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Ridgewood Planning Board

Virtual Online Public Meeting

May 18, 2021


The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of May 18, 2021. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Chairman Joel called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, Councilwoman Reynolds, Chief Van Goor, Richard Joel, Dianne O’Brien, Melanie Hooban, Frances Barto, Alysson Wesner, Darlene Johnson and Igor Lyubarskiy. Also present were Stephen Wellinghorst, Board Attorney; Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner; Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Debbie Patire was absent.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – There were no comments at this time.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – There were no comments at this time.


Historic Preservation Commission review:

  • Gong Cha, 194 E. Ridgewood Avenue – Eric Lee, from Sign Mart, was present to describe the proposed sign. Mr. Lee described the colors, materials and lighting. Following discussion regarding permitted lighting, the Board recommended approval of the sign.

Tasko Enterprises, LLC, 315 E. Glen Avenue, Block 3106, Lots 20.01 and 20.02 – Application for Amended Major Subdivision approval, related variances and proposed easement. (Carried from May 4, 2021 without further notice and without prejudice to the Board) David Rutherford, Esq., entered his appearance on this application and made an opening statement. Mr. Rutherford explained that this subdivision was approved by the Board in 2018 and the property has since been sold and the current owner is proposing two new houses with a dedicated easement over lot 20.01 to service lot 20.02.

Tibor Latincsics was sworn and his credentials as a professional engineer and planner accepted. Mr. Latincsics testified in regards to the easement, what is proposed for lot 20.01 and lot 20.02, possible variances, and response to Village Engineer and Village Planner memorandums.

Mr. Latincsics showed the approved subdivision plans and the proposed plot plans for lots 20.01 and 20.02. Mr. Latincsics described the lot sizes with and without the easement and the setbacks, height and coverage of the proposed dwellings. Mr. Latincsics testified as to the soil movement, stating that a major soil permit is not needed.

Board members asked why the house on lot 20.01 was being demolished as the testimony in 2018 was that it would remain. Mr. Latincsics said that the future of that house was unsure at that time. Board members asked about the easement and tree removal. Mr. Latincsics said that some trees have already been removed for the easement and that Mr. Tasko is planting more trees than what was required in the 2018 resolution. Board members were concerned that the roots of the proposed hemlocks would affect the utility easement. Mr. Tasko said that is not an issue with pvc material.

Board members were concerned about the proposed house on lot 20.01 facing the driveway rather than facing E. Glen Avenue, commenting that it disrupted the streetscape. Ms. Bucci-Carter said that it created a variance and Mr. Rutherford stated that the variance would not be related to how the house was orientated, but if the house did not abut the street.

Board members asked for a plot plan showing what is proposed for both lots and for photos of the property.

Board members had questions about the widening of the driveway. Mr. Latincsics stated that it was a safety measure and to provide adequate access for emergency vehicles. Board members were concerned about the abrupt ending of the widened driveway, Mr. Latincsics said it could be made more gradual.

Board members asked why the drainage was moved from where it was originally proposed. Mr. Latincsics said it could be moved back, and Board members suggested putting it in both locations.

Ms. Bucci-Carter asked about where the new trees would be planted and suggested that fence locations be shown on the plans. There was discussion regarding what variances were needed.

Mr. Rutishauser asked which flood maps were used and suggested that they consult the most recent map.

Questions from the public:

Mary Lou Posten, 418 Sterling Place, asked about the driveway and had concerns that if the house on lot 20.01 is facing the driveway, people would think it was a road. Ms. Posten had concerns about drainage and Mr. Latincsics explained how that was being handled. Ms. Posten asked that her property not be used for construction and that a survey is provided to resolve property line issues.

Denise Lima, 319 E. Glen Avenue, asked that a plan showing what is proposed on both lots is provided. Ms. Lima asked for definitions of easement and public roadway, how long construction may last and about the stockpiles and wheel blanket locations. Ms. Lima asked who would be responsible for maintenance and snow removal of the driveway in front of lot 20.02. Ms. Lima was concerned about the number of cars coming in and out of the driveway in regards to safety. Mr. Latincsics said the widening of the driveway and the stop sign were done for safety and for emergency vehicle access. Ms. Lima asked about the language in the 2018 resolution that said the back properties would benefit by new pvc conduit. Mr. Latincsics showed on the plan where the proposed pvc conduit was for future water line.

