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20230620 - Planning Board Public Meeting Minutes

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of June 20, 2023. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mr. Joel called the meeting to order at 7:44 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Rob Willis, Richard Joel, Dianne O’Brien, Fran Barto, Darlene Johnson, Michael Stern, Sergio Alegre and David Refkin. Also present were Steven Wellinghorst, Esq., Board Attorney, and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. John Young, Councilwoman Perron and James Van Goor were absent.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – Janice Down, 216 S. Broad St., commented on the parking at a doctor’s office next to her building and her concerns regarding the fact that cars park in the emergency spot and they are blocking them in. Ms. Down stated that they call the police and she had the police reports. Mr. Joel suggested that the resolution from that property be pulled. Ms. Down gave the photos and documents to the Board secretary.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – There were no comments at this time.


Garret J. Pinke, Jr., 204 Walton Street, Block 3710, Lot 8 – Application for minor subdivision, soil movement and drainage approval, and variance approval – This hearing was carried to July 18, 2023 without further notice.


Discussion re: Proposed Ordinance Amendments – Mr. Barree explained the following proposed ordinances in response to the annual report from the Zoning Board:

a.           Driveway Ordinance – Mr. Barree described the proposed changes and clarifications to the driveway ordinance and prohibiting circular driveways. There was Board discussion and most Board members agreed with the proposed wording.

b.           Encroachments – Front Porch/Side Steps Ordinance – This ordinance would permit stairs to encroach into the setback 60”, where 45” was previously permitted, and unenclosed front porches could encroach into the front yard setback, no more than 60”, as long as no additional variances are needed.

c.           Front Yard Minimum/Maximum Setback – Mr. Barree explained that this ordinance would look at the prevailing front yard setbacks of the homes of the 5 nearest lots in each direction to determine the consistency of new construction or additions.

d.           Duration of Zoning Board Approvals – This ordinance would extend Zoning Board approvals from 1 year to 2 years.

e.           Escrow Fees – Escrow fees will increase to $2,000 to cover needed professional reviews.

f.            As-Built Survey – As-built surveys would be required for extensive site improvements.

g.           Definitions – Basement and Attic – Clarification of the definitions of basement and attic living space.

h.           Replacement of Non-Conforming Air Conditioners/Generators – If an existing air conditioner, generator, etc., is in a non-conforming location, the replacement of that unit will not need to go to the Zoning Board.

i.            Decks, Patios, and related Improvements – In kind repair or replacement of non-conforming decks, patios, etc., would not be permitted. This ordinance would also require new decks which are four feet or more above grade to be set back from the side lot line the distance required for the principal structure.

j.            Distance form Front Lot Line Standard Measurements – For corner lots, the distance shall be measured from all lot frontages.


Mr. Barree will amend the changes, put them in the correct format and present them to the Council.


Discussion re: Implementation of Master Plan -  Ms. O’Brien stated that the ordinances just discussed were part of the implementation of the Master Plan and that the Historic Preservation Commission will be coming with a presentation. Ms. O’Brien asked if any of the Board members have any updates from the committees they are on. Ms. Barto said the Open Space Committee had canceled a few meetings so an update will be given at a later time.


Mr. Refkin distributed a presentation from Green Ridgewood and went through it with the Board. The presentation included a description of the committee itself and the sub committees within it. Mr. Refkin reported on different ongoing projects as well as recommended Master Plan actions. Mr. Refkin stated that some of the priority recommendations are to incorporate a Green Building Checklist for various applications, a timeline to phase in EV’s, enhancing the Village’s tree canopy, expanding recycling initiatives, promoting recycling, composting and food scrap programs, and encouraging low-maintenance native landscaping, and storm resilience recommendations.


Adoption of Minutes:   The minutes from February 21, 2023 were adopted.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:16 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                      Jane Wondergem

                                                                                      Board Secretary


Date Approved:            August 15, 2023

  • Hits: 141

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of February 21, 2023. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mr. Joel called the meeting to order at 7:43 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Rob Willis, John Young, Councilwoman Perron, Richard Joel, Dianne O’Brien, Fran Barto, Jim Van Goor, Darlene Johnson, Michael Stern, Sergio Alegre and David Refkin. Also present were Steven Wellinghorst, Esq., Board Attorney, and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – There were no comments at this time.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – There were no comments at this time.


