20211019 - Planning Board Public Meeting Minutes
The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of October 19, 2021. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.
Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mr. Joel called the meeting to order at 7:47 p.m.
Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, Chief Van Goor, Councilwoman Reynolds, Richard Joel, Dianne O’Brien, Debbie Patire, Melanie Hooban, Frances Barto, Igor Lyubarskiy and Sergio Alegre. Also present were Stephen Wellinghorst, Esq., Board Attorney; Chris Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Ron Reinertsen, Village Planner and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Darlene Johnson was absent.
Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – There were no comments at this time.
Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – Ms. O’Brien reported on the Historic Preservation Commission meeting from October 14.
Phase 2 Master Plan – Public Meeting – John Barree, from Heyer, Gruel and Assoc. and Rachana Sheth were present. Mr. Barree recapped discussion from the September 21 meeting, commenting that some of the major takeaways from that meeting were flooding, aging in place, ordinance revisions, environmental issues and open space.
A power point presentation was shown explaining the different elements of the Master Plan:
Land Use Element – Existing zone districts were shown on a land use map and existing conditions. Some of the results from the Visioning process were discussed and how they would figure into the Land Use Element of the Master Plan.
Circulation Element – Reducing traffic and parking issues, safer streets and improved pedestrian conditions are the general concern in the Circulation Element. More specifically the road network, transit and crash locations were shown on the map and commuting patterns were discussed. Recommendations were made for bike lanes, sharrow lanes and shared use paths.
Downtown Economic Development Element – Inventory of existing businesses and the breakdown of types of businesses. They talked about maintaining the feeling and aesthetic of downtown, creating a safe environment, communication and alternatives to reduce traffic and need for parking. The strengths, opportunity, aspirations and results were discussed. Existing zoning and the current ordinance which has a very specific list of permitted uses.
Green Buildings and Environmental Sustainability Element – Create a more sustainable community, prepare for severe weather and climate change and protect the tree canopy. Existing conditions and previous actions, such as Sustainable Jersey, the recycling center, Ridgewood Green RME Biogas Project, single use plastic bag reduction ordinance and green building standards. Storm water management ideas, public garbage and recycling, composting and waste reduction would be addressed in this element as well as shade trees, electric vehicles and safe streets.
Board members asked about pedestrian safety and about vehicle usage. Board members discussed areas such as the Town Garage site and how it could best be used. Board members asked about how the restrictive nature of the zoning ordinance could be addressed. Board members asked about striping, crosswalks, speed bumps and alternatives for pedestrian safety in light of the accident chart. Board members asked about water conservation and the different possibilities talked about in the PowerPoint. Board asked how the Board members, experts and public will be able to share their thoughts and ideas.
Public questions:
Beth Creller, 719 Belmont Road, asked about stakeholder management and speaking to surrounding communities. Mr. Barree said part of the process is looking at what other towns have done, but that each town takes care of their own. Ms. Creller asked about the commuter data and if they took advantage of modeling tools where they can age the infrastructure and the town and see what it will look like. Mr. Barree said that there is a requirement to do a climate change assessment and that the DEP has made certain resources available and they will be looking at that.
Rurik Halaby, 1 Franklin Avenue, commented that the town fights change when change is good. Mr. Halaby suggested that they look at other towns, such as Westwood, to see what they do differently. Mr. Halaby commented that the town is unsafe for bicyclists and pedestrians.
Denise Lima, 319 E. Glen Avenue, asked about the commuter data and asked how the traffic on Glen Avenue could be slowed down. Ms. Sheth said that accidents are because the roads are used by pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles, the roads can be made safer by widening sidewalks, adding bike lanes, etc. Ms. Lima asked about the scope of the project, the process and recommendations. Mr. Wellinghorst explained the process and that the state requires that it be done.
Bob Upton, 172 W. Glen Avenue, Chair of Green Ridgewood, talked about sustainable yard maintenance and that it should be considered in the master plan process.
Resident and business owner from 260 Jeffer Street commented that there should be better maintenance and more greenery in the central business district.
The next Master Plan public meeting and presentation will be on January 18, 2022 without further notice.
Discussion re Amended H District Amendment – Beth McManus explained the steps and the process for the amendment to the H Hospital district. Ms. McManus said that the Board is looking at this due to the litigation from 2016 and the settlement agreement. Ms. McManus went over the proposed ordinance and the changes it contains as far as bulk and lot, setbacks, floor area ratio and coverage by above-grade structures and how the ordinance will address what is existing on the property.
Board members asked about the existing power plant location and plans which the Village was supposed to receive. Board members asked about screening for rooftop equipment and noise issues.
Robin Goldfischer, Senior VP and General Counsel to Valley Health System, said that she would look into whether the power plant plans were provided and be sure that it is.
Adoption of Minutes – The minutes from October 5, 2021, were adopted as drafted.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Wondergem
Board Secretary
Date Approved: November 2, 2021
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