Mary Lou Posten was concerned with the location of the proposed pvc conduit and how it may affect the Oak tree. Mr. Latincsics said it could cross to the other side of the driveway. Ms. Posten was concerned that the stop sign will make the driveway look like a road. Mr. Latincsics said they could also post a Private Drive sign. Mr. Rutishauser said the signs should be separate.

The Board members discussed the side entry to the garage on the proposed house on lot 20.02 and did not have any issues with that. Board members asked that some canopy trees be added to the plan. Board members discussed the orientation of the house on lot 20.01 and most members agreed that if the existing house could not be preserved, the proposed house should face E. Glen Avenue. Board members discussed the easement and determined that what is proposed would be less disruptive to the rear properties.

Mr. Rutherford said that Mr. Tasko asked that the Board deliberate and vote on the matter. Board members said they did not feel they were in a position to deliberate at this time and the hearing was carried to June 1, 2021 without further notice and without prejudice to the Board.

Discussion re proposed Ordinance to amend Chapter 190 of the Village Code to modify allowed fence heights for residential uses – Ms. Bucci-Carter said she was making some adjustments to the proposed ordinance and the matter was carried to the June 1 meeting.

The minutes from May 4, 2021, were approved.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 p.m.

                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                                Jane Wondergem

                                                                                                Board Secretary

Date Approved:   



  • Hits: 1208

Ridgewood Planning Board

Virtual Online Public Meeting

May 4, 2021


The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of May 4, 2021. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Chairman Joel called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, Councilwoman Reynolds, Chief Van Goor, Richard Joel, Dianne O’Brien, Debbie Patire, Frances Barto, Darlene Johnson and Igor Lyubarskiy. Also present were Stephen Wellinghorst, Board Attorney; Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Melanie Hooban and Alysson Wesner were absent.


Mr. Joel announced that the Tasko Enterprises, LLC, 315 East Glen Avenue, application was carried to May 18, 2021 without further notice.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – There were no comments at this time.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – Mayor Knudsen commented on the Governor’s announcement regarding the COVID restrictions being lifted on May 19 and that Village Hall will soon be open to the public. Meetings can return to being in-person beginning in June with proper distancing and wearing masks.


Ms. Wondergem said there was correspondence to the Board from the Age Friendly Ridgewood committee regarding the resolution to adopt the New Jersey Future Aging Friendly Land Use Implementation Plan.


Historic Preservation Commission review:

  • Sam’s Barber Shop, 24-26 Prospect Street, Block 3809, Lot 10 – Sam Ali was present and stated that he bought the building a few months ago. Mr. Ali described the proposed paint colors. Board members asked about the fire escape, which Mr. Ali said would remain white. Board members asked about the window air conditioner unit in the window on the fire escape and Mr. Ali said it would be moved to a different window. Board members recommended approval of the proposed paint colors. Mr. Ali said he would remove the awning and will move the sign for Sam’s Barber Shop to be more even with the adjacent store sign.
  • The Villa, 52 Chestnut Street, Block 3804, Lot 3 – Charles Quinones, representing The Villa, was present and described the retail clothing store. Mr. Quinones said he was going to center the proposed sign under the existing gooseneck lights, even though the sign will be off center from the store due to the location of the lights. Board members were favorable to the sign as proposed, but made the suggestion to remove one of the flowers and make ‘The Villa’ larger.

Tasko Enterprises, LLC, 315 E. Glen Avenue, Block 3106, Lots 20.01 and 20.02 – Mr. Joel reiterated that this application was carried to May 18, 2021 without further notice.

The minutes from April 20, 2021, were approved.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m.

                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                                Jane Wondergem

                                                                                                Board Secretary

Date Approved:   May 18, 2021

  • Hits: 1210

2019.10.15 Planning Board Minutes



The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of October 15, 2019. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Chairman Joel called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Chief Van Goor, Deputy Mayor Knudsen, Richard Joel, Joel Torielli (arrived 8:20 p.m.), Melanie Hooban, Frances Barto, Alysson Wesner and Dianne O’Brien. Also present were Christopher Martin, Board Attorney; Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Mayor Hache and Debbie Patire were absent.

Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – Arthur Wrubel, 79 Ridge Road, came forward and asked if he would have an opportunity to speak on discussion items on the agenda.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – Chief Van Goor reported that the Site Plan Exemption Committee met and reviewed an application for Bank of America, 25 N. Maple Avenue, to relocate the HVAC equipment. The application was approved with conditions. Mr. Rutishauser stated that the applicant regarding a change to the façade. The application was approved. Mr. Rutishauser explained that the applicant’s project expeditor may not comply to the conditions and would then need to go to the full Board. Deputy Mayor Knudsen expressed concern with relocating the equipment due to the proximity of the neighbors.

Dianne O’Brien reported on the HPC meeting held on October 10. HPC recommended approval to Town and Country Pharmacy, 60-68 E. Ridgewood Avenue, to put a brick infill along the bottom of the building; an application to change the sign at a bank on the corner of Broad Street and Franklin Avenue, and a new sign for a store on Chestnut Street. HPC will begin resurveying the historic resources in town along the lines of the Master Plan. Deputy Mayor Knudsen reported that at a previous HPC meeting some issues regarding the language in the Village Code regarding bright building colors and the permitted size of signs which will be discussed later during the meeting.

Mr. Joel said that the visioning project has been proceeding and there is a draft that is being reviewed and a report will come out soon.

Review of Ordinance #3748Ordinance to amend Chapter 190 of the Village Code at section 190-121G to require driveways on lots where a garage exists. Ms. Bucci-Carter stated that format and content of the proposed ordinance is as the Board recommended to the Council. There was Board discussion clarifying the language of the ordinance. Deputy Mayor Knudsen will send the ordinance to the Village Attorney for review before sending back to the Council. The Board voted to recommend adoption of the ordinance to the governing body.

Discussion re: Village Code Section 190-122E(1)(b)[4] regarding the permitted size of principal signs. Deputy Mayor Knudsen used the monitors to display examples of what size signs are permitted in the Central Business District and why the 16-inch limit for messages is not optimal. Deputy Mayor Knudsen said that it was discussed in Council that the language of the ordinance should be changed to only calculate the uppercase letters in the 16-inch maximum. There were no questions or comments from the public and the Board voted to make the recommendation to the Council to change the language of the ordinance.

Discussion re: Village Code Section 190-89D regarding the use of building colors. Deputy Mayor Knudsen used the example of the color of the orange façade of the Race Faster location on E. Ridgewood Avenue which HPC discussed and had mixed opinions about. The ordinance regarding the use of color was brought to the attention of the Commission by Art Wrubel. Deputy Mayor Knudsen said that the Council reviewed the ordinance and concluded that the language is too vague. There was discussion regarding the by-laws of HPC and that the Commission is an advisory committee. Ms. Bucci-Carter stated that other communities with historic downtowns came up with recommended historic colors. Deputy Mayor Knudsen said that HPC members are divided on whether or not the ordinance should be in there or be changed. Ms. Bucci-Carter said that the ordinance can be more specific to give guidance to both the Commission and the applicants, and that what is approved could be something different because it is only recommendation.

Mr. Torielli arrived at the meeting at 8:20 p.m.

Arthur Wrubel, 79 Ridge Road, former Chairman of HPC, and former Planning Board member, commented that the importance of the HPC is being diminished. Mr. Wrubel said that a color palette cannot be created, the ordinance was put there to be applied generally and that the book of Guidelines used by the Commission states that bright colors do not have a place downtown. Balance and compatibility is needed downtown.

Following discussion, the Board voted to recommend to the Council that the language in the ordinance be amended.

Discussion re: Winter door enclosures – Deputy Mayor Knudsen explained that Glenn Carlough, owner of Steel Wheel, approached the Council requesting an ordinance be put in place to permit temporary door enclosures during the winter months for establishments which do not have a vestibule. Deputy Mayor Knudsen said the Council is considering the request. There is some issue with the possible overlap of the time that outdoor cafes are permitted and when the temporary outdoor structure would be permitted.

Glenn Carlough, 143 Union Street, addressed the Board and explained the need for a temporary structure for both customers and employees and described the external structure.

Ms. Bucci-Carter said she has seen the structures, but not any regulations for them, saying the biggest issue would be how much sidewalk is left and the door swing.

