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 Ridgewood Planning Board

Regular Public Meeting


July 19, 2022

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of July 19, 2022. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mayor Knudsen called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.




Administration of Oaths of Office to New Members and/or Reappointments – Mr. Wellinghorst administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Knudsen, Class IV Member. Mayor Knudsen administered the Oath of Office to John Young, Class II Member; Councilwoman Lorraine Reynolds, Class III Member; James Van Goor, Class IV Member; Richard Joel, Class IV Member; and Melanie Hooban, Class IV Member. Their terms were extended from June 30, 2022 through December 31, 2022.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, John Young, Councilwoman Reynolds, Richard Joel, Melanie Hooban, James Van Goor, Frances Barto and Darlene Johnson. Also present were Stephen Wellinghorst, Board Attorney; Chris Rutishauser, Village Engineer; John Barree, Village Planner, and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Dianne O’Brien, Igor Lyubarskiy and Sergio Alegre were absent.


Election of Officers


Chairman – Richard Joel was nominated and elected as Chairman.


Vice Chairman – Dianne O’Brien was nominated and elected as Vice Chairman.


Board Attorney – Appointment and Resolution of Stephen Wellinghorst, Esq., from June 30, 2022 through December 31, 2022 was adopted.


Planner – Appointment and resolution of John Barree and Heyer Gruel & Associates as Planners for the Planning Board from June 30, 2022 through December 31, 2023 was adopted.


Conflict Planner – Appointment and resolution of Elizabeth McManus of Kyle + McManus Associates, as Conflict Planner for the Planning Board June 30, 2022 through December 31, 2022 was adopted.


All Committee appointments will remain the same through December 31, 2022.


Resolution re: Compliance with the Requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act. The resolution was adopted.


Reorganization portion of the meeting was closed. Regular Meeting was called to order.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board:


Denise Lima, 319 E. Glen Avenue, commented regarding the work being done at 315 E. Glen Avenue and compliance with the resolution and easement agreements.


Pamela Perron, 123 Kenilworth Road, commented on the size of the Master Plan document and asked that the document be put on the Village Website. Ms. Perron asked that the public hearing on the Master Plan be held in late September to accommodate the residents.


Mr. Wellinghorst reminded the public that this is a time to comment on issues that are not before the Board at this time.


Lillian Blood, 250 North Maple Avenue, asked that the Board talk to and include the audience and to speak up.


Russell Forenza, 228 Emmett Place, commented that the Board makes decisions that last a life time and asked that they use common sense.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – There were none at this time.


Discussion re: The Valley Hospital / Affordable Housing Redevelopment Plan – Beth McManus was present to through the draft document. Ms. McManus explained the draft, went over the objectives and explained in detail the changes that were made since the last discussion.


Board members asked about the section that discussed townhouses and the permitted height, suggesting that a maximum height of 45 feet in a residential area seemed too high. Ms. McManus stated that the height is needed to accommodate affordable housing, but the setback requirement for taller buildings could be increased.


Board members asked if single family homes would be permitted along Van Dien Avenue. Ms. McManus said they would be, but with no curb cuts, as the only site access would be the existing access. 


There was Board discussion regarding the fact that Valley Hospital is not selling or redeveloping at this time.


Questions from the public:


Russell Forenza, 228 Emmett Place, asked for confirmation that Valley Hospital has no intentions to leave at this time. Mr. Forenza asked if Valley Hospital intends to occupy the whole site after the hospital in Paramus is open. Ms. McManus said she didn’t have that information. Mr. Forenza suggested that the hospital should be an infectious disease hospital and the State and Village should fund that.


Pamela Perron, 123 Kenilworth Road, asked why cul-de-sacs are discouraged. Ms. McManus said a more grid-like setting works better for circulation and walkability.


Greg Brown, 444 Linwood Avenue, asked if the adoption of this redevelopment plan would satisfy the affordable housing requirement under the Fair Housing settlement, or only if it is built. Ms. McManus said if this redevelopment plan is adopted the Village will have fulfilled the settlement agreement for this term.


The Board voted to recommend approval of the draft with the changes discussed to the Council.

Review of Master Plan draft – John Barree was present to review the Master Plan draft. Mr. Barree said the draft will be available on the website when a few corrections have been made. Mr. Barree described the layout and the different sections and elements that will be included.


Board members asked Mr. Barree to give an overview of the visioning process and how the visioning plan was developed and became the foundation for the Master Plan. Mr. Barree said he wasn’t part of the visioning process, but was involved in reviewing the vision plan and the responses and developing the final product which is meant to reflect all of the responses. Mr. Barree spoke of the weekly poll questions put out through the website and social media, and the Planning Board meetings where the public could be involved and voice their concerns and questions.


