, but Mr. Rutishauser would challenge him on that.  The Signal Division is ready to start removing the parking meter poles and are just waiting for the weather to improve, so that whatever mortar is mixed to fill in the holes will be cured properly.


Councilmember Winograd asked what the hole caps would look like.  Sergeant Chuck indicated that there will be no caps.  The poles will be completely removed and the holes filled in with mortar or bricks, as the location may warrant.  When questioned by Councilmember Winograd as to whether or not all of the meter poles would be removed at the same time, Mr. Rutishauser replied that they are going to start a test area on Chestnut Street.  This work will probably begin very early in the morning, around 5:00 A.M.  When asked how long it would take to remove all the poles, Mr. Rutishauser replied that it depends upon how many people are put on the job.  Rich Tarleton, Supervisor of the Signal Division, has indicated that he feels the job can be completed fairly quickly.  However, Mr. Rutishauser said that he did not want to commit to any timetable.


Sergeant Chuck continued by saying that he would like to have the old signs replaced with fewer, newer signs that are clear and larger on the street.  The garage signs should be moved to a location where they are more visible to drivers and pedestrians, such as by the ramps and stairs.  Dylan Hansen, IT Director, held up a sample sign which would be placed above the kiosk, saying “Pay Here” and “Pay by Plate,” with arrows directing drivers to the appropriate kiosk and the zone number printed on the sign.  Mr. Hansen then held up another sample sign that would be installed underneath the first sign that was shown.  It would indicate when parking is permitted in that zone; for example, “Parking 9 AM – 8 PM, Mon-Fri; 10 AM – 6 PM Saturday; 3 hr. limit; Sundays & Federal Holidays Excluded.”  This would apply to parking on the street as well as in the lots.  Sergeant Chuck feels that the size of the signs and the bright colors will attract the attention of drivers.


Deputy Mayor Perron said that she was concerned about the wording on the smaller sign, where it says “Sundays & Federal Holidays Excluded.”  She is afraid that drivers will take that wording to mean that no parking is allowed there at all on Sundays and federal holidays.  Mayor Vagianos suggested the wording, “Sundays & Federal Holidays Free.”  Deputy Mayor Perron agreed.  She stated that for the past 40 years, people have been confused about parking on Sundays, and she is happy to see that this will finally be clarified.  Mr. Rutishauser said that this rewording can be done.

Deputy Mayor Perron said that many of these parking regulations have been based on whether or not one has a Village of Ridgewood sticker on their car.  She wondered whether this would still be needed under the revamped program.  Sergeant Chuck indicated that those stickers will only be needed if one uses a hangtag or a Ridgewood Daily Pass for exemptions. Deputy Mayor Perron wondered if these stickers are able to be read through tinted windows.  Sergeant Chuck said they picked a grey color for the sticker this year, which is more difficult to read, but in other years, it was fine.


Deputy Mayor Perron said that the kiosks consistently do not accept quarters, which she finds frustrating.  She gets emails from people all the time regarding this problem.  Sergeant Chuck said that they have “attacked” that problem this week, especially staff from the Signal Division, by performing maintenance on every kiosk.  They are speaking with Cale, the manufacturer of the kiosks, to see if there is any updated hardware that can be used.  They are talking about removing the trap door on the kiosks to see if that helps with the use of coins.  Sergeant Chuck said that credit cards work well, but people don’t usually want to put 25 cents on their credit card.  Deputy Mayor Perron remarked that the 15-minute meters seem to be working fairly well.


Councilmember Winograd indicated that she sent a video to Ms. Mailander regarding the pedestrian plaza.  She received some feedback from Beers Flower Shop, Quality Shoe and the dry cleaners (on Oak Street) that they felt they couldn’t be accessed as much, because there were not enough 15-minute meter spots in the Chestnut Street lot.  She asked whether or not there could be two 15-minute meters installed in that rear lot, particularly during the summer months.  Sergeant Chuck replied that there are currently no meter poles in the Chestnut Street lot, and they would have to be added.  He said that the only issue with adding 15-minute spots in the middle of a zone and in the middle of a parking lot, is that people will find a parking spot, pull into it, and ignore the fact that there is a meter there.  This is the reason why they prefer the 15-minute meters to be located at either the beginning or end of a street.  He said that they could try installing some 15-minute meters in the Chestnut Street lot to see how it goes, but that they could not be placed in the middle of the lot. Councilmember Winograd said that she was thinking more in the vicinity of the end cap by the alleyway.  Mayor Vagianos said that he would be agreeable to this, if it were okay with the police and Mr. Rooney.  Sergeant Chuck mentioned that the Chestnut Street lot is a pretty active lot and is full most of the day.  He will speak with Mr. Rooney about this.


Mayor Vagianos asked what the signage looks like for the 15-minute meters.  Sergeant Chuck replied that some of the areas where Officer Tarino worked on, while developing the hybrid loading zones, are signed very well.  He said that the other 15-minute spots “lag behind.”  Mayor Vagianos said that signs are like advertising, and he felt that perhaps new visible signs could be developed for the 15-minute spots at the same time the new signs are developed for the kiosks.  Sergeant Chuck said that he would speak with Mr. Tarleton and his staff to see what can be done.


Sergeant Chuck said that with the removal of the posts, they will have to number the spots on the street level.  This will be strictly for enforcement and accountability.  He said that if construction is going to occur outside of a business, and the construction equipment will take up three metered parking spots, it will be easier for the crew to indicate the numbered spots rather than describing them in another way.  It will also make enforcement easier, particular if a ticket is challenged in court.  Councilmember Reynolds asked how large the numbers would be, and Sergeant Chuck replied that the numbers would be approximately eight to ten inches and they are going to try to put the numbers at the head of the parking spot.  This will allow for easier readability by the license plate reader.


Mayor Vagianos asked how many parking spaces could be gained if the “safety zones” or additional footage in the parking spaces were eliminated.  He said that he spends a lot of time on East Ridgewood Avenue, and he has yet to see these areas used as they were intended to be used.  Sergeant Chuck explained that the spaces are bigger to allow for better maneuverability of a car while parking.  He said that cars are not 14 or 16 feet in length anymore, but are 20 feet or more in length.  If the parking spaces were shortened, larger cars would have difficulty parking in those spots.  Chief Luthcke said that the increase in parking spaces, by shortening the current larger spaces, would be directly correlated to an increase in car accidents.  Mayor Vagianos said that he has not noted any of these larger spaces in any other municipality.  Ms. Mailander remarked that Westwood has the larger parking spaces.


Sergeant Chuck stated that the greatest parking demand is between 5:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M.  There is ample parking available at any other time of the day.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that he discussed the smaller parking spaces with Dave Hefferan, the “sign guy,” who showed him an excerpt from the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) regarding the larger spaces.  Mr. Rutishauser said that the larger spaces may be a legal obligation of the Village.  The MUTCD governs how streets and parking are conducted in a public right-of-way.  Mayor Vagianos asked why the Village would be required to have the larger spots. Mr. Rutishauser replied that they would be required because both he and the Village “know about it” and it could also be related to grants and Federal oversight of monies.  He will supply the excerpt to Mayor Vagianos. 


Mayor Vagianos asked if his Village Council colleagues had any interest in learning about this regulation and, if not, he would not pursue it.  Councilmember Weitz said that he would like to learn a little more about the larger spaces, and he agreed with Mayor Vagianos that he is not aware of many municipalities who have them.  He said that he has heard about this issue for years and would like to see some “hard and fast” information on it.  Councilmember Reynolds stated that she is sure that most people do not know how to parallel park and the larger spaces are needed.  Councilmember Winograd that she appreciates the “nice little buffer” afforded by the larger spaces, particularly since she is the mother of two teenage drivers.  She would personally like to see less vehicular traffic on East Ridgewood Avenue and more foot traffic.  Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Rutishauser to provide him with the excerpt from the MUTCD, along with any other pertinent information.  He would also like to know the number of additional parking spaces that would be obtained with shorter parking spaces.


Ms. Mailander said that the removal of the meter poles would begin at the Chestnut Street lot, once the weather warms up a little bit.  She said that she was concerned about the big sign that says “Pay Here,” because without the “directional,” a visitor to Ridgewood would not know where the kiosk is.  She is hoping that the signs will be very visual and clear, so that there is no confusion.  Mayor Vagianos thanked Chief Luthcke and Sergeant Chuck for their presentation.


            C.        BUDGET




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract for the purchase of two Tri-band Motorola mobile radios for use in police patrol cars.  These radios will replace broken or failing radios, as well as add new radios to incoming vehicles.  The radios being installed will give the Police Department the ability to communicate with all towns and county agencies around Ridgewood, including the ability to communicate on the County-encrypted channels.  The purchase would be made under the State’s Cooperative Purchasing Program.  It is recommended that the contract be awarded to Motorola Radio c/o Regional Communications of Paramus, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $16,717.00.


Councilmember Weitz recalled that, at the January 31, 2023 budget meeting, the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Department had indicated that they bulk order these radios for the Police, Fire, and other departments.  He asked if there was a way to get a better price for these radios if they were ordered in bulk.  Sergeant Chuck replied that they are currently purchasing the Motorola radios, because the County system is Motorola-based for police.  He said that Sergeant Scarpa of the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office, a long-time Ridgewood resident, helps the “radio guru” in the Police Department with their radio systems.  This is State contract pricing, so there are no group rates.  He acknowledged how expensive the Motorola radios are, but he stated that the Kenmore radios they are currently using, have been used longer than he has been on the Police force, and will be replaced.




Ms. Mailander indicated that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract, under the Bergen County Cooperative Purchasing Program, for the purchase of untreated rock salt in bulk.  It is recommended that the contract be awarded to Atlantic Salt Inc. of Lowell, Massachusetts, in an amount not to exceed $78.75 a ton.  The total is $140,000.00.  Funding is in the Street Operating Budget.  Last year’s quote for the untreated rock salt was $75.00 per ton, an increase of $3.75 per ton for 2023.  However, this is significantly less than the prior year’s increase of $20.59 per ton.




Ms. Mailander stated that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract for concession refreshment services at Graydon Pool Water’s Edge Café for this summer season.  One bid packet was received, and it is recommended that this contract be awarded to Michael Sims, Mellsworth Foods, Inc., of Ramsey, New Jersey.  Mr. Sims has serviced the Water’s Edge Café for the past six years and has provided excellent service.  Mellsworth Foods will pay the Village the sum of $10,500.00 for the summer season.  Mayor Vagianos pointed out an error on the bid proposal, stating that the total amount of the bid for 2023 and 2024 was indicated as $10,500.00, yet the paragraph below indicates the sum of $1,050.00.  Councilmember Reynolds clarified that the amount of $1,050.00 represents a 10% security deposit to ensure performance of the contract (bid bond), which will be returned to the vendor once the terms of the contract have been completed.




Ms. Mailander stated that this is a resolution to accept a monetary donation of $1,000.00 to the Community Center from North Jersey Masters, which organizes the Memorial Day Run in Ridgewood.  Each year, volunteers, made up of Parks and Recreation staff and family members, as well as neighboring residents, host a water table on Fairfield Avenue for the race participants.  Any proceeds will go to the Community Center to help fund programs as needed (as unmarked funds), meaning that they can use the funds as they so choose.




Ms. Mailander explained that this resolution is for the purpose of rescinding and replacing a resolution regarding a New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) grant.  A contract for paving was awarded to the low bidder, American Asphalt and Trucking, LLC, of Newark, New Jersey, in the amount of $414,961.62.  This resurfacing will be performed on Prospect Street.  This project is partially funded by an NJDOT municipal aid grant in the amount of $200,000.00.  Last year, pursuant to Resolution #22-364, the Village made an award of $350,000.00 for the work to American Asphalt.  Since this was not the full amount of the bid, the Village has been advised that this award is not acceptable and must be in the full amount of the bid in order to comply with NJDOT requirements and be eligible for the grant. This proposed Resolution would award the full amount of the bid to American Asphalt, in accordance with NJDOT requirements, and will rescind Resolution #22-364.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked if the paving on Prospect Street would run from Ridgewood Avenue to Maple Avenue, or perhaps to Grove Street.  Ms. Mailander indicated that she would find out the answer to this question.




Ms. Mailander said that this item pertains to a Shared Services Agreement for the Styrofoam (expanded polystyrene packaging) densifier at the Recycling Center.  The Village has had this densifier for about a year and the department is seeking to share it with other municipalities to generate revenue through a Shared Services Agreement.  Research will be done beforehand to determine what price should be charged to an outside municipality wishing to use these services.  Neighboring municipalities have been contacted to determine interest.  Deputy Mayor Perron asked if she could email any edits to the document to Ms. Mailander, since the agreement was just distributed, and Ms. Mailander said that that would be fine.


Sean Hamlin, Recycling Supervisor, indicated that when they were first considering this proposal, they were looking at a $150.00 flat rate charge for accepting and densifying 95-gallon bags of Styrofoam.  However, they eventually determined that this did not make sense, so they have decided to charge per bag, at a competitive rate.  Other Styrofoam recycling companies charge $125.00 per truckload, but there is no specification as to how big or small the load should be, so municipalities are not happy with this arrangement, since sometimes they are paying a lot for a small load.  Some municipalities also have problems with storage and trucking of the Styrofoam, so they have discontinued their municipal Styrofoam recycling programs.  Some municipalities are seeking to “revive” their Styrofoam recycling program with the Village’s Styrofoam densifier.


Mayor Vagianos asked if there are other municipalities recycling Styrofoam.  Mr. Hamlin replied that there are, but they do not have a densifier, and many have stopped their program because the only place they can bring their Styrofoam to is a facility located in Haskell, New Jersey.  If the Ridgewood Recycling Center had not gotten the densifier and continued to truck Styrofoam to a landfill, as part of solid waste, it would have cost the Village over $10,000.00 a year in disposal fees. 


Mayor Vagianos said that it seemed to be a lot of work for municipalities without a densifier to load Styrofoam into 95-gallon bags, but Mr. Hamlin said that it is not labor intensive.  In fact, they do it at the Ridgewood Recycling Center, because they get a lot of Styrofoam for recycling and need to store it in the bags until it can be densified.  Mayor Vagianos asked if it would be easier to weigh the Styrofoam as it came in, and Mr. Hamlin said that it would not be easier because Styrofoam barely has any weight to it.  There was further discussion about whether it would be more prudent to charge per weight of the load.  Mr. Hamlin stated that they did an experiment and tried to weigh a huge load of Styrofoam, and it only weighed seven pounds.


Outside municipalities would pay the Village $5.00 per 95-gallon bag.  Mr. Hamlin indicated that 25 95-gallon bags would fit in a roll-off.  They can densify 25 such bags in half an hour.  They are trying to limit each Styrofoam drop-off to half an hour of labor.  The densified Styrofoam would then be sold to PolyMold in Princeton, New Jersey.  Mr. Hamlin indicated that since the Styrofoam recycling program began in January of 2022, they have successfully collected over 7,000 pounds of Styrofoam, and $3,008.00 has been generated in revenue.  The price fluctuates between 42 and 45 cents per pound.  Mayor Vagianos asked if there was another market for the densified Styrofoam other than PolyMold.  Mr. Hamlin said that there are other companies, but they do not pay as much.  He said that the market for this material is infinite, and there was a great need for the recycling of Styrofoam because landfill locations are becoming scarce and Styrofoam must be taken out of the landfills.  Ridgewood is the first municipality in Bergen County with a Styrofoam densifier.



            D.        POLICY


                        1.         OUTDOOR CAFES


Ms. Mailander indicated that this item pertains to outdoor cafes, primarily seasonal operation of same.  They are currently permitted from March 1st through December 31st, and they are currently not permitted from January 1st through February 28th/29th on the public sidewalk or right-of-way.  Mayor Vagianos thought that outdoor cafes should be allowed year round, since there are many warm days during January and February. He said that it was great for both residents and businesses, and also entices people to visit Ridgewood.  He pointed out that outdoor cafes were allowed throughout the year for many years, and then it was changed to not allow outdoor cafes in January and February. Ms. Mailander pointed out that, during the Covid pandemic, the outdoor cafes were allowed all year.


Councilmember Reynolds said that she agreed with having outdoor cafes year round, but stated that during extremely cold weather, some of the outdoor dining areas look cluttered and messy.  Mayor Vagianos agreed, but stated that restaurants usually bring their chairs and tables inside during inclement weather.  Councilmember Reynolds wondered if anything could be specified in the ordinance, which would require restaurants to bring their chairs and tables inside when temperatures are not conducive to outdoor dining.  She pointed out that the tables and chairs could be a safety hazard for pedestrians walking on the sidewalk in heavy winter attire.


Councilmember Winograd also would like to see some language inserted into the ordinance about the need for snow removal.  Councilmember Weitz thought that this should be addressed separately, to ensure that businesses keep their premises neat and clean, and free of clutter, so that sidewalks may be cleared of snow.  Mr. Rogers said that Councilmember Weitz was probably talking about a general regulation with regard to the maintenance and care of premises by a store or property owner, particularly during a snow event when sidewalks need to be cleared or during an event when the “free flow” of traffic is required. 


Mayor Vagianos said that such a clause could be written into the “Café Ordinance,” since tickets are issued to the business owner and not necessarily the landlord of the property.  Mr. Rogers indicated that a commercial property owner is responsible for the upkeep of the sidewalks in front of their premises.  He said that the issue arises when that responsibility is assigned to a tenant in their lease.  Mayor Vagianos said that he would like to see this regulation written into the Cafe Ordinance and would like the outdoor cafes to be permitted for 12 months.  He said that the enforcement officer could take care of ensuring that restaurants are keeping their premises neat and clean during the winter months.  Mr. Rogers indicated that he would draft the necessary ordinance amendments.





Ms. Mailander indicated that this item is in regard to an ordinance amending Chapter 3, Article II, of the Code of the Village of Ridgewood, entitled “Village Council,” pertaining to Section 5 (“Annual Organization”) and Section 6 (“Mayor; Deputy Mayor; President Pro Tempore”), and to change the date from July 1st to January 1st.  This is relative to the change in the date of election of Village Councilmembers to the November General Election.


Deputy Mayor Perron said that she was fine with this ordinance amendment, and that she just sent the Planning Board and Zoning Board Ordinances, which need similar amendments, to Ms. Mailander today.  Mr. Rogers also indicated that this amendment would make the ordinance “gender neutral” rather than being more masculine-oriented.




Ms. Mailander indicated that this item pertains to Graydon Pool, tennis and pickleball membership fees for 2023.  The Parks, Recreation and Conservation (PRC) Board suggested that fees be adjusted to accommodate the increase in cost of living expenses. They are also proposing the addition of a babysitter category for Graydon Pool membership, as the need for this has increased over the years. This would allow a family to purchase a babysitter pass for their household to be used for any babysitter, au pair, or nanny (over the age of 18) that may be caring for their child.  The babysitter badge would have the restriction that the user may not enter the facility without the child and those with a babysitter badge would not be able to bring any guests. In addition, they are recommending that the non-resident pickleball memberships be reinstated and that a maximum number of non-resident badges to be sold be set at 50.


A question had previously been raised about the fees for non-resident senior badges for tennis and pickleball, where “N/A” was indicated on the fee schedule.  Ms. Mailander indicated that these fees would be the same as for a non-resident adult membership ($60.00).  The fee schedule will be amended to reflect same. 


There was some discussion about the daily guest badges for Graydon Pool for adult/child/senior residents.  Any resident without a seasonal membership could purchase a daily guest badge for $15.00 per day, and could bring another resident guest for $15.00 per day.  Otherwise, a non-resident adult/child/senior (sponsored by an adult member/resident) would pay $20.00 for a daily guest badge.  Deputy Mayor Perron asked for whom the resident member guest coupon books (11 visits at $150.00) could be used, and she was advised that the coupon book could only be purchased by an adult resident member, for use by their guests. Everyone was in agreement with the fees for Graydon Pool.


Regarding the purchase of badges for tennis and pickleball memberships, Ms. Mailander asked the Councilmembers if they agreed with allowing non-residents to purchase such badges. Deputy Mayor Perron asked how the PRC Board arrived at the maximum number of 50.  Ms. Mailander said that she did not know, but it was probably to just limit the number of badges sold.  Deputy Mayor Perron said that she would prefer the number to be 30 or 40.  Councilmember Reynolds said that she vaguely recalled that the number used to be 70 or 80 non-residents.  Deputy Mayor Perron recalled that there was a “big difference” when non-residents were not allowed to purchase badges.  She felt that there were probably many non-residents who would purchase badges, so that was why she preferred to start with a lower number.  Everyone agreed that the maximum number of badges sold to non-residents would be capped at 30.  This ordinance will be introduced next week.




Ms. Mailander announced that there would be several Proclamations on the February 8, 2023 Public Meeting agenda.  She asked the Village Councilmembers to let her know if they wanted to take anything off of the consent agenda.




Rurik Halaby, 1 Franklin Avenue, said that he was very pleased to hear that the parking rules will be revamped.  He feels that the simpler they are, the better.  He said that people would need a PhD to understand the parking rules and fees in the CBD.  He said that he and his wife hosted a small get-together last night and got numerous phone calls from people asking where they should park and how much it would cost to park.  Mr. Halaby said that the Village is burdened with the parking garage, which he felt was not economical, given the debt service incurred in its construction.  He encouraged the Village Councilmembers to “look at the big picture” and come up with some other solutions to pay for the parking garage deficit.  He said that parking was free in Glen Rock and Ho-Ho-Kus, and parking costs 25 cents an hour in Westwood.


Mr. Halaby complimented the Village Council on the progress made this year regarding the Schedler property.  He said that the Councilmembers have made more progress in the last month than was seen in the last six years.  Everyone’s opinions were welcomed, and some good ideas were generated as a result.  Mr. Halaby’s main “pet peeve” about the Schedler property is the berm, which occupies about an acre of the property.  He said that the trees on top of the berm will never serve as an adequate sound or safety barrier, because they were planted too far apart from each other.  He suggested that the Village retain someone who knows about trees and who can turn the berm into a “wildscape.”  Mr. Halaby suggested planting an acre of trees, as densely as possible, all over the berm. Regarding the proposed community garden at the Schedler property, Mr. Halaby felt that in a suburban town like Ridgewood, where most people live in private homes with gardens, there would not be much of a demand for a community garden.  He felt that the community garden should be turned into an arboretum of native trees, perhaps with the assistance of the Conservancy for Ridgewood Public Lands.


Jacqueline Hone, 30 Carriage Lane, said that she was involved with the planning of the Schedler property even before it was purchased.  She said that the property is extremely unique, with no sidewalks, and only “one way in and one way out” of the east side of Ridgewood.  This area is filled with cul-de-sacs and dead-end streets, with West Saddle River Road and Route 17 being the only main arteries.  Ms. Hone stated that there is no way to access the property from the west side of Ridgewood by foot.  Children would have to be driven to the property, which increases the need for adequate parking areas.  She said that the traffic study done many years ago is antiquated, because the east side has changed dramatically and traffic on Route 17 has increased tremendously.  She feels that an updated traffic study would be warranted.  In addition, since a larger field has been proposed, she has heard nothing regarding parking areas for buses and sports vans bringing children to the field to play a game.


Ms. Hone stated that the Schedler property cannot be compared to the Habernickel property, since the streets in that area are wider and there are many more through streets.  She said that she is offended by comments that “nothing has been done” to the Schedler property, since she feels that a lot has been done to date, with due diligence.  She feels that the plan developed in 2017 was a reflection of years and years of planning and input.  She said that she also has not heard anyone speak about the pandemic, which slowed the progress of this project.  There were also many State, County and Municipal meetings, which had to take place, on more than one occasion that impeded the project’s progress.  She stated that the 2017 plan was approved by residents, sports teams, and the community at large, and the property was designated as historic in 2019.


Ms. Hone cautioned the Village Council against opening “Pandora’s Box” with regard to this project going before the Historic Sites Council for a variance.  She said that multitudes of people will once again appear at the State and County levels, where “things were shot down” and not allowed to go through.  This also “opens up” the Village to more bonds, which could also bring opposition from challenging residents.  She stated that she cannot understand why the 2017 plan is not being implemented and why so much risk is being taken, which could result in many years of delay.  She said that if the 2017 plan is followed, the project could be completed by the summer.  She said that the parcel is definitely historic, a Revolutionary War site, and that many relics were found on the property.  She felt that the 2017 plan would have been very different if the property had been designated as historic in 2017.


Michele Italia, 3 Betty Court, asked the Village Councilmembers if they were aware of where all the pickleball courts in Ridgewood were located.  She said that the only one she knows of is at Hawes School, which is actually a tennis court, which was turned into a pickleball court, because people did not want pickleball courts anywhere else.  She said that there are limited hours of play, and many seniors who play pickleball are very upset that the courts close at 5:00 P.M.  She said that there is a great demand among seniors in Ridgewood to play pickleball.  Ms. Italia said that many people don’t like pickleball because it creates a lot of noise and it bothers them.  She said that the Parks and Recreation Department changed the hours so that seniors would have to play during the hottest times of the day.


With regard to property values, Ms. Italia said that she is a realtor and people tend to buy in areas that are quiet and tranquil, instead of noisy, with opportunities to “walk around.”  She said that almost every street on the east side is a cul-de-sac that empties onto West Saddle River Road.  She said that she has not heard anyone speak about the congestion created on West Saddle River Road when there are major problems on Route 17, such as an accident, in that area.  She herself has had trouble accessing West Saddle River Road when there is a major incident on Route 17, because it is so crowded.  This creates an atmosphere where “citizens are stuck” and have to wait before going out to do their activities.  She encouraged the Village Councilmembers to take a walk in the area of the Schedler property, where they want to remove a multitude of trees.  She said that the Village Council wants to cut down all of the trees so that the residents who live on the east side can simply look at the cars whizzing by on Route 17.  She said that the residents on the east side deserve the same quality of life as do the residents on the west side.


Mayor Vagianos pointed out that the pickleball courts are at Glen School, and Ms. Italia said that she meant to say Glen School.


Kathryn Schmidt, 123 South Irving Street, said that she felt that this evening’s meeting was very useful.  She reiterated her earlier comments that she stands in support of the residents in the Schedler neighborhood.  She said that she reviewed the Master Plan and wanted to give some excerpts from it: “Consider broadening historic protections beyond downtown to preserve character and instituting design review; historic preservation tools could be put in place to protect houses and neighborhoods susceptible to teardown, in addition to historic landscapes.”  In addition, she quoted, “The Route 17 corridor in the vicinity of Valleau Cemetery, the Schedler property and the Old Paramus Reformed Church is an important part of the Village’s history.  The views associated with these sensitive properties should be protected from out of scale visual intrusion.  Developments that would be out of scale with the existing built environment along the developed portions of Route 17 corridor should be restricted.”


She went on to quote: “Consider requiring onsite tree planting to offset the development of parking spaces or increases in impervious coverage. The benefits of historic preservation:  historic preservation is the identification, evaluation, protection and enhancement of buildings, places and objects of historical and cultural significance so they continue to play integral and vibrant roles in communities.  The preservation of historic resources results in economic, social and aesthetic benefits, ensuring that those resources remain intact for the enjoyment of future generations.  Preserve and maintain undeveloped open space to protect woodland open spaces for recreation, environmental education, flood storage and carbon sequestration to ensure the resiliency and sustainability of the Village.”


Ms. Schmidt said that she could not find much in the Master Plan that said, “add more lights, add more artificial surfaces” or “cut down trees.” She said that she hoped the Village Councilmembers would consider some of the “directional issues” of the Master Plan as they decide what to do next with the Schedler property.  She stated that she likes Councilmember Reynolds’ suggestion that any new plans, such as the larger field, be overlaid with the original conceptual plans developed in 2017, to create more visibility and to determine what the tradeoffs would be with any proposed changes.


There were no further public comments.


Councilmember Winograd said that the question of parking for buses came up at a meeting with Parks and Recreation.  She said that this field is not owned by the Board of Education, and none of the youth sports programs partner with any towns that bus.  In effect, there will be no buses coming to the Schedler property for any youth programs based in Ridgewood.  Regarding the comment made that “nothing has been done” on the Schedler property, Councilmember Winograd stated that the delays have been caused due to the fact that the Village was unable to gain approval from SHPO. None of the plans have yet been approved by SHPO.  She still questioned who decided to designate the land as historic.  She said that the plans developed in 2017 would have been very different had the people working on the plans known that the property would eventually be designated as a historic landmark.




Ms. Mailander read Resolution #23-62 to go into Closed Session:
















9.         ADJOURNMENT


There being no further business to come before the Village Council, on a motion by Deputy Mayor Perron, seconded by Councilmember Reynolds, and carried unanimously by voice vote, the Village Council’s Work Session was adjourned at 11:51 P.M.







                                                                                                Paul Vagianos










Heather Mailander

          Village Manager/Village Clerk

  • Hits: 350





Mayor Vagianos called the meeting to order at 7:34 P.M. and read the Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. At roll call, the following were present: Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos. Also present were Heather Mailander, Village Manager/Village Clerk, and Matthew Rogers, Village Attorney.