Deputy Mayor Knudsen asked if an encroachment agreement would be necessary, Mr. Rutishauser said he would want to review that with the Village Attorney regarding that, stating that encroachment agreements for any protrusion from a structure into the public right of way and that part of that is that the Village gets indemnified via an insurance policy and that he would recommend that. Mr. Rutishauser also expressed concern about the door swing and the amount of room they will take on the sidewalk. Chief Van Goor stated that the door width of the temporary structure would have to match the door width on the building as a means of egress.

Following discussion, the Board voted to recommend to the Council that an ordinance be drafted to permit temporary winter door structures. Ms. Bucci-Carter will draft the ordinance.


Family Homestead, LLC and David K. Blood and Lillian D. Blood, Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision, 232 North Maple Avenue, Block 2003, Lot 2 and 250 North Maple Avenue, Block 1920, Lot 7 – David Rutherford, Esq., entered his appearance on behalf of the applicants and made opening remarks. Mr. Rutherford marked Applicant exhibits A-1 thru A-9 and the Board exhibits were marked B-1 thru B-4. Mr. Rutherford addressed comments made in the Village Planners report.

Calisto Bertin was sworn and his credentials as a professional civil engineer were accepted. Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer, and Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner were sworn. Mr. Bertin testified regarding the plans and storm water materials which he prepared. An aerial exhibit, dated 10/15/19, with the proposed subdivision superimposed on it, was marked as Exhibit A-10. Mr. Bertin used the exhibit to show the existing lots and the proposed lots. Mr. Bertin described the topography and slope of the property. Mr. Bertin displayed drawing C2.2, which was marked as Exhibit A-12, and described the proposed cul-de-sac road and sidewalks. Mr. Bertin addressed the proposed lights, utilities and trees. Mr. Bertin stated that the houses drawn on the plans are conceptual to demonstrate the proposed project can work. Each house will have an individual site plan.

Mr. Bertin testified in regards to the drainage system and reducing the rate of run-off. The proposed water treatment system was described and Mr. Bertin recommended that a Home Owners Association over-see the drainage system maintenance.

Mr. Rutherford marked Sheet C1.2 as Exhibit A-11 and Mr. Bertin testified regarding the proposed individual lot sizes, setbacks, and what variances are being requested for 2 of the lots which do not comply. Mr. Rutishauser asked if the front yard setbacks were measured according to a 50’ street. Mr. Rutherford said they were not and that the buildable/usable areas would be recalculated according to Village Code.

Mr. Bertin addressed the concerns mentioned in both the Village Planner’s review and the Village Engineer’s review.

Board members had questions and concerns about the street width, parking issues and other traffic concerns related to the business of North Maple Avenue. Board members asked if there was a way that the historic structure on proposed lot 2.07 could be preserved. Mr. Rutherford said they could look at that and the impact it might have. Ms. Bucci-Carter stated that it may qualify on the State Historic Preservation Office. Board members asked if any of the mature trees would be saved. Mr. Bertin said many of the trees would stay. Board members asked about the number of variances and if any consideration was given to reducing the number of proposed lots. Board members asked about an emergency vehicle template and Mr. Rutherford said one would be provided.

Questions from the public:

Jennifer Vermylen, 241 N. Walnut Street, expressed concerns about the number of houses and variances.

Kevin Monroe, 217 N. Walnut Street, expressed concerns about the parking situation, taking into consideration the activity at Bethlehem Lutheran Church and asked if the lots would be sold individually.

Kevin Qualters, 751 Squawbrook Road, North Haledon, representative of Bethlehem Lutheran Church, asked about the parking and fencing and landscaping. Mr. Bertin said fencing and landscaping would be up to individual homeowners.

Ken Schier, 326 and 332 Mastin Place, asked about the time period expected for construction, street parking, size of the sidewalks, how it compares to other cul-de-sacs in town, and if the two lots in the end of the cul-de-sac could be combined.

Amy Salamone, 342 Mastin Place, asked about sidewalks and basements, and concerns about sewer services.

Alex Salamone, 342 Mastin Place, asked about sidewalk snow removal.

Board members asked about the reduction in storm water runoff. Mr. Bertin explained the projected reduction for the road and sidewalk, and stated that individual homeowners would be responsible for retention on their property. Board members asked about the cost to the homeowners in regards to the drainage system.