Mayor Knudsen said that at this point the Board is reviewing the draft for typos and placement of photos and charts.


Nancy Brennan Hill, 136 Doremus Avenue, asked when the public will see the document. Mayor Knudsen said they are cleaning up the draft waiting on the final draft of the Historic Element.


Kathryn Schmidt, 123 S. Irving Street, asked if they could highlight any specific areas of the Master Plan which would show how the Village is taking a different direction. Mr. Barree said the recommendations in the Sustainability Element and the part of the Land Use Element that talks about climate change and tougher standards about what can be built where. The Circulation Element that focuses on pedestrian safety and mobility of all types.


Mr. Barree said that the final draft should be on the website soon and those who subscribed will know that it was posted.


There was discussion regarding the public hearing date, and it was decided it should be on September 20, 2022.


Cynthia Dwyer, 301 Hamilton Road, suggested putting hard copies at the library so people could check them out.


Adoption of Minutes:   The minutes from May 3, 2022 were adopted.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:52 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                      Jane Wondergem

                                                                                      Board Secretary


Date Approved:               September 20, 2022

  • Hits: 663

Ridgewood Planning Board

Regular Public Meeting


September 6, 2022

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of September 6, 2022. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Ms. O’Brien called the meeting to order at 7:43 p.m.


Mayor Knudsen administered the Oath of Office to Igor Lyubarskiy, Alternate 1 Planning Board Member.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, John Young, Councilwoman Reynolds, Dianne O’ Brien, Melanie Hooban, Frances Barto, James Van Goor, Darlene Johnson, Igor Lyubarskiy and Sergio Alegre. Also present were Stephen Wellinghorst, Esq., Board Attorney; John Barree, Village Planner, and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Richard Joel was absent.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board –  


Cynthia Halaby, 1 Franklin Avenue, said she was told to make her comments regarding the Master Plan document at the September 20 meeting. Ms. Halaby said that wasn’t helpful and asked how and where to direct her comments. Mayor Knudsen told Ms. Halaby she could send the comments to her.


Rurik Halaby, 1 Franklin Avenue, stated that he disagreed that the comments should go to the mayor. Mr. Halaby said the comments should go to the Board Secretary. Following discussion, it was decided any comments should be sent to the Board Secretary, who would then forward to the Master Plan Committee.


Denise Lima, 319 E. Glen Avenue, asked what happened to the discussion regarding the fence ordinance. Board members said it is still being discussed.


Ms. Lima suggested having experts from Preservation New Jersey and other municipalities come to discuss different approaches to Historic Preservation. Ms. O’Brien asked Ms. Lima to forward any information she has to the Board Secretary to share with the Historic Preservation Commission.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – Mayor Knudsen said several residents have expressed concerns about the fake foliage on the exteriors of some of the buildings in the CBD and it needs to be determined if an encroachment agreement needs to be assigned to that and if the Planning Board needs to have HPC take a look into that.


Correspondence Received by the Board – Ms. Wondergem said the Board received an email from Carolyn Jacoby, on behalf of the Shade Tree Commission, offering their expertise to monitor applications to the Board of Adjustment and the Planning Board. Ed Boscarino sent an email discussing the re-zoning of Goffle Road.


Discussion re Tasko Enterprises, LLC, 315 E. Glen Avenue, Block 3106, Lots 20.01 and 20.02 – Easement agreement and resolution compliance – James Delia, Esq., was present on behalf of Tasko Enterprises. Mr. Delia explained that he has gotten involved with the easement agreement after Mr. Rutherford passed away. Mr. Delia explained the process of completing the easement agreement, the issue of Ms. Thomas not responding to correspondence regarding the easement, and the issue regarding the placement of the gas line to lot 20.02. Tibor Latincsics, engineer for the applicant, displayed the updated site plan and pointed out where the gas line was connected.


Board members asked what effect there would be for Ms. Thomas and her property in not responding to requests regarding the easement agreement. Mr. Delia said there would be no effect as everything in the easement agreement benefits both properties and there is an existing easement in place and there are mutual obligations.


Denise Lima, 319 E. Glen Avenue, spoke regarding the easement and asked who enforces the agreement and the resolution. Mr. Wellinghorst stated that the Board does not enforce, but that Mr. Rutishauser could shut a project down.


Board members asked about the width of the paved area, Mr. Latincsics said it would remain as shown on the site plan and in the resolution.