Mayor Vagianos led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He said that Ridgewood lost another resident this week, Susan Busche, the mother of Police Officer Doug Busche. Mayor Vagianos asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of Ms. Busche.




Jim Bostler, 821 Newcomb Road, said that he was speaking this evening against the proposed plan to construct a 90-foot baseball field at Pleasant Park. Mr. Bostler said that, at the February 1, 2023 Village Council meeting, a Councilmember asked to see an overlay showing how well a 90-foot baseball field would fit at Pleasant Park. He said that even though it may seem like such a field would fit, one needed to look at the area surrounding the proposed field, because that was the area that would be affected the most. Mr. Bostler said that Pleasant Park offers both passive and active recreation and was basically a “forest,” with many different species of trees soaring between 70 and 100 feet high, with some over 100 years old. In addition, he said that a 90-foot baseball field would interfere with Hawes School, where approximately 400 children go to school each day. Mr. Bostler indicated that a 90-foot baseball field would bring teenaged drivers to a neighborhood with multitudes of children, who would be endangered with this increase in young drivers.


Mr. Bostler said that Pleasant Park is already doing its “yeoman’s share of the work.” It supports two to three junior baseball leagues and contains a multiuse field for boys’ and girls’ soccer and lacrosse. Adult soccer leagues play on the field on Sundays, and older men play baseball pickup games on the weekends. He said that the park is fulfilling the needs of the Ridgewood community. He said that there are three things he is concerned about: economics, the environment and community.  Economically, he has seen plans to build a field that would cost upwards of $1.5 million.


Dr. Philip Dolce, 624 Kingsbridge Lane, said that he is a professional historian. He said that Ridgewood has finally “reunited the Village” across Route 17 by creating an historic district in that area. He said that the Schedler property will play a leading role in this historic district. The proposal to construct a large field on this property has been defeated multiple times in the past for “excellent reasons,” which he stated the Village Council has not acknowledged. Dr. Dolce recalled plans that were defeated in 1992, developed by the Engineering Division, which called for the elimination of the Schedler house, construction of a parking lot near Route 17, and construction of multiple athletic fields. Other plans developed by the Engineering Division in 2012, which also called for a large multipurpose field on the Schedler property, were also defeated.  He said that he and others have been fighting for 30 years to keep the Schedler property historic. 


Dr. Dolce said that the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has stated that, “Historic properties and the environment in which they exist are irreplaceable assets that contribute to the quality of life that residents enjoy and expect.” Dr. Dolce said that this is what the neighbors near the Schedler property expect. However, he said that elections and other matters are “powered” by large amounts of money raised by athletic groups, and that is the reason why the plans for the Schedler property are still being discussed. Dr. Dolce said that the Village Council has to “stand behind” history, the facts, and the truth. He said that if a larger field is constructed on the Schedler property, then anyone in New Jersey will be able to use the field, since its construction was financed by the State.


Matthew Rossi, 516 West Saddle River Road and 28 Chestnut Street, said he was speaking this evening about the revised plans for the Schedler property. He said that everyone in Ridgewood understands the flooding that takes place in the Village. He has young children who are about to enter athletics, which he feels is very important. However, he feels that the negative effects of constructing a larger field on the Schedler property seem to far outweigh the benefits. Mr. Rossi indicated that prior plans for the development of this property are now being totally disregarded for the sake of expediency. 


Mr. Rossi urged the Village Council to have experts review certain topics concerning the Schedler property, the first of which is noise. He said that similar fields in adjacent towns near Route 17 have been problematic, due to noise emanating from Route 17. He asked whether anyone on the Village Council could tell him what the decibel reading would be near the proposed field area. He said that no noise studies have been done to determine the effects of noise pollution on athletics. Regarding parking, Mr. Rossi stated that West Saddle River Road is a narrow street. A larger field will result in increased traffic. He asked whether anyone could tell him how many cars a high school game would draw to the area and how that traffic would affect the neighborhood. He again pointed out that no traffic study has been performed to determine how the increased traffic would affect safety in the neighborhood.


Mr. Rossi suggested that other areas in Ridgewood should be considered for athletic fields, rather than the Schedler property, considering the myriad of factors that would affect the neighborhood, such as noise and traffic. He stated that he has not seen the Village Council consider alternative areas where a similar field could be constructed. Mr. Rossi said that he was not an expert on flood mitigation, Village planning, wildlife, traffic, or historic preservation. He stated that dismissing the earlier plans that were developed and considering revised plans without third-party professional studies is not fair to the neighbors of the Schedler property. He asked the Village Council to reconsider revising the plans, which will take even longer to implement because of “inherent complexities.” As a resident of the surrounding community, Mr. Rossi stated that he and his neighbors are resilient and unified on following through on the previously agreed-upon plans and that they will oppose any revised plans.


Patty Infantino, 6 Betty Court, said that she wanted to relate some opinions from experts regarding artificial turf. Dr. Sara Evans, Assistant Professor at the Children’s Environmental Health Center, Department of Environmental Health and Public Health, at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, wrote a report that said, in part, “We strongly discourage the installation of artificial turf fields due to the uncertainties surrounding the safety of these products. As pediatricians, epidemiologists, and laboratory scientists, people come to us to ask, as concerned parents and physicians, regarding the widescale use of artificial turf surfaces on school grounds and in park properties. [A] review of the risks and benefits of artificial playing surfaces … found significant gaps in evidence supporting the safety of artificial turf products.”


Regarding the results of this study, Ms. Infantino quoted: “Children and young adults are uniquely vulnerable to harmful exposures from artificial turf surfaces. This is due to a number of factors, including the unique physiology of behaviors, rapidly developing organ systems, and immature detoxification mechanisms. Vulnerability persists through the teen years as the reproductive and nervous systems continue to develop beyond the first two decades of life.  Children and young athletes breathe faster than adults at rest, putting them at greater risk for inhalation of chemicals that are in turf fields.” 


Ms. Infantino went on to talk about injuries incurred on turf fields, as well as the long-term effects of chronic diseases for children who play on turf fields. She said that existing studies do not comprehensively evaluate the concerns about health risks from exposure to artificial turf.  Extremely few studies have examined the composition and safety of alternative infields, including those purported to be “natural.” 


Ms. Infantino indicated that a United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) report supported the safety of alternative infields such as EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) or TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) and plant-based infields. She said that the scant information available regarding the composition and safety of these newer-generation infields makes it impossible to assess safety. In addition, the grass blades and other components utilized in synthetic turf fields have not been thoroughly studied for composition and safety. She said that until the findings can conclusively demonstrate the safety of artificial turf, a moratorium is recommended by the USEPA on the use of these materials where children play.


Dr. Salvatore Infantino, 6 Betty Court, stated that constructing a large field on property located next to an extremely busy highway would be very deleterious to the health of children. He stated that the particulate pollution from highway traffic contains heavy particles that are sprayed over a radius of 100 to 150 meters from the highway. He said that rubber from tires ends up in the lungs of children, and pieces of metal when brakes are applied by trucks end up being spewed into the air, to be inhaled by children. He stated that the physiology of children puts them at greater risk than adults. Dr. Infantino said that he has never heard an independent medical expert speak before the Village Council concerning the dangers to children who would be playing on the athletic field proposed at the Schedler property.


Kristina Milian, 530 West Saddle River Road, stated that the Schedler community supports the approved plan for the 75 yard by 50 yard multipurpose field, and they would like to see the project completed this year. She is concerned about revisions to the plans, specifically how the revisions concerning a larger field would affect traffic in the area. A larger field would allow for high school and adult league games, bringing buses to the area from other towns and games played after dark. All of this would cause traffic and parking problems along West Saddle River Road. In 2015, a very limited traffic assessment study was done on West Saddle River Road by the Ridgewood Police Department, instead of being performed by an expert third party. This report was included in the site development study dated October 7, 2015 and covered a narrow timeframe from 1:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. on Sundays. She stated that peak traffic hours are actually from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. in that area. Ms. Milian stated that the traffic study done by the Ridgewood Police Department does not reflect the impact of expanded field options during rush hour times or later.


Ms. Milian stated that the aforementioned traffic study was performed during the months of July and August, during a time when many residents were on vacation. She said that, in order to properly assess the impact of a field expansion, a comprehensive analysis should be performed by an external expert, which covers peak traffic hours and considers various transportation modes that would impact the neighborhood, such as buses, shuttles, cars, and ride-sharing services. In 2021, the Borough of Paramus hired Stonefield Engineering & Design to conduct a traffic impact study before construction of a proposed gas station by BJ’s Wholesale Club. This study was done during multiple days in February, including during rush hour times, using modern software for data collection. Ms. Milian stated that West Saddle River Road is a crucial route for residents on the east side of Ridgewood, without any alternative options. When accidents occur on Route 17, cars and trucks are rerouted onto West Saddle River Road, causing significant delays to neighbors who are simply trying to exit their driveways and drive their children to school or run errands.

Ms. Milian said that it was time to prioritize the safety of the children who live near the Schedler property. She said that drivers exit Route 17 at 55 miles per hour onto West Saddle River Road, which has a 25 mile per hour speed limit. The increased speed poses an increased safety risk, since there will be increased traffic. In fact, in the 2015 traffic study, the Ridgewood Police stated that “everyone speeds.” There are no sidewalks along the Schedler property, and no speed bumps or crosswalks on West Saddle River Road. Ms. Milian urged the Village Council to “bring the park to life” as soon as possible with a 75 yard by 50 yard field. She also asked the Village Councilmembers to “stay true to their word” regarding their election promises for the Schedler property.


Frettra DeSilva, 521 West Saddle River Road, said that she was speaking this evening about two issues regarding the Schedler property: due process and transparency. She said that some effort was made before the original plans were developed to conduct certain studies. She is not clear whether the same process is being followed with the Schedler property as has been followed when other properties in Ridgewood have been developed, such as engaging third-party experts to analyze the issues surrounding the project. She said that while the community is satisfied with the original plans, any reopening of those plans should require an analysis by third parties, such as an updated traffic study. 

Regarding transparency, Ms. DeSilva suggested that an extra tab be put on the Village website which contains all of the information to date concerning the Schedler property, so that residents are aware of the progress being made and can observe the various plans being considered. She said that residents are in favor of the 75 yard by 50 yard field, but are not being told whether or not there will be safety netting or adequate parking. She said that such postings would be helpful to the ”average citizen.” Ms. DeSilva also urged more transparency regarding the budget hearings, especially so that residents can understand how much the improvements to the Schedler property will cost and how those costs will be paid.


Brian Greaney, 293 South Pleasant Avenue, said that he moved to Ridgewood in 1992 during his sophomore year of high school. He said that he and his wife bought their first home in Ridgewood in 2006. He has two sons: an eighth grader at Benjamin Franklin Middle School and a sophomore at Ridgewood High School.  His boys love sports, particularly baseball, and this led to Mr. Greaney volunteering as a coach and becoming a Trustee with the Ridgewood Baseball and Softball Association (RBSA) in 2014. He has also been a Travel Baseball Commissioner and currently heads up the Recreational Baseball Program. The most pressing concerns he hears from players and parents are the lack of fields and the condition of the fields in Ridgewood.


Mr. Greaney stated that baseball differs from sports such as soccer and lacrosse, where cones and goals can just be set up anywhere on a field and the teams can play. The majority of the baseball fields in the Village are shared and overused. He said that having another field can alleviate the stress felt by many athletes and families. He urged the construction of a baseball/softball field at Schedler Park. Mr. Greaney stated that it was not the intention of anyone to harm the residents who live in the Schedler neighborhood.  He said that agreements and concessions can be made so that everyone can “meet in the middle.”


Jeanne Theisen, 354 Fairfield Avenue, stated that the Village Council should ensure that they are using logic when discussing the development of the Schedler property. She said that a lot of studies do not have to be performed, at great expense, since everyone knows how narrow West Saddle River Road is and how fast cars exit onto that road from Route 17. She said that the plans for the Schedler property should take these things into consideration. Ms. Theisen said that ample parking must be allocated on the property, because there is not enough room for parking on the street and people should not be walking on the street from their cars, since there is no sidewalk on one side of West Saddle River Road. She said that an expert does not have to be retained in order to understand these safety concerns.


Ms. Theisen said that it was her understanding that some plans were submitted to SHPO by Ridgewood, which were rejected. She agreed with the previous speaker that a comprehensive history of the Schedler project should be posted on the Village website, so that residents know what is going on. She thinks that it is reasonable for the RBSA to want additional baseball fields constructed. Ms. Theisen feels that the Village Council should be careful and transparent in the way they communicate the progress of the Schedler project to the public.


Denise Lima, 319 East Glen Avenue, stated that she was speaking this evening about Resolution #18-236, which was approved in 2017 regarding the Schedler property. She is concerned about what residents “are not hearing.” She does not feel that more money needs to be spent on studies, but she is concerned about the older children who would be playing on a larger field and how often games would be scheduled. She is also concerned about the younger children who would play on the smaller proposed field. Ms. Lima also asked how much more money would be spent on the Schedler house. 


Ms. Lima said that no one has heard from Bergen County regarding the traffic and safety situation, or from the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board regarding what they think about the development of the property. She said that the Schedler property was discussed by the Village Council on 15 separate occasions during 2022, yet at no time did Deputy Mayor Perron, Councilmember Reynolds or Mayor Vagianos talk about the size of the field.  Ms. Lima said that campaign promises to save money and to get the Schedler property finished quickly, have gone to the wayside. She hears no one talking about empathy for the neighbors or how the park will benefit them.


Laurie Weber, 235 South Irving Street, said that she wanted to speak this evening about how Village Manager Heather Mailander was pressured by Village Council leadership to resign from that position. She stated that the Village has an unenforceable ordinance “on its books,” the product of a court order sought by members of the “One Village, One Vote” (OVOV) group.  Ordinance #3048 establishes that both school and municipal elections take place in November. 


Ms. Weber stated that as these OVOV members continue to revel in their victory, an important piece continues to be overlooked by them, by the courts, and by the Village Council, which she said has led to political retribution against Ms. Mailander. Ms. Weber stated that no matter when school elections take place, the Village Council is not empowered to set the date of school elections by ordinance. Doing so conflicts with Title 19 statutes regarding the Board of Education and the public’s rights and powers regarding the timing of school elections.  Ordinance #3048 strips the Ridgewood Board of Education’s statutory authority over its own elections, transferring that power solely to the Village Council, which now includes an OVOV member and three of her supporters. Ms. Weber indicated that Ms. Mailander was not made aware of this.


Ms. Weber stated that Ordinance #3048 conflicts with a previous court order that specified that certain seats on the Board of Education must be up for election on specific months and years through 2022. As a result of this conflict, residents no longer have the lawfully required annual Board of Education elections. None of the OVOV “Champions of Elections” has taken issue with that, yet they continue to blame Ms. Mailander.


When Ms. Weber began talking about Councilmember Winograd, she was interrupted by Mayor Vagianos and cautioned not to mention any individual Councilmembers by name.


Ms. Weber continued by saying that a certain Councilmember’s assertions that Ms. Mailander tried to sabotage her election petition have led to her Council colleagues sabotaging Ms. Mailander’s livelihood. She said that the Village has failed Ms. Mailander by not properly notifying her or defending her, leading to a vindictive act of political retribution being “sold” to the public as an administrative decision. Ms. Weber stated that Ms. Mailander has been victimized by all sides of this “ugly mess.” She said that Ms. Mailander has tirelessly served the Village as an excellent and dedicated Village Manager. Ms. Weber said that Ms. Mailander is being punished for the misdeeds of others. She expressed hope that Ms. Mailander would stand up to this intimidation and reclaim her position.


Suzanne Ruane, 705 Kingsbridge Lane, stated that it has not been proven that the proposed larger field on the Schedler property will meet the needs of Village residents. The residents of this neighborhood would like to see a detailed assessment of field needs for the town teams. The 60-foot field is used by children up to fifth grade; the 90-foot field would be used by children in middle school and higher grades. Ms. Ruane said that children play more sports when they are younger, rather than when they are older. She spoke about when her daughter played soccer with the Maroons. She said that many older children drop out of sports when they enter middle school.

According to the Maroons website, there are more dedicated large fields in Ridgewood than small ones, although there are more younger children playing sports than older children. Ms. Ruane stated that the only fields designated for smaller children are at Citizens Park, Travell School and Orchard School. The larger fields for older children include those at the Glen School, Hawes School, Ridgewood High School, Somerville School and Brookside Field.  There are also five “combo” fields located at Veterans Field, Maple Field, Benjamin Franklin Middle School, Habernickel Park and Stevens Field.  Accordingly, Ms. Ruane indicated that there is an increased need in the Village for additional small fields. She said that the smaller field proposed to be constructed on the Schedler property in 2018 would be a better response to the demand for fields.  She mentioned that the Village Engineer worked closely with SHPO for over a year and was prepared at the end of 2022 to submit his plans for SHPO approval.


Regarding the Kingsbridge Lane Bridge, Ms. Ruane stated that a minor was involved in an accident while riding his bicycle on East Saddle River Road in Ho-Ho-Kus because the footbridge was closed.


Ellie Gruber, 229 South Irving Street, said that parents of younger children in Ridgewood were promised that a medium-sized soccer field on the Schedler property would be completed either by the end of summer or fall of 2023. However, due to the revisions requested by the Village Council, there will be further delays. Ms. Gruber stated that she feels an updated traffic study is warranted, which should be performed by an impartial third party and not by a Village employee. The study should not be done in the summer months (July and August) when school is out. She said that a larger field will draw bigger crowds and more cars, and will crowd the streets. The revisions also possibly include the installation of lights, less parking and no playground. Ms. Gruber stated that the Village Council should abide by the original plans that were previously approved and should stop listening to special interest groups.


Beth Gould Krueller, 719 Belmont Road, said that she was speaking this evening on behalf of the Green Ridgewood Committee. In response to the newly adopted Master Plan, they have formed new subcommittees to address key Master Plan recommendations, which Green Ridgewood members feel they can support via education and action. Additional committee members can assist in executing initiatives strategically aligned with the revised Master Plan in three areas:  Green Building and Sustainability, including electrification measures; Holistic Resource Management, including recycling initiatives; and Stormwater Management Strategies. 


Ms. Krueller requested that the committee size be increased from six to eight members, which will enable the group to function at a higher level and provide guidance to current and future Planning Boards and Village Councils, so that they may arrive at appropriate solutions to address challenges facing the Village.


When Mayor Vagianos stated that he was closing public comments, Councilmember Reynolds asked if more residents could speak, despite time running out, which has been done in the past when there were “hot topics” being discussed. Mayor Vagianos apologetically stated that he was going to close public comment at this time. He thanked everyone for coming to speak this evening, and stated that their comments, criticism and support were always welcomed.  He said that no one was wrong and that every opinion was correct, but that unfortunately the Village has very few resources to satisfy everyone. He stressed the importance of everyone working together to arrive at a satisfactory solution regarding the development of the Schedler property.


There were no further comments from the public.


Councilmember Winograd stated that she recused herself from any decisions involving Ms. Mailander and, therefore, there was no retaliation on her part against Ms. Mailander.


Councilmember Winograd stated that after she was elected to the Village Council, she discovered that the 2017 plan for the Schedler property, submitted to and approved by the Village Council, was never submitted to SHPO. Two subsequent plans with material changes were submitted to SHPO, and she has requested that all of these plans be posted on the Village website. Some of these material changes involved moving the entrance into the park from Terhune Road closer to Route 17 at Kingsbridge Lane and the construction of a structure for lightning. She emphasized that these proposed changes were made before she was elected to the Village Council.


Councilmember Winograd said that the 2017 plan, as well as all subsequent plans for the Schedler property, have been listed on the Village website. To date, there has been no approval of any plans by SHPO. She encouraged any residents with questions to contact her directly, since she also has questions as to when the plans were changed.  Regarding expenses for the Schedler property, the only amount needed for completing this project is the sum of $500,000.00, since the bulk of the project has already been bonded (nine bonds totaling $7 million). The sum of $5 million has already been paid, and there remains a balance of $1.9 million on the bonds. She has requested Mr. Rooney, CFO, to put this information on the website, which he will do after some things are straightened out. 


Regarding her campaign promise to complete the Schedler project as quickly as possible (supporting the plans developed in 2017); Councilmember Winograd said that she discovered information once she took office that she felt the public needed to know. She feels that it would be completely irresponsible of the Village Council to forward plans to SHPO for approval with a different entrance to the park, different parking, and other changes. Councilmember Winograd said that the neighbors on the east side of Ridgewood deserve a beautiful park rather than an eyesore. She feels that public input is crucial.


Mayor Vagianos reminded those residents who didn’t get a chance to speak during public comment earlier this evening that there is a public comment portion (with no overall time limit) later in the meeting as well.




Ms. Mailander stated that “Council Chat” is held on the first Saturday of every month. The next “Council Chat” is scheduled on March 4, 2023 from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. in the Village Hall Courtroom. Interested individuals must call to make a reservation at 201-670-5500, extension 2207. Walk-ins are welcome, but priority will be given to those who have made reservations. 


There is a bus trip to the Philadelphia Flower Show scheduled on Tuesday, March 7, 2023. Bus transportation is available from the Graydon Pool parking lot. The fee for bus transportation and admission to the show is $80.00 per person, and interested individuals may register online through Community Pass or in person at the Lester Stable. Checks should be made payable to “Ridgewood Parks and Recreation.” Questions may be answered by calling 201-670-5560.


A Summer Job Fair will be held on March 8, 2023 from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. in the Annie Zusy Youth Center, in the Community Center on the ground floor of Village Hall. The fair will be focused on young adults, ages 16 and older, for summer employment. A wide variety of employment opportunities will be presented. Young adults will be able to speak with supervisors to have their questions answered and learn what the specific requirements are for each employment opportunity.


A household hazardous waste collection event will be held on Saturday, March 11, 2023 by the Bergen County Utilities Authority at the foot of Empire Boulevard in Moonachie. They accept aerosol cans, antifreeze, batteries, blacktop sealers, all types of paint and varnish, and photography chemicals. The event will be held rain or shine. No commercial vehicles are permitted.


Various programs are being sponsored by the Ridgewood Health Department, West Bergen Mental Healthcare, and the Ridgewood Parks and Recreation Department. “How to Spot School-Based Anxiety: Tools, Tips and Techniques” is an in-person workshop scheduled for March 8, 2023 from 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. in the Senior Lounge at Village Hall. This workshop will include a discussion on signs, symptoms and causes, as well as tangible coping strategies and resources for parents to help support their children. Registration is required through Community Pass. Refreshments will be provided.


On March 30, 2023, from 10:30 A.M. to 12:00 noon, there will be an in-person workshop sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association. More details will follow.


Staff from the Ridgewood Health Department have been visiting local childcare facilities to present activities to wash hands and not spread germs.


The Project Pride Committee, which plants flowers in the Central Business District (CBD) and in other areas of the Village, may possibly be rehabilitating the “kissing balls” for display during the Christmas season. The Green Team is working on sustainability measures and applying to the Sustainable Jersey program to maintain Ridgewood’s Sustainable Jersey certification. The Pride Day Committee, which plans events for the June celebration of the LGBTQ community, is seeking members. Interested residents should fill out the Citizen Volunteer Leadership Form, which can be found on the Village website by clicking on the tile labeled “Employment and Volunteer Opportunities,” and forward it, along with a cover letter and resume and an indication on which committee they would like to serve and why, to Joyce Magro in the Village Clerk’s Office at jmagro@ridgewoodnj.net, with the subject line “Volunteer for Board Committee.”


All contact information for residents who signed up for “Swift Reach” has been transferred to a new emergency notification system called “Everbridge. If any resident wishes to modify their contact information associated with their account, they should create a log-in by going to either ridgewoodnj.net or water.ridgewoodnj.net and click the red banner labeled “Village of Ridgewood and Ridgewood Water Emergency Alert Program.” If no changes are needed, then no action needs to be taken.


Upcoming Village Council meetings are broadcast live from the Village Hall Courtroom, on the Village website, on FIOS Channel 34 and YouTube.  Meetings can now be attended either in person or via Zoom or phone. The next Public Meeting is scheduled for March 8, 2023 at 8:00 P.M. The next Village Council Work Sessions will be held on March 1, March 22, and April 3, 2023 at 7:30 P.M. The April 3, 2023 meeting will be held on a Monday, due to Passover falling on Wednesday, April 5. Budget Meetings will be held on February 23, February 24 and March 6, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. in the Village Hall courtroom.  All meetings will have hybrid access.




Councilmember Weitz said that he wanted to congratulate the Ridgewood Symphony Orchestra on their fabulous performance the other evening, which he attended with his family.


Councilmember Reynolds indicated that the Citizens Safety Advisory Committee (CSAC) met on February 16, 2023. The repaving and markings for the Franklin Avenue corridor have been completed. Bergen County representatives are still reviewing the Village’s “Corridor Concept Plan.” The project regarding pedestrian signals and conduit work have been completed at the Oak Street and Franklin Avenue intersection. Safe Routes to School construction should begin this year. The plans for most of the sidewalks to be constructed on Glen Avenue have been completed, but Councilmember Reynolds said that she was not sure whether or not the concept for the sidewalks from Maple Avenue up to the train overpass have been completed. An in-street pedestrian crossing sign has been installed at the intersection of Franklin Turnpike and Nagel Street. Officer Tarino reported that there are plans to purchase up to ten additional “Stop for Pedestrian in the Crosswalk” signs. Some of these signs will replace damaged signs, and some will be placed at new locations.


Councilmember Reynolds stated that the Village is evaluating additional street lighting and in-street pedestrian crossing signs at the intersection of East Glen Avenue and Bogert Avenue. At the CSAC meeting, there was a resident who reported a sight distance and visibility issue at Garber Square involving the “Keep Right” sign and the bollards at the median in the island. The resident said that driver visibility was impaired, due to the height of the sign. The resident suggested the use of a separate turn phase signal and pedestrian interval to reduce potential pedestrian and vehicular conflicts. This will be reviewed by the Engineering Department to determine the need for any measures to enhance safety in that location.


Councilmember Reynolds stated that the Engineering Department reported plans to resurface Chestnut, Oak and Walnut Streets, between East Ridgewood Avenue and Franklin Avenue, during the summer of 2023. CSAC members also reviewed with Officer Tarino the need to investigate certain intersections that allow right turns at red traffic light signals, since these locations are particularly challenging for pedestrians. The next CSAC meeting is scheduled for March 16, 2023 at 7:30 P.M. in the Garden Room. All are welcome to attend. 


Councilmember Reynolds apologized to anyone who showed up at the meeting this evening who were not afforded the opportunity to speak during the earlier public comments portion of the meeting. She stated that she did not feel that anyone wishing to make public comments should be turned away.


Councilmember Winograd said that she met with the Shade Tree Commission on February 14, 2023. They are in the process of establishing by-laws, and George Wolfson was selected as Chairman of the By-Law Subcommittee. She stated that a lot of money was budgeted in 2022 for trees, and that some of that money will be used for tree plantings in 2023. Therefore, less money will be budgeted in 2023 for the planting of trees. Councilmember Winograd stated that the emerald ash borer is still doing a lot of damage to ash trees. The tree planting in the Central Business District (CBD) will be completed this year. At the meeting, they talked about alternative revenue sources and increasing the public’s awareness about the benefits of trees.  They want to encourage residents to plant more trees on their properties.


Councilmember Winograd stated that on February 15, 2023, she and Councilmember Reynolds toured the Zabriskie-Schedler house. The sum of $2.3 million has already been spent on renovations to the house, and the house is still not finished. The interior of the house is a “work in progress.” Councilmember Winograd urged Village Council discussions regarding future uses for the house, which is currently closed to the public. Some grant monies have been received, which will be applied toward the house renovations, but not all of the grant money has been received to date. Additional grant applications are being considered for the parkland and field.


On February 16, 2023, Councilmember Winograd attended a meeting in Glen Rock with an organization called CRAN (Community Relations Action Network). CRAN is recommending that each municipality do a “Community Read” of the book entitled “How the Word is Passed” by Clint Smith. There are various discussion groups which are scheduled, which are being led by local clergy and individuals. This is being sponsored by the Ridgewood Library.


Councilmember Winograd stated that she attended several meetings on Friday, February 17, 2023. She is the liaison to the ACCESS Committee, and she stated that there are many special needs adults living in the Village who are seeking employment. There was a discussion about possible employment at a local bakery, which employs special needs individuals, and Councilmember Winograd said that she would soon be visiting that business to see if it is a viable solution. She said that any such employment would need to be within walking distance, and added that anyone with employment leads should contact her.


In addition, on February 17, 2023, Councilmember Winograd met with American Legion representatives to discuss a new initiative similar to “Hometown Heroes.” Any veteran born in Ridgewood, with military registration records corroborating that fact, would be eligible to have a banner, with their military picture on it, hung in their honor from the lampposts in the CBD. They are researching the costs of the banners. Councilmember Winograd indicated that her uncle and brother both served in the Navy. Joan Monton will be handling this project and will give a presentation before the Village Council shortly.


