Planning Board Minutes - November 1, 2016

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of November 1, 2016. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.

Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Following members were present: Joel Torielli, Richard Joel, Councilman Jeff Voigt, Isabella Altano, Melanie McWilliams, and Debbie Patire. Also present were Christopher Martin, Esq., Board Attorney; Village Planner Blais Brancheau; Village Engineer Chris Rutishauser; and Board Secretary Michael Cafarelli. Mayor Knudsen was not present.

Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – John Lefkowitz, 22 Sherman Place said he lives on a dead-end street where there is a dentist office that came before the Planning Board in 1980 and approved the dentist’s office for a two-way driveway. He discussed the problems residents encounter daily with the resulting change in traffic flow and the impact it is having on the neighborhood. Mr. Lefkowitz said it is a narrow street and the traffic poses a danger to the residents. There was a Board discussion with a recommendation that he go before the Council to discuss the issue.

Correspondence received by the Board – Michael Cafarelli reported an email form Mike Lachs regarding his concern about the KS Broad Street application and correspondence from Mr. Bruinooge to carry the application for 257 Ridgewood Avenue until January 3, 2017.

Mr. Joel announced that Mr. Reilly resigned from the Board.

Riverside Pediatric Group d/b/a Riverside Medical Group, 74 Oak Street, Block 2009, Lot 6, Minor Site Plan and Variance Application: Resolution for Approval with Conditions – Mr. Joel asked for a motion to approve the resolution for Riverside Pediatric Group. Councilman Voigt commented on existing signs. Mr. Rutishauser said they have a few outstanding summonses that need to be resolved. Mr. Martin said he contacted the applicant's attorney to remediate open issues and did not receive a response. The motion was voted on and the resolution was adopted.

Resolution for Appointment of Traffic Engineer – A motion was made to adopt a resolution appointing a substitute traffic engineer. The resolution appointing David Shropshire of Shropshire Associates as substitute traffic engineer was adopted.

257 Ridgewood Avenue, LLC, Block 3703, Lot 4, 6, & 8.01, Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan – To be carried to January 3, 2017 – Application was carried without further notice to January 3, 2017.

Draft Ordinance Amendment – Institutional Uses – Mr. Brancheau described the draft ordinance amending the zoning regulations institutional uses and public utilities, and how the amendments were developed with the prior planning board. He went through each section of the ordinance and discussed his recommendations. Mr. Brancheau discussed pump and switching stations, houses of worship, institutional uses, parking. Board members asked Ridgewood Planning Board November 1, 2016 Page 2

questions about uses, traffic, parking, and lot area for houses of worship, conditional uses, and how Mr. Brancheau arrived at the numbers in the ordinance. Board members asked Mr. Brancheau to change the name of the Ridgewood Water "Company" to "Department" and change the minimum lot depth to 200 feet. The Board also directed Mr. Brancheau to conduct a survey of the existing houses of worship to assist in the Board evaluating the minimum lot area and building height. Mr. Brancheau said he would conduct the survey and send the results to the Board for review.

Adoption of Minutes: July 5, 2016 – The minutes were approved with the correction of two typographical errors.

Executive Session – the Board went into Executive Session at 9:37 p.m., returned to open session at 10:00 p.m. and adjourned the meeting.

Michael Cafarelli

Board Secretary

Date approved: November 15, 2016

  • Hits: 3134


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