Board members asked about the time frame of construction. Mr. Bertin and Mr. Rutishauser explained that construction would be done in phases, construction of the roadway and the storm water detention system. A time frame cannot be put on the individual lots. Mr. Rutherford said the subdivision would have to be perfected before any lot could be built upon.

Alex Salamone, 342 Mastin Road, asked the Board and applicant to consider the quality of life of the neighbors as it relates to the timeline of the project.

The hearing was carried to January 7, 2020 with notice.

Discussion: review of Traffic Consultant proposals – The discussion regarding the Traffic Consultant was carried to the next meeting.

Adoption of Minutes:   The minutes from August 20, 2019 were adopted as drafted.

Mr. Martin commented that the Chestnut Village, Two-Forty Associates, matter is a Village matter at this time and the motions are scheduled to be heard on October 25, 2019.

Mr. Rutishauser forwarded a request from The Dayton project to switch the curb from concrete to Belgian block and if it would be considered a field change. Mr. Martin said it was not a field change and that he would discuss the issue with their attorney.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:24 p.m.



                                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Jane Wondergem

                                                                        Board Secretary

Date Approved: December 17, 2019


  • Hits: 2169

20191119 Planning Board Meeting


Ridgewood Planning Board

November 19, 2019

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of November 19, 2019. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.

 Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Chairman Joel called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Richard Joel, Joel Torielli, Debbie Patire, Melanie Hooban, Frances Barto, Alysson Wesner and Dianne O’Brien. Also present were Christopher Martin, Board Attorney; Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Mayor Hache, Deputy Mayor Knudsen and Chief Van Goor were absent.

Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – No one came forward.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – There were no reports at this time.

Robert and Elizabeth JenneeApplication for extension of a previously granted minor subdivision approval at 113 S. Van Dien Ave, Block 4201, Lot 22.01 – David Rutherford, Esq., entered his appearance on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Rutherford explained that Mr. Jennee purchased the property which was approved for subdivision earlier this year and there was not sufficient time to get demolition permit and proceed with demolition and perfect the minor subdivision before the expiration date. Mr. Martin explained the process to the Board. Robert Jennee was sworn and stated that he understood and concurred with the statements made. There were no questions from the Board members. There were no questions or comments from the public. Mr. Torielli made a motion to approve an extension of 120 days, Ms. Hooban seconded, and all eligible members voted yes to approve.

Review of Ordinance #3761 – Ordinance to amend Chapter 190 of the Village Code at section 190-37B to allow winter door enclosures onto existing restaurants – Ms. Bucci-Carter stated that she had made this rough draft of the ordinance and then discussed some additional issues and logistics that need to be considered further, such as how it would be anchored, wheelchair access, encroachment agreements, and review by Site Plan Exemption Committee. Ms. Bucci-Carter commented that other alternatives should be considered by the business owners before using this type of structure. Board members asked what alternatives there were and if they would be permitted to anchor to the sidewalk if they patch the holes made. Mr. Rutishauser stated that drilling holes in the sidewalk deteriorates the stability of the sidewalk and could exasperate water/drainage issues for the establishments with basements in the CBD. Ms. Bucci-Carter said another issue is the minimal sidewalk width identified as well as minimal walkable width. Some businesses would not be permitted to have the enclosure if they could not meet the requirements and would not be permitted to apply for a variance as it involves the right of way. Board members asked about the length of time the enclosures should be permitted. Ms. Bucci-Carter said that could be determined by the Board, but that the sidewalk cafés and the enclosures would not be permitted at the same time. After further discussion, Ms. Bucci-Carter said she would revise the draft for review by Council.

Review of Ordinance #3748 – Ordinance to amend Chapter 190 of the Village Code at section 190-121G to require driveways on lots where a garage exists. This discussion will be carried to the next meeting.

Discussion: Amendment to Chapter 190-112 and 190-113, Land Use and Development, to add Instructional Uses in the OB-1 and OB-2 Districts – Maryann Bucci-Carter reviewed the draft ordinance she prepared explaining that instructional use is compatible for those areas and that there is no negative impact to adding this type of use in an office zone. Mr. Martin asked about the definition of instructional use. Board members asked if that would permit daycare or preschools, or trade schools. Ms. Bucci-Carter said they would be under a separate definition and would be a question for the zoning officer.