Councilmember Winograd stated that she attended another meeting on February 17, 2023 with local residents who are interested in supporting the Pride Day celebration. A Pride Day Committee will be formed. Any individual interested in serving on the committee should complete an application and submit it to Ms. Mailander.


On Saturday, February 18, 2023, Deputy Mayor Perron attended the grand opening of Chip City, which is next door to Jersey Mike’s. The Ridgewood High School band attended the festivities. Deputy Mayor Perron encouraged everyone to visit the store and enjoy their delicious cookies. She indicated that she attended a Communications Subcommittee meeting on February 21, 2023 and everyone enjoyed sampling cookies from Chip City.


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that she wanted to give an update on EAGER (Encouraging Alternative Green Energy for Ridgewood). A municipal energy aggregation plan was approved by the Village Council, and they hope to launch the plan this year. It is hoped that the bulk purchasing power for Village residents can be used to procure electric power with a higher renewable content and a lower price than what is currently offered by Public Service Electric & Gas (PSE&G). Gabel Associates, the energy aggregation consultant, has been closely monitoring the energy market for savings opportunities. Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that EAGER will “go out to market” as soon as conditions warrant. Residents will be notified when and if a contract is signed and the program becomes active.


Green Ridgewood also met and there were lengthy discussions regarding the Master Plan. Deputy Mayor Perron stated that the Green Ridgewood subcommittees are becoming very active. One subcommittee met with school representatives to discuss various environmental topics.  Another subcommittee met to discuss stormwater management. 


As previously mentioned by Ms. Mailander, the Green Team is responsible for submitting the Village’s application to Sustainable Jersey to obtain certification. The application lists everything that the Village has done to enhance environmental protection and conservation. Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that the Village currently has a Bronze Certification, and the application is being resubmitted in the hopes of obtaining a Silver Certification, as has been obtained in the past. Deputy Mayor Perron stated that there are a couple of vacancies on the Green Ridgewood Committee and she encouraged any interested residents to apply.


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that there were wonderful performances put on by Jamboree this year, with plenty of dancing and singing. Well over $200,000.00 was raised for scholarships for Ridgewood High School graduates.


The Open Space Committee met and discussed the Master Plan action items. They are planning a joint committee meeting with the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board, hopefully in April. They are going to extend an invitation to the Historic Preservation Commission to attend the meeting as well.


Deputy Mayor Perron mentioned the Fashion Show, which took place on Friday, February 17, 2023 at the Heart of Motion dance studio. Great outfits from Femmebot were worn by the models, and there were many businesses in Ridgewood who supported this event, including Bazaar Star Beadery and Lovato Eyewear.


Mayor Vagianos indicated that he met with the Stigma-Free Committee this week. The Health Department recently applied for a $140,000.00 grant, which if received, would enable them to hire a consultant. The consultant would offer training on diversity, equity and inclusion to all Village employees. The grant monies would also be used for services and workshops. Mayor Vagianos stated that the committee wants everyone to know that, last month, President Biden declared the end of the Covid-19 health emergency. After May 11, 2023, the free Covid-19 testing kits will no longer be available, and they will need to be purchased after that time.


Mayor Vagianos stated that the Health Department runs a program called “Cards of Joy,” in which handwritten cards by the public are sent to vulnerable members of the community, such as shut-ins, disabled people and seniors. Cards will be collected until February 27, 2023. Anyone wishing to participate can drop off their cards in a card collection box located at the library or at Village Hall.


Mayor Vagianos said that another program of interest is called “How to Spot School-Based Anxiety: Tools, Tips and Techniques,” previously announced by Ms. Mailander. Another workshop run by the Health Department called “Community Impact of Covid-19 for Caregivers” deals with the adverse effects of Covid-19 on caregivers. Anyone interested in either workshop may call the Health Department at 201-670-5500, extension 2312, for further details.


A Job Center event, hosted by the Adult Services Department of the Ridgewood Library, will be held at the Ridgewood Library. Another library program called “Aging Unbound” will be held during May, which is Older American Month. Individuals interested in either program may check the library’s website or contact the library directly for more information.


Valley Health System is sponsoring several workshops. “Thrive” is a free membership program for women of all ages who want to take charge of their wellness, improve their health, and learn how to take time for themselves. An “Intuitive Eating” virtual workshop will also be held on March 6, 2023, which deals with “nurturing the body rather than restricting food to lose weight.”  There are workshops entitled “Kids and Social Media: What Parents Should Know and What They Can Do” and “Talking to Kids about Food, Energy and Their Health.” Interested individuals may call 201-291-6264 or visit Valley Health System’s website.


There will be a program regarding “Healthy Eating,” which will be held at the Bergen New Bridge Medical Center. Interested individuals may contact Corinne Scarpa at 201-961-9256.






Ashley Chauvin introduced herself and stated that she was speaking on behalf of the Ad Hoc Communications Committee, along with Tim Graham. Ms. Chauvin indicated that the committee is comprised of many Village residents, along with Councilmember Winograd. Ms. Chauvin has resided in Ridgewood for approximately ten years, sits on the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board, and works in marketing at Mars Wrigley. Ms. Chauvin stated that the goal of the Ad Hoc Communications Committee is to provide transparent, accessible and clear communication to Ridgewood residents. In this way, people can stay informed and be engaged in local government.


Ms. Chauvin stated that the way people consume information and media has changed drastically over the past few years, especially during the Covid pandemic and thereafter. A large majority of people now obtain news and information on their digital devices through websites and social media platforms, including TikTok, rather than through television or print media. Ms. Chauvin stated that people’s expectations are very high with regard to their digital experiences, especially regarding personalized and accessible information, fast download times, ease of use and intuitiveness, and content aesthetics. She said that people want to view content that is attractive and engaging, and they require “instant gratification.”


Ms. Chauvin said that the committee members compared the Village website to the websites of other municipalities, such as Franklin Lakes and Montclair, in terms of ease of use, friendliness/welcome, and appeal/attractiveness. Her presentation showed that the Franklin Lakes and Montclair websites were superior in all three areas when compared to Ridgewood’s website. Regarding ease of use, she stated that they looked at download time, number of lists, login ability (for customization), and menu (intuitive descriptions). Regarding the friendliness/ welcome aspect, Ms. Chauvin said that they looked at domain names (such as .net or .org), whether there was an inviting description under the website heading (such as “Discover Franklin Lakes”), and whether there was the ability to synchronize with social media. Regarding appeal/ attractiveness, Ms. Chauvin stated that they examined photos on the different websites to assess size, attractiveness, and whether the images showed people or just certain town landmarks.


Ms. Chauvin stated that an antiquated communication system can impact negatively on a town’s citizenry. People get frustrated with slow loading times, when they are not able to find content quickly. This can lead to a lack of information or misinformation, which can impact public safety initiatives, and can also raise transparency concerns. She cited the Schedler property as an example.


Ms. Chauvin stated that it was important that the Village website, and other communication methods, meet the needs of residents of all ages. She stated that the website should be given priority, since this is the main method by which citizens receive information. The technology, formatting and design of the website need a makeover; there is unevenness in messaging; and the website fails to quickly convey time-sensitive communications. Ms. Chauvin also mentioned that the Village’s social media presence, including Facebook, needs revamping.


Ms. Chauvin stated that the committee is seeking authorization to open a formal interview or Request for Proposal (RFP) process, so that a consultant could be hired to evaluate the website for ease of use and content and offer suggestions for improvement. 


Mr. Graham indicated that he has been involved in digital transformation for over 30 years, first working as a news reporter and editor, and then becoming involved in building some of the first news websites, when newspapers started to fade out and people started accessing news on digital devices. Mr. Graham said that there are many studies proving that a better website results in a happier, more informed community. He mentioned that the revamping of the Village website should begin now, since it usually takes several years before a nearly complete revamping is achieved and, even after that time, the updating process continues indefinitely due to constant changes in technology and applications. A content development strategy needs to be determined.


Ms. Chauvin stated that digital transformation is being performed by both corporations and municipalities. She stated that content development requires a different skillset than what would be required for website development. Her presentation showed a cost of approximately $30,000.00 for year one of the website transformation.


Councilmember Reynolds asked whether an outside vendor would be hired to perform the website changes or whether this work would be performed by a member of the Ad Hoc Communications Committee. Ms. Chauvin said that they would like to engage in an RFP process to find an outside vendor to do the work. Mr. Graham added that they have researched different consultancies that work specifically with municipalities, with scaled fees based upon population.  Councilmember Reynolds remarked that they have been looking into updating the Village website for years, and she recalled estimates between $5,000.00 and $10,000.00 to have this work performed, but nowhere near $30,000.00. She asked how much the additional costs would be for website maintenance and content development. Ms. Chauvin replied that the costs for content development still need to be determined.


Councilmember Winograd thanked the committee members, as well as Dylan Hansen, IT Director, and Ms. Mailander for their efforts toward improving communication during Village Council meetings. She mentioned that communication difficulties became increasingly apparent during last year’s Village Council election process, where people were scrambling to find accurate information on various topics. The Ad Hoc Communications Committee has been meeting since the fall of last year. Councilmember Winograd mentioned that an Instagram account was started for the Village, so that a different demographic audience could be engaged.  She stated that the Village must start doing business differently. While acknowledging that there may not be money in the budget this year to perform website upgrades, Councilmember Winograd stressed the importance of getting this accomplished.


Mayor Vagianos thanked the members of the Ad Hoc Communications Committee for contributing their time and expertise towards the improvement of communications in the Village. He also thanked Councilmember Winograd for bringing this issue to the forefront. He said that the Village sponsors many wonderful activities and programs but is deficient in “getting the word out.” He said that investing in this initiative is very worthwhile, since it would enhance transparency and keep residents informed. Ms. Mailander also thanked the committee members and Councilmember Winograd. She mentioned that the request from the Ad Hoc Communications Committee will be placed on the agenda for discussion during the budget hearings.


            B.        SCHEDLER PROPERTY UPDATE


Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer, gave a presentation on the Schedler property.  He distributed some park development plan concepts, depicting various layouts for a multipurpose field, for soccer, lacrosse and baseball. He explained that Concept 1C showed a full-sized soccer/lacrosse field with a “runout” area on the property, which would allow for a parking lot to be constructed against the berm, a restroom facility with weather shelter, and a playground. The brown shaded area to the north would be an undisturbed woodland area.


Mayor Vagianos asked what the difference was between the two drawings, other than the existing trees. Mr. Rutishauser replied there are some minor differences. One shows the parking lot behind the house as was originally configured, and the other shows the parking lot flipped 180° as requested by Mayor Vagianos. The field could not be moved much closer to the house, since there are two shagbark hickory trees by the paver patio, which need to be preserved.


Councilmember Reynolds asked whether the original entrance was at Kingsbridge Lane, then later changed to Terhune, but subsequently moved back to Kingsbridge Lane. Mr. Rutishauser said that having an entrance to the north of the house would negate a lot of the square footage that could be used for recreational fields. Councilmember Reynolds asked whether the entrance location was changed as a result of a conversation with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Mr. Rutishauser said that the entrance was not moved as a result of any conversation with SHPO, although he stated that SHPO does not want the entrance driveway to be situated too close to the Zabriskie-Schedler house. He determined that the best location for the entrance would be as shown on the drawing, so that more acreage could be used for the playing field.


Councilmember Reynolds stated that she visited the Schedler property today with Jovan Mehandzic, Assistant Engineer, and observed the stakes delineating where the larger field and medium-sized field would be located. She stated that the large field comes frighteningly close to the historic house. Mr. Rutishauser agreed that the runout area comes very close to the proposed treed hedge that acts as a screen between the recreational field and the house. Councilmember Reynolds said that trying to fit a large field on this property was like trying to fit a size 12 person into a size 2 bathing suit. She does not feel that a larger field belongs on this property. Mr. Rutishauser stated that, in order to accommodate a larger field, part of the parking area will have to be placed at the toe of the berm. This would result in the walking path being shifted over closer to the berm. If this is done, a barrier would be constructed close to the berm, similar to what was done at the playground by Village Hall. 


Councilmember Reynolds said that this concept would not give the residents on West Saddle River Road any protection from the noise emanating from Route 17 traffic. Upon questioning, Mr. Rutishauser stated that there are currently no plans for the triangular-shaped piece of land to the left of the driveway entrance. When Mr. Rutishauser meets with SHPO representatives, he will ask whether or not this plot of land can be used as a community garden. Councilmember Reynolds recalled that the neighbors residing near the Schedler property were promised that the land would not be clearcut. She stated that changing the plans at this point was not fair to the residents. She reiterated her opinion that she did not feel a large field would fit on this property.  She feels that an independent medical expert should be retained to study the effects of noise, air and particulate pollution on the neighborhood if a large quantity of trees are removed.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked where the bleachers would be located for spectators watching games. She stated that chairs and bleachers cannot be placed on top of artificial turf. Mr. Rutishauser said that during his conversations with SHPO representatives, it was determined that SHPO does not like artificial turf. If artificial turf is requested, then the plans would automatically be sent to the Historic Sites Council for a hearing. Regarding bleachers, Mr. Rutishauser is not proposing the installation of any permanent bleachers on the property. He said that the smaller portable bleachers could be used.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked if the split-rail fence would have to be moved in order to accommodate the larger field. Mr. Rutishauser replied that the post-and-rail fence would only need to be moved at the toe of the berm, not the fence running along West Saddle River Road.  Deputy Mayor Perron also asked if some of the arborvitae that were just planted would have to be moved in order to accommodate the larger field. Mr. Rutishauser replied that some would probably have to be transplanted elsewhere. In fact, he stated that some of the arborvitae trees are not thriving where they are currently planted and may need to be moved anyway. Deputy Mayor Perron agreed that the trees are looking “unhappy.” 


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that she would be posting on the Village website the article from Mt. Sinai Medical School, previously mentioned by Patty Infantino, regarding the harmful effects of artificial turf. She pointed out that the City of Boston has banned turf installation, with the Mayor of Boston issuing a statement saying that the city prefers grass-playing surfaces wherever possible and that they would not be installing playing fields with PFAS chemicals. 


Deputy Mayor Perron mentioned that many crumb rubber manufacturers received complaints about the use of PFAS, so many of these manufacturers are moving toward cork and coconut infill, similar to the material used in Glen Rock at one of their newly turfed fields. Deputy Mayor Perron has seen this field and stated that it is very beautiful. The field is not just used for sports, but is used by people just enjoying the air and sunshine. There is high netting to protect the houses across the street from the field. She asked Mr. Rutishauser where netting would be installed on the Schedler property. Mr. Rutishauser replied that he still has to discuss the subject of the installation of netting and the height of the netting with SHPO. 


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that the real issue is the PFAS contained within artificial turf. The “grass” part of it is made with a polymer (chemical mixture) that has PFAS as an additive, so that it will go through the extrusion machine without getting clogged. She added that it is difficult to test for PFAS contamination, since it comes in several forms (gas, solid or liquid).  As turf ages, dust accumulates and the infill degrades, resulting in particles becoming airborne. She said that PFAS does not just create problems in water, but it can also be inhaled. When children are playing sports on a turf field, close to the ground, they are exposed to this particulate pollution. She said that there is very little research concerning the effects of PFAS from alternative infills, and it is this lack of research, which has led Mt. Sinai School of Medicine to ask for a moratorium on the installation of artificial turf. Children breathe differently than adults, with a faster respiration rate, and they do not sweat as much as adults do, which means that children cannot regulate the temperature of their bodies as well as adults. Temperatures are much hotter on artificial turf than on grass. Deputy Mayor Perron said that extreme heat can cause children to suffer from dehydration, heat stroke and burns. She added that there are currently no studies showing whether or not PFAS can enter one’s body through an open wound or abrasion, citing the example of a child sliding on artificial turf and sustaining such an injury.


In addition, Deputy Mayor Perron reported that PFAS accumulates in a person’s body over time and, therefore, children exposed to this forever chemical at a young age will start accumulating it in their bodies, which may cause problems in the future. She said that people have been drinking water containing PFAS since the 1940s and it is unknown whether or not this has caused ailments in humans. There are no studies that conclusively show that PFAS causes diseases; however, testing performed on laboratory animals has shown a link between the ingestion of PFAS and thyroid problems, male infertility, hormone disruption and cardiovascular problems.  Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that PFAS is contained in carpeting, furniture, and stain-resistant products. 


Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that she is worried about the use of artificial turf on the Schedler property. She added that the National Institute of Health Sciences cautioned consumers to read the labels on cosmetics and clothing. Gore-Tex just announced that they would no longer have certain levels of “known” environmental additives in their clothing. Deputy Mayor Perron said that consumers need to become more aware of goods that contain PFAS, such as pizza boxes and food wrappings. She stated that when it rains, the PFAS contained in artificial turf seeps into the soil and eventually leaches into the ground water.


Councilmember Winograd spoke about turf burn and abrasions sustained by players on turf fields, and also about the concern of overheating. She mentioned that the Village did a heat study in 2009 regarding artificial turf. Councilmember Winograd then thanked the Engineering Department staff for their assistance regarding the Schedler property, particularly in creating various conceptual plans for the Village Council to review. She stated that the berm on the property takes up almost an entire acre of the 7.8 acre parcel of land.


Councilmember Winograd said that she and many residents in Ridgewood felt that the purchase of the Schedler property in 2009 was a good move. It was felt that the property should be developed as a park, rather than as a commercial zone. She stated that grant monies from Bergen County in the amount of $1.6 million were used towards development of the property and, therefore, the Schedler property is a public park for everyone to enjoy. Councilmember Winograd said that there are certain things on which the Village Councilmembers can agree: 1) the land should be developed as a park; 2) the house should be renovated; 3) there should be future uses determined for the house, which will require ample parking; 4) there should be a walking path for passive recreation; and 5) there should be a playground, which is critical to satisfy a diversion issue. 


Regarding the field, Councilmember Winograd stated that the original 2017 plans called for a turfed playing field. She recommends that a turf field be constructed on the Schedler property.  Deputy Mayor Perron interjected by stating that the Ad Hoc Committee preliminarily recommended the turf field. Councilmember Winograd stated that, in any event, the 2017 plans were approved by a 5-0 vote by the prior Village Council. Regarding the installation of permanent lights on the property, Councilmember Winograd stated that this is not necessarily a “make or break” item for her, but she recommended that conduits be installed, so that permanent lights may be installed in the future if desired. She stated that one of the goals in developing the Schedler Park is to integrate the Glen School neighborhood and the rest of the east side into the Village. She suggested that perhaps an informal poll could be taken to see how each Councilmember feels about each of the proposed elements in the park.


Councilmember Weitz stated that he is listening intently to all sides of this discussion and will withhold his opinions regarding the Schedler Park development until he has heard everything that needs to be said. He thanked the Engineering Department for their efforts in developing various conceptual plans per the wishes of the Village Council. He stated that he was confident an amicable resolution can be arrived at which will benefit the majority of Village residents.


Councilmember Reynolds urged all Councilmembers to visit the Schedler property with a staff member from the Engineering Department to view the proposed layout of the field. The blue stakes delineate where the larger field would be, and the red stakes delineate where the smaller field would be. She reiterated how shocked she was to see how close the larger field would be to the house, to Route 17, and to the property line on West Saddle River Road. She said that a smaller field would allow room for a playground and preservation of enough trees to act as a buffer for the neighboring residents. Councilmember Reynolds stated that she was worried about young children breathing in particulate matter emanating from Route 17 traffic, when they are “huffing and puffing” while playing sports, but she was not as concerned for children using the playground. She stated that she would never advocate for turf, because she has read a lot about the dangers of artificial turf.


Councilmember Winograd reminded everyone that the Bergen County grant application was due by April 15, 2023. If one element is agreed upon by all Councilmembers, such as the walking path, then application could be made for grant monies to construct the walking path. Regarding the berm, she stated that the trees are not thriving very well and she feels that there is room for improvement on the berm.


Councilmember Reynolds reiterated her opinion that she feels a medical expert should speak before the Village Council about the dangers of particulate pollution. Councilmember Winograd questioned why this matter had not been raised previously. Councilmember Reynolds said that she was not sure why, but she was concerned that a cluster of diseases in this area could possibly arise in the future because no one took the time to investigate the dangers of particulate inhalation. Councilmember Reynolds asked if 60% of the park needed to be for passive recreation and 40% for active recreation, and Councilmember Winograd replied that she could not recall any percentage criteria. She did indicate that the Village has more passive recreation parks than active recreation or multiuse parks. She also stated that most people supported development of the Schedler property because it would improve the recreational facilities in the Village.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked Mr. Rutishauser how wide the walking path would be, and Mr. Rutishauser replied that it would be eight feet wide to allow for ease of snow plowing. Deputy Mayor Perron stated that eight feet was a good width because it would enable people to walk side by side.


Mayor Vagianos indicated that the Village Councilmembers have a lot of information to digest and he would like to place this matter on the March 1, 2023 Village Council meeting agenda.  He profusely thanked Mr. Rutishauser and Mr. Mehandzic of the Engineering Department, for quickly producing new plans, which were only requested at 5:00 P.M. yesterday.


6.         DISCUSSION






Ms. Mailander indicated that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract to perform slide gate repairs at the Glen Avenue facility, which is in disrepair and needs replacement in order to maintain security at the site. Three quotes were obtained. It was recommended that the contract be award to the lowest responsible bidder, National Fence Systems, Inc., of Avenel, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $24,740.00. Funding is in the Water Capital Budget.




Ms. Mailander indicated that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract, under the Bergen County Cooperative Purchasing System, for the purchase of materials and supplies from Braen Stone Industries for water main repairs, in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00. Funding is accounted for in the Water Utility Operating Budget.




Ms. Mailander explained that this item pertains to the awarding of a professional services contract to engage an expert to assist Ridgewood Water in developing an equitable surcharge for PFAS treatment, balanced with the budget, and any water volume rate changes for 2023. It is recommended that the contract be awarded to Howard J. Woods, Jr. & Associates, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $7,320.00. This firm is familiar with Ridgewood Water’s budget needs, has prior experience in the water rate setting environment, and has successfully completed project work for Ridgewood Water in the past. Funding is available in the Water Utility Operating Budget.


            B.        POLICY




Ms. Mailander stated that this item pertains to modifications to the Green Ridgewood and Green Team ordinances to clear up some confusing points. She said that there are three members of Green Ridgewood who do not need to serve on the Green Team, since this is not required by Sustainable Jersey and it is burdensome for those three members. In addition, it is recommended that a student intern be added to Green Ridgewood, with the term “liaison” to be changed to  “intern.”  The ordinance should clarify who the voting members are, and the number of members on Green Ridgewood should be increased by two, since there is a lot of work that needs to be done by this group.


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that the Green Ridgewood mission is extremely broad, since there are many things in the environment, which need to be addressed. She agrees that two more committee members are necessary.



Ms. Mailander said that this item pertains to the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) Annual Report for 2021 and the provisions they would like to have changed. Deputy Mayor Perron stated that, every year, an Annual Report is submitted by the ZBA, which advises the Planning Board and Village Council how zoning procedures and ordinances can be improved. There were five requests (constructive suggestions) contained in the 2021 Annual Report. The 2022 Annual Report has not yet been completed.


John Barre, Village Planner, said that discussions on some of the suggestions contained in the 2021 Annual Report were discussed during the development of the Master Plan, as well as during discussions with members of the Planning Board. There are some issues, which need to be clarified in the Zoning Ordinance, so that the zoning process can be streamlined for both the Zoning Board members and applicants.


Mr. Barre stated that the first point pertains to how the Zoning Ordinance deals with driveways.  The board has had many applications requesting different driveway designs, such as circular driveways, and expanded driveway widths for garages with more than one bay. Mr. Barre indicated that the ordinance lacks clarity in terms of permitted driveway widths. He recommended a proposed ordinance amendment, which would clearly define permitted widths.


In addition, Mr. Barre indicated that the board has seen variance applications for front porches that encroach minimally upon front yard setbacks. He stated that many homes in Ridgewood have front porches, which are aesthetically pleasing and contribute to the streetscape. Mr. Barre recommended an ordinance amendment, which would clarify the provisions regarding front porch depths and minimum/maximum setback limits, to avoid the necessity of application to the Zoning Board for a variance. This would also allow new homes to be constructed in conformity with the character of the existing neighborhood. Mr. Barre explained that some homes in the Village are set further back from the street than others.


Mr. Barre stated that the existing Zoning Ordinance has a duration for variance approvals of one year. Applicants must obtain building permits within one year after the ZBA has granted approval. This time period was extended to two years during the Covid pandemic, considering supply chain issues, contractor availability, and rising costs of building supplies. The ZBA is requesting that the two-year time period be made permanent. This would avoid the necessity of applicants having to appear again before the board to request an extension.


Mr. Barre indicated that issues have also arisen concerning basement and attic spaces, particularly on properties with slopes, where a “walk-out” basement may lead to questions as to how many stories a building is. In addition, Mr. Barre stated that the Planning Board has requested modifications to the Village’s fee schedule, which would allow for an increase in the amount of escrow monies required to ensure that a project is satisfactorily completed.  


Mr. Barre stated that some records have been lost over the years due to natural disasters, such as flooding. There is a request that as-built surveys be submitted at the conclusion of projects. This is now required in the Zoning Ordinance for properties located in a flood plain, but not required for all projects. Requiring as-built surveys would ensure that buildings have been constructed pursuant to ZBA approval, and they would become part of the permanent record, for use as a starting point in future projects. 


When questioned by Deputy Mayor Perron, Mr. Barre stated that the as-built survey would become a requirement in order for an applicant to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy. Regarding circular driveways, Mr. Barre explained that some issues have arisen concerning width measurements and the fact that circular driveways sometimes occupy a large portion of a front yard on smaller lots. He stated that the current Zoning Ordinance does not explicitly prohibit or permit circular driveways, and clarity is needed in this regard. Deputy Mayor Perron remarked that, in some situations, circular driveways can enhance safety since drivers would not have to back out of a driveway onto a busy road. Mr. Barre replied that there are both advantages and disadvantages regarding circular driveways, and the board would like clearer language in the ordinance, stating conditions under which circular driveways would be permitted.


Mr. Barre stated that they are seeking permission from the Village Council to prepare a draft ordinance amendment for review by the Planning Board and the Village Council, after which time it would be determined whether or not to adopt the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance.  Councilmember Winograd thanked Mr. Barre and stated that she felt these changes were important to consider, so that streetscapes could be preserved and enhanced.


Matthew Rogers, Village Attorney, said that he agreed with the establishment of a two-year time period within which a building permit must be obtained after the ZBA has granted approval. Mr. Rogers said that the matter of front porches is not only an aesthetic issue, but also a safety issue. He stated that a covered area in front of a house provides for a much safer transition for people coming from the outside to the inside of a house, and allows for safer delivery of packages. Mr. Rogers agreed with flexible front yard setback limits, so that the character of a neighborhood can be preserved and remain uniform in nature. It would also prevent residents from having to make application before the board for a variance for a minor setback. 


Regarding the as-built surveys, Mr. Rogers asked Mr. Barre if this would be required for all applications or just certain applications that entail major construction. Mr. Barre said that the subject of as-built surveys still needs to be discussed further. He mentioned that there are older property surveys, which do not accurately depict how a property is currently developed. Mr. Barre agreed that there may be situations where an as-built survey would not be necessary.  There was further discussion between Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barre concerning when as-built surveys would be required, particularly if prior surveys do not exist due to damage caused by flooding or other natural disasters.  Mr. Rogers stated that having to submit an as-built survey for a minor variance would just create an added expense for homeowners. Mr. Barre indicated that discussions on this issue will take place and recommendations for amendments to the Zoning Ordinance will be presented to the Village Council.


Ms. Mailander asked Mr. Barre what is needed from the Village Council in order for him to proceed with drafting the proposed amendments to the ordinance. Mr. Barre replied that he did not believe anything formal was required. The Village Council would just need to give the Planning Board the “go ahead” to proceed along those lines. Mr. Rogers indicated that he would send a letter to the Planning Board authorizing them to proceed with the development of an ordinance amendment. Mayor Vagianos thanked Mr. Barre, Deputy Mayor Perron, and Greg Brown, Chairman of the Zoning Board, for their efforts in clarifying the Zoning Ordinance for the benefit of Village residents.




Ms. Mailander stated that this item pertains to the authorization of an encroachment agreement regarding property located at 22 Maynard Court, which is a through lot. The property owners are seeking to memorialize existing encroachments their property has into the right-of-way of South Murray Avenue. This include a fence around a swimming pool, an area of pavers, and a small play area, which have existed in this location since the mid-1990s. This resolution will authorize Mayor Vagianos and Ms. Mailander to execute the Encroachment Agreement.




Mayor Vagianos stated that he was seeking to establish a policy regarding a waivable 11:00 P.M. curfew, which the Planning Board currently has. He stated that many Village Councilmembers start their day very early in the morning and must attend Village Council meetings late into the night. Long meetings occur when there are “hot button issues,” in addition to managing and discussing day-to-day municipal matters. Mayor Vagianos stated that many decisions made late at night are influenced by the fact that many Councilmembers are tired and just want to go home.  He asked Deputy Mayor Perron to explain the waivable curfew act observed by the Planning Board.