Garret J. Pinke, Jr., 204 Walton Street, Block 3710, Lot 8 – Application for minor subdivision, soil movement and drainage approval, and variance approval – This hearing was carried to March 21, 2021 without further notice.


Discussion re: Revision and adoption of By-Laws – The Board reviewed the revised By-Laws. There were no questions or comments regarding the By-Laws. Ms. O’Brien made a motion to accept the By-Laws as drafted, Ms. Barto seconded and the By-Laws were adopted.


Adoption of Minutes:   The minutes from February 7, 2023 were adopted.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:49 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                      Jane Wondergem

                                                                                      Board Secretary


Date Approved:            June 20, 2023

  • Hits: 157

 Ridgewood Planning Board

Regular Public Meeting

February 7, 2023

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of February 7, 2023. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mr. Joel called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Rob Willis, John Young, Councilwoman Perron, Richard Joel, Dianne O’Brien, Fran Barto (7:40 p.m.), Jim Van Goor, Darlene Johnson, Michael Stern, Sergio Alegre and David Refkin. Also present were Lina Corriston, Esq., Board Attorney; John Barree, Village Planner; and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – Joseph Donlan, 232 North Maple Avenue, approached the Board regarding Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church. Mr. Donlan had concerns regarding the proposed landscape plan and if it would meet Village Code. Mr. Donlan asked what recourse he had if the Church does not comply with the resolution. Mr. Donlan distributed documents that showed his history of issues with the Church. Board members suggested that Mr. Donlan wait until the planting is done to see if they comply with the conditions of the resolution and said that enforcement of the resolution lies with the Village.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – Councilwoman Perron reported that the Village filed a complaint of condemnation on the Town Garage property on Franklin Avenue.


Memorialization of Resolutions appointing Board Professionals – The following resolutions were memorialized:

-          Board Attorney: Stephen Wellinghorst, Esq. (Harwood Lloyd, LLC)

-          Planners: John Barree, PP, AICP, and McKinley Mertz, PP, AICP (Heyer, Gruel & Associates)

-          Conflict Planner: Elizabeth McManus LEED AP, PP, AICP (Kyle + McManus Associates)


Discussion re: Implementation of Master Plan- Mr. Joel said that the Master Plan Committee met and went over the action matrix and created a checklist. Ms. O’Brien explained the matrix and how the plan is to start with the items that do not need a lot of funding or time, and suggested that Board members that are members of other committees update the spread sheet as they implement items in the Master Plan. Ms. O’Brien went over the items that have been discussed and are moving forward and explained that the spread sheet is continuously updated. Mr. Barree suggested that the Village look into funding and grants for some of the larger projects.



Overview of Board procedure and process, Application process, facts and law applicable for decisions, and how to decide an application – Ms. Corriston went over the handout given to the Board to outline who makes up the Planning Board, the responsibilities of the Planning Board, the various applications the Board hears and the hearing procedure. Ms. Corriston also explained which applications the Zoning Board of Adjustment must hear.


Mr. Barree further explained the review process of applications and that the Board professionals will review application materials and submit a report to the applicant and to the Board members prior to the hearing. Mr. Barree explained the Village ordinances that the reviews are based on and the different types of variances and hardships.


Board members asked for clarification on ‘burden of proof’. Ms. Corriston explained that the applicant must show that they are promoting the goals of the MLUL and that there is no significant detriment. Mr. Barree said that the Board must take everything that is presented when they make their determination.


Board members asked about Conceptual Reviews, which is a process for an applicant to get a general response to a proposed development. Board members asked about Courtesy Reviews, which are reviews of capital projects.


Board members asked about reasons to recuse oneself from hearings. Ms. Corriston went over the various reasons and said if there is any question of conflict to bring it up.


