Q: Do I obtain marriage, birth, and death certificates at the Village Clerk’s Office?

A: No, they are obtained at the Health Department, whose phone number is (201)670-5500 ext: 5503 

Q: How do I register to vote? What are the requirements?

A: The Village Clerk's office has mail-in voter registration forms, which may be obtained by calling and requesting that one be mailed to you, or by coming in and picking one up from the Village Clerk's office during regular office hours. The forms are also available on the Village’s website. The deadline to register to vote is 21 days prior to any given election. On the last day to register to vote, the Village Clerk's office sets up a table in the library lobby to register people from 4:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. The deadlines to register to vote for each election is found in your Village calendar. In order to register to vote, you must be at least 18 years old by the next regularly held election, and you must be a U.S. citizen or a naturalized citizen. 

Q: How do I obtain a Vote by Mail application? (Formerly called Absentee Ballot Application) 

A: The Village Clerk’s Office has the applications for Vote by Mail ballots, which may be obtained by calling and requesting that one be mailed to you, or by coming in and picking one up from the Village Clerk’s office during normal business hours. They are also available on the Village’s website. The Vote by Mail ballot application must be received (not just postmarked) by the County Clerk no later than 7 days prior to any election. If this deadline is missed, the voter may go in person to Hackensack and vote by absentee ballot at the County Clerk’s office up until 3:00 P.M. the day before any election. If it is past that time, the voter will not be able to vote in the election without the approval of a Special Election Judge in Hackensack. The Vote by Mail ballot itself must be received by the Bergen County Board of Elections by the close of polls on election day. Please keep in mind that if the voter applies for a Vote by Mail ballot, the voter must vote by a Vote by Mail ballot, even if his/her plans change and he/she is able to vote at the regular polling location. A voter will not be allowed to vote at his/her regular polling location once he/she has applied for a Vote by Mail ballot. 

Q: I have recently moved within Ridgewood, is my voter registration still valid?

A: No. You must register to vote again, with your new address. In addition, if you change your name due to marriage or divorce, you must register with your new name. 

Q: How often must I vote to keep my registration valid? 

A: You must vote at least once in either a Primary or General election every five years. 

Q: May I submit my passport application to the Village Clerk?

A: No. If it is a new application, or if it is a renewal application for a child whose original application was issued prior to the age of 16, then you must go with all of your information (pictures, certified copy of birth certificate, fees) to the County Clerk’s Office, Bergen County Justice Center, at the intersection of Essex and Main Streets in Hackensack. If it is a renewal for an adult, or if it is a renewal for a child whose original passport was issued after the age of 16, then it may be done through the mail. It takes approximately 8 weeks to obtain a new or renewed passport. The Receptionist, on the first floor of Village Hall, has both new and renewal applications. It is a good idea to call first to see if they are in stock, because the Village of Ridgewood must obtain them from the County Clerk’s Office in Hackensack. 

For additional information about obtaining a passport, please visit: 

US Department of State Passport Information at the Bergen County Clerk Website.

Q: Do I need a permit for a garage sale or a yard sale or an estate sale?

A: Yes. You may obtain one at the Receptionist's desk on the first floor of Village Hall. The cost is $5 for two consecutive days, and you are limited to twice per calendar year at your address. If you do not own your home, you will need a letter of permission from the landlord indicating that you are allowed to hold a garage sale on your property. 

Click here for the Form (view with Acrobat Reader)

Q: How do I obtain a parking permit for the train station?

A: The Village Hall Receptionist handles the parking permits for the train station. For a new permit, you must fill out an application, and bring the in your driver's license showing your Ridgewood address and the registration for the car(s) for which you wish to obtain permit(s). If you are a new resident and have not yet changed the address on your driver's license, the Receptionist will need to see a copy of your lease or deed showing that you rent or own a dwelling in Ridgewood. A temporary parking permit will be issued to you for thirty days. After the thirty day period, you must bring in your permanent registration and driver's license for a permanent parking permit. 

For a renewal, you may handle it through the mail. You must send in a photocopy of your driver's license and the registration of the car(s) for which you wish to obtain permit(s). You must also send a stamped, self-addressed envelope, so that we may mail the permit back to you. The permits for the following year are usually available after December 20th. You are not sent a renewal notice, you must remember to renew your parking permit, which expires every December 31st. 

The parking permit allows Ridgewood residents to park at the meters at the train station. It does not reserve a parking place, it is first come, first served, every day. The permits themselves are free, however, the commuter must pay the meter. The cost is $6.00 in quarters for 12 hours. The metered parking ends at 6:00 P.M. 

Form (view with Acrobat Reader) is available at parking.pdf

Q: How do I reserve a space for advertising on the railroad trestle? 

A: The Village of Ridgewood has used the railroad trestle on Franklin Avenue as a way for non-profit Ridgewood area groups to advertise their upcoming events. Now that the trestle is being refurbished, the advertising sign has been placed on the lawn of the train station parking lot. The Village Hall Receptionist handles the reservations. Please call her and reserve your time. She takes reservations up to one year in advance. 

Q: How do I obtain senior citizen transportation assistance?

A: Click here for AFR Transportation Options

Click here for the Form (view with Acrobat Reader)

Q: How do I make a reservation for the Senior Bus?

A:Village of Ridgewood staff handle the inquires and reservations for the Senior Bus, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm.  Please call 201/670-5500 x 203 for information and to make a reservation.  The Village of Ridgewood’s Senior Bus accommodates 11 passengers and runs on Tuesdays and Thursday between the hours of 9:30am to 2:30pm and Wednesday 9:30am to Noon going to the Wyckoff ShopRite. 

On Tuesdays the bus stays in Ridgewood.  The stops include Ridgecrest Senior Housing (7 Ridge Road)  SHARE Housing on Cottage Place and Prospect Street, Stop and Shop, and the Ridgewood Public Library, among other places.  On Thursdays the bus takes Senior Citizens to doctor’s appointments (within a 5 mile radius of Ridgewood), area malls, and other supermarkets.  The appointments for  Thursday should be made a week or two in advance.   There is a “suggested” (not required) donation of $2 a trip .

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