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that if it appears that public comment is going to extend a meeting past 11:00 P.M., then a vote is taken to see if the members want to waive the 11:00 P.M. curfew or stop the meeting at that point. Councilmember Reynolds stated that Village Council meetings differ from Planning Board meetings, since the Planning Board does not have opening or closing public comments. She explained that if Planning Board members are in the middle of hearing an application and it is already 10:30 P.M., and they know that it will take another two hours to finish hearing the application, then the members will vote on whether or not to waive the curfew and have the applicant continue. If they finish one application at 10:15 P.M. and realize that the next application will take more than 45 minutes to discuss, then they have the opportunity to table that application until the next meeting. Councilmember Reynolds said that she did not understand how a Village Council meeting could possibly end at 11:00 P.M. if there were remaining agenda items that had not yet been discussed.


Mayor Vagianos said that he was willing to give the curfew a trial run. Councilmember Weitz said that he was in favor of the curfew, since not only do the Councilmembers need to get up early in the morning for work or children, but citizens must do so as well.  He said that the length of meetings must be kept to a reasonable amount of time, so that citizens do not have to stay up until midnight to be a part of democracy. In addition, he stated that it was not fair to Village employees attending Village Council meetings, when these meetings run so late.


Councilmember Weitz said that an allotted amount of time should be assigned for each topic to be discussed, similar to what is done in the private sector. He stated that, in this way, a group making a presentation, such as the Communications Committee, would know how much time they have to make their presentation. He suggested that time limits should also be placed on how long a Village Councilmember can speak. He stated that he was in favor of robust public comments, but he said that maybe public comments should only be heard between 7:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. This would allow for three hours of public comments per month, in addition to the “Council Chat” meetings. The curfew can always be waived if there are pressing issues, which need to be discussed.


Deputy Mayor Perron remarked that after a regular Village Council meeting, the Councilmembers have to sometimes then attend a Closed Session, which entails even more time during which very important matters are discussed, including litigation and personnel matters. It is imperative that Councilmembers are alert and paying attention, something which is difficult to do after having served for three hours or longer during a regular Village Council meeting.


Councilmember Reynolds suggested that perhaps Closed Sessions could be held before a regularly scheduled Village Council meeting. She stated that she was adamantly opposed to removing public comments at the end of meetings and restricting public comments to an hour at the beginning of the meeting. She said that people often want to speak at the end of a meeting about what transpired during the meeting. Councilmember Reynolds stated that it would be a travesty to take away ending public comments. She recalled a saying by Roger Wiegand, which said that residents should always have “the last say.”


Councilmember Weitz stated that the time for opening public comments would be expanded to allow more residents to speak. He questioned how many residents would remain at a meeting until 12:30 P.M. in order to “have the last say.” In reply, Councilmember Reynolds pointed to all of the people remaining in the audience waiting to make comments tonight, despite the fact that it was very late in the evening. Councilmember Weitz said that he still felt this was not fair to other citizens who have to wake up early the following morning. He said that a set amount of time should be allocated for public comments and discussion items. Councilmember Reynolds remarked that doing so would diminish openness and the ability of people to speak their minds. She reiterated that there are many people who want to speak at the end of a meeting, concerning topics discussed during the meeting.


Councilmember Winograd said that she was a big fan of public comment. She felt that the more the Village Councilmembers could engage with the public, the better. She likes the current meeting structure and does not feel that access to public government should be restricted.  Therefore, she would not recommend changing the meeting structure. She stated that she liked Councilmember Reynolds’ suggestion of conducting Closed Sessions before a Village Council meeting begins. She questioned why Public Meetings start at 8:00 P.M. and Work Sessions begin at 7:30 P.M.  She would like to see all meetings begin at 7:30 P.M.


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that it was unfortunate that the Open Public Meetings Act does not offer much guidance regarding the structure of a meeting. Public comments are allowed so that there can be “openness” at meetings.


Mayor Vagianos stated that he was also a big fan of public comment. He said that he thought certain improvements could be made to the meeting structure, and he thanked his Council colleagues for their feedback. He spoke about the improvements made recently to public comments, including the acoustics, repositioning of the podium, and the installation of the clock and screens. When questioned by Mayor Vagianos, all Councilmembers were agreeable to holding Closed Sessions before Village Council meetings, rather than afterwards. Ms. Mailander pointed out that sometimes Closed Sessions last a long time and, in that case, the start of the Village Council meeting would be delayed. However, if there was a lengthy Closed Session, it could be suspended temporarily, and then continued at the end of the regular Village Council meeting.


Regarding the commencement of all meetings at 7:30 P.M., Ms. Mailander explained that the 8:00 P.M. start time allows working residents the necessary time they need to get home and eat before attending a meeting. The normal pre-meeting would have to be moved to 7:00 P.M. if the Village Council meetings were to start at 7:30 P.M. However, the start time could be changed if that is what the Village Councilmembers preferred to do.


Mayor Vagianos stated that the “prime time audience” would be lost with later start times for meetings. He suggested that Closed Sessions be held before regular Village Council meetings and that Public Meetings begin at 7:30 P.M. In addition, he would like to institute a pilot program for three months to see how the 11:00 P.M. waivable curfew worked out. The Village Councilmembers would vote whether or not to extend a meeting past 11:00 P.M. Mayor Vagianos also recommended that public comments take place at the end of meetings only, although he felt that more people would be engaged if public comments were held, for a longer period of time, at the beginning of meetings.


Councilmember Weitz suggested that a set period of time be allotted for presentations before the Village Council. Ms. Mailander remarked that there is already a maximum time limit of ten minutes for presentations. Councilmember Weitz felt that the time limits should be indicated on each meeting agenda, and Ms. Mailander agreed. However, she stated that there is always a discussion after each presentation, with questions and answers, which adds more time to presentations.


Mayor Vagianos felt that Councilmember Weitz’s suggestion was a good one, and he asked that time limits be specified on any agenda items going forward. Ms. Mailander stated that she would place all items on which action needs to be taken at the beginning of each agenda, with other less-urgent items at the end of each agenda. If time is starting to run out, the Councilmembers could decide whether to extend the meeting past 11:00 P.M. or to put any items not reached on the next meeting agenda.


Mayor Vagianos asked Ms. Mailander whether an ordinance would need to be adopted to officially enact the suggested changes. Ms. Mailander replied that the Public Meeting Notice would have to be readopted and published in the newspaper. These changes could not be enacted until after March 8, 2023, at the earliest. She said that nothing needs to be done in order to hold Closed Sessions before Village Council meetings, which would merely entail sending out a Special Public Meeting Notice.


Councilmember Winograd asked if a Closed Session could be suspended (if there is not enough time to finish before the start time of a Village Council meeting) and then reconvened at the end of the Village Council meeting. Ms. Mailander replied that this could be done. She stated that the Closed Session would just need to be suspended, and a continuation of the Closed Session held at the end of the Village Council meeting.


Councilmember Reynolds asked about Councilmember Weitz’s suggestion to hold public comments from 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. While he felt that this was a good suggestion, Mayor Vagianos replied that he is proposing that public comments be kept “as is” (at the beginning and at the end of each meeting) for a three-month period. Councilmember Reynolds remarked that she will not be able to attend the meeting on March 8, 2023. She stated that she is opposed to moving the start time of Public Meetings to 7:30 P.M., since it will be very difficult for her to arrive in time for a Closed Session meeting at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Vagianos said that everyone will have a hard time arriving at meetings early or staying late at meetings, but he felt that a greater audience would be available at 7:30 P.M. rather than at 11:00 P.M. There was a discussion about the circumstances during which a Village Councilmember may attend a meeting via Zoom or by phone.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked whether items pertaining to Ridgewood Water would still be placed at the beginning of an agenda, and Ms. Mailander replied that they would. Any other items would be given priority depending upon the action that needed to be taken on a particular item at a Public Meeting in the future.


Mayor Vagianos asked how his Council colleagues felt about the proposed changes he just enumerated (waivable curfew, earlier start times, public comments, and time limits on presentations). Councilmember Winograd said that she would be willing to try the pilot program for the waivable curfew, but she was not totally in favor of all of the changes. She didn’t want people making presentations to feel like they were in a “pressure cooker” and had to rush through their presentation. She said that she would defer to the opinions of the other Councilmembers. Councilmember Weitz and Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that they were in favor of all changes.


Councilmember Reynolds indicated that she felt the same way as Councilmember Winograd. She did not feel that there should be any time limit for public comments, and she was not in favor of ending meetings at 11:00 P.M., particularly if there are people waiting to speak. In addition, she stated that she did not feel a person should be forced to stop giving a presentation because their time is up, particularly if they worked very hard to develop their presentation. Mayor Vagianos clarified by saying that he was not proposing decreasing the time for public comments and that the waivable curfew would only be tried on a trial basis for three months. It was agreed that the proposed changes would take place as soon as possible, and that the waivable curfew would be instituted on a trial basis for three months. Mr. Rogers clarified that this was not a formal vote, since the meeting this evening is just a Work Session. A formal vote will be taken on March 8, 2023.




Hans Lehmann, 234 Union Street, stated that the Village now has the opportunity to fill two important positions in the Village: Village Manager and Police Chief (once Chief Jacqueline Luthcke retires in the very near future). He said that the Village Manager holds a commanding job overseeing all operations in the Village, in addition to supervising the employees charged with the responsibility of carrying out those operations. He felt that the ethical character of a candidate should be an important consideration when choosing people to fill these leadership roles. The candidate should have a track record of managing a large workforce and have the ability to understand budgeting and human resource management. Mr. Lehmann stated that the Village will have a hard time filling the vacancy left by Chief Luthcke and finding a candidate to steer the police force through difficult times. He said that police departments nationally are facing difficult choices in deciding which direction to take in the future, and the Ridgewood Police Department is no exception.


In the past, Mr. Lehmann stated that a strong police presence was evident throughout a municipality, either on foot or on bicycles, and residents knew police officers personally. Today, police officers are heavily armed and armored, riding around in black police vehicles with tinted windows. In Ridgewood, the police officers keep to themselves at Van Neste Square, often in groups of three or four. He stated that he longs for the days when he knew the names of each police officer and could say a “quick hello” to them. He urged the Village Council to ask any potential candidate for the position of Police Chief what their views are regarding community policing, professionalism in the ranks, accountability to Ridgewood residents, and transparency.


Mayor Vagianos clarified by stating that while it is the role of the Village Councilmembers to select the Village Manager, it is the role of the Village Manager to select the Police Chief.


Kathryn Schmidt, 123 South Irving Street, stated that her sentiment today is “mea culpa” (Latin phrase acknowledging one’s fault or error). She regrets not staying abreast on the progress of the Schedler property development, having assumed that everything was “wrapped up” when Resolution 18-236 was adopted by the Village Council. This resolution approved the 2017 plans, which were arrived at through compromise on all sides, including neighbors who live close to the property. Ms. Schmidt urged the Village Councilmembers and everyone else to drive to the corner of West Saddle River Road and Terhune Avenue and try to picture how they would feel if “something like this” were happening in their neighborhood.


Ms. Schmidt said that changes have been made to the 2017 plan, which should not negate the underlying concept of the plan. She said that neighbors would prefer more trees and no field, but the neighbors agreed to the construction of a field because it was a smaller one. However, Ms. Schmidt stated that a full-sized field is now being considered, which would entail the cutting down of yet more trees. She acknowledged that many things have changed in the country and around the world since the Schedler property was purchased by the Village and since the plan was adopted in 2017. She stated that if changes are being considered that further develop the property, then equal consideration also needs to be given to changes that may require even less development.


Ms. Schmidt indicated that things have changed in terms of more frequent flooding and a greater need for sports fields, but things have also changed significantly regarding our growing knowledge of the importance of trees (as stated clearly in the Master Plan) and the problems of particulate, noise and light pollution. She stated that the Schedler property has served as a buffer between Route 17 and the neighboring properties for years, and she felt that this aspect needs to be considered when deciding what to do with the Schedler property.


Ms. Schmidt questioned whether the current sports fields in Ridgewood are being used effectively. She stated that she lives near Brookside Field, which floods occasionally, but which seems to only be used for two months in the spring and six to eight weeks in the fall. She wondered how many other fields were underutilized. She questioned whether there is enough demand for sports fields to warrant the cutting down of so many buffer trees on the Schedler property. She wondered if there were other options to explore concerning shared field services.


Ms. Schmidt said that she understood that less development may seem like a “non-starter,” because the Village is obligated to develop the Schedler property with certain stipulations due to how the property acquisition was funded. She wondered if there were other options to explore to ”un-develop” the property without defaulting on the Village’s obligations. She concluded by stating that if the Village Councilmembers are letting sports groups drive their decisions, they cannot ignore the neighbors. If the Village Councilmembers want the Schedler project to be completed quickly, Ms. Schmidt stated that they should stick to the original 2017 plan.


Ms. Schmidt stated that the comments made this evening pertaining to meeting improvements are wonderful; however, she wonders why an ordinance needs to be passed in order to manage meeting agendas. She suggested a “soft launch” of the pilot program without formality.


Rurik Halaby, 1 Franklin Avenue, stated that this evening’s meeting was terrific and suggested that one way to shorten meetings was for the Village Councilmembers to speak less. Regarding the Schedler property, Mr. Halaby said that he has followed the progress of this project diligently. He stated that this project is an “unmitigated colossal $7.2 million disaster,” regarding the house, berm, costs and inefficiencies. Mr. Halaby stated that it was not a practical option for the Village Council to “go back to the drawing board” and start afresh. A more practical approach would be to complete the sports section with a full-sized, multipurpose playing field and to complete the renovations to the Zabriskie-Schedler house as quickly as possible, so that it can be rented out. If that cannot be accomplished, then Mr. Halaby suggested “moth-balling” the project for future generations to figure out what to do with it. Mr. Halaby felt that it was going to be very difficult finding a use for the house.


Mr. Halaby stated that the berm on the Schedler property occupies one of the seven acres on the property.  He said that this was a ludicrous waste of space. Mr. Halaby contacted two firms that specialize in remediation and restoration. He would like the Village Council to figure out what to do with the berm, so that one acre of trees and bushes can fill that space. Mr. Halaby recommended that the Village purchase the property adjacent to the Schedler property, which could be used for parking, as well as ingress and egress located far away from the Route 17 exit ramp. He said that he was very uncomfortable having the entrance to the park so close to that ramp.


Mr. Halaby suggested that the Village work with a forensic auditor to determine how the $7.2 million were expended. He said that he was told that windows installed in the house cost $1,000.00 each, yet he feels that the windows look cheap when viewed from the outside. He also suggested that the Village hire an independent forensic attorney to investigate the “relationship” with SHPO as it pertains to the Schedler property. Mr. Halaby said that he is very uncomfortable with the actions that have taken place to date. In addition, Mr. Halaby said that a blue ribbon citizens committee should be established to oversee the Schedler property. Their initial step would entail a thorough visit to the property and house.


Mr. Halaby concluded by stating that he is thrilled how Mayor Vagianos is running Village Council meetings, stating that they are very quiet and gentle.


Linda Koch, 60 North Hillside Place, stated that she is confused about what is going on with the plans for the Schedler property. It was her understanding that after very extensive discussions were held involving Village officials, neighbors, and sports organization representatives, that a very good compromise plan was arrived at in 2017. This plan included a smaller field and playground. Ms. Koch is very concerned about the environmental harm, which could be brought about by overdeveloping the Schedler property. She said that there was an entire ecosystem of wildlife and vegetation on the property, including a foraging ground for four bald eagles (a New Jersey endangered species) and three black-crowned night herons (a threatened species).


Ms. Koch said that she was surprised to hear some of the comments this evening about the particulate dangers from artificial turf. She said that she certainly wouldn’t want her children or future grandchildren to play on artificial turf. She is also concerned about the removal of too many trees from the property, particularly in light of global warming. The tree roots would absorb water, which would prevent flooding. Ms. Koch stated that there was not enough foresight when it was decided to install artificial turf on the Village fields, which constantly flood. She would like to see the Village Councilmembers consider the environmental harm, which could occur if artificial turf is used, and too many trees are razed on the Schedler property.


Anne Loving, 342 South Irving Street, stated that the Sunshine Law does not prohibit a speaker from saying someone’s name, and the Open Public Meetings Act does not permit four elected officials from excluding a fifth official from a discussion and decisions about an employee. She thanked Councilmember Reynolds for apologizing to the members of the public who were not initially allowed to speak during public comments. She said that, typically, public comments do not take too long because not many people attend meetings. Ms. Loving said that she was shocked to hear Mayor Vagianos end public comments while people were still waiting to speak, particularly because he always states that he loves to hear comments from the public. She said that some people had to leave before speaking, since they had to get up early for work the following morning.


Ms. Loving said that the Ad Hoc Communications Committee talked about transparent and open communication. She said that communication can certainly be improved by allowing those who wish to speak at the meeting, to do so. Ms. Loving stated that she was not in favor of removing public comments at the end of Village Council meetings. She quoted a saying from Roger Wiegand, which read, “The public should always have the final word.” She said that many comments at the end of Village Council meetings pertain to what was said or discussed during the meeting.


Ms. Loving thanked Deputy Mayor Perron for her sensible comments about the myriad hazards of artificial turf. As a retired clinical microbiologist, Ms. Loving said that she has witnessed horrific infections from skin tears sustained by soccer players after playing on artificial turf. She said that an historic property cannot be covered with a “big rubber rug.” She advocated against the use of turf and stated that she was in favor of the smaller field.


Ms. Loving said that she has heard Mayor Vagianos say many times that decisions would be made quickly on the Schedler property. However, a while ago she heard him say about another project that “it could be done quickly or it could be done right.” She would like to see the property developed in the right way, without the larger field and without turf.


Denise Lima, 319 East Glen Avenue, said that Deputy Mayor Perron had indicated this evening that a new energy consultant hired by the Village was searching for energy prices, which were better than those offered by PSE&G, which would lower residents’ energy bills. She asked whether this was something endorsed or sponsored by the Village.


Ms. Lima stated that she was looking forward to improvements to the Village website. She indicated that she would be happy to write content for the website concerning the history of Ridgewood.


Regarding the pilot program for the waivable curfew, Ms. Lima indicated that she appreciates how late the Village Councilmembers work and understands the need for the curfew.  She does not think an ordinance is necessary, but she is in favor of the pilot program. She believes that public comments need to be heard at both the beginning and end of each Village Council meeting.


Regarding the Schedler property, Ms. Lima stated that Councilmember Winograd asked residents to write to her concerning any questions or concerns, and that she would be posting some things on the website. However, when Ms. Lima contacted Councilmember Winograd, she was told by Councilmember Winograd to contact the Village Manager so that she could obtain the necessary information. Since no information has been forthcoming, Ms. Lima asked for some guidance in this regard.


Ms. Lima indicated that when she looks at the proposed changes for the Schedler property, all she sees is a sports complex rather than a park. She does not see many trees or any nature-like walking path through woods, since if the trees are removed, people will only be walking past a parking lot, with people coming and going. She does not see a serene playground for children, since it will be located next to the restrooms. She does not see picnic tables for people to enjoy. Ms. Lima feels that the larger field encroaches upon the historic house. She indicated that she has spoken to many people “from the State” this past week and they are not at all happy with the proposed larger field. She said that the proposed changes do not take into account the impact these changes will have on the neighbors’ quality of life. Ms. Lima stated that there are no measurements or dimensions on the plans, and she does not see any sewers or drainage systems on the plans. She said that the Village Councilmembers are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, without performing their due diligence.


Robert Koch, 60 North Hillside Place, asked if the meeting this evening is formal or informal, since he does not see a stenographer. He added that he has not attended a meeting in years. Mr. Koch said that he would have appreciated a formal introduction of the person giving the update on the Schedler property. He figured out later on that it was Mr. Rutishauser. He said that the viewing audience needs to know who is speaking at meetings. In addition, he said he did not know what SHPO is, but later figured out that it is the State Historic Preservation Office. Mr. Koch said that he is still unsure whether the original plans developed in 2017 have SHPO approval or not.  Councilmember Winograd replied that those plans do not have SHPO approval, since the original 2017 plans were never submitted to SHPO. Mr. Koch asked whether the original plans had the consensus of the neighbors in the Schedler area, and he was told that they did have the neighbors’ approval.


Mr. Koch stated that he rides his bicycle “all over the place.” He stated that the section of West Saddle River Road by the Schedler property is very tranquil. In fact, he said that one would not even realize that this area was close to Route 17. He said that he enjoys riding his bike in this neighborhood because there are people out walking their dogs and it is a very peaceful area. Mr. Koch feels that the Village Councilmembers should defer to the consensus of the neighbors regarding the development of the Schedler property. He said that he sincerely doubts that they want a gargantuan sports complex in their backyard. Regarding artificial turf, Mr. Koch recited a quote made by baseball player Richie Allen in the 1970s: “If a horse can’t eat it, I don’t want to play on it.”

Mayor Vagianos told Mr. Koch that all Village Council meetings are recorded and can be viewed on YouTube. He said there are very few full-sized sports fields in Ridgewood, and those fields flood after every major storm because they are located in a flood plain. In fact, these fields have flooded five times in the last two years, which adversely affects children of all ages. Mayor Vagianos stated that was the reason why the Village Council is discussing the possibility of constructing a large field on the Schedler property. Due to the dense population in Ridgewood, Mayor Vagianos stated that the last time a full-sized field was constructed in Ridgewood was in 1980. He said that the opportunity of having open land on which to construct a full-sized field in Ridgewood will not occur for a very long time.


Councilmember Winograd stated that the Village Councilmembers received a letter, which she was asked to read into the record: “Dear Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Vagianos, Weitz and Winograd: This is Jin Lee and I live at 561 Bennington Terrace. I am unable to attend the next Council Work Session in person or virtually and wanted to share my thoughts about the Schedler property, which I pass every day as I walk and drive in and out of my neighborhood. If you need to read this letter at the next meeting to enter it in the record, please do so. As long as the Village Engineering’s Office rendition of the property with a full-sized lacrosse/soccer field does not displace the playground, I continue to support putting a full-sized field at Schedler. Each of my three children participated in sports: rec, travel, freshman, JV and varsity. When Ridgewood bought the Schedler property in 2009, I eagerly looked forward to enjoying a park there with them. Today, my oldest is in her third year of living and working in the city and my youngest is a freshman in college. Even when my children were playing sports, I remember the difficulty of getting field time for older kids. I could share story after story about dangerous fields crafted out of makeshift plots and canceled practices. I do not need to be convinced that our youth athletes need another full-size field. I also support a turf field. If we are going to build a field there, we should get as much use out of it as possible. When Hurricane Ida hit in September 2021, Veterans Field was flooded and damaged. I work near Veterans Field and I saw how long it took to get it back in shape. Veterans Field was not ready for practice in the Spring of 2022. We are talking months. The high school stadium was back in action in the Fall of 2021. A few heavy days of rain leaves the grass unplayable for too long, and then overuse does the same. Ask anyone about Citizens Field. I would like to address an issue some residents have raised. Noise from Route 17 makes Schedler inhospitable to competitions. I attended a varsity baseball game at Morristown High School a year ago, and only after the game did I realize the field sits right along 287. That’s a major interstate during rush hour. I did not notice any traffic noise. My point is there are solutions to problems we’re talking about. I am simply tired of “we can’t” and I am encouraged that our Village Council seems to embrace “we can.” Thank you for taking the time to discuss the opportunity we have at Schedler. I ask that you move forward as quickly as possible in making smart choices that take into account the whole Village, and me and my neighborhood who live right nearby Schedler. Respectfully yours, Jin Lee, 561 Bennington Terrace.”


Mayor Vagianos apologized and said that he did not notice that there two people waiting to speak remotely. 


Laurie Weber, 235 South Irving Street, stated that she has often been accused of being long-winded and thinks that some of the Village Councilmembers are also long-winded and tend to go around in circles and repeat themselves. She said that she was not trying to criticize them, but feels that the Councilmembers are putting the onus on everyone else in order to try to make meetings shorter in length, rather than taking a look at themselves.

Regarding the issue of mentioning names of people during public comment, Ms. Weber said that this feels like censorship to her. She asked where this specific rule is located and what the intent of the rule is, because she doesn’t understand why mentioning a name is “bad.” During the many years she has attended Village Council meetings, she has heard names mentioned many times during public comments, without any admonishment from Village Councilmembers. Ms. Weber stated that Mayor Knudsen’s name was constantly mentioned during prior meetings. She feels that if the Councilmembers can mention other people’s names, then speakers during public comment should be allowed to mention the names of the Councilmembers as well. Ms. Weber stated that Councilmembers reading letters into the record is not necessarily a good practice and did not seem fair. Ms. Weber concluded by stating that she was in favor of keeping public comments at the end of Village Council meetings.


Mayor Vagianos stated that the policy of not allowing members of the public to say the names of Councilmembers is not a policy of the current Village Council, but is rather a policy that was in effect long before any of the current Councilmembers were elected to the Village Council. The decision as to whether or not to enforce this policy lies solely with the existing governing body. Mayor Vagianos said that the Village Council is looking for a respectful dialogue. When someone offhandedly mentions someone’s name in a positive vein, they try not to enforce this policy too strictly, in an effort not to cut off all dialogue. However, there are times when a Councilmember has taken a position that some member of the public does not agree with, and the policy is in place so that Village Councilmembers are not attacked publicly.


Suzanne Ruane, 705 Kingsbridge Lane, said she wanted to speak about the Kingsbridge Lane Bridge. She has recently learned that a minor was involved in an accident, after the bridge was closed, while attempting to bike into Ridgewood through back streets. The child is fine. Ms. Ruane said that she could furnish the police report to the Village Councilmembers after she has redacted the child’s name. She said it was her understanding that the Village Council has allocated the sum of $100,000.00 to repair the footbridge, but the engineering consultant has billed the Village $40,000.00, which leaves only the sum of $60,000.00 to do the necessary repairs. She is worried that $60,000.00 may not be enough money to complete the repairs, and that there will be further delays as a result. Ms. Ruane is concerned that someone may be seriously injured in the interim, as a result of the footbridge being closed, because they are forced to get to their destination via other routes.


Ms. Ruane stated that Village Council meetings are for the benefit of the public, and they should not be treated as a private enterprise. She also said that the tab on the Village website for the Schedler property is not very clear, and people are very interested in reading the documents that are posted on the website. She asked if someone could check this out and make it clearer to the public as to where they can access the pertinent documents.


Ms. Ruane stated that at the December 7, 2022 Village Council meeting, the Village Engineer stated that he had been working with SHPO for a year in order to develop plans for the Schedler property which would be satisfactory to SHPO. Mr. Rutishauser indicated that he only had a few more revisions to the plans before he would be able to submit them to SHPO for approval. Ms. Ruane stated that a lot of time and effort went into developing the plans in 2017, including time spent by the Village Engineer, which Ms. Ruane stated were “quickly being erased.”


Boyd A. Loving, 342 South Irving Street, said that Councilmember Wietz made some excellent points about ways to cut the length of Village Council meetings. Mr. Loving has worked in the private sector for 37 years, and lengthy meetings would not be tolerated. He has been regularly attending Council meetings for the past 23 years, and he recalls some presentations from vendors, which have taken as long as one hour and 15 minutes. Mr. Loving said that there are currently no controls in place to prevent these lengthy presentations. He agrees with Mayor Vagianos that placing time limitations on the agenda would offer guidance to people who are scheduled to give a presentation. He said that the Village Councilmembers just need to hear the major points of the presentation, rather than all the minutiae. Mr. Loving said that he did not mean to criticize anyone, but some of the Village Councilmembers talk a lot, only because they like to hear themselves talk. He suggested that the Village Councilmembers limit their speeches during meetings, which would cut down on the length of a meeting.


Regarding the previous comments made by Ms. Weber, Mr. Loving said that the Sunshine Law specifically states that a public body cannot censure speech during a public comment portion of a meeting, simply because the Village Councilmembers do not agree with what the speaker is saying. He said that the censuring of Ms. Weber from stating the name of a Councilmember is not permitted by law. Besides direct threats, Mr. Loving said that he has the right to mention any names he pleases.


There were no further public comments.


Mr. Rogers stated that the issue of not mentioning the names of Village Councilmembers was raised during a prior Village Council meeting, when Mr. Halaby raised the same question. He said that members of the public are permitted to name a Councilmember and criticize them if necessary. However, he said that if a comment is threatening, demeaning, disrespectful or disruptive, then the speaker can be limited in what they are allowed to say. Mayor Vagianos said that everyone should try to treat each other as neighbors.


Ms. Mailander stated that the trial period for the waivable curfew is not done through an ordinance, but rather by a resolution, since they are required by law to list all Village Council meetings for the year. The times of the Public Meetings have to be changed during the three- month time period, and this must be done via resolution, which has to be sent to the official newspapers, as required by law.


