20220405 - Planning Board Public Meeting Minutes
Ridgewood Planning Board
Regular Public Meeting
April 5, 2022
The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of April 5, 2022. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.
Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mr. Joel called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, John Young, Councilwoman Reynolds, Richard Joel, Debbie Patire, Melanie Hooban, Darlene Johnson, Igor Lyubarskiy and Sergio Alegre. Also present were Stephen Wellinghorst, Esq., Board Attorney; Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner, and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Dianne O’ Brien and Fran Barto were absent.
Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board –
Rich Labarbiera of AE Developers, 350 West Passaic Street, Rochelle Park, approached the Board regarding a concept plan for 921 and 923 Linwood Avenue. The Board recommended that an application be submitted. Mr. Labarbiera stated he sent an application for a Concept Review but that they were recommended to submit an application for a use variance to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Mr. Wellinghorst advised Mr. Labarbiera to have his attorney call him to discuss.
Rurik Halaby, 1 Franklin Avenue, commented on the seating of the Planning Board members. Regarding the Master Plan, Mr. Halaby asked when the process started, what has been accomplished, and how much has been spent on the process.
Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – There were none at this time.
Ridgewood Water PFAS Treatment Facility, 451 Goffle Road, Block 2703, Lots 8 & 4 – Courtesy Review – Matt Rogers, Village Attorney, entered his appearance on behalf of Ridgewood Water. Mr. Rogers explained that this facility will be one of many and is a Capital Improvement project.
Richard Calbi, Director of Ridgewood Water, was sworn and described the DEP mandates and the PFAS levels that exist and what is permitted. Mr. Calbi explained that some of the funding is coming from Federal grants, insurance and other grants. Mr. Calbi explained that this particular project has been underway for about a year and it takes 3 years for each project.
Board members asked about how many facilities will be needed, Mr. Calbi said this is one of 12 facilities and all facilities will go through a courtesy review with the Planning Board. Board members asked about noise and smells from the facility. Mr. Calbi said there are no noise or odor concerns.
Public questions: Donna Dorsey, 255 Goffle Road, owner of 445 Goffle Road, asked if the Village owned property behind 445 Goffle Road would be used for this facility. Mr. Calbi said that portion of the property will be fenced in and may be used for a replacement well in the future, but not part of this facility at this time.
Earl Schneider was sworn and his credentials as a licensed engineer accepted. Mr. Schneider testified regarding the site plan and described what will be on the site, including the building and an emergency generator, which will be properly screened. Mr. Schneider described where vehicles would enter and leave the property.
Board members asked about the hours of operation for maintenance. Mr. Calbi said it would be during daytime hours. Board members asked if there were any concerns that the facility will be next door to a gas station. Mr. Schneider said it is not an issue. Board members asked about the types of chemicals and safety. Mr. Schneider said there would be security cameras and an 8-foot-tall fence around the property. Board members asked about plantings, which Mr. Schneider said there would be evergreens along the street and they could also plant along the residential property.
Ms. Bucci-Carter asked about a 20-foot-wide easement. Mr. Rogers said it has been there since the 1950s. Ms. Bucci-Carter suggested putting shrubs around the generator.
Public Questions:
Denise Lima, 319 E. Glen Avenue, asked how many houses would benefit from this facility and about chlorine. Ms. Lima asked what would happen if there were a power failure. Mr. Schneider stated how many gallons of water and that there is no chlorine. Mr. Schneider said that the NJDEP requires that there is backup in case of power failure.
Bob Upton, 172 W. Glen Avenue, asked if there were any more pervious options to use for the pavement. Mr. Rogers said they would consider other materials that can be used that fit the requirements they would consider them.
Donna Dorsey, 255 Goffle Road, asked how tall the building will be. Mr. Schneider said 32 feet.
Steven Casano was sworn and his credentials as a licensed architect accepted. Mr. Casano described the structure and how it will fit in with others on the street. Mr. Casano said different colors for the building could be used. The lighting would be place 8 feet above the ground and point downward. Mr. Casano stated the building would be 36.5 feet in height.
Board members asked if solar had been considered. Board members suggested different colors for the building to make it look less industrial and asked had concerned about the size of the windows due to concerns about the amount of light coming from the building at night and the industrial look. Mr. Rogers said there would be no lights on at night inside the building. Mr. Rogers said there is a gas station on one side and residential on the other side and they were trying to find a blend and balance for the mixed use area. Board members asked what the height of the building was and it was confirmed that the height to the peak of the building is 32 feet.
Ms. Bucci-Carter suggested window patterning could make a difference.
Mr. Rogers stated that this was a courtesy review and they do not need the Board’s approval but are willing to consider the Board’s recommendations.
Donna Dorsey, 255 Goffle Road, asked what the property behind 445 Goffle Road might be used for. Mr. Schneider said someday another well may need to be dug there, but there would not be another building.
Mr. Rogers made closing comments and the Board members gave their recommendations, which included that some trim on the building would help aesthetically.
Phase 2 Master Plan – Public Meeting – John Barree, from Heyer Gruel & Associates, was present and shared a PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Barree went over the next steps, stating that the public hearing could be held on May 17. Mr. Barree said that 90% of the draft will be posted for review.
Mr. Barree went over all the elements and did a recap of what was discussed.
Board members asked how the public would get their comments to the Committee. Mr. Barree said they could go through the website or at the May 3 meeting. Mayor Knudsen said the link will be added to the Village website and distributed via email. Board members asked about the Open Space element. Mr. Barree said they were still waiting for the Land Conservancy Plan and would insert it into the Master Plan.
Ms. Bucci-Carter asked if there were any identified view corridors or views to preserve and if not it is something to consider as it is often overlooked in the Master Plan. Mr. Barree said that would be in the Open Space element. Ms. Bucci-Carter said it should be in the land use section as it makes it stronger for use for the Boards for hearing applications. Mr. Barree said they would look into it after they get the material from the Land Conservancy.
Public questions and comments:
Rurik Halaby, 1 Franklin Avenue, commented negatively regarding the Village Website and asked why this meeting was not broadcast.
Denise Lima, 319 E. Glen Avenue, asked what happens after the Master Plan, how it will be implemented and said she would like to be able to see the comments from others and how they are answered.
Rurik Halaby asked how much the Master Plan process has cost the Village. Mayor Knudsen said she would find out.
Adoption of Memorializing Resolution re: Fitometry, LLC, Minor Site Plan and variance approval at 129 South Broad Street, Block 3708, Lot 2 – Board members asked for more time to review the resolution and it was tabled until the April 19, 2022 meeting.
Adoption of Minutes: The minutes from March 15, 2022 were adopted as drafted.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Wondergem
Board Secretary
Date Approved: April 19, 2022
- Hits: 1014