Bill Gilsenan, 65 North Van Dien Avenue, a realtor in the Village, said he had recommended this change in the ordinance. Mr. Gilsenan explained the type of instructional uses that are asking to be permitted in town, which are more like an extension of the classroom. Mr. Gilsenan said that trade schools need more space than what exists in the OB-1 and OB-2 zone districts.

Following further discussion, the Board voted to send the draft ordinance to Council for review.

Potential amendment to Master Plan based upon recent legislation as to public electric vehicle charging infrastructure – Mr. Rutishauser explained the legislation received from the State regarding public electric vehicle charging stations. Mr. Rutishauser said it is a good concept and should be considered for developments where best applicable, and where it works best for the community. Ms. Bucci-Carter commented that the existing land use element should identify current locations and proposed locations. Ms. Bucci-Carter said that the charging stations will be required in redevelopment plans.

Mr. Martin suggested that Ms. Bucci-Carter should investigate the matter and report back to the Board.

Discussion re: Amendment of By-Laws – Mr. Martin asked Board members to look over the amendment and be ready to discuss them when all Board members are present.

Discussion: review of Traffic Consultant proposals – This discussion was carried to the next meeting.

Mr. Martin stated that the Two-Forty Associates, LLC, litigation was dismissed with prejudice.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.



                                                                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                          Jane Wondergem

                                                                                          Board Secretary

Date Approved:  December 17, 2019

Ridgewood Planning Board


November 19, 2019


                                                                                            Page 1



The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of November 19, 2019. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.



Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Chairman Joel called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.



Roll Call – The following members were present: Richard Joel, Joel Torielli, Debbie Patire, Melanie Hooban, Frances Barto, Alysson Wesner and Dianne O’Brien. Also present were Christopher Martin, Board Attorney; Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Mayor Hache, Deputy Mayor Knudsen and Chief Van Goor were absent.



Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – No one came forward.



Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – There were no reports at this time.



Robert and Elizabeth JenneeApplication for extension of a previously granted minor subdivision approval at 113 S. Van Dien Ave, Block 4201, Lot 22.01 – David Rutherford, Esq., entered his appearance on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Rutherford explained that Mr. Jennee purchased the property which was approved for subdivision earlier this year and there was not sufficient time to get demolition permit and proceed with demolition and perfect the minor subdivision before the expiration date. Mr. Martin explained the process to the Board. Robert Jennee was sworn and stated that he understood and concurred with the statements made. There were no questions from the Board members. There were no questions or comments from the public. Mr. Torielli made a motion to approve an extension of 120 days, Ms. Hooban seconded, and all eligible members voted yes to approve.


Review of Ordinance #3761 – Ordinance to amend Chapter 190 of the Village Code at section 190-37B to allow winter door enclosures onto existing restaurants – Ms. Bucci-Carter stated that she had made this rough draft of the ordinance and then discussed some additional issues and logistics that need to be considered further, such as how it would be anchored, wheelchair access, encroachment agreements, and review by Site Plan Exemption Committee. Ms. Bucci-Carter commented that other alternatives should be considered by the business owners before using this type of structure. Board members asked what alternatives there were and if they would be permitted to anchor to the sidewalk if they patch the holes made. Mr. Rutishauser stated that drilling holes in the sidewalk deteriorates the stability of the sidewalk and could exasperate water/drainage issues for the establishments with basements in the CBD. Ms. Bucci-Carter said another issue is the minimal sidewalk width identified as well as minimal walkable width. Some businesses would not be permitted to have the enclosure if they could not meet the requirements and would not be permitted to apply for a variance as it involves the right of way. Board members asked about the length of time the enclosures should be permitted. Ms. Bucci-Carter said that could be determined by the Board, but that the sidewalk cafés and the enclosures would not be permitted at the same time. After further discussion, Ms. Bucci-Carter said she would revise the draft for review by Council.


Review of Ordinance #3748 – Ordinance to amend Chapter 190 of the Village Code at section 190-121G to require driveways on lots where a garage exists. This discussion will be carried to the next meeting.


Discussion: Amendment to Chapter 190-112 and 190-113, Land Use and Development, to add Instructional Uses in the OB-1 and OB-2 Districts – Maryann Bucci-Carter reviewed the draft ordinance she prepared explaining that instructional use is compatible for those areas and that there is no negative impact to adding this type of use in an office zone. Mr. Martin asked about the definition of instructional use. Board members asked if that would permit daycare or preschools, or trade schools. Ms. Bucci-Carter said they would be under a separate definition and would be a question for the zoning officer.