Adoption of Minutes:   The minutes from January 17, 2023 were adopted.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:19 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                      Jane Wondergem

                                                                                      Board Secretary


Date Approved:            February 21, 2023


  • Hits: 259

 Ridgewood Planning Board

Regular Public Meeting

December 6, 2022

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of December 6, 2022. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mr. Joel called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, John Young, Councilwoman Reynolds, Richard Joel, Dianne O’ Brien, Fran Barto, and Sergio Alegre. Also present were Lina Corriston, Esq., Board Attorney; John Barree, Village Planner; Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Melanie Hooban, James Van Goor, Darlene Johnson and Igor Lyubarskiy were absent.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board –  There were no comments at this time.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – There were no comments at this time.


Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church, 155 Linwood Avenue, Block 2003, Lot 8 – Discussion re: amendments to resolution and resolution compliance –  Board members discussed the photos of the two ‘no idling’ signs put up in the parking lot. Board members commented that they would want more signs up. Board members would want to see 5 signs and discussed where they should be placed.


The Board discussed the landscape plan and asked to have the church send full-sized plans showing identifying the existing trees and shrubs and what type they are.


A motion was made to have a letter sent to the applicant requesting that additional ‘no idling’ signs be placed at designated areas and that a revised landscape plan be submitted.


Discussion re: Ordinance #3928 to amend Chapter 190 of the Village Code regarding signage in the Highway Commercial Zone – The Board voted to recommend approval of the ordinance to the Council.


Discussion re: Ordinance #3929 to amend the provisions of Article XIII “Affordable Housing” – The Board voted to recommend approval of the ordinance to the Council with some changes to the format and changing the word ‘Township’ to ‘Village’ in two places.


Adoption of Minutes:   October 18, 2022 and November 1, 2022 – The minutes from October 18, 2022 and November 1, 2022 were adopted.


Mr. Joel acknowledged that this was Mayor Knudsen’s last meeting and thanked her for her years of service and dedication to the Planning Board and the Village.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                      Jane Wondergem

                                                                                      Board Secretary


Date Approved:            January 17, 2023

  • Hits: 208

 Ridgewood Planning Board

Reorganization and Regular Public Meeting

January 17, 2023


The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of January 17, 2023. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mayor Vagianos called the meeting to order at 7:43 p.m.


Reorganization of Planning Board


Administration of Oaths of Office to New Members and/or Reappointments – Mayor Vagianos administered the Oath of Office to Rob Willis, Class I Member; John Young, Class II Member; Councilwoman Perron, Class III Member; Richard Joel, Class IV Member; Michael Stern, Class IV Member; Sergio Alegre, Alt. 1 Member and David Refkin, Alt. 2 Member.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Rob Willis, John Young, Councilwoman Perron, Richard Joel, Dianne O’Brien, Fran Barto, Jim Van Goor, Darlene Johnson, Michael Stern, Sergio Alegre and David Refkin.


Election of Officers


Chairman – Richard Joel was nominated and elected as Chairman.


Mayor Vagianos left the meeting.


Vice Chairman – Dianne O’Brien was nominated and elected as Vice Chairman.


Board Attorney – Appointment and Resolution of Stephen Wellinghorst, Esq., of Harwood Lloyd, LLC, for the year January 17, 2023 through December 31, 2023 was adopted.


Planner – Appointment and resolution of John Barree and A. McKinley Mertz, of Heyer Gruel and Associates, as Planners for the Planning Board for the year January 17, 2023 through December 31, 2023 was adopted.


Conflict Planner – Appointment and resolution of Elizabeth McManus, of Kyle + McManus Associates, as Conflict Planner for the Planning Board for the year January 17, 2023 through December 31, 2023 was adopted.


Engineer – Appointment of Christopher Rutishauser as Village Engineer for the year January 17, 2023 through December 31, 2023.


Site Plan/Subdivision Review Committee –  Ms. Johnson, Mr. Alegre and Mr. Stern were appointed to this committee.


Site Plan Exemption Committee – John Young was appointed to this committee.


