20230912 - Shade Tree Commission Meeting Minutes

Shade Tree Committee Minutes



Members Attending:

Carolyn Jacoby, Vicky Van Dyke, George Wolfson, Declan Maden, Nancy

Brennan-Hill, Adam Brown, Matt Andreula, Tim Graham, Siobhan Winograd




Jacqueline Hone, Denise Lima, Phil Dolce, Matt Rogers, Eilat Kissil,

Courtney Bernhardt, Kevin Sullivan, Anne Burton Walsh



Matt Rogers (Village Attorney) spoke to the role/purview of the STC.

The following points were presented:

All public ACTIONS of the Shade Tree Commission (STC) must be

approved by the Village Council.

The STC can be TASKED by the Village Council, Village Parks and Rec

Department and other relevant department heads to provide assistance

pertaining to trees in the Village.

The STC can set its own AGENDA on topics it elects within its’ capabilities

and purview. If consensus is reached, a recommendation is passed along to

the Council for further development.

A lively discussion ensued, suggesting that further discussion and

understanding is necessary.




- CBD and Residential street tree Fall planting update. (Declan)

37 New trees to be planted ion the CBD By Tode ($43,900)

120 new Residential trees are slated for this season’s planting by Downs Tree


4 failed trees planted in the CBD replaced under last year’s contract by


- Adopt-a-Sapling update (Adam, Nancy B-H)

39 residents have signed on for the inaugural program. Supply, logistics, and

watering commitments are being addressed.

- Tree Ordinance update (George)

A review of 10 municipalities has been completed resulting in “best practice”

recommendations for changes to our Protective Tree Ordinance.

Presentation to Council targeted for November. Topic should be scheduled

for subcommittee discussion on Zoom and/or next STC meeting if necessary.

- Shade Tree proposed 2024 Capital Budget (Carolyn, Declan, Matt,)

Approximately $300,000 will be requested for the 2024 Tree Budget. One

possible objective of the new budget will be to shift a portion of the planting

allocation into tree and canopy maintenance.

- Trifold brochure update. Tree planting and/or Donation letter Tim

Graham, Siobhan)

Samples presented by Siobhan with a request for completion before the end

of September, Both documents approved unanimously pending a final





- Village website redo. STC web pages to be updated. (Siobhan, Carolyn)

Open item awaiting further development

- “Champion” trees. Proposed project to identify largest/most significant

trees throughout the Village (Carolyn)

Open awaiting further development

- General Discussion, No Action taken

Chipper for 2024 Capital Budget

Need for a Finance subcommittee

  • Hits: 79


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