20230810 - Historic Preservation Commission Minutes

August 10, 2023

HPC Meeting Minutes

Lynne Brady, Member


1 . Your Third Base

- Proposed box has same dimensions as existing

- May re-use existing box, but applicant is not certain if they will

- If using new box, the applicant will try to attach to facade using the

same and same holes as the existing sign

- Conditional approval based on supplying answers to the above


2. City Image Barber

- New sign will be in same location as existing sign

- Applicant to provide dimensions, attachment details, extension from

building and above sidewalk of new barber pole

- Applicant will install barber pole according to Code requirements

- Conditional approval based on information requested above regarding

barber pole


3. Rocco Bernardi

- Drawings presented were schematic, missing important details

- When questioned by the Commission, the applicants said that they

will install new doors and hardware in accordance with Code

Accessibility requirements


4. The Hive

- Approved as shown


5. Kronenberg Residence

- Architect stated that the existing house could not meet program

requirements of Owners, eg.: stairs rise/run too steep; need to install

elevator, etc.

- Existing side yard trees will be removed; applicants said that they have

received permission for their removal

- Submission approved unanimously


  • Hits: 169


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