Regarding the question raised by Ms. Lima during public comments, Deputy Mayor Perron stated that they have been working on a renewable government energy aggregation plan since 2020. The resolution to move ahead with the program was adopted in February 2021. An energy consultant was recently hired to determine the best time to enter into a contract with an energy supplier.


8.         ADJOURNMENT


There being no further business to come before the Village Council, on a motion by Deputy Mayor Perron, seconded by Councilmember Reynolds, and carried unanimously by voice vote, the Village Council’s Work Session was adjourned at 11:30 P.M.







                                                                                                Paul Vagianos








Heather A. Mailander

          Village Manager/Village Clerk

  • Hits: 293



Mayor Aronsohn called the meeting to order at 7:42 P.M. and read the Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.  At roll call, the following were present:  Councilmembers Hauck, Knudsen, Pucciarelli, Sedon and Mayor Aronsohn.  Also present were Roberta Sonenfeld, Village Manager; Heather Mailander, Village Clerk; and Matthew Rogers, Village Attorney. 


Mayor Aronsohn moved the second reading of Ordinance 3521 and that the Public Hearing be opened. Councilwoman Knudsen seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:                   Councilmembers Hauck, Knudsen, Pucciarelli, Sedon, and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  None

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None


The Village Clerk read Ordinance 3521 by title:





              COST THEREOF


Mayor Aronsohn announced that the Public Hearing was open. 

Jim Griffith, 159 South Irving Street, said that this has been a long fight, and everything has been put out to the public, and everything has been transparent.  He said that they have reduced the size of the parking deck and they are closed to the finish line, which is good. 

Mr. Griffith said that he is thrilled where they are now, and he is sorry for the nonsense that has gone on with those who are opposed to the parking deck.  He said that their words were false, and some people have turned this Village into a moral slum.  He asked if anyone had died, and he answered that they have not.  He asked if anyone has been hurt, and he said that the answer is yes because the Central Business District (CBD) shop owners are being hurt.  He pointed out that if the parking deck is not built, there will be great harm to the business community.  He concluded by saying that the Village is great and they need to make this big investment in order to help the CBD. 

Rurik Halaby, 374 Evergreen Place, urged four of the Village Councilmembers to vote yes for this bond ordinance, because Ridgewood needs a garage.  He said that the new design looks great, and within a year, Mt. Carmel Church will love the garage.  It will be a great place to park for many in the community.  He asked the Village Councilmembers to hold onto their positions and hang in there.

John Saraceno, 17 Coventry Court, said that his company almost developed a parking garage on North Walnut Street several years ago.  Since that time, the Village has tried to create more parking in the CBD.  He said that this parking deck has now gotten caught up in politics, relative to the Municipal Election to be held in May.  He simply stated that the Village needs a parking garage.  He said that no parking garage is perfect, and he hopes that the Village Council will not let politics get in the way of progress.  He urged the Village Councilmembers to support the CBD and establish something good for Ridgewood. 

Andrew Silverstein, 17 Chestnut Street, who is part owner of Roots Steak House, explained that they have other Roots restaurants in other municipalities in New Jersey, such as Princeton, Summit, and Morristown, and they have parking garages for patrons of shops and businesses.  He urged them to vote in favor of the bonding for the parking garage. 

Hans-Jurgen Lehmann, 234 Union Street, said that he lives a few block from the CBD, he volunteers on the Zoning Board of Adjustment and SHARE Housing.  He loves Ridgewood, and people come here for the housing, the CBD, the schools.  He said that the CBD is very nice and is a hub for Bergen County.  He emphasized that it is important to provide parking and it is a good idea to build a parking deck.  The Rich and Associates study from the 1990s indicated that there was over a 1,000 parking space shortage in the CBD.  Mr. Lehmann indicated that there is over a 2,000 parking space shortage at this time, so he recommends that a parking garage be built.

Tony Damiano, 274 South Broad Street, owner of the store, Mango Jam, and President of the Ridgewood Guild, stated that he endorses Option D.  Mr. Damiano apologized to the architect of the parking deck, Ken Schier, as a previous statement he made about the parking deck was incorrect and was his error.  He hopes that the Village Council votes wisely, and he pointed out that the CBD is the heartbeat of Ridgewood.  He said that many businesses are in favor of a parking garage, but they are afraid to speak up about it.   He stated that the Ridgewood Blog is social media at its worst, and he read 21 anonymous comments, which shows cowardice.  He emphasized that people should sign their names to posts on social media and respect each other.  Mr. Damiano concluded by saying that no retail chains will come to Ridgewood because there isn’t sufficient parking in the CBD.  He hoped that the Village Council would make the right decision.

John Vermylen, 241 North Walnut Street, said that he chose to move to Ridgewood because of the CBD, and he is committed to a vibrant CBD.  Mr. Vermylen said that a parking garage will help the CBD, and that Hudson Street is a good location for the parking garage.  The tone of the debate has not been pleasant at times. He said that some have misbehaved on this issue and treated each other poorly.  Mr. Vermylen said that he wants to thank the opposition, because Option D is a good design.  He also thanked the group with the petition to say “No to the BCIA”, because he wishes to have this project funded by Ridgewood.  Mr. Vermylen asked all of the Councilmembers to vote yes on this ordinance. 

Kevin Mattessich, 836 Morningside Road, said he has lived in the Village for a long time.  The town is so divided, and at such an impasse.  He said that this Village Council should not vote on this issue tonight; instead, they should get it ready for the new Village Council taking office on July 1, 2016.   He pointed out that the new Village Council may want two garages with two stories each or they may want to consider making some of the streets in the CBD one-way streets in order to put in angled parking.  Mr. Mattessich said that if the Village Council goes any further, it will divide the Village more, and it will never be mended.

Jeanette LaRocco, 454 Bogert Avenue, said that this is an important ordinance, and she believes the parking garage is still oversized.  She said that the Village Council should vote no on this ordinance and continued working on a compromise so that there can be a unanimous vote.

Bruce or Leonora Reynolds, 427 Ponfield Place, said that he is a 21 year resident and said  that he is opposed to the parking garage for several reasons including the fact that it is a public safety issue; the entire study concerning the parking garage is not broad enough; he moved to the Village because it is quaint and charming and the parking garage will be an eyesore; the process was not followed properly, because there should be a vote on this at the November General Election; the Village Council saw the vote on the referendum a mandate from the people, but that is wrong; he is not happy with the involvement of the BCIA; the businesses that are here are the present time may not be here in the next two years.  Ms. Mr. Reynolds said that by going to the referendum vote in November, it will stop the arguments about this matter between residents. 

Art Wrubel, 79 Ridge Road, said that he was the former Chair of the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC).  He said that most parking lots are eyesores, and the parking garage will be a positive contribution to the parking lot.  Mr. Wrubel said that the parking garage has a good scale to it and it is not overwhelming.  He pointed out that the architecture for the parking garage is compatible with the Village architecture.  Mr. Wrubel concluded by saying that he has lived in the Village for 50 years, said that those who say this Village Council should not vote on the parking garage are not thinking about what is good for the future.  Mr. Wrubel emphasized that the vote should be done now and should not wait for a new Village Council.

Gary Negrycz, 501 Dorchester Road, said that the Village wants and needs a garage.  He said that the Village should pay for the parking garage in-house, because in this way, Ridgewood residents can get priority for parking and the Village will have control of the garage. 

Mr. Negrycz asked if the Village has looked at the mechanicals and where to get rid of the carbons monoxide in the parking garage.  Mr. Negrycz said that the Village residents want the parking garage now, and they want to see the inside of the garage, not just a cartoon drawing of the garage.  He concluded by saying that he wants a parking garage, but he wants the Village to own it.  He asked the Village Council to show the residents what they are buying in the parking garage.

Kathleen Noe, 623 Ellington Road, said that Ridgewood is a special place, and what has happened lately between all of the residents is horrible.  She said that in order to maintain the character of Ridgewood, that the Village Council should not finance the parking garage with the BCIA.  Ms. Noe indicated that she does not want to support the developer’s needs so she does not want the County to be involved.  She wants to have the Village remain as it is now.  She thanked the Village Council for the time they have spent serving the Village and said that she wants all of the neighbors to be happy. 

Sally Brandes, 515 Stevens Avenue, stated that she does not think that one parking garage is sufficient to take care of the parking needs, and thinks that there should be two garages. 

Changing the subject, she said that the Village is catering to developers, which is the real concern.  Although some say there is no room for low income housing she wondered if the Village can’t make room.

Ms. Brandes indicated that she has lived in the Village for 42 years, and she would like the Hudson Street lot to stay the way it currently is, for the sake of Mt. Carmel Church. 

Diane Palacios, 342 North Van Dien Avenue, indicated that she has lived in the Village since 1978, and she believes that a parking garage will not work in the CBD because Ridgewood has charm, and an atmosphere, and is a Village and a large garage would destroy the soul of Ridgewood.  She recommended that there be several two-level parking decks on various parking lots in the CBD.  Ms. Palacios said that although she does not know Dave Slomin, she loves his ideas, and he begged to be given a chance to use his ideas. 

Bob Fuhrman, 49 Clinton Avenue, said he is not in favor of having a referendum question on the November General Election ballot.  He said that the Village should not go to the BCIA for funding, because he would like the Village to take care of its own parking garage.

Saurabh Dani, 390 Bedford Road, said that two Village Council meetings ago, the residents asked for the BCIA ordinance to be repealed on the same night that the bond ordinance to fund the parking garage within Ridgewood was to be adopted.  He said that the residents believed this would happen, but the Village Council did not keep their word to do it this way. 

Mr. Dani asked when the details of the make-up of the parking garage, how many commuter parking spots and how many parking spots would be for shoppers and diners would be known.  Mr. Dani said that this evening, a group of residents will be starting a new petition to stop all funding sources for the parking garage, by stopping this ordinance if it is adopted.  Mr. Dani encouraged the Village Council to discuss the size of the parking garage with each other in order to get a parking garage which is the right size.  Mr. Dani concluded by saying that the Village Council should keep their promise to reduce the size of the parking garage.

Carrie Giordano, 57 North Hillside Place, agreed with Mr. Dani that there should be a plan and a vision. She also agreed with Councilman Sedon that there should be more parking on the streets with parallel parking and that the parking garage is too high.

Lorraine Reynolds, 550 Wyndemere Avenue, said that the new plan for the parking garage is the best plan to date, but she thinks that the Village can do better.  She said that the Village Council has not been open and honest about the parking garage, because they did not tell the public that the parking garage encroached onto Hudson Street.  Ms. Reynolds pointed out that the residents asked for a 3-dimensional version of this parking garage so that they can visualize the parking garage within the existing streetscape to determine how tall it is.  She said that she knows that this can be done.  Ms. Reynolds urged the Village Council to postpone the vote on this bond ordinance for one week to see what the costs would be for one less level on the parking garage. 

Changing the subject, Ms. Reynolds said that under the terms of the statute, the petitioners have 10 days to withdraw their petition to stop the BCIA funding which was certified this evening by Ms. Mailander, the Village Clerk.  Therefore, the petitioners have until April 2, 2016 to withdraw the petition.  The special election for this matter is to be scheduled no less than 40 days nor more than 90 days after the petition withdrawal expiration date.  It is now less than 40 days to the May 10, 2016 Municipal Election, so the referendum question will not be able to be included on the May 10, 2016 ballot; instead, a special election will be needed to hold the vote on the petition which was certified by Ms. Mailander this evening.    

Jacqueline Hone, 30 Carriage Lane, stated that the Village Council should not put the referendum on the May 10, 2016 Municipal Election ballot.  She said that in the statute, it says “not less than 40 days” from the certification by the Municipal Clerk.  That means the earliest the referendum could be considered is May 12, 2016.  She recommended that they table the current design for the parking garage and work together.

There were no other comments from the public, and Mayor Aronsohn moved that the Public Hearing be closed. Councilman Pucciarelli seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:                   Councilmembers Hauck, Knudsen, Pucciarelli, Sedon, and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  None

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None

Councilwoman Knudsen indicated that she will support the ordinance tonight, although she agrees that the garage is too tall and it does not harmonize with the existing streetscape.  Additional parking will benefit the Village, its residents and the businesses in the CBD. She thanked the residents who emailed the Village Councilmembers to give them their thoughtful and considerate opinions.  She said that she is hoping that the Village Council can work together to address the height of the proposed garage.

Councilman Pucciarelli said that the process has not been flawed or undemocratic; instead it has been a protracted, thorough process.  He indicated that the design chosen is a good compromise.  He urged his fellow Councilmembers to pull together and make the garage a reality.  He emphasized that the Village Councilmembers have a responsibility to vote on this ordinance, and every matter cannot be put to a referendum.  He reminded those present that this is a self-funding garage, being paid for out of the parking utility. 

Councilman Sedon stated that the Village has reached a point where decisions must be made.  He emphasized that the garage will be built, and that there are two other items which will be worked on in the near future.  He said that the first is if the side streets in the CBD are made one-way streets, there would be 60-80 additional parking spaces, which is an additional $168,000 in revenue.  The second item is that he is researching a Business Improvement District, so that the businesses in the CBD will help pay towards the parking garage.

Councilwoman Hauck said that the parking deck has been the best experience that she has ever had.  She said that everyone has different opinions, and it is alright to disagree and listen with respect.  She emphasized that Plan D is a balance, and it does not make sense to go any smaller. 

Mayor Aronsohn noted that the parking deck project has been a long process, which has been engaging and worthwhile.  He stated that democracy is messy, but everyone wants to do the right thing.  He emphasized that this is an important moment in the life of the Village as the Village Council moves forward.  He said that everyone involved should feel good about this.

Councilwoman Hauck moved that Ordinance 3521 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law. Councilwoman Knudsen seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:                   Councilmembers Hauck, Knudsen, Pucciarelli, Sedon, and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  None

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None


Mayor Aronsohn pointed out that next week, the Village Council will introduce an ordinance to rescind the Lease Agreement with the BCIA.  He thanked everyone for being here tonight.


Prior to moving into the Public Hearings for the multi-family housing ordinances, Mayor Aronsohn reminded everyone that in June 2015, the Planning Board adopted four ordinances for multi-family housing.  The second reading and Public Hearings for these ordinances were held on September 16, 2015 and September 30, 2015.  Firms have been hired to conduct multi-family housing impact studies in the areas of traffic, schools (education), infrastructure, and a build-out analysis.  There was a public presentation in March.   

Mayor Aronsohn thanked the consultants for being at the meeting this evening.  Ms. Sonenfeld indicated that at the last meeting, the consultants gave their presentations, and the consultant will now answer questions from the last meeting. 

Susan Favate, from BFJ spoke about the build-out analysis concerning water, sewer, and emergency responders.  She said that if the makeup of the multi-family housing is 45% studio and one bedroom; 51% two bedrooms; and 5% three bedrooms.  This is a conservative analysis, and she believes there will not be additional three bedroom units unless they take away the total units.  As to the number of affordable housing units in one location, it is a 15% set aside on each of the sites.  Ken Smith is a large site, and it is unlikely that there will be a bigger parcel of land.  If there is additional property bought, The Enclave will have ¾ of an acre for additional parcels, which is 23 more units.  Ms. Favate explained that more sewer service is not necessary, because the Water Pollution Control Facility is only at 60% capacity.  The developments on Dayton Street and at the Ken Smith sites may need bigger sewer lines.  There will be no further water needed than that which already exists, because Ridgewood Water is only at a 1% capacity.  Ms. Favate reiterated that their analysis is very conservative. 

Ross Haber, who did the education study, said that there would be 64 new students in the Ridge and Orchard schools, which is about six new children per grade. The conclusion is that there is not a tremendous issue to the school system, since the numbers are negligible, based on enrollment history.  In fact, there has been a decrease of 100 students in the Ridgewood school system from last year to this year. 

Gordon Meth reported on the traffic studies.  He said that the walking routes to the schools would be from South Broad Street to Ackerman Avenue, which both have sidewalks.  The other option would be to go under Garber Square, at the train station parking lot, to West Ridgewood Avenue.

Tina Long, from Urbanomics, said that the economic effect of more residents is that there will be more revenue in the CBD.  She said that there is a cyclical nature of assessed values and their evaluation was very conservative.  They worked with the Village Tax Assessor.  The income and tax revenues were on the low end.   

a.       Ordinance #3489 – Amend Chapter 190 – Land Use and Development – Establish AH-2 Zone District

Mayor Aronsohn moved the seventh reading of Ordinance 3489 and that the Public Hearing be continued. Councilman Pucciarelli seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:                   Councilmembers Hauck, Knudsen, Pucciarelli, Sedon, and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  None

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None


The Village Clerk read Ordinance 3489 by title:




Mayor Aronsohn announced that the Public Hearing was now continued.   Rurik Halaby, 374 Evergreen Place, thanked the Village Council for their courage in voting 5-0 for the bond ordinance.  Mr. Halaby said that she has lived here for 48 years, and for the last ten years, Mr. Halaby has noticed a downward trend in the CBD.  He said that he looks forward to the multi-family developments and they will have a positive impact on the Village.  He said that the apartments will be better than boarded up buildings.  Mr. Halaby urged the Village Council to vote in favor of multi-family housing. 

John Saraceno, 17 Coventry Court, said that he has been a resident for eighteen years and is one of the developers for multi-family housing.  He said that he has served on the Library Board of Trustees and has coached for his sons’ teams.   Mr. Saraceno stated that multi-family housing will bring vibrancy back to the CBD, and he wants to be part of the process, since the CBD is what makes Ridgewood special.  He said that he wanted 37 units/acre but he will develop what is economically viable.  He said that he respects Ridgewood, yet he and the other developers are portrayed as demons.  He emphasized that the residential proposals are best for Ridgewood and admitted that change is scary, but everyone can be a part of it. 

Jeanette LaRocco, 454 Bogert Avenue, said that the Master Plan is all-encompassing.  She stated that there should be a limit to the number of multi-family units, and it should not be a hodgepodge.  The multi-family units should not allow for too many children.  She believes that the multi-family housing will punish and push out the residents who do not want to be in a city.  She asked that the Village Council keep Ridgewood special, because once a precedent is set, there is no going back. 

Peter Cahill, a resident on Madison Avenue, stated that it seems that everyone is pro-developer and they are ignoring the possibility that the number of children will increase through these multi-family units.

Anna Spalckhaver, 476 Alpine Terrace, said that she is a 50-year resident and she taught school in the Village for 30 years.  She said that the multi-family housing will have an impact on the schools.  She is concerned about how the character of Ridgewood will be permanently changed and the charm will be gone forever.  She emphasized that this Village Council will be remembered if they vote in favor of multi-family housing.  Ms. Spalckhaver is most concerned about the density of the multi-family housing.  She said that if you drive down Oak Street, you can see the children who live in the Oak Street apartments going to Ridge School.  She stated that the schools in Ridgewood are crowded and the parents with special needs children come to Ridgewood schools and that number increases every year. 

Ms. Spalckhaver also said that the traffic around Broad Street, with both the parking garage and the multi-family housing will cause a great amount of traffic.  She emphasized that Ridgewood will look like Hackensack or Teaneck.  She also stated that there has never been a time like this in Ridgewood where so many residents are upset about developments, and she blamed the Village Council.  She concluded by saying that the only people who will suffer will be the residents, but hopefully, they will prevail. 

Art Wrubel, 79 Ridge Road, said that there are four sites proposed for multi-family housing, and the site on Chestnut Street looks like a slum.  He emphasized that these sites will be developed, and there could be a combination of a commercial use and housing or perhaps a new CVS drugstore.  This is what will happen if multi-family housing is not developed on these sites.  He stated that in the future, residents will drive past these developed sites and think what could have been built instead.  Mr. Wrubel stated that the developers are waiting to develop housing because they have the interest of the Village at heart. He indicated that the four sites for multi-family housing are not within sight of each other.  He pointed out that the multi-family housing impact studies proved that their effects on the schools and traffic will be deminimis. 

Gary Negrycz, 501 Dorchester Road, said that there are five multi-family housing ordinances before the Village Council at one time. He said that there are over 5,000 students of 25,000 residents, who come from single family homes.  Mr. Negrycz calculated that the multi-family housing will produce 407 bedrooms.  If half of them or 203 bedrooms are allocated to couples, that will produce 406 cars.  If the rest of the bedrooms have only one child each, that will produce 203 children, not just 66 children.  Mr. Negrycz said that in New York City, the rent is $3,500 per month.  He said that people won’t pay that kind of money to live next to the Ridgewood train station, especially when someone can rent a home in Ridgewood for $2,500 per month.  Mr. Negrycz is convinced that the Village will have to build bigger schools.

Dave Slomin, 36 Heights Road, indicated that for the last four years, Citizens for a Better Ridgewood (CBR) have asked questions which have not been answered.  The Planning Board has ignored CBR and it seems that now the Village Council will do so.  Mr. Slomin said that the multi-family housing should be put to a referendum vote.  Mr. Slomin explained that on Monday night, there was a town hall meeting with the developers of multi-family housing but no one came, because they don’t support the developers’ vision for Ridgewood.  The Village Council is set to vote on the multi-family housing which is simply too big for the town that the residents love.  Mr. Slomin indicated that there is a difference of opinion between the Planning Board and the Village Council and the majority of Ridgewood residents because the multi-family housing is a more urban look and feel, and the residents want a small town feel.  Mr. Slomin asked this Village Council not to leave a mess for the new Village Council.  Mr. Slomin encouraged the Village Council to listen to CBR as residents, because they are willing to have development, they are just naysayers to bad planning.  Mr. Slomin concluded by stating that CBR wants 25 units/acre instead of 35 units/acre. 

Jeff Voigt, 99 Glenwood Road, asked why a sensitivity analysis was not done.  Mr. Voigt pointed out that the multi-family housing ordinances are spot zoning, because the Ken Smith property has been commercially zoned for years.  According to Mr. Voigt, a Supreme Court case stated that new zones created should be consistent with the surrounding zones, yet this is not the case for the multi-family zones.  Mr. Voigt stated that the density of the multi-family housing is driven by Ridgewood’s affordable housing obligation.  He wondered why the Village is trying to address a number of affordable housing units if the number of affordable housing units required is unknown.   

Jim O’Day, 53 Boyce Place, asked if the consultants looked at rentals vs. condo ownership in their impact studies.  Mr. O’Day said that he has many concerns about increased numbers of children in the schools.  He also asked if the consultants looked at the financial impact on tax revenue for one bedroom apartments vs. condos.  Mr. O’Day stated that the condos will generate more tax revenue for the Village.  He said that the rental units will use the school system more than the condos.

Saurabh Dani, 390 Bedford Road, said that the school impact study is incorrect because the number of two bedroom units was not calculated correctly.  Mr. Dani asked if some of these multi-family units are for empty nesters in Ridgewood, why they don’t designate them as age 55+ units.  Mr. Dani asked why the existing apartments could not be rebuilt at a higher density if the decision is to allow 35 units/acre in the multi-family housing zones.  Mr. Dani said that he is not just opposed to Mr. Saraceno’s project.  Mr. Dani pointed out that three of the current Councilmembers will not be on the Village Council, because they are not running for re-election in May.  Mr. Dani encouraged them to defer the vote on multi-family housing to the next Village Council.

Kevin Mattessich, 836 Morningside Road, indicated that studies have not shown why people move to Ridgewood, but no one said multi-family housing.  No one is paying less in taxes due to the blight in the CBD.  He has heard it said that the multi-family housing will be great for the empty nesters.  He asked why the existing apartments and condos are not good enough for the empty nesters.  He wondered if the developers can build better apartments than the Oak Street or Heights Road apartments which already exist. 

Mr. Mattessich said that three of the Councilmembers should recuse themselves from the vote on multi-family housing since Mr. Saraceno, one of the developers, held a dinner for Governor Christie a few years ago, and Mayor Aronsohn, Councilwoman Hauck, and Councilman Pucciarelli all attended the dinner for free.  It would be a conflict of interest for them to vote on the multi-family housing since they went to the dinner for free which was sponsored by Mr. Saraceno.  Mr. Mattessich said that there is no independent view of this matter and there needs to be finality. 

Mr. Mattessich said that if he has a half acre lot, then he should be able to build eighteen units on it.  Some of the older one family homes should be allowed to become three family homes if they wish to do so.  Mr. Mattessich indicated that the Village Council is not in favor of the residents, they are in favor of the developers. 

Scott Van Den Bosch, 302 Stevens Avenue, said that the current estimate on students in existing housing is not accurate, because many children live in the Oak Street apartments.  Mr. Van Den Bosch stated that when he moved to Ridgewood, he thought that the town was fully developed, but he was wrong.  He pointed out that the 35 units per acre will set a precedent for future development in Ridgewood.  He emphasized that it is irresponsible to allow all four multi-family housing sites to be developed at once, and urged that the development of these site be slow and methodical.  Mr. Van Den Bosch concluded by stating that the new Village Council should make the final decision. 

Ronald Simoncini, 249 Bogert Avenue, said that there a lot of long-time residents in Ridgewood.  He said that the adoption of the multi-family housing ordinances is a government question, and the Village Council should call the game the way they see the game.  Mr. Simoncini said that he was proud to vote for the Village Council because they promised to solve the multi-family housing and parking issues.  He was glad, because these issues should have been solved long ago. 

Mr. Simoncini said that there is a division in the Village, and there is a group who circulated petitions to overturn a 5-0 vote adopting the bond ordinance for the parking deck on Hudson Street.  Mr. Simoncini said that he does not know if the number is 25 units per acre or 35 units per acre, and some residents say that Blais Brancheau, the Village Planner, does not know what he is doing. 

Mr. Simoncini said that the Village currently has 25,000 residents, and if 400 more residents are added, that will take Ridgewood to forty years in the future.  He said that he trusts the Village Council’s ability to vote as they should. 

Steve DiRado, 112 Hope Street, said that the Village can’t squander its existing charm, because it won’t come back once it is gone.  He stated that the Village will regret it and Ridgewood will no longer be Ridgewood.  Mr. DiRado emphasized that the Village Councilmembers’ ambition is preventing them from listening to the residents.  He has not yet heard how the apartments which will be built will be a good thing for the Village.  He urged the Village Council to stick with the 25 units per acre.

Mr. DiRado pointed out that this will be the last big thing that Mayor Aronsohn, Councilwoman Hauck, and Councilman Pucciarelli will do in their remaining time on the Village Council.  He urged them not to adopt the multi-family housing ordinances and instead, be happy that they are going to build the parking deck.

There were no further comments from the public and Mayor Aronsohn moved that the Public Hearing be closed. Councilman Pucciarelli seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:                   Councilmembers Hauck, Knudsen, Pucciarelli, Sedon, and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  None

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None


Ms. Sonenfeld reviewed various questions that were asked during the Public Hearing. 

Ms. Favate explained that all of the consultants looked at the worst case scenario in all of the analyses that were done.  She indicated that it would be a maximum of 247 units to be built, which is 211 one bedroom; 109 two bedroom; and 20 three bedroom units.  This would be the worst case scenario. 

Mr. Haber said that he spent time doing the Ridgewood public schools study.  There was a question about the special education children.  He explained that he is aware that Ridgewood is a fully inclusive school district with special education student, and all of that was taken into account. 

As far as the Oak Street apartments are concerned, Mr. Haber said that 77 units will yield 51 children and 74 units will yield 29 children.  Mr. Haber said that he looked at the total yield, and what is relevant to Ridgewood.  He explained that he broke down the market rate units vs. the affordable housing units and found that out of 100 units, 98 would be market rate units and 2 affordable housing units.  He indicated that in those units, there would be twelve children.   This would mean if those children went to Orchard School, where there are currently fifteen students in Kindergarten, it would increase that class size by two or three students.  Mr. Haber said that he is very comfortable with the numbers and the yield and that he has a high confidence in them.

Tina Lund, from Urbanomics, stated that rental vs. ownership was not looked at, but overall, there is very little impact.

Gordon Meth stated that the intersection of East Ridgewood Avenue and Broad Street should be addressed because there are many pedestrians and cars at that intersection.  He is certain that the intersection of Broad Street and Hudson Street can handle the projected increased traffic. 

Concerning the question about spot zoning, Mr. Rogers explained that spot zoning is the use of zoning power to promote a private purpose.  Mr. Rogers said that there is a mandate under that State constitution for affordable housing, so this type of housing is not considered spot zoning. 

Mr. Rogers stated that there are four properties suitable for affordable housing in the CBD.  The Planning Board will be looking to see if there are other sites suitable for affordable housing.  Mr. Rogers stated that Mr. Brancheau can speak to that process, but each site must be looked at separately to determine if it is suitable.  As far as the 35 units per acre, he explained that only those sites zoned for multi-family housing are able to build this many units per acre, and it is not applicable Village-wide. 

Blais Brancheau, Village Planner, explained that one estimate of the number of affordable housing units to be developed is 1,100 units, and another estimate is 462 affordable units.  The Village’s affordable housing obligation is somewhere within that range.  There are currently some affordable units at Ridgecrest Senior Housing; on Broad Street in the Woodside Housing; and on Leonard Place, which total approximately 150 affordable housing units.  This means over 300 affordable housing units are still needed, at the low end of the estimate.  Mr. Brancheau indicated that the Village of Ridgewood lacks sufficient land to meet that obligation.