Master Plan Reexamination Committee – Ms. O’Brien, Mr. Joel, Councilwoman Perron and Rob Willis were appointed to this committee.


Historic Preservation Commission –  Ms. O’Brien was appointed to this committee.


Open Space Committee – Ms. Barto was appointed to this committee.


Resolution re: Compliance with the Requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act and the Schedule of Meetings. The resolution was adopted.


Reorganization portion of the meeting was closed. Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:50 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Rob Willis, John Young, Councilwoman Perron, Richard Joel, Dianne O’Brien, Fran Barto, Jim Van Goor, Darlene Johnson, Michael Stern, Sergio Alegre and David Refkin. Also present were Stephen Wellinghorst, Esq., Board Attorney; John Barree, Village Planner; and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – No one came forward at this time.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – Councilwoman Perron explained the Attendance Ordinance and what is expected from Board members.


Discussion re: Zoning Board of Adjustment Annual Report – Mr. Joel explained that the Zoning Board of Adjustment prepares an annual report for the Village Council and Planning Board, based upon its review of its decisions on applications and appeals for variances over the previous year.


One of the comments the Zoning Board addressed in the report is enforcement and compliance issues. Mr. Barree explained that enforcement is out of the purview of the either the Zoning Board or the Planning Board. Enforcement would be done by the Construction Official, the Zoning Officer, inspectors or the Village Engineer, depending on the issues and direction from the Council.


Another suggestion from the Annual report is to permanently extend variance approval to 2 years.


Mr. Barree said that many applications to the Zoning Board are for front yard setback variances to put a front porch on a house. The Zoning Board suggests that due to the general character of Ridgewood homes, if the home is compliant in all other aspects, the front porch should be permitted.


Other issues in the Annual Report included existing setback rules with minimum/maximum calculations in relation to neighboring properties and clarification regarding driveway widths and circular driveways.


Mr. Alegre said he had been a Zoning Board member and Chairman of the Zoning Board and in regards to enforcement, he said applicants who come to the Board are sometimes at a disadvantage because they see residents who do non-compliant improvements on their property without approval or permission and when they are told by the Village that they need to submit an application, the Board is supposed to treat it as if the work had not been done, which is difficult.


Public comment:


Greg Brown, 444 Linwood Avenue, Zoning Board Chairman, thanked the Planning Board for addressing the issues, and commented on other issues, such as incomplete applications, the length of time applicants need to wait due to the volume of applications, and further explained the ambiguity regarding driveways.


Diana Ruhl, 322 Crest Road, a current Zoning Board member, explained the maximum/minimum setback concept and how it impacts the streetscape and how it may be preferable to have a minimum/maximum where you need to be within a certain amount of feet of your neighbors’ house and not necessarily 40 feet from the street.


Board members asked how prevalent are the issues of people doing work without Board approval. Mr. Brown said he doesn’t know many residents do it, but that a big issue is applicants asking for coverage variances when they are already over the maximum improved and no one can say how they got there. Mr. Brown said that issue may come up as often as every other meeting.


Discussion re: Implementation of Master Plan – Mr. Joel said the Master Plan Committee will meet, review the Master Plan and discuss how to move forward, find out what the Council considers priority, look at the action matrix in the Master Plan and come back to the Board to discuss. Mr. Barree said that a lot of the items will be up to the Council to implement and fund and the Planning Board’s role is more advisory at this point.


Ms. Perron asked if the zoning ordinances needed to be reviewed for compliance with the Master Plan. Mr. Barree said that there are recommendations in the Master Plan to look at modifications to the zoning ordinance and anytime an ordinance is amended it should be reviewed for consistency with the Master Plan, which is the policy guide.


Ms. O’Brien asked about the proposed demolition delay ordinance for historic sites. Councilwoman Perron said that ordinance was not passed.


Board members reported on the various committees that are looking at the action items in the Master Plan and how they can work towards implementing the Master Plan.


Adoption of Minutes:  The minutes from December 6, 2022 were adopted as drafted.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                      Jane Wondergem

                                                                                      Board Secretary


Date Approved:            February 7, 2023


  • Hits: 245


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