 Mary Lou Posten, 418 Sterling Place, asked about the location of the water lines in relation to the tree on her property. Mr. Latincsics said there is a conduit going up the right side of the driveway. Ms. Posten said she is concerned about the roots of the tree. Ms. Posten asked about the fence that is proposed to show that the driveway goes around the tree. Mr. Latincsics said the fence is shown on the site plan and will be installed. Ms. Posten asked for some clarification of the easement. Ms. Posten said she had submitted a copy of her survey to various attorneys as there is a discrepancy regarding the property line. Mr. Wellinghorst advised Ms. Posten to contact her title company.


Mr. Delia asked that the modifications discussed be granted and the Board vote on the proposed amended resolution referring to the revised site plan.


Mayor Knudsen made a motion to adopt the modified site plan and updated easement agreement, Mr. Van Goor seconded and it was approved.


Planning Board referral of the Affordable Housing Redevelopment Plan – Beth McManus, Planner, was present to review the changes made to the Affordable Housing Redevelopment Plan after the prior discussion. Ms. McManus said the plan was shared with Fair Share and they recommend approval. Adoption of the plan is a required action to fulfill the Village’s obligation. Ms. McManus said the Planning Board needs to review the plan for consistency with the Master Plan and to recommend approval of the plan to the Council.


Board members asked if the 40 unit set aside was based on the 20% set aside. Ms. McManus said it is based on that, but that 40 affordable housing units are needed, but allows the developer to determine how it is done. There was discussion about the maximum density permitted. Ms. McManus said that the plan also provides a section that states that only a party designated by the Village as the designated redeveloper be permitted to develop the property. Board members asked about the height of the buildings being permitted. Ms. McManus said that came specifically from the Fair Share Housing Center.


The Board voted to refer this plan to the Village Council.


Discussion re Ordinance #3914 to amend Chapter 190 of the Village Code to add new section entitled “Storefronts” – Mayor Knudsen said this ordinance would require building owners to complete a form stating when a store is vacated and then the Village would be able to track how long it is vacated, and have an appealing aesthetically appropriate store front display and prevent empty storefronts.


Mr. Barree reiterated that it will provide storefront displays during periods of vacancy. The building owner will need to register with the Village within 30 days of a storefront becoming vacant. Within 3 months of the vacancy some kind of display with aesthetic benefit and community attachment be in place. The ordinance would also require basic maintenance of the exterior grounds of the property. Mr. Barree identified a typo in Section 2.


Board members asked if there would be a penalty for violating the ordinance. Mayor Knudsen said that would need to be discussed with the Village Attorney.


The Board voted to recommend approval of this ordinance to the Village Council.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.




Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                      Jane Wondergem

                                                                                      Board Secretary


Date Approved:               September 20, 2022

  • Hits: 692

20210119 - Planning Board Public Meeting Minutes

Ridgewood Planning Board

Virtual Online Public Meeting

January 19, 2021


The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of January 19, 2021. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Chairman Joel called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, Chief Van Goor, Councilwoman Reynolds, Richard Joel, Dianne O’Brien, Melanie Hooban, Debbie Patire, Frances Barto, Alysson Wesner and Igor Lyubarskiy. Also present were Christopher Martin, Board Attorney; Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner; Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Darlene Johnson was absent.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – There were no comments at this time.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – Site Plan Exemption Committee: There were no comments at this time.


Garber Building, LLC, 2-4 Garber Square, Block 3801, Lot 3 Application for Minor Site Plan approval and parking variance relief to permit restaurant and inn (Carried from January 5, 2021, without further notice and without prejudice to the Board) – Fran Barto recused herself from this hearing.


David Rutherford, Esq., entered his appearance and made opening remarks. Mr. Rutherford said the applicant was only being heard on the parking variance at this meeting.


Jonathan Steingraber, member of Garber Building, LLC, was sworn. Mr. Steingraber described the proposed use for the building as a restaurant on the first floor, an inn on the second floor, and staff use and restrooms in the basement. Mr. Steingraber showed renderings of the proposed exterior and interior of the building, marked as Exhibits A-1 through A-4. Mr. Steingraber said the existing tenant spaces in the building will remain. Mr. Steingraber explained that the proximity to the train station works well with the proposed use. The applicant does not anticipate a big need for overnight parking, but would make arrangements with a neighboring property owner or the parking garage. The inn is proposed to have 6 rooms and there would be no long term stays.


Ms. Bucci-Carter asked if any exterior work was proposed on the building. Mr. Steingraber said there would be signage proposed and exterior painting. Ms. Bucci-Carter stated that any mechanical plans and dumpster locations would need to be reviewed.