Mr. Brancheau stated this in the first two COAH rounds, the Village did not address all of its affordable housing obligations.  The Planning Board will now look at other sites for redevelopment, in order to meet the affordable housing obligations, but even doing that, the Village will fall far short of its affordable housing obligation. 

Councilwoman Hauck pointed out that if the Village Council adopts the multi-family housing ordinances, it will provide for 45 affordable housing units in total, which will show a good faith effort to the court.  Mr. Brancheau indicated that this cannot be discussed, because this matter is currently in mediation. 

Councilman Pucciarelli said that one person who spoke tonight said that he spoke for the majority of the residents of Ridgewood.  He wondered what influenced that person.  Councilman Pucciarelli indicated that he is pursuing public safety and happiness and that empirical data from experts influences him.  He stated that the multi-family ordinances also influence him because they are well-crafted.

Prior to the vote on Ordinance 3489, there were comments from the Village Council.  Councilwoman Hauck said that this is not an easy vote, because it will alter Ridgewood’s history.  However, there have been other changes in Ridgewood’s history through the years as well.  She said that she will be supporting the multi-family ordinances for three reasons.  The first is that the experts have supported the proposed zoning changes.  The second is that there is a court order to create affordable housing units and all legal counsel, as well as the Planning Board, have supported moving forward with these ordinances.  The third is that Ridgewood has had huge changes in the past, such as building various schools and the building of The Lawns residential area off of Grove Street.  The Village government has put a lot of study into these changes and she is comfortable with them.

Councilwoman Knudsen said that she will be voting against these multi-family housing ordinances, because the Master Plan requires resident input, which has been absent from the process at the Planning Board.

Councilman Pucciarelli thanked the Planning Board for the multi-family housing ordinances which were well thought out.  He said that he will be voting in favor of these ordinances.

Councilman Sedon said that the residents have been told that the CBD is in a decline, yet a parking garage is needed.  He said that these ordinances will bring about big changes and change on this scale is not good.  The density is too high and the intersections will be filled with dense traffic.  Councilman Sedon said that neither young professionals nor empty nesters will want to buy these units.  These units will appeal to young families with school-aged children, which will bring more congestion and more traffic.  This is not proactive planning, and Councilman Sedon indicated that the he will be voting against these ordinances.

Councilman Pucciarelli moved that Ordinance 3489 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law. Councilwoman Hauck seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:                  Councilmembers Hauck, Pucciarelli and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  Councilmembers Knudsen and Sedon

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None


At this time, Councilwoman Knudsen left the dais.


b.      Ordinance #3490 – Amend Chapter 190 – Land Use and Development – Establish B-3-R Zone District

Mayor Aronsohn moved the seventh reading of Ordinance 3490 and that the Public Hearing be continued.  Councilwoman Hauck seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:                  Councilmembers Hauck, Pucciarelli, Sedon, and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  None

ABSENT:             Councilwoman Knudsen

ABSTAIN:            None


The Village Clerk read Ordinance 3490 by title:






Mayor Aronsohn announced that the Public Hearing was now continued.   Claude Bienstock, 39-11 B Broadway, Fair Lawn, suggested that the Village Council vote for what they think is in the best interest of Ridgewood residents.  He said that the Village Council must listen to the voice of the people, and do what they think is best for the Village, although everyone will not agree with their decision.  Mr. Bienstock stated that he has a great respect for the great job the Village Council is doing and that decisions are tough. 

Chris Kaufman, 642 Midwood Road, said that the Village Council must listen to the majority in making their decisions.  He said that he is a real estate agent, and that people move to Ridgewood for the schools.  He agreed that the school-aged population goes up and down and renters are able to get new units by renting.   Once the new multi-family units are built, the people in the mid-range homes will not be able to sell because their homes will be outdated.  Mr. Kaufman said that he sees a change coming, and it is sad. 

Mr. Kaufman emphasized that the Village Council majority does not represent the majority of the residents.  Only two Councilmembers represent the majority of the residents and he urged that more studies be done.  Mr. Kaufman concluded by saying that he is not happy with the education/school study that was done.

Linda Kotch, 60 North Hillside Place, stated that she knows the Village Council is committed to this, but as she listened to the reports she found it hard to believe that the results of the education/schools and traffic studies were counter-intuitive.  Ms. Kotch said that she speaks for so many when she is asking why the number of units is being increased to 35 units per acre when everyone was happy with 24 units per acre.  Ms. Kotch indicated that mixed use will make the best use of the space available.

Ms. Kotch said that she disagrees with Mr. Damiano, because she does not believe that increased parking will save the retail stores in the CBD.  She explained that the Village needs a Master Plan that makes sense on a big scale that includes parking and development in the CBD.  Ms. Kotch said that the Village Council is making a hasty decision, and she is sorry that she missed Mr. Saraceno’s presentation.  Ms. Kotch explained that if she was going to renovate her house, she would do it as a whole and not piecemeal. 

Linda Tarzian, 576 Highland Avenue, thanked the Village Councilmembers for their service to the Village.  She indicated that when people buy homes in Ridgewood they do so for the homes and the CBD.  Some people who bought homes near the CBD will now be next to high density housing.  She asked when the Village Council considered the Master Plan and will there be additional Fire and Police services necessary for the multi-family housing.   She concluded by asking whether the Village Council is listening to those who elected them.

Bill McCabe, 96 Avondale Road, indicated that he wanted to clarify the numbers.  He heard that 462 was the low end of the affordable housing obligation.  If four multi-family housing developments result in 45 affordable housing units, he estimated that many more affordable housing developments will have to be built to meet the affordable housing obligation.  He wondered if existing units could be made affordable housing units. 

Mr. McCabe stated that he attended the September 16, 2015 Public Meeting, and there is a huge deficit in the affordable housing numbers, and there is going to be spot zoning tied to affordable housing.

Sandipan Deb, 250 Phelps Road, stated that people have to get used to change.  If the court mandates the number of units per acre, the outcome could be worse than it is now.   There is also a lawsuit, so he said to move forward now.  He asked why all of the affordable housing units are needed.  He said that many communities are in a far worse state than Ridgewood with affordable housing.  Mr. Deb asked if there is money from the State to help the towns to build affordable housing. 

Mr. Deb said that the Village Council should hold off on voting on these multi-family housing ordinances and the threat of a lawsuit is not a good reason to move forward.  Mr. Deb explained that the Village Council must represent the residents’ views, and right now, people are angry.

Zhenguo Wang, 169 Jeffer Court, said that he would like to make some points.  The first is that he is a scientist, and it is very unbelievable to him that the consultants are so confident in their accuracy.  He said that he moved to Ridgewood from Fort Lee because of the schools and the CBD.  He is not against change; instead, he does not want it to be too much change too quickly.  He emphasized that 35 units per acre is too much change too quickly.  Mr. Wang said that the Village Council should represent the Chinese community who do not want this change.

John Czop, 244 Pershing Avenue, said that at the January 27, 2016 Village Council meeting, Mr. Rogers said that there is a polluted stream under the Walnut Street parking lot.  Mr. Czop said that a consultant should look at the polluted stream.  He wondered if the polluted stream is a reason not to develop the Walnut Street lot.

Siobhan Winograd, 274 Ivy Place, said that she moved back to Ridgewood in 2006 and it is now 2016 and she was sad that when her parents sold their house, they were unable to continue living in Ridgewood because there were no apartments for them to live in.  Ms. Winograd stated that putting commercial development into the multi-family housing zones would not be a good idea, because it would increase traffic.  She said that she would be glad to have multi-family housing, which would bring less traffic.

Ms. Winograd said that she is a mother and she is a daughter and she knows that the aging population is forced out of Ridgewood.  The affordable housing component will make everyone in Ridgewood more socially aware, which is not a bad thing.

Patrick Reilly, 160 Highland Avenue, indicated that not too many people showed up.  In most other towns, they do not have to rally because they have Master Plans, which is a promise to the people of that community.  Mr. Reilly said that the multi-family housing will change Ridgewood.  He said that Ordinance #3066 was put in place for the Valley Hospital expansion and it is why the multi-family applications are before the Village Council at this time.  Ordinance #3066 is a loophole in the zoning of the Village.  Mr. Reilly asked for Ordinance #3066 to be repealed so that Ridgewood has checks and balances. 

Amy Bourque, 133 Sheridan Terrace, said that there is a division in the Village and there are no shared visions.  She said that if the expert consultants had been available at the beginning of the multi-family housing proposal, there might have been a better process.  She recommended that the Village Council move forward and have an outside firm come in to revise the Master Plan.

John Saraceno, 17 Coventry Court, said that in response to Ms. Bourque’s comment, said that as a developer, he tried to have a dialogue with and make the residents part of the process; however, none of those gestures were appreciated.  There has been a tremendous debate about what is appropriate and what is not appropriate for the Village. 

Mr. Saraceno said that he understands that there were many people who wanted to be part of the dialogue, but they were told not to do so.  He said that he is willing to have conversations with residents, but he does not want any more fighting. 

Mr. Saraceno explained that the multi-family housing started at 37 units per acre and the Planning Board is now endorsing 35 units per acre.  He said that he will always be willing to talk to residents about this development.  He concluded by stating that he wants to protect Ridgewood, because he cares about it.

There were no further comments from the public and Mayor Aronsohn moved that the Public Hearing be closed. Councilman Pucciarelli seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:                   Councilmembers Hauck, Knudsen, Pucciarelli, Sedon, and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  None

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None

Ms. Favate answered the question about whether there would be an increased need for Police, Fire and EMS due to the multi-family housing.  She pointed out that in the report it stated that it would increase the Police calls by a maximum of 1.1%; the increase in Fire calls by a 2.6%; and a 2.9% increase in EMS calls.   She said that the question was asked how the consultants could be confident in the accuracy of their numbers.  Ms. Favate emphasized that they are confident because they have professional experience behind them and they have been conservative in their numbers.

Mr. Haber said that the numbers he used were numbers provided by the school district.  In the 2010-2011 school year there were 5,753 students and in the 2015-2016 school year, there are 5,648 students.

Mr. Rogers said that he would like Mr. Brancheau to provide clarification on the affordable housing allocation numbers.  Mr. Brancheau confirmed that the low end of the range for the number of affordable housing units required in Ridgewood is 462.  He said that he does not know why the State thinks that the Village can provide that number, because it is excessive.  Mr. Brancheau indicated that these ordinances are zoning vacant land that is suitable for affordable housing.  The overlay zones are areas which, when they are developed, will be developed with affordable housing.  Mr. Brancheau stated that the Village has not met its COAH second round affordable housing obligation of 229 affordable units, plus an additional 229 affordable units this year and four rehabilitated units.

Councilwoman Hauck asked if this requirement to meet affordable housing needs is only happening in Ridgewood.  Mr. Brancheau replied that all over the State of New Jersey towns have to deal with this, due to the court’s decision.  Mr. Rogers said that if an affordable housing lawsuit is filed, the court will determine how the Village of Ridgewood will get to the number of affordable units that are needed.  The court will decide if the Village’s affordable housing plan will be approved.  Mr. Rogers explained that the court has given the Village immunity for the time being, because the Planning Board is currently working on the housing element of the Master Plan.  Mr. Rogers pointed out that a developer may want a higher density of housing, and the court may grant it.  This is why it is important for the Village to maintain immunity from developers’ lawsuits and to establish a realistic number of units per acre when the developments begin.  The court will also decide if the overlay zones will help to fulfill the Village’s affordable housing obligation.  Mr. Rogers explained that the multi-family housing ordinances being voted on tonight will be incorporated into the housing element of the Master Plan by the Planning Board.

Concerning the contamination plume under the Walnut Street parking lot, it is on the south side of Franklin Avenue, not on the north side.  He said that the multi-family housing developments will not be affected by this plume.

On another matter, Mr. Rogers explained that Ordinance #3066 did not create a right that did not already exist.  Ordinance #3066 allows the Village to charge an applicant for use of Village experts, such as the Village Planner or the Village Engineer.

Mr. Rogers stated that every New Jersey municipality must give their housing element of the Master Plan to the court.  He noted that so far in Bergen County, the court has been reasonable, but that is not the case in other counties in New Jersey.  Councilman Pucciarelli stated that although Mr. Rogers has explained the housing element of the Master Plan as a defensive measure, Councilman Pucciarelli said that for him it should not be done as a defensive measure but as a positive to new development for more people.

Prior to the vote on Ordinance 3490, Councilwoman Hauck said that something will be built on these vacant sites being zoned for multi-family housing in the next few years, and she believes that residential development is more necessary than additional commercial development.  She indicated that she will approve the adoption of Ordinance 3490.

Councilwoman Knudsen said that she believes that zoning changes in the CBD should benefit businesses and these ordinances are being adopted for residential developers, so she is voting no on these ordinances.

Councilman Pucciarelli moved that Ordinance 3490 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law. Councilwoman Hauck seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:                  Councilmembers Hauck, Pucciarelli and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  Councilmembers Knudsen and Sedon

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None


c.        Ordinance #3491 – Amend Chapter 190 – Land Use and Development – Establish C-R Zone District

Mayor Aronsohn moved the seventh reading of Ordinance 3491 and that the Public Hearing be continued. Councilwoman Hauck seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:                  Councilmembers Hauck, Knudsen, Pucciarelli, Sedon, and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  None

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None


The Village Clerk read Ordinance 3491 by title:






Mayor Aronsohn announced that the Public Hearing was now continued.   Linda Tarzian, 576 Highland Avenue, said that she drives in and through Ridgewood and she is concerned with the increased traffic.  She said that she is especially concerned about the intersections of Ridgewood Avenue and Broad Street, Franklin Avenue and Broad Street, and Ridgewood Avenue and Maple Avenue.  She asked the Village Council to think about the stress that will be created with the extra traffic and urged them to consider housing for age 55+, which will not create as much traffic. 


Janice Willett, 207 Prospect Street, said that the Village Council represents her and she does support multi-family housing.  She said that she would like a place to be built where he parents could live.  She said that this decision on affordable has been postponed for so long and by adopting these multi-family housing ordinances, it is allowing the Village to control its own destiny instead of having the court dictate what should be built.  She gave the Village Council for representing the Village residents. 


Councilwoman Knudsen pointed out that the developers rejected the idea of developing housing for age 55+.


There were no further comments from the public and Mayor Aronsohn moved that the Public Hearing be closed. Councilman Pucciarelli seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:                   Councilmembers Hauck, Knudsen, Pucciarelli, Sedon, and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  None

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None


Councilman Pucciarelli moved that Ordinance 3491 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law. Councilwoman Hauck seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:                  Councilmembers Hauck, Pucciarelli and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  Councilmembers Knudsen and Sedon

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None


d.      Ordinance #3492 – Amend Chapter 190 – Land Use and Development – Establish C Zone District

Mayor Aronsohn moved the seventh reading of Ordinance 3492 and that the Public Hearing be continued. Councilman Pucciarelli seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:                  Councilmembers Hauck, Knudsen, Pucciarelli, Sedon, and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  None

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None


The Village Clerk read Ordinance 3492 by title:




Mayor Aronsohn announced that the Public Hearing was now continued.   There were no comments from the public and Mayor Aronsohn moved that the Public Hearing be closed. Councilman Pucciarelli seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:                   Councilmembers Hauck, Knudsen, Pucciarelli, Sedon, and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  None

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None


Councilman Pucciarelli moved that Ordinance 3492 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law. Councilwoman Hauck seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:                  Councilmembers Hauck, Pucciarelli and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  Councilmembers Knudsen and Sedon

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None


e.       Ordinance #3493 – Amend Chapter 190 – Land Use and Development – Establish C Zone District

Mayor Aronsohn moved the seventh reading of Ordinance 3493 and that the Public Hearing be continued. Councilman Pucciarelli seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:                  Councilmembers Hauck, Knudsen, Pucciarelli, Sedon, and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  None

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None


The Village Clerk read Ordinance 3493 by title:







              RESIDENTIAL USES


Mayor Aronsohn announced that the Public Hearing was now continued.   Linda Tarzian, 576 Highland Avenue, said that the Village Council is not representing the Village residents.  She asked if these ordinances can be overturned.


There were no further comments from the public and Mayor Aronsohn moved that the Public Hearing be closed. Councilman Pucciarelli seconded the motion.



Roll Call Vote

AYES:                   Councilmembers Hauck, Knudsen, Pucciarelli, Sedon, and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  None

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None


Councilman Pucciarelli moved that Ordinance 3493 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law. Councilwoman Hauck seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:                  Councilmembers Hauck, Pucciarelli and Mayor Aronsohn

NAYS:                  Councilmembers Knudsen and Sedon

ABSENT:             None

ABSTAIN:            None


4.           RESOLUTION


















5.           ADJOURNMENT

There being no further business to come before the Village Council at the Special Public Meeting, on a motion by Councilman Pucciarelli, seconded by Councilwoman Knudsen, and carried unanimously by voice vote, the Special Public Meeting was adjourned at 12:20 A.M. on March 24, 2016.  



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 _________________________________                                                                                                                                       Paul S. Aronsohn                                                                                                                                                                      Mayor




_________________________________                                                                                                                                 Heather A. Mailander                                                                                                                                                           Village Clerk






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Mayor Aronsohn called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. and read the Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.  At roll call, the following were present:  Councilmembers Hauck, Knudsen, Pucciarelli, Sedon and Mayor Aronsohn.  Also present were Roberta Sonenfeld, Village Manager; Heather Mailander, Village Clerk; and Matthew Rogers, Village Attorney.  Mayor Aronsohn led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and asked for a moment of silence in honor of the American men and women serving in our Armed Forces, as well as those serving as first responders.

2.                   COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC

Mayor Aronsohn asked if there were any comments or questions from the public.  Jeffrey Voigt, 99 Glenwood Road, wondered why the Planning Board’s agenda was posted only three hours before the meeting.  Mr. Rogers replied that the Village Council does not have control over what the Planning Board does.

Saurabh Dani, 390 Bedford Road, said that there should be no resolution to allow the Leasing Agreement with the Bergen County Improvement Authority (BCIA).  He said that instead, a local bond ordinance should be adopted.

Gary Negrycz, 501 Dorchester Road, asked why the Planning Board agenda was put out three hours prior to the meeting instead of 48 hours prior to the meeting.  As the Village Council, he would think that they would want all meetings held in the Village to be held legally.  Mr. Rogers explained that the Planning Board is an autonomous body and they have their own Board Secretary.  He emphasized that the Village Council does not review the Planning Board’s notices, and any issues they have with the agenda or notice of the meeting must be taken up with the Planning Board.

Councilwoman Knudsen said that she realized the agenda was not posted at 3:00 P.M. or 4:00 P.M. on the day of the Planning Board meeting.  She said that she will look into it further.  Mr. Negrycz said that he questions the validity of the meeting that was held with such short notice. 



Ms. Mailander said that on February 26, 2016, the Village received a petition protesting against the passage of the Ordinance pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:69A-185.  Ms. Mailander stated that she reviewed the Petition in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:69A-187.  Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:69A-185, the Petition must contain the signature of at least 814 legal voters of the Village to be deemed sufficient.  The Petition contained at least 814 valid signatures.

She concluded by saying that she found the petition filed with her sufficient, and she is submitting the petition to the Village Council without delay.


At 7:41 P.M., upon motion by Mayor Aronsohn, seconded by Councilman Pucciarelli and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Village Council suspended the Work Session. 

At 12:21 A.M., on March 24, 2016, upon motion by Councilman Pucciarelli, seconded by Councilwoman Knudsen and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Work Session was reconvened.


Ms. Sonenfeld reminded everyone that Village Hall will be closed and all Village services will stop on Friday, March 25, 2016 in observance of Good Friday.


Councilwoman Knudsen spoke about the Planning Board meetings.

Councilman Pucciarelli thanked the Ridgewood Police Department for being here.

Councilman Sedon said that there was a good combined meeting of the Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission and The Ridgewood Environmental Advisory Committee (REAC), with eighteen people in attendance.  They are discussing about things going forward.

Councilwoman Hauck said that she attended the Library author’s luncheon, with over 400 people in attendance.  She noted that it was the best one yet.

Mayor Aronsohn said that he attended the 25th Anniversary of Family Promise.  He helped to give out hot meals to people, and stated that it is a great organization. 

7.           PUBLIC COMMENTS

Linda Tarzian asked if they are adding more trees.  The Shade Tree Commission bought 25 trees to replace the 220 trees that were taken down.  Also 10-11 trees were planted through the Adopt-a-Tree program.  Ms. Tarzian explained that resilient trees are not blown over in a hurricane.  Councilman Sedon pointed out that where there are overhead wires, shorter trees will be planted.

8.           ADJOURNMENT

There being no further business to come before the Village Council, on a motion by Councilman Pucciarelli, seconded by Councilman Sedon, and carried unanimously by voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 12:25 A.M. on March 24, 2016.




                                                                                                          Paul S. Aronsohn                                                                                                                                                                              Mayor





                 Heather A. Mailander                                                                                                                                                           Village Clerk













  • Hits: 212





Mayor Vagianos called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. and read the Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. At roll call the following were present: Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos. Also present were Eileen Young, Deputy Village Clerk; Matthew Rogers, Village Attorney; and Richard Calbi, Director of Ridgewood Water.


Mayor Vagianos led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He reminded everyone to be respectful and passionate during public comments. He said that no one will agree on everything, but how people disagree determines how the Village is able to move forward as a community. He implored everyone to avoid the cancer of public discourse that has infected national politics in many communities across the country. Mayor Vagianos asked everyone to avoid name calling and personal attacks.




Anne Loving, 342 South Irving Street, stated that she virtually attended the budget meeting last Wednesday during the first portion and then attended in person for the last portion of the meeting. She said that she remains completely dismayed that the Village Council majority, except for Councilmember Reynolds, is considering furloughs for Village employees. She said that it was even more disheartening hearing three of the Councilmembers (Councilmember Winograd was absent from the meeting last week) wring their hands and act so dramatically sad at the thought of furloughs, when this could easily be avoided. Last week’s budget discussions included the allocation of an additional $500,000.00 towards the development of the Schedler property, including the “shoe horning” of a huge field on a not-huge property.


Ms. Loving stated that the budget discussions also included spending $10,000.00 to hire a person originally thought to be lawyer; however, that person is not a lawyer and has a very shaky resume. The Village Council is considering hiring this person to aid in overturning the historical designation of the Schedler house and property, which would give the Village Council the freedom to smear the land with toxic artificial turf, stadium lights and bleachers. The budget discussions also included spending $60,000.00 for new garbage cans for the Central Business District (CBD), rather than repairing those that are damaged and using perfectly serviceable cans that are sitting in storage.


Ms. Loving stated that the Village Councilmembers were elected to be stewards of residents’ tax dollars and to manage the Village efficiently. She said that the Village Councilmembers are making a “big fat mess” out of the budget. Ms. Loving stated that the entire country is in a fiscal crisis, banks are closing, inflation is raging, and a war is looming as a real possibility, yet the Village Council wants to furlough Village employees. As Councilmember Reynolds has repeatedly pointed out, there are simple ways in which the employees’ salaries can be preserved, so that the Village can continue to function normally.


Ms. Loving asked the Village Council to stop the nonsense and put in a small field on the Schedler property that was originally agreed to by neighbors and other residents. Ms. Loving asked the Village Councilmembers not to hire a scheister to further their agenda. If a consultant needs to be hired, she said that the least the Councilmembers can do is to check the person’s background before hiring them. She said that the Village does not need designer trash receptacles and that the Village Council is driving the train completely off the tracks.


Ms. Loving said that the rule of only permitting 12 speakers during public comments at the beginning of Village Council meetings is very unfriendly. She said that people are forced to race to Village Hall so that they have an opportunity to speak. Ms. Loving also said that the Village Council is pitting neighbor against neighbor.


Chuck Handy, 695 Kingsbridge Lane, stated that he lives a block away from the Schedler property. He has five children, two of whom are now students at Ridgewood High School. He was President of the Maroon Soccer Club for five years and coached the Maroons for ten years. Mr. Handy also coached for the Ridgewood Baseball and Softball Association for eight years. During those years, it became apparent that the Village is in dire need of more full-sized playing fields and baseball diamonds. He said that the young athletes in Ridgewood need to be given every opportunity possible to play outdoors. When there is a rainstorm and the fields flood, Mr. Handy said that the large multipurpose field at Schedler will be one field upon which sports teams can rely, since the grade is high on this field and therefore will not flood.


Mr. Handy mentioned the new housing developments and the parking garage which have been constructed in the Village, and the fact that more and more people are being attracted to Ridgewood. He said that a couple of reasons for this attraction are the opportunities available for youth sports and the school system. He stated that he was thrilled when he learned that a moderate-sized field would be constructed on the Schedler property. However, when he learned that a full-sized field could also be constructed without having to remove any more trees, he was “all in.” He said that he was done worrying about whether there would be traffic or parking issues, and that he fully endorsed the construction of a full-sized field at the Schedler property. Mr. Handy said that he was confident the property would turn into “one heck of a complex.”


Jacqueline Hone, 30 Carriage Lane, said that the “Green Amendment” matter was on the agenda for this evening’s meeting. She stated that she wanted to comment on an email sent by Deputy Mayor Perron to Ms. Mailander with the subject line, “Green Amendment to New Jersey Constitution.” The amendment stated that every person has a right to a clean and healthy environment, including pure water, clean air, ecologically healthy habitats, and the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and aesthetic qualities of the environment. The State shall not infringe upon these rights by action or inaction. The State’s public natural resources, among them its waters, air, flora, fauna, climate and public lands, are the common property of all the people, including both present and future generations. The State shall serve as trustees of these resources, and shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all people.


Ms. Hone said that Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that once approved by the Legislature, the next step would be a referendum so that the voters could decide whether to add these basic rights to the New Jersey Constitution. Deputy Mayor Perron stated that the Village Council could support these important individual rights by passing the attached resolution dealing with the Green Amendment, in order to let State and County representatives know where Ridgewood stands.


Ms. Hone stated that through action and inaction, the present Village Council is stripping its own residents of their rights as outlined in the Green Amendement. She called this a “personal attack” and agreed with Mayor Vagianos’s comment that the Village Council can do better. Ms. Hone stated that a full-sized field would entail clear-cutting of the seven-acre Schedler parcel. She said that eradicating the trees would mean that the green tree-filled parcel would not be able to filter out light, noise, visual pollution, airborne particulants, gaseous pollutants or air toxins emitted by diesel trucks and cars traveling on Route 17. Ms. Hone stated that residents have repeatedly pleaded with the Village Council to follow through on recommendations from professionals and experts, as well as the Village’s own appointed Ad Hoc Committee, to complete independent expert impact studies, yet the Village Council has not done so.


Ms. Hone stated that residents near the Schedler property have been completely ignored time and time again, speaking without anyone listening. She said that she agrees that there is no reason for personal attacks, but she stated that the Schedler property development issue is pitting neighbor against neighbor. She asked that these residents be respected and given the same exact rights that are contained within the Green Amendment.


Al Sienkiewicz, 321 VanEmburgh Avenue, stated that she recently moved back to Ridgewood, after living in New York City for a while. She felt that Ridgewood is not lacking in athletic fields, having participated in many sports when she attended both middle school and high school in Ridgewood. Ms. Sienkiewicz said that building the smaller field at Schedler would in no way affect the athletes in Ridgewood or their ability to play. She said that she noted the lack of walking space and “nature grounds” on the east side of the Village.


Since Ms. Sienkiewicz is currently expecting a baby, she said that she would appreciate having a space where she could walk and a safe green space where her children could play in the future. She said that this now does not seem possible, considering the new proposed plans for the Schedler property, especially with the large turfed field. Ms. Sienkiewicz asked the Village Councilmembers to take the need for open space into consideration when deciding how to finally develop this property, not just for her, but also for other people looking to move into Ridgewood.


Michelle Italia, 3 Betty Court, said that she is a realtor and she wanted the Village Councilmembers to think about how their actions are going to impact the residents on the east side of the Village. She said that there are many questions asked of her by prospective homeowners in Ridgewood. They ask about nearby schools, whether the street they are planning to move to is a quiet street or if it is noisy, what services are provided by the town, and whether there are any nearby parks or accessible walking paths.


Depending upon the location of the property, Ms. Italia said that her answers will vary. She must be honest with her clients and, when asked about schools or parks on the east side of town, or whether the streets are quiet and safe near the Schedler property, she must tell them that there is no nearby school and their children will need to be bussed to school. Ms. Italia must also tell them that there are no nearby parks and that the adjacent streets may or may not be quiet and safe, depending upon what the Village Council decides to do with the Schedler property. She said that property values will be affected adversely if the Village Council decides to move ahead with the proposed larger field, which in turn will result in less property tax revenue to the Village due to reduced property values.


