20190521 Planning Board Public Meeting
The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of May 21, 2019. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.
Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mr. Joel called the meeting to order at 7:42 p.m. Following members were present: Mayor Hache, Deputy Mayor Knudsen, Richard Joel, Chief Van Goor, Joel Torielli (arrived at 7:50 p.m.), Dave Scheibner, Melanie Hooban, Frances Barto, and Alysson Wesner. Also present were Christopher Martin, Esq., Board Attorney; Chris Rutishauser, Village Engineer and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Debbie Patire was absent.
Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – No one came forward.
Committee/Commission/Professional Updates – Mr. Scheibner reported that the Site Plan Exemption Committee met on April 24 to review an application from Whole Foods to close two entrance doors and replace with fixed storefront. The application was approved.
Deputy Mayor Knudsen reported that the Visioning Survey was closed and that there was a very good response from the residents. The committee now has until June 6 to submit a draft summary of the questions and responses.
Deputy Mayor Knudsen reported that the Historic Preservation Commission would like to propose that the Historic Central Business District area to extend to the area of the bus station.
200/210 South Broad Street, LLC, Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan and C Variance, Block 3905, Lot 6 and 7 – Adoption of Memorializing Resolution of Approval – Mr. Martin remarked that the applicant has not provided the required documents but due to the amount of time that has passed, the resolution needs to be adopted. There was Board discussion regarding the emergency access lane and parking on the site. There were a few minor corrections to the resolution. Deputy Mayor Knudsen made a motion to accept the resolution with the changes, Mr. Torielli seconded and all eligible members voted yes to adopt the resolutions.
Adoption of Minutes: The minutes from June 5, 2018; June 19, 2018 and July 3, 2018 were adopted as written. The minutes from April 16, 2019 were adopted with one correction.
Executive Session – The Board adopted the resolution to move to Executive Session to discuss litigation at 8:15 p.m.
The Board returned to regular session and the meeting was adjourned at 8:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Wondergem
Board Secretary
Date Approved: June 4, 2019
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