Board members asked if the applicant had approached any property owners regarding parking. Mr. Steingraber said he had spoken with Tarvin Realtors and another office building that have parking spaces which are not used overnight.


There were no questions from the public.


Michael Maris was sworn and his credentials as a parking and traffic consultant accepted. Mr. Maris testified in regards to the parking study he prepared, which was marked as Exhibit A-5. Mr. Maris explained that the study was conservative in that he estimated the parking demand for 84 seats and that he considered other sources when looking at the train station parking occupancy due to COVID.

Board members asked about number of staff and if staff parking had been considered. Mr. Maris stated that the staff was included in his calculations. Mr. Steingraber said there could be 5-10 staff members, and one hostess working overnight. Board members asked about deliveries. Mr. Steingraber said there are 3 spots in front of the building and Mr. Maris said deliveries would occur during off-peak hours.


There were no questions from the public.


Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner, was sworn and testified in regards to her report as per the parking variance and stated that she saw the proposed use as a good fit for this building.


Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer, was sworn. Mr. Rutishauser asked Mr. Maris if he thought the parking garage was a tolerable range from the subject site. Mr. Maris said it would be in nice weather, or a shuttle service would be used.


Board members asked about overnight parking being permitted. The applicant may need to approach the Village Council regarding that issue.


There were no public questions or comments.


Mr. Rutherford made closing remarks and the hearing was closed. Following Board deliberation Mayor Knudsen made a motion to approve the parking variance, Ms. O’Brien seconded, and the variance was approved.


The hearing for site plan approval was carried to February 16, 2021, without further notice.


Historic Preservation Commission Review: Piccolo Bistro, 29 Chestnut Street, Block 3805, Lot 20.01 – proposed pergola style awnings – Jale and Baran Aktas were present to discuss the proposed awning replacement. Following discussion regarding the color, the framework for the awning and the placement of the awning, the Board recommended approval for the awning only. The applicant will need return to the Board to review signage.


Stormwater Management Plan: Public Hearing on the Stormwater Management Plan and review of the proposed Ordinance to amend Chapter 190 of the Village Code to adopt new stormwater management regulations consistent with NJDEP requirements -  Christopher Rutishauser and Maryann Bucci-Carter worked on the Stormwater Management Plan. Mr. Rutishauser explained that the State requires that both components are adopted by municipalities. Mr. Rutishauser stated that stormwater management is an issue for the Village as it is 96% developed. Stormwater is managed separate from the sewer system. The Village requires a stormwater management plan of any site improvement resulting in an increase of at least 200 square feet. Ms. Bucci-Carter stated that the Stormwater Management Plan is an element of the Master Plan. Mr. Rutishauser said that the ordinance to adopt new stormwater management regulations has been submitted to the Mayor and Council for review at their next session.


Following discussion, the Board voted to approve the Stormwater Management Plan amendment to the Master Plan as drafted. The Board voted to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance to amend Chapter 190 of the Village Code to adopt the new stormwater management regulations to the Mayor and Council.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

                                                                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                      Jane Wondergem

                                                                                      Board Secretary

Date Approved:   February 16, 2021

  • Hits: 643

20211102 - Planning Board Public Meeting Minutes

 Ridgewood Planning Board

Regular Public Meeting


November 2, 2021

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of November 2, 2021. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mr. Joel called the meeting to order at 7:48 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, Councilwoman Reynolds, Richard Joel, Dianne O’Brien, Debbie Patire and Melanie Hooban. Also present were Stephen Wellinghorst, Esq., Board Attorney; Steven Gottlieb, Village Planner and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Chief Van Goor, Frances Barto, Darlene Johnson, Igor Lyubarskiy and Sergio Alegre were absent.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – There were no comments at this time.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – There were no comments at this time.


Tasko Enterprises, LLC, 315 E. Glen Avenue, Block 3106, Lots 20.01 and 20.02 – Application for Amended Major Subdivision approval, related variances and proposed easement. (Continued from October 5, 2021 without further notice and without prejudice to the Board)


David Rutherford, Esq., was present and recapped the concerns shared by the Board at the previous meeting and briefly explained how they were addressed on the revised plans.


Tibor Latincsics, engineer and professional planner, was previously sworn and testified as to the plot plans, revised to 10.8.21 and marked as Exhibit A-20. Mr. Latincsics described the revisions, including the side entrance to the garage, the reduced front yard setback, and the fence locations.


Board members asked about the location of the fence and if it was located on the easement. Mr. Latincsics said it was, but could be relocated 10’ into the property.


Board members asked about the trees being replaced and how many canopy trees were being removed and replaced. After further discussion, Mr. Tasko agreed that he would plant 18 deciduous trees.


