Village Council Public Work Session Agenda 12/02/2015



DECEMBER 2, 2015

1.         7:30 pm – Call to Order – Mayor

2.         Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meeting Act

            Mayor: “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin             board in Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and           time of this meeting.”

3.         Roll Call – Village Clerk

4.         Flag Salute/Moment of Silence

5.         Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person - 30 Minutes in Total)

6.         Motion to Suspend Work Session and Convene Special Public Meeting

7.         Special Public Meeting - See Attached Agenda

8.         Motion to Adjourn Special Public Meeting and Reconvene Work Session

9.         Presentation – Hudson Street Parking Deck – Size Options – Desman Associates **

10.       Discussion:

            a.         Parking

            1.         Bond Ordinance for Hudson Street Parking Deck

            b.         Budget


  1. Award Contract – Servicing and Repair of Electric Source – Ridgewood Water
  2. Award Contract – Furnishing and Delivering Sludge Dewatering Polymer – Water Pollution Control Facility
  1. Award Contract– Stream Cleaning Bid
  2. Award Contract – Community Health Programs and Nursing Services
  3. Award Contract – Laboratory Analysis Services – Ridgewood Water
  4. Award Contract – Preparation of 2016 Village Council Meeting Minutes
  5. Award Contract – Sewer Sludge Hauling – Water Pollution Control Facility
  6. Award Contract – Financial Software Support


            ** Members of the public will have an opportunity to ask questions and share their                         thoughts with the Village Council and the design team


b.         Budget (continued)

  1. Award Extraordinary, Unspecifiable Services Contract – Field Investigation Study and Purchase of Replacement Parts for Non-Potable Water System – Water Pollution Control Facility
  1. Authorize Shared Services Agreement – 2016 Health Officer Contract
  2. Award Amendment to Contract – Sodium Hypochlorite Solution
  3. Award Change Order – Cleaning of Concrete Water Storage Tanks – Ridgewood Water

13.       Approve Amendment to Contract – Pipe, Appurtenances and Materials for Water        Distribution Maintenance

14.       Establish 2016 Interest Rates on Delinquency of Taxes, Other Municipal Liens,             Significant Sewer Discharge Bills, and Water Utility Bills

            15.       Ridgewood Water Annual Maintenance Fee

            16.       Authorize 2015 Budget Transfers

17.       Establish 2016 Cash Management Plan

            18.       2016 Temporary Budget Appropriations

            19.       Cancellation of Grant Balances – 2012 Fire Safer Grant

            20.       Water Capital Ordinance – Rehabilitation of Water Tanks

            c.         Operations


  1. Establish Stop Signs – California Street/Fairmount Road and Highland Avenue/Gardner Road
  1. Habernickel Park – Traffic Safety

d.         Policy

1.         Revision to OPRA Special Service Charge

11.       Review of December 9, 2015 Regular Public Meeting Agenda

12.       Manager’s Report

13.       Council Reports

14.       Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)

15.       Resolution to go into Closed Session

16.       Closed Session

            A.        Legal – Fire Department; Valley Hospital

            B.         Personnel/Contract Negotiations – PBA Negotiations Update

            C.        Personnel – Appointments to Boards/Committees; Appointment of Risk                                                Management Consultants

17.       Adjournment

  • Hits: 2946


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