Bill Gilsenan, 65 North Van Dien Avenue, a realtor in the Village, said he had recommended this change in the ordinance. Mr. Gilsenan explained the type of instructional uses that are asking to be permitted in town, which are more like an extension of the classroom. Mr. Gilsenan said that trade schools need more space than what exists in the OB-1 and OB-2 zone districts.


Following further discussion, the Board voted to send the draft ordinance to Council for review.


Potential amendment to Master Plan based upon recent legislation as to public electric vehicle charging infrastructure – Mr. Rutishauser explained the legislation received from the State regarding public electric vehicle charging stations. Mr. Rutishauser said it is a good concept and should be considered for developments where best applicable, and where it works best for the community. Ms. Bucci-Carter commented that the existing land use element should identify current locations and proposed locations. Ms. Bucci-Carter said that the charging stations will be required in redevelopment plans.


Mr. Martin suggested that Ms. Bucci-Carter should investigate the matter and report back to the Board.


Discussion re: Amendment of By-Laws – Mr. Martin asked Board members to look over the amendment and be ready to discuss them when all Board members are present.


Discussion: review of Traffic Consultant proposals – This discussion was carried to the next meeting.


Mr. Martin stated that the Two-Forty Associates, LLC, litigation was dismissed with prejudice.



The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.






                                                                                          Respectfully submitted,


                                                                                          Jane Wondergem


                                                                                          Board Secretary



Date Approved:  December 17, 2019


  • Hits: 2085

20190820 Planning Board

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of August 20, 2019. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Chairman Joel called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Hache, Chief Van Goor, Deputy Mayor Knudsen, Richard Joel, Joel Torielli, Debbie Patire, Frances Barto and Dianne O’Brien. Also present were Christopher Martin, Board Attorney; Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Melanie Hooban and Alysson Wesner were absent.

Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – No one came forward.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – Chief Van Goor reported that the Site Plan Exemption Committee met and reviewed an application for Ridgewood Partners, LLC, 11 Oak Street. The application for new windows and siding was approved pending HPC approval.

Deputy Mayor Knudsen reported that she attended a Tree Nursery meeting where a resident asked why, when the site plan applications for the multi-family housing developments were approved, the town didn’t ask for money to be put into a tree fund due to the impact on the environment. Deputy Mayor Knudsen asked if a tree/environmental trust fund could be set up. Ms. Bucci-Carter said it is something that could be set up and is used in some towns. Deputy Mayor Knudsen asked if it could be a requirement for Board of Adjustment applications. There was Board discussion on this issue and environmental funds. Ms. Bucci-Carter talked about different ways that the state allows localities to exact impact fees. Deputy Mayor Knudsen and Mr. Martin asked Ms. Bucci-Carter to look further into the matter and the options available.

Deputy Mayor Knudsen said that the Master Plan Subcommittee said there are possible dates set for the charrettes in September. Deputy Mayor Knudsen will share the information with the entire Planning Board.

Correspondence Received by the Board – There was no correspondence.

Review of Ordinance #3741Ordinance to amend Chapter 190 of the Village Code at section 122E regarding signs in the B-1, B-2 and C Districts. Ms. Bucci-Carter summarized what the ordinance included. Deputy Mayor Knudsen explained the background of the ordinance and that it was an opportunity to allow businesses to have a more modern display. There were no Board questions. The Board voted to recommend adoption of this ordinance to the governing body.


Discussion re: Ordinance which would amend Chapter 190, Land Use and Development to require a driveway to be provided where a garage exists – Ms. Bucci-Carter summarized the revisions made in response to the Board comments from the previous meeting. There were no questions from the Board. The Board voted to recommend this ordinance to the governing body.

Discussion re: Amendment of Bylaws - There was Board discussion regarding the revisions being made to the Bylaws. Board members asked for clarification and in some sections, for a change in the wording, of various sections. Mr. Martin will make the revisions discussed and send to the Board members for review.

Adoption of Minutes:   The minutes from August 6, 2019 were adopted as drafted.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m.



                                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Jane Wondergem

                                                                        Board Secretary

Date Approved:  October 15, 2019

  • Hits: 2110


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