Planning Board Minutes - January 19, 2016

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of January 19, 2016. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee. 

Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Chairman Nalbantian called the meeting to order at 7:41 p.m. The following members were present: Mayor Aronsohn, Mr. Nalbantian, Councilwoman Knudsen (arrived later), Mr. Reilly, Ms. Altano, Mr. Joel, Ms. Dockray, and Mr. Abdalla. Also present were: Gail Price, Esq., Board Attorney; Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Blais Brancheau, Village Planner; and Board Secretary Michael Cafarelli. Ms. Bigos, Mr. Thurston, and Ms. Patire were not present. 

Correspondence received by the Board – Michael Cafarelli said there was none. 

Committee/Commission/Professional Updates – Ms. Altano reported that Tito's Burritos did not appear at the Historic Preservation Commission meeting and they decided to file a variance application with the Planning Board. She said the Commission would draft a letter updating the Planning Board. 

Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – No one came forward. 

Sonic Wave dba Tito's Burritos, Minor Site Plan and Variance Application, 166 East Ridgewood Avenue, Block 3704, Lot 5 – Carried to the February 16, 2016 meeting. Mr. Rutishauser said Mr. Rutherford asked that the summons be held until they appear before the Board on February 16, 2016. 

Board members asked about the status of the Church of God meeting the conditions in their resolution. Mr. Rutishauser said he had no evidence that the conditions were satisfied. Mr. Nalbantian asked Mr. Rutishauser to send the Church of God a certified letter regarding their lack of compliance in meeting the conditions and provide them a specific reasonable time to respond. 

Mayor Knudsen arrived at 7:48 p.m. 

Reexamination of the Master Plan and development regulations – Draft Report – Mr. Brancheau went through his draft report and two maps section by section. He described how the report was organized, the categories, and definition of what a reexamination must say and do. Mr. Brancheau said the report must be adopted at the February 2, 2016 meeting or the Village could be burdened in any litigation challenging the ordinance. Board members asked questions about the draft report and Mr. Brancheau responded to their questions.  

Mr. Brancheau recommended Board Members contact him if they have concerns about any of the changes and he would remove them from the final report. He said items could also be added at a later date. Mr. Brancheau said he would present the final report at the February 2, 2016 meeting.  

Ms. Dockray asked if the Board will receive a presentation on the Complete Streets Program and Mr. Brancheau said they would. Mr. Nalbantian asked Mr. Rutishauser if there are any historical summaries. Mr. Rutishauser said he and the Planning Board endorsed the program. He said they worked on two projects, the Grove Street Bicycle, and the bike lane on Garber Square.  

Approval of Minutes – The minutes from January 5, 2016 were adopted as written. 

Executive Session – 8:30 p.m. The Board went into executive session to discuss pending and threatened litigation. 

The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                                Michael Cafarelli

                                                                                                Board Secretary



Date approved: February 21, 2017


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