20221004 - Planning Board Meeting Minutes

 Ridgewood Planning Board

Regular Public Meeting

October 4, 2022


The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of October 4, 2022. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mr. Joel called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, John Young, Councilwoman Reynolds, Richard Joel, Dianne O’ Brien, Melanie Hooban, Frances Barto and Sergio Alegre. Also present were Stephen Wellinghorst, Esq., Board Attorney; McKinley Mertz, Village Planner, and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. James Van Goor, Darlene Johnson and Igor Lyubarskiy were absent.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board –  There were no comments at this time.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – There were no comments at this time.


Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church, 155 Linwood Avenue, Block 2003, Lot 8 – Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval for paving and striping existing parking lot, lighting improvements and changes to site landscaping.


Joseph Russo, Esq., entered his appearance on behalf of the applicant and made opening remarks. Mr. Russo referred to the requirement regarding the EV spaces and if it was a necessity at this time. Mr. Russo mentioned the summonses that were issued to the church.


Michael McGeary, Chairman of Trustees for the church, was sworn. Mr. McGeary spoke of the history of the lighting, going back as far as 1960.


Mr. McGeary testified regarding photos of the existing lights, marked as Exhibit A-1; the approved site plan showing the location of the lights, dated 4/29/21, and marked as Exhibit A-2. A copy of the approval from the Site Plan Exemption Committee was marked as Exhibit A-3. The church received summonses from Mr. Rutishauser, and the copies of those summonses were marked as Exhibit A-4. Mr. McGeary stated that he was not told which code was being violated and that the case was adjourned by the Municipal Court to a later date in order to have the issues regarding the inconsistencies in the lighting plan resolved at the Planning Board.


Mr. McGeary testified that the lights need to be on later at night than agreed to and should be extended to 10:30 pm to give people time to leave. Mr. McGeary stated that one tree was removed and has since been replaced.


Mr. McGeary testified regarding the proposed paving, stating that they will lose 4 spaces in order for the spaces to conform to code, but will not need a parking variance as the church and school will not operate at the same time.


Board members asked what tree was planted, Mr. McGeary stated it was an arborvitae. Board members asked about the difference between the prior lighting and what is there now and the spread of the lighting.


Public questions:


William Fajardo, 229 N. Walnut Street, asked if any of the landscaping will be trimmed or removed for paving. Mr. McGeary said it wouldn’t be. Mr. Fajardo asked about discrepancies between the lighting plan and what was actually installed on the building and in regards to the height of the poles. Mr. Fajardo mentioned that the lights shine into his windows. Mr. Fajardo questioned the safety issues that Mr. McGeary mentioned and if they had been reported to the police. Board members asked if the lights could be turned off when the building is not in use.


Donald Yannella, 222 N. Walnut Street, asked about the location of the proposed charging stations and who would be using them. It is unknown at this time if it will be required.


Laurie Howard, 282 N. Maple Avenue, asked if the wall mounted lights, which are on all night, could be shielded as they shine into her bedroom.


Joseph Donlan, 232 N. Maple Avenue, asked about shielding as the parking lot is lit up like daylight. Mr. Donlan talked about the history of the lighting and said that they continue to remove screening.


Peter Jerdee, 211 N. Walnut Street, asked about the EV spaces. The Engineer will answer those questions.


Board members asked if the Church would be willing to work with the Board and the neighbors in regard to shields and landscaping. Mr. McGeary said they would.


Mr. Russo said the Church was there first and that conditional use rules are strict for schools and churches to exist.


Thomas Donahue was sworn and his credentials as a professional engineer accepted.  Mr. Donahue said he had been involved with the project since March 2021. Mr. Donahue testified regarding the lighting plan from 4/29/21, stating that the fixtures were installed without shields and then corrected. The poles were taller than approved. Mr. Donahue shared the specifications for the pole lighting, marked as Exhibit A-5, and the wall lighting, marked as Exhibit A-5a.


Mr. Donahue testified regarding the as-built lighting plan, Exhibit A-6, and the lighting intensity.


Mr. Russo referred to the Planners report received.


Mr. Donahue testified regarding the proposed paving project, stating it will be striped for 100 spaces, where 90 spaces are required.


Board members asked how many lights were originally proposed and how many were actually installed. Mr. Donahue showed what was proposed and what was added according to the site plan.


William Fajardo, 229 N. Walnut Street, asked Mr. Donahue to identify which fixtures remained and which were new.


Peter Jerdee, 211 N. Walnut Street, asked about the foot-candle and how it is determined that the Church complied. Mr. Donahue explained the process, which is done off site. Mr. Jerdee suggested that the process should be done on site.


The hearing was carried to October 18, 2022 without further notice. Mr. Russo asked if the Church could move forward with the paving. An email will be sent to the Village professionals to discuss.


Public Hearing on the Village of Ridgewood Master Plan (Continued from September 20, 2022 without further notice) Ms. Mertz said that the Master Plan Committee met and went over the changes and added information and the final revision would be ready soon. Board members asked if an index was able to be added and it was reported that it was not able to be done.


The Master Plan hearing was carried to October 18, 2022 without further notice.


Adoption of Minutes:   The minutes of September 20, 2022 were adopted as drafted.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                      Jane Wondergem

                                                                                      Board Secretary


Date Approved:               October 18, 2022

  • Hits: 100


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