Dana Glazer, 61 Clinton Avenue, said that he was happy to see some Little League players in the audience this evening. When his daughter asks him what is going on with the Schedler property, he tells her that the Village Council made an agreement in 2017 with Village residents regarding a certain sized field that would be constructed on the property, and that these plans have now changed. When his daughter asked whether the Village Councilmembers had “squelched on the deal,” Mr. Glazer told her that they had. As a father, he said that his main goal is passing along values to his children. He feels that the actions taken by the Village Councilmembers regarding the Schedler property should teach important lessons to the children in Ridgewood. However, when they go back on their word to construct a smaller field and instead construct a larger field, this sends the wrong message to children.


Mr. Glazer said that even though he does not live on the east side of the Village, he still considers those who do live there as his neighbors. He strongly suggested that the Village Councilmembers look at the 2017 plans once again, which Mr. Glazer said were reasonable and agreed upon, and abide by the original plans.


Kristina Milian, 530 West Saddle River Road, stated that, regarding the misconception that the Schedler property is flood-proof, the Village Engineer has actually applied for flood insurance for the property, which she discovered after filing an Open Public Records Act (OPRA) request, because the Schedler property is in a flood plain. Ms. Milian stated that she is in support of a small grass field at the historic Schedler property, which is optimized for speed and cost efficiency.


Ms. Milian stated that she wanted to read some headlines and ask some questions regarding Peter Primavera, who is the consultant the Village Council is thinking of hiring to assist with the Schedler property. The headlines included: “Highland Park Based Archaeologist is Charged for Giving False Testimony,” “Perjury Charge Against Archaeologist Almost Completed,” and “The Damage Has Been Done.” Ms. Milian quoted, in part, from one of these articles: “The public loses when the local government behaves as arrogant as it did in the case of a Highland Park consultant who filed false resumes with the state agency and later lied under oath about his credentials. The facts of the shoddy behavior are not in dispute. Primavera listed his credentials in sworn testimony before the New Brunswick Planning Board on a sensitive project and, in both his resumes and in sworn testimony, he claimed to have graduate degrees that he does not have. He claimed to have an archaeology and history degree from Rutgers University, and a Masters Degree in the same subjects from Columbia University. However, the truth is that he had a Bachelors Degree in anthropology from Rutgers University. As New Jersey’s historic structures fall before the bulldozer, the public needs to feel secure that archaeological consultants advising on what to save and what to destroy have the competency to know the difference and the background to support their opinions. Our heritage is too precious to trust to political expediency.”


Ms. Milian asked who first proposed to the Village Councilmembers that they should work with Peter Primavera and whether he was adequately vetted. She also asked what due diligence has been done on this matter to date, and what would be the mandate for the work to be done by Mr. Primavera. She stated that the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) follows Federal guidelines, which state that any archaeologist or historian employed on a project that uses Federal funds must hold a graduate degree. She asked whether anyone has called the Registrar’s Office at Rutgers or Harvard University Graduate School of Design to verify that Mr. Primavera indeed had obtained these degrees. Ms. Milian stated that Mr. Primavera also claims to have earned a Ph.D. at Rutgers.


Ms. Milian asked if the Village Councilmembers had received written referrals from other municipalities regarding the quality of Mr. Primavera’s work. She also wondered how much it will cost taxpayers if Mr. Primavera is retained. She said that the Village does not have enough money to hire more police to keep Ridgewood safe and may have to furlough Village staff, yet the Village is considering hiring Mr. Primavera. Since Mr. Primavera is not an attorney, Ms. Milian asked where the Request for Proposal (RFP) was posted. She also asked how transparency was prioritized during this process. Ms. Milian recommended that the Village Council stop working with the George Santos of the historian world.


Cynthia O’Keefe, 542 West Saddle River Road, stated that the Pledge of Allegiance contains a phrase to the effect of “united we stand,” but the Village residents and Village Council have clearly not stood united over the last several months. Ms. O’Keefe said that most people want a small field on the Schedler property, but there is a faction of people who want a large turf field. She stated that she and her neighbors have spoken at numerous Village Council meetings regarding their concerns about safety that will affect the health and well-being of the neighbors surrounding the Schedler property. She said that certain actions, like the large field, will affect the livelihood of the neighbors, as well as their well water. Ms. O’Keefe said that artificial turf has been known to cause cancer and other ailments. They are concerned that PFAS will leach into their water supply.


Ms. O’Keefe said that she walks her dogs along West Saddle River Road and has almost been hit by a car many times, having to dodge cars exiting from Route 17 who are speeding and do not adhere to the speed limit of 25 miles per hour. In addition, when cars are parked on both sides of West Saddle River Road, only 11 feet remains in the middle of the road through which cars must pass in single file. She said that no firetrucks or EMS vehicles will be able to get through, in the event someone is hurt at Schedler Park or if her house is on fire. Ms. O’Keefe stated that their lives are in jeopardy and she wondered how this risk could be mitigated.


Ms. O’Keefe said she wanted to talk about review standards set forth by the State Historic preservation Office (SHPO) as they pertain to the Schedler property. Regarding public benefits, SHPO would consider whether or not feasible and prudent alternatives were explored and whether or not sufficient measures could be taken to avoid, reduce or mitigate encroachment. She asked how the large turf field would benefit the public. She stated that it is only serving one group of people in the Village. Ms. O’Keefe stated that the Village Councilmembers have received abundant emails and literature regarding the concerns of the Schedler neighbors. She stated that all of the trees have been razed at Schedler and there are none left.


Frettra DeSilva, 521 West Saddle River Road, stated that she is in support of a small grass field at Schedler. By adhering to the standards set forth by SHPO, the Village could complete the Schedler project in an efficient, timely, and cost-effective manner. She urged the Village Council to use the historic Zabriskie-Schedler house in a manner that would preserve the historic character of the house and land. She would like to see the Village Council celebrate America250 (the 250th anniversary of the United States) by using this occasion as an opportunity to give an enormous gift to the future generations of Ridgewood. They need to know that the land near the Schedler property is where their forefathers fought and took a stand for this country. The U.S. Congress and Governor Murphy have allocated millions of dollars towards this celebration. Nonprofit and for-profit organizations have allocated funds for improvements to historic sites, similar to the Schedler property and house. In this way, children and families have an opportunity to learn of their past.


Ms. DeSilva envisioned the house as a center which would display artifacts and which would sponsor exhibits, lectures, crafts, and programs celebrating the history of the United States. This would not only be consistent with the character of the only 1820 Dutch frame home in Bergen County, but would also enhance the recognition of the great historic events which took place right here in Ridgewood. Grants from the Historic Preservation Fund, the American Battlefield Protection Program, the Technical Preservation Services, and others are specifically tailored for projects like the Schedler development. She urged the Village Council to consider these alternatives and opportunities for the proper use of this land and house.


Mike SanPhilippo, 706 Hillcrest Road, stated that he was speaking this evening with his son Jack. They have just returned from an 8U practice, which is an instructional league that teaches children ages six to eight years the fundamentals of baseball, such as pitching, batting, and catching. The practice was at Gains Sports Performance, a facility in Waldwick. Despite it being a bright and sunny day, the practice was held there indoors, because there were no fields available in Ridgewood. These children should have been playing outside on a field, rather than being cooped up in a facility with tight quarters.


Mr. SanPhilippo stated that he has a son who is on the 11U team and they wanted to have pitching practice because of an upcoming tournament; however, there were no fields available. They actually had a bullpen session at the house of one of the coaches. There is an intrasquad scrimmage with the 11U teams this coming Sunday on a field in Ridgewood. However, since there will likely be rain on Saturday, contingency plans are going to be made in the event the field floods in Ridgewood. They made alternate plans to play teams in Wyckoff on their turf field. Mr. SanPhilippo said that this was the time of year when youth athletes meet their teammates and start to practice. He has been coaching for four years and he said that there are a lot of fields in Ridgewood which are prone to flooding. He added that there are not enough turf fields, which would enable games to be played for longer periods of time throughout the year.


Kate Semeniak, 356 Devon Court, said that she was in favor of the construction of a turf field at the Schedler property. She feels fortunate to live in a town where her children can be outside playing sports. However, there are not enough fields in Ridgewood to support the youth in town and to provide fields to visiting teams from other towns when playing against Ridgewood teams. She is in charge of scheduling softball fields for the Ridgewood Baseball and Softball Association (RBSA). She currently has 21 recreational softball teams (first through eighth grade) for which she needs to find available fields for practice and games. There are 80 girls who are on the travel softball teams who want to start practicing, but this is not possible because there are no fields that have officially been allotted to her yet.


Ms. Semeniak said that softball is on the lower end of the totem pole, and a turf softball field at the Schedler property would help these girls “get out there and play.” She said that she has no fields on which they can play right now. She pleaded with the Village Council to provide more weather-resistant turf fields to youth athletes, and stated that the Schedler property is the solution.


Suzanne Ruane, 705 Kingsbridge Lane, stated that she supports a small grass field at the Schedler property. She implored people to stop using their children as pawns in order to pull at heartstrings. Ms. Ruane said that she has heard people who live on the west side of the Village plead for a turf field at Schedler Park, yet they won’t entertain a turf field at Citizens Park. She stated that she disagreed with Mr. Handy’s statement that a full-sided field could be constructed on the Schedler property without removing any more trees. She said that many more trees would have to be removed if a large field were constructed, when compared to a smaller field.


Ms. Ruane wondered whether SHPO guidelines were followed, due to the fact that the Village has not explored feasible and prudent options where another field could be built in the Village, other than on the Schedler property. Although the Village Council has insisted that there is a need for more fields due to flooding, there has been no data presented demonstrating increased flooding over time, no data showing the Village Council’s review of current fields for alternative sites, and no data showing why a larger field is needed. There has been no data showing that building a large field on the Schedler property will remedy the lack of fields. She said that there are no fields in Ridgewood adjacent to a state highway or fields which are 50 feet away from a highway exit. No other field required the destruction of an historic property.


Ms. Ruane asked the Village Council to explore other areas where a large field could be built, stating that there are plenty of sites in Ridgewood where such a field could be built that are not in a flood zone. She asked the Councilmembers to abide by the standards of SHPO to preserve the historic nature of the property and that they pursue alternative locations and provide information to the public as to why those locations are not viable.


Ankit Dharia, 471 West Saddle River Road, said that he moved to Ridgewood with his family in the latter part of 2022. He lives across the street from the Schedler property. He asked if the Village Council could consider the original plans for the Schedler property which were developed in 2017. He said that with inflation on the rise and a recession possibly occurring in the near future, he said that the larger plans for the Schedler property will financially impact the entire Village. Mr. Dharia also asked whether studies could be performed to ensure that a larger field on the Schedler property will not adversely impact the families living in that neighborhood. These would include traffic studies, noise studies, and environmental studies. He said that it did not make any sense to develop a park where children cannot enjoy themselves.


Kathryn Schmidt, 123 South Irving Street, stated that she is glad the Village Council is considering the endorsement of the Green Amendment to the New Jersey State Constitution. She urged those Councilmembers who are also Council Liaisons to Village committees check with those committess on issues that come before the Village Council. She feels that the Schedler property is one of those issues and everyone could use as much information as they can get regarding this property. She said that she was surprised after speaking with some friends who are on the Historic Preservation Committee and Shade Tree Commission that they had not been asked by the Village Council what their opinions were regarding the Schedler property. Ms. Schmidt informed her friends that they could let the Village Council know what their opinions were, whether solicited or not. She urged everyone to contact these committees and others to find out their opinions regarding the Schedler project. This would include the Ridgewood Health Department, which has staff who may be able to offer valuable input.


Alyssa Matthews, 941 North Monroe Street, stated that she fully supported a small grass field at the Schedler property. She said that it would provide a huge benefit to the entire Village, allowing for a great combination of a field, playground, and walking paths for all to enjoy. She asked the Village Councilmembers to consider the small grass field, since this is the size that would fit best at that site.


Robert Koch, 60 North Hillside Place, said that he finds the credentials of the prospective consultant, Peter Primavera, alarming. He said that the Village Council should abide by Resolution 18-236.


Denise Lima, 319 East Glen Avenue, stated that she is interested in maintaining the historic Zabriskie-Schedler house and the property and not ”unwinding” it. She said that the Village has an opportunity to do something great in that area. Ms. Lima said that she was also interested in candidates upholding their pledges to voters. She is interested in lawyers upholding the Business Code of Conduct and Ethics and doing the right thing. She said she was also interested in transparency. Over the past five years, she has heard a lot of people asking for better transparency. Ms. Lima said that she believes in conversation and compromise. She said that the Village Council is not doing any of these things very well and that residents unfortunately feel like they are in the dark. She asked how the metrics are defined, and what the demand for a sport field actually is, regarding the Schedler development. Ms. Lima said that no one knows when this project will be completed. Without the facts, Ms. Lima wondered how anyone could make an informed decision.


Addressing Councilmember Winograd and Ms. Mailander, Ms. Lima asked when pertinent documents concerning the Schedler property would be posted on the Village website. Despite repeated requests, this still has not been accomplished. Although she has emailed on numerous occasions, she has yet to receive a response from the Councilmembers.


There were no further comments from the public. Mayor Vagianos thanked the Village IT team for seamlessly enabling better public outreach through hybrid access. He thanked everyone for voicing their opinions in a respectful fashion, especially on the contentious Schedler issue, which has generated strong feelings on both sides




Richard Calbi, Director of Ridgewood Water, indicated that he would be giving the Village Manager’s report this evening in Ms. Mailander’s absence.


He stated that the next “Council Chat” is scheduled on Saturday, April 1, 2023 from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. in the Village Hall Courtroom. Interested individuals must call to make a reservation at 201-670-5500, ext. 2207. Walk-ins are welcome, but priority will be given to those who have made an appointment.


The Ridgewood 2023 drive-through mobile shreadding event will be held on Saturday, April 1, 2023, starting at 9:00 A.M. and ending at 1:00 P.M., or when the truck is full. Early arrivals are not permitted. The event will be held in the Graydon Pool parking lot, 200 Northern Parkway, Ridgewood. Residents should stay in their vehicles, since no walk-ups will be allowed. Documents will be securely shredded by IDSAutoshred. Items for shredding should be placed in a paper bag or cardboard box only; no plastic bags will be allowed. There is a limit of five file-sized boxes per vehicle. This event is free to all Ridgewood residents and businesses only, and will take place rain or shine.


On Thursday, March 30, 2023, from 10:30 A.M. to 12:00 noon, in the Anne Zusy Youth Lounge at Village Hall, 131 North Maple Avenue, there will be an in-person workshop sponsored by the Greater New Jersey Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, Ridgewood Health Department, and Parks and Recreation Department. The workshop will cover Covid-19 and dementia. Individuals can learn about caregiver tips and resources which can help with legal, medical and financial matters. Registration is required through CommunityPass, which can be found on the Village website at ridgewoodnj.net/communitypass, and also under the Village of Ridgewood Parks and Recreation page. Lunch will be provided. The Senior Bus will be available for transportation. Interested individuals should make reservations for the bus by calling 201-670-5500, extension 2203.


The Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce will present “Easter in the Park” in Memorial Park at Van Neste Square on Saturday, April 8, 2023 from 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M., weather permitting. There will be an Easter egg hunt from 11:00 A.M. to 11:15 A.M. The Easter Bunny will arrive at 11:15 P.M. for photos. There will be tables with games and activities, as well as “Chalk and Walk” in the front of the park and music by School of Rock from Waldwick. There will be lots of fun for children and families.


Village Hall will be closed on Friday, April 7, 2023 in observance of Good Friday. There will be no garbage or recycling pickups on that Friday, and the Recycling Center will be closed. Residents should consult the Village calendar for schedule changes.


Yardwaste collection will begin on Monday, April 10, 2023. Residents should check the Village calendar for their scheduled collection dates per area.


The Opening Day Parade for the Ridgewood Baseball and Softball Association will be held on Saturday, April 22, 2023. The parade will begin at 9:00 A.M. at the Ridgewood Train Station, will continue down Ridgewood Avenue to Maple Avenue, and will end at Veterans Field.

The Village’s Annual Earth Day Fair and Daffodil Festival will be held on Sunday, April 23, 2023 from 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. This family friendly event will feature a petting zoo, eco-friendly kids’ crafts, games, magician, and live music in Memorial Park at Van Neste Square. This year’s theme is “Ridgewood’s Master Plan: A Vehicle for Change.” Topics covered will include flood remediation, green building, local health, our drinking water, new recycling concepts, and trees and native plants. Sponsorships and vendor spots are still available. Interested individuals should call the Parks and Recreation Department for further information.


Upcoming Village Council meetings are broadcast live from the Village Hall Courtroom, on the Village website, on FIOS Channel 34 and YouTube. Meetings can now be attended either in person or via Zoom or phone. On Thursday, March 30, 2023, at 7:30 P.M., the 2023 budget will be introduced. The next Public Meeting is scheduled for April 12, 2023 at 7:30 P.M. The next Village Council Work Session will be held on Monday, April 3, 2023 at 7:30 P.M. The April 3, 2023 meeting will be held on a Monday, due to Passover falling on Wednesday, April 5. There will also be a Work Session held on April 26, 2023 at 7:30 P.M. All meetings will have hybrid access.


Mr. Calbi indicated that the Village is currently experiencing some problems with its email server. The IT Department is diligently working to correct this problem, and they hope to restore email function by tomorrow, March 23, 2023. He asked that anyone who has sent an email and has not received a response to please be patient while this issue is rectified. Residents with emergencies should call Village Hall directly.




Councilmember Winograd stated that on March 17, 2023, the Access Committee met and discussed several matters. There is a consistent need for employment for the special needs population in Ridgewood, and they discussed potential business ventures that are interested in coming to Ridgewood. The committee members feel that there should be more community awareness regard their committee and what they do. Next month, the Access Committee is going to be partnering with Home and School Associations (HSAs) through the Federated Home and School Association in an attempt to establish more outreach. Another business that employs members of the special needs community has been invited to attend an Access Committee meeting. Councilmember Winograd said that there was a field trip to the Rising Above Bakery in Nyack, New York, a company which employs special needs adults.


The 37th Annual Ridgewood Interfaith Holocaust Remembrance Service will be held on Monday, April 17, 2023 at 7:30 P.M. at Westside Presbyterian Church.


Councilmember Weitz said that he had nothing new to report this week.


Councilmember Reynolds stated that the Citizens Safety Advisory Committee (CSAC) met on March 16, 2023. Normally, staff from the Engineering and Police Departments attend the CSAC meetings; however, they were unable to attend the March 16th meeting. The CSAC members rely heavily on these staff members to speak about many safety issues in Ridgewood, so there was not much discussion regarding safety. However, they did discuss the budget for most of the meeting. The committee members were extremely upset that the funds to be allocated for the West and East Glen Avenue sidewalk construction were removed from the budget this year. Councilmember Reynolds said that the lack of sidewalks in this area create many safety issues. The next CSAC meeting will take place on April 20, 2023.


Councilmember Reynolds indicated that regarding the Project Pride Committee, the plantings for all the flower pots in the CBD is set for Sunday, May 21, 2023, starting at approximately 8:00 A.M. They are seeking as many volunteers as possible. Last year, there were a lot of volunteers and they were done in approximately two hours. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Councilmember Reynolds at lreynolds@ridgewoodnj.net.


Councilmember Reynolds indicated that she, Mayor Vagianos and former Mayor Susan Knudsen went down to Atlantic City today to attend the Municipal Clerks Association of New Jersey Conference, which Ms. Mailander attends every year and which is the reason why Ms. Mailander is absent from the meeting this evening. Unbeknownst to Ms. Mailander, she was chosen as Municipal Clerk of the Year by the association. This is a very prestigious award, and Ms. Mailander was selected to receive the award out of 565 Municipal Clerks. Councilmember Reynolds said that Ms. Mailander was surprised to receive the award and was also surprised to see Councilmember Reynolds, Mayor Vagianos, and former Mayor Knudsen at the conference.


Councilmember Reynolds stated that she was pleased to see many of the staff from the Signal Division present at this evening’s meeting.     


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that she was also pleased that Ms. Mailander was recognized for all of her hard work and wished that she had been able to attend the conference as well.


The Central Business District Advisory Committee (CBDAC) met recently and were questioning whether Chestnut Street and Oak Street would be paved before the start of the pedestrian plaza. She asked anyone who knows to inform her of same. Due to a recent accident on Franklin Avenue, the CBDAC members were questioning whether a blinking pedestrian crossing light could be installed at the corner of Chestnut Street and Franklin Avenue, similar to the one on Maple Avenue. The pedestrian tunnel art project is proceeding. There are 30 artists who applied to design the mural. A jury of volunteers reviewed all of the applications and chose some top contenders. Letters will be going out soon.


Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that 201 Magazine gave out their Best of Bergen Awards this month, and Ridgewood was voted as the Best Downtown in Bergen County. The next CBDAC in-person meeting is scheduled on April 13, 2023 at 8:30 A.M. in the Senior Lounge on the first floor of Village Hall. There will be a presentation regarding the five-year strategic plan developed by the Chamber of Commerce.


The Shade Tree Commission met recently and Deputy Mayor Perron sat in as Council Liaison in Councilmember Winograd’s absence. They reviewed financials given to them by Robert Rooney, CFO. They were happy to see that $169,000.00 was left over in the Capital Budget and hoped that these funds can be used to plant more trees this year. They also spent a lot of time revising the bylaws for the Shade Tree Commission.


Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that the Planning Board did not meet this week, but the subcommittee charged with implementing the Master Plan did meet. One of the recommendations or action items in the Master Plan for the CBD is that merchants should arrange for events during the day and during the week, in order to entice more people to visit the CBD. WorldFlats is going to be holding a series of “Lunch and Learn” programs. Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that she attended a Lunch and Learn activity this week, where she learned about plant-based protein and healthy eating. Deputy Mayor Perron will be speaking on April 18, 2023 at the Lunch and Learn at WorldFlats on ways to protect waterways.


The Open Space Committee met and they discussed what could be implemented from the Open Space Plan, which is part of the new Master Plan. They discussed what items should be prioritized. A table for Open Space will be at the Daffodil Festival and Earth Day Fair scheduled on April 23, 2023. Green Ridgewood is gearing up for this festive family-friendly event. There will be music and exhibitors, as well as a petting zoo and Cahoots contest, with prizes for the winner.


Deputy Mayor Perron said that she wanted to respond to some comments made regarding the consultant, Peter Primavera, whom the Village Council is considering hiring to consult them on matters related to the historic status designation of the Schedler house and property. She said that a resident sent an article to the Councilmembers from 1987 about an investigation regarding Mr. Primavera for perjury. Deputy Mayor Perron said that she has not been able to find any criminal complaint or indictment, and she stated that an “investigation” is merely an investigation. She did not find any civil action against Mr. Primavera, either. She said that everyone is presumed innocent until found guilty. She said that if anyone has evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Mr. Primavera, she urged them to send it to the Village Councilmembers. She assured everyone that whatever is sent to them will be read. She said that the evidence cannot be just a rumor or a smear. She said that calling someone a scheister is bordering on defamation.


Mayor Vagianos stated that he has no reports. However, he stated that today was the first day of Ramadan and he wanted to wish “Ramadan Mubarak” to all people observing the Muslim holiday. There will be an ifṭār this Saturday, March 24, 2023 at the Youth Center at 7:30 P.M. All are invited and amazing food will be served.


Mayor Vagianos recognized that Village staff is present at the meeting this evening regarding the planned furloughs. He assured them that the Village Councilmembers are still looking at the budget and that the budget is not yet final, including the furloughs. He said that they are trying to find the right balance between how much taxes can reasonably be raised and balancing the budget. He said that if any of the Village staff wished to make comments, they were welcome to do so during the public comments portion at the end of the meeting.


Mayor Vagianos remarked how wonderful it was to surprise Ms. Mailander, along with Councilmember Reynolds and former Mayor Susan Knudsen, when she won the prestigious award of Municipal Clerk of the Year in Atlantic City. She was selected for this award by over 500 of her colleagues. Mayor Vagianos said that over the past 27 years, he has seen many Mayors and Village Managers come and go, but that there has been only one Village Clerk for more than three decades. He said that the Village is very fortunate to have Ms. Mailander serve in this capacity and he hopes that the Village will be fortunate to have her in the future.


5.         DISCUSSION






Mr. Calbi said that he was following up after the Public Hearing on March 8, 2023, which moved final approval of the ordinance until April 12, 2023, until a Public Hearing could be completed. He said that Ms. Mailander forwarded him some questions regarding Ordinance 3940, which he will try to answer this evening.


Mr. Calbi said that he wanted to give an update on Smart Controller data. He could not provide this information beforehand because the 2022 billing had not yet been closed out. Through the end of 2022, a total of 398 permits had been issued for Smart Controllers throughout the four municipalities (Ridgewood, Midland Park, Wyckoff and Glen Rock) served by Ridgewood Water. This represents approximately 2% of the total accounts. Of these accounts, 326 permits were approved through the end of 2021. Mr. Calbi focused on these accounts, since he could track full usage through the end of 2022. Comparisons cannot be made with permits issued in 2022 until the end of 2023.


Mr. Calbi stated that out of those 326 accounts, 178 remained as the same owner, which is important because the permit and usage data is recorded by owner rather than by property. A comparison was performed and he found that it was about a 50/50 split: 87 accounts or 49% of the total 178 accounts reviewed reduced their water usage upwards of 33%; 91 accounts or 51% increased their usage upwards, as high as 76%. The average decrease was 28%, and the average increase was 54%. The count breakdown is primarily in Ridgewood, with 152 in Ridgewood, 12 in Glen Rock, 12 in Wyckoff, and 2 in Midland Park.


Regarding Ordinance 3940, Mr. Calbi said that some questions had arisen specifically about why Smart Controller use is not limited the same as other watering methods. Mr. Calbi stated that the Smart Controller ordinance was initially created in 2017 and was modeled after the Outdoor Landscape Water Conservation Ordinance prepared by Sustainable Jersey. In that model, they restricted watering to two days per week and allowed exemptions for Smart Controllers. Smart Controllers are not restricted on any day of the week, and they are currently allowed to be used between midnight and 10:00 A.M. on any day. The reason for no restrictions is that there is reliance upon the automatic weather control features of the device. The model is also promoted by the NJDEP and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Mr. Calbi stated that the EPA’s Water Sense products are labeled and defined, and those are the only ones accepted by Ridgewood Water.


Mr. Calbi stated that placards are given to residents with Smart Controller permits, which should be displayed prominently. However, he stated that it was not necessary for employees of Ridgewood Water to be able to view these placards when they are doing enforcement. They maintain an updated list of all residents who have a Smart Controller permit.


Mr. Calbi said that the proposed revised ordinance presented this evening restricts Smart Controllers to make them consistent timewise with all other irrigation methods. The midnight to 10:00 A.M. allowance was removed and replaced with 3:00 A.M. to 7:00 A.M. restriction. This will put Smart Controllers in line with all other inground irrigation, except for the number of days watering is permitted. It had been recommended that the amount of days Smart Controllers can be used be reduced to four days per week. However, Mr. Calbi said that he did not recommend doing so at this time, because it was against the New Jersey model. He said that there are other municipalities that have adopted the model. The three models referenced on the Sustainable Jersey site do not restrict days on which Smart Controllers may be used and allow watering between midnight and 10:00 A.M. He recommends that the ordinance be adopted as written. If the need arises to further restrict watering, Mr. Calbi said that additional restrictions can be implemented later in the year, such as was done last summer.


Councilmember Reynolds said that she was glad that the hours would be changed to 3:00 A.M. to 7:00 A.M. for Smart Controller usage, but she still could not understand how he would detect violators. If Smart Controllers were only allowed to be used during the times when other irrigation methods could be used, she felt that enforcement would be easier. She asked Mr. Calbi if his staff checks the address of every house where they see lawns being watered on restricted days or during restricted hours. Mr. Calbi replied that his staff targets neighborhoods based upon the days watering is permitted. Now that the Smart Controllers are within the same timeframe, his staff can check for lawns being watered before 3:00 A.M. or after 7:00 P.M.


Councilmember Reynolds indicated that she would like to revisit this matter, perhaps mid-year. If only 50% of customers are compliant, then she would like the ordinance to be amended to restrict the use of Smart Controllers during the same times as those without Smart Controllers. Mr. Calbi said that he could certainly report back in a few months with more updated information.


Mayor Vagianos wanted to confirm with Mr. Calbi that the use of Smart Controllers are encouraged by the NJDEP and USEPA, because they save water, but that there are a handful of people who are not complaint. Mr. Calbi confirmed that 51% of the accounts would appear to be misusing the Smart Controllers, representing 91 out of 178 accounts, based on the latest data. When questioned by Mayor Vagianos, Mr. Calbi stated that more people should be encouraged to use Smart Controllers.


Councilmember Winograd stated that a notification was sent out regarding a pause placed on the issuance of new permits and recertifications until the ordinance amendment is adopted. She wondered if the public would be notified once the ordinance is finally adopted. Mr. Calbi replied that the public would be notified once the ordinance amendment is adopted.


