Message from the Mayor - Coronavirus

Dear Ridgewood Residents,
As Mayor of the Village of Ridgewood, I am here to give you an update on Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. Since the first case of Coronavirus in New Jersey was reported one week ago, there have been an unprecedented number of actions taken by local, county and state governments, businesses and religious organizations in an attempt to contain and prevent the spread of the virus. Since then, the World Health Organization has formally declared the Coronavirus a global pandemic. As you may have read, Bergen County has the most cases of Coronavirus in NJ. These are truly unprecedented and extraordinary times for our community.

Public safety and the health and well-being of our residents and Village employees is the top priority for the Village Council and the Village Manager. 

As a resident and a parent, I fully appreciate and understand your fears and concerns for your own safety and that of your family and loved ones. Rest assured that we are doing everything possible to protect our entire community. We have taken the following steps:

-The Ridgewood Library has been closed.
-While the Village Council, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment will continue their meetings, we ask that the public not attend the meetings in person but rather watch them on Channel 77 for Optimum or Channel 34 for Verizon Fios or through live stream. There will still be opportunities for Public Comments at these meetings by having those wishing to comment to call into the following number during the Public Comments sections of these meetings: 201-670-5500 x253. 
-All non-essential Village Boards & Committees meetings will be suspended until further notice. 
-The Village is encouraging residents, whenever possible, to conduct all business with the Village online. Village Hall will maintain normal business hours, but if you are feeling ill, please consider staying home and contact the Village to conduct business at 201-670-5500. 

Our Health Officer, has been and continues to work to ensure we have the most updated information from the NJ Department of Health and the CDC and has been in contact with the Superintendent of Ridgewood Schools on a daily basis.

We have been coordinating and collaborating with the county. The County Executive and his administration have taken proactive steps to mitigate the spread of the virus including the crucial decision to close all public schools as of 3pm today, March 13 until further notice. We thank them for their leadership and support. 

While officials are warning and preparing for continued spreading of the virus, there are a number of things we can do together to contain and prevent the spread. Common Sense is still our Best Defense:

- Wash your hands frequently. If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers. 
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. 
-Drink plenty of water throughout the day. 
- Be mindful of contact with persons who may be suffering from a respiratory illness. 
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick. 
- Stay home if you are sick. 
- Avoid large gatherings. 

There are several informational resources available to you. The information is posted on Village websites and social media. Please follow us on Facebook. I, along with my fellow council members, will also be sharing information. 

We also urge you to please reserve calls to 911 for emergencies only. You can call the non-emergency number for the Ridgewood Police Department should you need to speak to the police department for any other reason. The number is 201-652-3900.

Please remember to check in on your neighbors, particularly the elderly. While the school community is in constant communication, there are many residents who don’t have as much contact with others. So please keep them in mind. 

On behalf of the Ridgewood Village Council and Village Staff, be well, stay safe. And may God bless and protect us all. 

  • Hits: 12086


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