Assessment Appeals can be filed with the Bergen County Board of Taxation. Forms and instructions may be obtained by contacting the Board at:
Bergen County Board of Taxation
Two Bergen County Plaza - 1st Floor
Hackensack, NJ 07601-7076
Board of Taxation's website
Forms may also be obtained from the Division of Taxation by clicking on one of the follwoing links:
If your assessed value exceeds $1,000,000, you have the option of filing your appeal directly with the Tax Court of New Jersey. Information for filing a complaint with the Tax Court may be obtained by contacting the Court at:
Tax Court of New Jersey
P.O. Box 972
Hughes Justice Complex
Trenton, NJ 08625
Tax Court's Website
Assessments appeals must be filed on or before April 1st of the current year, or 45 days from the date that the Assessments Notices were mailed, whichever is later.
Please use the links below for additional information on assessments and the appeal process.
A Guide to County Tax Board Appeals
How Property is Valued for Property Tax Purposes
NJ Tax Court Forms
NJ Assessors Handbook Chapter 11 - Tax Appeals
NJ Tax Administrator's Handbook Chapter 11 - Tax Appeals
Information on this website was developed to assist taxpayers in preparing for tax assessment appeal hearings. It is intended to be an aid to property owners, but should not be considered as all-inclusive. The general information provided is derived from New Jersey laws governing property assessment appeals: N.J.S.A. 54:3 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 18:12A et seq. This information is not intended to provide legal advice; taxpayer should rely on professional help if necessary.
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