Mr. Gottlieb asked about the fence between Lot 20.01 and Lot 20.02 and its proximity to the pavement for sight distance, as well as the tree located at that corner. The applicant agreed to move the fence back 10’ and relocate the tree.


Mr. Gottlieb said the concerns from Ms. Bucci-Carter’s report were addressed.


There were no questions or comments from the public.


Rafael Corbalon, Esq. appearing on behalf of Denise Lima, 319 E. Glen Avenue, asked that a condition of any resolution be that an easement agreement be entered into that is satisfactory to Ms. Lima and to the Board attorney. Mr. Rutherford agreed that a new easement agreement needs to be done and will work with all parties to resolve that.


Board members asked if the easement agreement needs to be done prior to the adoption of the resolution. Mr. Wellinghorst said it didn’t need to be. The Board asked that the easement agreement be finalized within 45 days. Mr. Rutherford agreed.


Mr. Rutherford asked that if the application were approved, would the applicant be permitted to begin demolition of the house on Lot 20.01 prior to the adoption of the resolution. The Board agreed.


Mr. Rutherford made closing remarks.


The hearing was closed.


Following Board deliberation, Ms. Patire made a motion to approve with all conditions discussed, Ms. Hooban seconded and all eligible members voted yes to approve the application.


Tasko Enterprises, LLC, 315 E. Glen Avenue, Block 3106, Lots 20.01 and 20.02 – Adoption of Memorializing Resolution – The resolution will be adopted at the November 16, 2021 meeting.


Adoption of Minutes – The minutes from October 19, 2021, were adopted with a minor typo.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                      Jane Wondergem

                                                                                      Board Secretary


Date Approved:            November 16, 2021

  • Hits: 668

20211207 - Planning Board Public Meeting Minutes

Ridgewood Planning Board

Regular Public Meeting


December 7, 2021

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of December 7, 2021. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mr. Joel called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, Chief Van Goor, Councilwoman Reynolds, Richard Joel, Debbie Patire, Melanie Hooban and Darlene Johnson. Also present were Stephen Wellinghorst, Esq., Board Attorney; Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Dianne O’Brien, Frances Barto, Igor Lyubarskiy and Sergio Alegre were absent.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board –


Denise Lima, 319 E. Glen Avenue, asked when the next discussion regarding the Historic Preservation Element of the Master Plan would take place.


Rurik Halaby, 1 Franklin Avenue, commented that the public should be updated on the Master Plan process.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – Chief Van Goor reported that the Site Plan Exemption Committee reviewed and approved an application for a temporary enclosure for La Lanterna restaurant, located at 29 W. Ridgewood Avenue.


Tasko Enterprises, LLC, 315 E. Glen Avenue, Block 3106, Lots 20.01 and 20.02 – Adoption of Memorializing Resolution – Board members reviewed the resolution and the latest plans submitted by the applicant. Board members were concerned about a variance for the gross building area shown on the zoning table for lot 20.01, and an error on the zoning table for lot 20.02.


Mr. Wellinghorst stated that discussion regarding the easement agreement is progressing.


Denise Lima, 319 E. Glen Avenue, reported on the easement agreement discussions and expressed concern regarding the setback of the house on lot 20.02 from the easement.


The memorialization of the resolution was tabled until January 4, 2022.


Public Hearing re: preliminary investigation for The Valley Hospital property, Block 3301, Lot 51, as area in need of redevelopment and/or rehabilitation. The hearing was carried to January 4, 2022, without further notice.


Ordinance to amend Chapter 1 and Chapter 190 of the Village Code authorizing and encouraging Electric Vehicle Supply/Service Equipment (EVSE), make-ready parking spaces and establishing standards for their design and implementation. Mr. Rutishauser commented that some of the multi-family developments have already considered supplying electric vehicle parking spaces due to requests from residents, showing that this ordinance is State and market driven. Board members asked if any part of the budget will be designated for parking upgrades. Mr. Rutishauser said the Village has discussed a line item in the capitol budget for charging systems.


There was Board discussion regarding fee schedules and kiosks for the charge system. Mr. Rutishauser said they would need to look at the State Senate Bill regarding any restrictions.


The Planning Board will send a letter to the Mayor and Council regarding the discussion.


Adoption of Minutes:   The minutes from October 16, 2018 and November 16, 2021 were adopted.


Mayor Knudsen announced that Chief Van Goor was retiring and thanked him for his service on the Board.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                      Jane Wondergem

                                                                                      Board Secretary


Date Approved:            January 4, 2022

  • Hits: 661


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