Planning Board Public Meeting Minutes 10/06/15

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of October 6, 2015. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.

Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Chairman Nalbantian called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. The following members were present: Mayor Aronsohn, Ms. Bigos, Mr. Nalbantian, Councilwoman Knudsen, Mr. Reilly, Ms. Altano, Mr. Thurston, Mr. Joel, and Ms. Dockray. Also present were: Gail Price, Esq., Board Attorney; Blais Brancheau, Village Planner; and Michael Cafarelli, Board Secretary. Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer, and Mr. Abdalla was not present.

Chairman Nalbantian made opening remarks regarding safety issues and the hearing process.

Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – No one came forward.

Correspondence received by the Board – Michael Cafarelli reported a letter from CBRE regarding the collocation of antennas on a 54-foot commercial building was sent to the Board.

Reexamination of Master Plan and Development Regulations – Mr. Brancheau reminded the Board members that the reexamination report is due February 6, 2016 and that he would have to complete a shortened version of the reexamination that is required by law. He said if the deadline is missed this could expose the Village to litigation. Mr. Brancheau provided the Board with information about the Open Space Plan. He said it was important to complete the review of the Plan and not spend time discussing the details. The purpose of the discussion was to review the material presented to the Board. He said there is a need for a new Open Space Plan that extracts sections of the 2008 and 2010 plan reports and additional new information.

Board members asked why the 2008 and 2010 Open Space Plans were not incorporated into the Master Plan. Mr. Brancheau said the 2008 plan had issues and the vendor, CMX closed and the Village could not contact the firm to make changes. He said the 2010 plan was submitted to the Council but never came before the Planning Board. Mr. Brancheau said the current study is far more than the 2006 reexamination.

Mr. Brancheau said that the next topic for discussion was the Circulation Plan and not to draft a new plan; instead, the Board needs to look at anything that needs to be updated.

There was a discussion about County land in the Village and how much control the State has in regulating what and how the Village uses the land, e.g. does the Village have to open the parks and other facilities that are state property to anyone in the State.


Approval of MinutesThe minutes from June 3, 2014 and September 15, 2015 were adopted as drafted.


Executive Session – 8:40 p.m. the Board moved to executive session.

The meeting adjourned at 9:26 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Michael Cafarelli

                                                                        Board Secretary

Date approved: November 3, 2015

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