Deputy Mayor Perron said that she found the ordinance hard to understand, because it doesn’t specify what days are permissible for Smart Controllers to operate. She asked whether the days could be specified in the ordinance itself. Mr. Calbi said that the days could be inserted if Deputy Mayor Perron wanted to restrict the days for Smart Controller use. The device is “tuned into” the weather, and some even detect the moisture of the soil if equipped with a soil probe. They can be programmed according to how much shade or direct sunlight certain areas of a lawn receive. Based on all of this information and the weather pattern, the computer inside the controller determines whether it needs to operate or not. Mr. Calbi said that if the device knows it is going to rain on a Tuesday, the device will not turn on Saturday or Sunday. However, if it has not rained for a week, the device will know that it needs to turn on to provide the water that the lawn needs.


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that the ordinance indicates that Smart Controllers are allowed to be used on permissible days. She wondered what the permissible days are for these devices. Mr. Calbi said that he thinks this is probably a typographical error and the wording could be stricken from the ordinance.




Mr. Calbi indicated that this is a resolution for the I-Bank funding for PFAS remediation for the drinking water. This resolution is required to close the short-term loan by the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank. This was part of the $42 million long-term funding ordinance that was approved by the Village Council in February 2023. The I-Bank requires that the short-term financing (notes utilized to fund the project) be closed, so that they can give permission to Ridgewood Water to go out to bid. The resolution summarizes the process and gives the approval necessary to proceed.


            B.        BUDGET




Mr. Calbi explained that this item pertains to the awarding of professional final design services regarding the Safe Routes to School Grant. This design work is part of the final design authorization and modification #1 to the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) grant received on January 31, 2023. Mr. Calbi indicated that NV5 is the consultant for professional services, located in Parsippany, New Jersey. The amount for the final design services is $141,756.20. This grant is for the design of sidewalk and street improvements in neighborhoods where children walk to Village schools, so that they remain safe. Mr. Calbi indicated that he spoke with Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer, today and he said that it was urgent for this resolution to be passed at the next Public Meeting. Otherwise, this funding could be in jeopardy of being withdrawn.


                        2.         AWARD CONTRACT – ROAD RESURFACING AND REPAIRS


Mr. Calbi indicated that this item pertains to 2020 road resurfacing and repairs of various Village streets. In February 2020, the Village received nine bids for these services. The bids ranged from a low of $2,538,450.91 to a high of $3,242,760.60. The low bidder was American Asphalt and Milling Services, LLC, of Kearny, New Jersey, and at that time they were awarded a partial award in the amount of $2,496,000.00. The NJDOT will not release the grant award monies unless the Village awards the total amount bid. This work has been completed, and the purpose of this resolution is to enable the Village to receive the Municipal Aid Program grant funds. Mr. Rutishauser has requested that this resolution be given priority so that the Village can receive these funds. This resolution does not authorize any further work.




Mr. Calbi indicated that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract for irrigation system services for the Department of Parks and Recreation. The bid opening was held on February 15, 2023 and the Village received one bid from a registered plan holder, Sprinkler Guy Irrigation of Ridgewood, New Jersey. The bid was structured to obtain unit prices for various components of the irrigation systems throughout the Village parklands and municipal properties. It is recommended that this contract be awarded to Sprinkler Guy Irrigation, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $18,000.00. Funding is contained in the Parks and Recreation Operating Budget.




Mr. Calbi stated that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract for the purchase of horticulture supplies for the years 2023 and 2024. The bid opened on February 15, 2023. One bid was received from SiteOne Landscape Supply, a registered plan holder of Mahwah, New Jersey. It is recommended that this contract be awarded to SiteOne Landscape Supply in an amount not to exceed $35,500.00, plus an additional $13,000.00 for Project Pride. These are unit price items for various landscaping and horticultural supplies for maintenance of Village parks and properties for 2023 and 2024. Funding is contained in the Parks and Recreation Operating Budget.




Mr. Calbi explained that this item pertains to the awarding of a contract for the purchase of an emergency escape stairway for the Streets Division located at 220 Chestnut Street. On September 7, 2023, the Department of Public Works Streets Division had an inspection by the Village’s Fire Prevention Officers and a Notice of Violations and Order to Correct was received. They were cited for not having a means of egress from the rear exit of the building. The doors  that currently go out the rear of the building deadend at the railroad embankment, making for unsafe egress. The Village needs to provide an additional means of escape for the second floor at that location. Quotes were solicited by the Signal Division for the installation of a steel staircase down to the parking lot. It is recommended that the contract be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, Superior Steel Solutions of Ringwood, New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $29,043.43. Funding is contained in the existing Capital Budget.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked Mr. Calbi if a simpler fire escape would do the same job. Mr. Calbi said that a fire escape would not suffice, due to the terrain at this location. The stairway would not be attached to the building, but would instead come down the side of the embankment into the parking lot, by the retaining wall.


            C.        POLICY




Mr. Calbi indicated that there has been a request by Deputy Mayor Perron that the Village adopt a resolution in support of the proposed Green Amendment to the New Jersey Constitution.


Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that there are currently two bills to pass the Green Amendment pending in the New Jersey Assembly and Senate, with bipartisan support. If it is passed, then the next step would be a referendum so that New Jersey voters can decide whether to add this basic right to the Bill of Rights in the New Jersey Constitution. Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that citizens have the right to free speech, religion, and to bear arms, so this amendment would give citizens the right to a clean and healthy environment, including pure water, clean air, and ecologically healthy habitats, and would ensure preservation of the natural, scenic, historic, and aesthetic qualities of the environment.


Deputy Mayor Perron said that the passage of this resolution does not ensure that the two bills will be passed, but will show that Ridgewood supports this legislation. New York, Montana and Pennsylvania have already added the Green Amendment to their State Constitutions.


Councilmember Reynolds said that she was in favor of the Green Amendment and feels that Ridgewood should support this legislation. However, she stated that she feels it is completely contradictory to what the Village plans to do at the Schedler property. She stated that the State shall not infringe upon these rights (enumerated above) by action or inaction. Councilmember Reynolds stated that the Village is going to infringe on everyone’s rights to a clean and healthy environment, if the larger field is constructed on the Schedler property and a large number of trees are removed. She said that through these actions, the flora and fauna will be disturbed and the neighbors’ well water supply will be adversely affected. She stated that supporting this amendment seems hypocritical.


Deputy Mayor Perron said that she was unaware of any directive that tells local government “thou shalt not place a turf field” in a particular area. She does not know of any law or other type of restriction that tells the Village Councilmembers that they cannot construct a field of a given size on the Schedler property.


Councilmember Reynolds said that this was not the point and that it was about disturbing what is already there (on the Schedler property). She said the trees are already there, some of which are hundreds of years old, and the trees should not be disturbed. The habitats of animals, flora and fauna are all there. She felt that the Village should not be disturbing those areas and possibly harming people’s drinking water. Councilmember Reynolds said it would be different if there were nothing on the land, but there are beautiful trees already existing on the land.


Deputy Mayor Perron said that the cases that have come about as a result of the Green Amendment in other states have been cases where a developer wants to plant too close to a riparian area, a regulation already exists which sets forth a certain setback from the riparian area, and the governing body decides to waive that regulation. Another instance would involve fracking, such as when an industry wants to engage in fracking, there are restrictions pertaining to that activity, and a waiver is granted by the government. Another instance would be gold mining in Montana.


Councilmember Reynolds said that after reading the Green Amendment, it appears to her that the Village will be harming the Schedler area in direct contradiction to the purpose of the Green Amendment.


Councilmember Weitz said that he does not see a contradiction. He said that if the Village had not purchased this property in 2009, the land would have been privately developed. The fact that there is not a strip mall on this land today is testament to the fact that the Village did the right thing in purchasing the property so that it wouldn’t be developed by a contractor. He said that if the Village had not purchased this property, there would be a 7-11 on it right now. He said that the actions of the Village in purchasing the land was in the spirit of the Green Amendment.


Councilmember Winograd said that the League of Women Voters has been a big proponent of the Green Amendment and, therefore, she fully supports it. She stated that before she and Councilmember Weitz were elected to the Village Council, a good portion of the trees on the Schedler property had already been clearcut. She said that, aside from the field, trees will still have to be removed to construct the walking path, playground and parking lot.


Mayor Vagianos thanked Deputy Mayor Perron for bringing the Green Amendment to the attention of the Village Council. He asked Mr. Rooney and Deputy Mayor Perron about any possible litigation that the Green Amendment could “spawn” regarding the Schedler property or other property in the Village.


Deputy Mayor Perron said that she was concerned about damages and lawsuits resulting from the Green Amendment to the New Jersey Constitution, which could result in bankrupting local government. However, it was explained to her that, just like other rights contained in the Bill of Rights, any complainant would get equitable relief or injunctive relief, sending a message to the governing body that they need to take certain actions. Mayor Vagianos asked Deputy Mayor Perron to explain what “equitable” and “injunctive” relief mean. Deputy Mayor Perron explained that equitable or injunctive relief is a directive to do something or not to do something and does not result in money damages.


Mayor Vagianos gave an example of when a municipality puts something into a local stream that is harmful, and there would be an injunction to stop that municipality from continuing their actions. He stated that he personally supports the Green Amendment and has no reservations in doing so. There was a consensus that they would move forward with supporting the Green Amendment.




Mr. Calbi explained that this item pertains to the authorization of a Deed Notice for the Hudson Street Garage. During construction of the garage, the Village remediated soil that was found to be contaminated. Certain areas of the property contained contaminants in concentrations that would restrict the usage on the property, such as the construction of residential buildings or a daycare facility. It is recommended by the Village Engineer, and required by the NJDEP and the Village’s environmental consultant, First Environment, to place a deed restriction on the property. This resolution authorizes the Village Manager and Mayor to execute the Deed Notice.




Mr. Calbi explained that this item pertains to a resolution to accept donations from the Ridgewood Baseball and Softball Association (RBSA). There are two donations. The first donation is the purchase and installation of protective padding to cover the fencing and backstop of the 60’x 90’ baseball diamond at Veterans Field, at a cost of $7,934.82. The second donation is the repair of pitching mounds at various fields throughout the Village, including the baseball diamond at Veterans Field, Lower Hawes, Habernickel, and Citizens Park. This includes filling holes at pitching mounds, home plate and alignment of pitching rubbers. The price for this outside contracted work is $3,750.00. The total amount of both donations is $11,684.82.


Mayor Vagianos thanked the RBSA for their generous donations.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked Mr. Calbi about the Spring Street well house, and Mr. Calbi indicated that item had been taken off of the agenda. It will be placed on next week’s agenda. It was pulled so that an additional site could be added.




Diane Vazza and John Vazza, 109 West Ridgewood Avenue, stated they wanted to speak about Smart Controllers. Ms. Vazza stated that there are approximately 326 residents, including her and her husband, who purchased thousands of dollars worth of Smart Controllers. They also spent tens of thousands of dollars for landscaping, assuming that they would be able to use their Smart Controllers to maintain their landscaping. They have to get recertified every year. She said that if the Village was going to “accept the science” offered by the USEPA and NJDEP, the use of Smart Controllers should be encouraged rather than discouraged. In addition, Ms. Vazza stated that she did not understand the validity of a year-by-year analysis. Some people have three zones and some people have 13 zones, so she does not understand how comparisons can possibly be made regarding water usage on these disparate properties.


Mr. Vazza added that there are residents with large yards who have invested thousands upon thousands of dollars in landscaping, with the understanding that the Smart Controllers would help the homeowners maintain that landscaping, yet all of a sudden the homeowners are being told that they cannot use their Smart Controllers to their full capacity. Mr. Vazza stated that such residents are being placed in the same category of residents without Smart Controllers, residents who haven’t spend thousands of dollars on landscaping. Mr. Vazza said that the Village should encourage the use of Smart Controllers by not equating the residents with Smart Controllers to those without Smart Controllers. He said that if water conservation is truly the Village’s main concern, they should focus on properties that exhibit large water usage. Pool evaporation accounts for 600 gallons per week. The Village should concentrate on people who fill their pools every year, which uses up tens of thousands of gallons of water.


Jacqueline Hone, 30 Carriage Lane, stated that Mayor Vagianos spoke at the beginning of the meeting about respecting each other and not personally attacking anyone. Ms. Hone said that she agreed with such tenets and that the Village Council should start leading by example. She said that she was very taken aback by Deputy Mayor Perron’s response to a resident who called someone a sheister, saying that it bordered on defamation. She said that Deputy Mayor Perron was basically calling the resident who made the remark a liar, and that she was putting the burden of proof on residents to vet the prospective consultant.


Ms. Hone stated that this same resident asked what vetting process had been undertaken by the Village Council with regard to the hiring of a consultant to assist with the Schedler property. Ms. Hone stated that a simple Google search reveals that the prospective consultant has quite a record. She said that if the Village Councilmembers had done their due diligence by performing a simple Google search, they would have discovered that Peter Primavera actually admitted to lying by saying things he should not have said and stating that he had earned degrees when, in fact, he had not. Ms. Hone said that she hoped this resident will forward their information to the Village Councilmembers, although she did not feel that Village residents should be doing the “homework” of the Village.


Ms. Hone stated that she attended the Shade Tree Commission meeting that was mentioned earlier this evening. She said that she was very alarmed for several reasons. The budget was discussed during the meeting. Someone from the Parks and Recreation Department was also at the meeting, who stated that there was not enough manpower to take care of all of the parks, fields and trees in Ridgewood. While there are funds in the 2023 budget for new tree plantings, there are not enough employees to perform the work. In addition, there is not enough manpower to even water the existing trees, since there will be only two people in the Parks and Recreation Department to perform all of the work.


Ms. Hone stated that the trees built on the berm at the Schedler property are not being properly watered. This evening she noted that there is a contract awarded for irrigation system services. She said that during the Shade Tree Commission meeting, there was talk about budget cuts and furloughs, yet money was allocated to award contracts in other areas. She stated that there was money in the budget to outsource the watering of the trees to other people; however, she would prefer to see the work done inhouse. Ms. Hone said that a lot of money was spent on equipment, training and supplies, and there are a lot of loyal staff members in the Village. She stated that she would rather see these employees be taken care of first, rather than awarding contracts to outside independent contractors to do the work that Village employees can adequately perform.


Ms. Hone said that during the Shade Tree Commission meeting, there was a lot of talk about hiring outside vendors to plant and water Village trees. She mentioned a comment by Deputy Mayor Perron that she wasn’t sure whether a full garbage pickup schedule would be feasible this year. Therefore, she said that she was confused why the Village Council was considering the hiring of an outside historic preservation consultant for the Schedler property in the first place, let alone one who seems to have a very questionable past. Ms. Hone also wondered why the Village is building such a large park in stark contradiction to the Green Amendment. She urged the Village Council not to do any furloughs of Village employees.


Kristina Milian, 530 West Saddle River Road, said that she has been engaged in policy and crisis communications for almost 20 years. She said that when an executive misspeaks or makes a mistake, it is ill-advised for that person to “double down” on that. She is shocked that instead of the Village Council properly vetting someone who may possibly be working with the Village, and someone who could possibly ruin the reputation and integrity of the Village, the burden of proof is being placed on Village residents.


Ms. Milian stated that each week, she and others make public comments and ask questions, in addition to emailing those questions to Village Councilmembers, yet no answers are ever received. She stated that she does not understand why the Village would consider hiring anyone who admitted that he perjured himself. In addition, members of the Crossroads of the American Revolution, which is a credible organization, have written to the Village Council with their concerns and have not received a response. Ms. Milian suggested that perhaps the Village Councilmembers could locate a credible historic preservation consultant through that organization or similar organizations. The New Jersey Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, another credible organization, has also written to the Village Council and have not received a reply. Another organization would be America250, a commission set up by Congress to help with historical tourism. She said that she was confident they would be able to refer someone to the Village without a shoddy past.


Joseph DeMarco, 572 West Saddle River Road, stated that he supports the development of a park, including a small grass field, children’s playground, and passive area, including walking paths. He stated that he spoke before the Village Council two weeks ago about his concerns regarding the construction of a full-sized artificial turf field, including the higher rate of non-contact injuries and concussions.


Dr. DeMarco said that he wanted to call their attention to another issue which has come to light regarding turf fields. He said that, recently, residents have become very familiar with the term “PFAS” due to large concentrations of PFAS in the Village’s drinking water. These same forever chemicals are the basis for artificial turf, in order to make artificial turf grass blades flexible. The Environmental Responsibility and Ecological Center tested eight different turf samples in 2019, and all tested positive for PFAS. Dr. DeMarco said that these artificial turf fields are far from indestructible, however. The International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities stated that mechanical wear from games causes tiny particles in blades of artificial grass to break off, amounting to over 600 pounds per year of PFAS-laden microparticles to be lofted into the air and eventually washed away into adjacent soil, rivers, storm drains, and in relation to the Schedler property, potentially into adjacent neighbors’ private water wells.


Dr. DeMarco stated that in 2021, the town of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, contracted a company to install a PFAS-free field at the astronomical cost of $1.6 million. Despite this, the tested turf had a whopping 135 parts per trillion of PFAS, well above even the antiquated 2016 safety level for PFAS in drinking water established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), which was 70 parts per trillion. The tested turf in Portsmouth had double the allowable limit set by the USEPA and 70 times the new acceptable limits of 2 to 4 parts per trillion.


Dr. DeMarco said that there has been a lot of discussion about the acquisition of additional funding for a turf field. He wondered whether the Village Council had done its due diligence to research artificial turf. He asked how the Village Council would ensure that the turf field does not contain these harmful chemicals. The components used for artificial turf fields are highly variable and could include other harmful chemicals such as heavy metals, benzine, VOCs (volatile organic compounds), and other carcinogens that can affect the long-term health of children.


Dr. DeMarco said that socially responsible governments like the city of Boston, Massachusetts, have already banned the development of any new artificial turf fields. He asked all Village Councilmembers to be as forward thinking as Boston’s mayor and not install another artificial turf field in Ridgewood. He stated that Mayor Vagianos has publicly stated that Ridgewood is “well ahead of the national curve” regarding the elimination of PFAS from the drinking water. Dr. DeMarco asked Mayor Vagianos to apply the same sense of urgency regarding turf fields and be ahead of the curve to protect children from irreversible harm.


Cynthia O’Keefe, 542 West Saddle River Road, said that she has watched past Village Council meetings in an attempt to find out when the conversation about the Schedler property actually began. She mentioned the Ad Hoc Committee and the gains they made in developing plans for the Schedler property, yet in January 2023, things started to go in a different direction. People started talking about a regulation turf field, sport complex, and lights. Ms. O’Keefe viewed the Reorganization Meeting of the Village Council in January, when Councilmember Winograd and Councilmember Weitz were sworn in as Councilmembers. She said that many beautiful sentiments were expressed at that time, including the newly elected Councilmembers thanking their families for all of their loving support.


Ms. O’Keefe stated that this brought to her mind the importance of everyone’s family, especially the families in the Schedler community, including her and her family. She heard a “baseball mom” speak about how she wanted her son to be able to play sports and how she was in favor of a large turf field, yet Ms. O’Keefe wondered if anyone cared about the health and safety of the families who live near the Schedler property. At the initial 2023 Village Council meeting, Ms. O’Keefe said that Councilmember Weitz stated that democracy does not work if good people are not willing to put themselves out there and run for office. She believed him and was confident that Councilmember Weitz would live up to the high standards that Ridgewood deserves and would work on behalf of all families.


Ms. O’Keefe stated that Councilmember Winograd was sworn in with her mother and family standing by, which she stated was very sweet. Ms. O’Keefe said that her mother is 93 years old and she can only hope that she will live as long as her mother has. However, she is concerned about the health and safety issues which threaten her neighborhood. She said that Councilmember Winograd indicated that she was going to keep her website up to benchmark her campaign promises. Ms. O’Keefe said that when Councilmember Winograd was elected, she clearly stated that after being elected, she would promptly work to implement the 2017 plan for Schedler Park with its youth athletic field, not turf and a sports complex which are now being discussed, along with a walking path and children’s playscape. When she hears the word “playscape,” Ms. O’Keefe stated that she envisions a nice place for families to bring their kids to play. Councilmember Winograd also stated that she wanted to make communication and transparency of the utmost importance. However, Ms. O’Keefe said that there are mistakes being made on a daily basis. She stated that she will hold Councilmember Winograd to her campaign promises and statements.


Ms. O’Keefe stated that only Councilmember Reynolds has taken the neighbors’ concerns to heart. Ms. O’Keefe said that she does not want to be pitted against people whom she cares about, especially those who are “sports people.” She believes that all children should have a place to play and that is the reason why the neighbors agreed to a small grass field on the Schedler property. She thanked Councilmember Reynolds for her support.


Addressing Mayor Vagianos, Ms. O’Keefe said that he made many sports references at prior Village Council meetings, stating that every resident is part of the team and everyone needs to get off the bench and get into the game. She said that this is exactly what residents are doing, week after week, pouring their hearts out to the Village Council to try to reach a compromise.


In closing, Ms. O’Keefe said that Deputy Mayor Perron stated that the Village Councilmembers need to pay attention to every resident, business owner and visitor with whom they come into contact and listen until they really understand their issues. Ms. O’Keefe agreed with that statement. Deputy Mayor Perron also stated that Village employees are its greatest asset. Accordingly, Ms. O’Keefe said that she was not in favor of furloughing any Village employees. She wondered how the Village could waste precious dollars on a consultant for the Schedler property, yet not be concerned about furloughing Village employees who need to put food on the table for their families.


Anne Loving, 342 South Irving Street, stated that the word creating a lot of mention this evening is the word “sheister.” She stated that a sheister is a person who is professionally unscrupulous, particularly in the practice of law or politics, such as a dishonest lawyer, businessman or politician. A sheister is someone who acts in a disreputable, unethical or unscrupulous way, especially in the practice of law, politics or economics. Ms. Loving said that she stands by what she said about Mr. Primavera, who was not vetted by the Village Councilmembers but instead was vetted by the citizens of Ridgewood.


Al Sienkiewicz, 321 Van Emburgh Avenue, said that she recently moved back to Ridgewood. She mentioned the comment made this evening by Deputy Mayor Perron that the Green Amendment is “exclusive” of what the Village is planning to do with the Schedler property. However, she does not feel that the Green Amendment and the proposed Schedler development are mutually exclusive. One cannot say that recycling is important, yet not recycle. The Village Councilmembers cannot say that they support the Green Amendment, yet ignore it and do their own thing anyway. Ms. Sienkiewicz said that she laughed when she heard someone say that they wanted their grandchildren to thank them (for the Schedler Park development). Instead, she said that she would like her own children to thank her.


Boyd A. Loving, 342 South Irving Street, stated that the news about Ms. Mailander being honored as Municipal Clerk of the Year was great and the best news he has heard all week. He hopes that something more than the announcement this evening is done for Ms. Mailander, such as the Village issuing a press release which Ms. Mailander does not have to write herself. He said that he felt something big should be done to celebrate this momentous occasion.


Michele Italia, 3 Betty Court, stated that she wanted to continue speaking about the Schedler property, the marginalization that is occurring in that area, and the impact of the Village Councilmembers’ decisions on the property values of homes in that neighborhood. By deciding to construct a big field on the Schedler property, Ms. Italia said that the Schedler neighbors will lose the historical relevance of the land and what transpired on that land hundreds of years ago. She said that it helps property values when a town is noted for its historical designation, since people desire to live near historical areas. As a realtor, Ms. Italia sees the Schedler property being able to increase property values in the area, because everyone will be proud of living in an historic district. She stated that there are owners of another house in that area who are trying to obtain historical status for their home.


Ms. Italia said that the east side of town near the Schedler property is marginalized because there is no local school which children can attend and no park offering passive recreation. If clients asked her questions about the area, she would have to be honest and tell them that their children would have to be bused to school and that there is no park but rather a sports complex with lights and a lot of traffic. These negative features significantly alter property values, which in turn decreases tax revenue to the Village. Ms. Italia said that the birth of Ridgewood began on the east side of town, even before the railroad and highway were constructed. She urged the Village Councilmembers to make decisions that will add to the betterment of Ridgewood. She added that there are a lot of birds and animals that make the Schedler property their habitat, which will be destroyed if the Village Council proceeds with their current plans.


Rich Tarleton, 10 Bergen Avenue, Waldwick, stated that he has worked for the Ridgewood Department of Public Works for 30 years. His family originates from Ridgewood, and both his grandparents and parents lived in Ridgewood. He congratulated Ms. Mailander on winning the award for Municipal Clerk of the Year. Mr. Tarleton said that he wanted to thank Ridgewood residents who attended this evening’s meeting and spoke against the planned employee furloughs. He stated that he and his staff will do everything that they can do to work with the Village. While he and other staff members do not live in Ridgewood, he said that many employees in his department do live in Ridgewood. Regardless of where they live, Mr. Tarleton said that they are all committed to helping the budget process.


Suzanne Ruane, 705 Kingsbridge Lane, stated that she does not believe that Village employees should be furloughed. She believes that the funds targeted in this year’s budget for the Schedler property should be allocated instead to employee salaries. She said that she supports a small grass field on the Schedler property. Ms. Ruane thanked the Village Councilmembers for endorsing the Green Amendment, but she agreed with Councilmember Reynolds that there is a contradiction between the Village Councilmembers’ actions regarding the Green Amendment and their plans for the Schedler property. The Green Amendment gives people the fundamental right to clean air and clean water, yet the Village Councilmembers are ignoring the pollutants from the turf field that will inevitably seep into the private wells of the Schedler neighbors, as well as the air pollution caused by the removal of all the trees on the property and removal of a buffer zone along a busy highway.


Ms. Ruane urged the Village Council to investigate other fields in Ridgewood that are not in a flood zone, such as Citizens Field. However, Ms. Ruane stated that the residents on the west side do not want to turf Citizens Field, despite their constant complaints about the condition of that grass field, but would rather turf the proposed field at Schedler. She also asked for more transparency, stating that many residents are feeling that things are being done behind the scenes instead of being shared openly with residents. If other fields in Ridgewood have been investigated and it was determined that a turf field was not appropriate, then those facts should also be shared with Ridgewood residents, along with the reasons why.


Ms. Ruane congratulated Ms. Mailander on winning the award for Municipal Clerk of the Year. She stated that Ms. Mailander does a great job for the Village and should be recognized for all of her hard work.


Kathryn Schmidt, 123 South Irving Street, stated she was very happy to learn that the Green Amendment was endorsed by the Village Council. She said that Ridgewood does not have gold mining or fracking issues, but there are congruence issues between what the Village Councilmembers say and what they do. She said that it is not about the letter of the law, but rather about the spirit of the law. Ms. Schmidt said that it was ironic that the Village Council would support the Green Amendment, yet almost immediately make decisions regarding the Schedler property that fly in the face of the purpose of the Green Amendment. She hoped that the Village Councilmembers will factor the purpose of the Green Amendment into whatever decisions they make concerning the Schedler property.


There were no further comments from the public.


Councilmember Winograd said that all of the Village Councilmembers have not met with the prospective historic preservation consultant and she is not sure how that misinformation arose. However, if the Village Councilmembers were to meet with the consultant and a decision was made to hire the consultant, it would be done up front. Councilmember Winograd said that when she met with the Schedler neighbors and told them that she would not support the installation of lights on the Schedler property, there is still the assumption by the public that all of the Village Councilmembers support the installation of lights.


Councilmember Winograd said that the Village has relied heavily upon outside consultants regarding the development of the Schedler property and the Village Council is still working on the finances regarding same. She said that Connolly & Hickey, historic architects, have been paid approximately $200,000.00 for services related to the Schedler house and property. With a large capital project such as Schedler, it is not uncommon for the Village to use a consultant. She stated that the planned field proposed in 2017 was a turf field.


Regarding comments made this evening about furloughs, Councilmember Winograd stated that the budget process is ongoing, with the next budget meeting scheduled for March 30, 2023. Councilmember Reynolds said that the budget would be introduced on that date, and Councilmember Winograd stated that there will be a discussion before the budget is introduced. The original budget introduction date of March 8, 2023 was delayed, since the Village Councilmembers felt that more discussion was needed and understood the severity of the furloughing of Village employees. Councilmember Winograd said that the only way all Village Councilmembers can legally have a discussion is in public. She concluded by asking for patience from the public until the problems with the Village’s email server can be fixed. She asked anyone who has recently sent an email to the Village Councilmembers to please send the emails again, just in case their original emails were not received or were kicked back to the sender.


Councilmember Weitz indicated that there are a lot of Village employees at the meeting this evening. He said that their presence at the meeting was very meaningful to all of the Councilmembers, which says a lot more than words, and he thanked them for attending.












8.         ADJOURNMENT


There being no further business to come before the Village Council, on a motion by Councilmember Reynolds, seconded by Deputy Mayor Perron, and carried unanimously by voice vote, the Village Council’s Work Session was adjourned at 9:45 P.M.







                                                                                                Paul Vagianos




    Eileen Young

                 Village Deputy Clerk

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